US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I was just asking a question. Calm your skin down. By the way I couldn't really make out an actual answer within all the frothing :unsure:


''calm" with me...

what is say is true. the usa is a savage nation of war mongers...imperialist racists -- full of ''legal" corruption hypocritical
the chief terrorist nation on earth pretending to be the leader and climax of human civilization

but inf act is nothing more than a giant prison of captive addle-minded nincompoops - for the most part anyway --

who actually believe their own myths about their ''exceptional" qualities..when in fact -- their country is the chief engineer of terror worldwide, exploiting of others, and whose ''power and wealth"

is actually floating on MISERY unto others...

but yet much of its citizenry is incapable of looking at itself for the HIDEOUSNESS of the reflection.

now -- as for YOU -- if you can't understand anything at all -- don't bother HIDING it behind quips about my ''style' of writing or speech.

you only show your ethical standing is very questionable...

or below THAT -- the intellect isn't very sharp at all.


Apr 22, 2013

''calm" with me...

what is say is true. the usa is a savage nation of war mongers...imperialist racists -- full of ''legal" corruption hypocritical
the chief terrorist nation on earth pretending to be the leader and climax of human civilization

but inf act is nothing more than a giant prison of captive addle-minded nincompoops - for the most part anyway --

who actually believe their own myths about their ''exceptional" qualities..when in fact -- their country is the chief engineer of terror worldwide, exploiting of others, and whose ''power and wealth"

is actually floating on MISERY unto others...

but yet much of its citizenry is incapable of looking at itself for the HIDEOUSNESS of the reflection.

now -- as for YOU -- if you can't understand anything at all -- don't bother HIDING it behind quips about my ''style' of writing or speech.

you only show your ethical standing is very questionable...

or below THAT -- the intellect isn't very sharp at all.

Lol! I'll wager most people reading your response would differ on that. Anyway.. onwards and upwards! ;)


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Lol! I'll wager most people reading your response would differ on that. Anyway.. onwards and upwards! ;)

if ''most" people are like SOME of you..yes...

but that just drives the point home..........
that MOST of the world's peoples aren't like SOME of the likes of YOU...

THEY know who's the chief terrorist on this earth -- terror by all manner --economic terror, political terror, surveilling the plane terror , historical fakery terror, cultural terror, racist terror, military terror, ....

THAT country and its mostly western ''gang mates" -- MOST people on earth KNOW about ...

so -- where does THAT place the likes of YOU?

IN THAT ASH HEAP reserved for the REAL SCUM of the earth.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Lol! I'll wager most people reading your response would differ on that. Anyway.. onwards and upwards! ;)

sure by all means -- go \'up and away" to that cloud nine some of you share with HILLARY the ANGEL OF DEATH and her other fellow SCUM.


Apr 22, 2013
if ''most" people are like SOME of you..yes...

but that just drives the point home..........
that MOST of the world's peoples aren't like SOME of the likes of YOU...

THEY know who's the chief terrorist on this earth -- terror by all manner --economic terror, political terror, surveilling the plane terror , historical fakery terror, cultural terror, racist terror, military terror, ....

THAT country and its mostly western ''gang mates" -- MOST people on earth KNOW about ...

so -- where does THAT place the likes of YOU?

IN THAT ASH HEAP reserved for the REAL SCUM of the earth.

I, like most people here by the way, hold no illusions about American so called manifest destiny and exceptionalism. We're just a bit more balanced than you. Personally I would love to know what the genesis of your hatred is. That would be a fascinating story I'm sure o_O


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I, like most people here by the way, hold no illusions about American so called manifest destiny and exceptionalism. We're just a bit more balanced than you. Personally I would love to know what the genesis of your hatred is. That would be a fascinating story I'm sure o_O

''hatred? "

it is funny and ironic that such words come from your mouth and those like you -- like some HERE who represent the same types of characters that circle their wagons around the SCUM like hillary and her ilk --

when they and you -- in your various degrees of stupid and ignorance -- represent the self-proclaimed ''masters of the universe" -- such as killary -- her neocons and neoliberals and ''exceptional people and country and allies" -- are

the world's CHAMPIONS in hatred, fomenting hatred, exportation of hatred and financing hatred -- while calling them ''good things" --...

