US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Aleppo Starts Uncovering Washington’s Evil Designs | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Jean Perier
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the White House and its European allies have taken a step too far in their bid to obstruct the successful liberation of the city of Aleppo by Syrian government forces and Russian air power. This development has been widely commented on by various analysts and experts across the globe, with some of them claiming that Washington is determined to prevent the complete destruction of ISIS at all costs, since it created and nurtured this terrorist group to overthrow Syrian Present Bashar Al Assad just like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda was created to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan back in the 1980s.

A few days ago new facts about Washington’s sponsorship of ISIS appeared in the Bulgarian media, along with the pictures and video made in eastern Aleppo by the Nova TV journalists. The crew stumbbled upon a warehouse that was used by the Jabhat al-Nusra militants, where they discovered munitions for the BM-21 “Grad” self-propelled multiple rocket launchers, bearing visible indications that they were produced by the Bulgarian manufacturer VMZ (Vazovskaya Heavy Machinery). It’s curious that in spite of the ban on arms sales to Syria, missiles and shells of Bulgarian production, however, fell into the hands of terrorists. The Bulgarian crew indicated that the munitions were supplied by the company known as Arcus from Lyaskovets, while all labels were written in Bulgarian.

The channel has been consulting military experts ever since and the latter have already stated that it was possible to keep fighting for another two years with the munitions terrorists had.

In July, the report presented by the Balkan Network for Investigative Journalism» (BIRN) and the Project for the Investigation of Corruption and Organized Crime» (OCCRP) stated that thousands of small arms and rounds of ammunition were smuggled from the Balkans to the Persian Gulf and the states bordering Syria. Arms export data, UN reports, plane tracking, and weapons contracts examined during a year-long investigation reveal how the munitions were sent east from Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania. .Arms dealers in Eastern Europe procured assets from their own countries and brokered the sale of ammunition from Ukraine and Belarus, even attempting to secure Soviet-made anti-tank systems bought from the UK. Robert Stephen Ford, the US ambassador to Syria in the period from 2011 to 2014, told BIRN and OCCRP, that trade is coordinated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Turkey’s MIT and Gulf monarchies through centers in Jordan and Turkey.

It’s been reported that European countries have been supplying Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey with thousands of assault rifles, mortars, rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons and heavy machine guns, the total worth of which amounts to 1.2 billion euros, all ending up in terrorist hands in Syria and Yemen, contributing to the further escalation of these conflicts.

A number of the countries reported as arms suppliers to terrorists try to use their media sources to deny their role in assisting militants in Syria. In particular, the Croatian government has been consistently denying its role in the conflict. However, according to the New York Times, a senior Croatian official offered to open the country’s arsenals during a visit to Washington in the summer of 2012, after which Zagreb established contact with the Saudis, who bankrolled the purchases while the CIA provided logistical support for the transfer of Croatian weapons.

In their report, BIRN and OCCRP stated that the acquisition of significant amounts of military weapons from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe for the Syrian opposition were directly controlled by Washington. Earlier, the respected military journal Jane’s Defence Weekly in its article “US arms shipment to Syrian rebels detailed” stated that the US supplies the Syrian opposition with weapons and ammunition from Eastern Europe, and noted that these facts were almost officially recognized by the US Senate.

Over the last five years, Ukraine alone has sold nearly 615,000 small arms to Syria. But it’s curious that its official customers are not third world nations, but large Western companies like Hire & Fire, IZH Impex Inc, Waffen Schumacher GmbH, BVS, spol. Sro – all buying old Soviet weapons en masse. In 2012 alone the American Hire & Fire made an accusation of 90,000 Soviet rifles. That’s almost enough to arm four divisions, and in just one year.

Reports on US arms purchases provided by SOCOM show that it paid at least 27 million dollars for Bulgarian weapons and 12 million dollars for Serbian weapons and ammunition in a period from 2014 to 2016 that were supposed to be used for covert operations in Syria. Since December 2015, SOCOM commissioned three cargo ships to transport 4,700 tonnes of weapons and ammunition from the port of Constanta in Romania and Burgas in Bulgaria to the Middle East.

