GameSetAndMath said:
The notion that you cannot talk about a specific player possibly indulging in doping before
he/she has failed or refused a test is a huge blow to freedom of speech. As I already
mentioned, I am for equal opportunity in suspecting players. I don't want prohibition against
suspecting only some players.
The basic philosophy should be to let people post whatever they want within reason.
If somebody is just primarily using the forum to slander players with baseless accusations,
the rest of the members will come to know of this and basically put this poster on an
ignore list or put the threads created by this person on this topic as a thread that
they are not interested.
In a discussion board it is customary to discuss evolving situations. Asking for
100% proof or using the standard of "innocent until proven guilty" is way too high.
Just take a look at various threads in "Global News and Events". Don't so many members
accuse so many politicians and even countries of doing various things? Do they have
100% proof of them? Of course not. They are just expressing their opinions based
on their knowledge of the situation and their personal feelings. If you are allowing
it on one thread, why you are not allowing it another thread. Does anyone know
with 100% certainity as to what happened to MK370? How come there is a thread
on it on this forum which discusses various conspiracy theories? Are not these
conspiracy theories slandering various entities?
This is just an attempt to thwart the freedom of speech and expression just
because some people do not like what is being said. It should not happen even
if 99.99% of the members do not like what is being said.
I hope the administrators/moderators come to sense on this issue and
revoke unnecessary prohibitions.
Sorry, you could not be further off the mark. There is no blow here to freedom of speech. Not even close.
It is a victory for common decency and respect. Accusing individuals of illegal activity without any proof, based on uninformed, and unprofessional deduction is wrong. And you would not want anyone to do that to you, now would you.
I think this forum can be held to a higher standard over a political forum where the dregs of humanity battle it out in death cage matches.
The topic has not been banned. It should be discussed, but with class, dignity, and without those
totally unqualified to make accusations derailing the discussion.
The rules are clear.