that is funny.

as for ''genesis" of my views and positions?

nothing special -- it's just plain looking at and in disgust at the PURE EVIL that the USA and its ''allies" do wherever they both their history and their present and their hypocritical BRAGGING to actually have the RIGHT and the ''Goodness" to practice EXACTLY what they do


only IDIOTS and callous people -- and people dishonest to themselves above all -- would call ANY of what these self-proclaimed most virtuous of countries -- and YES -- i MEAN

the USA -- THE ANGL0-AMERICAN ''leadership'' countries and their ''cultures" as well as their GANG-MATES in the west and certain bestial leadership countries like the headchopping saudi wahhabists they love so much and GIVE A SEAT in the UN human rights council to - yukh --

as the VERY AUTHORS of global EVIL .

now -- SOME of you CAN'T SWALLOW THAT TRUTH -- that's why you either COMPLAIN about ME saying it -- or run away from it.

people like THAT -- are what Reverend Martin Luther King, JR...

described about ''MY OWN COUNTRY and government -- the world's greatest purveyor of violence in all its forms...

"we are a nation of technological and scientific giants ...
....and intellectual and moral dwarfs and cowards".


Apr 22, 2013
Didn't you used to (or still do) live in the United States?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I, like most people here by the way, hold no illusions about American so called manifest destiny and exceptionalism. We're just a bit more balanced than you. Personally I would love to know what the genesis of your hatred is. That would be a fascinating story I'm sure o_O

you're neither balanced nor truthful -- jusT intellectual and moral cowards. that's all. ...who wrap yourselves with posturing about being '''balanced" -- when in fact what you are doing is wrap yourselves to BEASTLY entities and ''leaders" you pretend to hold ''well-considered" positions....

but at the end of the day -- you are just moral and intellectual COWARDS AND HYPOCRITES.

America and Lackeys Insult People of the World

And it’s not just Russia that Washington is insulting – it's the entire world. Such is the preposterous hypocrisy of US leaders and their international network of cronies.

US client regime Saudi Arabia – the world's most repressive – being given a seat on the UN human rights council over the weekend while Russia was forced out of it is just one glaring insult among many.

Russia’s top diplomat was referring to US officials and Western allies accusing Russia of “barbarism” and “war crimes” in its ongoing military intervention in Syria.

Yet these unverified, hysterical charges that Washington levels against Moscow in Syria are proven against the US and its allies who have committed huge war crimes in dozens of countries over recent years. Crimes that go unaccounted for.

Lavrov cited the case of former Yugoslavia in particular where, in 1999, US-led NATO warplanes killed thousands of civilians in air strikes on public infrastructure. Since then, illegal overseas wars launched by Washington – in brazen violation of international law – have proliferated with a death toll counted in millions.


Currently, US forces are bombing seven countries, including Iraq, Syria and Yemen, inflicting civilian deaths on a daily basis. Yet it is Washington and its Western minions who have the audacity to condemn Russia over its military operations to salvage Syria from a US-led covert war for regime change. That the US has orchestrated a criminal covert war in Syria since March 2011 – violating the human rights of millions of Syrians – is a shocking reality that only the servile Western media continues to conceal.

Last week, the Western propaganda campaign to demonize Russia scored a dubious “victory” by having Russia dropped from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). That move was achieved on the back of a media-driven agenda claiming that Russian air strikes were indiscriminately targeting civilians in the northern Syria city of Aleppo.

Never mind that Russian (and Syrian) aircraft have not been carrying out combat missions around Aleppo for nearly two weeks in order to facilitate humanitarian aid efforts in the war-torn city. Never mind that those aid efforts have been continually sabotaged by foreign-backed terrorist groups holding civilians under siege in eastern Aleppo for the past four years.

Russia’s military intervention in Syria over the past year has helped Syrian government forces liberate hundreds of towns and villages from a reign of terror imposed by foreign-backed mercenaries, all of which are integrated with the internationally outlawed terrorist networks Islamic State (Daesh) and Nusra Front. None of this is given any acknowledgment by the West and its subservient news media, which instead inverts reality by amplifying spurious claims leveled against Russia by the terrorist sponsors.

