US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
I think you're misunderstanding the point I'm making about the drip drip of emails. Let me try to clarify... after Comey's speech a few months back where he said that there wasn't anything prosecutable, he's authorised the FBI to send redacted Clinton server emails for the sake of transparency. Yet while that's been going on we've been seeing the Wikileaks emails as well. The whole thing is so confusing that most people can't separate the Wikileaks stuff from the FBI stuff. How this isn't considered an insertion into the electoral process escapes me
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Apr 22, 2013
I'm also amazed that no one is really talking about 4th amendment issues and fruits of a poisoned tree to be honest. How can you be allowed to transgress the scope of your initial warrant and obtain another warrant for information pertinent to another case? The whole thing is astonishing
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think you're misunderstanding the point I'm making about the drip drip of emails. Let me try to clarify... after Comey's speech a few months back where he said that there wasn't anything prosecutable, he's authorised the FBI to send redacted Clinton server emails for the sake of transparency. Yet while that's been going on we've been seeing the Wikileaks emails as well. The whole thing is so confusing that most people can't separate the Wikileaks stuff from the FBI stuff. How this isn't considered an insertion into the electoral process escapes me

He did go on the record to say there was evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information but he didn't think a reasonable prosecutor would bring the case. That isn't the same as saying Hillary did nothing illegal... it's more like the opposite... but he's basically making the assertion it would be hard to prosecute. Quite a lot of people disagreed with him. Only gross negligence needed to be proved. It could be argued that deliberately storing classified information on a personal unsecured server is gross negligence.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
He did go on the record to say there was evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information but he didn't think a reasonable prosecutor would bring the case. That isn't the same as saying Hillary did nothing illegal... it's more like the opposite... but he's basically making the assertion it would be hard to prosecute. Quite a lot of people disagreed with him. Only gross negligence needed to be proved. It could be argued that deliberately storing classified information on a personal unsecured server is gross negligence.

forget about THAT gross negligence for the moment -- but to be sure THAT IS a monumental crime against laws within the USA -

but her irresponsibility and clear pattern of disdain for laws and procedures to get her way or her convenience LITERALLY led to the death of FOUR US diplomats in libya.

SUCH THINS -- including her COLLUSIONS - FOR MONEY and peddling influence inDIRECT conflict with the US constitution itself (which most ameicans are IGNORANT about )

are reasons for her and bill (well -- 90 percent of the leaders really) -

to be in JAIL many times over.
in DEBATE -- anyone that is FED ANSWERS AND QUESTIONS prior -- is automatically removed.

this is now PROVEN to have been done with at least one question -- one in fact that elicited one of her ''most moving moments of caring about seniors and the people's environmental safety" --

DONNA BRAZILE - her campaign manager (and one of the longtime mid-level ambitious women ) -

just got exposed doing just that and clearly tasked herself with going around the country checking up on such things to ''feed' to hillary in the debates and make her look like a 'Winner" -- THAT'S against ANY rules of debate at ANY level, let alone POTUS..

and this brazile when asked by media challenging the DNC role --

didn't even bother to address the suspicion -- which ALSO shows the ATTITUDE with these people -- JUST WAIT untilo THEY get in power --


that dear folks is FASCISM and totalitarianism awaiting the ''land of the free" - lol.

and moxie and the rest can congratulate themselves for HELPING hillary get on the throne...or perhaps that is what many americans REALLY are underneath?

CLOSET FASCISTS? especially those disguised as 'liberals?"

(and to be frank -- i care nothing for EITHER the GOP or DEMS...since they are mainly two faces of theSAME FASCIST AMERICA -- lurking behind the claims of ''democracy" ) LOL

BUT -- focusing on just the election itself --


#Podesta24: Ex-CNN Worker Secretly Leaked Debate Questions to Clinton Campaign
On March 5 this year, Donna Brazile wrote an email to Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta and communications chief Jennifer Palmieri, titled: "One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash."

In the email Brazile tipped-off the Clinton campaign about an upcoming question to be asked during the next day's Democratic primary town hall debate in Flint, Michigan, a city that has suffered from a water contamination crisis.

© Photo: WikiLeaks

One of the 'Podesta Emails' released by WikiLeaks

"Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl (sic) of Flint. Folks, I did a service project today. It's so tragic," the email read.

"And what's worse, some homes have not been tested and it's important to encourage seniors to also get tested."

