US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
You do bend in all shapes and forms no? oh so now 'lets see if Trump can govern, may surprise us'......hohohoho you already categorically described him as someone who is totally useless and would not win, and now you again pose yourself as an expert analyst?

lol, its people like you that flooded the Clinton camp and silent people despise.

You are like those finance experts who can't forecast anything right or even commit to forecasting, yet would explain everything like you know all about hindsight, after its happened.

ridiculous don't you think? lol

you are such a child. Yes I said that I don't think he can govern, nor do I think he's shown himself to have the temperament. And yes I got the prediction wrong, but I'm not alone in that. That's life. What on earth does that have to do with stating the obvious, we'll have to see how he does? How is that bending? Every time you post, you show how immature and unintelligent you are. What else can we do but see how things go? Utterly bizarre. Like a 5 year old you're still upset because I put you down months ago, I can't remember why, but I do remember greatly enjoying doing so. It's like you're obsessed now, how empty your life is. Every one else has moved on mate. Try and do the same
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
you are such a child. Yes I said that I don't think he can govern, nor do I think he's shown himself to have the temperament. And yes I got the prediction wrong, but I'm not alone in that. That's life. What on earth does that have to do with stating the obvious, we'll have to see how he does? How is that bending? Every time you post, you show how immature and unintelligent you are. What else can we do but see how things go? Utterly bizarre. Like a 5 year old you're still upset because I put you down months ago, I can't remember why, but I do remember greatly enjoying doing so. It's like you're obsessed now, how empty your life is. Every one else has moved on mate. Try and do the same

of course you got it wrong, you always do......just like i always whip your butt, somethings just don't change lol

don't pose innocent now....oh how is that bending?....asked innocent shemaleberg, 'because you always do, its in your blood'.... says the master who still whips your butt.

then you try to appear smart by explaining as if you know it? see what i mean about the finance experts.....hindsight get smart wannabees LOL
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Pepe Escobar on the American Election.

SO FAR -- i know this is jumping the gun really.

but any thoughts on how , you think, this apparently ''undesirable" result to many of the 'established" , ingrained powers that be , handed down from decade to decade now - basically since probably the 1980's - across the 'NATO" space -- would deal with it?

my example:

regarding TRUMP'S remark that he wants NATO ''to pay its fair share in costs if they want america to continue to protect allies"..(not that that is in fact what washington WANTS europe to do -- add MORE money) -

except that trump DID add that if they DON'T pay their ''fair share -- then why should the USA protect europe from threats on our dime?"

so -- JENS STOLTENBERG -- that swedish/danish POINTLESS excuse for a human bag who seems to love primping in public --

to protect his JOB of being a ''courageous fellow in the safety of his own house|" (as WOLFGANG goethe said of COWARDS) -

"WELL -- this is a very dangerous remark by the candidate -- because if so -- we would like to REMIND him that it goes BOTH WAYS -- NATO would have to think tiwce about protecting america"...LOL.

as IF the alliance actually is EVEN necessary when the THREATS are of two kinds ONLY:

1) THE TERRORISM THEY ALL COLLECTIVELY HELPED CREATE -- a very real one - but which CAN BE DEFEATED with concerted GLOBAL effort...except NATO/USA WESTERN EMPIRE THINK they DON'T have to ''cooperate" since IT IS A TOOL of empire THEY created -- but cn't deal with consequences in their own lands as blowbacks -- what a deep doo doo..

2)the IMAGINARY THREATS they created...
such as RUSSIA and before THAT IRAN..(in fact THEY'RE the ones that have been making the THREATS AND actually CARRIED THROUGH on at least some of these : sanctions, computer virus the USA/israel did on iran that COULD have blown up the nuclear reactors..the UKRAINE fascism THEY created AGAINST russia, reminiscent of HITLER) lol.


WHAT do you think this election MEANS really in terms of the ''next moves' of these USELESS european leaders who -- WERE NATO to be ''TONED DOWN" in its sabre rattling - such as against russia --

THEIR REASON FOR EXISTENCE diminishes even more as it SHOULD have already long ago, except for the SEVERAL DECADES of american-led

''need to defend" FROM these SAME two varieties of ''threats" they tjemselves caused to appear?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
wow, we didn't expect this result in France, hope we won't have extreme right as our new president in May !!!