The Montenegro Defence Industry has already exported 250 tons of ammunition and 10,000 grenade launchers to Saudi Arabia since August 2015 for them to be smuggled to Syria. The British SkyNews channel conducted a journalistic investigation, which resulted in uncovering the largest weapons supply channel from Ukraine and some countries of Eastern Europe to the Middle East.

That is why Washington and its European allies are particularly interested in the Syrian conflict to be protracted, preventing people from enjoying peace only to profit from their “bloody business”.

So we must be prepared for new evil designs to be disclosed as new communities in Syria and Iraq are liberated from militants, unleashed by the Obama administration and its European allies.

Jean Périer is an independent researcher and analyst and a renowned expert on the Near and Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
TEDDY! Say whatever crap you want, but STOP putting words in my mouth and stop telling me what I think. OK? Leave me out of your conspiracies, your tin-foil hat worldview, etc. OK? You have no bloody idea what I think.

hi MOXIE -- since your heart is so chilled by the propsect of no OBAMA AND HILLARY LYING AND WARMONGERING...u know...lies that you can believe in?

maybe some nice heart-warming FUN from some RUSSIANS OUT HAVING FUN in SIBERIA at MINUS 50 centigrade....


the guy below -- ''just" -41 centigrade -- but don't you think he brings WARMTH to your crying heart, moxie? you think he must be the RUSSIAN in siberia that hACKED hillary's mail...under orders from PUTIN?

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
THESE ARE THOSE BAD BAD RUSSIANS -- THAT putin ordered to hack DNC to throw the vote to trump !!!!
they celebrate in minus 50 !!! oh my god..they are soooo bad..those russians!!

german visitor is the

but u know -- if EVER they catch war criminals like obama and hillary , billie, etc..? they should give them residence in siberia...after all RUSSIA is the country they all want to CONQUER AND ''slice into smaller manageable parts for us to manage" -- according to their TEACHER -- ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI....

AND it was supposed to be HILLARY'S TURN to TRY.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
SINCETHIS IS STILL USA ''politics''that moxie suggests no one cares about -- politics -- except when moxie says it's ok --

i will MENTION --

a friend e mailed me from portland oregon -- highways closed -- side roads closed -- school closed when it hit 30 degrees with 4 inches snow...

ok i mentioned it -- USA

now on to SIBERIA AND KIDS going to school at MINUS 30 CENTIGRADE..

teacher saying: ''so long as it's not 42 minus -- it's ok i let them play outside during breaktime it is warm today -- just 30 minus ".

really does warm your heart, Moxie? at least OBAMA can go out GOLFING...u know? as he goes down history's DUSTBIN for WARMONGERING - AND a self-important AMERICAN FRAUD...



Apr 22, 2013
My point of view on the whole hacking thing is more amazement at the complacency in the US. I was amused by a WP journalist interviewed on TV saying he thought the Dems are playing politics and he doubted the credibility of the intelligence agencies. He wants to see evidence before he buys it. A part of me would respect that from a layman, but here's the thing, in cyber espionage it's tough to reveal how you got the evidence without impairing your ability to employ the same methods again. That journalist surely has to know that..


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015



Washington, DC

Moscow, Kremlin

December 15, 2016

Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...

Dear Mr. Trump,

Please accept my warmest Christmas and New Year greetings.

Serious global and regional challenges, which our countries have to face in recent years, show that the relations between Russia and the U.S. remain an important factor in ensuring stability and security of the modern world.

I hope that after you assume the position of the President of the United States of America we will be able – by acting in a constructive and pragmatic manner - to take real steps to restore the framework of bilateral cooperation in different areas as well as bring our level of collaboration on the international scene to a qualitatively new level.

Please accept my sincere wishes to you and your family of sound health, happiness, wellbeing, success and all the best.

THE NEO-CON, NEO-LIBERAL WARMONGERS that have run the USA for decades now -- must be red-eyed with rage.....

AS obama -- pouts like the narcissistic high-school cheerleader seethes in pure envy AT barry reduces himself to pure pettiness so unbecoming of a self-appointed 'leader of the world".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

"PUTIN is like that boy in the back of the class - u know , the one that no one likes -- and slouches in his chair chewing gum?"

''russia should know that you can't just invade countries and violate their can't just bully nations around just because you're strong"!!!

''WE HAVE succeeded in isolating russia and rendering her economy in TATTERS"!!

