US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
So Iran de-certified by Trump.

What does North Korea learn from this episode. A deal agreed in good faith and not breached by the Iranians has been repudiated by the US. It clearly tells North Korea, and for that matter the rest of the world that the US tradition of institutional continuity is over. There's no point agreeing to any deal as when the negotiating administration leaves it won't be respected. In his zeal to unpick Obama's legacy Trump has done lasting damage to US prestige in the world. It's patently clear now why Tillerson called Trump a "fucking moron!", I think he was understating it...


So Iran de-certified by Trump.

What does North Korea learn from this episode. A deal agreed in good faith and not breached by the Iranians has been repudiated by the US. It clearly tells North Korea, and for that matter the rest of the world that the US tradition of institutional continuity is over. There's no point agreeing to any deal as when the negotiating administration leaves it won't be respected. In his zeal to unpick Obama's legacy Trump has done lasting damage to US prestige in the world. It's patently clear now why Tillerson called Trump a "fucking moron!", I think he was understating it...
How is he a moron here? What they're doing here is very logical and consistent with the USA's zionist policy..... While most of the Arab countries are getting on well with Israel, they're happily oil trading, arms trading, terror mongering together, Iran is staying out of all that dirty stuff, ofc Iran's gonna be bullied by Trump's zionist crew.....

About the impeachment after the tax bill article, i believe it when i see it, it would be cool if it was true but for now it sounds like all the other 40000000 "a former somebody said something, let's hope" stories..... He's too good a puppet to dump.... If it happened it would restore people's faith btw that not all is in the zionists' hands in the USA yet....




Apr 14, 2013

Monuments are not history books, Nekro (answering the Orwell quote, wonderful book by the way). I don't like to see people burning cars amd making riot either, but the above image has three black people sitting beside a fallen statue of a guy who fought for slavery. This is a political act and a political statement. And in this very specific point I am 100% with them. Too bad I could not help to tear it down.


Monuments are not history books, Nekro (answering the Orwell quote, wonderful book by the way). I don't like to see people burning cars amd making riot either, but the above image has three black people sitting beside a fallen statue of a guy who fought for slavery. This is a political act and a political statement. And in this very specific point I am 100% with them. Too bad I could not help to tear it down.
The Lenin statue is still standing in Seattle, good luck with in mrzz. I don't see however that the victims of communist terror are tearing it down, because it's moronic and barbaric..... You know in '56 tons of hun people went to the USA from the communist terror, and lots of people from other european countries... do you see them tearing down statues?

And then you can go to the museums mrzz and destroy everything that are not books, because you can find tons of stuff that remind one or other group of unpleasant stuff......

Don't you see a pattern here mrzz? Black hate groups being financed by Soros-like people, black activists provoking violence, hitting random people at political speeches, black people breaking stuff wherever they can.... But wait, in this particular case they were right....

so just go on mrzz, Lenin statue, stuff in museums, anything that's not a book is ok to destroy.....

Actually, where i live we have a park called Memento Park full of communist statues, despite the fact the commies killed here tons of people... now it's just history.... ofc many were removed from their original places but many survived where they were, no one hurts them, and ofc there are the big statues that are exhibited as pieces of history, destroying them like moronic toddlers is just stupid....
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Apr 14, 2013
@Nekro, If people in your country are mature (or whatever word you wanna put here) enough to live with statues of people who oppressed them and look at it just as historical artifacts, good on them. But other people may make other choices.

And every time you tackle this issues, there is a historical judgment to make. I know your country and your folk had bad experiences, but even if you have multiple communist leaders who actually massacred people, on paper at least communism doesn't ask its followers to kill or enslave. Confederates, on paper (in the southern states constitutions, in their public documents and speeches, etc) supported slavery. I would not expect, and surely not ask, black people to calmly pass by those statues.

But I understand the point: When you start taking down statues, where does it stop? You can easily start tearing down everything, and worst, some small groups may feel entitled to chose what should be glorified and what shouldn't. I am in 100% agreement with you that this sucks (it is "moronic and barbaric", yes). But the complete opposite -- put your head down and accept whatever the fuck is around you, if not barbaric, at least is surely moronic.

In the end, this is just about freedom. People are free to choose what monuments they wanna live with. In a multi-racial, multi-cultural society (as the southern states in US are), those choices will not come by easily. There are surely more important things to worry about -- the well being of the living ones to begin with -- I'll surely give you that...


Apr 22, 2013
Actually, @Federberg is a moron here. :D


I would love for you to make a contribution of some sort. Seriously anything you have to add to the conversation is welcome mate. I'll even accept some nonsense from wikipedia. You know... like you normally do... crib something from elsewhere. Prove you're not OTM! :lol6:


Apr 22, 2013
I find it remarkable and indicative of the blatant racism in America that Obama can be questioned about his patriotism for not having his hand on his heart during the national anthem and yet Trump fails to contact gold star families but would rather golf; and continues to defend Russia despite evidence of cyber attacks. People talk about the media being against him but they keep giving him an almighty pass. What is this if it’s not a double standard with racism at its core?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
^Looks to me like the cop was beating the crap out of the person on the ground before one or two of the crowd intervened. Hard to make a judgement on that.


^Looks to me like the cop was beating the crap out of the person on the ground before one or two of the crowd intervened. Hard to make a judgement on that.
It's an old vid..... The cop was cop of the year cause he saved a 17 year old's life, he's also an army vet... He was sent there after another officer was stabbed the same place.... Also the guy he was fighting on the vid hit a woman..... If you read up on the case it's quite clear the cop was abused......
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