Well it won't be Hollande from what I've been reading. Can't see Le Pen getting it right now... but maybe in the next election cycle. Things are changing fast.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
you are such a child. Yes I said that I don't think he can govern, nor do I think he's shown himself to have the temperament. And yes I got the prediction wrong, but I'm not alone in that. That's life. What on earth does that have to do with stating the obvious, we'll have to see how he does? How is that bending? Every time you post, you show how immature and unintelligent you are. What else can we do but see how things go? Utterly bizarre. Like a 5 year old you're still upset because I put you down months ago, I can't remember why, but I do remember greatly enjoying doing so. It's like you're obsessed now, how empty your life is. Every one else has moved on mate. Try and do the same

Federberg -- be gracious enough -- Ricardo got you by the balls or cunt , whichever applies..
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
SO FAR -- i know this is jumping the gun really.

but any thoughts on how , you think, this apparently ''undesirable" result to many of the 'established" , ingrained powers that be , handed down from decade to decade now - basically since probably the 1980's - across the 'NATO" space -- would deal with it?

my example:

regarding TRUMP'S remark that he wants NATO ''to pay its fair share in costs if they want america to continue to protect allies"..(not that that is in fact what washington WANTS europe to do -- add MORE money) -

except that trump DID add that if they DON'T pay their ''fair share -- then why should the USA protect europe from threats on our dime?"

so -- JENS STOLTENBERG -- that swedish/danish POINTLESS excuse for a human bag who seems to love primping in public --

to protect his JOB of being a ''courageous fellow in the safety of his own house|" (as WOLFGANG goethe said of COWARDS) -

"WELL -- this is a very dangerous remark by the candidate -- because if so -- we would like to REMIND him that it goes BOTH WAYS -- NATO would have to think tiwce about protecting america"...LOL.

as IF the alliance actually is EVEN necessary when the THREATS are of two kinds ONLY:

1) THE TERRORISM THEY ALL COLLECTIVELY HELPED CREATE -- a very real one - but which CAN BE DEFEATED with concerted GLOBAL effort...except NATO/USA WESTERN EMPIRE THINK they DON'T have to ''cooperate" since IT IS A TOOL of empire THEY created -- but cn't deal with consequences in their own lands as blowbacks -- what a deep doo doo..

2)the IMAGINARY THREATS they created...
such as RUSSIA and before THAT IRAN..(in fact THEY'RE the ones that have been making the THREATS AND actually CARRIED THROUGH on at least some of these : sanctions, computer virus the USA/israel did on iran that COULD have blown up the nuclear reactors..the UKRAINE fascism THEY created AGAINST russia, reminiscent of HITLER) lol.


WHAT do you think this election MEANS really in terms of the ''next moves' of these USELESS european leaders who -- WERE NATO to be ''TONED DOWN" in its sabre rattling - such as against russia --

THEIR REASON FOR EXISTENCE diminishes even more as it SHOULD have already long ago, except for the SEVERAL DECADES of american-led

''need to defend" FROM these SAME two varieties of ''threats" they tjemselves caused to appear?

The other countries will fall into line. At the end of the day, the US is still the leading power.

What will be interesting to me at least is how the US Foreign Policy will impact on Syria, Ukraine, the Asian Pivot etc....

...and truth be told, the US President has less power than the average joe on the street give them credit for.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
You make some valid points and while many centre-leftists of the chattering classes focus on things like sexist and racist comments... they often fail to see the bigger picture on what's more important...

For example, Is having a job more important to most people than gay marriage?

I'd agree if that were the reason Trump got elected. 63% of white men voted for him. 52% of white women voted for him (this part actually highlights how dis-likable Hillary is. If she couldn't win over a significant majority of women given who her opponent is, that's a major problem). Meanwhile, only 13% of black men and 4% of black women voted for him. 33% of Latino men voted for him (I was surprised it wasn't lower to be fair) and 26% of Latino women did the same.

It's not about failing to see the bigger picture. It's about starting with the root of what got him elected, and it wasn't potential job opportunities. Unless Latinos and Blacks don't care about having jobs, or the economy.

