Cali..Trump impeachment had nothing to due with him being derelict in his responsibilities of being the President.
Cali, lives have been lost , jobs and financial institutions have been totally dismantle yet you STILL want to make this Red vs Blue.
This is far from being over, there's no vaccine .
Take a long look at these people who have loss their lives mainly because of the ineptitude of this day trader President.
As the world grapples with the unimaginable scale of the pandemic’s toll, we wanted to create a space to remember those who have died.
Make no mistake about it. All of this is on Trump and everyone who voted for that EVIL sonasbitch.
AP, you are a classic example of a low-information Democratic voter who does not know shit about the world, or even your own country. Do you not know that CNN, the Washington Post, the Daily Beast, Vox, and condemned Trump’s travel ban as xenophobic either explicitly or implicitly?
Let’s take this tweet from Vox on January 31st:
““What is this #coronavirus? It’s part of a family of viruses that attack the respiratory system. Should I travel during the outbreak? The CDC and the State Department advise avoiding China for now. Is this going to be a deadly pandemic? No.”
And then let’s take a look atthis article from the Washington Post on February 1st:
Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now.
So you wanted Trump at that time in the face of that media opposition - with Fauci saying there was nothing to panic about - while the impeachment trial was going on to shut down the United States?
Sure. That is the dumbest thing you could possibly say.
As for the economic catastrophe: that is only on the Republicans to the extent that they have gone along with the Democrats’ narrative that every corner of the country needs to be on lockdown indefinitely. That is stupid and the Republicans never should have cowered in going along with that. It is causing economic disaster unnecessarily.
And, just as a rule of thumb, if Federberg likes something you say, it is probably off-base. He is still eating crow after the latest revelations about the Russia investigation. He thought the Russians were providing misinformation to benefit Trump when it was actually to hurt Trump through the dossier. Reports this week show that the FBI knew this and now Federberg has pie on his face.