"russia is a regional power -- that has no influence".
"whenever there's trouble in the world -- they don't call Beijing or Moscow....

''RUSSIA is smaller than us, russia is weaker, they only have gas and oil, and don't produce anything that anybody wants to buy" (december 2016) ...

if there is a definition of being INCOMPETENT at BEING incompetent...



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
UH ..

russia just signed 23 huge economic deals with JAPAN ...
succeeded in getting iran and saudi arabia -- BITTER rivals -- to agree to end GLUTTING the world oil market -- benefitting the oil producing countries such as venezuela, nigeria, etc that had suffered so much loss due to WASHINGTON'S dictates to ''hurt russia by over producing oil to drive prices down">

THE RUSSIAN-LED EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION and co-led SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (A FULL-spectrum alliance in economics, politics, defense, security and infrastructure comprising at least 3 billion people worth) has attracted REQUESTS for ADDITIONAL memberships

by countries FAR beyond russia's neighborhood : INCLUDING vietnam, thailand, cambodia, laos, pakistan,, afghanistan, iran, syria, philippines, , south korea and japan as well as china -- to add to mongolia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, armenia .....

RUSSIA just created - and already in the works -- regional partnerships in economics , culture and common security --

with China, japan, both KOREAS, MONGOLIA for a gigantic tourism and infrastructure and development of the far east based in russia's SAKHALIN region island and primorye peninsula (one so large it will swallow the state of florida in a gulp )

russia is NOW the MASTER in the middle east ...and american planes DARE NOT FLY over syria or EVEN APPROACH syria's coasts....without RUSSIAN permission.

not bad for a 'REGIONAL POWER".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

‘With Aleppo retaken, Washington’s plan for regime change in Syria is off the table’

The final deal for the evacuation of people and the fighters from Aleppo was achieved not through the Geneva format, but between Russian, Turkish and Iran, foreign policy analyst Jim Jatras told BBc's ED SCHULTZ.

The Syrian Arab Army has retaken full control of the city of Aleppo. The Syrian government has declared the city is liberated from terrorism and terrorists. Syrian rebels and civilians have been leaving the embattled city for over a week.

Some say this means the United States will have to give up on its purported goal of achieving regime change against the government of President Bashar Assad.

BBC:Aleppo has been declared retaken by Syrian government forces. Does this really represent a turning of the tide?

Jim Jatras: Absolutely, it is a great strategic victory for Syria, for the Damascus government. It shows that regime change – the goal of the Obama administration and all of our allies like Saudi Arabia – is simply off the table. That is a huge thing.

BBC: What do you think the aftermath of this is going to mean?

JJ: It could. A lot of these fighters or terrorists – however you want to characterize them – have been evacuated to Idlib. They still will be fighting on for a while. But I think the character of the war has changed. Also the character of US policy has changed in the sense that it is clear how irrelevant the Obama administration has become. Let’s remember this final working out of a deal for the humanitarian evacuation of people and also the fighters leaving Aleppo was achieved not through the Geneva format between [Sergey] Lavrov and [John] Kerry, but rather between Lavrov and his Turkish and Iranian counterparts. In a sense, it almost shows that the US is no longer relevant to this crisis.

BBC: What does all of this mean for the incoming administration? Does this set a different table for Donald Trump?

JJ: Absolutely. I think it really opens the door to pivot American policy away from this frankly insane notion that we need regime change, we need to be supporting these terrorist groups in Syria, to one that says: ‘Let’s go with the flow. Let’s work with the Russians, let’s work with the Syrians in order to target the real terrorists we know they are out there – not only ISIS of course, but also Al-Qaeda, Ahrar al-Sham, and all the other groups that we’ve been pretending are moderates for all these years.’

BBC: You’ve said that this is going to solidify Assad. How sure are you of that?

