Nehmeth, Riotbeard, Herios, Billie (though admittedly she doesn't grace us with her presence that often), Denisovic, and I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a couple, are pure Djokovic fans (can we count Fiero among them? Ha).
Darth, GSM, britbox, Front, Federberg, and again, I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a couple, are pure Federer fans (as well as pure whoever-Nadal-is-facing-on-the-day) fans. Can we count Fiero?
Kieran, Moxie, tented, Carol, A-P and myself are pure Rafa fans and again, I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple.
Now, I may have missed a few here and there that might tilt things ever so slightly in Nadal fans' favor as far as pure numbers go, but I think it's obvious the difference is quite small. So no, I really don't see how this is a "Nadal board" as far as fan-base goes because this would imply there's a significant Nadal majority, when there really isn't.
However, I'll say that much, this is a "Nadal board" in terms of discussion. These forums are dominated by Nadal conversations, whether positive or negative so it makes it seem like he has the most fans and the most "dlslikers." I think this is just a result of the fact that Novak fans and Fed fans don't mind each other these days, but they don't get along with Rafa fans, and Rafa fans don't get along with anybody.