During the March 6 debate, which was co-hosted by CNN, Clinton was asked a question about the city's water crisis by Lee-Anne Walters, one of the earliest residents to have suffered the impacts of contamination.

"After my family, the city of Flint and the children in DC were poisoned by lead, will you make a personal promise to me right now that, as president, in your first 100 days in office, you will make it a requirement that all public water systems must remove all lead service lines throughout the entire United States, and notification made to the — the citizens that have said service lines," Walters asked.

Clinton then responded by pledging an "absolute commitment to getting rid of lead" within five years.

Leaks Raise Questions Over Media Collusion

The email, released by WikiLeaks as part of the 24th batch of files hacked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, raises more questions about potential collusion between DNC chairwoman Brazile, media figures and the Clinton campaign.

Brazile was earlier accused of using her media contacts to feed information to Clinton after a leaked email from March 12, 2016 featured a tip-off about a potential question to be asked in another town hall event on March 13.

© Photo: WikiLeaks

One of the 'Podesta Emails' released by WikiLeaks

The email, titled: "From time to time I get the questions in advance," informed Clinton about a potential question about capital punishment, with Brazile adding: "I'll send a few more. Though some questions Roland submitted."

"Roland" is thought to be TV One host Roland Martin, who co-moderated the March 13 town hall event.

Despite the evidence, Brazile has not admitted to receiving the information and passing it on to the Clinton campaign.

Foreign Donations: 'We Need to Stop This From Spreading'

Other revelations included in the latest batch of Podesta leaks is the behind the scenes response of Clinton campaign members to a February 2015 Wall Street Journal report into foreign investment in the Clinton Foundation.

The leaks showed how members of the Democratic candidate's campaign sought to ascertain how much funding had been contributed to the Foundation from the foreign governments of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Australia, Germany and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL energy pipeline project.

© Photo: WikiLeaks

One of the 'Podesta Emails' released by WikiLeaks

"I will leave all the defensive things to those who have and know the data for pushback," Joel Benenson, chief strategist for Clinton's campaign, wrote on February 18, 2015 as part of the email exchange.

"But there is a much larger strategic question that we need to resolve and stop this from spreading beyond today and probably tomorrow."


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
He did go on the record to say there was evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information but he didn't think a reasonable prosecutor would bring the case. That isn't the same as saying Hillary did nothing illegal... it's more like the opposite... but he's basically making the assertion it would be hard to prosecute. Quite a lot of people disagreed with him. Only gross negligence needed to be proved. It could be argued that deliberately storing classified information on a personal unsecured server is gross negligence.

oh -- NOW the top US senate democrat -- probably to add ''spine" to the democrat voter around hillary --

is ''suggesting" that the FBI chief -- for defying the US attorney general Loretta Lynch's order (she's appointee of BARRY O and gave hillary an OK to do hanky panky business with the Saudis on certain stuff that should be illegal) -

comey - who is now clearly trying to protect HIS skin and to appear ''honorable" but ONLY because REAL professional FBI agents are very, very unhappy at their reputation of professionalism being torn apart (we know there are always people who DO take their jobs seriously with real professional responsibility under their jobs' definition) - have already sent HIM the signal if HE won't open the investigation on HER for real -- THEY will have a mass resignation and DO the job themselves!

HE is now being targetted by who ELSE BUT THE DEMOCRATS --

''suggesting" that HE is a PUTIN/KREMLIN SPY?

can you folks just imagine what the USA has DESCENDED INTO?


putin /russia ARE responsible for the weather? the NORTHERN LIGHTS (i kid you not US politicians and 'experts" including pentagon offcials actually HAVE suggested as MUCH -- ''Russians might have been doing something with northern lights to keep people from SLEEPING and they get tired and put their guard DOWN" )
KREMLIN is now - well - behind the wall street collapse...uh -- katrina floods, bees disappearing, trump tax abatement, kremlin must have written the rules for getting the USA into trillions of DEBT...

OH wait -- PUTIN is behind american home mortgages going sky high!!
wait -- PUTIN must be responsible for the USA congress not knowing saddam hussein had NO WMDs!! he LED GEORGE BUSH by the nose to commit a war crime against iraq!

wait -- putin must be RESPONSIBLE for making BOEING take so long to finish that 1 trillion dollar F-35 TURKEY!!