The battle for Aleppo is fully consistent with the objective of liberating Syria from a US-led criminal conspiracy to destroy the country and to replace the elected government of President Bashar al-Assad with a pro-Western puppet regime.

Over the weekend, Western media strained credulity by referring to “rebels breaking the regime’s siege on Aleppo”. These so-called rebels are none other than Al Qaeda-linked terrorists of Nusra Front and its myriad offshoots, like Ahrar al-Sham and Jaish al-Fatah. It isn’t the Syrian army and its Russian ally that are holding the city siege. It is the terrorists. And over the weekend their shelling resulting in dozens of civilians being killed, including reportedly 14 children in government-held western Aleppo.

Even the abjectly one-sided Western media could not conceal the slaughter by terrorist “rebels” whom the United States and its allies have supported with money, weapons and training to do their geopolitical bidding in Syria since 2011.

© Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Meanwhile, in neighboring Iraq, a US coalition that includes Britain, France and Turkey continued bombing the city of Mosul, ostensibly to defeat extremists holding a civilian population as human shields – extremists whom the US and its partners have covertly supported next door in Syria. US-led aerial bombardment of Mosul has resulted in heavy civilian casualties since the offensive was launched on October 17,

according to
local sources.

Elsewhere over the weekend, Saudi warplanes, supported by the US, Britain and France, ratcheted up even more crimes against humanity. Some 10,000 people have been killed since the Saudi coalition began bombing the region’s poorest country in March 2015. In an air strike on the Red Sea port city of Hodeida, Saudi warplanes attacked a prison, killing more than 60 inmates and security staff. It was just the latest atrocity in a litany of such deadly strikes on civilian centers, including hospitals, schools, markets, mosques, family homes and even funeral halls.

Last week, UN agencies reported that nearly half the Yemeni population of 24 million is facing starvation. Images of skeletal children are emerging, wracked by dysentery and cholera. This barbaric nationwide ordeal has been created by the Saudi regime and its Western patrons imposing a sea and air blockade on the country. It is no exaggeration to say that the whole Yemeni nation is an imprisoned population that is being bombed over and over without the slightest compunction for women and children being blown to pieces.


Without American, British and French military support the Saudi slaughter in Yemen would cease immediately. Western-backed Saudi claims of Iranian subversion in Yemen, from allegedly supporting Houthi rebels, are a risible pretext. Washington and its clients are destroying Yemen simply because they can’t abide a popular, genuinely pro-democracy uprising succeeding in a vital oil-rich region that underpins US hegemony through despotic Arab rule, as in Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchical dictatorships.

On the same weekend that Russia was sanctioned at the UNHRC, it was yet another blood-soaked orgy of state-sponsored terrorism carried out by the US, its allies and their mercenary surrogates.

The US, Britain, France and Saudi Arabia are among the 47 member states represented on the Geneva-based human rights council. The Saudi feudalist monarchy, which executes prisoners convicted of “sorcery” and other crimes by public beheading, and which bans women from driving cars, only obtained its seat on the UNHRC due to Britain fixing the votes.

Russia, which has stood against the terrorist-sponsoring aggression in Syria by Washington and its rogue-state partners, is singled out for sanction over allegations of committing violations.


This censure is insulting because not only is it a travesty of justice. It is an insult to common intelligence which can see through the preposterous lies of the US and its accomplices.

The utter disconnect and deception by Washington and other Western governments may fool some of the people some of the time, but over the long-run such corruption is coming unstuck. The turmoil, anger and disdain among ordinary people towards criminals in high office is reaching boiling point in the US, Europe and across the world.

The more that these illegitimate rulers seek to justify their existence and criminal enterprises the more it offends ordinary human intelligence.

Russia is right to be aggrieved by the public insults that emanate from Washington and its lackeys. But Russia is certainly not alone in being grotesquely wronged. The whole world is aggrieved by putting up so far with an international oligarchy of thieves, exploiters and sponsors of terrorism. So far.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Didn't you used to (or still do) live in the United States?

