US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Moral Depravity of the Obama Administration
Emmet Scott Sun, Dec 18, 2016 | 4,731 173
It is axiomatic that politics is the art of the possible, and that governments are guided by practical considerations rather than strictly moral ones. Nonetheless, until fairly recent times the citizens of Western nations could be confident that their governments at least subscribed in public to culturally Christian concepts of right and wrong when it came to framing and interpreting legislation and that, by and large, the interests of the citizenry were considered of some importance to legislators and administrators.

That Western governments no longer even pretend to subscribe to Christian morality and that they no longer have the interests of their own citizens at heart is painfully obvious to all but the most blind or obtuse. A new “religion”, namely radical secularism, is the belief system which now informs the thinking and actions of most Western politicians. That this radical secularism is every bit as hostile to traditional Christianity as was the Marxist secularism of Communist regimes is not to be doubted, and we have already witnessed the beginnings of a low-key and so far bloodless persecution of Christians who insist on holding to their traditional beliefs, when these beliefs clash with the new secularist orthodoxy. A society which can fine a Christian family bakery $135,000 for refusing to bake a lesbian “wedding” cake and which can throw a public regstrar into jail for refusing to officiate at a gay “wedding” is a society which has already travelled far down the road of Soviet totalitarianism.

The overturning of Christian ideas relating to sexual morality can only accomplish the complete destruction of the family and the normalization of the most depraved sexual activity imaginable. That the political and economic elites have gone far down that road is fairly obvious, though it would appear from the emerging evidence of the hacked Podesta emails that they have travelled much further even than most people hitherto realized. More on this presently.

If the radical secularism of the Western ruling elites is militant and proselytizing at home, it is equally so abroad. In pursuing the selfsame agenda abroad the Obama administration has stirred up wars and revolutions throughout the globe, transforming America into a real menace to the peace and stability of the world. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in Syria.

The decision of the Obama and Cameron administrations in the US and UK to assist the anti-government insurrection in Syria in 2012, even though they knew that the “opposition” was comprised entirely of Islamist extremists illustrates, in the most graphic manner possible, the utter moral bankruptcy of the Western political class. From 2012 onwards delegation after delegation of Christian prelates and lay-people arrived in Europe begging the West to cease helping the rebels. Even by that time we were already used to seeing images of ancient Christian communities massacred by the jihadists. Yet all such pleas fell on deaf ears, as Cameron and Obama ramped up hostility against the Syrian government. In this they were supported and even encouraged by the equally immoral Western media.

It was eventually left to Russia to save the Assad regime and prevent the country falling to ISIS, Al-Qaeda and their affiliates. Had it not been for Russian intervention at the end of 2015 the whole country would by now have been overrun and the Christian and Alawite communities exterminated. This, apparently, was a prospect which did not trouble Obama, Clinton, Kerry, or Cameron in the slightest.

America under Obama had effectively become an ally of fundamentalist Islam. Neither Obama nor his backers of course see it that way. To them, the Holy Grail is democracy: If they can bring democracy to any society they can transform it into a liberal/secularist paradise. They fail completely to understand that democracy only works in societies like Europe, where the civilizing influence of Christianity has, over the centuries, produced a climate where men can (to some extent at least) agree to disagree. As Christianity fades in the West that civilized modus operandi is breaking down even here. But the idea that democracy can be used as a tool to civilize people is utter idiocy.

Which brings us on to the question of Russia. The demonization of Russia and her leader Vladimir Putin has been a consistent feature of the Obama regime almost from the word go. Many theories have been proposed to explain this; and undoubtedly there is more than one cause. Yet we cannot doubt that Russia's refusal to go along with the secularist agenda is a major factor. Russia has been accused of initiating an ideologically-motivated war against the West, presenting herself as the defender of Christians and Christian morality in a world that is increasingly hostile to both; yet the evidence would suggest that it is the West which initiated hostilities. In January 2014, long before the Ukraine crisis or Russia's intervention in Syria, a vocal campaign, supported by influential Western politicians, was launched to boycott the Sochi Winter Olympics, on the grounds that the Putin regime was “oppressive” to gays.

In actual fact, there was no “oppression” whatsoever; Russia had simply banned “gay propaganda”, namely the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle to children. A couple of decades earlier, such attitudes would have been considered absolutely normal in the West. In this, as in so much else, it was the West, and not Russia, which had changed and which was promoting something radical and new, whilst at the same time attacking and demonizing anyone or any society which did not conform. The same attempts at secularist proselytism (often backed by Soros-funded NGOs) are also to be observed in the allocation of aid and even in trading relations with African, Asian, and Latin American countries. Those states which do not conform with regard to questions such as abortion and LGBT “rights” are punished financially.

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But increasingly sanctions against recalcitrant states do not stop at mere economic measures, and America under Obama has stirred up ideologically-motivated revolutions and insurrections in North Africa, the Middle East, eastern Europe and central Asia – much as the Soviet Union did during the second half of the twentieth century. In this regard it's really no surprise that some of the keenest supporters of regime change in foreign parts have been the “Neoconservatives” - a group of mostly ex-Trotskyist intellectuals posing as “born-again” conservatives. But the so-called conservatism of the Neocons is a sham: their ideal society is a radically secularist social democracy, which has little or no place for Christianity. It is interesting to note that the recent Trump Revolution in America, which is at core a nationalist and traditionalist movement, has exposed the rift with the Neocons, who have in general returned to their natural home amongst the leftists of the Obama/Clinton camp.

And what a motly crew the latter are. The recent release of the Podesta emails by Wikileaks has exposed a terrifyingly sinister dimension to the lives of the secularist elites. Irrespective of what the evidently code-words found throughout the Podesta emails really mean (and it is interesting that Podesta has made no attempt to explain them), there can be no doubt whatsoever that high-ranking members of the Democrat Party have been involved in extensive paedophile activity. Several of them, such as Anthony Weiner, as well as Republican Dennis Hastert (former Speaker of the House) have already done time in prison for their activities, but it is clear that these are merely the tip of a very large iceberg. We know, for example, that Bill Clinton (and apparently also Hillary) were frequent visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's “Lolita Island” in the Caribbean, where sex-parties involving minors were the course de jour.

