US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015






Apr 22, 2013
I'm no fan of Buchanan, but it's hard to disagree with the hypocrisy of NATO encroachment into Russia's near abroad.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'm not sure that Pat Buchanan is worthy of quoting. He's always just been a self-serving rage-meister. Also is a Russia propaganda arm. Is this reliable news?

Buchanan used to be a CNN guy so I'm fast arriving that #fakenews is pretty much beginning to align with "news I do not like".
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Hey @Federberg... what do you think of Louse Mensch? I used to think she had some promise but after following her on Twitter, I can only conclude she's an unhinged nutcase.


Apr 22, 2013
^Lol! First of all she's a bit hot. But yes she seems a bit desperate to remain relevant with those tweets. Can't even get most of the "facts" right. I'm assuming you ask about her here because she's based in New York now?:lol6:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Yeah, she's a looker... I remember her from when the Tories tried to blood some women into the party and she seemed to be reasonable. She quit her job as MP and moved to the States... stole somebody's husband and the rest is history... Clearly trying to re-define herself with tweets every ten seconds... including attacking Russia militarily at all costs... A screaming banshee.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Buchanan used to be a CNN guy so I'm fast arriving that #fakenews is pretty much beginning to align with "news I do not like".

CNN publicly apologized to JULIAN ASSANGE -- the moment he threatened to bring them to court for defamation -- inserting that he is a ''known pedophile" thinking THEY could UP the ante on smearing him. lo.l


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
‘RT frustrates Washington by providing Americans with facts to make informed decisions’ – VA senator
Washington is afraid of losing control over the information flow that reaches the American public, and the US intelligence report bashes RT because all facts, allegedly conveyed by the Kremlin, were accurate, Virginia Senator Richard Black told RT.

RT: What is your take on the RT bashing in the report. Do you think it's justified to call a media platform a tool of the government without any solid proof?

Richard Black: The challenge that the intelligence agencies have had is principally focused on Syria. RT news has been the only credible mainstream media dealing with the Syrian conflict. The rest, the American mainstream media, the British mainstream media have almost uniformly presented fake news repeatedly.

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I think they are very troubled that all of a sudden here is the news agency that presents accurate facts to people. And it has had an effect. And I think that is their big concern. That they are no longer being able to totally control the information that flows to the American public.

RT: The media has already reacted to the release. It took little to no time to point the finger, did it?

RB: No, it did not. And it is interesting that there was a comment in the report that said no single intercept was a smoking gun that Russia meant to benefit Trump.

I have no doubt that President Putin was quite pleased when Trump won because Hillary Clinton was extraordinary bellicose. It was clear she was willing to walk military force up to the line and risk a nuclear war.

The fact that now we have Trump who is willing to mend relations all of the sudden… This is important for Russia because they need to know what is going to come, what the outcome of the election will be, because if Trump wins they can spend more money on roads, and schools, and healthcare.

If Hillary won, they would have to massively shift to defense, to national defense, to improving nuclear weapons and things of that sort. So it is important. There is no question all countries try to penetrate and find out what is going on the other side.

What really bothered Hillary Clinton is some of the information which was disclosed. For example the fact that there was corruption in the debates which are enormously important in the elections. And she was given advance notice of the questions. Trump was not given advance notice of the questions. This was embarrassing to her and embarrassing to the Democrats. And they did not like the fact.

I don't think there has been any allegation and anything that might have come through Russian channels was false. It is simply frustration that accurate information reached the American people and they were able to make decisions based on it.

RT: Citing their sources, the report claims it has “high level of confidence,” yet it shouldn’t be taken as a fact. What’s your take on this?

RB: Well, I think Donald Trump pointed out that they had a very high level of confidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Later on, President Bush was forced to state publicly on national television that we were wrong, that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

So high level of confidence, you know, means that ‘yeah, it probably happened’, but it does not mean that it did happen. And they had admitted – there is no single intercept that was a smoking gun, in other words, there was no absolute proof.

And in fact, it troubled me, that they relied on the fact that they detected that the inner circle in Russia was very pleased that Trump was elected president.

Well, I was very pleased that Trump was elected president, so I’m not sure, am I guilty of hacking because of that? I find that to be no proof whatsoever. And it is troubling that an intelligence agency would rely on that as proof.

RT: With such little evidence, how are people expected to take this report seriously?

RB: I do not know enough about the report. But I think the key things are: it had no impact whatsoever on the election; nothing false was put out if anything was put out.

