of course -- NOW that CBS -- one of the american MSM that helped along all THE LIES AND WAR CRIMES by the USA for decades now --
are VERY LIKELY trembling terror of TRUMP FOR his defiance of THEIR heapingup on him and for their wanting MORE WARS ...
so -- it is quite obvious their honchos are just preparing themselves to be on his good side..her
but lo and behold -- they are FORCED to ACKNOWLEDGE ALL THE LIES -- including and ABOVE ALL -- BY THE CIA that HILLARY LOVES SO MUCH for her dreamed of wars that OBAMA was supposed to HAND to her -- to ADD to HIS lying wars...for THEIR DEEP STATE , very, very rich masters like the rockefellers, rothschilds, soros, morgan,s duponts, etc...
and WHY? BECAUSE TRUTH WILL OUT no matter how much the WESTERN MSM thought they were SO in control of the 'narrative" for decades and decades..
because fact is REALITY IS A BITCH , ain't it?
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Russia Hack Story Collapses - Even Mainstream TV Like CBS Are Ripping it Apart (Video)
Mark Becker 
1 hour ago | 235
You know you are in trouble when local mainstream TV affiliates start ripping up your narrative.
Well, that is exactly what is happening out there in fly-over country, home to prowling tribes of 'deplorables'.
Really, this isn't that surprising - the neocon establishment has gotten just about everything else wrong this year, why expect anything different just because a few weeks have passed.
Grab some popcorn and enjoy watching this local Atlanta anchor explain to average Americans that it looks like the CIA is lying, which incidentally, they have a rich history of doing.
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Text of his remarks follows:
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the American Mirror:
“By now you’ve heard that the CIA is sure that Russia did hack the DNC and John Podesta’s emails with the intent of swaying the election toward Donald Trump,†Swann said.
“But what most media isn’t doing is actually asking for evidence of these claims,†he said. “I’m going to give you five problems with what the CIA is saying.â€
The first problem revolves around how the information about the alleged hacking was released.
“The CIA did not officially release this information, rather anonymous sources inside the CIA leaked this conclusion to The Washington Post on Friday, and then another anonymous source leaked the same conclusion to the New York Times,†Swann said.
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He quoted the Post’s claim that a “secret assessment†into the Democratic National Committee and chairman John Podesta’s emails conducted by the CIA concluded Russia hacked in with a focus on helping Trump. The Post reported that the CIA believes individuals with ties to the Russian government shared the information with Wikileaks, which posted it online.
“The second problem here is the anonymous sources did not provide any evidence to support those statements, and by releasing the information anonymously there is no one accountable to provide that proof,†Swann said.
“The third problem here is the CIA lies,†he continued. “Not always, but I can give you a number of recent stories where that agency has made claims that have been proven untrue.â€
Swann cited the Senate Intelligence Committee’s criticism of the CIA’s “culture of misinformation†in 2014, as well as comments from Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon about the public’s lack of trust in the CIA.
“That trust has been seriously undermined by senior officials’ reckless reliance on secret interpretations of the law and battered by years of misleading and deceptive practices,†Wyden said.
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“Please excuse us if the public needs the CIA to do more than just leak anonymously its conclusion that Russia tried to sway the election,†Swann said.
The fourth problem highlighted by the Reality Check is that CIA officials don’t agree on the agency’s secret conclusion.
Swann quoted the Post:
There were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered.
“What does that mean?†Swann questioned. “What are those disagreements? And without providing that information how can we trust that these disagreements are actually minor, since that, of course, is a relative term?â€
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The fifth problem: Julian Assange, the man behind Wikileaks, is adamant the leaked emails did not come from a “hack†– Russian or otherwise – and contends it came from a DNC insider.
“Only days ago, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murry, said he has met the person who gave the DNC emails to Assange and Wikileaks and he says it is not the Russians,†Swann said.
“I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider,†Murry said. “It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.â€
Swann concluded:
So what you need to know is that on top of all of these questions is one fundamental issue that everyone is missing. The claim is that Russia decided to hack the election, not by altering voting results but by making public actual emails from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.
Look, I have said this before and I will say it again: How bizarre is it that the argument is not that the Russians were trying to influence the election through lies or electronic voting, but rather the claim – if you really boil it down – is that the Russians swayed the election for Donald Trump by revealing the truth about the Clinton campaign and the truth about the DNC.
That’s Reality Check …