US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I clicked into Google News yesterday and it has the main stories of the day from the biggest news providers... The headline that stood out at the top was about Trump possibly lying about his golf handicap.... what a pantomime.... We have huge issues in Syria and the wider pacific, the US has issues with a mammoth debt and a crumbling internal infrastructure... and we have headlines about golf...
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Apr 22, 2013
I clicked into Google News yesterday and it has the main stories of the day from the biggest news providers... The headline that stood out at the top was about Trump possibly lying about his golf handicap.... what a pantomime.... We have huge issues in Syria and the wider pacific, the US has issues with a mammoth debt and a crumbling internal infrastructure... and we have headlines about golf...

It is amusing. But the reality is, that Trump is global news. Anything about him right now is considered to be of interest and people will want to see it. This is a phenomenon of his own making


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I clicked into Google News yesterday and it has the main stories of the day from the biggest news providers... The headline that stood out at the top was about Trump possibly lying about his golf handicap.... what a pantomime.... We have huge issues in Syria and the wider pacific, the US has issues with a mammoth debt and a crumbling internal infrastructure... and we have headlines about golf...

CLASSIC == BUT REALLY SEWER level TOTAL media echo-chamber of the USA for Bloody Killary. and the neo-cons and neo-libs and war party behind her .

serve up countless distractions about the flimsiest (by comparison) ''concerns" about the opponent to keep attention AWAY

from hillary's (and HER supporter puppet masters behind her) CRIMINALITIES.

BENGHAZI? those ARE monumental war crimes -- and literally the MOTHER of THE CURRENT ISIL, DAESH spread ..that's destroying an ENTIRE COUNTRY

the death of ambassador and personnel in the embassy ? THAT IS dereliction of duty and even TREASON for neglect and callous disregard for the safety of HER officials...

the MONEY machine she has? that's gigantic financial -political corruption of DECADES worth...

i mean -- the woman and her husband AND their operatives as well as the powers behind them -- the true puppet masters such as the rothschilds, morgans, duponts, rockefellers...these are the most monumental serial criminals on earth -- the VERY ONES at the center of wars and war and profit on blood...

THAT'S who america's ''MOST EXPERIENCED, THE MOST READY, THE MOST QUALIFIED president to be" actually is about...

so -- to distract from THAT? talk about golf handicap............


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I clicked into Google News yesterday and it has the main stories of the day from the biggest news providers... The headline that stood out at the top was about Trump possibly lying about his golf handicap.... what a pantomime.... We have huge issues in Syria and the wider pacific, the US has issues with a mammoth debt and a crumbling internal infrastructure... and we have headlines about golf...
GUEST POST: Why I’m Exceptional & Indispensable – by Hillary Clinton
Rob Slane (The Blog Mire) 1 hour ago | 153 2
Following on from her recent piece for Time magazine, in which she so eloquently explained why America is indispensable and exceptional, TheBlogMire brings you an exclusive piece in which Mrs Clinton explains why an indispensable and exceptional nation must have an indispensable and exceptional leader.

(Warning: May contain traces of satire)

If there’s one core belief that has guided and inspired me every step of my career in public service, it’s this: I am an exceptional woman. A great, unselfish, compassionate woman, to paraphrase Robert Kennedy. And when you add up all my advantages, it’s clear I’m indispensable too – someone all others can look to for leadership.

And what I’m really excited about is not just that I’m indispensable, but that I’m about to become President of the indispensable nation. An indispensable nation needs an indispensable woman. An indispensable woman needs an indispensable nation. It’s a match made in heaven, which is why I am asking you to help me break the glass ceiling on November 8th – so that together we can become even more exceptional than we already are.

So what makes me so indispensable?

I’m indispensable in part because of my love for our armed forces. Our military is the greatest in history, with the best troops, training and technology, and I believe it is a travesty that we are not using it to its full potential. It’s essential we do everything we can to support our men and women in uniform, and I intend to do just that by sending our brave soldiers on important missions around the globe from day one of my presidency.