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And you know, to me the fact that nations try to spy on other nations, to know what is going on. This has been going on for thousands of years, nothing new. And it will be going on thousands of years from now. So to me, this is kind of a non-story. It is hyped up by the Obama administration.

And also you are starting to see some collision between Trump and the intelligence agencies. The intelligence agencies have been almost a government unto themselves. And I think for the first time they are seeing that perhaps they are going to have a president who is going to question what they are doing a little bit more thoroughly.

I think it is always a healthy thing. I'm not saying that anything that they do is bad or incompetent. Clearly, they are a bloated organization. Many, many, many facets to the intelligence departments in Washington. They need to slim them down severely I think. That will probably make them more efficient and they'll come out with better products.

But in any event, I think Trump has put it really well. He said, 'this is over, we need to move on to other things.' And the other thing we need to move on to – it is absolutely vital – to word peace, that we begin to forge a good relationship with Russia.
We need to back away from a possible nuclear war. We have been moving closer and closer to the limits. It is not worth it and I think president-elect Trump understands this and I think he is going to forge a much more powerful relationship between the two countries.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
USA SENATOR RICHARD BLACK -- a vietnam war veteran -- retired military officer...

to explain why geostrategically important Philippines -- a long-time ''ally" of the usa (filipinos consider it an occupation, frankly - the enforced american rule to follow american policies in all global affairs for 100 years) has recently ''shocked" the world as the new president has ''turned to china and russia" ...

stuff Moxie won't find in CNN ..except that ''oh - another budding dictator that has to be removed" -- by american ''democracy"

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
USA SENATOR RICHARD BLACK -- a vietnam war veteran -- retired military officer...

to explain why geostrategically important Philippines -- a long-time ''ally" of the usa (filipinos consider it an occupation, frankly - the enforced american rule to follow american policies in all global affairs for 100 years) has recently ''shocked" the world as the new president has ''turned to china and russia" ...

a quyuick primer on the recent ''philippines drift to china and russia" --

duterte came to power last year - june campaigning on stopping the pandemic of drug addiction that has been ignored for 20 years -- now reaching 4 million addicts until he last year -- and IS destroying the fabric of society -- duterte had a record of cleaning this up - including crime and kidnappings in his southern big city of davao as repeat mayor and governor - which transformed the southern region from a near destruction to - today the fastest developing and safest city and province - with an international economic growth rate at 9 perccent -- rturn of safety etc...he is now applying it nationally...

in order to re-establish proper governance, firing dozens of national and provincial officials for well-known corruption - AND ties to drug lords...etc. etc.

as a result of this very aggressive ''war on drug lords" -- he is criticized by the USA, UN, EU -- for ''crimes against humanity and extra-judicial killings" .
that is the root of the ''quarrel" from duterte towards obama, USA - etc...and in which duterte has not hesitated to display globally - and to counterparts in ASIAN countries, to china and russia -- archive photos and history of american soldiers committim genocides, massacres, torture -- internment slave camps100 years control the islands for their rich resources...and cheap labor...

and of course citing "war crimes? me? they are going to come here and interrogate me? i tell them -- come - UN rapporteur -- USA officials, lawyers from harvard and cornell...come -- BUT do not question me in private as you have requested in letters -- you will question me in PUBLIC -- across the table where the whole world can see -- bring your evidence -- and I WILL QUESTION all of you in turn -- we will then DEBATE...and you will explain to ME and my people -- what you have been doing to IRAQ, SYRIA, LIBYA, AFGHANISTAN, UKRAINE, SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA, and country after country with your changing reasons -- - and THEN we will talk about your crocodile tears about extra-jdicial killings -- and then you will explain to me and the world , you will also explain to me what your soldiers are doing around china and russia while you accuse them of aggression..and threats...

-- in front of everyone - LIVE -- how you are killing BLACK people simply for being black -- which is your ''evidence" that they are COME and question me..

come and send your fancy title harvard lawyers and play semantics and legalistic terms with will be a direct -- no holds barred exchange -- unlike your habitual way of controlling every public speech you all make -- you american monkeys..and hypocrites..."

''as for threatening me that you will cut off AID to my country? because of supposedly my authoritarian tendencies? - and your crocodile tears? -- what is that ? 500 million dollars? you have given that to the corrupt officials for decades and it never arrives to where it is supposed to go -- the poor and small businesses and projects because you really don't care -- it is your bribe to our corrupt officials who will say YES SIR, YES MA-AM To every policy Uncle Sam dictates such as pushing my country to war with china and next -- what/ against russia? they have done nothing wrong to US -- it is YOU americans that have SQUATTED in my country for over a hundred years and RAN AWAY with the FAT of the you do in the middle east and africa and many other countries...