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I think you're misunderstanding the point I'm making about the drip drip of emails. Let me try to clarify... after Comey's speech a few months back where he said that there wasn't anything prosecutable, he's authorised the FBI to send redacted Clinton server emails for the sake of transparency. Yet while that's been going on we've been seeing the Wikileaks emails as well. The whole thing is so confusing that most people can't separate the Wikileaks stuff from the FBI stuff. How this isn't considered an insertion into the electoral process escapes me

U KNOW some of you are SO funny -- and i must say double-standard (and THAT'S being polite) .

when wikileaks started more than a decade ago -- the US MEDIA and WESTERN media CELEBRATED WIKILEAKS for ''doing the world a service in justice and truth"

WHEN WIKILEAKS started leaking criminalities and corruption by THIRD WORLD LEADERS =- particularly in africa -- the FAVORITE place where EUROPE AND USA get their ''war criminals for prosecution in the HAGUE" --

it was OK when it's ''others" -- briberies, etc. et.c

as time wore on -- and wikileaks including leaks onf EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN leaders and corporations --THE SELF-APPOINTED APOSTLES OF VIRTUE on the world -- for THEIR even more IMMENSE corruptions and fascism...AND authorship of GLOBAL TERRORISM and its consequences -- for PROFIT!

and now on HILLARY -- oooppppsss how QUICKLY some FORGET.........

so let me ask you - some of you folks -- what does THAT make YOU?



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
WHAT even CLINTON SUPPORTERS -- and trump supporters do NOT really understand about the USA IS THIS:

your country is RULED by what is called the 'deep state" - this is the

complex consisting of the pentagon/corporate world and its money and war racket across the globe.

THIS depends for its financing and THEREFORE also DEFENDS THE usa dollar system - which is imposed on central banks across the world _at least the great majority --

under THIS SYSTEM -- entire countries and their economies - through the policies of central banks who MUST USE the dollar as global transaction ''middle man'' money -- the USA FEDERAL BANK AND US TREASURY -- HAND IN HAND (THEY ARE supposedly SEPARATE entities -- but in effect the federal bank , a PRIVATELY OWNED bank and not a TRUE national bank -- then can do what it wants ;

raise interest rates on interbank borrowings or lower - depending on what the OWNERS of such banks wish and the world economy ":

price of food, water, nuts and bolts, homes, wages, clothes, transport, pensions, stocks, airplanes -- follow in accordance with what the ''usa says" ..which is in effect what a FEW FAMILIES SAY...

THEY are the ROCKEFELLERS, FORDS, DUPONTS, AND - above all - the ROTSCHILDS - WHO control (as a group ) the ISSUANCE and ''creation" of DOLLAR printing depending on circumstances as they wish or need to KEEP control of the global economic system BASED ON THE ENFORCED USAGE of the US dollar by many central banks

who , by their policies, dictate to the population and economy what the game will be -- as dictated by THESE families and their ''allies" or those that are ''allowed" by them to ''join" in their CLASS of ''puppet masters" ...

bill gates for example is rich enough that he might have been one of the ''new rich" allowed into this very, very , very small group BEHIND

ALL THE POLITICAL SYSTEM of the USA -- and therefore the political systems of countries (such as europe - saudi arabia, israel, south america, some asian countries like japan, south korea, etc) --
that are intimidated over the decades to CONTINUE to follow this

'PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK SYSTEM" CONTROL OF national economies -- by means of the US DOLLAR as the 'necessary instrument of global transactions: payment in and payment out -- like a TOLL gate keeper of sorts...

THESE families are who REALLY decide who gets to be president by means of their control of the influence and policy makers of ''government" and ''instutitons" including in wall street.

even the largest corporations OBEY the ''rules" of these families...and MUST operate according to this same ''dollar system"

a MONEY PRINTED BY A PRIVATE BANK -- the US federal bank (a collection of the biggest private banks in the USA -- Chase, citigroup, wells fargo, etc)
whose ceo's or 'families' themselves answer to the wishes of the ORIGINAL author of such a scheme of ''private owned money printing pretending to be a national bank" -- the FAMILY OF ROTHSCHILDS - who originally made their big wealth in ENGLAND and from central europe - (they are a jewish clan - centuries ago originated from central asia, known as KHAZARIANS - a nomadic/conquering , raiding tribe that tried to conquer russia and were destroyed by the russians and kicked out of central asia and then dispersed over the centuries -- and THEN TOOK ON A NEW '''identity" -- namely ''zionists" - the so-called ''ashkenazi jews" who are NOT real jews -- just ''pretend'' jews by means of ''conversion" centuries ago and TODAY control the ''definition" of ''jew" - which is DIFFERENT from the REAL NATIVE jews of palestine and north africa)

these are the people who -- when the USA became a great power -- with the ROCKEFELLERS AND DUPONTS at the very top of the eating table -- were originally ''rivals" -- and then came to an agreement -- to expand this SYSTEM originated BY THE ROTHSCHILDS

