Michael Jordan, Mohammed Ali, Diego Maradona...
- A degenerate gambler, a bully, an obsessively competitive guy who would do anything to get an edge (meaning he pushes the limits, not that he outright cheats), a man who cheated on his wife, has more bastards than Robert Boratheon, a petty person with a chip on his shoulder.
- A boderline racist, a close minded sexist, a man who would do anything to get an edge...
- A druggy, a cheat, and a woman beater.
Three of my favorite athletes of all time. And chances are, at least two of them are among your favorite athletes of all time. The first two are easily the most popular sportsmen in the history of the US (and maybe the world), while the third is considered a god in his home country and was once the most popular athlete on the planet.
...Maybe tennis players are not such bad guys after all. Maybe tennis fans are a bunch of entitled, self-righteous, elitist holier than thou hypocrites.
Just a thought.
(PLEASE spare me the "it's a different sport/different culture" BS. When your'e judging athletes as PEOPLE, the sport does not matter).