It is interesting to note too that, should the code-words in these emails actually refer to underage children, then Obama himself is deeply involved: we are told that he had spent $65,000 dollars on “pizza” to be brought from Chicago (of all places) for a private party in the White House. We know too, from FBI insiders, that repeated attempts to investigate the paedophile activities of high-ranking Democrats have been continually blocked by the White House (ie. the Justice Department).

That such activities are part of the private lives of the secularist elites should surprise no one. All ideas of sexual mores and restraints are religious in nature, and in the West, that means Christian. The rejection of Christian morality thus opens the way for a sexual free-for-all, where quite simply, anything goes. It should come as no surprise therefore that the liberal elites of various European societies, such as the UK, have already been exposed as harbouring massive networks of paedophiles and deviants of other hues. As in America, they have used (and still use) their positions of power to protect themselves.

The recent revelations of horrific abuse by public figures such as the DJ Jimmy Savile and the MP Cyril Smith – as well as several others – are but the tip of an enormous iceberg, which the Cameron (and presumably also now the May) administration succeeded in keeping a lid on. And the extent to which the secularist elites approve this behaviour may be judged from the fact that Harriet Harman, former Labour Party Deputy Prime Minister, and left-wing activist, once headed a body (the National Council for Civil Liberties) which had, as one of its affiliated associations, the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange.

Whether the elites in America will also continue to be able to suppress the truth, in view of the Trump victory, remains to be seen. Indeed, the exposure or non-exposure of the truth in this matter may be the litmus test whether Trump is a genuine alternative or just another tool of the anti-Christian elite.

Time will tell.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Obama Pouts at Putin's Support as Media's Anti-Russian Propaganda Campaign Backfires (Video)
Enrico Braun Mon, Dec 19, 2016 | 3,864 33
Solid evidence has now emerged that the American public - and particularly the segment of the public that elected Donald Trump the nation's 45th president, have rejected the the barrage of fake news Russophobic propaganda being pumped out by the failing mainstream media.

Barack Obama in his last major press conference, expressed exasperation that according to a new YouGov/Economist poll, 37% the GOP now views Putin favorably - an increase over previous polls.

"Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave," remarked Obama, apparently not cognizant of the fact that Reagan pursed diplomacy with the Soviet Union that ended the Cold War, rather than the violent confrontation his administration has favored.

This poll proves that not only has the establishment-tied mainstream media begun to self-destruct through its stubborn adherence to absurd unproven hysteria about Russian hacking of Hillary's emails (hacking which, whoever is responsible, revealed the extent of Hillary's crimes), but it also has actually had the opposite of the intended effect. It has convinced an increasing number of people that Vladimir Putin is a good guy.

Let the pouting continue as the Washington establishment continues to crash and burn.





Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Good Riddance: A Final Upside-down Salute to Barack Obama | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Phil Butler
Barack Obama is a superhero. The outgoing President of the United States is a badass, epic, omnipotent harbinger for justice, truth, and the American way. In his own mind.

When RT America called me yesterday to give comment on President Obama’s final press conference, I was busy decorating our office Christmas tree. For once I was inclined to say no. Then I recalled the policies this president formulated, conjured, and evangelized to the people of my country and the world. The ornaments had to wait, I thought “If this man can deliver another pack of lies for some Americans, then I can speak my tiny bit for the others.” Today the New York Times and the other media owned by the western elites is trying to make an immortal out of a little obedient penguin of a leader.

The story of yesterday is a one I think millions of Americans can identify with. In fact, I think most of the people who supported Donald Trump over the criminal psychopath Hillary Clinton will be in a moment of Déjà Vu when they read it. All of us come up against the same wall eventually. I am talking about the place where a person who has seen and heard enough arrives as a wall of security, safety, and moderation. My wife is a PR expert you see, and when I told her about the upcoming interview she gave sound council. “Don’t insult President Obama. Tell the people he is not a believer in what he says. Tell them what you think without being angry or unhinged”, she said. “He deserves respect”, she went on. Like I said, sound public relations counselling before an interview. Only Barack Obama is not deserving, here’s why.

Yesterday the New York Times ran a story entitled “Obama Confronts Complexity of Using a Mighty Cyberarsenal Against Russia”. The story is written by one of journalism’s most respected authors, Pulitzer Prize winning David E. Sanger. Ordinarily this author’s awards, accolades, and accomplishments would serve to lend great credibility to our subject’s plight. There’s only one problem, Sanger bats for the same team as Obama. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Strategy Group, right alongside some of the evilest warmongers and destroyers in the history of humanity. The reason I focus on the author is because Barack Obama is not “confronting” or “perplexed” by America’s cyber capabilities, he and the author are two of the developers and operators of it. The New York Times story is a lie, as is most of what you read or view about Barack Obama. Sanger is a good example to show how the men and women behind Washington control “the mission”. To understand this one only needs to glean the “missions” of these various think tanks and groups. Take the Aspen Institute for instance.

Aspen Strategy Group is a membership-based forum made up of current and former policymakers, academics, journalists, and business leaders bent on exploring the preeminent foreign policy and national security challenges facing the United States. People like former Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright are a haunting and fearsome talisman for ASG. Albright is a Russia hater only surpassed in her hatefulness by President Carter’s NSA man, the now notorious Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski. Make no mistake, Cold War dinosaurs with giant talons still orchestrate in Washington. But this is another story, let’s stay focused on Mr. Obama via the cloak western journalism adorns him with. Back to Sanger’s piece, the lead paragraph is brilliant. Brilliant if you are on the new-fascist ultra-liberal team, that is:

“Over the past four months, American intelligence agencies and aides to President Obama assembled a menu of options to respond to Russia’s hacking during the election, ranging from the obvious — exposing President Vladimir V. Putin’s financial ties to oligarchs — to the innovative, including manipulating the computer code that Russia uses in designing its cyberweapons.”