"500 million dollars? and now refusing to sell me light arms - that my soldiers and police need to replace our very old worn out rifles to fight terrorism financed in the south by Your terrorist financing allies and trained by yoru CIA? do you think i don't know what you have been doing? the philipines is where you first PERFECTED these methods of makikng OTHER PEOPLE fight each other and fight FOR YOU and your american empire..."

"500 million ? not selling me the weapons we need here for internal security , law and order and destroying drug lords and pushers and kidnappers for ransom -- that are destroying the future of my country and our youth and families and communities and you TALK to me about extra-judicial killings/ ? this is NOT your country -- and you can't even fix your own social and economic problems and racial problems and unemployment problems and you LECTURE me AND THE WORLD about how to be civilized?

"forget it -- i don't want you money -- none of it -- china ALREADY has build - in less than 2 months flat a 10,000 person REHAB facility - and a second one is already going up -- after a mere one week meeting that theyoffered -- free -- NO STRINGS ATTACHED, no meddling on our affairs - respecting that we know best what our problems are and what we need to prioritize --

and CHINA already signed with us - XI JINPING of china - who is polite and sincere unlike your leaders who are condescending to the world and insincere --

no less than 50 -- 50 BILLION dollars in the next five years alone to help my country with investments , REAL projects for development that my people can benefit from and very soft loans because THEY undetstand I have no money and it is difficult for us...

''unlike YOU americans -- who come here - strip our land of minerals, and nothing else...and you are BRAGGING about your 500 million so-called AID ?"
"go away - talk to me only if you learn respect for others..".

"russia and President Putin and Prime MINISTER MEDVEDEV already are jus twaiting for the winter to be over because i can not adjust to the cold weather so that i can visit moscow - and are offering to partner with my country - and offer assistance in any way we need that they can provide --from arms and the best technology - to projects, economy, trade, tourism , security, and common defense and fighting terrorism FOR REAL -- unlike your PRETEND fight against terror, against drugs, - YOU HYPOCRITES".


NOTE _ several WESTERN JOURNALISTS -- from BBC, GERMANY, FRANCE, USA -- CNN - etc...have already ''interrogated" duterte -- with their questions - just like they do -- to PUTIN --

and duterte ALWAYS SHUTS THEM UP with their contradictions - lol.


it should be noted that as soon as he expressed intent to ''PURSUE AN INDEPENDENT FOREIGN POLICY " as well as to ask china and russia for assistance in fighting terrorism in southern philippines (that other AL QAEDA project of the USA ) - ASKING american SOLDIERS TO LEAVE and ending US-philippine military exercises ("what for? against china? we dont' want quarrels with china - ONLY the USA wants us to quarrel with china..i am not permitting that") -

WALLSTREET, washington post, NY times -- the USUAL MSM -- predicted ''investors will leave the philippines -- the economy will tank".

OPPOSITE happened....
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
'Dear CIA!': RT Editor-in-Chief Mocks Accusations of 'Kremlin Propaganda'
17:48 07.01.2017(updated 18:29 07.01.2017) Get short URL

“Russia’s state-run propaganda machine—comprised of its domestic media apparatus, outlets targeting global audiences such as RT and Sputnik, and a network of quasi-government trolls—contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences,” the report, jointly prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency, said.

It directly accuses RT and Sputnik Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan of links to the Kremlin.

Simonyan was quick to mock the report as “shallow,” failing to name the sources and based on dated and/or false intelligence.


In 2001, I was 21 and was covering Crimean elections. Back in those days, pro-Russian sentiment there was as high as always. My two-week stint over, it didn’t go anywhere. Consider this.

We have Sputnik branches working across the former Soviet Union. They are run by my deputy and onetime boyfriend Andrei Blagodyrenko. I offered him the job after we broke up. It was on his guard that Sputnik's popularity there went through the roof in fresh proof of the well-known fact that Russian propaganda is made in bed. Consider this.

I’ve had several meetings with Julian Assange – a hard fact, CCTV cameras outside the Ecuadorean embassy in London can attest to. We met in London. Consider this.

© Sputnik/ Evgeny Biyatov

In 2013, RT became the first news channel ever to get 1 billion views on YouTube. Looks like YouTube users worldwide already had their accounts all hacked by Russian net runners, because if they hadn’t then how come so many people are ready to buy what 'Russian propaganda' tells them? Consider this.

