US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
No! I am not trying to see good in white supremacists. I see now that I expressed myself extremely bad. One of the reasons is that I made the mistake of trying to give my opinion while still not sure of what really happened. I would have done better f I had used half the time I spent writing looking for credible info (which I still didn't).

About picking sides: if you´re talking about decide whether or not in general I think KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacists (in fact I hardly know what white supremacists are, apart from what I understand from its stupid name), or any manifestly racist and hatred filled group are wrong and morally unjustifiable, then this side I gladly pick. If I failed to show that, my bad.

My posts above are driven basically by one thing: you can be a "left" oriented person and not be in the radical left -- which believes that everything is valid in the war to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, or you could be a "right" oriented person and not be in the radical right. Maybe I am too driven by what happens here in Brazil now, that if you're not on one side, then you´re radically on the other. You're either a bloody fascist or an evil communist. This stupid shit made me completely adverse to "picking sides", and that probably reflected in my posts here.

I'm glad you clarified your position mate. This whole thing is totally fucked up. A far right person is the sitting President of the United States. I simply can't believe it. I'm sure there have been people with such sympathies in my lifetime. Nixon had his southern strategy, but not since Woodrow Wilson has there been a President who unashamedly supports the KKK. I am absolutely stunned.

As for this whole labelling thing mate. Please don't go down the same path as that anti-semitic cunt Nekro. It's the resort of the intellectually limited and you're certainly not one of those. @britbox was kind enough to show me how to block posters so I no longer have to suffer reading his shit. You can believe in conservative principles - small government, traditional family values etc - and not have to be called a libtard or any other piece of shit nonsense by a small pricked motherfucker.

In essence what we should at least try to do on these forums is read the arguments that people put forth. We don't have to like it, but at least try to understand it, if not respect it. This is the proper way to debate and enjoy dialectic. But I've just about reached my limit. There are filthy poisonous people on these boards now sadly, and I'm just relieved to hear that you're not one of them. And I could give 2 shits if any moderator has an issue with what I've just written. No apologies will be given, no quarter to nazi sympathisers...
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
How should i know? the KKK is a joke..... I've read about them, i've seen countless documentaries about them, they're really a white supremacist group without any pros that even the german nazis had for example.... a destructive group that's just pulling the white nationalist movement in America down.....

What's your problem with Scottish nationalism??? Those guys want their country free. There have been hc efforts to melt them in, that's the truth but still about half the population wants to be free........ after all the lies, bullying, propaganda, etc.... I see today too the same bullying on the net and the same lies that i see in the case of minorities in eastern europe..... And i see Scottish nationalists suffering a lot because of that....... There's Lawrence Huxham for example, he knows he has a country, he has the Welsh language, why did those Welsh fled to South America BB? cause they felt fucking happy? no! they did it cause they knew they were gonna be melted in and killed off as Welsh... are you denying that?? people like Lawrence are just exposing the lies and telling the truth.....

lol when people are marching with Che Guevara shirts and red stars nobody gives a shit, nevermind he was a mass murderer, oh wait, he didn't kill just non-whites, he killed whites, blacks, jews, he killed whoever the fuck looked at him in a way he didn't like.....

Didn't you just read the quotes? the white nationalists are divided too, see how even on the net how timidly the smarter ones were saying maybe it's fucking stupid marching with swastikas..... Not that it's even a real symbol of white supremacy, just like the "hitler salute" is not original to the nazis, it's going back centuries before...... What you're saying is like basically what very few are saying, that the muslims should drive out their radicals.... The muslim extremists are much worse in that they mess up even their own moderates who dare to say something against their radicalism even timidly, but there's no pushiness or outrage about that, actually only that "moronic" Trump had the balls to speak out against it....

I don't have a problem with Scottish Nationalism, other than I don't subscribe to the view that Scotland would be better off going alone. If they voted for it, fair enough... but to date they haven't voted for it and the majority of Scots support unionism.

Your post giving white supremacists a pass, and yet supporting Scottish Nationalism was the most confusing. That's where I drew the parallel... because you'd be kicked out of the SNP in 60 seconds flat, harbouring such views.

Scotland has always punched above it's weight in Westminster. Ex-PM Brown was a Scot, Blair had Scottish roots not to mention all the ministerial appointments... Scotland has a population of just over 5 million... England has a population of over 53 million. Wales has a population of just over 3 million. It's not an equal footing and never will be.. but on an individual level, Scots have the best deal financially than any other state within the United Kingdom. If you gave the referendum vote to the entire UK, then England would probably vote them out of the union anyway (not my personal view).

On the Huxham thing... yeah some welsh got treated like shit.. but guess what, a lot of English got treated like shit too. We're talking over 150 years ago. Read about the Serfdom in England... a huge segment of the English population were border-line slaves.

