US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
The main issue here IMO is that the governers of western civilization aren't listening to the people they are representing. It's blowback... Brexit was partly blowback... and I think Federberg's prediction about the EU will come to pass also.

There is far too great a gulf between the politicians and the people they purport to represent. The political elite are governing on behalf of the corporate elite... and the social contract for the rest has been broken.

This is giving that system the finger.... whether electing Trump changes anything remains to be seen... but it's the way the tide is turning. Clinton was just another figurehead working for the 0.01% and enriched by the 0.01%. It's bizarre that left of centre can't see that they are voting for the complete opposite of what they claim to believe in. Sanders could probably have won this campaign because he was at least authentic and had ideas out of the status quo.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The main issue here IMO is that the governers of western civilization aren't listening to the people they are representing. It's blowback... Brexit was partly blowback... and I think Federberg's prediction about the EU will come to pass also.

There is far too great a gulf between the politicians and the people they purport to represent. The political elite are governing on behalf of the corporate elite... and the social contract for the rest has been broken.

This is giving that system the finger.... whether electing Trump changes anything remains to be seen... but it's the way the tide is turning. Clinton was just another figurehead working for the 0.01% and enriched by the 0.01%. It's bizarre that left of centre can't see that they are voting for the complete opposite of what they claim to believe in. Sanders could probably have won this campaign because he was at least authentic and had ideas out of the status quo.


the problem of sanders is -- great ideas HE DIDN'T FIGHT FOR IT - by digging in to EXPOSE hillary for what she is -- USER of people..instead -- whatever GOOD his ideas were -- he still in the end capitulated -- not so much about not being nominee but in trying to SAVE the HILLARY he ended up what he was 'ASSIGNED" TO DO -- serve as a FOIL to hillary for HER to then HIJACK his position in her habitual ''flipflop" and

clintonesque - style that bill perfected -- \'TRIANGULATION"

move left, move right, but keep moving FORWARD to victory -- out of PURE self interest that had NOTHING to do with IDEAS to help the country be better for actual people -- however right or wrong that ends up - but at least do THAT.

but not hillary -not obama - oh no-- they are BLUE-BLOODED water carriers for their MASTERS the war mongers and profiteers -- and to HELL with ordinary folks. after the votes of course.

-- what people -- even 'trumpists" would have wanted -- basically the SAME things people hope for

good jobs, some real fair play, some security from when you're truly down and out inspite of trying so hard -- conservatives and liberals alike -- are only PEOPLE -- and want the same basic things..

the ELITES -- and the ''liberals' were so clever in making thnemselves APPEAR like they cared -- --

want NONE of that for people.
and ordinary folks -- however flawed trump is and will yet prove to be (he himself after all IS elite in his own way but how ELSE was anyone supposed to even RUN except if you ARE a a billionaire in the system as it is?) -

simply had enough of the cooing and cuddling in WORDS ONLY
by the elites - and promptly be exploited again and again and again..savings ruined , then RAIDED and money-laundered and it REAPPEARS

IN BAIL-OUTS for the entities in wall street that caused the loss of wages, savings, pensions, jobs, etc...

i mean -- my god, man...the ordinary folks just couldn't manage anymore..

when anyone looks and UNDERSTANDS the map of the USA ELECTORATE..

sure trump the usual 'red states" -- WHITES - but ALSO the mixed states ''blue democrats" -- which was the SHOCK BY THE middle of the counting from around 8 pm...
and the great majority were taken in RURAL , farm , low middle class - forgotten towns, industrial ghost towns...

that's REAL families sick and tired of living on foodstamps and fighting over jobs...seeing their own children feed the WAR MACHINE in places they probably don't really want to go to but NO JOBS -- only to see the BANKS and wall street eat MORE of their blood sweat and tears...

and then hear hillary and camp talk about

'LGBT?" who display their EXPENSIVE clothes and CHIC vacation hotspots?

there are IMMEDIATE problems such as when is the NEXT meal since YESTERDAY.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The main issue here IMO is that the governers of western civilization aren't listening to the people they are representing. It's blowback... Brexit was partly blowback... and I think Federberg's prediction about the EU will come to pass also.

There is far too great a gulf between the politicians and the people they purport to represent. The political elite are governing on behalf of the corporate elite... and the social contract for the rest has been broken.