I’m indispensable because of my commitment to the truth. Throughout my career, I’ve always sought to stay close to the truth. I know that there’s a lot of folks out there who say I’m corrupt. But those who know me closest will tell you that this isn’t the real Hillary. Ask those who know me best. Ask my husband Bill. He’ll tell you. Ask my campaign chairman John Podesta. He’ll tell you. Ask Lloyd Blankfein, CEO at Goldman Sachs. He’ll tell you. Ask some of our closest allies in places like Saudi Arabia. They’ll tell you. They will all tell you about the real Hillary, and that my commitment to honesty and fighting corruption is second to none. It may even be my most exceptional quality. Alongside humility.

I’m also indispensable because of my network of alliances and supporters. You only have to look at who they are. Has there ever been a candidate in the entire history of our exceptional nation that has managed to get the backing of the entire media and corporate America? I don’t think so. But it does tell you something, doesn’t it? I humbly submit that it speaks volumes that some of the most important people in our exceptional country are prepared to place their trust in me.

I’m indispensable because, unlike Donald Trump, I don’t need to rely on the help of people like Vladimir Putin and countries like Russia to help get me elected. Can you imagine me having to rely on Putin and Russia to get elected? Of course I’ve had to bring Putin and Russia up in this campaign from time to time, not because I want to keep bringing Putin and Russia into it. In fact, the only reason I’ve occasionally mentioned Putin and Russia is not because I want to keep talking about Putin and Russia, but because I have to keep taking about Putin and Russia because Trump is depending on Putin and Russia to get him elected and so I have to draw attention to Putin and Russia. But trust me, if I had my way I wouldn’t bring Putin and Russia up at all.

I’m indispensable because of my commitment to helping countries get rid of their dictators, and establishing democracy and peace. Like Libya, for example. We came. We saw. He died. And the Libyans got their liberty.

Most of all, I’m indispensable — and exceptional — because of my values.

Take my commitment to human rights, which I have shown by being one of the most vocal supporters of a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy, right up to a few seconds before the thing inside her becomes a human.

Take my commitment to raising money, which my husband and I have shown through our tireless work with the Clinton Foundation, and in making hundreds of speeches for various organisations.

Take my commitment to making the world a better place, which I’ve shown time and time again by saying things like “love trumps hate”. Which it does, doesn’t it? I’m proud of that expression.

But with all of these advantages comes responsibility – I need to lead the world. You need me to lead the world. Because if I fail to lead, I will leave a vacuum that lets extremists, Putin and Russia, haters, bigots, the intolerant, Putin and Russia, the severely backwards, the Julian Assange’s of this world,Putin and Russia – Baskets of Deplorables – take root everywhere.

Of course, being exceptional doesn’t mean that other people don’t also have something to offer — maybe they do. But I have an unparalleled ability to be a force for peace, progress and prosperity around the world, which I intend to demonstrate on day one of my presidency, by standing up to Putin and Russia and showing Putin and Russia who’s boss.

I’ll never stop doing good. Never. That’s what makes me great. I’m good because I’m great, and I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll never stop.

That’s why I’m indispensable.

Let’s keep me exceptional.


Apr 22, 2013
Another October surprise. I wonder what the FBI has found. Why the Clinton's can't just do things on the up and up I'll never understand. But at the same time this seems extraordinary that the FBI director is inserting himself so dramatically in the campaign. If HRC wins, I doubt he'll be keeping his job!


Apr 22, 2013
If some people think that the Clinton campaign was responsible for the bus video, the same suspicion is probably even more justified about FBI operatives lower down the chain wanting to damage the Clinton campaign. This election will be written about for years. Machiavelli would be impressed by the shenanigans going on! I can't even watch anything else at the moment


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Modern History of ‘Rigged’ US Election
By Robert Parry

The United States is so committed to the notion that its electoral process is the world’s “gold standard” that there has been a bipartisan determination to maintain the fiction even when evidence is overwhelming that a U.S. presidential election has been manipulated or stolen. The “wise men” of the system simply insist otherwise.

We have seen this behavior when there are serious questions of vote tampering (as in Election 1960) or when a challenger apparently exploits a foreign crisis to create an advantage over the incumbent (as in Elections 1968 and 1980) or when the citizens’ judgment is overturned by judges (as in Election 2000).

Presidents Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan photographed together in the Oval Office in 1991. (Cropped from a White House photo that also included Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.)

Strangely, in such cases, it is not only the party that benefited which refuses to accept the evidence of wrongdoing, but the losing party and the establishment news media as well. Protecting the perceived integrity of the U.S. democratic process is paramount. Americans must continue to believe in the integrity of the system even when that integrity has been violated.