[First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Presidential Administration] Alexei Gromov is really my contact in the Kremlin. We often see each other, sometimes at a bar. I prefer German beer, he goes for Russian vodka. Consider this.

Once he gave me a basket of mushrooms. Then a State Department staffer dropped by to enjoy a plateful of fried mushrooms, which I made him believe was a traditional Russian delicacy. Consider this.

A year ago we showed that after they retired, Obama and Kerry would be watching RT at home and crying. This video is available online. Consider this.

And last but not least, at the tender age of 15 I went to study in the US as part of a school exchange program paid for by US taxpayers. Donald Trump was a very big taxpayer then. Consider this too," Simonyan wrote in her livejournal.

© AP Photo/ Andrew Harnik

The report, jointly prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency, also accused RT and Sputnik of “consistently casting President-elect Trump as the target of unfair coverage from traditional US media outlets subservient to a corrupt political establishment.”

“We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him,” the CIA/FBI/NSA report claimed.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
''FOR YEARS AND YEARS -- as we expressed our concern about USA AND NATO MILITARY BUILD-UP on our borders -- WHICH ARE EXACTLY in the same configuration as that 75 years ago WHEN HITLER AND THE FASCISTS INVADED OUR COUNTRY --

THE USA AND NATO kept insisting Their Missile defense was intended against IRAN thosuands of miles away from EUROPE -- now they have even called it a victory of policy that IRAN is , after all, not really a threat to europe --

but their NATO/USA bases and installations and troop buld-up continue on our borders -- -- AND stripped of their other excuse -- it has always been clear that their real target has been Russia itself...just like in World War 2 from the WEST..

"in short -- THEY LIED"

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Trump: The US President the World Deserved Emerges | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Phil Butler
President elect Donald Trump may end up being the genius president Americans envisioned for decades. While detractors and enemies attribute his election victory to everything from “deplorable” American voters to Russian President Vladimir Putin, recent moves by Trump hint at greatness. Here’s my theory on the man who will be president.

Being Trump has never hurt Donald Trump, not in the long run. Look at the chauvinist side of the man during his run for the presidency and this will become more clear. The people who voted for him, men and women alike, are the silent majority sick unto death of extreme liberalism and the trend towards transgender. If it’s fair to claim Trump is sexist or homophobe even, then it’s equally fair to blame ultra-liberalism and special interests like the LGBT community for their own excesses. And in this light, Donald Trump’s locker room comments and seeming extremism was played brilliantly. Honesty, even in a flawed human being, is something to cling to these days. As for Donald Trump’s brilliance, it keeps on shining. My point is, Trump is All American, the billionaire flamboyant most normal people would end up being, and the president typical Americans can really identify with. Californians aside, we always admired the Trump stereotype.

When I heard that Former CIA Director James Woolsey was named to Trump’s transition team, I was at first apprehensive a former Clinton minion was put in such a key role. Woolsey, who’s also a devout Russia adversary, did not seem to fit into the international détente picture Mr. Trump was laying out. Unless Woolsey were on board to help renegotiate a new version of SALT, his knowledge of “the Russians” via his past roles seemed the only logical reason for his selection. Well today Woolsey is gone, which leads me to believe Trump is smarter than even I envisioned. Rumor has it, the former CIA Director was increasingly sidelined by Trump and soon-to-be national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. This leads me to believe Woolsey was there to have his brain picked, his allegiances studied, and so that Trump could better ascertain the “swamp” he promised to drain. For make no mistake, the corruption that is Washington today is protected by the world’s most massive and intricate intelligence community. Trump knows this, and we can see the game shaping up in the intelligence briefings over alleged Russian cyberwarfare. An article on The Slate lends credence to my theory quoting “sources” close to the situation:

“Woolsey had grown increasingly uncomfortable lending his name and credibility to the transition team without being consulted. Woolsey was taken aback by this week’s reports that Trump is considering revamping the country’s intelligence framework, said these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly… The person close to Woolsey described him as having chafed at Trump’s loose style on Twitter. They described Woolsey as a “very principled” diplomat who takes care to communicate the right message with just the right words.”