This is giving that system the finger.... whether electing Trump changes anything remains to be seen... but it's the way the tide is turning. Clinton was just another figurehead working for the 0.01% and enriched by the 0.01%. It's bizarre that left of centre can't see that they are voting for the complete opposite of what they claim to believe in. Sanders could probably have won this campaign because he was at least authentic and had ideas out of the status quo.

AMERICANS basically seeing TRILLIONS spent ''WHERE ?"

"what's that country's NAME?|" the never heard of until HILLARY and obama and company told them ''we have to do something, we have to do something!!!"

while americans are knocking their heads trying to get food on the table and hope they get their children to finish HIGHSCHOOL!

it's REALLY cruel WHAT THE last 30 - 40 YEARS these leaders and their 'think tank" war mongers and wall street honchos have done to their own people -- not to mention the rest of the world


I've been cross country -- by bus -- so only in very short 'bus stop" hours during those 3 days it took each way -- and done that TWICE --

SO I KNOW that ordinary americans - especially in rural areas -- though less 'sophisticated' -- with all its flaws and limitations about the 'rest of the world" including their prejudices --are

nonetheless DECENT minded people. just ordinary folks trying to live with some dignity, u know? no different than anywhere else in the world.

and THEY have had enough being neglected in favor of the 'international. image " of america policies and the ''glamour causes"

that don't do anything for their real needs as ordinary people.
education, training, jobs, decent housing, affordable living, a chance to save something for the kids, etc...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The main issue here IMO is that the governers of western civilization aren't listening to the people they are representing. It's blowback... Brexit was partly blowback... and I think Federberg's prediction about the EU will come to pass also.

There is far too great a gulf between the politicians and the people they purport to represent. The political elite are governing on behalf of the corporate elite... and the social contract for the rest has been broken.

This is giving that system the finger.... whether electing Trump changes anything remains to be seen... but it's the way the tide is turning. Clinton was just another figurehead working for the 0.01% and enriched by the 0.01%. It's bizarre that left of centre can't see that they are voting for the complete opposite of what they claim to believe in. Sanders could probably have won this campaign because he was at least authentic and had ideas out of the status quo.

one should add -- IT IS NOT just in america - mind you.

regardless of political,economic system -- people around the world can SEE -- and they are SICK and tired of it..

especially - when - in terms of economics -- they see "the undemocratic china"

is buying up homes -- 300 million go on foreign vacation sampling what the world has to sell...dressing nice and talking about owning 'stuff'.

and the countries that were SUPPOSED to be wealthy are GAWKING at it -- and wondering ''where did all our freedom that brings prosperity" go?

or poor countries see the same thing and wonder : "when will my family have clean water?"

it's the same everywhere -- and american voters - just like you saidl

PUT UP THE FINGER ...AND said ''enough"!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The main issue here IMO is that the governers of western civilization aren't listening to the people they are representing. It's blowback... Brexit was partly blowback... and I think Federberg's prediction about the EU will come to pass also.

There is far too great a gulf between the politicians and the people they purport to represent. The political elite are governing on behalf of the corporate elite... and the social contract for the rest has been broken.

This is giving that system the finger.... whether electing Trump changes anything remains to be seen... but it's the way the tide is turning. Clinton was just another figurehead working for the 0.01% and enriched by the 0.01%. It's bizarre that left of centre can't see that they are voting for the complete opposite of what they claim to believe in. Sanders could probably have won this campaign because he was at least authentic and had ideas out of the status quo.

YOUR COMMENT echoed by this article - and certainly everywhere, really.

Trump’s Victory Proves US Political Class Out of Touch With Electorate
12:32 09.11.2016Get short URL

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The victory of Republican Party candidate Donald Trump in the US presidential elections proves that Washington’s political class and the mainstream US media are completely detached from the actual US electorate, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Executive Director Daniel McAdams told Sputnik.

“More than anything else, Donald Trump's victory has proven the entire political class in Washington and especially the mainstream media that does their bidding to be completely out of touch with the American people,” McAdams said.

According to McAdams, over the course of the election, the mainstream media has proven not to be independent resources seeking out inconvenient truths, but rather “a lapdog to the power elite.”

Earlier in the day, Trump won the US presidential elections despite most of the analysts and opinion polls predicting his defeat to Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The main issue here IMO is that the governers of western civilization aren't listening to the people they are representing. It's blowback... Brexit was partly blowback... and I think Federberg's prediction about the EU will come to pass also.

