US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
hello MOXIE...pleaase explain these revelations -- point by point if you will.

would YOU get yourself working for this kind of woman ? heck you seem to so WANT it...

lol. it also seems she's surrounded by types SIMILAR to herself:

secretive, given to thoughts of CRUELTY and torture and just plain MEAN SPIRITEDNESS -- just LIKE HILLARY...

and YET they and she actually think they are SAINTLY.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
FBI Releases Redacted Clinton Foundation Files One Week Before US Election
22:01 01.11.2016(updated 00:18 02.11.2016) Get short URL

The investigation concerned former President Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich during his last days in office.

"In accordance with the policy regarding Public Corruption investigations, the authority of the SAC is requested to open a Preliminary Investigation," one portion of the documents reads.

Both Rich and his partner, Pincus Green, were indicted on a number of charges, including mail fraud, wire fraud, tax evasion, and racketeering, and lived in exile in Switzerland before being pardoned.

"[Redacted] has been a major political donor to the Democratic Party, and these donations may have been intended to influence the fugitive’s pardon," the documents state, adding that "public records also indicate that [redacted] contributed approximately [redacted] to the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation, a foundation to support the Clinton library.

"Pursuant to testimony provided at the aforementioned hearings, it appears that the required pardon standards and procedures were not followed."

The records were released as part of a Freedom of Information Act request, but the timing of the release is odd, especially given that FBI Director James Comey is already under fire from both Republicans and Democrats for his decision on Friday to announce the Bureau had uncovered new emails from Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

These emails were found as part of a separate investigation involving the estranged husband of Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin. The content of those emails was unknown at the time, but Comey wrote a letter to the US Congress informing them of the update in the investigation, despite warnings from the Department of Justice that doing so could have an impact on the election.

The Clinton campaign has already criticized this latest document release, with press secretary Brian Fallon tweeting that "Absent a FOIA litigation deadline, this is odd. Will FBI be posting docs on Trump’s housing discrimination in ‘70s?"Absent a FOIA litigation deadline, this is odd.

Given the nature of FOIA requests, it seems unlikely that the Bureau could not have waited until after the election to release the documents.

"FOIA officers have a lot of discretion in what and when they choose to release documents," journalist Sam Knight told Sputnik.

"Absent any indication that they had to follow a deadline, it’s reasonable to believe that the timing of this disclosure was not compelled by any legal pressure."


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Real Reasons Why FBI Director James Comey Reopened the Hillary Email Investigation
By Joachim Hagopian

This last Friday it became public record that FBI Director James Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email server investigation after repeatedly testifying before Congress and the world up to last July that he’d closed the case, after in his words not finding sufficient evidence of “any criminal wrongdoing” to indict her in spite of her four years as Secretary of State egregiously breaching our national security:’

-committing obstruction of justice and willful tampering with evidence,

-deleting 30,000 emails after receiving a court subpoena constituting destruction of evidence,

-not to mention repeatedly engaging in perjury before Congress and the FBI.

But obviously a federal investigation still in process in late June never stopped Bill Clinton’s illegal ambush at the Phoenix airport of Comey’s boss US Attorney General Loretta Lynch (image right) “clearing” the way for Hillary to proceed without consequence to be anointed as the next US figurehead puppet president by the ruling elite.

Because it’s so blatantly obvious to the entire world that Hillary is guilty as sin, Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect and moral authority.

Former federal attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova spelled it all out in a WMAL radio interview last Friday just hours after the news was released that Comey had sent a letter informing Congress that the case is being reopened. DiGenova said that with an open revolt brewing inside the FBI, Comey was forced to go public on Friday with reopening the investigation. The former DC attorney added that the FBI investigators discovered more emails on a phone confiscated from the former New York Congressman and separated husband Anthony Weiner that also included his wife and longtime Hillary’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin’s communications that allegedly bear pertinent relevance to the Hillary case. Funny how things have a karmic way of coming full circle – the Clintons first introduced Weiner and Abedin 15 years ago and they married a half dozen years ago.

In a separate FBI investigation involving Weiner’s alleged sexting messages with a 15-year old minor, the phone in question was handed over to the FBI. The investigating teams of both the Weiner and Hillary cases compared notes and apparently additional emails not already issued by WikiLeaks or already in FBI possession recently came to light on Weiner’s phone. The legions of rank and file FBI agents were already fuming over Comey’s complete ethical and legal lapses in his choice not to indict Hillary. Joe diGenova believes that FBI personnel forced Comey’s hand to reopen the investigation after giving him the ultimatum that if he failed to do so, the FBI defiantly would. According to diGenova, this latest plot twist only proves that:

The original investigation was not thorough, and that it was an incompetent investigation.

Otherwise had a real investigation been conducted, that Weiner phone used by both Anthony and Huma would have been picked up by the FBI and its contents thoroughly scrutinized long before now.

In addition to stating the obvious, that the higher-up feds had already made the decision to not consequence Hillary for her crimes, speculating on why that phone was not already submitted to the FBI as evidence, the former DC attorney concluded:

There could be one explanation: Huma Abedin may have denied that any other phone existed, and if she did, she committed a felony. She lied to the FBI just like General Cartwright, and if she did, she’s dead meat, and Comey knows it, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

Finally, diGenova dropped one more bombshell in Friday’s interview. An inside source has revealed to him that the laptops belonging to key Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, both wrongly granted immunity, were not destroyed after all as previously reported, but have been secretly kept intact by investigating FBI agents refusing to destroy incriminating evidence as part of the in-house whitewash.