JJ: I am sure of it because the other side that our mainstream media has not been showing is people going back to their homes; people are celebrating that the city is being liberated. Even some of the media are even beginning to admit that the humanitarian crisis they have been raising the hue and cry over, and naming and shaming and threatening war crimes to the Russians and the Syrians didn’t turn out to be what they said it was going to be.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of BBC.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
FEW things , if any , have caused OBAMA the super duper ''leader of the most exceptional, the greatest, best ever" nation on earth more consternation

than being shown up as the HOLLOW MAN that he i

BY PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN OF ''regional, weak power " RUSSIA...

except perhaps being exposed for all the world to see -- by PUTIN -- that OBAMA and his ''friends" are THIS:




Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think you are directing your vitriol in the wrong direction. Personally, I think Obama was more of a dove than a hawk on Syria and avoided putting American boots on the ground into a quagmire that could have engulfed the US for next 10 years.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I think you are directing your vitriol in the wrong direction. Personally, I think Obama was more of a dove than a hawk on Syria and avoided putting American boots on the ground into a quagmire that could have engulfed the US for next 10 years.

ya -- he got you too

the creep is just a person who is slippery. that's all - the only reason he didn't want ''to commit troops in a quagmire" is because he knew it was chance at all and leading to an actual shooting war with russia , the consequences are even greater -- which of course neocons want...

but hat is NOT the point here..the point is when he THOUGHT he could get away with it -- such as in libya, back andforth in afghanistan...yemen behind saudi araiba, ukraine -- hey -- he had no qualms about ''mister super duper"

so -- putting my 'vitriol in the wrong direction" -- if you meant obama the crrepo -- that doesnt' even begin to put it in context.
i just use him for the merits of what HE has done himself -- ALL on his own nice super duper way -- the GUY

who repeatedly bragged to the world about what a great, great exceptional; nation'' we are" '' we have the greatest military EVER, the best trained, the best the best.. the best -- "

"whenever there's trouble anywhere in the world - they don't call BEIJING OR MOSCOW!!!............THEY CALL washington" (zakharova "we agree ...except he forgot to add -- after whichwashington calls moscow_)...

obma IS A NEO-CON - but one who is COWARDLY enough to admit it himself .

or probably a better way to describe him is_ a SOCIAL CLIMBER CREEP who would LICK anyone's ass above him that can ''bring him up" to stand and walk as IF he was some god-s gift to the world...
as a writer puts it to sum up his ''presidency"

"the most WORTHLESS, FAILED president in the ENTIRE history of the USA".

and so far -- THAT HE IS.

nothing DONE for americans - NOTHING done for the ever-hopeful - mesmerized black americans. race relations EVEN WORSE after HE OPENLY de clared "we're behond racism now" years ago (a sign of neglect and unwillingess to confront it) -

same as ''we're going to move ON" ignoring what the BUSH torture programs conceived as well as the LIES that led to war crimes against iraq - destroying THAT country and begining the long string of creating enormous terrorist havens...
doubling down on ''regiome change" -- etc. etc. etc. etc.

the POINT IS - IN SYRIA -- ht ereason he wouldn't put boots on the ground - WHILE PUTTING BOOTS on the ground (you haven't caught up YET that while they are not exctly open huge battalions - CIA HAVE BEEN CAPTURED hiding and hoping to be extracted in aleppo? yup =-- tha'ts right -- kerry probably made all those very annoying calls to russia day in day out the last few weeks to get russians to ''keep it under wraps" for the EMBARRASSMENT, LOL) -


so -- britbox -- let us not split hairs here. OBAMA IS A CREEP AND WAR CRIMINAL PRESIDENT. and there is NO need to make excuses or diffuse HIS criminality , deviousness nd deceit -- all of it in a basket with a tag named:


at the end of the day - THAT'S what the guy is. just a plain -- nobody who is a narcissist who happened to be 'president' .who thinks he's too good for anybody. and his actions and decisions and behavior demonstrate EXACTLY that.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The US “Lame Duck” and its Vain Attempts Regarding Syria | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Viktor Mikhin
Under heavy pressure from the USA, the UN General Assembly has adopted a recommendation to stop the hostilities in Syria. It was amusing to observe the hyper-activity of the members of the US delegation to the UN, who, without waiting for the lift, tired themselves out rushing up the stairs of the high-rise building, meeting their accomplices, trying to grab anything from the table of the outgoing “lame duck” one last time. All this had the singular aim that the resolution would be adopted at the UN or rather imposed on the international community to cover up Washington’s dark, dirty business.