There is far too great a gulf between the politicians and the people they purport to represent. The political elite are governing on behalf of the corporate elite... and the social contract for the rest has been broken.

This is giving that system the finger.... whether electing Trump changes anything remains to be seen... but it's the way the tide is turning. Clinton was just another figurehead working for the 0.01% and enriched by the 0.01%. It's bizarre that left of centre can't see that they are voting for the complete opposite of what they claim to believe in. Sanders could probably have won this campaign because he was at least authentic and had ideas out of the status quo.

ONE commentator covering the proceedings -- as the FUNEREAL PALL descended on THEIR faces -- as the collective ''/american media and news" talking heads realized THEIR hillary they openly ''voted' ALL THESE months for -- LOST --

had to admit :

"while i was going my rounds on the ground -- and watching the big tv screens in times square -- i asked a guy who he voted for...

"he said TRUMP"

|"I ASKED why? the guy said - he wasn't PARTICULARLY for trump".

I asked why he voted for him anyway?

"because he's not THEM".

the folks HILLARY represents...

according to general polls..

one breakdown of reasons for the results was this:

69 percent WHITE MALES ''without a college degree".
89 percent voted ''for change" .


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
You make some valid points and while many centre-leftists of the chattering classes focus on things like sexist and racist comments... they often fail to see the bigger picture on what's more important...

For example, Is having a job more important to most people than gay marriage?

I use that as an example because most of the negativity toward Trump in the media, on social media etc... has been focused on comments he has made on sexist, equality, racial issues.

Now these might be of major concern to people with a decent standard of living, with a regular paycheck, living in a nice area...

Why? Because they don't have enough other more meaningful stuff to worry about.

What is more meaningful to most people in the west (not just the USA) are jobs, health, crime etc....

Looking beyond Trump's buffoonish ramblings, he has made some pledges, which I actually doubt he can keep (certainly not enact within a 4 year time frame or even an 8 year time frame).... stuff like bringing manufacturing back to the USA via protectionism, reducing overseas conflict through dialogue, law and order... getting people working again.... but it resonates with the people... and ultimately for any western state to be successful via globalisation... there will have to be an element of protectionism.

The other thing... for all his warts and all, Trump is authentic.... you might think he's an authentic buffoon... you might despise his proposed policies... but he is what he is....

Clinton, on the other hand is not authentic at all. She is a stooge of the political/corporate cartel who have run Washington for too long. She works for the 0.01%, she works for the lobbyists... who have enriched her and paid for her campaign. She has been personally enriched by the banks and other major American corporates. Clinton is not a caring or authentic individual... she's a shameless fake. Caring individuals don't talk about droning people outside of the realms of justice... or sit around sniggering about the deaths of other world leaders at their hands. She's crass, shameless and see-through. People saw through her...

If Trump has accomplished one thing... it's that the people are no longer as stupid and controlled by the mainstream media as in the past. A social contract between the elites and the people needs to re-established. He might not be the man to do it, but at least it should have a major impact on the selection and campaigning of future candidates.
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Apr 22, 2013
Lol! I'm not sure the people were ever controlled by the mainstream media. They certainly seem to be seduced by social media now, facts are not assigned any value anymore.

Still, let's see what bits of his campaign pledges he sticks with and what he quietly dumps. Hopefully the anti-constitutional stuff will die a death as well as the wall. What worries me though is what he does about global trade. I'm not sure the global economy is strong enough to cope with massive disruptions, and he can try anything he wants, nothing will bring those manufacturing jobs back to the rust belt. I always felt the GFC in 2008/09 was different to the period of the Great Depression, because then countries put up tariffs and global trade retreated. If he does damage to that reality I really don't know what the outcome will be, it won't be good!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Lol! I'm not sure the people were ever controlled by the mainstream media. They certainly seem to be seduced by social media now, facts are not assigned any value anymore.

Still, let's see what bits of his campaign pledges he sticks with and what he quietly dumps. Hopefully the anti-constitutional stuff will die a death as well as the wall. What worries me though is what he does about global trade. I'm not sure the global economy is strong enough to cope with massive disruptions, and he can try anything he wants, nothing will bring those manufacturing jobs back to the rust belt. I always felt the GFC in 2008/09 was different to the period of the Great Depression, because then countries put up tariffs and global trade retreated. If he does damage to that reality I really don't know what the outcome will be, it won't be good!