Additionally like their boss, Hillary’s aides also sent classified material using private servers. On top of that, longtime aide Cheryl Mills on multiple occasions has perjured herself lying under oath for the Clinton crime family, tasked with “cleaning up” (aka covering up) their countless scandals over the past several decades. Indeed the whole Clinton entourage not already “mysteriously” winding up in the growing Clinton dead pool are all unindicted criminals protected by the corrosively corrupt DC cronyism where backroom deals (a la Bill’s airport ambush) are brokered based on whatever dirt’s been gathered and used as bargaining blackmail chips against all parties involved. That’s how the Washington crowd stays immune from any and all accountability as well as stays alive. Violate that crime syndicate code of conduct and you lose your life as more recent victims earlier this year have.

In a “leaked” memo to his FBI that surfaced on Fox Friday night, Comey (image left) outlined his reasons for reopening the case in light of the new information the director believes would have ultimately been leaked to Congress and the public anyway. So in full damage control/CYA mode, the beleaguered director now going public really had no choice in the matter. His underlings were chomping at the bit to both out and oust him. In an obvious attempt to weakly claim some moral high ground, Comey wrote in his memo:

I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record.

Though his leadership and character are perceived by the vast majority of both FBI personnel as well as American citizens to presently lay in ruin as a pathetically shameful stain and humiliating joke on both the FBI organization and Washington in general, James Comey appears to be feebly attempting to save his own career and reputation for appearing now to “come clean.”

But make no mistake, his moral turpitude displayed throughout this Hillary debacle from early 2015 to now has over-exposed him as a lackey and potential fraud, so at this late stage of the game, redemption is not even an option. But the criminal misconduct, rampant corruption and diabolical evil committed by those at the highest puppet levels of federal power, and especially the elite puppet masters controlling them, their sins produce far more devastating consequences than this morally lacking man in the middle of this latest controversy.

Because there is no way that the FBI will properly conclude this part 2 of the Hillary investigation saga before the November 8thelection, Hillary and her Democrats are predictably crying foul, demanding that the FBI immediately disclose what it has, which of course is a moot point that won’t happen.

It seems highly unlikely that the email texts from Abedin and Weiner found on his phone would not contain clear criminal evidence that implicates Hillary. Since Hillary was the globalist choice after Obama was selected in 2008, it seems unlikely that the puppet masters would not permit this latest development to even occur. But then perhaps the ruling elite is pulling the plug on Hillary, concluding that she simply carries too much liability baggage with her deteriorating health condition and never-ending scandals, maybe the globalists are rethinking an alternative replacement like her obnoxiously aggressive VP candidate, the Jesuit trained and educated Tim Kaine.

That said, there are some cynics who believe that this recent odd turn is a last ditch desperado attempt being staged to overturn Trump winning by a landslide. This conjectured scenario goes something like this: a few days prior to election the FBI will once again “clear” Hillary of all charges. This in turn would offer her the last minute much needed boost being able to cash in on her worn out persecution complex, plagued forever by her “right wing conspiracy” theory against the “much maligned” woman of destiny.

In response to all her scandals, Hillary’s M.O. has always been to falsely blame some villainous sinister force. This year it’s been Putin hacking into her emails, and Trump, Putin and Assange colluding and plotting behind her back. She’s always been as paranoid as Richard Nixon, attempting to deflect the heat she draws from her own lies by constantly pointing fingers to externalize blame onto others.

This latest sudden turn of events obviously has James Comey incurring the wrath of Hillary Democrats as well as the Justice Department. By disclosing the reopened investigation so close to the election date that undoubtedly casts some influence on the potential outcome, Comey is defying his AG boss while clearly violating DOJ written policy. Lynch herself even tried to quash Comey’s letter to Congress. But as diGenova alluded, by Comey’s own past misdeeds (and those of his boss and Obama as well), the FBI director placed himself between this rock and a hard place by his own slipshod, half-ass probe failing to acquire Weiner’s phone the first-time around.

The entire sordid affair of this year’s totally rigged political election - pre-fixed in Hillary’s favor – blatantly reveals to America the gross misnomer of the US “justice” system being two-tiered, one for elitist cabal bosses like Hillary and the other for the rest of us 99% no longer protected in a totalitarian police state by our once rule of law the US Constitution. Regardless of what happens in the future, the truth genie’s already been let out of the bag, and for eyes open enough to see, it’s floating in the Washington cesspool of filth, debauchery and deception regularly perpetrated by our “entrusted perps” we have as our so called leaders.

Moreover, this year’s unending batches of Wiki-leaked DNC/Hillary emails and Project Veritas undercover campaign videos confirm that the entire US political as well as economic system is morally and financially bankrupt, irreparably broken and in need of complete overhaul. Voter fraud and election fraud are rampant. Soros funded electronic voting machines that are preprogrammed to vote for Hillary are operating in 16 key battleground states. America’s internal house now is in total disarray, badly in need of a deep cleaning purge like never before.

Mainstream media is strongly biased against Trump in its blind support for Hillary. As Secretary of State she sold out our nation, placing us all on high security risk and under foreign interest control at the hands of high rolling bidders so she and her fat cats can get richer as fellow partners-in-crime from places like Saudi Arabia and Israel, destroying our once sovereign country while aiding, abetting, financing and supporting the global terrorists around the world.