I STILL do -- and i wish i had the resources to move. like more and more americans i hear from "in whispers" ...

i once knew - at work a nurse - very accomplished already -- some irish-american -- who whispered to me:

"teddy -- if you know someone from abroad -- that's willing to marry so i can be a citizen -- i will pay for everything until the papers are done...please tell me -- i can't stand it here anymore"...

i've personally heard a LOT of that...such despair that they can't...

while the likes of certain folks -- such as HERE -- ACTUALLY think Hillary is the best thing since baked bread....and who probably think that ANYONE that criticizes america as THEY ''patriotically" think of it -- such as these democrats around hillary "no matter what" --

should ''leave if they don't like it .."

AS IF their notion of ''what is a good america" -- WARMONGERING that it is under THEIR ''hillary" and her kind --

is the LAW of the universe

when in fact THEY themselves are the minions of their own collective MC-CARTHYISM...

who can not tolerate ''criticism" and ''hating my america" --

EVEN IF IT IS ACTUALLY CORRECT AND TRUE that THAT america they call "'MY great country" --

is the CESSPOOL and FOUNT of so much EVIL that wraps itself around the world.

they think that NO ONE should criticize america , let alone show THEM the mirror of ''their" america that is HIDEOUS...

both to THEIR own fellow americans and to the rest of the world.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It is ludicrous to blame Hillary Clinton for the bombings in the former Yugoslavia. It was a NATO action, making it wrong to blame solely Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. To reach to their wives is even more ridiculous. I agree that the US has meddled in other countries far beyond what they should have once they got the itch after WWII. I wouldn't use words like "evil," myself, as I don't so much see the world in that kind of religiously tinted black and white, but you rather arrogantly assume you're the only one that finds fault with the US. I think a lot of people, inside and out of the US can cite a lot of transgressions and missteps.


Apr 22, 2013
Well... I don't recall too many people absolving HRC of any wrong doing. Just because the Republican attack machine has been after her for years, and her penchant for secrecy has tended to pour petrol on the already lit fire. My view about this election is that I would hate to see Trump elected. If it's a choice between the two it's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned. Does that mean I think HRC is the best thing since sliced bread? Only someone with a rather low IQ would jump to that conclusion
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It is ludicrous to blame Hillary Clinton for the bombings in the former Yugoslavia. It was a NATO action, making it wrong to blame solely Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. To reach to their wives is even more ridiculous. I agree that the US has meddled in other countries far beyond what they should have once they got the itch after WWII. I wouldn't use words like "evil," myself, as I don't so much see the world in that kind of religiously tinted black and white, but you rather arrogantly assume you're the only one that finds fault with the US. I think a lot of people, inside and out of the US can cite a lot of transgressions and missteps.

the NATO COLLECTIVE ''action" as are ALL nato actions

were and are directed UNDER AMERICAN COMMAND.

every single NATO COMMANDER has been ALWAYS american.

that IS the purpose of NATO - always was --

created By the USA to ensure europe's SUBMISSION to american military command as an EXTENSION of american EMPIRE.

every single leader IN nato takes finals orders FROM washington.

NATO NEVER goes ANYWHERE where the USA does not DIRECT it.
the trouble with the likes of YOU - moxie is --

along with your whining and dismissiveness about ''criticizing my country" along with your poorly justified excuse of not ''having the inclindation or time" to LEARN -- is that - WITH THAT IGNORANCE --

YOU spout a LOT of nonsense about things you DO NOT KNOW ABOUT and understand BECAUSE of your ignorance.

this is world-renowned american penchant for
being "ignorant -- and PROUD of it"!!!
JUST LIKE YOUR LEADERS who go around the world giving ordeers to countries about how they should arrange they should re-arrange their laws to SUIT

the american way -- and completely wihtout UNDERSTANDING THE BASIC TRUTHS:

THEY ARE not your country or culture or traditions and YOUR leaders and government and nation has NO BUSINESS telling others how to behave as countries that have existed far, far , far longer than your beloved glorious UPSTART of a 'nation" USA

that ISN'T even a proper country! and is nothing more than an entity cobbled together with SUCH HYPOCRITICAL NONSENSE - BY MEANS OF THEFT of a continent and unending other injustices ...