It is my belief Donald Trump has every intention of doing just what he said he would, only the intelligence community has to be revamped simultaneously with draining the politics at the bottom of the pond. If people like Senator John McCain and South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham need to be flushed along with the Clintons and Obamas, then the agents and the companies, and the whole colluded mess must be flushed out. Maybe my metaphors are extreme, but somehow I don’t think so. This week the intelligence community is testifying before McCain and the others, but Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr.’s testimony on Thursday lacked any substance at all. A 50 page report by the nation’s top spy officials was given to outgoing President Obama the same day, and Mr. Trump received it today. These intelligence sources say they had identified the link between the Russian-backed hack of the DNC and Wikileaks, but so far no concrete proof has been shown to the public.

Woolsey leaving the Trump team is a warning sign as well as a positive indicator. An interview the former CIA boss gave CNN (via RealClearPolitics) recently gives us clues of the coming Washington conflict. As the far left hammers out the message of an illegitimate Trump presidency over nebulous Russia interference, signs Trump is about to put a boot in the butt to brass at Langley, at the FBI, in the NSA and elsewhere shows in Woolsey’s departure too. The man does not want to get caught in the firefight, by his own admission he is too cautious for that. Whether Woolsey’s leaving is on his own accord or Trump’s, most experts believe the proverbial “sh__ is about to hit the fan” in Washington.

Four Tweets in succession by Trump are telling of his genius as well.

The incoming president quizzed his Twitter followers: “How did NBC get “an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented?” Who gave them this report and why? Politics!” Indeed, it appears the forces arrayed against the will of the American people are not from Moscow. A second and third Tweet hints at the deeper intelligence Trump claimed he had on the Russian hacking issue, the President-elect quarried:

“The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia…… So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?”

What is going on? Two weeks to inauguration and Washington is coming unhinged. This make me wonder at the real depth of the “swamp” Trump framed as our nation’s capital. My question is; “What are these people really guilty of?” At the same time the outgoing regime wages a spooky war on an incoming president, the future American leader is shaking up the world corporate mechanism. Trump warned Toyota in another Tweet on building cars for America in Mexico. The man is not even in office and the globalism that gutted American workers is being reversed. My feeling is, this man scares the hell out of those who ruined the world economy, the bankers and Cold War dinosaurs.

I am not one for making predictions, but the day Donald Trump walks into the Oval Office as Commander in Chief, America will be on the road to recovering from a well disguised disaster. I was taken by something former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said the other day.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear, because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation.”

Gingrich went on to say we would eventually need a microscope to find Obama’s legacy by the time Trump and the Republican congress is done. Meanwhile the owned leftist media presents the vast scope of America’s intelligence knowhow by showing “intercepts” of rich Russians celebrating when Trump won the election? Yes, you read it correctly. The Washington Post and others are reporting America’s super spooks are using cheering Russian officials congratulated themselves on the outcome as part of their assessment to Obama and to Trump! Let that sink in. Let is sink in good.

If you can hear Dmitry Peskov patting Vladimir Putin on the back and handing him a glass of water to calm the Russian President’s laughing-choking spasm, you may be with me in wondering at what kind of morons we put in charge the last 8 years. These nincompoops are ready to overthrow our Constitution, start World War III, and risk an American civil war over happy Russians who did not want a psychopath as US president! Now you see the brilliance of Donald Trump running his own Twitter, don’t you?

Stay tuned for the next episode.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



NOT ENTIRELY SURE yet about trump-- he has to prove himself -- and by that , prove TO THE WORLD THAT THE USA is ending its TERRORIST STATE IMPERIAL FASCISM....

whose LAST ''YES-WE CAN" dear leader -has been - and a REAL ''has-been" he proves to be -- OBAMA.

SO -- we'll see. but regardless -- seeing O-wanna-Lead but Never did BAMA go and never come back -- is one heck of a relief....




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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
however -- THE USA EMPIRE is an example of a saying (although not necessarily was always true) -

but a GOOD example of the saying:


CNN,washington post, NY tIMES, AMERICAN MSM , politicians, obama ''we are exceptional" - etc et. cetc. quite make a good display of it.....and much of the population............being the LAST to know.........
As We Move Into 2017: The Cracks in the Empire are Here... How will the U.S. Empire Dissolve?
By Jan Oberg
The old years went – in as little a time as it takes to turn around and see who is tapping you on your shoulder. And it is the new, the next year.

I hope it will pass too – in as little time as it takes for me to turn my head and look forward again – because the face of 2017 doesn’t look good or kind to me.

Neither do the next ten or so years.

Beyond that the world will become a better place. If, that is, if we survive and don’t destroy it all.

It is actually already becoming a better place!