She helped create ISIS and plans world war against Russia, China and Iran.

The traitors in our government and their globalist puppet masters – the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Bushes and Clintons all need to be rounded up, imprisoned and tried at The Hague for both treason and their endless crimes against humanity.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
It must have been some pretty damning evidence that they couldn't hide anymore, it seems. That whole circle of theirs, with the fabulous pair and their aides, it is so wicked.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
And the Weiner is! Hillary Clinton and the obedient lapdog media
Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist based in Moscow, Russia. His articles have been featured in many publications, including Russia in Global Affairs, The Moscow Times, Lew Rockwell and Global Research. Bridge is the author of the book on corporate power, “Midnight in the American Empire”, which was released in 2013. email:

In an effort to protect Washington’s elite from the Sturm und Drang of a Trump presidency, the US mainstream media is on a mission to prove, despite all indications to the contrary, that Hillary Rodham Clinton would make a squeaky clean political queen.

Media pundits have been nervously chatting up a storm over ‘The Donald’, but all that free publicity has not been a blessing for the Republican presidential nominee. Since July, Trump has grabbed wads more media attention than his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, but the majority of that coverage (91 percent) has been hostile, according to a new study by the Media Research Center (MRC).

Now ask yourself. Is it just coincidence that every time the Clinton campaign hits a pothole, it’s Trump who gets his suit muddied?

When WikiLeaks performed the function once reserved for journalists and released a batch of incriminating emails against Clinton, showing she had used her private server when handling classified documents, the media ran with the pulp fiction that Trump was conspiring with the Russians to infiltrate the US election process. That unsubstantiated bit of intrigue kicked up just enough dust to conceal the real story (the explosive content of those emails, of course). But when the Trump campaign hits the rails, as was the case with the release of the tycoon’s lewd, locker-room comments, caught on tape over a decade ago, Trump feels the entire weight and wrath of America’s media machine for days on end.

When WikiLeaks released proof of Clinton secretly hobnobbing with Wall Street power players, including Goldman Sachs, the investment bank once described as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity,” Vanity Fair opened its report on the news with all the punch of a soggy firecracker: “t’s hard to discern why the Democratic nominee was so fastidiously paranoid about releasing the transcripts in the first place.”

Why not just change your name to 'Vanity Despair' and get it over with?

Politico also breezed over the emails with a scratch and yawn, with the most damaging comment being: Clinton "dragged her feet in voicing fierce opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that progressives loathe.”

The savvy site then wasted the rest of the time discussing some conspiracy theory about a Martian invasion of Washington, D.C. that would postpone this year's presidential election indefinitely... Well, not really. But we can dream.

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In fact, Politico made journalism history when it quoted Clinton spokesman Glen Caplin, who pulled a spectacular hat trick straight out of his nether regions when he connected WikiLeaks, the Kremlin and Guccifer in a single statement that should be cast in bronze and put on display at some media museum as the ultimate 21st century specimen of political propagandizing: “The US government removed any reasonable doubt that the Kremlin has weaponized WikiLeaks to meddle in our election and benefit Donald Trump’s candidacy (…) We are not going to confirm the authenticity of stolen documents released by Julian Assange who has made no secret of his desire to damage Hillary Clinton. Guccifer 2.0 has already proven the warnings of top national security officials that documents can be faked as part of a sophisticated Russian misinformation campaign.”

It really doesn’t get more insane than that. Except when it does.

Follow the Weiner, not Clinton crimes
Over the weekend, FBI Director James Comey, perhaps responding to a nagging voice in the back of his head that kept telling him 'Clinton may not win the White House after all,' gave America its much-anticipated ‘October Surprise’ when he said the bureau had discovered additional emails that may be connected to Clinton, national security, and Anthony Weiner serial sexting images to, er, underage females...

Yes, like so many other past blotched 'gotcha moments', the vexed American voter is once again being dragged down a dark, torturous passage - not to the Kremlin this time, or Julian Assange’s ambassadorial lair - but rather through the Red Light District of disgraced former congressman Anthony Wiener’s tragic love life, which is apparently consumed by an inordinate amount of time sexting women and, it seems, even girls. In fact, just this past summer, the wild Wiener was caught exchanging sexually suggestive messages with a 15-year old.

Who says American politics isn't fun?

Do you see how this media game of smoke and mirrors works? You’ve probably already forgotten all about Clinton’s emails, which is exactly what the media would like you to do. But let's try to keep our eye on the bouncing ball a bit longer. The silver thread that connects the notorious Weiner to the honorable Hillary runs through Clinton top adviser Huma Abedin, Weiner's now estranged wife. As the highly dubious story goes, while investigating Weiner's rampant sexting habits, the FBI stumbled upon Abedin's emails on Weiner's laptop, “with initial data showing those emails went through Clinton's server.”

BOOM? Not so fast.

I have to admit, I have some real problems with this story. First, why would two young professionals, who both live in the ultimate fast lane, need to share a laptop? And it's really difficult imagining Huma telling her Weiner to 'hurry up with that illicit Tweet because I have to send the US Secretary of State an email!' I think the Weiner household could probably have afforded a second laptop. The other question is (full disclosure, I know next to nothing about how computers work): How can a single laptop – and especially one that is connected to the lap of a full-time sexting fiend – hold almost one million emails? It's those kind of numbers that boggle the mind and make me scratch my head.