and typically -- there you go -- the likes of you talking about WHAT NATO does or how the USA ''wasn't the one responsible or led "

because you THINK that since MOST of the countries are ''over there -- whatever ....."...

on a map you can't even point your fingers on as to which cultures and traditions they have that were artificially cobbled together BY YOUR GOVERNMENT -- TO ENFORCE ''AMERICAN WAYS" -

ON WHAT ARE IN FACT DISPARATE -- AND very, very distinct cultures --

you then resort to your statements of such ingorance they don't evne pass elementary school morning 'social studies' level.

you REFUSE to read -- so that you can REMAIN HAPPILY, SMUGLY


yet you have NO idea that the war to DISMANTLE YUGOSLAVIA which MAINLY consisted of SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO -- as real nations -- with croatia and bosnia as nothing more than PROVINCES left over as 'islamic" from the OTTOMAN EMPIRE times of turkey long ago -- which SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO

heroically served as the DEFENDERS of orthodox christianity from ...and IN FACT LITERALLY DEFENDED THE ENTIRE EUROPE

FROM BEING overwhelemed by the ottoman turks !! DESPITE the hatred and racism FROM the western europeans towards the SLAVIC ORTHODOX SERBIANS AND MONTENEGRINS!

you know NOTHING moxie -- and yet you spout simpleton ''stuff" from the playbook of your own IGNORANT ''western" leaders like clinton -- -- he NATO HEAD WESLEY CLARKE who DIRECTED the entire operation to destroy SERBIA WHICH WAS THE REAL HEART AND BODY OF YUGOSLAVIA ITSELF!

and they did that by directing GERMANY to ''secretly"
'offer: to bosnia and croatia "'protection if these ''provinces" that were left-overs from the OTTOMAN conquests - declared ''independence"

to START the EXCUSE of ''coming to the rescue of the poor, poor bosnians and croatians -- LOOK at how the SERBIANS are oppressing and exterminating them!!"

and THEREFORE give NATO -- behind which IS THE USA --


the likes of you are such ignorant people -- only your arrogance and SMUG SLICK way of somehow finding ways to wash yourselves of the SINS of your country and government and its western gang-mates

is simply beyond belief..except one CAN believe it --

because -- after all -- you are americans -- and THAT IS TYPICAL of americans.

AS i have said :

you have no shame. but the world knows THAT ...

AMERICANS like that -- they are a real piece of work...............


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Well... I don't recall too many people absolving HRC of any wrong doing. Just because the Republican attack machine has been after her for years, and her penchant for secrecy has tended to pour petrol on the already lit fire. My view about this election is that I would hate to see Trump elected. If it's a choice between the two it's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned. Does that mean I think HRC is the best thing since sliced bread? Only someone with a rather low IQ would jump to that conclusion

ya -- it's a 'no-brainer" is EXACTLY it...

you just showed it's missing from your cranium...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It is ludicrous to blame Hillary Clinton for the bombings in the former Yugoslavia. It was a NATO action, making it wrong to blame solely Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. To reach to their wives is even more ridiculous. I agree that the US has meddled in other countries far beyond what they should have once they got the itch after WWII. I wouldn't use words like "evil," myself, as I don't so much see the world in that kind of religiously tinted black and white, but you rather arrogantly assume you're the only one that finds fault with the US. I think a lot of people, inside and out of the US can cite a lot of transgressions and missteps.

where did that notion come that i ''arrogantly assume i'm the only one that finds fault with the usa?"

that'[s a distinct other argument in and of itself -- and has NO BEARING on what i say as criticism which many others across the world know about.


serbia was attacked in order for the USA -- WHICH IS THE POWER behind NATO -- nothing in nato gets decided OUTSIDE of washington's directives -- everyone knows that -- not least NATO itself -- to show it can do whatever it wishes and NOBODY can say NO.

