What on Earth is going on in the world today? It's gone mad


Apr 14, 2013
Just to round off with this post before I hit the sack...

"Do you not see that it’s important we tell people where we’re heading - which is into a dark age unlike any other"

This struck me mate, because it's exactly what I've been trying to do with you guys for the last 2 or 3 years, and all I get is gibberish about "conspiracy theories" which basically means "I can't be arsed to look into it, let alone do some cognitive pattern recognition"

All the Western leaders I mentioned in the previous post have ONE agenda. All you have to do is look at the legislation being passed in EVERY Western country. I can only sign post it for you. They are adopting a form of the Chinese Social Credit System whether you like it or not. It's equally frustrating because I regard you both as relatively smart guys.

El Dude and Front get it because they don't place parameters on what's possible. Laws of Nature... a fish only grows to the size of it's container. Increase the container and it grows a lot more. Sounds crazy? Lose the parameters of dogma and see what happens.
One thing covid has thrown up is people who screech “wake up, sheeple,” at other people who they presume aren’t as “awake” as them. So rational people who think about things differently to them are put upon by the “Woke” and the “Awake.”

But the thing we still can do before the tyrants put us down, and the illiberal liberals shut us up, is to agree to disagree. That’s as far as we’ll get for now…
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Apr 14, 2013
I don't know why you think we're not concerned about this. I've spoken to you about my concerns about digital currencies. I've also spoken up about this feminised culture we have in the West, with this new push for equity rather than equality of outcome. I'm concerned! I most definitely agree that there's something deeper here, and the trans issue is a part of it. We are seeing the results, broken families, the destruction of our institutions of higher learning. We're in agreement. You say that you don't talk about what's happening in more despotic regimes because the mainstream media has it covered. Do they? I don't think they do.
The mainstream media are pushing the far left agenda, so they’re actually a huge part of the problem we tend to complain about here…
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
One thing covid has thrown up is people who screech “wake up, sheeple,” at other people who they presume aren’t as “awake” as them. So rational people who think about things differently to them are put upon by the “Woke” and the “Awake.”

But the thing we still can do before the tyrants put us down, and the illiberal liberals shut us up, is to agree to disagree. That’s as far as we’ll get for now…
There is some truth in that, but equally there is frustration that some people can't see the obvious. Again, I'd say don't look at what comes through your TV screen - instead, look at the legislation being passed in Western democracies. It's not pretty. You only have to read a Sun Tzu book on ancient wisdom regarding the theatre of war, to realise the west is well and truly f((ked.. and being destroyed from within with PURPOSE.

Divide and Conquer... it's a pretty basic premise. We have men and women who can't even define the meaning of what they are, mass promotion of LGBTIQ+ and the abortion of babies in the womb is considered as some kind of virtue. People are obsessed with a fake left v right paradigm and taught to hate each other....Some of these people will be wondering what happened to their men when they're having their knickers pulled down by members of a Russian or Chinese Parachute regiment. And those same "blokes" will be hiding in the cupboard quivering and quietly removing their makeup.

There is an interesting finale to all empires and it starts and ends with moral degradation. Don't shoot the messenger... that's just the way it is... and always has been.


Apr 14, 2013
There is some truth in that, but equally there is frustration that some people can't see the obvious. Again, I'd say don't look at what comes through your TV screen - instead, look at the legislation being passed in Western democracies. It's not pretty. You only have to read a Sun Tzu book on ancient wisdom regarding the theatre of war, to realise the west is well and truly f((ked.. and being destroyed from within with PURPOSE.

Divide and Conquer... it's a pretty basic premise. We have men and women who can't even define the meaning of what they are, mass promotion of LGBTIQ+ and the abortion of babies in the womb is considered as some kind of virtue. People are obsessed with a fake left v right paradigm and taught to hate each other....Some of these people will be wondering what happened to their men when they're having their knickers pulled down by members of a Russian or Chinese Parachute regiment. And those same "blokes" will be hiding in the cupboard quivering and quietly removing their makeup.

There is an interesting finale to all empires and it starts and ends with moral degradation. Don't shoot the messenger... that's just the way it is... and always has been.
I don’t disagree with much of that, brother, but I think sometimes the way we frame or look at what’s happening is different. The idea that some of us are considered to be not awake simply because we disagree on certain aspects is a little presumptuous, I reckon. I have a niece who uses that exact “wake up sheeple” nonsense phrase and her only expertise is in pressing play on YouTube videos that she’s already predisposed to believe in anyway. The hardest thing sometimes is to question our own allegiances, with regard to what we believe in, and be ready to accept that we might sometimes be wrong…
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I don’t disagree with much of that, brother, but I think sometimes the way we frame or look at what’s happening is different. The idea that some of us are considered to be not awake simply because we disagree on certain aspects is a little presumptuous, I reckon. I have a niece who uses that exact “wake up sheeple” nonsense phrase and her only expertise is in pressing play on YouTube videos that she’s already predisposed to believe in anyway. The hardest thing sometimes is to question our own allegiances, with regard to what we believe in, and be ready to accept that we might sometimes be wrong…
"Allegiance" is a powerful word because it signals that you're a traitor if you go against the conventional thinking on who you're supposed to be allied with.