In any case, FBI Director Comey apparently had sufficient reason to be concerned about one or more of the estimated 650,000 emails on Weiner’s sloppy laptop to take the extraordinary step of reopening the investigation he had closed in July.

This begs another question: Why on earth would Comey throw a spanner in the already overheated electoral machine with just over a week before the vote? Is Comey a glutton for punishment? My personal hunch is that the FBI Director is simply hedging his bets. After all, Trump railed during the debates that should he win the presidency he will investigate Clinton’s “situation.” He even blurted something about jail time during one such outburst. And Comey knows very well that Trump will probably not choose him to lead the next Clinton probe, which could get very ugly, very fast (which is why, in my humble opinion, Trump will never enter the Oval Office except in his wildest dreams).

So by opening an investigation against Clinton, Comey is simply playing it safe, and will be able to tell a future President Trump that he was hot on the trail of sorting through almost a million additional emails. And in the highly likely event Clinton gets her coronation ball, the media will happily sweep the scandal under Washington’s very large carpet (I should also like to add the less cynical possibility that James Comey, as a man of real integrity, may be just carrying out his duty as his office demands).

Read more

In any case, Joe Public will soon lose the plot of this twisted political tale long before the next Monday Night Football match. In fact, we should not be surprised if the media suggests that Anthony Wiener, aka ‘Carlos Danger,’ is in reality a Russian spy sent to the United States on a mission from Putin himself to upset Clinton’s chances of winning the White House by Tweeting unbecoming photos of himself in his jockey shorts to girls not old enough to drive legally.

Banana republic, indeed.

Indeed, the cracks are already starting to appear in the overloaded media machine, which is struggling to contain – like some sort of crazed, Jekyll and Hyde monster of its own making – the fallout from its disastrous effort to protect Hillary Rodham Clinton come hell or high water.

Exhibit One:
On Monday, the wheels appeared to go wobbly inside of famed Democratic strategist James Carville's brain over the FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

Not to be undone by Clinton spokesman Glen Caplin, nor by the late fiction writer Tom Clancy, Carville actually ventured the opinion on live television that the KGB, which was dissolved in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, is hacking American democracy.

“We also have the extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked,” he screeched through bulging neck veins.

“It would seem to me that the FBI shouldn't be getting rolled by the House Republicans, that's what happened here... and in the meantime … democracy is under assault by the KGB,” he continued. “To me that's something we ought to be talking about.”

No, Mr. Carville. That is really the last thing the American people should be talking about. But so long as the mainstream media has gained almost total purchase of the election process, heavily controlling what the voters see and hear, we will continue discussing the Russians, WikiLeaks and Anthony Weiner’s unhealthy sexting habit.

Long live American democracy, late night comedy just isn't what it used to be.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It must have been some pretty damning evidence that they couldn't hide anymore, it seems. That whole circle of theirs, with the fabulous pair and their aides, it is so wicked.

THIS PARTICULAR couple -- the

IRISH AMERICAN CLINTONS are about the most demonic SLAVOPHOBES...

never , never forget that.

BILLIE presided over the destruction of yugoslavia and his SMUG show of POWER ''AGAINST those slavs"..

presided like HE was the CZAR of russia -- when HIS minions -- the US ANGL0-AMERICAN CORPORATES liberally helped themselves to the SACKING of russia's industries through ''privatizaion"

LITERALLY condemning MILLIONS of russians to unemployment, EVEN starvation (which few have noted) when their USSR system for public needs was literally torn apart due to ''democratic shock therapy reforms"...

and to RUSSIANS -- THAT was considered WORSE than even their great suffering during the war...( I HAVE personnaly spoken with russians in st petersburg on this very matter)

and say "we went through the war -- we lost millions to defend our country from the invader germans --we had our flaws but the ONE Thing we will NEVER again go back TO -- are the 1990's FOR that WAS WHEN WE LOST EVERYTHING".

and whowere the MAIN CULPRITS that ''sent in the doctor" EVIL.

such as JEFFREY SACHS presiding over the privatization THEFT of russia's resources and industries with the help of russian oligarchs they tempted? and LITERALLY WROTE the ''new russian consitution" which to THIS DAY has to be STRIPPED gradually by Putin and real patriotic russians of AMERICAN dictated ''rules?" such as


THE SAME CLINTONS of course -- whose TOP advisers were TWO MORE of the moST DESPICABLE war criminals and russophobes --

famous for his "russia needs to be SLICED DOWN into smaller countries we can manage more easily".

MADELEINE ALBRIGHT OF "''you filthy serbians" fame - and

''it was worht it" killing millions of make hussein kneel?
and "it is SO unfair!1!!! that ONE country (russia) has all those resources and land -- something ought to be done about it!!"

|"what's the good of all this magnificent army of ours --- if you can't USE it?"

and moxie and company SWEAR that hillary is just being 'unjustly vilified" ''because she's a woman".....

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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Why isn't more of your opprobrium directed towards the UK and specifically Tony Blair. He was the one who pushed Bill Clinton to intervene in the former Yugoslavia. By the way.. has it been established that ethnic cleansing didn't occur? I'm actually asking this question, it's not a rhetorical flourish. If there wasn't genocide then it would be hard to argue that Western intervention was necessary

Yes, hundreds of thousands of Serbs don't live where they had lived for centuries before the war, so in a way there was ethnic cleansing done. But we were lucky this time as we were just driven out of our homes for the most part, unlike in WW2 where there were camps in Croatia that even Nazi Germans were disgusted with (Jasenovac). I don't think Blair would do anything on his own, but to me they are equally guilty of starting the war. I am not sure who armed and supported Croats and Muslims, but somebody did and the US military was present in the area as advisors on how to bomb and drive out people from their homes. Yeah, blame it on Serbs that they didn't like being stripped of the equal status and their own nationality, language and letter, technically becoming 2nd rate citizens. Who needs that! The same in Bosnia, where they had help from "moderate" jihadists.