"give me control of the creation of money -- and i care not who the leaders are -- any country becomes under our rule".

as their original ''father" of this clan centuries ago in london declared (his name being ANSELM DE ROTSCHILD) - and himself or themselves NOT even original English or british...

sort of ''immigrants" who took control of ECONOMIC and financial system...

EVERYTHING practically rests on THAT money they ''create" through the US dollar printing machine -- which is a kind of ''rental" imposed on ALL OF US --

by such families and their allies - behind the big banks, (and they don't even have to be in the board -- very clever way of continuing to HIDE their TRUE influence after having originally persuaded the USA government over a hundred years ago to LET THEM ''have control of the printing of money" ) ...

in other words -- the US TREASURY is a creation of the US government -- just as ANY national treasury ought to be anywhere...

THAT treasury SHOULD by law of any country -- have the MONOPOLY power to create MONEY for any purpose for the people:

pay wages, pay for cement to construct a house, pay for food, use it as exchange between people and businesses and even print extra if there is more need for ''money" without EVER NEEDING to be paid BACK by the people because it is THEIR money from the government THEY created...and therefore there shoould be NO DEBT whatsoever -- just CREDIT issued by the power of th epeople'/s own treasury issuing ''credit" (money) .


AROUND 1905, I believe - but they attempted it also much earlier and were repelled briefly by lincoln (guess why he was REALLY killed? -- same as kennedy who wanted to TAKE BACK the national treasury and federal bank FROM the private families?)

the USA Government - in effect SIMPLY GAVE UP the power of th eUSA PEOPLE themselves to THESE private families to issue ''money" --

and then PUT ITSELF - the usa treasury and government and therefore EVERYONE ELSE --

''in debt" TO these private families

what they do is like thisL

the private families have the power to tell THEIR ''federal bank" to raise interest rates or lower - etcetc...printing money as DEBT by default -- and EVERY DOLLAR that ANYONE uses in the world is - in effect -- a DEBT on ANY economic activity ANYONE lives with...

but using a single dollar also means -- since it is ''owned" by the private family group -- is a RENTAL from that family

every single person therefore is paying a cent or so to THAT family group for 'using their money" --

you see folks how it REALLY works?

but undertstand THIS CABAL only got that power because the USA TREASURY GAVE UP its constitutional power to be the SOLE issuer of CREDIT (as money) to all the people where there should have NEVER been ANY kind of ''debt" -because issuing money and credit is just that -- issuing it -- and if the government says

|''this is credit -- it is backed up by OUR authority and NO ONE has to owe anything -- buy food, build a house, send kids to college - take a vacation -- have your heart surgery -- be happy and productive be a poet, be an engineer - help each other -- pay each other with THIS CREDIT -- we call the USA DOLLAR because we can print MORE whenever we want "

THAT POWER that SHOULD have belonged to people -- for ANY need they wished - and ANY problems they had -- and ANY challenge they face --

even building spaceships if people want -- WITHOUT DEBT WHATSOEVER --

IS OWNED - that power -- BY THE ROTHSCHILDS, THE ROCKEFELLERS, DUPONTS, and whoever else is with them - maybe george soros is an ''honorary junior member " being he is like them BUT does NOT come from a ''more noble older family clan" like the rockefellers and rotthschilds who were the ORIGINATORS of this global system of control (including waging wars, ending wars, invading, creating terrorism, controlling the flow of OIL THROUGH DOLLAR) -


THEY CAN -- if they so wished - DESTROY hillary in two days this weekend -- and the media OBEYS - and turns on hillary -- and the FBI , CIA -- they ALL obey..the politicians - electors, corporations ALL obey...