Likewise, I could read up on the atrocities that took place during the Hapsburg Empire and start pointing fingers at the likes of you... but hey, none of us can can control the past, only the future and giving neo-nazis and ethnic cleansing supporting groups some sort of pass is beyond the pale.

Don't confuse me with somebody who gives AntiFA a pass either... that group was hijacked decades ago by anarchists.


As for this whole labelling thing mate. Please don't go down the same path as that anti-semitic cunt Nekro. It's the resort of the intellectually limited and you're certainly not one of those. @britbox was kind enough to show me how to block posters so I no longer have to suffer reading his shit.
HAHAHAHAHA :lulz1::laugh::clap:Now you're really a caricature of yourself Federberg, in theory you ignored me days ago, in practice you're still talking about me and you just threw a barrage of insults at me, you're ignoring me so much ;), i don't mind it though, your chaplin-like blundering is entertaining.... :smooch:

Oh yeah, and "intellectually limited" from someone who needed help from Britbox to find out how to ignore people on this granny friendly board :lulz1::laugh::lol3::facepalm::cuckoo:

Your post giving white supremacists a pass, and yet supporting Scottish Nationalism was the most confusing. That's where I drew the parallel... because you'd be kicked out of the SNP in 60 seconds flat, harbouring such views.
Where did i give them a pass and what are you talking about???? I just quoted the moderate people who said they don't want supremacy for the white "race", i made it clear before i don't even believe in races based on skin colour, so what are you talking about????

Don't confuse me with somebody who gives AntiFA a pass either... that group was hijacked decades ago by anarchists.
Good to know you're not giving them a pass and i would tell u who they got hijacked by for real but there are too many sensitive people around lol......


What's the URL of the board you were quoting from?
ok so i tell you a big techie secret... to find out where on the net a text was quoted from you just have to copy part of the text that's apparently one block and paste it in google search and you get where it is from....

Anyway, it was from the stormfront Charlottesville thread:

People ignorant about the white nationalists should really browse that site a bit, there are all kinds of people, radicals and very moderate ones, i quoted the moderate ones to show the people not all white nationalists are the devil incarnate....

Also check out the forum guidelines, nazi symbols and things like those in profiles, avis, etc are prohibited on the board, exactly for the reason they shouldn't have been present at that protest..... now they washed together the moderates with the few swastika wearing/bearing ones......


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Oh, I know Stormfront - fella called Joey Owens from my ex-hometown used to post on there. Same fella who used to post razor blades to Jews in the mail. Dangerous fella... google him, if your'e techie enough. Basically a white supremacist board.


Oh, I know Stormfront - fella called Joey Owens from my ex-hometown used to post on there. Same fella who used to post razor blades to Jews in the mail. Dangerous fella... google him, if your'e techie enough. Basically a white supremacist board.
lol, so you know a nutter from that board and i'm supposed to think all the people are nutters on that board??? That's just really weak....

Check it out, there are all kinds of people there, hardcore "Trumpets" and Trump haters, moderates, radicals, I know there are some nutters there but there are some nice and sensible posters too....


Honest question man, how does this adds up with "white nationalism"?
that was my response to BB's post in which he said i gave a pass to "white supremacists" and went even further implying i hold those views and that the SNP would kick me out for that :lulz1::laugh::whistle:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
lol, so you know a nutter from that board and i'm supposed to think all the people are nutters on that board??? That's just really weak....

Check it out, there are all kinds of people there, hardcore "Trumpets" and Trump haters, moderates, radicals, I know there are some nutters there but there are some nice and sensible posters too....

I checked it out plenty of times in the past. He's not the only person I'm aware of who posts there. Nice and sensible people don't post on white supremacist boards.


Apr 14, 2013
I'm glad you clarified your position mate. This whole thing is totally fucked up. A far right person is the sitting President of the United States. I simply can't believe it. I'm sure there have been people with such sympathies in my lifetime. Nixon had his southern strategy, but not since Woodrow Wilson has there been a President who unashamedly supports the KKK. I am absolutely stunned.

As for this whole labelling thing mate. Please don't go down the same path as that anti-semitic cunt Nekro. It's the resort of the intellectually limited and you're certainly not one of those. @britbox was kind enough to show me how to block posters so I no longer have to suffer reading his shit. You can believe in conservative principles - small government, traditional family values etc - and not have to be called a libtard or any other piece of shit nonsense by a small pricked motherfucker.

In essence what we should at least try to do on these forums is read the arguments that people put forth. We don't have to like it, but at least try to understand it, if not respect it. This is the proper way to debate and enjoy dialectic. But I've just about reached my limit. There are filthy poisonous people on these boards now sadly, and I'm just relieved to hear that you're not one of them. And I could give 2 shits if any moderator has an issue with what I've just written. No apologies will be given, no quarter to nazi sympathisers...