The thing that has too pass – or pass away – is the United States Empire.

In a few years it will go the way Rome and all the rest plus the Ottoman, British and Soviet empires did. No empire lasts forever.

But before we go for it – a video from Beirut, December 2016:

Some indicators of Empire dissolution

The indicators, the cracks, in the Empire are there for all to see – the Americans and other Westerners will be the last and remain in denial for some time until the discrepancy between the self-image and the reality, the self-delusion, has grown too big. Like East Germany or Russia at in the early 1980s.

The rest of the world, the non-West sees some of these cracks quite clearly:

• Lost regions such as the Middle East

• All wars lost since Vietnam, human and economic costs to the US itself tremendous, beyond imagination.

• Much lower share of the world economy than 40-50 years ago

• Ever deeper income differences known to be harmful to any society.

• About 20% of the people living under the poverty line.

• Ghettoisation, dilapidated cities and infrastructure.

• Loss of hope and positive vision – so much social anger.

• Relatively declining status in the arts and market prices – the Chinese again…

• Loss of credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the rest of the world – oh, remember the 1950s and 1960s!

• Repeated violations of the UN Charter and international law with the excuse of being “exceptionalist” – standing over and above the law, beyond everybody else.

• By any statistics the most killing country with the most interventions, occupations, regime changes and arms exports to all corners, 600+ military facilities in 130+ countries, special assassination troops in as many, drone warfare and the Global War on Terror that has increased terrorism 80 times since 9/11 2001.

Obviously a system that can neither survive in the long run nor remain loved by the world. Too many wounds, too many traumas in its wake. And no apologies.

• The soap opera-, reality show-like presidential campaign that documents that while good candidates for the US and the world were available – Jill Stein in particular – the two main competitors should carry names like Pest and Cholera – most people voting on one to avoid the other. But now enthusiasm whatsoever.

A morally corrupted political system in which only material issues and things below the belt was debated; economically corrupt politics in which you can get nowhere unless you are a multi-billionaire or let yourself being bought by some.

• As an Empire, the US has been teaching people and countries lessons over 7 decades. It’s consumed itself – because # 1 in a system never learns. It teaches, only. The pupils have tired – in Asia, in the Middle East, in Russia, in Africa and, long ago, in South America.

How tragic! The US could have promoted the Beloved Community à la Martin Luther King at the global level. Been the world power for good. If anybody could, it was the one.

It chose not to.

• Obama – in spite of the good that may be said about him – has been conducting war in more days than any other president in the history of the US- while president Eisenhower in his farewell speech in January 1961 warned that the Military-Industrial Complex could devastate the republic if not brought under tight democratic control.

It is that complex which has gained strength ever since and become the Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex – MIMAC – that has won the battle about America’s destiny, not the Beloved Community.

The confrontational bullying, the violence and the war have won, not the benign power, not the trust, common good and peace.

Now it’s the time for the US to learn and become a benevolent republic, a strong innovative society without the self-inflicted burden of being Master of everybody’s destiny but only that of the Americans.

What a relief it will be for them and for the rest of us.

Here is brilliant Chris Hedges’ sardonic summary of the inner-American crisis:


The essential future question: How will the US Empire dissolve?

Regrettably, the West has no Gorbachev – an innovator and visionary with an ethics of cooperation and doing good.

We have one decent, principled – but despised – leader, Angela Merkel. And she is not at the level of a Willy Brandt, Bruno Kreisky, Uhro Kekkonen, Olof Palme or whatever great personality some of us have witnessed.

Without it being an analogy but: What would Hitler have done there in his bunker when he recognised that his Empire was over, had he had nuclear weapons and a button to press?

Gorbachev presided over the least violent dissolution of an empire with its Warsaw Pact. Who can do the same for the Western Empire – the US, and with it, NATO?

Too hard a question to even raise, perhaps?

In the extreme best of cases, Donald Trump will focus on the republic and on making that great again. That would be great for the Americans and for us – all of us who were never anti-American but anti-Empire.

A benign interpretation would be that he is critical to Empire-maintenance and will fight fewer hopeless and self-destructive battles abroad.

That will be good – and something one could not reasonably expect of a neo-conservative, interventionist hawk by the name of Hillary Clinton and her husband back in the White House corridors, one of the most belligerent presidents in modern times but charming it away.