WITH HILLARY HAVING so many baggages (their chosen next war and money profit cover and face) made on HER own because of HER own greed for power -- and clumsiness , thinking she could always get away with her OWN schemes - that are GIRL schemes compared to what these ROTHSCHILDS AND ROCKEFELLERS are about --

they might have - for the first time perhaps -- have had second thoughts -- and given the ''un-defined" orders here and there - media, politicians, donors etc..--

to START taking down hillary - opposite to the 'original plan' of supporting and rigging election for HER...

AND IN OTHER WORDS -- TRUMP -- will have been ''approached" and given the ''deal'' -- and in the end

THEY maintain THEIR rule from behind the scenes -- whether or not it is hillary or trump.

in short folks -- you don't have a REAL country -- never had -- what YOU HAVE -- IS A PLACE RULED BY A FEW PRIVATE FAMILIES

WHO DON'T even have to run IN elections because THEY are THE elections.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
hillary is basically an AMATEUR playing a game INSIDE the game OWNED by the ROTSCHILDS , ROCKEFELLERS AND DUPONTS ..


trump is more like a rich man playing WITHIN the rules of an ''economic system" -- whose CENTRAL power is based on

the printing ''at will" by a 'FEDERAL BANK" -- given that 'authority' by the USA treasury (which should NEVER have given that power AWAY ) -

and which federal bank is a PRIVATELY OWNED group of banks -- who play by the rules of 'money printing"

originated by the ROTSCHILDS family centuries ago in europe (and were KICKED OUT from germany and italy - and so they found a new ''locality" -- namely ENGLAND and the bank of scotland - when they managed to ''persuade" the british to adopt their clever scheme of endless money printing that enabled the british to THEN build THEIR imperial global power based on DEBT)...

AND then EXPORTED it to america -- and THEN basically ''invaded" the USA treasury and government system -

to give THEM that power to 'issue money which will be used by the USA treasury for IT to LEND to commercial banks to lend to people".

but NOTE :

THE usa treasury -- which should NEVER have given this private family THAT power to ''print" -- not only gave up that USA PEOPLE'/S RIGHT away TO A PRIVATE GROUP OF FAMILIES --


IT ''lends it back to the usa treasury"

and the USA treasury PAYS this private group a percentage...

say 1 cent out of every printed dollar is ''paid" by the USA treasury to the ''federal bank" (private owners)...

before the USA treasury then LENDS IT to commercial banks who then lend it to each other or to the ordinary person or business who then pay ''back" ''with interest" to the banks who pay back with interest to the USA treasury who pay back to the FEDERAL PRIVATE BANK with more interest...


''earn" in EVERY SINGLE LEVEL of ''use" of the US DOLLAR WHICH ''they 'print'''

BECAUSE that power to print was given AWAY TO THEM by the USA treasury ITSELF -- when it should NEVER have done THAT.



THE COUNTRIES that the USA has destroyed

or attempts to undermine -- for centuries now really --

ARE EACH OF THEM EITHER INDEPENDENT of THIS SYSTEM -- have their own REAL cnetral banks OR try to build them and detach from the US dollar usage -- and BACK UP their money with REAL assets -- like gold, silver, diamonds, land, national resources, .etc....

and IF they SUCCEED -- and MORE follow them to be INDEPENDENT ''central banks" --



THAT must not be allowed.

THAT is why SYRIA, LIBYA, IRAN, IRAQ -- were targeted for DARING to OPPOSE this private central banking USA DOLLAR SYSTEM OF WAR AND MONEY RACKETEERS

that is what the USA has been all about while YOU -- americans think it was about ''democracy" and lovely shining house on the hill...

THAT is why you see CLINTON -- like a deranged -- shout ''russia, russia, russia did it, russia is a threat -- and so is china when i'/m president -- asia pivot -- china must be stopped!!: IRAN must be STOPPED - syria must be stopped!!!"


her real JOB is to PROTECT this money racket by the REAL rulers of america -- and if she FALTERS (like with her baggage beingTOO COMPROMISING and THEY get exposed TOO MUCH-)




Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Brazile out at CNN after WikiLeaks reveals she gave debate questions to Clinton camp
Democratic party chair Donna Brazile is no longer at CNN, as WikiLeaks revealed that she sent debate questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign at least twice. Confirming Brazile’s dismissal, CNN said it was “completely uncomfortable” with her conduct.

Brazile’s role as a Democratic pundit at CNN was suspended in July, when she took on the role of interim chair for the Democratic National Committee following the scandal-ridden departure of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. She resigned from the network on October 14, after revelations that she had given advance notice to the Clinton campaign of questions to be asked at a CNN-hosted debate.