MOST ESPECIALLY -- DURING the time when russia had become so weakened (which russians themselves blame on THEMSELVES AND DO NOT POINT FINGERS at others -- apart from pointing out that the WEST TOOK ADVANTAGE of their weakness RATHER THAN GENUINELY BE A friend to them) -

AND RUSSIA was unable to mount a defense of their COUSINS SERBIANS with whom they shared history, culture, traditions, faith, customs, ethnicity and above all

SPIRITUALITY across the centuries FAR LONGER than the USA ever existed!

but YOUR country --= an anglo-american foreigner in continental eurasia -- is VERY, VERY good at such things...

utterly SHAMELESS.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
HILLARY TELLING THE JEWISH PRESS - IN a private conversation...

what she thinks of a 'real election and democracy" ...

that the way to hold an election should be only "if we can find a way to determine the results of an election"



Apr 22, 2013
ya -- it's a 'no-brainer" is EXACTLY it...

you just showed it's missing from your cranium...

I do find it amusing that you're increasingly reaching for insults when discussing these issues. To me that's a classic sign that you don't even have much faith in your position. More about emotion than facts :facepalm:
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I do find it amusing that you're increasingly reaching for insults when discussing these issues. To me that's a classic sign that you don't even have much faith in your position. More about emotion than facts :facepalm:

now look at who's ing...

the lot of you have been AT IT -- if you haven't noticed....the moment any of you TALK -- you hurl insults...

you are 1) dismissive of arguments..
2) talk as if -- lik emoxie -- \\''i have no time for such things"

3) YOU talk about ''style" of writing...

in other words -- YOU both at leas -- have been spastic in your own writing -- Ithat's an insult iif you like -- have NOT addressed issues about TOPICS i put out -- or information

go and re-read your writing...

now -- if i characterized you BOTH as UN informed, WILLFULLY ignorant and PROUD of it...

tha's because throughout these exchanges you have PROVEN it.


insult you? if that is how you describe it from me -- it's becuse you DESERVE IT. -- THAT II KNEW I WAS DOING...



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
HAVE BOTH of you doing this exchange with me ADDRESSED THE FACTS i have shown you that the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS?

of course not!! and THAT means you are INSULTING the people and victims the world over of these CRIMINALS you wrap yourselves around.......

but the best way to address YOU therefore is this:

YOU are an INSULT to the world.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Liberty and Justice for Some? US Presidential Electoral College Explained

The US electoral system consists of a byzantine mix of state regulations, ballot access requirements, fundraising rules and, most importantly, the electoral college — a body of 538 people who are the ones who actually choose the president.

When people go to the polls in the United States, they are not technically voting for a candidate for president — they are voting for electors who have pledged to vote for a certain candidate once the electoral college convenes. It is extremely rare, and yet entirely possible, that electors break their pledge and vote for a different candidate.

This is called a "faithless elector." There are fines or other punishments for being a faithless elector, but this varies from state to state. In 1972, electoral college member Roger MacBride had pledged to vote for Richard Nixon but decided instead to cast his vote for John Hospers, the Libertarian Party candidate.

The so-called Founding Fathers were quite uncomfortable with the idea of majority rule, which they referred to as "tyranny of the majority." As James Madison noted, "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." The electoral college was seen as a final line of defense, should the people choose someone not to the liking of the elite.

Furthermore, the electoral college was devised as a consequence of the power of the slave owners at the time of the founding of the United States.

At the constitutional convention in 1787, the so-called founding fathers considered a simple popular vote, but decided against it for fear that black people might have an impact on the election. James Madison stated: "There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to the fewest objections." The electoral college was explicitly designed to guarantee that African-Americans had no bearing on the political process.

In many countries, there are two rounds of elections, where many candidates compete in the first round and the top two vote-getters move on to the second round, which determines the ultimate winner. The winner-take-all system in the United States is a strong incentive to settle for the "lesser of two evils" and puts pressure on third parties, who are always accused of being spoilers that siphon away votes from candidates who actually have a chance at winning. This system effectively limits real competition to the two major parties: the Democrats and Republicans.

There are a relatively small number of swing states that determine the outcome of the election. The East and West Coast states always have their electoral votes awarded to the Democrat, the South and the Great Plains always go to the Republicans, and the candidates spend virtually all of their time in places like Florida, Ohio, or Virginia, which could go either way.

Each of the 50 states is assigned a certain number of electoral votes, equal to the number of the state's Representatives (lower house members, proportional to the state's population) and Senators (two for each state regardless of size). The District of Columbia, the country's capital district that encompasses Washington, gets three electoral votes but does not have any Representatives or Senators — a bizarre arrangement that civil rights leaders have long suggested has to do with Washington's historically large Black majority.

