US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
well -- that is not nice of YOU EITHER.

TO USE ''i am going away" as a thinly disguised ''pressure'' on britbox - jiust becuse he is the maker of this website inwhich ALL of us are allowed to express what the heck wewish -- and I CERTAINLY have been vicious to no LESS than BRITBOX himself when i can't see eyue to eye --

doesn't mean he Can't express his own positions -- just because you suddenly don't feel comfortable about it.

you're playhing the same kind of 'mc-carthyite" position that characterized HILLARY'S ''campaign" and the deep state - the warmongering state that has been FULLY EXPOSED in this campaign for all the world to see --

in which there are ''taboos" about how to speak, what to speak, what is the ''tone of voice" and that people ought to ''watch your tone of voice lest you Offend my precious feelings".

HILLARY LOST - despite the DEEP STATE'S , WAR STATE'S efforts -- aided and abetted by the media that is NOW ALSO COMPLETELY exposed as having NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever which YOU and others like you CLUNG TO ...

SO - it is better that you get a grip -- HILLARY CAN'T BE PRESIDENT AND HAVE THAT FINGER - TREMBLING -- ON A NUCLEAR BUTTON she and her ILK are openly willing to ''put everything on the table"

JUST to prove ''we're the masters of the universe" -- LIKE THE DEEP STATE DEEP POCKETS that put HER and her kind in power while they play with PEOPLE'S lives across the world.

if anything moxie -- you just lower yourself for USING that kind of attitude towards BRITBOX -- the implicit ''threat" to 'leave'

UNLESS your SENTIMENTS are assuage by POLITE LANGUAGE. about something -- the LOSS of hillary WHOSE CAMP

brought up the most VICIOUS, IMPOLITE NONSENSE ever seen from any campaign...IMPUGNING heads of state like russia's or others for the sake of ELECTORAL VOTES that is UNBECOMING of a self-appointed ''first woman president" who claimed to


and you are going to lecture britbox about ''proper tone of voice?"

Get bloody over yourself. Sometimes a cris de coeur is just that. No emotional blackmail, just try for a little tenderness when folks are hurting. How about that? Aren't we trying to be a community, and doesn't BB promote that?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
That is cheap, unkind, and unlike you. If you want people to stay around and take the abuse from your seriously right-wing posters, I'd be nicer.

andno -- what britbox said wasn't cheap unkind ..

it was correct -- it DESCRIBED what IS.

there has been EERIE silence from the ''camp" of ARBITERS OF BEHAVIOR called the hillry camp and those around her -- who took on the themselves the RIGHT to decide how the world ought to behave..the way THEY say so.

so what britbox said was CORRECT, PRECISE AND TO THE POINT.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Get bloody over yourself. Sometimes a cris de coeur is just that. No emotional blackmail, just try for a little tenderness when folks are hurting. How about that? Aren't we trying to be a community, and doesn't BB promote that?

THERE YOU GO AGAIN...DOUBLING DOWN -- EMITIONAL BLACKMAIL -- exactly as you just attempted on britbox..

oh pooor poor moxie me -- britbox made me feel BAD...BOO HOOO...

get a grip!

and yes we are trying to be a community. it does NOT mean anyone - neither you nor me -- can use emotional blackmail to make OTHERS behave the way WE want them to. such as to change their behavior for the sake of our poor little sensitive souls. ESPECIALLY when speaking True things.

HILLARY LOST despite what was one of the most RABIDLY impugning, lying campaigns, literally weaving entire phtantom scare stories about non-existent matters -- while trying to dismiss REAL criminalities and deception on HER part and those around her and that dee state that is NOW SO EXPOSED around the world -- the kagans, the neo-cons, the warmongers, bill kristol, nuland, state department, cronies, saudi, arab monarchies funders of al qaeda with HER FULL knowledge acceting money nonethelss

and turning aroudn to tell american peole about those ''big bad russians' --


and silent or benumbed because they know they've been exposed for their COMPLETE LACK OF CREDIBILITY ALL OVER THE WORLD.

that's the REALITY moxie -- no matter how you try to go BACK to the ground with your head in it. as you HAVE DONE all this campaign...

being a 'community' does not require HOLDING BACK ON WHAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT.