This is a documentary from 1983:

As for illegal 1999 bombing of Serbia because of Kosovo, it was NATO, but Bill's monument is erected in Pristina and a store is named after Hilary, I don't know why. Perhaps because they were actively involved in it.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yes, hundreds of thousands of Serbs don't live where they had lived for centuries before the war, so in a way there was ethnic cleansing done. But we were lucky this time as we were just driven out of our homes for the most part, unlike in WW2 where there were camps in Croatia that even Nazi Germans were disgusted with (Jasenovac). I don't think Blair would do anything on his own, but to me they are equally guilty of starting the war. I am not sure who armed and supported Croats and Muslims, but somebody did and the US military was present in the area as advisors on how to bomb and drive out people from their homes. Yeah, blame it on Serbs that they didn't like being stripped of the equal status and their own nationality, language and letter, technically becoming 2nd rate citizens. Who needs that! The same in Bosnia, where they had help from "moderate" jihadists.

This is a documentary from 1983:

As for illegal 1999 bombing of Serbia because of Kosovo, it was NATO, but Bill's monument is erected in Pristina and a store is named after Hilary, I don't know why. Perhaps because they were actively involved in it.

''who armed and funded them? and provided political cover?


nd their ''allies turkey, saudi arabia, qatar" of course who are the SAME gang who aid and abet, protect and give politicla cover, funding and arming and bringing more ''personnel"

as in syria - central asia, - even as far away as MY southern province in home country philippines

that WE call THERE as ''ABU SAYYAF" --

the same offshoots of al qaeda and takfiri, wahhabists, salafists monsters twisting their ''islam" under training by the CIA ALLY SAUDI ARABIA's FUNDING.

in short --



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yes, hundreds of thousands of Serbs don't live where they had lived for centuries before the war, so in a way there was ethnic cleansing done. But we were lucky this time as we were just driven out of our homes for the most part, unlike in WW2 where there were camps in Croatia that even Nazi Germans were disgusted with (Jasenovac). I don't think Blair would do anything on his own, but to me they are equally guilty of starting the war. I am not sure who armed and supported Croats and Muslims, but somebody did and the US military was present in the area as advisors on how to bomb and drive out people from their homes. Yeah, blame it on Serbs that they didn't like being stripped of the equal status and their own nationality, language and letter, technically becoming 2nd rate citizens. Who needs that! The same in Bosnia, where they had help from "moderate" jihadists.

This is a documentary from 1983:

As for illegal 1999 bombing of Serbia because of Kosovo, it was NATO, but Bill's monument is erected in Pristina and a store is named after Hilary, I don't know why. Perhaps because they were actively involved in it.

THAT IS just disgusting, Billie.

I AM TELLING YOU -- that is the ''modern" version of what the AMERICAN-ANGLO'S did in MY country, philippines - as early as 1902.

these now infamous ''water torture" for example? they PERFECTED THAT in MY country in the south...even doing it in public to ''teach the brown monkeys" how to behave...

the now infamous NAZI concentration camps JUST LIKE you show your people suffered in?

THAT WAS PERFECTED by the americans in those early 20th century decades in my country...where they created a modernized version of the slave plantations -- working people to death -- and then have THEM bury themselves...hundreds of thousands like that..

the things you showed about ''kill all boys?" and all that?

the philippines VERSION of the americans -- the ORIGINAL NAZIS --

WAS "kill every male 10 and over-- burn the village -- no one is to be left alive-- we shall show them what true civilization means...we shall Christianize them in our White man's WAYS".

disemboweling pregnant women ? head chopping ? like ISIL AND DAESH DO?

AT THAT TIME the philippine islands had a population of about 20-30 million -

at least 5 million were tortured and killed -- about 25% of a population.

genocide is an AMERICAN , WESTERN habit.
one of the most well-known remarks by americans -- from letters documen ted of them writing HOME to brag of their KILLS:

"''IT IS so easy to take down these natives with our rifles - it is like shooting at Rabbits"...

and they had generals bragging "we are showing them our NOBLE way of war-- these damned savage natives..and it is the only way to show them of the SUPERIORITY of our WHITE race"!!


Apr 22, 2013
Yes, hundreds of thousands of Serbs don't live where they had lived for centuries before the war, so in a way there was ethnic cleansing done. But we were lucky this time as we were just driven out of our homes for the most part, unlike in WW2 where there were camps in Croatia that even Nazi Germans were disgusted with (Jasenovac). I don't think Blair would do anything on his own, but to me they are equally guilty of starting the war. I am not sure who armed and supported Croats and Muslims, but somebody did and the US military was present in the area as advisors on how to bomb and drive out people from their homes. Yeah, blame it on Serbs that they didn't like being stripped of the equal status and their own nationality, language and letter, technically becoming 2nd rate citizens. Who needs that! The same in Bosnia, where they had help from "moderate" jihadists.