It is reasonable that the question arises as to what this latest American hysteria was connected and why the outgoing administration of the dishonourable US President ordered that the UN General Assembly urgently adopt this resolution on an immediate ceasefire in Aleppo. For, as it is well known, Moscow has repeatedly stopped bombing the locations of terrorists and their Western sponsors, and now the Syrian Army has suspended military operations in Eastern Aleppo entirely. Tens of thousands of civilians have escaped the captivity of terrorists via a special corridor out of the city and received extensive humanitarian aid from Russia there and then.

This is the latest example of specific Russian assistance to civilians, which is in contrast to the demagogic reprimands made by the United States representative and its “allies” at the United Nations. From December 10, the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria organised the latest evacuation of civilians from the Eastern districts of Aleppo to the safe zone via humanitarian corridors in the Karim El-Hun and Mahayar region. According to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the evacuated Syrians have been accommodated in humanitarian centres where they are given hot meals. Furthermore, if necessary, the citizens of Aleppo are offered medical care. The report compiled by the Russian Ministry of Defence indicates that civilians are leaving Eastern Aleppo in a “continuous flow” and are heading to regions of Damascus under army control.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the latest provocative act undertaken by the dishonourable, soon-to-be-forgotten, outgoing old US administration.

In this case, everything can be easily explained and the “free democratic Western media” is to blame. Journalists at Baltnews.

lt learned about Washington’s desperate attempts to hastily arrange safe passage to the Eastern part of the city so that US intelligence officers and military advisors working for terrorists could escape to Turkey.

The US high-ranking officials’ aim is to save US intelligence agent Bilal Abdul Kareem and his colleague from the siege in Eastern Aleppo and then give them the opportunity to cross the Turkish border on the Castello Road. In this case cites the Arabic website, Al Hadath.

The news agency reports that a second intelligence officer, whose name is not given, coordinated the fighting of the armed opposition against the Syrian army and now, when the militants of these subdivisions leave the districts of the second largest city in Syria one after the other, it is likely that an instructor will die or get captured.

Incidentally, various news agencies previously reported that a large militant centre in Aleppo was destroyed where there were about 30 citizens of the USA, Germany, Turkey and Israel, responsible for coordinating the actions of the militants and training them in combat tactics. However, neither their names nor the special services they belonged to were revealed.

And now, for the first time, there has been news of American Muslim, Bilal Abdul Kareem, who is at the epicentre of the fighting and the American authorities fear for his safety, and who is actively coordinating the actions of the terrorists, which the United States, consistently insist— or rather outright lie—they are waging war with.

The decision made by President Barack Obama to lift the formal restrictions on supplying arms, ammunition and military equipment to US allies in the fight against terrorism in Syria was another obvious “contribution” made by the US administration in the “war on terror”. It is wholly clear that the mass arms supplies to the ‘moderate’ Syrian armed opposition will not actually bring about victory over Daesh (ISIL), Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organisations, banned in Russia, but will only add fuel to the fire and prolong the agony of civil war and its numerous victims.

Incidentally, the very phrase “US allies in the fight against terrorist organisations in Syria” invites attention.
If it refers to moderate Syrian opposition, then it means that arms are being supplied directly to the Syrian armed opposition groups that the Pentagon would like to use for their own purposes in order to overthrow the legally elected Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Many experts note that in Syria there is a rather fine line between the moderate opposition fighters and militants of terrorist organisations. Therefore if US weapons fall into the hands of the moderate opposition, they can end up in the hands of terrorist organisations, which has often happened in the past. Incidentally, these facts forced Washington to strongly defend terrorist groups in possession of American weapons, by “supporting” overt criminals going by the term “moderate” opposition.

That is why the outgoing administration of the Nobel peace prize winner should clearly understand the possible consequences of these actions and, above all, stop supplying these types of weapon that, in the hands of international terrorists and criminals, could be used to commit terrorist acts against entirely innocent people and prolong this bloody civil war.

In this case, this means the various modern grenade launchers as well as MPADS. These weapons supplied to the allegedly moderate Syrian opposition may later turn up in other regions of the Middle East – Iraq, Afghanistan, and be used against the US forces themselves.

The latest events in Palmyra, temporarily captured by terrorists—in our opinion—aided by the so-called US-led coalition, should be considered an altogether unprecedented case. The Russian military said that more than four thousand people took part in the latest attack.