Trump appealed to the passionate white majority.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
one thing to consider though:

ASSUMING only that the suspiciousn or observations of so many --

that the 'DEEP STATE" (this consists of - to be simple: the few truly long-established families with the great influence in shaping fiscal , monetary, central bank policies -- rothschilds, rockefellers, etc..who NEVER or rarely ever do things with their hands VISIBLE - but only through the ''back channels" - through think tanks, foundations, et -

the corporatocracy and big industries..wall street, media, the milkitary industrial complex - cia, fib, pentagon, the now exposed NSA (N o S uch A gency) ..

these are the ''deep state" behind the 'congress, elections, and 'cnadidates' and of course ''causes" --

so assuming this DEEP state and its ''minions" in the open DID want hillary to win to cotntinue their war and profits industry -- as masters of the universe --

but TRUMP - trumps them --

HOW do you guys think - assuming also HE is serious in his ''challenge" if he was never 'an honored member" of THAT elite group --

will DEAL with the position? he is after all entering a world which had always ASSUMED its ''right' to RULE the world -- choose which countries fall and rise according to their wishes and imaginations...

he's got PLENTY of people, instuitutions and interests that are going to be VERY unhappy and threatened IF he manages to use ''mandate" to do at leas tSOME of the things he says>


the pressure will not build up with 'advise on how to b ea president" such as "cabinet MUST have" so and so

such as ''AIPAC" probably the single most powerful lobby -- for several decdes now (hillary needed to KNEEL TO 'assure israel", every president has had to -- except a very few such as kennedy and nixon lest they be accused of ''anti-semitism") -

let us remember that in OBAMA'S administration -- NETANYAHU managed to give an 'address to the full congress"

AS IF he was president of the USA -- IN direct REPRIMAND of obama's ''less than desirable lack of proper enthusiasm for support for israel policies" - basically giving the POTUS a public spanking IN his own country...

there are VERY powerful entities that a MERE POTUS must contend with ...


Apr 22, 2013
I'd agree if that were the reason Trump got elected. 63% of white men voted for him. 52% of white women voted for him (this part actually highlights how dis-likable Hillary is. If she couldn't win over a significant majority of women given who her opponent is, that's a major problem). Meanwhile, only 13% of black men and 4% of black women voted for him. 33% of Latino men voted for him (I was surprised it wasn't lower to be fair) and 26% of Latino women did the same.

It's not about failing to see the bigger picture. It's about starting with the root of what got him elected, and it wasn't potential job opportunities. Unless Latinos and Blacks don't care about having jobs, or the economy.

Trump appealed to the passionate white majority.

Agreed. He launched his campaign on the birther movement, and announced his candidacy to the world by maligning Mexicans. You can't simply ignore that
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The other countries will fall into line. At the end of the day, the US is still the leading power.

What will be interesting to me at least is how the US Foreign Policy will impact on Syria, Ukraine, the Asian Pivot etc....

...and truth be told, the US President has less power than the average joe on the street give them credit for.

agreed that -- IF trump holds his ground against the very entrenched powers and ''whisperers" that have characterized the obama, bush clinton administrations (that's literally what now -- 24 continuous years? wow) --

i mean these serial regime changers - and conflict seekers -
he just might pull it off - IF he survives (u never know) --and THEN the poodles in EUROPE might have to look to themselves on fixing what they SHOULD have attended to all these years.

but look at those un-elected bureaucrats in brussels , nato..

what exctly are those chest thumping cowards reallya bout anyway? without THAT ''justification for NATO" that they keep FAKING (FIRST it was against the iran threat that doesn't exist, then it's the russia threat right now - also doesn't exist unless THEY want it to happen) -
without that -- what JOBS do THEY HAVE?

that' sto me one of the BIG questions really --

a NEST OF PARASITES who are RUINING ECONOMIES both in europe and outside. both in NATO and outside. while orindary folks have to pay the price - and later on pick up the pieces of the mess these ''leaders" created.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'd agree if that were the reason Trump got elected. 63% of white men voted for him. 52% of white women voted for him (this part actually highlights how dis-likable Hillary is. If she couldn't win over a significant majority of women given who her opponent is, that's a major problem). Meanwhile, only 13% of black men and 4% of black women voted for him. 33% of Latino men voted for him (I was surprised it wasn't lower to be fair) and 26% of Latino women did the same.

