I disagree with what was said about people with dementia always needing to see their families even in these situations. During the last few months Dad got to the point where he didn't know who we were anymore. He told me he didn't want me in his house. He kicked me & Mother out. He didn't want Mother in the house at times. He thought I was just a woman who was a friend of Mother's who argued with him. He thought Mother was someone else's wife. He thought Mother was his carer. We couldn't cope with him because he was doing dangerous things but we were trying very hard to get carers we couldn't. I don't know how I'd have coped if it wasn't for my colleagues. They helped me a great deal. My Managers helped me a great deal too. It really got me & Mother down. We went to the Dr.'s. He sent us for help with our emotional well-being. We were told that if we hadn't been depressed we'd have something seriously wrong with us. We had to learn new things, be creative & meet normal people or we'd get like him. Working in heritage preservation meant there's a creative side of my job. Before lockdown, my Managers got me to do a lot of work on the creative side of my job & a lot on the musically vocal side of my job. When lockdown started a lot of the jobs I was given were on the archiving training & historical research side of the job with just a couple of creative jobs.. (I also got told I shouldn't have argued with Dad but just agreed with him but I couldn't because some or the things he was doing were very dangerous.) My colleagues have also helped me feel more confident.
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