US Politics Thread

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
It's very simple really. One of the commanding narratives so far in the Trump administration is that he may not have had successes in terms of legislation, but he's been good for the economy. Jobs, stock markets etc. The two interviewers who are experienced ex-bankers asked questions and the Trump guy spouted out the typical talking points to try to sustain a false narrative. The truth is that Trump cannot take credit for jobs growth, nor can he take credit for the upward trend of the stock market. In terms of jobs growth, momentum is actually slowing from the pace that the Obama Presidency saw. And in terms of the historic performance of jobs growth in new administrations what we've seen this year is far from special. Looking at the stock market you can look at a chart of the stock market rally that started in March 2009 and there is nothing different. What we've seen this year is just a continuation of one of the strongest bull markets we've seen in decades. Nothing to do with Trump. What was amusing about the interview is the fact that this Trump surrogate clearly didn't know who he was talking to. He thought he could just spout his talking points and these guys would just meekly accept the lies. In this case he just pissed them off, as he refused to answer any substantive questions. It was hilarious to me, because it was the first time I've actually heard interviewers point out what has been patently obvious to those of us who work in the financial sector. In short, this is less about learning anything new, and more about finally watching an interview where political lies were exposed for what they were. Everyone talks about fake news and a biased media, but at least where the economy is concerned the Trump administration has been allowed to get away with untruths

So basically you are saying you learned nothing new and just the "gotcha " part was good enough. My point is those "gotcha " moments do nothing for me. From either side. Saw it against Hillary , did nothing for me either. It is a snapshot in time that has zero long term consequences. You think that guy is at home now, repenting, promising to never support Trump again? Bullshit is not under anyone's monopoly. It is everywhere. It is by partisan.
Either way I am not getting across so whatever :)


Apr 22, 2013
So basically you are saying you learned nothing new and just the "gotcha " part was good enough. My point is those "gotcha " moments do nothing for me. From either side. Saw it against Hillary , did nothing for me either. It is a snapshot in time that has zero long term consequences. You think that guy is at home now, repenting, promising to never support Trump again? Bullshit is not under anyone's monopoly. It is everywhere. It is by partisan.
Either way I am not getting across so whatever :)

I'm not disagreeing with you. I just found it funny. I think I said that when I posted it. Humour still exists.... I hope!
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Apr 14, 2013
One of the commanding narratives so far in the Trump administration is that he may not have had successes in terms of legislation, but he's been good for the economy

This narrative is obviously stupid, but in fact it is also kind of stupid to try to make a serious analysis of the economy in such a short term. The economy is not something that responds in weeks or few months... if you take into account the time he needed to put new policies into place and the time to gather and analyse economical data, the data we have now probably correspond to just a few months. I haven´t watched the video, and I believe you when you say that those guys exposed the Trump guy -- and I find it hilarious too. But the point is that almost no serious economical analysis could be done already.. at least no in talk-show format. Not that I believe the data will show anything special, but still...


Apr 22, 2013
This narrative is obviously stupid, but in fact it is also kind of stupid to try to make a serious analysis of the economy in such a short term. The economy is not something that responds in weeks or few months... if you take into account the time he needed to put new policies into place and the time to gather and analyse economical data, the data we have now probably correspond to just a few months. I haven´t watched the video, and I believe you when you say that those guys exposed the Trump guy -- and I find it hilarious too. But the point is that almost no serious economical analysis could be done already.. at least no in talk-show format. Not that I believe the data will show anything special, but still...

Lol! There you go again commenting before watching. Didn't last time teach you not to do that?


Apr 14, 2013
Lol! There you go again commenting before watching. Didn't last time teach you not to do that?

¨$%¨$&$%##@@!* My god damned to do list only gets bigger. You guys could produce some short highlights or summaries to make my life easier..

..but, yes, stupid habit.


Apr 14, 2013
Ok, @Federberg, I saw the damn video. Right, the Trump guy does not even know what to say and he clearly lost the "debate". He did not lost, he was runned over. The two interviewers were simply better prepared for the subject, and, holly cow, if the whole Trump argument is what the guy brought, it is as empty as it gets. In this regard the show, interview, debate or whatever, exposed it quite well. Thanks for putting it up, I always thought that only here I would see people so unprepared so high up the administration (if the poor guy is better than he looks, he should not be on TV).