This is a documentary from 1983:

As for illegal 1999 bombing of Serbia because of Kosovo, it was NATO, but Bill's monument is erected in Pristina and a store is named after Hilary, I don't know why. Perhaps because they were actively involved in it.

So are you saying that Serbs did not ethnically cleanse Bosnians? Again I'm asking.. In the West we've seen war crimes tribunals for people like Karadic


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
So are you saying that Serbs did not ethnically cleanse Bosnians? Again I'm asking.. In the West we've seen war crimes tribunals for people like Karadic

I'd hazard a guess that in ANY war of ANY description, you could bring people to the Hague on war crime charges on either side... it kind of renders the court a farce IMO... The US isn't even signed up to it...
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Apr 22, 2013
I'd hazard a guess that in ANY war of ANY description, you could bring people to the Hague on war crime charges on either side... it kind of renders the court a farce IMO... The US isn't even signed up to it...

Based on that observation, should we discount the Nuremberg trials as well? That's the inevitable path based on your opinion...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
So are you saying that Serbs did not ethnically cleanse Bosnians? Again I'm asking.. In the West we've seen war crimes tribunals for people like Karadic

this is if you accept that the ''ethnic cleansing" by a party that was trying to DEFEND itself FROM being ethnic cleansed is also a '' war criminials::

apply it to britain -

an ISLAND nation.

IF THE GERMAN NAZIS managed to LAND on british soil and started to issue commands - that your island belongs to THEM - AND HENCEFORTH -- english shall not be spoken, children will be ''germanized" -- ''ALL above the age of 10 destroyed" --

and YOU the british FIGHT BACK to DEFEND your exitence on YOUR soil --

DO YOU THEN AGREE that by KILLING germans who had every intent to DESTROY YOU and your people on YOUR soil from which your people sprang -- are WAR CRIMINALS JUST LIKE THE INVADING GERMANS.

apply that REASONING of yours "equally guilty of war crimes" -

to the british.

-- NOW apply THAT to the SERBIANS who were surrounded in their own soil BY croats and bosnians - and were in clear danger of being exerminated -- and FOUGHT BACK and in the the process also KILLED -- do you consider the SERBS who were trying to keep from being exterminated as ''war criminals?"

IF THE SERBS in their OWN soil in serbia, right now -- in belgrade -- were about to be exterminated by -- say -- NATO SUPPORTED

albanian IMMIGRANTS in KOSOVO - WHO were not originally FROM serbia (and kosovo, remember is a SERBIAN province that was taken away from serbians by ''kovoso-albanians supported by nato" - ) --

would you judge the NATIVE SERBIANS in belgrade as ''war criminals" in fighting back and killing - to keep from being exterminated in THEIR OWN LAND?

would the NATIVE INDIANS of the USA - when they killed and massacred the WHITE people - such as those led by General Custer -- ''war criminals" -- when Custer led his cavalry to force the native indians from THEIR own lands?

WAR is hell and war IS killing.

the question that needs to be answered is -- WHICH PARTY INSTIGATES A WAR of extermination. or conquest .

a WAR CRIME is one of AGGRESSION -- NOT a war of DEFENSE.

THE crimes of the RUSSIANS for examples - if WAR is - without choosing A CRIME IN ITSELF -- (THEN all countries are guilty) -

were elicited as A response to the war of invasion and extermination that the GERMANS waged against RUSSIA.

YOU CAN NOT therefore EQUATE the ''crimes of war" of the RUSSIANS over the germans when the russians KILLED germans in order to DRIVE AWAY the germans who had intent to TAKE russian land and enslave the ''slavic peoples for our Lebensraum all the way to the pacific" as hitler said (he REALLY stated that --


THE BRITISH AND AMERICANS Committed war crimes AGAINST the iraqi people -- they INVADED, PLANNED, SCHEMED - made false excuse to INSTIGATE the committing of a war of invasion -- and therefore a crime against the nation of iraq.

when IRAQI'S fought back -- in whatever manner they wished -- even TERROR --

HOW DO you judge them as ''equally guilty of war crimes"


this is he same as the SYRIAN ARMY -- if they MUST KILL invaders -- the terrorists and those that collaborate with them that were sent there BY the foreigners USA , and their allies - to destroy Syria...

do you judge the syrian army (as the UN implies to ''spread guilt' but really to DIMINISH the culpability of the UN/USA/'UK/EU/NATO arab gulf countried in instigating and committing the war crimes agains tSYRIA)

AS ''war criminals?"

the point here is


IN both A WAR is waged.

if your mother is being raped -- and SHE kills THE attacker --

do you charge HER with ''murderous intent, premeditated murder and inhuman killing?"



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'd hazard a guess that in ANY war of ANY description, you could bring people to the Hague on war crime charges on either side... it kind of renders the court a farce IMO... The US isn't even signed up to it...

THE LAST line by Britbox IS CRITICAL.

the USA abrogates treaties unilaterally that IT has signed . this is historically documented..

including that of the nuremberg trials and the crimes of war tribunals ..and wars of aggression...including the most embracing definition:

"war crimes INCLUDE the MERE conceiving of an aggressive MERELY PLAN to INSTIGATE a war of aggression by one country against another for ANY reason IS IN ITSELF a WAR CRIME".

the usa PLANNED on how to FIND EXCUSE to invade iraq..THAT was in itself a war crime...

the USA violated that.
to even say "we will create a NO FLY ZONE over syria" -- is ALREADY a war crime under the war crimes definition.

syria and russia are -- by DEFINITION waging a WAR OF DEFENSE from those that INSTIGATED the war against syria.

clear that up in your brains.
and do not CONFUSE a war of aggression from a war of DEFENSE.