That's the point Federberg... people used to be heavily influenced by the mainstream media... some still are. Remember, when the mainstream media was all we used to have... you must remember how all the politicos in the UK used to court Murdoch (on both sides)... and still do, to an extent. Once upon a time, the likes of BBC, CNN etc... were regarded as a provider of an impartial news service. We all know that's garbage these days.

The influence of mainstream media is diminishing. Talk to any social media guys, and Trump murdered it on social media... quite the opposite of the mainstream media who lined up against him... almost all of them. We also look elsewhere for a more balanced opinion.

With regards to global trade.... the west has to revert to protectionism on some scale over the next 50 years. Otherwise provide me with an alternative.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
You make some valid points and while many centre-leftists of the chattering classes focus on things like sexist and racist comments... they often fail to see the bigger picture on what's more important...

For example, Is having a job more important to most people than gay marriage?

I use that as an example because most of the negativity toward Trump in the media, on social media etc... has been focused on comments he has made on sexist, equality, racial issues.

Now these might be of major concern to people with a decent standard of living, with a regular paycheck, living in a nice area...

Why? Because they don't have enough other more meaningful stuff to worry about.

What is more meaningful to most people in the west (not just the USA) are jobs, health, crime etc....

Looking beyond Trump's buffoonish ramblings, he has made some pledges, which I actually doubt he can keep (certainly not enact within a 4 year time frame or even an 8 year time frame).... stuff like bringing manufacturing back to the USA via protectionism, reducing overseas conflict through dialogue, law and order... getting people working again.... but it resonates with the people... and ultimately for any western state to be successful via globalisation... there will have to be an element of protectionism.

The other thing... for all his warts and all, Trump is authentic.... you might think he's an authentic buffoon... you might despise his proposed policies... but he is what he is....

Clinton, on the other hand is not authentic at all. She is a stooge of the political/corporate cartel who have run Washington for too long. She works for the 0.01%, she works for the lobbyists... who have enriched her and paid for her campaign. She has been personally enriched by the banks and other major American corporates. Clinton is not a caring or authentic individual... she's a shameless fake. Caring individuals don't talk about droning people outside of the realms of justice... or sit around sniggering about the deaths of other world leaders at their hands. She's crass, shameless and see-through. People saw through her...

If Trump has accomplished one thing... it's that the people are no longer as stupid and controlled by the mainstream media as in the past. A social contract between the elites and the people needs to re-established. He might not be the man to do it, but at least it should have a major impact on the selection and campaigning of future candidates.

you nailed it for me BETTER .

USING that 'gay rights and women's lib" issues just as examples...

it doesn't mean I or anyone is BELITTLING such issues that ARE important to the actual individuals concerned...

I am GAY - so it should mean something to ME. but i HAVE my PRIORITIES in order on a larger context -- that there ARE more important matters to social cohesion and stability and general welfare than JUST MY issues about ''being accepted as a NORMAL SEX"!! and that I ''am misunderstood and i have the family values of straights TOO -- please HUG ME|"!!

IT'S NONSENSE in the face of millions and hundreds of millions and billions that have issues about


this is also not to say that - for example --

a JOBLESS PERSON might inf act ALSO be gay and would wish the world was kinder.
but that makes NO difference to a CHILD who has to go to bed without supper because his mom can't afford to make another meal. because dad lost his job because wall street of hillary SAID SO. because they're SAVING the money they RAIDED from the TREASURY and social security CUTS and in TAXES on ''earned income" from 'middle class' that is hanging on by the skin of the teeth

to do what?

why -- PAY BOEING AND MCDONNEL for yet another ''repair job" of F-35 the most advanced ''fighter attack jet ever" under ''development" SINCE 1985 and costing 1 .5 TRILLION And STILL can't fly right when it's LOADED with its cannons and missiles!

and THAT'S what these ELITES and their bloodthirsty , narcissistic ''america is the greatest because we have the greatest military" (barack's statement just the OTHER day!!) -- have DONE

to the ordinary american. and THEN these are the SAME ones

who HECTOR americans to be 'PATRIOTIC" wave the flag, support the troops whose crumpled bodies the veterans adminsitration WON'T pay for their care - or CHARGE them --

and these are the same ''great leaders of great america"

who tell americns - as hillary suggests --

"let's defend FREEEEEEDDDOOOOMM and democracy and HUMAN RIGHTS!!!"..