But I maintain what I said, the whole conversation makes absolutely no sense. The number of jobs created (in fact, measured) in the first six months of a presidency is much more the effect of the previous years than of the policies of the new government. I understand that, as far as the political struggle goes, this interview is a point scored against Trump. But there is not too much substance in the debate, if any. But, you have a point, and so the hosts, he can't take credit for the numbers, he can't brag about them without a minimum context, but they should shout first and foremost that he could not take credit (or blame) for any numbers out there. The only thing those numbers could have in relation to him the market sentiment about his presidency, which actually have nothing to do with the guy himself.

So, a talk show like that are mostly a rhetorical contest. I agree that all this talk about "Trump is good for business" will probably, almost surely and quite quickly, reveal itself a fallacy, but I would like to see it exposed in the "right way".

I am always complaining, I know. Wives past and present never let me forget this...


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
I am not a Trump guy by any stretch of the imagination but that is not what my point is about. Can you tell me what you learned after this interview that you did not know before?

I literally learn nothing from anyone in the Trump administration that I didn't know before. It's all propaganda, misinformation, and lies (and I wish I was exaggerating).

But you still have to interview them because that's who your president is, and you need to call them out on their bullshit as a responsible journalist. I see nothing wrong with that video.

Also, do you really think all Americans were aware of the information mentioned by the journalist in that video? You don't think Trump supporters blindly believe the lies? The journalist educated them about the topic, as he should have.


lol at brokebackpoopface saying Trump's peeps are lying and misinforming people, this is exactly what Obama and the Clintons were doing..... They made up so many ridiculous lies, even unnecessary ones like the sniperfire at Killary it was painful to watch, they were a mess of lies, and they were mocking all who disagreed with them with a smug grin on their faces, now Trump is mocking them, the libtards got an ugly devil grinning back from the mirror at them, this is what you get for all the non-christian lying yokelry.....

You don't think Trump supporters blindly believe the lies?
lol, Trump supporters know he's lying but they don't care. My master, Dr. Swish said something like who cares, Clinton&co. pulled similar bull on him..... Trump supporters know what he's doing and they're enjoying how Trump is mocking the left side....

BTW people with brains get the truth anyway and brainwashed mugs can't see the truth when it's as clear as it can be... Moxie for example, even after Trump humiliated Bannon, was saying that Bannon was running the show, and i said Bannon was done, i think it's clear now i was right when i said he was done in that key moment when Trump chose to go with Kushner......

Lol about Trump being a white supremacist as that other genius Federberg is parroting, Ivanka's mom is jewish ffs, it's clear Trump was not a racist even decades ago, ofc unless one of the tower buddies said "ok Donald so we pulled your ass out of the shitpit now u marry our ugly sis or you sleep on the bottom of the river with concrete boots on your feet......"

All Trump cares about is "success" and "money", there's nothing "white supremacist" about him....

BTW.... Those who are saying Trump incited racial hatred, he learnt that from Obama&co too, this thing started to escalate under him, the racial division of America, radical BLM supported by Soros, left profited from it now Trump is profiting from it.... Remember the black shooter who killed white cops? no one condemned that as a racist crime against whites, and no one scolded obama for it... now imagine a white sniper killing only black cops...... lol actually Obama was pointing fingers at the whities then too..... don't point fingers, cops are undertrained and underpaid, they drink tons of coffee with those donuts and caffeine makes them jumpy, they shoot lots of innocent white folks too but no one talks about that cause it's cool to shoot them ugly whities......

Oh and another thing about stormfront being "white supremacist", i've been reading the introductions there for years and sure, there are many white supremacists there, there are stupid spoiled white kids who want to act tough there but there are many people who are in need of help, like a mom whose kids got bullies in a dangerous neighbourhood because her kids didn't have the "street smarts" the bullies in the neighbourhood had.... ofc people like her go on a site for white people, if people like that go any other place they get bullied to shreds by antifa and similar trolls, ofc they want to skip the trolling and go where there are no people like that, so stormfront functions as a self-defence group for some, yes, very nice people.... so generalizing that no nice people go on stormfront is simply untrue.... gays have and adam&adam, ofc they have those sites so they don't get bullied there, there are lots of groups like that for everybody. Why can't white people have a self-defence group too? Some people are denying in a ridiculous and disgusting way racism against whites exists.... Doing that won't help coloured people, it won't help anybody, it's just adding to the mess of lies and warhawks like the clintons and populist clowns like Trump are gonna profit....
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Oh, so we're using the "some of my best friends are black" line of thought as to why Trump isn't racist. Yup, just when I thought it couldn't get dumber.


