US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Ok, that's completely nuts -- quite similar to a similar case posted on one of the "PC" threads.

Even if these videos make my blood boil and I would LOVE to be in this guy shoes (just for an hour) and confront these people, I will try to be devil's advocate.

It is impossible that these people represent the majority of what is called the "left" in USA. I cannot believe that this is representative. I may believe that are rational people that endorse all kinds of affirmative action, and that the people on this video are just a small minority, probably with a lot of personal issues regarding authority (classical Freudian cases), that could not fully understand neither the situation nor the policies they believe they support, and just took advantage of what they perceive as a superior moral position. @Moxie, please tell me that these people are not representative.
This is not representative of anything I know. Also, britbox used a video by Tucker Carlson, who is renowned for his partisanship. This link, from the Seattle Times, might be more helpful, in terms of getting closer to the truth. Note that they call out the Tucker Carlson interview for potentially distorting the truth.

One thing you should know, @mrzz, is that this is not a commonplace in the US, and I actually had to google it to remind myself that it happened. It has been ginned up by the right-wing media, but is not really general news or a concern in the US.


This is not representative of anything I know. Also, britbox used a video by Tucker Carlson, who is renowned for his partisanship. This link, from the Seattle Times, might be more helpful, in terms of getting closer to the truth. Note that they call out the Tucker Carlson interview for potentially distorting the truth.

One thing you should know, @mrzz, is that this is not a commonplace in the US, and I actually had to google it to remind myself that it happened. It has been ginned up by the right-wing media, but is not really general news or a concern in the US.
Usual fail effort from Moxie to sweep it all under the carpet, it's not representative, it's not even happening....

The evidence for that case is shocking enough and there are tons of cases like this in the USA, for me, a European, this is outrageous.....

The only true and valuable thing in your post.
I'm not writing my posts for you, you're beyond hopeless lol :p


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The evidence for that case is shocking enough and there are tons of cases like this in the USA, for me, a European, this is outrageous.....

This story isn't particularly shocking. Let's not kid ourselves. And there are not "tons" of cases like them. What...of whites being undermined? Compared to non-whites? Ahem. And as for you, as a "European," let's be honest, they don't much give a shit about your opinion here. Have you not recognized that your buddies favor a nationalist movement? They don't give a crap for your poncy Euro-cred. Even if you are "white." The US has a way of closing it's mind to others that you seem not to understand. And you appear to be favoring just the ones who really don't give two farts about what goes on in Europe, or for you. Don't be looking for national socialist back-up from the US. The ones who care about Europeans are exactly the ones you deride. Oh, right...unless you really believe that a white-supremacist movement in the US is going to help you in any way. Good luck with that.
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closing it's mind
"closing its mind" is how you write it correctly.... i don't want to be a smartass, my grammar is a lot worse than yours but that's one of your regular mistakes so i thought i'd correct it :p

This story isn't particularly shocking. Let's not kid ourselves. And there are not "tons" of cases like them. What...of whites being undermined? Compared to non-whites? Ahem. And as for you, as a "European," let's be honest, they don't much give a shit about your opinion here. Have you not recognized that your buddies favor a nationalist movement? They don't give a crap for your poncy Euro-cred. Even if you are "white." The US has a way of closing it's mind to others that you seem not to understand. And you appear to be favoring just the ones who really don't give two farts about what goes on in Europe, or for you. Don't be looking for national socialist back-up from the US. The ones who care about Europeans are exactly the ones you deride. Oh, right...unless you really believe that a white-supremacist movement in the US is going to help you in any way. Good luck with that.
Well, this is why it's bad if you don't read sites like sf out of superstitious fear... If you did maybe you would know at least a little bit about white nationalism in the US...... You know they actually think our movement here is superior to the USA one, also they discuss many many European happenings...... They envy how the far right can mobilize people here and they're trying to analyze what they're doing wrong in the US...... I'm talking about USA posters on sf, ofc there are many European ones there too.....

You would also know that we're not waiting for backup from the USA, they're looking for guidance from here....

Yeah , so sorry but you're kinda ignorant about this topic :p
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
This is not representative of anything I know. Also, britbox used a video by Tucker Carlson, who is renowned for his partisanship. This link, from the Seattle Times, might be more helpful, in terms of getting closer to the truth. Note that they call out the Tucker Carlson interview for potentially distorting the truth.