“A menu of options”, this instills the reader with a sense of the “shock and awe” of what these people created. That NSA-Google-Facebook network that spies on us all, its awesome, yes awesome. Now that you agree, the skillful Sanger makes concrete the “Putin did it” propaganda. Evil oligarchs are thrown in for good measure, and more badass capability is there too, as if Sanger is proud of what his colleagues have created. And well he should be, for they almost put a raging maniac in office to deliver America the final coup de grace. Beneath all this subterfuge is a diabolical truth though. This New York Times story, I believe, is not an editorial aimed at theorizing Obama’s coming strategy against alleged cyberwarfare, it’s a recommendation being tested on the public. I began my story by telling you Barack Obama is not worthy of respect. Now I can show you why.

One of the biggest weaknesses a person who seeks omnipotent power can have is vanity. Pride betrays the inner cause, the essence of reasoning in human beings always ties to the self. Barack Obama, his journalistic colleagues like Sanger, even the decaying urchins behind like George Soros give themselves away in arrogance and underlying agendas. Take a look again at the NYTs article, there within the proud typing a name appears, the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Like me, you probably never heard of this think tank at Harvard, what with so many think tanks doing our thinking for us. America’s oversite on these institutions and the people within them is our harbinger though. We are expected to believe that Barack Obama is at once perplexed by all this ultimate power, and at the same time the angel of vengeance of America? The New York Times journalist cannot resist cluing us via a recollection form a meetup his beloved Belfer Center sponsored. Citing David H. Petraeus, this quote reflects the out-and-out arrogance and idiocy of these people. This is what Obama means when he spews about “who we are” and “how we roll”:

“Is there something we can do to them, that they would see, they would realize 98 percent that we did it, but that wouldn’t be so obvious that they would then have to respond for their own honor? “The question is how subtle do you want it, how damaging do you want it, how do you try to end it here rather than just ratchet it up?”

Some of you will be all caught up on where I am now. “Who the hell do these people think they are?” This is my take on Obama and his ilk. This is not how America rolls, this is not who I am by God. These people do not speak for me or for hundreds of millions of decent folk. Let me move on before I break my keyboard.

In eight years President Barack Obama has accomplished no singular good for the people who gave him his caveat to power. His entire presidency has been a giant, ongoing, Machiavellian lie. Our own sanity was tested when he received the Novel Peace Prize. Then when he dumped on the Copenhagen Climate Summit, our silence further empowered. BP almost killed the Gulf of Mexico, and his Coast Guard command under Admiral Thad Allen lied and covered up the extent. Having sworn to close the black stain on America in Guantanamo, he lied there too. Even the Fukushima disaster bears evidence of Obama administration cover-ups and impropriety. The list of Obama disasters is too lengthy to begin to list here. Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, the Saudi massacres and ISIL support, a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan, back stabbing the Russian, NATO forward, spying on allies, Obamacare, insult, injury, and America fracked, fragmented, and on the edge of being a Godless oligarchy.

From Solyndra and “Fast and Furious” to direct aggression against Russia and his so-called “arm twisting”, what the world has witnessed the last eight years is not the work of someone to be respected. Barack Obama is one of those rare people one meets who is deserving of a slap across his face. A fist is always reserved for someone respected enough to give due. Obama is beneath America, beneath us all if the truth be told.

No president in history has had such unparalleled support or resource. Under Obama, with the help of a waiting world, $10 trillion dollars in useless borrowing might have altered the human course for the positive, but it did not. What Barack Obama might have accomplished is his legacy for me. Instead of creating 2,000 more billionaires, this president might have wielded his mightiness like a man on his own mission. No, Barack Obama chose the easy course instead, dancing to the puppet strings of Wall Street. What’s far worse than stabbing the Russians in their backs, more impactful then printing bribe money from the US Treasury for allegiances or weapons, is the man’s manner in trashing our reputation. Gloating, bragging, touchdown dancing his way across the world stage America’s outgoing president quips his mediocrity and malice with; “I’ll Pass My Own Laws”, calling fellow Americans “bitter” gun clingers on, the London Obama portraits, “Israel Doesn’t Know What Its Best Interests Are”, the selfie at Nelson Mandela’s funeral, “those against gun control just want kids to die”, the IRS targeting Obama enemies, and on his family’s $100 million dollar Africa safari vacation – “A great bang for our buck”. Trust me, the evidence on this man’s narcissism and unimpeded self-worth is limitless by now.
The people who put Obama in office, the “team” he bats for, the unwitting Americans who supported or stuck their heads in the sand, they spit in the face of “who we are”. The man threatened to attack Syria even without Congressional approval if you will remember. Please recall how many times Barack Obama made use of the brave, the downtrodden, the young, the old, and how he became whatever chameleon identity the people wanted to see. Obama is a method actor, and not even a very nice human being in my book. He can disrespect his US Marine Guard, and we must accept it. He can launch a drone strike on some poor bastard in a desert somewhere, then laugh about it. He can tell the Russian president he’d “deal” once he gets elected, then backpedal and push to stick ABM weapons in Eastern Europe, take over Ukraine for NATO, help create terror, do whatever his handlers want!

Now that the silent Americans who usually stay home voted Donald Trump president, the powers behind Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have gone stark raving mad. Obama meets with the German toy Angela Merkel, and the both “warn” Trump on how Europe works? Vladimir Putin is the cause of all this bad, all the ill that threatens the world, everything is somebody else’s fault!

Barack Obama is a sad excuse. The saddest thing is not his warmongering. His worst crime is not padding the pockets of Silicon Valley billionaires, nor is his peddling of madman George Soros’ poison. Dismantling America’s Constitution, creating a morally deprived playground out of his country, clowning when others suffer, even getting valiant American soldiers killed is not cause to disrespect a US president. No, the reason my sweet and smart wife is wrong about respecting the president is not because of mistakes. Barack Obama is an unrepentant failure in leading his people. This is why he should be shunned, why he should leave the White House with his tail tucked between his legs. Instead the New York Times, CNN, the major networks, the sellout news, the Jeff Bezos types who bought up media, and the crazy liberals must prop him up. The empowered must have their champion intact.

