US Politics Thread


Apr 14, 2013
I'm no fan of Kamala's, but the alternative is unthinkable! I barely got thru Trump's 1st term as he was running the gov't like it was his plaything! The criminality of his actions was on display everyday! He didn't try to hide it! Anyone supporting this dispicable human being should be excommunicated from society, but we're talking 10's of Millions of people! IDK how they redeem themselves! They've already tried w/ many hardcore conservatives biting their tongues & maybe chopping off another limb as they timidly endorse the enemy in a Dem called Harris! I just don't think we'll survive as a democracy if Trump is allowed anywhere near the Oval Office! To this day, I'm still waiting for these hardcore supporters to let me know what he has to do to say "ENOUGH?" He's done everything but drink the blood of an infant on camera! Everything else has been acceptable so far; even to scum sucking Evangelist hypocrites! :face-with-symbols-on-mouth::anxious-face-with-sweat::fearful-face::angry-face::astonished-face:
Brother, the other side say the exact sane thing about democracy being under threat from your side. You all need to start trying to understand what the other side thinks, and see why you both can’t try the divide and discuss things. That would be a start.


Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
Brother, the other side say the exact sane thing about democracy being under threat from your side. You all need to start trying to understand what the other side thinks, and see why you both can’t try the divide and discuss things. That would be a start.

I couln't give a $#!t what those a-#oles have to say about anything! Their accusations are FOS while they're all lying to themselves & each other! :mad:
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Apr 14, 2013
I couln't give a $#!t what those a-#oles have to say about anything! Their accusations are FOS while they're all lying to themselves & each other! :mad:
They say the same thing brother, that’s the point. Your side don’t own a monopoly on morality, far from it. Your side aren’t more intelligent…


Jul 23, 2013
Chicago, IL
They say the same thing brother, that’s the point. Your side don’t own a monopoly on morality, far from it. Your side aren’t more intelligent…

OMG, I hope you don't compare them! I have stats, facts, video, & endless media to prove my points! These MF'rs "on the right" make up $#!t out of whole cloth! "Dems are Gawdless, liberal deviates who drink infant blood! They hate life so much they abort babies after they're born! Watch your cats & dogs, Haitian Illegals are snatchin' them up for meals!" You can't possibly be that naive or stupid to think there's anything comparable between the sides! Dems aren't saints, but things work! Reps. are about throwing a monkey wrench into the works to sustain the emotions of their grievance section of the country! I well understand those fk'n rednecks off the Appalachian Trail being PO'd Obama was in office b/c it's "inbred" into them! It's still all about hate rather than being unhappy w/ the job performed by him! They look absolutely NUTZ when they can imagine bad times when things are good in the way of unempl., inflation, & lack of a recession! They can be told thing are going great when in fact the country is barely surviving the admin. of gov't uinder conservatives as they "shut down gov't" costing them more than they were trying to save in a budget deal! Then there's the de-ruglation of business that invariably catches up to us when institutions like BANKS go under due to malfeasance! Notice the BS happens when Rep. Presidents are in office! The BIG # that should shock the senses is that under Clinton, Obama, & Biden, the country produced 50 M jobs while under Bush, W, & Trump the grand total was ONE Mil. I seem to recall Bush barely stayed above water w/ 500 K over his 4 years! This is why America is clinically diagnosed as insane as Dems are punished for fixing what Rep. break! I could go on, but it's a hopeless fight & a losing battle as it's gotten so bad LIES can be corrected over & over, but there's no penalty for doing it! No matter how happy & satisfied people are w/ something like ACA, Reps. wear people down constantly b!tchin' about how it's failing us! McCain's last great act was going :thumbs-down: on the repeal of Obamacare! After all this time and repeatedly speaking of replacing it, we still see nothing on paper! Replace it w/ what? Trump said "the concepts are out there" when looking the fool trying to debate Harris last month! As I've repeatedly said, luckily I'm a Senior & hopefully won't have to deal w/ this BS much longer! I just can't take it! If Trump's even close to winning, this country is truly irredeemable! I'm so done! I stay locked up in my place unless I have to make Dr.'s appt. or grocery runs! Too many sickos/whackos out there! You can't tell about them even in a place as liberal as Chicago! :angry-face::astonished-face::yawningface::fearful-face::face-vomiting:


Multiple Major Winner
Sep 15, 2013
California, USA

So this isn’t a moral statement, i.e. that Harris is or isn’t a reprensible person, all I’m saying is that Trump actually has a track record as President , circa 2016-2020. His record is there.

You may think Harris will be just as bad or worse a POS, but at this point it’s sheer speculation if you are talking their actual record.

Harris does NOT have a Presidential track record.