The harsh truth is that pursuit of power often trumps the principle of an informed electorate choosing the nation’s leaders, but that truth simply cannot be recognized.

Of course, historically, American democracy was far from perfect, excluding millions of people, including African-American slaves and women. The compromises needed to enact the Constitution in 1787 also led to distasteful distortions, such as counting slaves as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of representation (although obviously slaves couldn’t vote).

That unsavory deal enabled Thomas Jefferson to defeat John Adams in the pivotal national election of 1800. In effect, the votes of Southern slave owners like Jefferson counted substantially more than the votes of Northern non-slave owners.

Even after the Civil War when the Constitution was amended to give black men voting rights, the reality for black voting, especially in the South, was quite different from the new constitutional mandate. Whites in former Confederate states concocted subterfuges to keep blacks away from the polls to ensure continued white supremacy for almost a century.

Women did not gain suffrage until 1920 with the passage of another constitutional amendment, and it took federal legislation in 1965 to clear away legal obstacles that Southern states had created to deny the franchise to blacks.

Indeed, the alleged voter fraud in Election 1960, concentrated largely in Texas, a former Confederate state and home to John Kennedy’s vice presidential running mate, Lyndon Johnson, could be viewed as an outgrowth of the South’s heritage of rigging elections in favor of Democrats, the post-Civil War party of white Southerners.

However, by pushing through civil rights for blacks in the 1960s, Kennedy and Johnson earned the enmity of many white Southerners who switched their allegiance to the Republican Party via Richard Nixon’s Southern strategy of coded racial messaging. Nixon also harbored resentments over what he viewed as his unjust defeat in the election of 1960.

Nixon’s ‘Treason’

So, by 1968, the Democrats’ once solid South was splintering, but Nixon, who was again the Republican presidential nominee, didn’t want to leave his chances of winning what looked to be another close election to chance. Nixon feared that — with the Vietnam War raging and the Democratic Party deeply divided — President Johnson could give the Democratic nominee, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, a decisive boost by reaching a last-minute peace deal with North Vietnam.

President Richard Nixon with his then-National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger in 1972.

The documentary and testimonial evidence is now clear that to avert a peace deal, Nixon’s campaign went behind Johnson’s back to persuade South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu to torpedo Johnson’s Paris peace talks by refusing to attend. Nixon’s emissaries assured Thieu that a President Nixon would continue the war and guarantee a better outcome for South Vietnam.

Though Johnson had strong evidence of what he privately called Nixon’s “treason” — from FBI wiretaps in the days before the 1968 election — he and his top advisers chose to stay silent. In a Nov. 4, 1968 conference call, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, National Security Advisor Walt Rostow and Defense Secretary Clark Clifford – three pillars of the Establishment – expressed that consensus, with Clifford explaining the thinking:

“Some elements of the story are so shocking in their nature that I’m wondering whether it would be good for the country to disclose the story and then possibly have a certain individual [Nixon] elected,” Clifford said. “It could cast his whole administration under such doubt that I think it would be inimical to our country’s interests.”

Clifford’s words expressed the recurring thinking whenever evidence emerged casting the integrity of America’s electoral system in doubt, especially at the presidential level. The American people were not to know what kind of dirty deeds could affect that process.

To this day, the major U.S. news media will not directly address the issue of Nixon’s treachery in 1968, despite the wealth of evidence proving this historical reality now available from declassified records at the Johnson presidential library in Austin, Texas. In a puckish recognition of this ignored history, the library’s archivists call the file on Nixon’s sabotage of the Vietnam peace talks their “X-file.” [For details, see’s “LBJ’s ‘X-File’ on Nixon’s ‘Treason.’”]

The evidence also strongly suggests that Nixon’s paranoia about a missing White House file detailing his “treason” – top secret documents that Johnson had entrusted to Rostow at the end of LBJ’s presidency – led to Nixon’s creation of the “plumbers,” a team of burglars whose first assignment was to locate those purloined papers. The existence of the “plumbers” became public in June 1972 when they were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate in Washington.