<b>It was also observed that all the extremists arrived in Palmyra from Raqqa, where US coalition troops temporarily stopped (for some reason at this very moment) the attack on ISIL’s position. </b>

<b>If you take note that the Americans and their allies stopped fighting in the Iraqi city of Mosul allowing the terrorist command to transfer their units out of there to Palmyra, then there seems to be some kind of cooperation, a union between the United States and ISIL. Apparently, however, this is not surprising, since the Nobel peace prize winner himself admitted that US actions in the Middle East led to the emergence and further prospering of this terrorist organisation.</b>

Incidentally, many worldwide noted the seemingly clear animosity and kind of joy that the Western media displayed when commenting on the retreat of government forces supported by Russia from Palmyra and the emergence of terrorist groups there. It is simply amazing that it turns out that in their anger at Russia, the Western media have turned into the mouthpiece and propagandists of terrorism. As it is well known, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing

But perhaps soon the events in Syria will take a different turn. The newly-elected American president, Donald Trump, has repeatedly stated that he is not interested in overthrowing Bashar al-Assad, and he considers the effective and active fight against terrorism and its ideologies the basis of his policy in the region. If, in the future, Washington will conduct this very policy, the efforts of two countries—the United States and Russia (which has long actually been fighting criminals and terrorists, not just talking about it)—will be enough to end the shameful phenomenon of terrorism and bring peace to the Middle East.

Viktor Mikhin, a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.“


Apr 22, 2013
I think you are directing your vitriol in the wrong direction. Personally, I think Obama was more of a dove than a hawk on Syria and avoided putting American boots on the ground into a quagmire that could have engulfed the US for next 10 years.
Kudos to you for reading all that stuff! I just pass right by :lol6:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
ya -- he got you too

the creep is just a person who is slippery. that's all - the only reason he didn't want ''to commit troops in a quagmire" is because he knew it was chance at all and leading to an actual shooting war with russia , the consequences are even greater -- which of course neocons want...

but hat is NOT the point here..the point is when he THOUGHT he could get away with it -- such as in libya, back andforth in afghanistan...yemen behind saudi araiba, ukraine -- hey -- he had no qualms about ''mister super duper"

so -- putting my 'vitriol in the wrong direction" -- if you meant obama the crrepo -- that doesnt' even begin to put it in context.
i just use him for the merits of what HE has done himself -- ALL on his own nice super duper way -- the GUY

who repeatedly bragged to the world about what a great, great exceptional; nation'' we are" '' we have the greatest military EVER, the best trained, the best the best.. the best -- "

"whenever there's trouble anywhere in the world - they don't call BEIJING OR MOSCOW!!!............THEY CALL washington" (zakharova "we agree ...except he forgot to add -- after whichwashington calls moscow_)...

obma IS A NEO-CON - but one who is COWARDLY enough to admit it himself .

or probably a better way to describe him is_ a SOCIAL CLIMBER CREEP who would LICK anyone's ass above him that can ''bring him up" to stand and walk as IF he was some god-s gift to the world...
as a writer puts it to sum up his ''presidency"

"the most WORTHLESS, FAILED president in the ENTIRE history of the USA".

and so far -- THAT HE IS.

nothing DONE for americans - NOTHING done for the ever-hopeful - mesmerized black americans. race relations EVEN WORSE after HE OPENLY de clared "we're behond racism now" years ago (a sign of neglect and unwillingess to confront it) -

same as ''we're going to move ON" ignoring what the BUSH torture programs conceived as well as the LIES that led to war crimes against iraq - destroying THAT country and begining the long string of creating enormous terrorist havens...
doubling down on ''regiome change" -- etc. etc. etc. etc.

the POINT IS - IN SYRIA -- ht ereason he wouldn't put boots on the ground - WHILE PUTTING BOOTS on the ground (you haven't caught up YET that while they are not exctly open huge battalions - CIA HAVE BEEN CAPTURED hiding and hoping to be extracted in aleppo? yup =-- tha'ts right -- kerry probably made all those very annoying calls to russia day in day out the last few weeks to get russians to ''keep it under wraps" for the EMBARRASSMENT, LOL) -


so -- britbox -- let us not split hairs here. OBAMA IS A CREEP AND WAR CRIMINAL PRESIDENT. and there is NO need to make excuses or diffuse HIS criminality , deviousness nd deceit -- all of it in a basket with a tag named:


at the end of the day - THAT'S what the guy is. just a plain -- nobody who is a narcissist who happened to be 'president' .who thinks he's too good for anybody. and his actions and decisions and behavior demonstrate EXACTLY that.