And sorry, but laying any Presidents legacy on their VP is NOT the same thing. Historically VP’s toe the President’s line, period. That is their job. They have no choice, and its quite a stretch to even imply they dictate any policy on their own.

Love him or hate him, but Ronald Regan’s presidency was not something you could pin on George H Bush, who turned out ( again rightly or wrongly) to be different as President than his predecessor.

Ditto LBJ from Jack Kennedy.

Or (8 years removed) Richard Nixon from Dwight Eisenhower.

Harry S. Truman from FDR.

Teddy Roosevelt from McKinley

And especially Taft from Teddy Rossevelt

And the list goes on and on. And all these guys were “loyal” VP’s who supported the President’s policy.

Again from a historical POV, its fallacy to say a VP becoming Prez will automatically mirror everything his predecessor did.

So your opinion of her (Kamala) is yours to exercise, (she will bring on WW III) but just pointing out that only one of the candidates has an actual abysmal record as Prez.
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Apr 14, 2013
Do you agree with Hamas being blown to bits? The “innocent woman and children” who die there, that’s on Hamas. Jews are not going to put up with psychotic neighbours trying to destroy them. Not any more they won’t.

I don’t doubt that America has often gotten things wrong and inflamed trouble in the ME, regardless of their intentions. None of this has anything to do with the fact that the only sane and free place in that hell-hole of deranged theocracies, misogynists, anti-semites, and psychopaths, is under constant threat due to the fact that their Islamist neighbours hate them. If you’re against the Jews defending themselves, then you’re part of the problem. You’re as much a sheep as the people you consider to be blindly following bad ideas, like sheep. Maybe more so, because maybe they’re not like sheep.

I agree with you about Kamala, by the way. You’re on sounder ground there. But Trump? Nah. They’re all lousy options. There’s none of them interested in healing divisions. That’s the number one issue..
No, I'll never defend Israel. This conflict started because of over 75 years of Israeli oppression and occupation. They're the ones at fault here. They've killed thousands of Palestinians over this period of time before the Oct 7th attack ever happened. The trigger happy clowns even mowed down over 250 of their own ppl that day. Their government are scum. Netanyahu is a pos and Bennett before him was just as bad, calling all Palestinians (not Hamas but regular people) animals.

The Jews are hardly defending themselves at this stage are they?! This is the problem. The ratio of deaths is over 42/1 at this stage of Palestinians killed by trigger happy Israeli scum. Not many people are defending this. To think these people believe they're God's chosen people is disgusting with their complete disregard for human life, killing innocent women and children daily. That's not on Hamas btw as you said. Israel have no intention of stopping the killing. They're the side at fault here. They're also nothing without US weapons and intel so Uncle Sam has a lot to answer for with the death and destruction that's spread to multiple countries in the middle east now and a real problem with Iran in particular.

Kamala is a shambles and so is Trump but I'll take the orange man in a heart beat cos it's the safer option for the survival of mankind. Sad that so many gullible idiots out there lap up all the bs by the media about Trump. They're too blind to see the side they support are way worse. Their side are the ones supplying the weapons and prolonging, not ending the wars/conflicts. They have to edit Kamala's interviews to save face, 3 against 1 debates with totally biased "moderators" who fact check Trump and let Kamala babble on with her incoherent lies and word salad with no intervention. There are people on this forum who spouted nonsense about Trump being a dictator. Funny then that he never seized any power and just ended his presidency when his term was up. It's laughable. Delusional and pitiful brainwashed sheep. I feel sorry for them that they don't have the intelligence to see thru the constant barrage of media lies.


Apr 14, 2013
Brother, the other side say the exact sane thing about democracy being under threat from your side. You all need to start trying to understand what the other side thinks, and see why you both can’t try the divide and discuss things. That would be a start.
Exactly. The so called democrats are censorsing everything, allowing no dissent and only pushing their corrupt narrative. They're trying to lock up and kill the main opposition and their current clown Harris was unelected. That's not how democracy works. Democracy is a sham.