AND britbox has EVERY right as you do to say what he thinks is warranted.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'm sorry that a modicum of empathy is beyond you, teddy, but apparently it is. So, go fuck yourself.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
OK, the comment was only meant to be joke. I get it that there are some open wounds right now... but how about waiting and seeing how this unfolds. Trump might turn out better than you think.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Get bloody over yourself. Sometimes a cris de coeur is just that. No emotional blackmail, just try for a little tenderness when folks are hurting. How about that? Aren't we trying to be a community, and doesn't BB promote that?

MOXIE -- i understand -- can -- britbox does too as anyone would - we are all human --

about cry of the heart...

but it can NOT be a cause to bury TRUTH - TRUTH IS TRUTH.

that is why it CAN hurt.

believe me -- even if you probably would not -- i DO feel for you - because i know how much many people put so much belief into hillary...

it is the loss one can feel about anything in the world tha tone believes in --

but in the end -- for better or worse -- is a loss...

bu in the cse of hillary -- without saying that donald trump is going to be better for the country -- and the world by extensions --

she was A danger TO all of us -- including you. no matter how you think of it NOW..

TO MANY countries the rabidity of what SHE was the pinnacle of representing -- wars and more wars -- PURELY for the sake of the globalist ruling class CENTERED in the USA - NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON DC...the george soros, etc..who have CAUSED FOR DECADES SO MUCH unbelievable human misery that THOSE OF YOU BEHIND HILLARY just would NEVER truly look at honestly ...

is a BRief moment OF RELIEF and chance to step BACK from the VERY BRINK of global war...

it TRANSCENDS any of your ''cries of the heart" for the loss of the hillary campaign which represented EXACTLY what the world FEARED...MORE MISERY promoted by HER kind AND HERBACKERS..

i wish you would try to TRULYunderstand the REAL meaning of what SHE has tried to ''get done" -- USING your feelings to gain support for something that is EVIL. moxie.

remember a few days ago - i said to you -- i am the way i am in my talking - and to you included because I very much WORRIED about people like you -- how you know so LITTLE of just how dangerous hiillary is -- and most importantly THE people she represents (for she , like barack are just water boy and water girl carrier) - ...

i was WORRIED about how YOUR hands would be RED WITH BLOOD WHEN SHE unleashes her wars ...

FOR your SAKE - BELIEVE -- i also breathed a sigh of relief that ''Your" hillary won't have that chance...i may be nasty to you , moxie, out of differences of views..but that means because I care...

we do - i know others do.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
OK, the comment was only meant to be joke. I get it that there are some open wounds right now... but how about waiting and seeing how this unfolds. Trump might turn out better than you think.
He might, though I worry that Pence won't, and he's already been told that he'll be in charge of "domestic and foreign policy." Leaving what? And they have carte blanche, with the House and Senate. I think people are going to wonder what they'd wished for. But I'm standing by, optimistically as ever.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
MOXIE -- i understand -- can -- britbox does too as anyone would - we are all human --

about cry of the heart...

but it can NOT be a cause to bury TRUTH - TRUTH IS TRUTH.

that is why it CAN hurt.

believe me -- even if you probably would not -- i DO feel for you - because i know how much many people put so much belief into hillary...

it is the loss one can feel about anything in the world tha tone believes in --

but in the end -- for better or worse -- is a loss...

bu in the cse of hillary -- without saying that donald trump is going to be better for the country -- and the world by extensions --

she was A danger TO all of us -- including you. no matter how you think of it NOW..