My point was basically that there were far more hawkish voices in Washington regarding Syria and if Obama had rolled with those then the situation could have been a lot worse. The extent of direct Russian involvement back then was far less than it is now.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
My point was basically that there were far more hawkish voices in Washington regarding Syria and if Obama had rolled with those then the situation could have been a lot worse. The extent of direct Russian involvement back then was far less than it is now.

well == don't we i know that ? the fact that i don't necessarily list every single one of them here..doesn't mean i'm not aware == likely even more than anyof YOU here..about ''hawks" -- HECK -- i've been warning about these people since the 1990's to friends..long before anybody ws talking about words like

"neo-cons" since i didn't even know that word or 'neo-liberals' - lol.

but i sued to joke with drinking buddies - where i used to live around columbia university -- students going THERE that were such super-duper ''hawks" themselves -- u know - majoring in accounting, mangement, banking. gonna be wall street guys -- yeah -- exctly like that kind of people.
and i used to kid them? ;

"hey -- you guys -- i know you think being a musician - i know nothing and of course that's true -- not like you with your fancy diagrams and graphs and whatever you call it in banking and all that -- but i'll tell you -- that wall street of yours -- this ECONOMY of yours -- it's phantom value economics (my exact favorite phrse then -- -- a lot of it is FAKE wealth - make believe money - however you manage to turn it into buildings or big ships and bombs...and what you call assets...but somethign's wrong about THAT -- IT'S GONNA tumble down one day -- so big i'll be laughing...even if i'm poor...

and all this around us that you call free country//heck -- it's all over the wall the writing -- you just don't see it that way -- a POLICE STATE is what you have...and all this country seems to be wiaiting for is some kind of really big, dramatic something, like some tragedy and i warn you - some people pulling strings or whisering will come out of the woodwork that will turn this country into something you thought it would never go to".

i remember joking exactly along those lines while drinking with acquaintances. while they laughed at me...


so -- no need to tell me about 'there were more hawkish people" - there are the nulands, the boltons, the ones that served under bush, clinton herself,

but -- so WHAT? OBAMA himself is ONE and only a matter of difference in APPEARANCE...but enthusiastic in his OWN way of WAR - . THAT'S ALL there is to it.

i focus on him -- because he is NICE to focus on to showcase the starkness of his BOASTING and that ''chin-up see my beautiful handsome profile, folk? god how handsome i am -- just like the gift that god gave to all you waiting nobodies"!!

from his utter worthlessness like the REST of them.
as for 'vitriol?"

that\s a strange choice of word to describe my opprobrium about him and these people -- since it can easily imply as if to depict him and them in disdain is somehow a bit much -- but no -- THEY deserve even WORSE Disdain.

these are people - who govern a CRIMINAL institution and its many organizations - from its ''world leadership" of FAKE money financing FAKE ''leadership in civilization" -- who HAVE CAUSED untold misery to entire countries and directly or indirectly BILLIONS of people across the world...

and that's HARDLY an exaggeration. were their SINS against the world and humanity , the planet and anything that is to any extent decent in humanity ever counted one by one -- they'd be in hell over and over and over and over again endlessly -- each turn worse than the next Just to cover a downpayment on their debt to all that is decent.

and right now -- who are the others trying to be 'relevant' in their FAKE 'humanitarian cause" as they accuse russia in syria -- ? trying to COVER UP that thye ARE THE ARCHITECS AND BUILDERS of the terror that OTHERS have to clean up that they ACCUSE ?

not JUST the USA - BUT UK TOO - FRANCE. etc...

and -- in many ways -- so are their APOLOGISTS.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Obama: Leave Now and Never Come Back! | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Martin Berger

President Obama likes to pretend that he’s a sort of a moral leader.

In his head he must be the champion of decency and good grace, a man pointing America toward a broader vision, a fellow questing for social justice and contextual consideration.

In reality, he’s narcissistic and stupid.

Obama’s legacy is one of failure all around the world. He leaves office with a genocide in Syria on his record. Libya, meanwhile, remains a full-scale disaster area.

honest position has recently been expressed by the US media source known as Townhall. It notes that Obama came into office amidst grand promises to restore America’s place in the world. Нe’s failed. But at least he feels good about his accomplishments, even if hundreds of thousands have died in order to ensure his moral stature in his own mind.