Apr 14, 2013
OMG, I hope you don't compare them! I have stats, facts, video, & endless media to prove my points! These MF'rs "on the right" make up $#!t out of whole cloth! "Dems are Gawdless, liberal deviates who drink infant blood! They hate life so much they abort babies after they're born! Watch your cats & dogs, Haitian Illegals are snatchin' them up for meals!" You can't possibly be that naive or stupid to think there's anything comparable between the sides! Dems aren't saints, but things work! Reps. are about throwing a monkey wrench into the works to sustain the emotions of their grievance section of the country! I well understand those fk'n rednecks off the Appalachian Trail being PO'd Obama was in office b/c it's "inbred" into them! It's still all about hate rather than being unhappy w/ the job performed by him! They look absolutely NUTZ when they can imagine bad times when things are good in the way of unempl., inflation, & lack of a recession! They can be told thing are going great when in fact the country is barely surviving the admin. of gov't uinder conservatives as they "shut down gov't" costing them more than they were trying to save in a budget deal! Then there's the de-ruglation of business that invariably catches up to us when institutions like BANKS go under due to malfeasance! Notice the BS happens when Rep. Presidents are in office! The BIG # that should shock the senses is that under Clinton, Obama, & Biden, the country produced 50 M jobs while under Bush, W, & Trump the grand total was ONE Mil. I seem to recall Bush barely stayed above water w/ 500 K over his 4 years! This is why America is clinically diagnosed as insane as Dems are punished for fixing what Rep. break! I could go on, but it's a hopeless fight & a losing battle as it's gotten so bad LIES can be corrected over & over, but there's no penalty for doing it! No matter how happy & satisfied people are w/ something like ACA, Reps. wear people down constantly b!tchin' about how it's failing us! McCain's last great act was going :thumbs-down: on the repeal of Obamacare! After all this time and repeatedly speaking of replacing it, we still see nothing on paper! Replace it w/ what? Trump said "the concepts are out there" when looking the fool trying to debate Harris last month! As I've repeatedly said, luckily I'm a Senior & hopefully won't have to deal w/ this BS much longer! I just can't take it! If Trump's even close to winning, this country is truly irredeemable! I'm so done! I stay locked up in my place unless I have to make Dr.'s appt. or grocery runs! Too many sickos/whackos out there! You can't tell about them even in a place as liberal as Chicago! :angry-face::astonished-face::yawningface::fearful-face::face-vomiting:
Love your rants, bro. Watch your bp! :ambulance:


Apr 14, 2013
According to who? :popcorn
There are no definite death totals in any war/conflict but the Israelis are barbarians. It certainly seems like the figures being released are true going by the devastation on news outlets. Their pos leader is all we need to know. He doesn't put any value on human life. You're cheerleading for barbarians with US supplied weapons. The same US who killed over 1 million Iraqis based on a complete lie about WMD they never had and they knew they didn't have.
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Apr 14, 2013
There you go, but you’re gonna keep quoting it anyway, huh?
Well do you seriously think Israel haven't killed way more people at this stage? They're clearly a scum nation and no one is doing anything about it except the US who are prolonging it by supplying them with intel and weapons till the cows come home.
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Apr 14, 2013
Well do seriously think Israel haven't killed way more people at this stage? They're clearly a scum nation and no one is doing anything about it except the US who are prolonging it by supplying them with intel and weapons till the cows come home.
Do you seriously believe that Putin is not killing innocent Ukrainians? But you support him. You understand war only at a partisan level.

Hamas must be destroyed. Unfortunately, it falls to the Jews to do it, while western nations dither and SJWs like yourself wave impotent placards. It doesn’t matter, they’ll get it done. The world will be a better place after.
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Apr 14, 2013
Do you seriously believe that Putin is not killing innocent Ukrainians? But you support him. You understand war only at a partisan level.

Hamas must be destroyed. Unfortunately, it falls to the Jews to do it, while western nations dither and SJWs like yourself wave impotent placards. It doesn’t matter, they’ll get it done. The world will be a better place after.
How many innocent people have the US blown to bits versus Hamas?! Who do you think is worse?! How many conflicts have the US prolonged for financial gain with the military industrial complex while not giving a single shit for lives lost?! I know the answer plain as day personally. Israel will only cause more future Hamas with this barbaric onslaught. It's madness. They're trying to kill off the population instead of Hamas. They're utter pos.

Re Putin, yes that's how wars/conflicts go. There are massive casualties on both sides and it's an absolutely tragically avoidable mess caused by the west and young and even old men (cos they're running out of fighting age young men) are being sent to their deaths on the front line for a pointless proxy war of USA v Russia. Also, I don't support Putin as you claimed. You're making shit up again. No surprise. I said the west caused this and they did. That isn't supporting Putin.
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Apr 14, 2013
How many innocent people have the US blown to bits versus Hamas?! Who do you think is worse?! How many conflicts have the US prolonged for financial gain with the military industrial complex while not giving a single shit for lives lost?! I know the answer plain as day personally. Israel will only cause more future Hamas with this barbaric onslaught. It's madness. They're trying to kill off the population instead of Hamas. They're utter pos.

