OMG, I hope you don't compare them! I have stats, facts, video, & endless media to prove my points! These MF'rs
"on the right" make up $#!t out of whole cloth!
"Dems are Gawdless, liberal deviates who drink infant blood! They hate life so much they abort babies after they're born! Watch your cats & dogs, Haitian Illegals are snatchin' them up for meals!" You can't possibly be that naive or stupid to think there's anything comparable between the sides!
Dems aren't saints, but things work! Reps. are about throwing a monkey wrench into the works to sustain the emotions of their grievance section of the country! I well understand those fk'n rednecks off the Appalachian Trail being PO'd Obama was in office b/c it's
"inbred" into them! It's still all about hate rather than being unhappy w/ the job performed by him! They look absolutely NUTZ when they can imagine bad times when things are good in the way of unempl., inflation, & lack of a recession! They can be told thing are going great when in fact the country is barely surviving the admin. of gov't uinder conservatives as they
"shut down gov't" costing them more than they were trying to save in a budget deal! Then there's the de-ruglation of business that invariably catches up to us when institutions like BANKS go under due to malfeasance! Notice the BS happens when Rep. Presidents are in office! The BIG # that should shock the senses is that under Clinton, Obama, & Biden, the country produced 50 M jobs while under Bush, W, & Trump the grand total was ONE Mil. I seem to recall Bush barely stayed above water w/ 500 K over his 4 years! This is why America is clinically diagnosed as insane as Dems are punished for fixing what Rep. break! I could go on, but it's a hopeless fight & a losing battle as it's gotten so bad LIES can be corrected over & over, but there's no penalty for doing it! No matter how happy & satisfied people are w/ something like ACA, Reps. wear people down constantly b!tchin' about how it's failing us! McCain's last great act was going
on the repeal of Obamacare! After all this time and repeatedly speaking of replacing it, we still see nothing on paper! Replace it w/ what? Trump said
"the concepts are out there" when
looking the fool trying to debate Harris last month! As I've repeatedly said, luckily I'm a Senior & hopefully won't have to deal w/ this BS much longer! I just can't take it! If Trump's even close to winning, this country is truly irredeemable! I'm so done! I stay locked up in my place unless I have to make Dr.'s appt. or grocery runs! Too many sickos/whackos out there! You can't tell about them even in a place as liberal as Chicago!