NO MATTER that war constitutes atrocities that WILL be committed by both sides - for one simple reason:

the DEFENDING party is being attacked by an AGGRESSOR party.

russia's participation with syria is therefore PART of what SYRIA -- the defending party MUST have in finding every means possible to defend itself from the aggressors:


clear up in your minds WHO the aggressors and instigators ARE.

it is NOT syria or its army. it is NOT russia or its army.

it's the self-proclaimed ''Human rights" banner bearers of the west and their FRIENDLY ''human rights council of the UN" member

HEAD-CHOPPING saudi arabia.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'd hazard a guess that in ANY war of ANY description, you could bring people to the Hague on war crime charges on either side... it kind of renders the court a farce IMO... The US isn't even signed up to it...

LAST LINE -- again -- is correct.

it also demonstrates the USA pattern of meddling in affairs in regions using reasoning about treaties and laws and rules IN WHICH IT HAS NOT EVEN signed up.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
THE WAR CRIMES rules signed by the USA -- both in nuremberg and much later in the 1980's to strengthen the definitions...signed by reagan ..

was VERY explicit as to what constitutes WAR CRIMES.

they are those that are WARS OF AGGRESSION committed by states against other states or peoples . and this INCLUDES PLANNING to instigate those wars of aggression.

and it states also that wars of aggression - as war crimes themselves CAN NOT BE JUSTIFIED ''FOR ANY REASON".

IN Other words -- the war by the US against iraq - using the ''reason" WMD's -- (proven to be false - additionally) - the MERE PLANNING since the 1990's -- and then finding the excuse to do it --

ALL were crimes of aggression -- and therefore WAR crimes. EVERYTHING IN IT - war crimes..

it also actually SHOULD include the ENTIRE US CONGRESS giving power or abrogating its responsibility to declare war instead of just allowing bush to go ahead order to ESCAPE congress' guilt from ''declaring war on iraq" - which would INSTANTLY have officialized the USA LAW MAKING BODY'S GUILT in committing a war of aggression against iraq.

so -- they looked for an excuse - and found it in 9/11 -- which in turn we all know is exposed as a consequence of PREVIOUS alliances by the USA with TERRORIST funding Saudis. all the way back to afghanistan in the 1970-s 80's.

in other words -- the USA has been committing crimes of war -- by crimes of war of aggression against country after country after country...

and the COUNTRIES that FOUGHT BACK and killed - can NOT be ''blamed" for engaging in what amounts to wars of DEFENSE **AGAINST** an INVADING AND AGGRESSOR STATE -- THE USA.

that is really NOT hard to understand and there is NO ''grey zone" there.

EVEN IF in any war -- there are ATROCITIES committed BY ''both and all sides" SIMPLY because the WAR WAS INSTIGATED by an aggressor, invading party...namely -- the USA and its western poodles and other allies.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
''defense of national interest" is often used by the USA to INSTIGATE WARS OF AGGRESSION --

russia can also use that by its participation in syria at the request of syria.


russia's involvement as a ''national interest" is PROPER because russia DID NOT instigate the war in the middle east - it is the USA that did.

and therefore russia's participation for 'national interest" in syria -- at syria's request -- is -- LIKE syria's a WAR OF DEFENSE and NOT of aggression.

see the difference between how ''national interest" is used?

the USA uses it IMPROPERLY and criminally. to commit wars of aggression -- and instigating those wars.

RUSSIA USES ''national interest" PROPERLY as a war of DEFENSE against the war of aggression instigated BY the USA .

first against syria -- and then as a STEPPING STONE to commit more wars of aggression AGAINST russia whose position is ALWAYS defensive.

there is an ONGOING JOKE right now among russians>

"WE are so interested in expansion and aggression that we even CUT OUR MILITARY BUDGET BY 30 percent".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
IF -- AS HILLARY PUBLICLY ''PROMISED" IN THE DEBATES -- SHE IS GOING TO impose a ''no fly zone over syria" (as if the usa has any right to anywhere there AT ALL) -

AND in effect wages war directly against RUSSIA and personnel, aircraft, hmeimim airport base given by syria torussia -- and RUSSIA shoots down US aircraft (currently ILLEGALLY flying over syria but tolerated by the russians for the moment) -

russia will NEVER be in the wrong. NEVER.

whether or not russia shoots american planes down or even an aircraft carrier of the USA from where the US planes fly -- and russia INSTIGATES the shooting or simply in retaliation -- because it is RUSSIA that is LEGALLY -- by all international laws and syrian law -- in syria...


by all rules of war and international laws and sovereignty -- russia has EVERY right - moral and legal -- to shoot down as MANY planes of the USA/NATO/TURKEY that enter syrian airspace -- as russia wants with its batteries of S-400 defense missiles with their hypersonic speeds...and if usa planes drop like flies from the sky -- over syrian airspace or CLEAR flight pattern seen by russian radar aiming towards syrian airspace --

these american planes are SUBJECT to destruction by russians as DEFENSE of syria and defense of russia itself "in syria" BY international and sovereign law. against the AGGRESSOR USA.

this is why -- when russia - after giving the USA plenty of chances to ''separate the so-called moderate rebels from terrorists" that the USA PROMISED it would do but did not because they are actually the SAME thing -- terrorists by many names -- that the USA protects under the guise of ''moderate rebels" who DON'T EXIST --

AND Russia shot 3 kaliber missiles from submarines in the mediterranean hitting accurately a large cave just outside ALEPPO city -- and from where the russians ALREADY KNEW there were at least 30 FOREIGN ''advisers" from the USA, UK, FRANCE, SAUDI ARABIA, ISRAEL, TURKEY , JORDAN AND QATAR --

giving directives to the terrorists -- CIA, MI5, other words..

the usa COULD NOT MAKE A PEEP of complaint...because it would PUBLICLY CONFIRM the USA CIA etc...IS THE CHIEF COORDINATOR AND TRAINER of terrorists...