whie SLEEPING WITH AL QAEDA and its spawn so THEIR sponsors inwall street and corporations and FOREIGN ''contributors" to their MONEY laundering schemse for their personal fortunes can make MORE money with their wars and their plundering

of every country they can lay hands on -- AND plundering THEIR own peoples -- such as ordinary americans and the citizens of other countires...

and for WHAT? THEIR FEW PRIVATE FAMILIES and their unbelievable greed and thirst for MORE power ..

it's just amazing, man, i tell you.

and wha'ts even more amazing is how supposedly 'HUMANE" PEOPLE -=- who say they have MORALITY and ''caring"

actually can't SEE RIGHT THROUGH this dog and pony show hillaryl, billie, obama, bush, etc..and their kind , their retainers and retinue have been playhing on everyone.

such stupidity, i tell you.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
That's the point Federberg... people used to be heavily influenced by the mainstream media... some still are. Remember, when the mainstream media was all we used to have... you must remember how all the politicos in the UK used to court Murdoch (on both sides)... and still do, to an extent. Once upon a time, the likes of BBC, CNN etc... were regarded as a provider of an impartial news service. We all know that's garbage these days.

The influence of mainstream media is diminishing. Talk to any social media guys, and Trump murdered it on social media... quite the opposite of the mainstream media who lined up against him... almost all of them. We also look elsewhere for a more balanced opinion.

With regards to global trade.... the west has to revert to protectionism on some scale over the next 50 years. Otherwise provide me with an alternative.


and in trade -- it's a question of the USA -- hopefully under trump -- to YES -- have USA'S PEOPLE-- not just this meaningless

'america, america, aemerica| -- but PEOPLE -- THEIR INTEREST FIRST...AND THAT MEANS --

pahying attentin to wht the people NEED - and if it ALSO means TRADE -- THEN GO AHEAD AND trade in as fair a manner as possible with countries who are NOT going to have any other NEW DISCOVERIES...

for they TOO will have to do the same thing -- IF they are to be treated FAIRLY or expect to be treated so --

SO THAT by bringing THESE COMMON - shared concerns --

that governments SHOULD be serving their people's welfare -- the governments MEET for the purpose of understanding each other's needs -- as PUTIN AND XI JINPING HAVE already repeatedly demonstrated for MANY YEARS NOW..

that's how yhou build ''relationships"

"open to trading" BUT ''not sacrifice my people".

and countries WILL find a way to come to an understanding. how else are they supposed to co-exist?

HERE'S an example -- LITTLE KNOWN or hardly EVER reported or talked about on 'JOBS" IN america is this :

in at least 3 southern states - georgia, carolina, missippy i believe..

factories -- very advanced, with real attention to low pollution, sustainability, efficiency, etc...have appeared -- bringing something like 5,000 jobs -- to a community and a whole county or even a STATE that is BIG. as the ''trickle' economics takes its course..

WHO BUILT the factories ? AMERICAN WORKERS - ''BECAUSE theya re so good , so dedicated and hardworking..and actually cheaper than if we brought OUR workers"

BY A CHINESE INVESTOR - who after repeated visits by americans in china finally convinced HIS company to give the USA state a 'try" -

WIN -WIN - as they say. and they produce LOOMS..which means right THERE in georgia are the cotton farmers whose industry are REVIVED WITH NON-existent transport costs to weaving factories because the chinese came and built and hired american workers.

DID OBAMA do that/ OF COURSE NOT!! it took an enterprising american to go and convince a chinese company and investor ...and from there -- they built more factories in 2 neighboring states..which also means additional taxes to the coffers of the state treasuries that can help fund social needs - like health care, education etc...


but THEY looked at their NEEDS and EXPECTATIONS and came to an agreement and went and DID IT.

none of this nonsense about ''race," and the UNDEFINED ALL PURPOSE 'democracy' that doesn't BRING JOBS and FOOD on the table!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Lol! I'm not sure the people were ever controlled by the mainstream media. They certainly seem to be seduced by social media now, facts are not assigned any value anymore.