© Sputnik/ Alexandr Imedashvily

Although rare, the electoral vote has overruled the popular vote on several occasions. The 2000 election famously came down to Florida, whose vote was very closely split between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush. But Gore had won the popular vote by about half a million. The only reason Florida was decisive was that the real race in the United States is for electors.

Of course, in the end George W. Bush became the president, as a result of a Supreme Court decision to halt a recount effort. The Governor of the state of Florida at the time, by the way, was George's brother Jeb Bush.

Other than Bush, Presidents Hayes in 1876 and Harrison in 1888 lost the popular vote but still prevailed in the electoral college. John Quincy Adams lost both the popular and electoral vote!

It is possible that no candidate will win a majority in the electoral college. If third-party candidates manage to win enough states to deadlock the electoral college, then the decision is made by the legislature. The three candidates who received the most electoral votes will be considered by the House of Representatives, who will choose the president from among them. The Senate will choose the vice president from among the two VP candidates who received the most electoral votes.

And many people are legally barred from taking part in these processes, flawed as they are. In some states, people who are convicted of felonies are forever stripped of their voting rights barring an order from the governor, and other states have onerous voter ID laws that make it difficult for the poor and people of color to vote. Immigrants are taxed but are not allowed to vote.

Nearly 6 million people are legally prohibited from voting because of a felony conviction, as of the latest census data. In keeping with the racist nature of the prison system, this affects Black people most intensely. 7.7 percent of African-Americans are prohibited from voting, a figured that reaches as high as 23 percent in Florida!

Then there's money. There is very limited public financing of elections in the United States — from which third parties are generally excluded by virtue of a 5-percent threshold to qualify for federal funds. Instead, private donations compose the vast majority of election spending.

Throughout US history there have been varying levels of regulation governing how much can be donated and how it must be disclosed. The floodgates to virtually unlimited corporate donations were opened by the 2010 Supreme Court decision known as Citizens United. In that case, the court reasoned that because money is a form of speech, legal limitations on donations constitute a violation of the First Amendment, which guarantees free speech.

This gave rise to a new form of political vehicle called a Super PAC (Political Action Committee). Super PACs are able to accept unlimited donations, but are legally barred from coordinating with a candidate's official campaign committee. Indirect communication, such as media appearances and "leaked" campaign documents allow candidates to more or less circumvent this.

So there you have it, the self-proclaimed greatest democracy on the planet: where only "eligible" citizens in a handful of states that are flooded with hundreds of millions of dollars of advertising funds get to choose the people who choose the so-called "leader of the free world."

Walter Smolarek is the producer of Loud & Clear with Brian Becker on Radio Sputnik.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
SOME more of my ''extreme" posting -- as MOXIE puts it:

'Dump all those emails': Latest WikiLeaks tranche reveals #Podesta advice
WikiLeaks has released the 25th batch of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta.

The latest tranche consists of almost 2,500 emails, bringing the number released so far to almost 42,000. WikiLeaks has claimed it will publish 50,000 emails in total in the run up to the US presidential election on November 8.

READ MORE: WikiLeaks releases latest batch of #PodestaEmails from Clinton campaign chair

Yesterday’s emails revealed that Anthony Weiner was a cause for concern within the Clinton campaign as far back as 2011. Emails from the former congressman’s laptop are key to the FBI’s decision to reopen an investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.

'Dump all those mails'

“We are going to have to dump all those emails,” Podesta tells Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in an email dated March 2, 2015, a week before Clinton addressed the email scandal at a press conference, claiming there was no classified material sent via the private server.

It’s not clear which emails Podesta is referring to in the thread, but Podesta tells Mills: “better to do so sooner than later”.

Mills replies: “Think you just got your new nick name.”

‘The power of torture’

“There is something to be said for the power of torture,” Clinton aide Neera Tanden tells Podesta in a July 2015 email showing her frustration over Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Tanden had previously told Podesta that whoever told Clinton she could use the server should be “drawn and quartered”.