CNN says its “completely uncomfortable” w/ Donna Brazile’s interactions with Clinton campaign after email suggests she sent another question

— Michael Calderone (@mlcalderone) October 31, 2016
“We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor,” the network said in a statement Monday, announcing Brazile’s dismissal and maintaining that they never gave her any questions or other materials in advance of debates.

Thank you @CNN. Honored to be a Democratic Strategist and commentator on the network. Godspeed to all my former colleagues.

— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) October 31, 2016
Emails published by WikiLeaks earlier show otherwise, however. A March 12 email from Brazile to Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri – published by WikiLeaks on October 11 – was titled: “From time to time I get the questions in advance,” and gave the campaign notice of a question about the death penalty at the upcoming CNN-hosted town hall between Clinton and her rival for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders.

Read more

Another email, published Monday, shows Brazile giving advance notice to Palmieri and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta about the upcoming debate in Flint, Michigan. Brazile was vice chair of the DNC at the time.

“One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash,” says the subject line of Brazile’s email dated March 5, followed by: “Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl of Flint.”

Both CNN and Brazile emphatically denied any wrongdoing prior to Monday’s release.

"To be perfectly clear: We have never, ever given a town hall question to anyone beforehand,” said CNN.

“As it pertains to the CNN Debates, I never had access to questions and would never have shared them with the candidates if I did," Brazile said in a statement earlier this month.

On Monday morning, before CNN acknowledged her October 14 resignation, Brazile tweeted about “campaign hell” and quoted a Miami Herald article indicating that Donald Trump’s campaign had a “back channel” to WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange through political operative Roger Stone.

Brazile and other senior Democrats have accused Assange of being a “Russian agent” and alternately dismissed the WikiLeaks publications as either forgeries or attempts by Russia to influence US elections by backing Trump.

Stone has rejected both claims. “I bet there is no evidence of a Russian conspiracy to fix the election,” he told the Herald.

“He’s not a Russian agent,” Stone added, speaking of Assange.


just a simple question asking for a simple direct yes or no:

MOXIE and others of hillary:

IN A DEBATE that is proper -- do you agree or not that a candidate should be FED QUESTIONS -- and even with suggested answers in order to win a debate?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Teddy: Your over-enthusiastic posting again makes it unreadable, (or I can't be bothered, because you are such an extremist,) but you are wrong about some of the things I could pick out: Donna Brazile was not HRC's campaign manager, she was the head of the DNC. Hillary is NOT directly responsible for the deaths of 4 people in Bengazi; that's blaming the candidate where there was a more disbursed fault, (and not to mention that 4 deaths pales in comparison to the Bush-led Iraq war.)

If you want to talk about double-standards, why is Comey making a case of new emails with only the vaguest of innuendo, and not making anything of the Manafort case, which is a pending investigation of Trump's former campaign manager's ties to Russia?

As to your question: I've never believed that Hillary would be materially aided by being fed questions: The questions that might be asked are not that mysterious, and she's always beyond prepared. Trump complains about it because he doesn't prepare well, doesn't have a great (or even passable) grasp of most issues, and he loses concentration and patience about 30 minutes into any debate. If Brazile crossed a line, I seriously doubt that it aided Clinton materially. She does great on her own.
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Apr 22, 2013
It gets harder to defend Comey the more one looks at all this, how on earth can he do this but try to avoid publicising the FBI investigation into the Russian angle. That bias is a bit blatant

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
^that's an extreme read on the situation. But yes it does look like he could be investigated under the Hatch act. The way this was done is just extraordinary to me. I don't know whether it moves the needle enough. I was talking to friends of mine in Texas, die hard Republicans, the mother and daughter have already voted for Clinton, the father refuses to vote as he hates both HRC and Trump. Too many other people have fixed positions already. So this is all about undecideds.

What I find intriguing is the steady drip drip of emails being released by the FBI. It's just weird. Either she shouldn't be charged then stop doing things that could sway the electorate, or charge her and be done with! And how come Trump and his associates have not been investigated for potential leaks with the Russians? Why nothing about that? Seems like bias to me

It's all crazy to me. The entire political system needs to be revamped. This is not the way to run elections, lies, lies, and more lies. Sickening.