Maybe she did question her allegiances with regard to what she was supposed to believe in (or indoctrinated with) and came up with a different answer. After all, everyone is conditioned with dogma to some extent, and not that many bother to question it too much unless things take a turn for the worst and they are directly affected.
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Apr 14, 2013
"Allegiance" is a powerful word because it signals that you're a traitor if you go against the conventional thinking on who you're supposed to be allied with.

Maybe she did question her allegiances with regard to what she was supposed to believe in (or indoctrinated with) and came up with a different answer. After all, everyone is conditioned with dogma to some extent, and not that many bother to question it too much unless things take a turn for the worst and they are directly affected.
When somebody tells you they’ve spent hours and days examining the sources they agree with, but have dismissed the opposing view as being unworthy of their time because you can’t trust government, MSM are liars, their scientists are in the pocket etc, then it’s clear where their allegiances are. But it isn’t just that my niece (and others) refuse to do the hard yards for the opposing view, because that’s time consuming or whatever, it’s that they don’t hold their own views to the same level of critical examination that they hold their opponents.

For example, I asked her why she believes this source and not that one - what qualifies you to tell the difference, what criteria are you using, and does she apply an equal level of scepticism to both sides, does she ever steel-man the other side, etc - it quickly became established that she’d simply preferred to believe one side and not the other, for reasons that are her own. I don’t know her reasons. And I don’t think she’s a stupid person for this, or that she’s malevolent. Like all of us, she’s looking to understand.

Particularly during covid. I think most of the people who accept Fauci without question, Big Pharma is your friend, who think the government are acting in our best interests, probably need to feel safe and know that somebody is looking after them. Likewise, the ones who went completely down the rabbit hole need to find authority figures elsewhere to make sense of it all.

The truth meanwhile, might be something more prosaic, but we won’t fully know it for a while, if at all…


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
The simpler method is to examine the sources you don't agree with. For example, the UK Government scientifically downgraded the severity of Sars-Cov2 to influenza level in April 2020, yet proceeded to ramp up fear to a ridiculous level at the same time. All in Gov docs... as is the collaboration with the WEF to bring in the Fourth Industrial/Technology revolution.

Next up is the international treaty to hand over sovereignty to the WHO to call pandemics and prescribe the solutions.

However, there are more pressing matters for Joe Public in this game of distraction... like which actors wife shit the bed or who is going to present Match of the Day... and we still wonder how we got to this point...
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Apr 14, 2013
The simpler method is to examine the sources you don't agree with.
The most honest method is to examine both of them, brother, to the best of our abilities.

As for who’s going to present Match of the Day, that story had me confused for a few days, trying to figure it out. I just watched this video and I think Peter Hitchens makes a few good points, in particular about why nobody asked Lineker which language from 1930’s Germany was he specifically referring to. And also, why Lineker doesn’t go on Question Time and be challenged and debated on his many dreary Twitter views..

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
The most honest method is to examine both of them, brother, to the best of our abilities.

As for who’s going to present Match of the Day, that story had me confused for a few days, trying to figure it out. I just watched this video and I think Peter Hitchens makes a few good points, in particular about why nobody asked Lineker which language from 1930’s Germany was he specifically referring to. And also, why Lineker doesn’t go on Question Time and be challenged and debated on his many dreary Twitter views..

Well of course you examine both sides - one of them is shoved down your throat 24/7 by proxy. Mainstream news is pure propaganda to me.

When voices are censored - it's like a badge saying "LOOK HERE" to me. It doesn't mean I'll agree with it, but will look. Anything other than that is a tyranny. When Jacinda Arden told the Kiwis - "we are your only source of truth" it reminded me of a Monty Python sketch. "Disinformation and Misinformation?"...Good Lord.

The point about Match of the Day was that most people are distracted by trivial nonsense. Or as the Romans said - "give them bread and circuses". We are not in the times to be distracted my friend. There is major shit going on... and an agenda is being followed. Most people by now, should at least "feel" that something doesn't seem right (as in organic).
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Apr 14, 2013
Well of course you examine both sides - one of them is shoved down your throat 24/7 by proxy. Mainstream news is pure propaganda to me.