Apr 22, 2013
Oh, so we're using the "some of my best friends are black" line of thought as to why Trump isn't racist. Yup, just when I thought it couldn't get dumber.

Lol! What's this in reference to? His speech last night?


Apr 14, 2013
The point here IMO is less if Trump is racist or not -- this became one little political battle in itself. The question with more practical importance is if he is able to withstand and hold off the part of his political basis who is admittedly racist and hateful. Because, even if you convince me that he is not a racist, what matters is what happening on the ground. The personal positions of the president are far less important than what the people are doing in belief that it represents the "people's" will. This were Trump is failing miserably, and the point I raised from the start when we started discussing about Charlottsville.
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Apr 22, 2013
The point here IMO is less if Trump is racist or not -- this became one little political battle in itself. The question with more practical importance is if he is able to withstand and hold off the part of his political basis who is admittedly racist and hateful. Because, even if you convince me that he is not a racist, what matters is what happening on the ground. The personal positions of the president are far less important than what the people are doing in belief that it represents the "people's" will. This were Trump is failing miserably, and the point I raised from the start when we started discussing about Charlottsville.

As far as I can see there's no evidence whatsoever that Trump is trying to lead his base. Just watch his rallies, a lot of the times he asks the crowd about what their view is. He is a demagogue, who will jettison any view of his that does not align with the mob that supports him. I agree with you that it doesn't matter whether Trump is racist or not (he is), he is pandering to the lowest passions of his supporters. In many ways it would be even worse if he wasn't a racist because it implies that the ends - power - justify the means in his view. I say he's a racist because we have the evidence of his history and his actions. You only have to look at housing discrimination and the Central Part 5, but there's so much more


Oh, so we're using the "some of my best friends are black" line of thought as to why Trump isn't racist. Yup, just when I thought it couldn't get dumber.
lol, brokebackpoopface didn't address any of my points properly but he managed to put a lie in his 2 line shitpost..... This is why the left is failing so hard....

This is not "best friends", Trump made baby to a jewish woman ffs, not only that, but his daughter and son married jewish people, do you think children brought up as "white supremacists" would do something like that? only the most clueless libtards can say idiocy like that with a straight face...

The point here IMO is less if Trump is racist or not -- this became one little political battle in itself. The question with more practical importance is if he is able to withstand and hold off the part of his political basis who is admittedly racist and hateful. Because, even if you convince me that he is not a racist, what matters is what happening on the ground. The personal positions of the president are far less important than what the people are doing in belief that it represents the "people's" will. This were Trump is failing miserably, and the point I raised from the start when we started discussing about Charlottsville.
Yeah, and u didn't address how Obama started inciting the racial hatred, and how his daddy Soros radicalized the black hate groups, it wasn't Trump who started this, he's just riding the wave.....

BTW mrzz you acted just like what i said before, you pretended to listen to both sides and then, as always, chose the libtard side, and ofc in a tot black and white, one sided way.... you said yes, there were many nazis, wanna speak about the violent antifa hyenas beating the old man, also, their "peaceful" symbols like deathshead flag, actually that's also a nazi symbol, more straightforward destruction symbol than the swastika...... those people went there to destroy and that's what they did, they also managed to get some of their own killed in their idiocy, i wanna hear the very unbiased mrzz talk about that.....
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Apr 14, 2013
Yeah, and u didn't address how Obama started inciting the racial hatred, and how his daddy Soros radicalized the black hate groups, it wasn't Trump who started this, he's just riding the wave.....

BTW mrzz you acted just like what i said before, you pretended to listen to both sides and then, as always, chose the libtard side, and ofc in a tot black and white, one sided way.... you said yes, there were many nazis, wanna speak about the violent antifa hyenas beating the old man, also, their "peaceful" symbols like deathshead flag, actually that's also a nazi symbol, more straightforward destruction symbol than the swastika...... those people went there to destroy and that's what they did, they also managed to get some of their own killed in their idiocy, i wanna hear the very unbiased mrzz talk about that.....