Apr 22, 2013
He did go on the record to say there was evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information but he didn't think a reasonable prosecutor would bring the case. That isn't the same as saying Hillary did nothing illegal... it's more like the opposite... but he's basically making the assertion it would be hard to prosecute. Quite a lot of people disagreed with him. Only gross negligence needed to be proved. It could be argued that deliberately storing classified information on a personal unsecured server is gross negligence.

"potential" violations. I believe he also said this goes no where near the standard of prosecutable evidence. The woman was investigated for over a year, and it comes down to that? People see what they want to see mate
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
'Serbian Michael Moore' Explains Why He Thinks Trump is Better Than Clinton
11:22 01.11.2016(updated 11:26 01.11.2016) Get short URL

Starting with the US elections, Malagurski said that he got the impression that the majority of American news outlets oppose Trump. "It's very hard to get real information. In that sense, Politico is ok, but the rest of them – CNN, BBC, — are involved in the anti-Trump campaign. And their polls are designed to demoralize anyone who is ready to support Trump," Malagurski said.

Commenting on the distinction between the two leading candidates, Malagurski pointed out the difference in the stances that Trump and Clinton hold concerning foreign policy. "I know that Trump has never apologized to Serbia for the US' bombings (earlier, a fake interview with Trump emerged in the Balkans, in which he purportedly offered his apology for the events of 1999 – Sputnik), however, his positions concerning Russia, Syria, current world crises – these all can justify support for this candidate. He has a realistic point of view on things; he does not follow the line of conflict with the whole world, like Hillary Clinton did by following Bush’s strategy of "You’re either with us, or against us." In that sense, I believe, Trump is a better choice than Clinton. The less the American president knows about us, the better, and Hillary, I’m sorry to say, knows a lot about us. In her book, she wrote that when her husband was in doubt whether to bomb Serbia or not, she said: do it," Malagurski stated.

He then moved on to talk about Vladimir Putin: "I think he does a lot of things right; for instance, he uses sanctions the right way because he has realized how 'adequate' the neoliberal project, forced by the West, really is," the director said.

Disclosing what he is working on now, Malagurski said that his next movie, 'The Weight of Chains 3' will focus on environmental pollution, climate change and GMOs. "In the first movie, we showed how we are destroyed by war, in the second – with the help of economics, and in the third movie, we’ll deal with biological destruction. We will show positive examples of countries that banned GMOs, like Hungary, and then countries that managed to win the battle of economic freedom, like Iceland. We want to inspire people and show them that fighting for a better society means fighting for a healthier society, for longer life spans, and for the opportunity for our children not to have to wear masks to get to school, like they do in some cities in China".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
while ignorant americans -- with their heads in the sand (like certain people here) - know nothing or actually - more in american character : have no time for such things as knowing cultures or countries until their leaders tell them ''it's a global threat - we have to send in the marines and regime change" -- while BEING the global threat to all other countries --

we can be sure SERBIANS KNOW WHO BOMBED their country based on LIES by the criminal western empire led by the USA;;;

IT'S HILLARY AND HER HUSBAND...billie the bomber of serbia and president over hundreds of thousands of DEAD IRAQI CHILDREN , MEN AND WOMEN because as his Witch secretary of state ALBRIGHT SAID -- TO take down one man who DARED to consider trading his country's oil OUTSIDE the US DOLLAR

Hundreds of thousands of dead iraqis ''WAS WORTH IT"...

YES -- ain't hillary's and bill's america SUCH GOOD GUYS?
and she's not satisfied yet -- the VAMPIRE QUEEN needs more's her way of growing her COJONES bigger than any man, u know...


Apr 22, 2013
while ignorant americans -- with their heads in the sand (like certain people here) - know nothing or actually - more in american character : have no time for such things as knowing cultures or countries until their leaders tell them ''it's a global threat - we have to send in the marines and regime change" -- while BEING the global threat to all other countries --

we can be sure SERBIANS KNOW WHO BOMBED their country based on LIES by the criminal western empire led by the USA;;;

IT'S HILLARY AND HER HUSBAND...billie the bomber of serbia and president over hundreds of thousands of DEAD IRAQI CHILDREN , MEN AND WOMEN because as his Witch secretary of state ALBRIGHT SAID -- TO take down one man who DARED to consider trading his country's oil OUTSIDE the US DOLLAR

Hundreds of thousands of dead iraqis ''WAS WORTH IT"...