AND the incident was followed by the russians stating

"in response to recent statements by thhe USA state department that russia might have to deal with russians going home in body bags and even explosions inside russia...we consider this to be a direct THREAT from teh USA AGAINST US...

we would like to remind them -- that we KNOW EXACTLY WHERE certain americans and foreign advisers are inside syria...we know how many -- as well as their identities".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015


Ostashko: Clinton's Putin-blaming is an American national catastrophe

November 2, 2016 - Fort Russ -
Ruslan Ostashko, PolitRussia - translated by J. Arnoldski -

Did you think that the American election campaign had already reached the bottom? Nope! There are chances that more surprises lie ahead of us, but some instances that took place over the past few days will go down in history no matter what.

It’s not every day that senators blame the director of the FBI for working for Putin, right? After FBI Director James Comey informed Congress that the FBI had resumed its investigation concerning Hillary Clinton’s storage of secret documents on a private server, he was immediately blamed for being a “Russian agent.” This is an unprecedented charge, but that’s not all.

Hillary Clinton called on the FBI director to immediately make publicly available the FBI’s evidence of ties between Russia and Donald Trump. By saying so, she meant that the FBI leadership has this evidence, but doesn’t want to present it to the American electorate.
For a moment, let’s believe Hillary Clinton and the Democratic senators who are hinting that Putin has a whole network of agents in the American business community and security agencies. Look what a lovely agent Russian intelligence has won over in the FBI director!
James Comey is a Republican, the former deputy attorney general of the United States, and the vice president of Lockheed Martin, a corporation that deals in developing top-secret weapons for the Pentagon. Comey is also a member of the board of directors of NSBC Bank and the director of the FBI personally appointed by Barack Obama. If Russian intelligence really managed to recruit such an American official, then the US has much more serious problems than interference in election campaigns.

In fact, if Clinton’s headquarters are ready to throw such accusations at the highest ranks of American security organs, then this means that the situation is really critical. If the situation were under control, then Clinton’s staff would have thought through the consequences, such as how such statements undermine the confidence of ordinary Americans and part of the American elite in the US’ intelligence services. And this is really bad for the country’s stability.

Those who believe in these accusations made in all seriousness can ask themselves the question: How did Putin possibly buy the FBI director, who, in addition to working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, earns a lot of money from the richest and most influential transnational corporations?…

Maybe Russia isn’t so weak as the media says? And maybe it’s worth looking into just what Russia could offer specific American officials or officers? It’s time to give the Clinton headquarters an award for the best advertising for Russia’s intelligence services.
I would also like to dwell on the accusations against the FBI director, specifically that he is hiding some proof of ties between Trump and Russia from the public. Let’s think about what conclusions can be drawn from these allegations by devout American Democrats who really believe in their leaders and system’s media.

First conclusion: the CIA, NSA, and all other US intelligence agencies are made up of losers who can’t even find find Trump’s ties to Moscow, and even if they did find them, then they won’t present them to the public. And so it turns out that everything depends on the good will of an agent of Putin who, as it turns out, heads the FBI. This is already a national catastrophe.

Second conclusion: The entire leadership of the FBI is one big network of Putin’s agents. Otherwise, the American patriots from the FBI would have simply leaked to the media or handed over to Congress the lethal evidence of cooperation between Trump and Russia. This is the second national catastrophe. It’s time to introduce a state of emergency and not just appeal to the conscience of James Comey.
But I don’t see much panic in American media over this. This means that even the most hardened supporters of Clinton understand that all these accusations are nonsense.
But then another conclusion begs itself. It turns out that Clinton and co. see the whole American electorate as a bunch of idiots who can be endlessly fed even the most incredible lies and still believe in them. This is a losing position. A manipulator can and must take advantage of the weak spots of those whom he is trying to manipulate, and not merely lower the standard of manipulation.

The confidence that people will eat this up will sooner or later lead to the greater quality manipulator attracting these people to their side. And then it won’t be comments on social networks blazing, but tires on American streets.
It is this scenario that those who demand that Trump recognize the elections as legitimate are afraid of. Trump refuses to do so, as if he is leaving the opportunity open to bring people out on the streets.

Of course, if riots start in the US, then Putin will be blamed. But we’ll be too busy to respond to these accusations, because we’ll be standing in line for popcorn.


VLADIMIR PUTIN -- on accusations about russia meddling in US elections:

"For a mere regional power -- which is what the US president said we are -- we seem to have such a great influence over the USA..(winking while he said it in interview)"......

THAT IS OF COURSE -- for idiot americans -- just a russian humor..u know...rather sarcastic and laden with irony...
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
so far -- the EU is now blaming Russia for EU'S disintegration....and
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