No. Barack Obama betrayed America in no uncertain terms. He could have stood up, he decided to go along. He could have paved the steady way, but he caved in to the empowered self indulgers. He could have made peace and prosperity for all, instead he shunned billions of people in favor of a few. Barack Obama could have made us all proud to be Americans, instead he showed the world our vilest characteristics, our worst sportsmanship and fair play, and how “we” are worth more than “them”. A good man does not respect such things, he despises them. I lost respect for Barack Obama not for his mistakes, but for the vast possibility he left in the dirt.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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Obama on Putin: "Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave."


ed by Russia Insider


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
published on tuesdays

Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Is Obama a Russian Agent?

Sometimes a case looks weak because there is no “smoking gun”—no obvious, direct evidence of conspiracy, malfeasance or evil intent—but once you tally up all the evidence it forms a coherent and damning picture. And so it is with the Obama administration vis à vis Russia: by feigning hostile intent it did everything possible to further Russia’s agenda. And although it is always possible to claim that all of Obama’s failures stem from mere incompetence, at some point this claim begins to ring hollow; how can he possibly be so utterly competent… at being incompetent? Perhaps he just used incompetence as a veil to cover his true intent, which was always to bolster Russia while rendering the US maximally irrelevant in world affairs. Let’s examine Obama’s major foreign policy initiatives from this angle.

Perhaps the greatest achievement of his eight years has been the destruction of Libya. Under the false pretense of a humanitarian intervention what was once the most prosperous and stable country in the entire North Africa has been reduced to a rubble-strewn haven for Islamic terrorists and a transit point for economic migrants streaming into the European Union. This had the effect of pushing Russia and China together, prompting them to start voting against the US together as a block in the UN Security Council. In a single blow, Obama assured an important element of his legacy as a Russian agent: no longer will the US be able to further its agenda through this very important international body.

Next, Obama presided over the violent overthrow of the constitutional government in the Ukraine and the installation of an American puppet regime there. When Crimea then voted to rejoin Russia, Obama imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation. These moves may seem like they were designed to hurt Russia, but let’s look at the results instead of the intentions. First, Russia regained control of an important, strategic region. Second, the sanctions and the countersanctions allowed Russia to concentrate on import replacement, building up the domestic economy. This was especially impressive in agriculture, and Russia now earns more export revenue from foodstuffs than from weapons. Third, the severing of economic ties with the Ukraine allowed Russia to eliminate a major economic competitor. Fourth, over a million Ukrainians decided to move to Russia, either temporarily or permanently, giving Russia a major demographic boost and giving it access to a pool of Russian-speaking skilled labor. (Most Ukrainians are barely distinguishable from the general Russian population.) Fifth, whereas before the Ukraine was in a position to extort concessions from Russia by playing games with the natural gas pipelines that lead from Russia to the European Union, now Russia’s hands have been untied, resulting in new pipeline deals with Turkey and Germany. In effect, Russia reaped all the benefits from the Ukrainian stalemate, while the US gained an unsavory, embarrassing dependent.

Obama’s next “achievement” was in carefully shepherding the Syrian conflict into a cul de sac. (Some insist on calling it a civil war, although virtually all of the fighting there has between the entire Syrian nation and foreign-funded outside mercenaries). To this end, Obama deployed an array of tactics. He simultaneously supported, armed, trained and fought various terrorist groups, making a joke of the usual US technique of using “terrorism by proxy.” He made ridiculous claims that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons against its own people, which immediately reminded everyone of similarly hollow claims about Saddam’s WMDs while offering Russia a legitimate role to play in resolving the Syrian conflict. He made endless promises to separate “moderate opposition” from dyed-in-the-wool terrorists, but repeatedly failed to do so, thus giving the Russians ample scope to take care of the situation as they saw fit. He negotiated several cease fires, then violated them.

There have been other achievements as well. By constantly talking up the nonexistent “Russian threat” and scaremongering about “Russian aggression” and “Russian invasion” (of which no evidence existed), and by holding futile military exercises in Eastern Europe and especially in the geopolitically irrelevant Baltics, Obama managed to deprive NATO of any residual legitimacy it once might have had, turning it into a sad joke.

But perhaps Obama’s most significant service on behalf of the Russian nation was in throwing the election to Donald Trump. This he did by throwing his support behind the ridiculously inept and corrupt Hillary Clinton. She outspent Trump by a factor of two, but apparently no amount of money could buy her the presidency. As a result of Obama’s steadfast efforts, the US will now have a Russia-friendly president who is eager to make deals with Russia, but will have to do so from a significantly weakened negotiating position.

As I have been arguing for the last decade, it is a foregone conclusion that the United States is going to slide from its position of global dominance. But it was certainly helpful to have Obama grease the skids, and now it’s up to Donald Trump to finish the job. And since Obama’s contribution was especially helpful to Russia, I propose that he be awarded the Russian Federation’s Order of Friendship, to go with his Nobel Peace Prize.

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Nick Johnson
I always thought the same thing about Hitler. As much as he hated slavs and bolshevism his whole program sure did a lot for them. His war ended with Soviet forces occupying half of Europe, Stalin couldn't have thanked him enough.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 8:05:00 AM EST

A very compelling you say, the results have turned out to be completely in Russia's favour, to the total detriment of the USA.

Since 2007, much has been made in the alternative media of Obama's decidedly Communist background and leanings, up to and including the idea that he has been groomed since his youth to do what he has done. How strong is the remnant Communist faction in Russia? Putin's personality is strong enough and his worldview and logical reasoning skills sound enough that I would have a hard time believing that he is a Communist sleeper agent.