Ground Bernie ‘to a pulp’

Podesta is told “Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp” in an email advising him of tactics for dealing with Clinton’s rival for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders.

The mail from campaign consultant titled ‘Friendly advice. No mercy’ was sent in February 2016, and tells Podesta to “Crush him as hard as you can.”

Meanwhile, just one month earlier, columnist Brent Budowsky wrote to Podesta to strongly advise the campaign against using Chelsea Clinton as a “political attack dog attacking Bernie over healthcare of anything else”.

“It is a sign of a campaign that is totally out of touch with what is happening in 2016,” he added in the January 12, 2016 email. “Chelsea should be the best salesperson for Hillary to next generation voters, young voters, and voters who want change.”

“Campaign needs to calm down, get a grip, think clearly and not panic.”

Leaked memo to CNN

An email from June 2015 between members of Clinton’s campaign team reveals staff plans to leak a memo to CNN before the rest of the press.

“Unless I hear otherwise, we’ll send to our friends and allies list at noon and Jesse will get it leaked to Dan Merica at CNN. We will then give it to anyone who asks,” Deputy Communications Director for Hillary for America, Christina Reynolds writes.

The memo in question gives a summary of the campaign’s perceived progress at that point and outlines strategy and expectations for campaign volunteers for “the coming months”.

‘Absolutely the worst’

An email thread from April 21, 2015 entitled ‘Takes the cake’ blasts a Daily Mail reporter who had recently quizzed Hillary Clinton.

Top aide Huma Abedin writes: “Officially the most intrepid reporter thus far is the daily mail! He hung out at Boston airport with us for 4 hours and flew to dc with us!!”

“Grabbed her [Clinton] when we landed at school airport. Asked her why she didn’t take the more convenient flight back from Manchester. Also asked her when she would start answering questions about Ben ghazi [sic]. Charming,” she added.

Jesse Ferguson, the Clinton campaign's deputy national press secretary, replied: “He's absolutely the worst and I apologize on behalf of Communications professionals everywhere that you have to deal with him.”

Clinton campaign spokesperson Adrienne Elrod responds with just one word: “#creepolla”.

Although not identified in the email chain, the Daily Mail’s US Political Editor David Martosko has indicated he believes the Clinton staff criticism is about him, incorporating some of the quotes into his Twitter bio.

‘We want to get it right’

A February 2016 email from Washington Post journalist Tom Hamburger to Craig Minassian of the Clinton Foundation enquires about a subpoena from the state inspector general “requesting documents and document preservation” from the Foundation.

“We want to be careful with this and get it right,” writes Hamburger, but is informed the Clinton campaign will not be responding. His article in the Washington Post a few days later is unclear about the “full scope and status of the inquiry” but reveals the subpoena “also asked for records related to Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide.”

‘Zap Lanny out of the universe’

Comments made by Lanny Davis, lawyer and former special counsel to President Bill Clinton, on television about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal provoked a sharp reaction from Clinton aides in early 2015.

Davis told Fox News host Chris Wallace during a discussion about Clinton’s private email server that “there can be a neutral party to review all these records - nothing unlawful.”

“I think it is a reasonable idea if anybody has any doubts that there's a delete on a hard drive — to have an independent go inspect her private e-mail?” Davis added.

“We gotta zap Lanny out of our universe. Can't believe he committed her to a private review of her hard drive on TV,” Clinton Campaign manager Robby Mook wrote to Podesta on March 8, 2015 after hearing of Davis’s comments to Fox that morning.

An email from Davis to his “dear friend Hillary” with the subject title "Personal - a personal favor” was among those found on Clinton’s private server and released by the State Department. The message dated September 17, 2010 requested she “talk personally” about his professionalism to a reporter writing a law magazine cover story about Davis.

Podesta doesn’t believe Hillary’s bad memory

An email from Podesta to Clinton aide Neera Tanden dated September 15, 2015 reveals that even Clinton’s campaign chairman had doubts about some of the presidential candidate’s claims of forgetfulness.

In response to Tanden’s question about why Clinton referred to herself as a “moderate,’” Podesta replied: “I pushed her on this Sunday night. She claims she did not remember saying it. Not sure I believe her.”
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