YES -- ain't hillary's and bill's america SUCH GOOD GUYS?
and she's not satisfied yet -- the VAMPIRE QUEEN needs more's her way of growing her COJONES bigger than any man, u know...

Why isn't more of your opprobrium directed towards the UK and specifically Tony Blair. He was the one who pushed Bill Clinton to intervene in the former Yugoslavia. By the way.. has it been established that ethnic cleansing didn't occur? I'm actually asking this question, it's not a rhetorical flourish. If there wasn't genocide then it would be hard to argue that Western intervention was necessary
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Reactions: Moxie


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
there can be no ''overenthusiastic posting" where it comes to bringing TRUTH -- TO WILLFUL IGNORANCE --

such a willful ignorance as americans are so well-known about -- that it leads to bringing MISERY and destruction and millions of lives ruined in countries

BECAUSE americans -- like yourself -- find it 'beneath" you to understand you are a nation -- or one led by leaders --

that is the CENTRAL CAUSE of misery across the world...

from impoverishment of countries and their peoples through YOUR imperial policies -- policies which even the retired CIA ''economic hitman" describes as

"our very, very vicious system of exploitation that dehumanizes and enslaves people everywhere".


that word -- MOXIE -- describes YOU AND AMERICA'S IMPERIALIST , MURDEROUS war and money racketeering across the globe -- that many of you do NOT POSSESS the moral or ethical capability

to ADMIT is such as it is known to be across the world -- let alone

''have time" to actually look at the HIDEOUSNESS of your government, your leaders, your policies

and above all -- the willful ignorance and pretend ''innocence" of YOU

the ''good guys" -- when in fact -- it is AMERICA that IS THE THREAT to the ENTIRE planet and human race.



IN FACT TERRORISM in all its forms IS your country's and governments FAVORITE WEAPON of choice against the people of the planet.

people like you -like hillary -- you have NO SHAME whatsoever.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Why isn't more of your opprobrium directed towards the UK and specifically Tony Blair. He was the one who pushed Bill Clinton to intervene in the former Yugoslavia. By the way.. has it been established that ethnic cleansing didn't occur? I'm actually asking this question, it's not a rhetorical flourish. If there wasn't genocide then it would be hard to argue that Western intervention was necessary

blair has his niche as a war criminal..such as his 'iraq' adventure...

for now -- let us concentrate on HILLARY'S ORDER to HER husband to BOMB SERBIA...

NOVAK DJOKOVIC THE GREAT is a LIVING WITNESS TO THAT and a living testament to GREATNESS such as the serbian people have shown --

GREATNESS for which THEY were bombed by the USA AND HILLARY AND HER BILLIE --


ON REFUSING TO BOW to the empire!!

serbia and her people -- as small as their nation is -- and GANG BANGED by the USA/UK/NATO western empire --

is worth MORE in the eyes of the universe and everything that is TRULY MORAL and ethical and just --

than the FAKE righteousness of the GREAT BOMBER USA and its UK and other ''allies" ...

SERBIA - and her people - despite what was imposed on them for BEING who they are and standing up for THEIR heritage and refusal to bow to the western empire
are the REAL example of GREATNESS in a people

unlike the BIG USA that displays nothing more than what SIGMUND FREUD described it as:

"nothing more but wealthy SAVAGES".

LIARS, DECEITFUL, DISHONEST (including to themselves) , hypocritical FAKE ''shining city on the hill" and fake ''good guys of the world" ...

who are incapable of looking at themselves in the mirror -- or looking at themselves as OTHERS that THEIR COUNTRY HAS BOMBED or destroyed for empire -- see them as:


PIRATES of the world stealing from countries wherever the USA can reach its filthy claws and then CALLING it ''good work".
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Why isn't more of your opprobrium directed towards the UK and specifically Tony Blair. He was the one who pushed Bill Clinton to intervene in the former Yugoslavia. By the way.. has it been established that ethnic cleansing didn't occur? I'm actually asking this question, it's not a rhetorical flourish. If there wasn't genocide then it would be hard to argue that Western intervention was necessary

also -- this IS USA politics thread.

are YOU choosing for me where i should post my remarks on HILLARY AND BILLIE AND AMERICA'S RACIST IMPERIAL WEST wars -- complete with its FAVORITE weapon of TERRORISM IMPOSED

upon others?


Apr 22, 2013
I was just asking a question. Calm your skin down. By the way I couldn't really make out an actual answer within all the frothing :unsure:
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