Do Communist goals still intersect in any way with Russian nationalist goals?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 8:08:00 AM EST

Mister Roboto
As JMG has pointed out on more than one occasion, getting Russia and China to become allies is no mean feat. The predisposition of these countries to be mutually snarling adversaries is so strong that when the two countries were governed by the same ideology, China threw its lot in with the very country that was the "Great Satan" of the world according to this ideology!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 9:04:00 AM EST

lol! This is amazing! What a convoluted world but it's great to be living in Russian renaissance! On the other hand the most it is difficult to explain all this is to my liberal Moscovite friend they still are impressed but the rock and rap and Hollywood glitter...they are the biggest Putin Bashers!
Great that Obama honeymoon is over. What a betrayal! But no he must be a Russian agent lol. Good job SRU!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 9:30:00 AM EST

Cottage Crone
Great post, Dmitry! I love it and laughed all the way through--even though it isn't funny to the Libyans, the Ukrainians or the Syrians.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 9:51:00 AM EST

According to an article in the New York Times, (How Republics End) Trump openly asked Russia to assist him in smearing his opponent. Where does this come from?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 10:08:00 PM EST

very creative

The levity is great especially when delivered with such clever wit, but I always fall back to the vision and the sadness of the mass destruction and killing that this creature represents.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 12:00:00 AM EST

Dmitry Orlov
Onething — watch out for the "fake news"! NYT and WaPo are about as fake as they get.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 10:58:00 AM EST

David F
Onething - Man, you gotta warn someone when you are posting a link to Paul Krugman. I was blind sided! Since I was there already, I might as well read it. I was not disappointed.

Whats the point of even disputing what this jackass says? What is truly amazing is that so many people still listen to this "serious" douche bag.

All you can do is shake your head and wonder how people who are so patently stupid as to believe ANYTHING this guy says manage to survive day to day.

I used to laugh as I watched the idiots shoot themselves in the foot, repeatedly. Then one day I realized every time one of these idiots shoots themselves in the foot, they are simultaneously shooting a hole in the bottom of the boot that we are all standing in.

While there is a certain amount of entertainment from watching these idiots, it is also an existential threat to my survival.

At what point does it become self defense to toss these idiots out of the boat?

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 12:48:00 PM EST

The question in my mind was always "which of these two candidates can you imagine arm wrestling with Putin", so it had to be Trump. What was Hillary going to do, cough him into submission? Totter over him with spiked heels?

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 3:15:00 PM EST
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Obama Out Not With a Bang, But a Whimper
13:39 12.12.2016Get short URL

Queen of War Hillary “

We Came, We Saw, He Died
” Clinton’s campaign – fully supported by President Obama — spent a whopping $1.2 billion and floundered ignominiously at the US presidential election. So Obama decided that the consolation “prize” is to order the “intelligence community” – a contradiction in terms – to conduct a “full review” of how the evil Russians handed out the Big Prize to Donald Trump.

Queen of War famously insisted throughout the campaign that “17 US intelligence agencies” confirmed Russian hacking of the Podesta emails, then slow-dripped – Chinese torture-style – day after day by WikiLeaks, revealing the slimy inner workings of the DNC. In fact there was no damning 17 intel agencies verdict, just a dodgy comment by further disgraced Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper offering no evidence whatsoever.

Now Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’ two-bit neocon-infested rag The Washington Post – once upon a time a decent newspaper – piles up, mouthing a sensationalist CIA spin according to which Langley has proof the Russians did maneuver to install their Manchurian, Trumpian candidate.

© Sputnik/ Alexei Filippov

And this right after the same rag went the full McCarthy, promoting a

long black list
remix of websites/news agencies, Sputnik included, denounced as fifth columnists and/or propaganda ops. Further enhancing its already negative credibility – constantly boosted by the neocon/neoliberalcon ravings of its editorial pages — the Post to this day has not retracted its infantile, bogus “report”.

The intersection of The New McCarthyism and the CIA at the Post couldn’t be more predictable; after all Bezos’ Amazon is a major contractor with the CIA, thus configuring the Post as a key US deep state asset. So welcome to Washington’s alleged newspaper of record regurgitating a US government (USG) blacklist of American and foreign journalists.

One false flag too many

As for the CIA’s intel breakthrough, it amounts to the proverbial “senior US official” reassuring US public opinion that the “consensus view” of the “intelligence community” is that “individuals with connections with the Russian government” provided WikiLeaks with the Podesta emails. WikiLeaks had already debunked this narrative way back in October.

Now picture Langley hacks “secretly” briefing senators on Capitol Hill last week, breathlessly reassuring them the Russians did it. Yet even the Post’s shoddy report was forced to acknowledge the proverbial “senior US official” saying “there were minor disagreements…about the agency’s assessment” – as in no solid evidence of “the Kremlin ‘directing’ the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks”.

So this is essentially old debunked news repackaged – with no supporting facts — as a powerful indictment, planted by the CIA on Washington’s alleged paper of record. No wonder the Trump transition team – under White House chief strategist Steve Bannon – duly punctured the CIA strategic balloon; “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.” Case closed. Go back to play with your plastic toys.

Even kindergarten hopefuls know, based on the historical record, that the USG as well as the CIA are specialized in lying non-stop. Sometimes the lies are cumulative, sometimes they contradict each other. Take the sarin gas attack in Ghouta in August 2013 – which propelled the USG to the brink of a renewed Shock and Awe on Syria.

US intel at the time was sure that Jabhat al-Nusra – a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria (or “moderate rebels”, according to the Beltway “consensus”) – was capable of producing sarin gas. And yet Obama insisted Bashar al-Assad had done it, thus violating Obama’s silly self-proclaimed red line. Straight out of the neocons-do-Iraq playbook, Obama picked intel to justify what would have been a war on Syria.