It's not about failing to see the bigger picture. It's about starting with the root of what got him elected, and it wasn't potential job opportunities. Unless Latinos and Blacks don't care about having jobs, or the economy.

Trump appealed to the passionate white majority.

You don't think the passionate white majority have those concerns too?

I'll remind you that the passionate white majority are part of the electorate.

I watched a segment on Fox where a passionate white member explained that Manhatten isn't reflective of the USA. You can explore various parts of the US where people, who happen to mainly white, have few job prospects... it's not only blacks and latinos who suffer...

The disaffected white populace is still the biggest demographic in the USA and probably the most overlooked, truth be told.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The other countries will fall into line. At the end of the day, the US is still the leading power.

What will be interesting to me at least is how the US Foreign Policy will impact on Syria, Ukraine, the Asian Pivot etc....

...and truth be told, the US President has less power than the average joe on the street give them credit for.

I Had to ask that because from watching a clip of the DANDY pretend ''general" jens stoltenberg of NATO -- Who'd probably be shaking if he bumped into a syrian refugee in an alley anywhere in brussels after dark --

acting like he's THE BIG MAN of

incidentally -- ukraine the 'newly minted fascist " kiev ruled ukraine..
now is 'regretful' that SHAKAASHVILI -- the georgia former president with his FIASCO midnight attack on russian ethnics in South Ossetia some years back only to be taught a lesson by the russian army (BEFORE russia really began its modernization ) -

''RESIGNED" FROM HIS governorshi of 'adopted country ukraine"

since HE was kicked out of HIS own country by the people - lol. and
they just elected a parliament that wants to MEND relations with russia. ooops.

meanwhile POROSHENKO - who only obeys orders form washington and brussels anyway -- is of coruse in deep doo doo as is ''his" ukraine -- since they will NEVER conquer the east ...

and as is characteristic of russia -- russia will simply let them (the western ''ukrainians" ) WALLOW in their own mess -- and due time -- patiently -- RE-ABSORB AT THE VERY least EAST UKRAINE --

whether as AUTONOMOUS repiblics of their own (alrady at work on their elections "regardless of what kiev and eu say") - or as it originally WAS anyway ..

the birthplace of RUSSIA. lol.

as that young SERBIAN volunteer in his interview weeks ago about his fighting inDONBASS east ukraine 'with our russian brothers".

"there never was a UKRAINE until they pretended they are a country..but this is russian land -- that's it ...and we are here to fight to take it back from these FASCISTS - THIS is going to be the last war of ukraine until it is again russian land".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The other countries will fall into line. At the end of the day, the US is still the leading power.

What will be interesting to me at least is how the US Foreign Policy will impact on Syria, Ukraine, the Asian Pivot etc....

...and truth be told, the US President has less power than the average joe on the street give them credit for.

one thing we have to be aware of :

VIKTORIA NULAND'/S pet project -- her ''fuck eu" THEY were gonna put in power whoever they wanted in UKRAINE With that maidan ''democracy revolution" she concocted for years..and BOASTED about it...

is sort of ''done" now --

putin WARNED NATO , EU , USA -- DESTROYING ukraine in order to grind towards russia some more and LITERALLY USEIT as a battering ram INTO russia IN THE FUTURE

IS THE BIG FAT RED LINE -- it is - historically and culturally the very WOMB AND HEART of RUSSIA they have been playing with ..and it will NOT be let go without consequences ONE WAY or another.

and LIttle reported in the west is -- the ''ukrainians' - INCLUDING those THAT ORIGINALLY were tempted by the maidan ''democracy and westernization" based in kiev -- the ones inthe WESTERN end of ukraine

have - to their horror at their own mistakes -- turned TO ''MOTHER russia' FOR SAFETY and survival from the mess THEY helped create in their zeal to be ''westernized" --

and to this day - increasingly -- have been migrating to russia --

80,000 of them per WEEK. where theya re then , after proper vetting that they are not terrorists or saboteurs but just miserable refugees -- given their chance to rebuild their lives as what they SHOULD have remained -
RUSSIANS ''from the border land -- U kraina " ..
AND -- hard as things are for russia's state budgets to absorb so many miserable refugees -- these ukrainians are now ''added" as another 3-4 MILLION ''New russians".