One thing you should know, @mrzz, is that this is not a commonplace in the US, and I actually had to google it to remind myself that it happened. It has been ginned up by the right-wing media, but is not really general news or a concern in the US.

Tucker is a conservative commentator but he gives his interviewees plenty of leeway to state the case. It's not like the professor was in disagreement with anything - they were just going over the ludicrous mob mentality of the group in question. The Seattle times basically echoed what was said in the interview... except they said Weinstein left viewers with the impression that students were forced to leave... Well, it's plain to see what happened when the professor didn't choose to leave... they demanded his resignation and took over the administration building.


Apr 14, 2013
The only true and valuable thing in your post.

Well, you know I always make an honest effort to find agreement -- even when it is impossible -- but if you read his post carefully, you see that one clear underlying idea is that skin color is (or should be) irrelevant. With everyone feeling free to affirm their prejudices on internet, and given his right wing background, that's an important and valuable thing.

But, yes, I disagree with him in a lot of subjects, but we have debated them already so there is no point in repeating.

As you're an American, I take your word on that, even if I know that everyone who has a clear political position always have a hard time explaining the actions of the radical part of her/his side. Your (political) gut reaction would be exactly this, to minimize their actions. And, obviously, the opposition (in this case, the American right wing) will do everything possible to blow it out of proportion.

What scares me is that this is happening (often or not) on Universities, and in both cases (this and in the other one cited in the PC bullshit thread), the official position of the University was in favor of the bullies. Again, the problem here is not the political position in itself, the problem is how you defend it.


Apr 14, 2013
You can wait til kingdom come for Moxie, brokenshoelace, DarthFed, GSM or tossip to pop up here are and condemn racism against whites.... Some of them will pop up in one of scoop's tennis threads to condemn him for defending Medvedev's right to protect himself from racism but they will never speak out against brutal in your face racism against whites like this, because you know against whites it's perfectly ok..... Now if something is outrageous, it's this.....

About these people not being "representative", we can open a debate about what "representative" means... These cases are happening like damn often..... and some people are nudging these moronic bullies on...... so i would be a bit more careful about whom i support or nudge on cause the next step is this..... Like they destroy the statues, cool cause that's a political statement... or they beat up a police officer who won an award for being a good cop and he's also a war veteran , they send him to a dangerous zone cause another cop was stabbed there and the afro criminals gang on him and beat him while he's doing his job cause the criminal beat up a woman, but he's almost lynched and the reaction on this board (without the person reading up on the case) is that the poster just saw the policeman beating the criminal..... So this is ok too, nothing to see here.. just lol so i guess this campus thing is perfectly ok too, there's not much to see on this vid, well they say this and that but what's the big deal, and it's not representative anyway, like it's not happening every hour....... now imagine the outrage if some whites made an non-black day at some school.... and demanded a black prof to resign because he showed up to do his job... just lol.....

Anyway, the USA is truly fucked..... Almost everybody is messed up there.... And the whites are not innocent either.....

1. USA white racists: They are a bunch of morons, they are the most moronic white racists on the planet: They worship Hitler, at the same time they ignore historical facts, like Hitler teamed up with the Italians, many of whom are as dark as Mexicans or other Hispanic people.... and ofc the Japanese..... Like old school national socialism is about the purity of spirit not trivial bullshit like skin colour.......And they throw out Christian people because they happen to have an asian mom and for other trivial shit.... and after that they whine about being outnumbered and not having money for the movement :lulz1::laugh: retarded joke people

2. Dumb and easy to manipulate Hispanic people: To this day, here in Europe, and especially in countries like mine where Christianity is strong Hispanic people are not considered non-white or different at all.... This racism against hispanic people is totally American invention and it's a disgrace......For this the moronic white people are responsible and 3. the fake whites with beak who are always working to make the racial hostility worse and the hispanic people themselves, some of them have forgotten their great civilization and their Christian roots so they let themselves be enslaved mentally and by now they are capable of ignorant and moronic hate towards white people like some.... 4. afro racists: well at least they have a good excuse - slavery... But still :facepalm:

Actually the only people who handle this thing intelligently in the USA are the Asian people (there may be 1-2 exceptions ofc i'm generalizing here).... They don't make trouble, they don't get involved in racist hate crimes, racially motivated vandalism, prof trolling, etc etc ... They work hard and mind their own business.....