The fact was that the

sarin gas
was transferred to al-Nusra under the influence of notorious Bandar Bush – then tasked by the House of Saud to provoke regime change in Damascus by all means necessary. Bandar in fact was even more influential than the CIA; he was directly coordinating the handout of tons of cash and weaponizing to jihadists in Syria, as well as concocting false flags such as Ghouta. And all this after Obama himself had ordered, in early 2012, the CIA rat line through the Turkish-Syrian border of Libyan weapons destined to supply the “moderate rebels”.

The bottom line is that Nobel Peace Prize Obama – lying through his teeth like a lowly neocon – had been on the brink of launching a full-scale war on Syria for a “crime” about which there was no evidence.

And the lies accumulate as the Obama administration’s elaborate Syrian plans flounder in the East Aleppo cauldron. This (in Arabic) is how the “moderate rebels” were expelled – revealing, in parallel, how Damascus profited from inside intel as myriad “rebel” outfits were fighting among themselves. This is about actual facts on the ground – not the relentless USG propaganda/psy ops campaign about evil Russians bombing hospitals.

The whimpering Obama administration is not over yet. Expect more sensational CIA exploits; more demonization of Russia; more weaponizing of “moderate” Syrian “rebels”; and even the odd false flag.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
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The Gloves Come Off: Media Tycoon Alex Jones to Sue Facebook and Wash Post

It. Is. On.

David Curry
15 hours ago | 5,219 19

He's actually going to do it
The threats are over, it's showtime.

Since the mafia behind the failing MSM declared all out war on alt media - epically highlighted by WaPo’s outrageous PropOrNot scandal, and Facebook’s exposure working on a Chinese censorship tool to restrict news just last month - on Thursday Dec 15, 2016, Alex Jones made his last and final threat, see video below, and the next day he came out and announced (with fury) that he actually is going to move forward with the inevitable big lawsuits that we’ve all been waiting for, see video below.

Yes, he’s not just taking on billionaire Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post (worth $250 million), but Snopes as well, AND Facebook herself (worth $350 billion) - and he. is. pissed.

Now, make no mistake, Facebook, Snopes, and WaPo are lawyering up right now faster than they pissed their already skid-marked knickers. Alex Jones owns one of the biggest media companies in the world (Infowars); which of course dwarfs the Washington Post. He also has alliances with many of the titans in the alt media which all combined recently conjured an influential juggernaut powerful enough to put Der Trumpen Führer in the White House. In court, Facebook's billions can't buy a jury but Alex Jones's influence can.

Infowars is not alone of course, many others have gone public with serious plans for litigation including Naked Capitalism. Alex is as serious as a heart attack, his exact words were, “You better believe I am” and “We’re organizing a movement of class action litigants.” The last law firm that went up against him didn't just lose, it was freaking disbarred. Watch the three clips below.

The final threat:

The announcement:

And the Megyn Kelly hit peice:

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On fire

Congressional Cybersecurity Leader Demolishes Obama's Hacking Case Against Russia

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
PRESIDENT soon TRUMP -- if he is what he says he is -- and NOT another puppet of the 'deep state" -- WILL be in danger from THAT dEEP STATE..cia, fbi, nsa, homeland security, pentagon, facebook, federal bank...the WHOLE KABOODLE...repsonsible for all the wars and global crises for the benefit of a few very, very select elites of whom OBAMA and CLINTONS were among their latest ''SALES" people...

in that case -- TRUMP , according to this report -- has hired RUSSIAN SECURITY, -- it is THAT SERIOUS it seems -- that these elites that gave us ALL THE TERRORISM , GLOBAL WARS, IMPOVERISHMENT AND LIES everywhere for decades and decades -- are VERY , VERY DESPERATE...who clearly want their wars and if not -- nothing stops them from going the 'kennedy" way....

(who mind you, JOHN F KENNEDY was assassinated SOON after he declared "i am going to shred the CIA into a thousands pieces into the wind and the federal bank private group has to be nationalized"...

the biggest no no's



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
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Samantha Power Lecturing on War Crimes is Like Quasimodo Lecturing on Posture
John Wight
37 minutes ago | 79 6

Originally appeared at Sputnik

What stood out most during the verbal broadside unleashed by Washington's ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, at her Iranian, Syrian and Russian counterparts over the fighting in Aleppo, was her ability to do so with a straight face. It was testament to the ability of US exceptionalism to keep its proponents cocooned from reality.

"Aleppo will join the ranks of those events in world history that define modern evil, that stain our conscience decades later. Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica, and, now, Aleppo," Power said, from the vantage point of a moral high ground resting on foundations of quicksand.

Rather conveniently, the US Ambassador neglected to add Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, or Libya to the list, countries ravaged and destroyed in service to US and western imperialism. Or how about Gaza and Yemen, where Israel and Saudi Arabia, Washington's closest Middle East allies, have engaged in the mass slaughter of civilians. When it comes to Aleppo's suffering, the scenes of celebration by thousands of its citizens over their liberation refutes the attempt by Ms. Power and others in the West to paint the Syrian Arab Army, made up of soldiers from every sector of the country's religious, ethnic, and cultural mosaic, as a latter day Waffen SS, an army of occupation executing women and children at random. At the same time Salafi-jihadist groups such as the Nusra Front have been painted as the modern equivalent of the French resistance or Partisans.

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It has been preposterous to behold, part of an intense campaign of demonization motivated not by any concern for human rights or civilians, as maintained, but over the fact that Washington and the West's objective of regime change in Damascus has been denied.

The narrative being spun that civilians are being executed in east Aleppo is refuted by the fact that thousands of those very civilians have sought sanctuary in government held west Aleppo throughout the fighting. Many of them have reported people being shot at by armed groups for daring to try to leave. Meanwhile, the reports that have been carried in the Western media of atrocities being committed by pro-government forces are unverified. There have been no Western journalists in east Aleppo throughout the conflict, for the simple reason that none would have dared set foot in that part of the city because they know full well that they would likely be kidnapped and/or beheaded in the event.