TO MANY countries the rabidity of what SHE was the pinnacle of representing -- wars and more wars -- PURELY for the sake of the globalist ruling class CENTERED in the USA - NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON DC...the george soros, etc..who have CAUSED FOR DECADES SO MUCH unbelievable human misery that THOSE OF YOU BEHIND HILLARY just would NEVER truly look at honestly ...

is a BRief moment OF RELIEF and chance to step BACK from the VERY BRINK of global war...

it TRANSCENDS any of your ''cries of the heart" for the loss of the hillary campaign which represented EXACTLY what the world FEARED...MORE MISERY promoted by HER kind AND HERBACKERS..

i wish you would try to TRULYunderstand the REAL meaning of what SHE has tried to ''get done" -- USING your feelings to gain support for something that is EVIL. moxie.

remember a few days ago - i said to you -- i am the way i am in my talking - and to you included because I very much WORRIED about people like you -- how you know so LITTLE of just how dangerous hiillary is -- and most importantly THE people she represents (for she , like barack are just water boy and water girl carrier) - ...

i was WORRIED about how YOUR hands would be RED WITH BLOOD WHEN SHE unleashes her wars ...

FOR your SAKE - BELIEVE -- i also breathed a sigh of relief that ''Your" hillary won't have that chance...i may be nasty to you , moxie, out of differences of views..but that means because I care...

we do - i know others do.
Good job reaching out, up until you started telling me all over again what a danger Hillary is. Give it a rest! I don't agree with you, and don't pat me on my head as if I just need to hear it one more time. As far as I'm concerned, you're not right in the least, about either of them. Truce. For the unforeseeable future. Please!


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
I'm sorry that a modicum of empathy is beyond you, teddy, but apparently it is. So, go fuck yourself.

hahahaha, feminists reveal their true colors. Told you Hillary is incompetent, can't win even if everything is in her favour.

If one is hurt due to election result, might need to see a shrink.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
hahahaha, feminists reveal their true colors. Told you Hillary is incompetent, can't win even if everything is in her favour.

If one is hurt due to election result, might need to see a shrink.
Since the gloves are off: your misogyny has always been obvious. You are a man who hates women, that's clear. Which usually means that women don't like you. There's probably a reason for that. Trump doesn't love women, but he buys them. If you're not worth billions, you probably go without. And resent it. Then blame the women. I suspect you're an anorak-wearing basement-living computer troll who hasn't seen a woman beyond a video screen in 15 years. Men who live with and love women may get frustrated, as women do with men, but real misogyny like yours comes from lack of familiarity, or some deep-seeded Mommy issues. So who needs a shrink. Hmmm?
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Yes. I'm not sure how many of those pledges he'll actually try to fulfill. I have my doubts about the wall for instance. I read an article about his deal making style. He does what it takes to close the deal (says whatever he needs to), then ends up being quite pragmatic. I'm also uncertain whether the military industrial complex will tolerate any significant changes to NATO

again another attempt at being 'wise' in hindsight......oh so Trump can be 'quite pragmatic', i thought you told us how totally worthless he is; if he can close deals in pragmatic manner then that speaks the kind of capability beyond anything you can dream of.

anything more to add so you can appear to be a wise ass?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Since the gloves are off: your misogyny has always been obvious. You are a man who hates women, that's clear. Which usually means that women don't like you. There's probably a reason for that. Trump doesn't love women, but he buys them. If you're not worth billions, you probably go without. And resent it. Then blame the women. I suspect you're an anorak-wearing basement-living computer troll who hasn't seen a woman beyond a video screen in 15 years. Men who live with and love women may get frustrated, as women do with men, but real misogyny like yours comes from lack of familiarity, or some deep-seeded Mommy issues. So who needs a shrink. Hmmm?