I didn't address it, it is true. It does not mean I agree with it. It is hard to keep firing at all sides at all times... And I did not "chose the libtard side", there are a lot of stuff I disagree with and you can bet I spend a good part of my day disagreeing with "liberal" views on my day to day activities. Honestly, I am pretty sure I am much more effective at containing the extremes of "libtard" thinking than the absolute majority of people who express themselves in harsher terms than I do. And, believe me, I could express myself very differently...

Yes, I try to be unbiased.. but I know that this is ultimately impossible. And I don't "pretend" to listen, I do listen, but ok... believe in what you want to believe. Again, I didn't and I won't chose any side. I refuse to do that. I condemned nazis and the like -- this is not choosing sides. In this particular case during the discussion I decided it is way more important to condemn the nazis, and only after this part is settled discuss the "details" (not that I agree with everything the other "side" did, much to the contrary). In other situations, if you had non-explicitly hateful right wing groups protesting and violence were started by radical "counter-protesters", I could easily condemn the "libtards" (even if I would not agree with whatever the right wings were shouting).

BTW A few posts back I wrote that the organizers of the Charlottsville counter-protest were also to blame about the death of the girl, and I don't take that back. But, again, first things first, you don't tolerate people who openly support mass murder. Just after this you discuss how the fuck you do that.

BTW again, calling everything non-right as "libtard" is as radical as calling all right-wing people as "nazis". I have personal friends quite close to the extreme on both sides and I never failed to say to their faces that they are being plain stupid. Obviously, I am a libtard for one side and a nazi for the other. I don't give a flying fuck...


I didn't address it, it is true. It does not mean I agree with it. It is hard to keep firing at all sides at all times... And I did not "chose the libtard side", there are a lot of stuff I disagree with and you can bet I spend a good part of my day disagreeing with "liberal" views on my day to day activities. Honestly, I am pretty sure I am much more effective at containing the extremes of "libtard" thinking than the absolute majority of people who express themselves in harsher terms than I do. And, believe me, I could express myself very differently...

Yes, I try to be unbiased.. but I know that this is ultimately impossible. And I don't "pretend" to listen, I do listen, but ok... believe in what you want to believe. Again, I didn't and I won't chose any side. I refuse to do that. I condemned nazis and the like -- this is not choosing sides. In this particular case during the discussion I decided it is way more important to condemn the nazis, and only after this part is settled discuss the "details" (not that I agree with everything the other "side" did, much to the contrary). In other situations, if you had non-explicitly hateful right wing groups protesting and violence were started by radical "counter-protesters", I could easily condemn the "libtards" (even if I would not agree with whatever the right wings were shouting).

BTW A few posts back I wrote that the organizers of the Charlottsville counter-protest were also to blame about the death of the girl, and I don't take that back. But, again, first things first, you don't tolerate people who openly support mass murder. Just after this you discuss how the fuck you do that.

BTW again, calling everything non-right as "libtard" is as radical as calling all right-wing people as "nazis". I have personal friends quite close to the extreme on both sides and I never failed to say to their faces that they are being plain stupid. Obviously, I am a libtard for one side and a nazi for the other. I don't give a flying fuck...
Both sides handled this very badly.... there were moderates both sides here, left and right, and they were screwed.... if you check the stormfront link the moderates registered this as a complete failure, the radicals were celebrating and are preparing for even bigger mess.... the leftist moderates were also screwed cause many will wash them together with the deathshead antifa destroyers......By the same logic leftists are using in this thread i could say there were zero moderates among the anti-protesters cause they went on the street with the old man beating antifa troublemakers..... This is why it's just best to not go on the streets, then the gun carrying "nazis" will just look like parading chimps.... Now the radicals on the right side got what they wanted, they could act rambo, someone even died, they're happy... Getting violent is just good for the radicals on both sides..... Going cowboy on paraders is just plain bad.... and very few are talking about this..... If this goes on like this there will be just bigger violence... But the "libtards" are completely blind, they don't even admit there were moderates among the righties, they don't admit anything, they want to make it look like going rambo was the only solution here..... if there are moderates among the lefties they are very very silent cause they can't be seen/heard.... Everybody seems to be keen on inciting more violence by making the antifa/BLM messmaking look completely legit..... And they seem to think that destroying statues and whatever they find on the streets like a bunch of complete morons is completely legit and ok too.....