Still, let's see what bits of his campaign pledges he sticks with and what he quietly dumps. Hopefully the anti-constitutional stuff will die a death as well as the wall. What worries me though is what he does about global trade. I'm not sure the global economy is strong enough to cope with massive disruptions, and he can try anything he wants, nothing will bring those manufacturing jobs back to the rust belt. I always felt the GFC in 2008/09 was different to the period of the Great Depression, because then countries put up tariffs and global trade retreated. If he does damage to that reality I really don't know what the outcome will be, it won't be good!

the great disappointment about obama is - for one -- he used his full 8 years doing basically NOTHING but POSTURING.

he's done NOTHING about jobs, REAL wages, or at least meaningful jobs , came up instead with SCHEMES like obama care...
not that some government 'security" for such BASIC needs as health is a bad thing ...

but he USED IT as a BAIT - like cotton candy --

to basicallyCAPTURE the middle class and lower class into the 'government welfare system" of obama care -- which is to be MANAGED BY PRIVATE ACCOUNTING FIRMS OF WALL STREET..

and ONCE they are CAPTURED (under penalty of FINES from their paychecks if they DON'T sign up -- tha't right there is literally a HOLD-[UP, if you ask me -- evne if you actually would WANT to have some kind of social program like that) -

RAISE the costs!! ON The backs of the NOW CAPTURED ''enrolled "

will NOW MAKE A KILLING from as ''administrative costs" -- using THAT same ''government money" which is REALLY the PREMIUMS payed by the enrolled as well as any ''penalties" people must pay...


management and accounting firms of wall street of course.

CLEVER aren't they? and to add INJURTY TO INSULT...

he THEN cuts THE BENEFITS OR CHOICES of treatment -- to the middle class -- as a way to 'cut costs" which is demanded BY THE PRIVATE MANAGERS AND ACCOUNTANTS who NOW control

the 'public funded obamacare" people are COERCED to sign up to.

and since those choices or treatments have been cut for the middle class -- THAT means THEIR costs of paying into the systme in premiums , out of pocket contributions and NEWLY raised charges --

JUST DEVALUED their very own ''insurance" !!!

AND THEY were ROBBED again by OBAMA on behalf of his WALL STREET MASTERS!


what a CREEP that guy is, i tell you.


Apr 22, 2013
That's the point Federberg... people used to be heavily influenced by the mainstream media... some still are. Remember, when the mainstream media was all we used to have... you must remember how all the politicos in the UK used to court Murdoch (on both sides)... and still do, to an extent. Once upon a time, the likes of BBC, CNN etc... were regarded as a provider of an impartial news service. We all know that's garbage these days.

The influence of mainstream media is diminishing. Talk to any social media guys, and Trump murdered it on social media... quite the opposite of the mainstream media who lined up against him... almost all of them. We also look elsewhere for a more balanced opinion.

With regards to global trade.... the west has to revert to protectionism on some scale over the next 50 years. Otherwise provide me with an alternative.

That's fair, re: mainstream media. I guess my point is that social media is a poor substitute in the search for truth. You just end up absorbing tin hat stuff.

Regarding global trade, it's rather ironic but the hard part's been done. Developing countries have benefited greatly from open markets and as a consequence are dramatically wealthier now than even 10 years ago. Countries like India and China now have significant middle class populations that are ready to consume the sort of products that western economies excel at. The issue now is less about global trade and more about curbing the exploitation that global corporations are able to get away with. You only have to look at the tax arbitrage that the likes of Apple and Google are trying to get away with in Europe. These same corporations (and European ones are equally guilty) are also getting away with labour arbitrage and leaving governments to deal with the mess. That has to stop. It's not global trade that's the problem, it's what governments are letting big business get away with. And it concerns me that even now members of the Trump team are talking about cutting business taxes. It's simply rewarding bad behaviour and not dealing with the fundamental problem. Big companies are starting to rival entire countries as a political force, but with no democratic control. Large trading countries need to get together and come up with a coordinated response, otherwise they are all ceding power to these companies


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 17, 2013
wow, we didn't expect this result in France, hope we won't have extreme right as our new president in May !!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
the thing with these ''elites' and masters of the universe inwall street, washington and their minions everywhere is this:

THEY LOVE THEIR WEALTH AND POWER -- but they do it on the backs of ordianry folks...

but as if THAT is not enough -- they won't even actually at least EARN their way to their profits by actually PRODUCING ANYTHING OF VALUE to ordinary people.

all they REALLY are - therefore -- is \

PURE PLUNDERERS and THIEVES with absolutely NO earthly USE to anybody.

just PURE -- very, very rich -- PARASITES on the polity of societies.