typical angry feminist rant, after finding their real worth. now an elite woman (sorry but you are not) has proven that she isn't real competent after all, make up whatever story you want. I don't buy women, even having such thought shows what you are, but i hire them at work. I see their strength and weaknesses and i don't need to pretend like they are 'equal' to men or whatever PC crap that's fashionable these days. I would gladly invite BB to come over to see the kind of 'basement' that i am supposed to live in. Since he is also in Australia that may not be too difficult, but that is a chance to prove again what a self-centred and self-absorbed idiot you are.

and of course when accusing others of being cheap, we all know the kind of cheap sh!t you come up with. Mysogeny this and that, as soon as you are proven worthless you would shout that. Well that's typical of feminists anyway, and i can sense a change of tide now that Trump is elected.

oh coming back to buying women, give me your numbers (height, measurements and photos without editing) and i will price you up. I am absolutely sure i can afford, my only question would be though.....what for?

I am not used to downgrading, or bottom feeding. lol
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
now everyone should have a moment of silence out of respect for Clinton, who can use it to delete a few more emails. :D


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
A point worth making is that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. Whatever we decide to do about the electoral college, this is the 2nd election in recent years that the Democratic candidate has won the most votes, but has lost the election.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
good idea, change the rules when it doesn't go your way. Like in tennis, players win more total points but still lose the match.....let's change the rules.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'm sorry that a modicum of empathy is beyond you, teddy, but apparently it is. So, go fuck yourself.

moxie, people can be as passionate or cold as they have to be or wish or are able...but we are responsible for OUR own feelings at the end of the day.

if you put it that way -- i am somewhat capable of empathy -- i have sympathy or empathy with families , mothers, children, people

who cry from the heart as barack obama's drones rain hell on them...beyond your ''empathy" - or simply 'interest'...

of people displaced whose countries were ruined by the kinds of people lik ehillary and the crowd who crown themselves masters of the universe so as to remap regions -- ''guide'' populations to migrate here and there from the RUIN and misery

THEIR POLICIES BROUGHT into reality -- that YOU were about to DOUBLE DOWN ON - from obama, from bush, from billie and their ''sanctio;ns" and ''/no fly zones" and bombings and invasions and alliances with terrorists --

by VOTING HER INTO the nulands, samantha powers and their crocodile tears about ''human rights" can FLOW some more as they DRAG YOU and the world to MORE of their bloodletting plus profit wonders...

so - yes -- moxie -- if you WANT and CHOOSE to lick your WOUNDS that way to reject MY heartfelt empathy for YOU -- DESPITE what i know to be INCORRECT devotion to the 'cause of hillary" --

that is up to you.

i still feel sorry for you and i mean that. if we were actually sepaking with each other -- i would hug you -- just to show you i am not callous nor lacking in empathy BUT ALSO because of it -- i will NEVER STOP to tell you you

were WRONG to put your trust in such an EVIL person as hillary who represented EVIL around her and behind her...

but as i said -- this is up to you.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
A point worth making is that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. Whatever we decide to do about the electoral college, this is the 2nd election in recent years that the Democratic candidate has won the most votes, but has lost the election.

you are of course correct, Moxie. but what can you really do? it is just the way the american system is put together. you can't/ blame trump, or even media which tried very hard to bring hillary over the top - or anyone -- it is the way the system was put together. if people don't like it -- it is their choice to ask and tell their congress people to change it.

countries have actually made changes despite the enormous effort and complications they take to make changes to slow-moving institutions...

and yet -- YOUR USA -- under obama, bush, clinton, and were it her turn -- hillary -- has engaged in FORCING countries to 'change their ways of arranging themselves"
such as ''bringing democracy" at the point of a gun -- everyone knows that in the world --
i can even give you an example of MY home country - moxie -- the philippines...which has been under occupation in effect by the USA for 148 years exactly...

despite their promises they would LEAVE as a military occupier..of course , in order to protect american corporate interests lest the country demand a different ECONOMIC arrangement that lessens the PROFITS and low to non-existent taxes for american corporations...