No one with a heart could deny the scale of human suffering that has taken place in Syria, with Aleppo its most grievous recent example. This brutal conflict, as it enters its sixth year, is one that involves the armed forces of a secular government of a pluralist country, along with its allies, pitted against an Islamic Khmer Rouge in various guises and its allies — namely the Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis, and Western governments that have throughout played a game of good jihadists versus bad jihadists.

Clearly, far too many people have perished in the conflict, including upwards of 60,000 Syrian troops, as revealed by the UK's Middle East correspondent, Robert Fisk, back in August. But no serious person could deny the truth that many thousands more civilians would perish in the event Nusra and other such groups managed to succeed in taking control over Aleppo, rather than pro-government forces.

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Placing Aleppo in its proper context leads us to the irrefutable role of Washington in prolonging the suffering of a country whose only crime is that it was deemed next in line for the doctrine of regime change in recent years, but which unlike those that have gone before — Iraq and Libya — has proved strong enough to withstand it.

For those in doubt, Washington's objective of destabilizing Syria dates back to at least 2006, evidenced in the classified memo, made public by WikiLeaks, sent from the US embassy in Damascus to Washington in December of that year. It contains an analysis of the Assad government, its strengths and weaknesses, and how it might be undermined. What should be borne in mind is that there is a direct correlation between this long term US strategy when it comes to Syria, and the disinformation that has been rolled out in response to the fact that Syria, supported by its Russian, Iranian, and Lebanese allies, is winning the conflict.

This is not to allege that there was not a movement for reform in Syria back in 2011, inspired by a so-called Arab Spring that had swept through the entire region demanding democratic and political reform. And this is not to suggest that the Syrians who supported this movement did not have any legitimate grievances with their government. But there is a marked difference between reform and ruin, and it is the latter course upon which this movement embarked when it was taken over by Salafi-jihadists intent on the mass slaughter and extermination of the country's minorities.

Samantha Power knows all this, of course; she knows it but chooses to ignore it, favoring instead moral tirades of the sort she unleashed at the UN against those who are fighting to save yet another Arab country from the fate of the sectarian abyss fashioned in Riyadh and supported by Washington as a lesser evil when compared to a secular Arab state that refuses to kowtow to its writ.

In the last analysis, being lectured to by a representative of Washington on human rights violations and war crimes is like being lectured to by Quasimodo on posture


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
as VITALY CHURKIN responded to SAMANTHA humanitarian WAR POWER -- AT THE UNSC that same afternoon last week:

"it is bizarre that the representative of the USA accuses us of war crimes and savagery -- while carefully neglecting to mention the result of their humanitarianism -- in terror and the destruction of entire countries...
"the representative now cries crocodile tears and lectures us as if she is MOTHER TERESA -- perhaps she needs to remember the country she represents........and its record around the world".


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I didn´t want to insist on this, but I recently found out former British diplomat Craig Murray´s blog (most of you probably now it already), and among other interesting entries, this one on the Russian hacking is indeed quite funny:
It's not really that funny. And it's not really more plausible than the NYT's version. This, and Teddy's spamming of the thread may declare it officially "dead." I don't believe anyone here actually cares enough about US politics to talk about.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
from a fellow poster elsewhere:

COUNTRIES that REALLY posed NO threat to the USA WHATSOEVER...except refusing to bow to its corporate plunder and pillage of course...


  • Borrowed and Updated


    American Indian nations (1776-onwards, American Indian Genocide; 1803, Louisiana Purchase; 1844, Indians
    banned from east of the Mississippi; 1861 onwards, California genocide; 1890,

  • Lakota Indians massacre),
  • (1a) Canada (1812-1814);
  • (2) Mexico (1836-1846; 1913; 1914-1918; 1923),
  • (3) Nicaragua (1856-1857; 1894; 1896; 1898; 1899; 1907; 1910; 1912-1933;

  • (4) American forces deployed against Americans (1861-1865, Civil
    War; 1892; 1894; 1898; 1899-1901; 1901; 1914; 1915; 1920-1921; 1932; 1943;
    1967; 1968; 1970; 1973; 1992; 2001),

  • (5), Argentina (1890), (6),
  • Chile (1891;
  • (7) Haiti (1891; 1914-1934; 1994; 2004-2005),
  • (8) Hawaii (1893-), (9)

  • China (1895-1895; 1898-1900; 1911-1941; 1922-1927; 1927-1934; 1948-1949;
    1951-1953; 1958),
  • (10) Korea (1894-1896; 1904-1905; 1951-1953),
  • (11) Panama
    (1895; 1901-1914; 1908; 1912; 1918-1920; 1925; 1958; 1964; 1989-), (12)

  • Philippines (1898-1910; 1948-1954; 1989; 2002-),
  • (13) Cuba (1898-1902;
    1906-1909; 1912; 1917-1933; 1961; 1962),
  • (14) Puerto Rico (1898-; 1950; ); (15)
    Guam (189:cool:,
  • (16) Samoa (1899-),
  • (17) Honduras (1903; 1907; 1911; 1912; 1919;
    1924-1925; 1983-1989),
  • (18) Dominican Republic (1903-1904; 1914; 1916-1924;
    1965-1966), (19)

  • Germany (1917-1918; 1941-1945; 1948; 1961),
  • (20)
  • Russia
  • (21) Yugoslavia (1919; 1946; 1992-1994; 1999),

  • (22) Guatemala
    (1920; 1954; 1966-1967),
  • (23) Turkey (1922),
  • (24) El Salvador (1932;
    1981-1992), (25) Italy (1941-1945);
  • (26) Morocco (1941-1945), (27) France

  • (28) Algeria (1941-1945),
  • (29) Tunisia (1941-1945),

  • (30) Libya
    (1941-1945; 1981; 1986; 1989; 2011),
  • (31) Egypt (1941-1945; 1956; 1967;
    1973; 2013),
  • (32) India (1941-1945),
  • (33) Burma (1941-1945),