Re Putin, yes that's how wars/conflicts go. There are massive casualties on both sides and it's an absolutely tragically avoidable mess caused by the west and young and even old men (cos they're running out of fighting age young men) are being sent to their deaths on the front line for a pointless proxy war of USA v Russia. Also, I don't support Putin as you claimed. You're making shit up again. No surprise. I said the west caused this and they did. That isn't supporting Putin.
You’re really not giving yourself the opportunity to understand if you don’t accept the goal of Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamists is the destruction of Jews everywhere. If you’re unable to accept that, then you’re not taking them at face value with what they say, and most particularly what they do.

There are 19 million Jews in the whole world and they’re in an existential battle to survive. They will survive, despite people like you who’d cheer on the psychopaths if the Jews were annihilated in Israel, and everywhere else.

As for Putin, he’s a tyrant. An assassin, a thug. I’m surprised you overlook this so blandly…
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA

So this isn’t a moral statement, i.e. that Harris is or isn’t a reprensible person, all I’m saying is that Trump actually has a track record as President , circa 2016-2020. His record is there.

You may think Harris will be just as bad or worse a POS, but at this point it’s sheer speculation if you are talking their actual record.

Harris does NOT have a Presidential track record.

And sorry, but laying any Presidents legacy on their VP is NOT the same thing. Historically VP’s toe the President’s line, period. That is their job. They have no choice, and its quite a stretch to even imply they dictate any policy on their own.

Love him or hate him, but Ronald Regan’s presidency was not something you could pin on George H Bush, who turned out ( again rightly or wrongly) to be different as President than his predecessor.

Ditto LBJ from Jack Kennedy.

Or (8 years removed) Richard Nixon from Dwight Eisenhower.

Harry S. Truman from FDR.

Teddy Roosevelt from McKinley

And especially Taft from Teddy Rossevelt

And the list goes on and on. And all these guys were “loyal” VP’s who supported the President’s policy.

Again from a historical POV, its fallacy to say a VP becoming Prez will automatically mirror everything his predecessor did.

So your opinion of her (Kamala) is yours to exercise, (she will bring on WW III) but just pointing out that only one of the candidates has an actual abysmal record as Prez.
This is an excellent post. I hope everyone here reads it, because it’s quite educational and wise.

Harris is in a double bind with Biden: as VP she has to support him no matter what (as you correctly point out), plus I’m sure part of the deal to get Biden not to run again was that he stay in office (i.e., not resign, and go out like Nixon), therefore further cornering Harris into toeing the line while still being VP. (As opposed to Biden having resigned, making Harris President, at which point she would have been able to establish her own Presidency, however brief.)


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
You’re really not giving yourself the opportunity to understand if you don’t accept the goal of Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamists is the destruction of Jews everywhere.

Not just Jews, I’d argue — anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a target (hence the almost laughable ridiculousness of Queers for Palestine) — but certainly Jews are No. 1 on their list.
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
How many innocent people have the US blown to bits versus Hamas?! Who do you think is worse?!

This is a terrible analogy. If nothing else, it’s an example of “two wrongs don’t make it right.” But I agree with your next part …

How many conflicts have the US prolonged for financial gain with the military industrial complex while not giving a single shit for lives lost?!

There is certainly truth behind this. War is a money-maker for enough rich and powerful people to keep it in business.

I know the answer plain as day personally. Israel will only cause more future Hamas with this barbaric onslaught. It's madness. They're trying to kill off the population instead of Hamas. They're utter pos.

This is where it becomes messy: the population put Hamas into power, so they’re guilty of empowering and supporting this regime. This didn’t arise from a one-man dictatorial grab at power. Unfortunately, this means there may be no getting rid of Hamas. It’s a wartime game of Whac-A-Mole. Or, as Yeats put it, “How can we know the dancer from the dance?”

Re Putin, yes that's how wars/conflicts go. There are massive casualties on both sides and it's an absolutely tragically avoidable mess caused by the west and young and even old men (cos they're running out of fighting age young men) are being sent to their deaths on the front line for a pointless proxy war of USA v Russia. Also, I don't support Putin as you claimed. You're making shit up again. No surprise. I said the west caused this and they did. That isn't supporting Putin.
I wouldn’t say it’s a proxy war between the US and Russia. This is Putin exercising his egotistical, craven desires for more land, more power, all the while knowing any country will only go so far to stop him without risking their own level of destruction.
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Apr 14, 2013
Not just Jews, I’d argue — anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a target (hence the almost laughable ridiculousness of Queers for Palestine) — but certainly Jews are No. 1 on their list.
Absolutely, hence the reason why Queers for Palestine are more a meme than a committed body (physically). The ME is a catastrophe for women, gays, Christian and especially Jews. There’s no negotiating with violent Islamists, or tolerance from them for anything that doesn’t fit their ideology..
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