Ok, we disagree on a few things but I knew I had to clarify myself once you showed you were under the impression I was giving some groups a pass. I could quote parts were I tried to be clear about it, but on such matters you need to be crystal clear and I wasn't.

Full agreement on no quarter to nazi sympathysers. My point here, and with all labeling stuff in general, is that with the huge information war we have today the first strike is always a label, and sometimes those are not just exaggerations but even complete inversions of value. I have seen people I know personally being labeled in completely unfair terms so I am very suspicious all the time.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
that was my response to BB's post in which he said i gave a pass to "white supremacists" and went even further implying i hold those views and that the SNP would kick me out for that :lulz1::laugh::whistle:

True, You wouldn't last five minutes in the SNP, which is a left wing socialist party holding anything that approached those views.


Apr 22, 2013
Ok, we disagree on a few things but I knew I had to clarify myself once you showed you were under the impression I was giving some groups a pass. I could quote parts were I tried to be clear about it, but on such matters you need to be crystal clear and I wasn't.

Full agreement on no quarter to nazi sympathysers. My point here, and with all labeling stuff in general, is that with the huge information war we have today the first strike is always a label, and sometimes those are not just exaggerations but even complete inversions of value. I have seen people I know personally being labeled in completely unfair terms so I am very suspicious all the time.

I agree with you mate. And if your intent was to be cautious of what you saw as labelling of the neo-nazis I can only say that you have to have watched what happened over the weekend. I assume you have now, so you know that it was accurate? Not sure on what things we disagree on, but I'm intrigued and happy to here about them


I checked it out plenty of times in the past. He's not the only person I'm aware of who posts there. Nice and sensible people don't post on white supremacist boards.
:facepalm:I could tell you a million reasons why it's not a white supremacist board, also, if you haven't found nice and sensible people there you haven't read enough, anyway, you're now in frenzy mode pushing your stuff without listening to me and the convo is starting to be like a convo with Ann, so i'll just return to the sidelines....


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Maybe it stems from the fact I know who one or two of the posters are. People you might refer to as kindly white gentlemen having a nostalgia trip... others might know as people who have either done time for murder or been arrested for anti-semitic or racial crimes.


Masters Champion
Jan 31, 2016
A far right person is the sitting President of the United States.

Bullshit. Donald Trump is a right-wing populist and there is a difference between right-wing populism and far right.

a President who unashamedly supports the KKK.

You love bullshiting, don't you?

Aug. 14 (UPI) -- President Donald Trump interrupted his vacation and returned to the White House Monday, where he said "evil" racists who use violence -- such as the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists -- are "criminals and thugs."
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Apr 22, 2013
^Lol! mate you're so funny. Even an issue as grand as this... You're only capable of seeing it through the prism of your dislike. It shows what small character you have. Thank you for showing me that you're as tiny a person as I always thought you were! :clap:


Bullshit. Donald Trump is a right-wing populist and there is a difference between right-wing populism and far right.

You love bullshiting, don't you?

Aug. 14 (UPI) -- President Donald Trump interrupted his vacation and returned to the White House Monday, where he said "evil" racists who use violence -- such as the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists -- are "criminals and thugs."
Lol, he's so full of shit, but as a textbook libtard lying comes natural to him:lulz1::laugh::lol3:

^Lol! mate you're so funny. Even an issue as grand as this... You're only capable of seeing it through the prism of your dislike. It shows what small character you have. Thank you for showing me that you're as tiny a person as I always thought you were! :clap:

Obsi, I just got it all, after Clay Death Federberg is BB's new patient.... That's why he likes even his posts in which he presents the opposite of reality as truth...... As with Clay Death he probably won't let go of Federberg's hand 'til the bitter end so let's respect BB's subtle therapeutic work and let's not harass the mentally ill :lulz1::lulz2::laugh::lol3::drums::fishing:

lol i found this funny stuff, hope the fat chick didn't sprain her ankle :lulz1::laugh::lol3:

lol these leftist punks are pure class:


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Apr 14, 2013
I agree with you mate. And if your intent was to be cautious of what you saw as labelling of the neo-nazis I can only say that you have to have watched what happened over the weekend. I assume you have now, so you know that it was accurate? Not sure on what things we disagree on, but I'm intrigued and happy to here about them

Ok, took some time and read and watched from all kinds of sources... what a fucking mess. Lots of neo-nazis there for sure.

I was writing a long post, but just deleted everything. This is simply too fucked up.
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Apr 22, 2013
Ok, took some time and read and watched from all kinds of sources... what a fucking mess. Lots of neo-nazis there for sure.

I was writing a long post, but just deleted everything. This is simply too fucked up.

What really worries me is that these people now feel they have a friend in the WH. There will be more of this, and this time their guns might not be for show. Can you imagine if that had been a black protest with people carrying? You can't tell me the police wouldn't have taken a more aggressive stance. Now I'm curious to see how law enforcement reacts next time this happens
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