but in early 2000 the philipines congress made changes to its consitution to DISALLOW american permanent forces in the country -- despite ENORMOUS pressure from the USA - AND they had to leave...UNTIL the usa 'lawyers" found a way to pressure the PUPPET BOY TOY previous president - aquino -- who ''invited" the usa forces BACK to occupy not just the previous TWO bases but added THREE MORE!! for ostensibly

well - the USUAL excuse ''fight terror together" -- (and we all know what THAT has shown in the middle east, eh?)...

why is YOUR country able to ''tweak" the constitutions or laws of ANOTHER country


people like YOU - if you are sad because hillary's MAJORITY WIN in the peole vote isn't reflected in the ELECTORAL college system your OWN SLAVE OWNING founders put it it -- can feel better?
so -- why not make the PEACEFUL changes in YOUR OWN SYSTEM if you don't like it ?

moxie i am not lacking in empathy -- what i am trying to show you is the PERSPECTIVE that many of you americans LACK -- that in your cry of the heart at the loss of your devoted hillary -- this world has billions more whose cry of the heart your hillary and her ''friends" CAUSED..

so i am asking you or presenting you LEGITIMATE questions that have nothing to do with ''lack of empathy" they are ,m, rather -- appeals to YOUR sense of TRUTH AND REAL JUSTICE

which your hillary and her ilk -- FOOLED YOU ALL into believing they are the PERFECT AND HIGHEST CARRIERS AND PROMOTERS AND DEFENDERS OF --

when in fact -- they BETRAY YOU -- eacn and every time they open their mouths to get your VOTES and...your money, and your contribuition and your defense, and your trust and your ''empathy"...

YOU - her voters -- have been USED as easily as the soldiers that die and kill FOR HER SAKE AND HER FRIENDS AND PUPPET MASTERS -- and not YOURS or humans outside of their SMALL CIRCLE of ''masters of the universe".
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
A point worth making is that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. Whatever we decide to do about the electoral college, this is the 2nd election in recent years that the Democratic candidate has won the most votes, but has lost the election.

the thing now -- at least to my thinking, Moxie --

without forgetting this HURT is going to stay with you for a long time --

as an AMERICAN citizen that to your best knowledge and conviction you really tried your best most likely to uphold THROUGH hillary what you believe is the best way --

now that you DO have a new president -- TRUMP -- WHAT are you going to do in terms of your own personal choices to perhaps be a part of improving the country ?

from your own part as a citizen out of hundreds of millions others?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
OK, the comment was only meant to be joke. I get it that there are some open wounds right now... but how about waiting and seeing how this unfolds. Trump might turn out better than you think.


and that applies as a reminder to ME also. i get overboard more likely than not as some of you point out -- so i CAN accet that no matter how 'convincing" my own words are to ME -- it's not necessarily that way to others' eyes..

but -- that's WHY we're here -- as moxie , you said -- as a community of sorts -- ALL the bad things and good things and see where ideas and views go...and then let it be...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'm sorry that a modicum of empathy is beyond you, teddy, but apparently it is. So, go fuck yourself.

you know -- VLADIMIR PUTIN who is usually a VERY polite person (in reality i found out this about russians in general in st petersburg -- they are VERY polite people - who , for example in conversations RARELY IF EVER jump with sentences WHILE a person is speaking -- unlike the habit so common in the USA...and are SO polite to a fault -- patiently waiting until someone is done speaking and if they want to interject - always make a very, very respectiful little gesture and 'may i say or add something/?" VERY NOT what the UNITED STATES WRITERS have said about them for generations... or samantha powers screams at the UNSC "THEY ARE barbarians and savages"!!

in any case -- when vladimir was asked by a reporter (a western one from BBC) --

"What do you say about reports or suggestions that HILLARY CLINTON , WHEN she become president INTENDS to , in her words, ' teach the russians a lesson?" and hinting she is going to work hard for REGIME CHANGE in moscow?"

he said -- in a moment of bad boy and STREET WISE --

"OH - WELL they can go STUFF IT".
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