that is QUITE different from a TRUMP who goes and makes DEALS

AND WILL try to get the most profit for himself over YOU -- but a deal is a deal -- straight up -- but somehow people are going to largely benefit from the deal -- small as those benefits might be under the 'capitalist' system he thrives in --

but these ones that emerge into the OPEN NOW with their profligate PLUNDERING

right up to and including CREATING TERRORISTS to defend THEIR profit seeking interests all over the world -- right up to and including

destroying ENTIRE countries and regions -- the BETTER TO increase their profits from the CHAOS -- and even ''population culling" and moving entire populations to ''change geo-political-cultural landscapes|"

that they can FEED ON (AS soros does, the rothschilds and rockefellers , duponts, cheneys , bushes, do) -

they are absolutely ABSOLUTELY OF NO USE to human society.

question is -- HOW did america and countries ALLOW these satanic demons to actually walk around? let alone SET global policies?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
wow, we didn't expect this result in France, hope we won't have extreme right as our new president in May !!!


who would you rather have then? hollande the fake 'socialist?" responsible for france's participation in LIBYA (THAT SARKOZY little napoleon started) and UKRAINE? AND russian sanctions/ what good that THAT bring france? under orders of washington of OBAMA who was supposed to hand the SAME TORCH over to hillary?

the trouble with france BEGAN the moment DE GAULLE passed away.

from then on -- was a slow motion capture of france BY washington. and look at where it got all of you.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Pepe Escobar on the American Election.

u know what is ODIOUS ?

LET US REMEMBER -- never mind what the hillary apologists say that it's not true --


congress (including majority of republican politicians looking out for THEIR asses under a hillary war party rule which THEY are part of anyway) --
even the COURTS (ONEJUST REFUSED TRUMPS APPEAL against keeping 'early voting' open 2 years MORE , obviously to help out democrats ) -
the MEDIA OF COURSE -- \the
big ''social influence' stars -- the biggest donors of the 'deep state"
the FBI - pretending to ''do our job" but somehow without exsplanation

MANAGED TO EXAMINE 90,000 more ''new e mails" in less than a DAY!! to conclude ""ther'es nothing there"...

and WHAT DO we witness?

these ame TALKING HEADS ON USA mainstream media NOW talk abotu ''we are such a divided country -- it is now exposed - we are not united -- so

"how did TRUMP create THAT?"

as if THEY weren't the ones responsbile inthe first place...intheir ZEAL to elect hillary to her WARS..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Another bastion of the establishment and global elitism bites the dust. This is an era that historians will be writing about for years. I go back to the riots I witnessed in Clapham a few years back. At the time it fizzled out, but I couldn't help feeling there was something really substantive that had happened. I don't think this assault on Western democratic assumptions is over yet. The biggest issue remains the EU and the lack of democratic accountability there. With the referendum in Italy, French presidential elections and German elections over the next 12 months, I think we could see more history being made. I have a feeling the EU isn't going to last another 5 years if this movements momentum has staying power. I'm hugely disappointed at the result, I felt that the way Trump went about his campaign will have a long term negative impact on American democracy, but I did feel that the anger and frustration of the movement was authentic. It would have been so much better if Bernie had been the leader of the movement, but HRC and her connections ripped that chance away. Ironically the resentment that stoked made it inevitable (in hindsight) that too many of his followers would reject her. She had the chance to turn that around by confronting the distrust. I kept waiting for her to step up like Obama did, with his Reverend Wright speech. To make a positive case for why America could elect her, but as Colin Powell said, hubris has always been her fatal weakness. So here we are now. The GOP now has all 3 branches of power, they can't obstruct or protest anymore, they actually have to govern. They may be in a more precarious position now than ever before, because they'll have no one to blame now. Let's see if Trump actually has the capacity to govern, he may surprise us.

Also, I think now, he'll have no choice but to come clean about his assets and taxes won't he? I'm looking forward to that, and I'm also looking forward to his inauguration, I can only imagine how President Obama will feel standing beside him as he hands over power. Shakespeare couldn't write stuff like this, it make House of Cards look tame

You do bend in all shapes and forms no? oh so now 'lets see if Trump can govern, may surprise us'......hohohoho you already categorically described him as someone who is totally useless and would not win, and now you again pose yourself as an expert analyst?

lol, its people like you that flooded the Clinton camp and silent people despise.

You are like those finance experts who can't forecast anything right or even commit to forecasting, yet would explain everything like you know all about hindsight, after its happened.

ridiculous don't you think? lol
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