  • (34)
    Micronesia (1941-1945),
  • (35) Papua New Guinea (1941-1945),

  • (36) Vanuatu
    (1941-1945), (37) Austria (1941-1945),

  • (38) Hungary (1941-1945), (39) Japan

  • (40) Iran (1946; 1953; 1980; 1984; 1987-1988; ), (41) Uruguay
    (1947), (42) Greece (1947-1949),

  • (43) Vietnam (1954; 1960-1975),

  • (44) Lebanon
    (1958; 1982-1984), (45)

  • Iraq (1958; 1963; 1990-1991; 1990-2003; 1998;
  • (46) Laos (1962-),
  • (47) Indonesia (1965),
  • (48) Cambodia
    (1969-1975; 1975),
  • (49) Oman (1970),
  • (50) Laos (1971-1973),
  • (51) Angola
    (1976-1992), (52) Grenada (1983-1984),
  • (53) Bolivia (1986; ), (54) Virgin
    Islands (1989), (55) Liberia (1990; 1997; 2003), (56) Saudi Arabia (1990-1991),
    (57) Kuwait (1991),

  • (58) Somalia (1992-1994; 2006), (59) Bosnia (1993-), (60)
    Zaire (Congo) (1996-1997), (61) Albania (1997),

  • (62) Sudan (1998),
  • (63) Afghanistan
    (1998; 2001-),
  • (64) Yemen (2000; 2002-), (65) Macedonia (2001),
    (66) Colombia (2002-), (67) Pakistan (2005-),
  • (68) Syria (2008;
  • (69) Uganda (2011),
  • (70) Syria (2011 - );
  • (71) Mali (2013), (72) Niger (2013);
  • (73) Ukraine (2014 - );
  • (73) Yemen (2015 -);



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It's not really that funny. And it's not really more plausible than the NYT's version. This, and Teddy's spamming of the thread may declare it officially "dead." I don't believe anyone here actually cares enough about US politics to talk about.

MOXIE can't swallow the truth about her country's greatest war criminal in HISTORY ...centuries of it from DAY ONE -- ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE...

and she calls it SPAM as her best reply..............tell that to the BILLIONS DEAD , SUFFERED, IN MISERY , COUNTRIES AND CULTURES DESTROYED



''our policies have always been geared towards gathering as much of the world's resources unto ourselves - at the expense of others -- it has NOTHING to do with democracy, freedom, justice, truth or human rights...but plunder and pillage to enrich our corporations, chambers of commerce ...
"we have our big banks, big industries, big finance, big corporations, big business -- who all have their Big Brains -- politicans and leaders who decide and identify who shall be destroyed that gets in our way...

"al capone has nothing on my -- i could have taught him a trick or two -- his RACKET was only in a few big american cities - MINE was in THREE CONTINENTS to advance our capitalism and make the world safe for our capitalist plunder...

"and of course we have our BIG HIGH CLASS MUSCLE -- our armed forces -- which I led for 3 decades across the world to make countries submit while we destroyed their industries and economies to be ruled by us...

"the trouble with US americans is this: when our own dollar can't buy more than a few percent - 5-6% of its own value at home -- WE GET UNEASY -- so we go abroad to force countries ot let it buy 100 percent more than it is really worth -- and where our dollar goes, so our flag follows, where that flag goes our soldiers follow".

"we are a NATION OF GANGSTERS AND RACKETEERS OF MONEY AND WAR -- ALL in service to our BIG BOSS: our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault upon others".

"for 30 years I SERVED -- SUSPENDING my own conscience KNOWING that WHAT WE DO IS EVIL...and i will have nothing more to do with it">



'what most americans do not really understand OR ADMIT is: WE are living our lifestyles

ONLY because it is part of a very, very vicious system of exploitation that dehumanizes and enslaves people ........everywhere -- I was part OF THAT project of empire of ours for an economic hitman to destroy countries' economies and make them submit to our will PERMANENTLY".

JOHN PERKINS...former CIA ''economic hitman".

moxie is THE RESIDENT APOLOGIST for her EMPIRE'S wonderful export of ''the american way and democracy". that's why she LOVES OBAMA -- the most recent SALESMAN for

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Teddy...can't you either make a point or give it a rest? Thanks!


Apr 14, 2013
It's not really that funny. And it's not really more plausible than the NYT's version. This, and Teddy's spamming of the thread may declare it officially "dead." I don't believe anyone here actually cares enough about US politics to talk about.

I am sorry, but we firmly disagree here. This post (blog entry, whatever) is not meant to be plausible. It is meant to expose the lack of plausibility of a given story. Yes, it is not that funny. Really funny is the kind of stories people expect the public to believe.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
MOXIE can't swallow the truth about her country's greatest war criminal in HISTORY ...centuries of it from DAY ONE -- ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE...

and she calls it SPAM as her best reply..............tell that to the BILLIONS DEAD , SUFFERED, IN MISTERY , COUNTRIES AND CULTURES DESTROYED

Well, that's almost a point. Don't tell me that this is my beloved America, because it surely isn't at the moment. And don't tell me what I can't swallow. What I don't read is your endless copying of various things off of the internet that I don't even think YOU read. From very dodgy websites. Come on. No one is really interested. If you'd distill it down into a coherent point of view, it might be debatable. As it is, it's just taking up space.


Apr 22, 2013
Well, that's almost a point. Don't tell me that this is my beloved America, because it surely isn't at the moment. And don't tell me what I can't swallow. What I don't read is your endless copying of various things off of the internet that I don't even think YOU read. From very dodgy websites. Come on. No one is really interested. If you'd distill it down into a coherent point of view, it might be debatable. As it is, it's just taking up space.

Lol! I just scroll past it all


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I am sorry, but we firmly disagree here. This post (blog entry, whatever) is not meant to be plausible. It is meant to expose the lack of plausibility of a given story. Yes, it is not that funny. Really funny is the kind of stories people expect the public to believe.
You don't think that Russians hacking the election is plausible? Because the FBI and the CIA do. Which is rather different from what the "public" will believe, since, in the US, something less than 50% of the people bought the stories that Trump was selling.
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