Whaat? Yes, he ignored all promises made to Gorbachev to not expand NATO “an inch” and thus sowed the seeds of the Ukraine crisis today; he bombed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia and Sudan, upheld – with Madeleine Albright’s historic defence – the sanctions on Iraq after 500,000 innocent Iraqis were known to have died. And he had no problems letting his ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraith, mastermind the ethnic cleansing of the Croatian Serbs out of Croatia in 1995.

Over the clouds, the skies are always blue…

So, the next ten or so years are going to be interesting in the Chinese sense of that word.

Forget about extrapolating the future from the past, forget about order and common sense. Most things under the sky will have to get worse before citizens and – new – leaders take sufficient action in sufficiently many countries to make the world a better place.

But hey – over the clouds, the sky is always blue – as any flight passenger knows.

Here’s some elements of the way I – try to – perceive the future:

Now 65, I believe it’s going to be difficult times until I’m 75. And then I look forward to some 25 or more years – who knows, 100 years is the new 80!? – where I believe I will see things like these:

• The US Empire will be the last – no country or culture in its right mind will try to influence or rule the whole world – and, if so, surely not through full-spectrum dominance and predominantly military means.

• The world crisis will give us some blows – unpredictably and surprisingly – that will re-introduce humility and encourage community. The “I” generation, the blind materialism of eternal growth and materialist greed will vanish. Gandhi will – again – be proved right: “There is enough in the world for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed.”

• We’ll see a multi-polar world emerge – a world where citizens will connect ever more and criss-crossing, in which the nation state, nationalism and national party-based parliaments will disappear and a new global democracy will emerge. Co-operative structures all over – a passion for the common good and not for only “me and my good”.

• The vertical world order will change to horizontalism spearheaded first of all by the new Silk Road and Silk Belt projects from China through Asia, to the Middle East, the Balkans (Serbia and Greece, not the EU), all of Africa and, eventually, over to South America. Through infrastructure building – fast transport and communication – it will link the new world through cultural and business projects and bring people in touch about cooperation and common building – not split them in warfare and making send thousands of refugees running for asylum.

That’s one of the most visionary – if not the only – ideas encompassing and touching a large majority of the world and doing so for the common good.

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma has already done the new Silk Road Project – connecting people through the arts to increase global understanding. Much more will come – culture in a broad sense becoming as important as economics.

• Of course the Middle East – freed from the Sykes-Picot policies one hundred years ago (1916) will thrive as a new economic community with all it has in common. Instead of fighting about, say, water resources it will build its own Islamic economies, trade and prosper. Of course, again, they have more in common to build on than what separates them.

And Israel will finally let the whole region be free of nuclear weapons – because it can live more in peace without being an occupying fortress. Saudi-Arabia will transform itself radical or dissolve into the dessert…

Iran will become the new Switzerland of the Middle East – the one who is different, helpful to the world and becomes a mediator and meeting place. Why should everybody go to Geneva and only there, a foreign place to most?

And oh, left to themselves and freed from Western divide-and-rule, the Muslim nation will build bridges between Shia and Sunni – and turn against those, like Daesh/ISIS, who are only misusing religion for political purposes.

And Kazakhstan with its consistent peace-with-neighbours policies and having freed itself of all old nukes, will – in spite of being old-fashioned authoritarian in its leadership – remain and grow as a meeting place.

• We’ll move away from the post-literate, marketing-based and simplifying media and education system that has developed the last 20 or so years with far too much disconnected information, less and less emphasis on comprehensive knowledge and never reaching the level of wisdom.

• The world will harness the best of new connectivity, communicate and collaborate more across all old lines – no more walls! We’ll learn and interact on the Internet and tablets, all cell phones will be sold with educational apps – including an app with the basic principles of nonviolence peace-making.

Most likely human creativity will explode worldwide when schools are de-schooled, universities become multi-versities and human creativity is set free from all old “correct” ways of thinking.

Authoritarian states and fake or pseudo democracies: Watch the writing on the wall!

• Will there still be war and violence when I turn 100? Probably yes – like there will be diseases too. But much less – because we have switched balanced.

It will no longer be a world in which the UN has US$ 30 billion to work with and the military US $ 2000 billion. Thanks to the global crisis, humanity will have recognised that the opposite proportions are much better for us all. It simple ethics and empathy in one.

And if we can’t make that change, ask yourself whether we deserve to survive as species.

• The values will change too – Christian values will be there but no longer in its missionary mode but much more in a world that blends Islam’s peace philosophy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Quakerism and the non-violent, stronger sides of all religions coming together – eucumenism and Gandhian eclecticism. Theocratic states will disappear.

