nehmeth said:
GameSetAndMath said:
The notion that you cannot talk about a specific player possibly indulging in doping before
he/she has failed or refused a test is a huge blow to freedom of speech. As I already
mentioned, I am for equal opportunity in suspecting players. I don't want prohibition against
suspecting only some players.
When any of us join a board, we agree to abide by its terms and conditions.
Speech can be moderated. Politics stay out of the ATP forum. ATP discussion is not for the WTA forum. I know that's being simplistic, but it
is limiting speech. Calling someone names, attacking someone on the basis of their faith, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. They limit that too here.
Thing is, it is
their right. Free speech did not suffer from this most recent decision.
I agree that the administrators/owners/moderators get to set the rules, whatever
they may be, and if we don't like we should simply leave the form. Having said that
as much as folks like us need the forum to discuss, the forum also needs members.
Hence it is important that the rules be reasonable.
First of all why is there a double standard? If they think that there should not
be any discussion about something unless there is a conviction or formal allegation
out, the same should be applied to all posts in all threads. I can show lots and lots
of posts in "Global News and Events" where members routinely accuse countries,
politicians, governments etc based on their perceived knowledge and opinions.
If anybody wants to examples of such libellious posts on this BB, let me know
and I will provide plenty of them.
So, clearly this not being done based on principles. The action and the
guidelines came because some people did not like what was being said.
If folks only want to hear what they like, they perhaps should not be
discussing things in public bulletin boards and instead should be discussing
things exclusively among people with similar views as themselves.