on top of probably a previous 3 million others already from years past. since the west started meddling there with their 'color revolutions' ...

th e lesson really...

the west in particular - shouldn't get into its mind that it can ''reshape" CULTURES that are about as alien from a different world , history, modes of thought -- IN THEIR OWN LANDS - and think they can just g about things as if it was just putting on a new dress...



Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
You don't think the passionate white majority have those concerns too?

I'll remind you that the passionate white majority are part of the electorate.

I watched a segment on Fox where a passionate white member explained that Manhatten isn't reflective of the USA. You can explore various parts of the US where people, who happen to mainly white, have few job prospects... it's not only blacks and latinos who suffer...

The disaffected white populace is still the biggest demographic in the USA and probably the most overlooked, truth be told.

I'm sure they do have those concerns.

But how much of Trump's campaign was built on hateful rhetoric and how much of it was a clear plan for providing more job opportunities?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Well, I doubt Victoria Nuland is going to be involved in anything going forward. Trump's talked of olive branches... it's a start, let's reserve judgement and see how far it takes us. Let's not forget... Trump has made some monolithic pledges.... we'll see how he takes on delivering some of them.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
i know THIS sounds 'sexist"

but look at the RECORD folks,

in today';s modern political leaderships -- THESE WOMEN have been right at the center of plenty of the WORST CRIMINAL offenses across the world --

the destruction of countries and wars, right up to and including TORTURE...

VICTORIA NULAND, JEN PSAKI, -- verdict still awaits on relatively 'new" THERESA MAY --

not TO mention the CIA'S infamous ''QUEEN OF TORTURE" -- WHATEVER that woman's name is that personally supervised torture programs , extra rendition (such as in poland, ireland, ) and testified to congress "TORTURE WORKS!!".

whoever says ONLY guys are 'violence prone" is a liar, sorry...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Well, I doubt Victoria Nuland is going to be involved in anything going forward. Trump's talked of olive branches... it's a start, let's reserve judgement and see how far it takes us. Let's not forget... Trump has made some monolithic pledges.... we'll see how he takes on delivering some of them.

TRUE enough. it's probably better to NOT get one's hopes up TOO much - so right to be reminded of that.

that way -- if it doens't get anything even close -- at least the BUMP down isn't too 'unexpected"

but for now - considering what hillary might have been saying NOW -- YIKES -- even a little ''breather" is something to at least be relieved about - even just for a moment.

the most immediate thing for trump FIRST YEAR to have a firm plan - one people CAN understand and at least BEGIN to see it is leading somewhere constructive is that jobs plan.

just too many americans are hurting. PERIOD.


Apr 22, 2013
Well, I doubt Victoria Nuland is going to be involved in anything going forward. Trump's talked of olive branches... it's a start, let's reserve judgement and see how far it takes us. Let's not forget... Trump has made some monolithic pledges.... we'll see how he takes on delivering some of them.

Yes. I'm not sure how many of those pledges he'll actually try to fulfill. I have my doubts about the wall for instance. I read an article about his deal making style. He does what it takes to close the deal (says whatever he needs to), then ends up being quite pragmatic. I'm also uncertain whether the military industrial complex will tolerate any significant changes to NATO


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yes. I'm not sure how many of those pledges he'll actually try to fulfill. I have my doubts about the wall for instance. I read an article about his deal making style. He does what it takes to close the deal (says whatever he needs to), then ends up being quite pragmatic. I'm also uncertain whether the military industrial complex will tolerate any significant changes to NATO

that's a fair assessment. we'll just have to wait and see.

we all know it's very rare that politicians - and leaders -- for he is going to be both now -- can really deliver everything they say they would - even if they meant it..

but for now -- things are probably in that important phase of cementing his cabinet, their strategy for the transition - the year - how to approach the entrenched powers - make the decisions about who are 'on board' with HIS preferences or not - the risks, etc...
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