Thanks for answering. As I said in other post, we disagree in a lot of stuff but you put some important distinctions here -- basically saying that the white supremacists are retarded and here we agree 100%. As I said in other occasions (but I guess you don't believe me completely), I am completely OK with the notion of some group trying to defend his cultural and ethnic heritage against foreign artificial influence. But you always need to have in mind that human groups are able to naturally interact, and there is nothing wrong with that too.


Apr 22, 2013
Tucker is a conservative commentator but he gives his interviewees plenty of leeway to state the case. It's not like the professor was in disagreement with anything - they were just going over the ludicrous mob mentality of the group in question. The Seattle times basically echoed what was said in the interview... except they said Weinstein left viewers with the impression that students were forced to leave... Well, it's plain to see what happened when the professor didn't choose to leave... they demanded his resignation and took over the administration building.

Lol! You can’t seriously consider Tucker a balanced interviewer. Come on mate..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
^ I've said he's a conservative commentator... he is partisan, just like Maddow is partison, Maher is partisan and pretty much everyone on any of the major networks... but at least Tucker gives the interviewee the chance to speak - he has a fair laid back interview style, but yes, he's there to highlight the ridiculous extremes of the far left... and does it easily. You'd be hard pressed to name one non-partisan commentator on the US networks... they were virtually crying on CNN and MSNBC when Trump got elected.

Harvard did a study on partisanship with regard to Trump and found CNN to be the most partisan network of them all.


Apr 22, 2013
^ I've said he's a conservative commentator... he is partisan, just like Maddow is partison, Maher is partisan and pretty much everyone on any of the major networks... but at least Tucker gives the interviewee the chance to speak - he has a fair laid back interview style, but yes, he's there to highlight the ridiculous extremes of the far left... and does it easily. You'd be hard pressed to name one non-partisan commentator on the US networks... they were virtually crying on CNN and MSNBC when Trump got elected.

Harvard did a study on partisanship with regard to Trump and found CNN to be the most partisan network of them all.

I use the eye test personally. There’s no question that Maddow is partisan but not in the aggressive way Carlson is. His interviews are hugely tilted and he doesn’t give them a proper chance to respond. The only people worth anything on Fox are Chris Wallace and Shep Smith


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I use the eye test personally. There’s no question that Maddow is partisan but not in the aggressive way Carlson is. His interviews are hugely tilted and he doesn’t give them a proper chance to respond. The only people worth anything on Fox are Chris Wallace and Shep Smith

Maddow is a fruit of the loom headcase and not a patch on Tucker. Tucker's pretty analytical when you take him off the show and good to listen to. Maddow is little short of a screaming banshee. Maher is much better than Maddow, largely because he's got a sense of humour.


Apr 22, 2013
Maddow is a fruit of the loom headcase and not a patch on Tucker. Tucker's pretty analytical when you take him off the show and good to listen to. Maddow is little short of a screaming banshee. Maher is much better than Maddow, largely because he's got a sense of humour.

Opinions opinions. Maddow is very analytical. Great investigative reporting. My criticism of her is that she doesn’t often interview people on the other side. That’s where her bias is. Carlson is an entirely different animal that fools viewers into thinking he’s trying to get the other sides view. He’s clearly not


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Opinions opinions. Maddow is very analytical. Great investigative reporting. My criticism of her is that she doesn’t often interview people on the other side. That’s where her bias is. Carlson is an entirely different animal that fools viewers into thinking he’s trying to get the other sides view. He’s clearly not
Yep, opinions, opinions. I don't find her analytical in the slightest... she lives in a bubble and typical of many MSNBC/CNN fronters, just doesn't get it. Carlson's show is admittedly geared to show the worst excesses of the liberal left and it's easy pickings... but take him out of that environment and he is analytical.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
These Parkland teenagers just might change something. They're certainly angry, and they deserve to be. We, their adults, have failed them.

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