Gandhi’s 7 sins or dangers will of course (have to) disappear – each of us can do some of it; new policies and mass mobilisation in his spirit, the rest:


• The last and obvious need is to replace the repairing evil society with the preventive good society.

For whatever reason we operate and propagate to others a developmentphilosophy that is not only impractical and anti-economic but also evil:

We do all the wrong things and then have to repair the damage instead of abstaining from at least some of that wrongdoing in the first place.


We fight wars as the first option instead of trying peaceful means first; then we have to re-build destroyed societies (Mostar or Aleppo will not be the same after such a re-building, it will be a replica only).

We kill people and then have to go through all the inner pain, punishment and – generation long reconciliation and forgiveness processes and other healing. And always fear that the things we did will be remembered, create traumas and or wish for revenge?
Wouldn’t it simply be easier to not kill in the first place – for instance talk?

And we harm people and whole societies and then some of them turn up at our door as asylum seekers? What do we do? We slam the door and not only behave in an inhuman selfish way, we also show the rest of the world that we are brutes rather than helpers.
If we want to lower the ever increasing figures for refugees and internally displaced people, we just stop wars, killing and destruction and the rest will be migrants, not refugees.

We extract resources, produce and consume in ways that are absolutely non-sustainable in the long run – and we have known it since world future reports were written in the 1970s.
Then we have to invent a huge new re-cycling industry and try to repair nature in the same tempo as we destroy it – which isn’t possible with an eternal material growth philosophy.

As Danish philosopher and novelist Villy Sørensen once shall have said: “There are no limits to quality but there are always limits to quantity.” Is that really so difficult to comprehend?

This philosophy will also lead to an ever increasing number of environmental refugees. At some point – we are far from there – the whole things becomes unbearable and conflicts will blow up – not because of the refugees per se but because of our short-sighted brutal policies.

Just think of the many consequences you action may have before you act – and much harm could be avoided and more happiness and cooperation develop.

We eat and drink and smoke in ways that are unhealthy and then have to get repaired – or we die early. What about preventing diseases while you sit at the table and take a walk afterwards?

To move from the evil repair society to the prevention and happy society could be called smart living. It would be a key to reducing most of all the types of violence – the consequences of which we are battling in these dark times.

As Pogo says so fittingly…


Spend your new year in developing your hopes and visions. On being forsomething and don’t accept the rampant fearology practised on you in these times. We are in crisis, deep crisis, yes – but it isn’t hopeless yet.

Fearlessness is a key!

Happy new – visionary – year!


– just look at the world and imagine it a little differently and the sky is blue…
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Buchanan used to be a CNN guy so I'm fast arriving that #fakenews is pretty much beginning to align with "news I do not like".
I absolutely distinguish between "fake news" and "news I don't like." Buchanan was making an opinion, which is all he does, and isn't's punditry. I trust you not to get slippery on the "fake news" issue, but you have to start with distinguishing "news" from "opinion."


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I absolutely distinguish between "fake news" and "news I don't like." Buchanan was making an opinion, which is all he does, and isn't's punditry. I trust you not to get slippery on the "fake news" issue, but you have to start with distinguishing "news" from "opinion."

The problem is a lot of opinion is packaged as news. You can read two news articles from different sources reporting on the same news and come out with totally different commentary.

For instance, is the news RT is reporting on wrong? I'd say in general, no it isn't... but of course have to recognise the slant being put on it and it is without a doubt pro-Russian... Likewise, I read CNN reporting, particularly of late and accept they have a forceful agenda also... they backed Clinton heavily and lost.

I like reading both because you get more balance.... and I like Wikileaks because there is no commentary whatsoever - just source documents.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The problem is a lot of opinion is packaged as news. You can read two news articles from different sources reporting on the same news and come out with totally different commentary.

For instance, is the news RT is reporting on wrong? I'd say in general, no it isn't... but of course have to recognise the slant being put on it and it is without a doubt pro-Russian... Likewise, I read CNN reporting, particularly of late and accept they have a forceful agenda also... they backed Clinton heavily and lost.

I like reading both because you get more balance.... and I like Wikileaks because there is no commentary whatsoever - just source documents.
No, editorial is opinion and should be read as such. Anyone who doesn't is irresponsibly reading the news. And I agree that reaching for more than one source is valuable, because one or the other will have a slant. I really like The Economist for no slant other than an economics-bent. As to commentary, but they chose what to leak and what not to. You have to admit that. That's a slant in itself.
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