What’s funny, it’s after the disastrous two terms in office, America’s Lame duck is still committed to empty attempts to damage US-Russian relations even further. This time around the White House introduced new sanctions against Russia for its alleged involvement in rigging the US presidential election. Additionally, a total of 35 Russian diplomats have been declared persona non grata, therefore, they are to be deported from the US in 72 hours after the declaration. At the same time, two diplomatic compounds in New York and Maryland are to be closed.

Frankly speaking, the world grew tired of the constant steam of lies unleashed by the sitting administration, and the delusional and groundless accusations of Russia using its hackers to somehow affect the situation in Washington. For the first time, stories about alleged involvement of Russian hackers in the internal affairs of the United States started appearing in the Western corporate media around six months ago. Back then they were used by the Obama administration to assist Hillary Clinton with her presidential campaign. When Hillary lost, the White House used to further damage US-Russian bilateral relations, even though no evidence has ever been presented to the media to back up the claim that Russians are in any way connected to the hacker attack. But everything that is hidden will one day be revealed.

On December 8, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced that the authorities of this state managed to track 10 separate cyberattacks on their network only to establish that they were launched by the Department of Homeland Security. But those claims were soon overshadowed by a string of new groundless accusations against Russia that were voiced by senior US officials.

It’s been announced that David Axelrod, the man behind Obama’s two election victories, has recently told reporters that Obama fails to accept the fact that Hillary’s defeat was a verdict on his view of where the country should be going. But Democrats don’t want you to know that the party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor’s mansions and Congress during Barack Obama’s presidency. Statistic reveals how Obama’s leadership was rough on the party’s grassroots. Democrats now hold the governor’s office and both legislative chambers in just five coastal states. The South Carolina state Senator Vincent Sheheen would note that what’s happened on the ground is that voters have been punishing Democrats for eight solid years — it’s been exhausting.

While Obama still in power, he wants to impose his model of treating Russia upon the Trump administration, by pushing US-Russian relations to an all time low. The Wall Street Journal has already noted that the latest sanctions that Obama introduced would be preventing Trump from joining Russia’s anti-terrorist effort in the Middle East. And Moscow is fully aware of this strategy, which becomes apparent if you take a look at the the statements that Russia’s officials are making.

The CNN was quick to announce that:

Russia swiftly responded to the actions Thursday. Russia will respond to any “hostile steps” that the US may take in response to allegations of hacking during the 2016 election, according to the official representative for the ministry.

Russia’s first visible action came later Thursday, when Russian authorities ordered the closure of the Anglo-American School of Moscow, a US official briefed on the matter said. The order from the Russian government closes the school, which serves children of US, British and Canadian embassy personnel, to US and foreign nationals. The order also closes access to the US embassy vacation house in Serebryany Bor, near Moscow.

However, it turned out to be a lie, and what else could one expect from this mouthpiece of Washington’s propaganda. Moscow doesn’t have any plans to close anything or take any retaliatory steps in response for Washington’s provocation. As it’s been stated by Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin, Moscow will not expel anyone, as it perceives the new unfriendly steps of the outgoing US administration as provocative moves to further undermining the Russian-American relations. Putin would add, that while reserving the right to responsive measures, Russian government will not fall to the level of “kitchen,” irresponsible diplomacy,” while adding that Moscow will not create any problems for American diplomats. Here, a worthy answer of a worthy politician!

As for Obama and his “kitchen nightmares,” which he and Hillary Clinton are so fond of, human history has little to no room for him and his “legacy”. Today most people both in the US and across the world have one phrase in store for Obama: “Leave now and never come back!”

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Even Republicans are shocked by Trumps cozying up to the Russians:

Republican operative and prominent #NeverTrump activist Rick Wilson took to Twitter last night to eviscerate our treasonous president-elect and all the lapdog sellvote Republicans that are turning their backs on the values they pretended to whole and the country they profess to love. In a truly epic series of tweets, Wilson calls out Republicans for their eager embrace of conspiracy theories but refuse to accept the cold hard facts – that Putin’s Russia interfered in our election to get Trump elected.

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