Masters Champion
Jan 31, 2016
Both sides handled this very badly.... there were moderates both sides here, left and right, and they were screwed.... if you check the stormfront link the moderates registered this as a complete failure, the radicals were celebrating and are preparing for even bigger mess.... the leftist moderates were also screwed cause many will wash them together with the deathshead antifa destroyers......By the same logic leftists are using in this thread i could say there were zero moderates among the anti-protesters cause they went on the street with the old man beating antifa troublemakers..... This is why it's just best to not go on the streets, then the gun carrying "nazis" will just look like parading chimps.... Now the radicals on the right side got what they wanted, they could act rambo, someone even died, they're happy... Getting violent is just good for the radicals on both sides..... Going cowboy on paraders is just plain bad.... and very few are talking about this..... If this goes on like this there will be just bigger violence... But the "libtards" are completely blind, they don't even admit there were moderates among the righties, they don't admit anything, they want to make it look like going rambo was the only solution here..... if there are moderates among the lefties they are very very silent cause they can't be seen/heard.... Everybody seems to be keen on inciting more violence by making the antifa/BLM messmaking look completely legit..... And they seem to think that destroying statues and whatever they find on the streets like a bunch of complete morons is completely legit and ok too.....

Many libtards are actually latent communists. @Federberg may well be one of them.


Masters Champion
Jan 31, 2016
During the presidential race in 2008, a volunteer in a Houston campaign office for Obama was seen working in front of a flag featuring the image of Che Guevara

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Many libtards are actually latent communists. @Federberg may well be one of them.
some communists are not even that bad, antifa and BLM however are pure scum, especially antifa... these are just pure destroyers and if someone screams "nazi" (or any meaningless bullshit for that matter) they go nuts and destroy everything they see... WW2 is over mugs, the USA, EU, etc. are civilised places and criminals, murderers and the like go to jail.... and racially motivated crimes get extra punishment for the criminals.... as Bannon said the radical "nazis" are losers and clowns, cause they either parade like impotent chimps or they commit some crime and go to jail... just let the rambo wannabes do their parade..... but ofc antifa won't skip a good opportunity to stir shit and cause destruction and death if possible, they are the real enemies of order and civilisation..... blm is no different, they do nothing useful, during the Trump campaign they always stirred violence too, even some black republicans condemned what they did, i think cali even posted a video of it here....

By not speaking out against them and by letting the antifa scum get away with it you're risking that one day they turn up at your business, at your car and set it on fire, break it to pieces, etc.... that's their ultimate goal, there's some hardcore antifa enabling going on in the USA and if they let it go on like this will be the result there too:

about Federberg, he's not that bad, there are much much worse trolls other forums but he's a troll and a clown for sure, since i came here he stirred so much shit, lol, first he wanted to get me to gang on Ricardo, it's tot annoying when you go somewhere and the popular girl tries to show you around, showing who to pick on and who to gang on, then he made some discriminatory remarks, he's into cultural racism a lot, about politics he's been failing nonstop since before the time i came here but he has no shame or even self-awareness, if his ganging and crap stirring efforts don't go as planned he resorts to drama like "forum leaving" or he pretends (very clumsily) to ignore people, which again is bad just for him :p yeah, an all around clown but there are much worse lol....

BTW! Another thing i hate about Trump is this anti-mexican BS.... I don't know how other people are but when i hear spanish sounding names the first thing that jumps in my mind is Christian brotherhood, Ricardo is bro so don't try to get me to gang on him, and mexicans are christians and bros.... the USA as a Christian country should be working with their fellow Mexican christians to make their relationship much better and cooperate to make the lives of their people better....... Trump is such an unprincipled clown lol....
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Masters Champion
Jan 31, 2016
about Federberg, he's not that bad, there are much much worse trolls other forums but he's a troll and a clown for sure, since i came here he stirred so much shit, lol, first he wanted to get me to gang on Ricardo, it's tot annoying when you go somewhere and the popular girl tries to show you around, showing who to pick on and who to gang on, then he made some discriminatory remarks, he's into cultural racism a lot, about politics he's been failing nonstop since before the time i came here but he has no shame or even self-awareness, if his ganging and crap stirring efforts don't go as planned he resorts to drama like "forum leaving" or he pretends (very clumsily) to ignore people, which again is bad just for him :p



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
It's pretty easy to despise AntiFA and Neo-Nazis. I've got an aversion to any extremist group shoving their facist views down the throat (and AntiFA are facist in their own way).
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