When voices are censored - it's like a badge saying "LOOK HERE" to me. It doesn't mean I'll agree with it, but will look. Anything other than that is a tyranny. When Jacinda Arden told the Kiwis - "we are your only source of truth" it reminded me of a Monty Python sketch. "Disinformation and Misinformation?"...Good Lord.
I agree on all this but even still we get “news” from the MSM. The real issue here for me is political tribalism - and that fuels the MSM. So if you identify as Right-Wing/Conservative or Left-Wing/Progressive, and subscribe to the most unthinking, and least inquisitive member of either tribe, then there’s your problem. The MSM is only chucking sweets to the children. The people who are tribally compromised are the real problem, though.
The point about Match of the Day was that most people are distracted by trivial nonsense. Or as the Romans said - "give them bread and circuses". We are not in the times to be distracted my friend. There is major shit going on... and an agenda is being followed. Most people by now, should at least "feel" that something doesn't seem right (as in organic).
Well, bear in mind that we’re discussing this on a forum, which is another example of bread and circuses. It’s a way to wile away the hours while real life is happening. But I agree with you to a large extent. The BBC incident was fairly revealing though. It was framed as an issue of free speech being quashed by right wing overlords in the Beeb, and yet the Beeb is not only an unreliable left wing propagandist sheet like the Guardian, but is also funded by the public, so there are issues of abuses here and how they got away with it that are fairly interesting in themselves…


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
On a pre-determined day in the future, it'll click that these cowboys all play for the same team, and it isn't Dallas.

This reminds me of Yuval Noah Harari‘s comments on money:

"The most powerful forces in the world are fictional realities."

"Money in fact is the most successful story, ever invented and told by humans, because it is the only story everybody believes. Not everybody believes in God, not everybody believes in human rights, not everybody believes in nationalism, but everybody believes in money."
-Yuval Harari


Apr 14, 2013
Lovefest behind the scenes...

While you're all being trained to tear strips off one another.

Thank you for that, BB! This video helped me to understand the Trump "phenomenon". I never liked the guy -- which does not matter -- but more importantly I never understood how he could raise to power, because I assumed he lacked the basic politician skills -- that old bullshit of "speak his mind" stuff is good for campaigning, but useless to get you there in the first place. (btw, the common place "Trump theories" are absolute garbage imo).

This video shows him dealing with other politicians (and, in the end, everyone in that room is doing precisely that), and he is doing exactly what successful politicians do. If you watch a 80's movie were you have some old fox politician doing a speech, it is precisely like that. Again, I had a tough time understanding how he ended up where he is now, and this particular moment helped me to overcome that (off course, there are a lot of other pieces to the puzzle). I know you posted the video for different reasons, but thanks all the same.


Apr 14, 2013
This reminds me of Yuval Noah Harari‘s comments on money:

"The most powerful forces in the world are fictional realities."

"Money in fact is the most successful story, ever invented and told by humans, because it is the only story everybody believes. Not everybody believes in God, not everybody believes in human rights, not everybody believes in nationalism, but everybody believes in money."
-Yuval Harari

If I had the time I would love to write a long comment to that, and touch in the very delicate and often ill understood concept of social contract.

But, in short, what he says there is not necessarily a bad thing. Most people in this forum (sorry, most people who are able to debate in this forum), who are in general quite smart, even in the most heated debates, often fall back and try to find common ground between themselves and their "adversary".

Well, there's common ground for you... closest to universal that we can get.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Thank you for that, BB! This video helped me to understand the Trump "phenomenon". I never liked the guy -- which does not matter -- but more importantly I never understood how he could raise to power, because I assumed he lacked the basic politician skills -- that old bullshit of "speak his mind" stuff is good for campaigning, but useless to get you there in the first place. (btw, the common place "Trump theories" are absolute garbage imo).

This video shows him dealing with other politicians (and, in the end, everyone in that room is doing precisely that), and he is doing exactly what successful politicians do. If you watch a 80's movie were you have some old fox politician doing a speech, it is precisely like that. Again, I had a tough time understanding how he ended up where he is now, and this particular moment helped me to overcome that (off course, there are a lot of other pieces to the puzzle). I know you posted the video for different reasons, but thanks all the same.

Politics is essentially a mirage at the same level of World Wide Wrestling mate. At some point it clicks. As suggested, watch the legislation being passed, not the "news" - where both "sides" are essentially controlled by the same corporates targeting different demographics in the eternal puppet show.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I saw this. That was seriously gross. I don't know if there are cultural aspects I'm not aware of that make it non-sexual. But... eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww :face-vomiting:

I don't know of any culture promoting elderly blokes asking kids to suck their tongue mate... it's just another episode in the Daily Paedo files.


Apr 22, 2013
I don't know of any culture promoting elderly blokes asking kids to suck their tongue mate... it's just another episode in the Daily Paedo files.
you'll be amazed mate. There's some weird cultural shit that goes on that's non-sexual but one culture might see it one way the other might not. I'll give you an example... we in in the West might think it's ok for teenage girls to walk around wearing next to nothing. But think of it from a Saudi family's perspective. They would view that as pretty paedo shit right there...