National Security Adviser Walt Rostow shows President Lyndon Johnson a model of a battle near Khe Sanh in Vietnam. (U.S. Archive Photo)

Although the Watergate scandal remains the archetypal case of election-year dirty tricks, the major U.S. news media never acknowledge the link between Watergate and Nixon’s far more egregious dirty trick four years earlier, sinking Johnson’s Vietnam peace talks while 500,000 American soldiers were in the war zone. In part because of Nixon’s sabotage — and his promise to Thieu of a more favorable outcome — the war continued for four more bloody years before being settled along the lines that were available to Johnson in 1968. [See’s “The Heinous Crime Behind Watergate.”]

In effect, Watergate gets walled off as some anomaly that is explained by Nixon’s strange personality. However, even though Nixon resigned in disgrace in 1974, he and his National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, who also had a hand in the Paris peace talk caper, reappear as secondary players in the next well-documented case of obstructing a sitting president’s foreign policy to get an edge in the 1980 campaign.

Reagan’s ‘October Surprise’ Caper

In that case, President Jimmy Carter was seeking reelection and trying to negotiate release of 52 American hostages then held in revolutionary Iran. Ronald Reagan’s campaign feared that Carter might pull off an “October Surprise” by bringing home the hostages just before the election. So, this historical mystery has been: Did Reagan’s team take action to block Carter’s October Surprise?

President Ronald Reagan, delivering his Inaugural Address on Jan. 20, 1981, as the 52 U.S. hostages in Iran are simultaneously released.

The testimonial and documentary evidence that Reagan’s team did engage in a secret operation to prevent Carter’s October Surprise is now almost as overwhelming as the proof of the 1968 affair regarding Nixon’s Paris peace talk maneuver.

That evidence indicates that Reagan’s campaign director William Casey organized a clandestine effort to prevent the hostages’ release before Election Day, after apparently consulting with Nixon and Kissinger and aided by former CIA Director George H.W. Bush, who was Reagan’s vice presidential running mate.

By early November 1980, the public’s obsession with Iran’s humiliation of the United States and Carter’s inability to free the hostages helped turn a narrow race into a Reagan landslide. When the hostages were finally let go immediately after Reagan’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 1981, his supporters cited the timing to claim that the Iranians had finally relented out of fear of Reagan.

Bolstered by his image as a tough guy, Reagan enacted much of his right-wing agenda, including passing massive tax cuts benefiting the wealthy, weakening unions and creating the circumstances for the rapid erosion of the Great American Middle Class.

Behind the scenes, the Reagan administration signed off on secret arms shipments to Iran, mostly through Israel, what a variety of witnesses described as the payoff for Iran’s cooperation in getting Reagan elected and then giving him the extra benefit of timing the hostage release to immediately follow his inauguration.

Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush with CIA Director William Casey at the White House on Feb. 11, 1981. (Photo credit: Reagan Library)

In summer 1981, when Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East Nicholas Veliotes learned about the arms shipments to Iran, he checked on their origins and said, later in a PBS interview:

“It was clear to me after my conversations with people on high that indeed we had agreed that the Israelis could transship to Iran some American-origin military equipment. … [This operation] seems to have started in earnest in the period probably prior to the election of 1980, as the Israelis had identified who would become the new players in the national security area in the Reagan administration. And I understand some contacts were made at that time.”

Those early covert arms shipments to Iran evolved into a later secret set of arms deals that surfaced in fall 1986 as the Iran-Contra Affair, with some of the profits getting recycled back to Reagan’s beloved Nicaraguan Contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua’s leftist government.

While many facts of the Iran-Contra scandal were revealed by congressional and special-prosecutor investigations in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the origins of the Reagan-Iran relationship was always kept hazy. The Republicans were determined to stop any revelations about the 1980 contacts, but the Democrats were almost as reluctant to go there.

A half-hearted congressional inquiry was launched in 1991 and depended heavily on then-President George H.W. Bush to collect the evidence and arrange interviews for the investigation. In other words, Bush, who was then seeking reelection and who was a chief suspect in the secret dealings with Iran, was entrusted with proving his own guilt.

Tired of the Story

By the early 1990s, the mainstream U.S. news media was also tired of the complex Iran-Contra scandal and wanted to move on. As a correspondent at Newsweek, I had battled senior editors over their disinterest in getting to the bottom of the scandal before I left the magazine in 1990. I then received an assignment from PBS Frontline to look into the 1980 “October Surprise” question, which led to a documentary on the subject in April 1991.

PBS Frontline’s: The Election Held Hostage, co-written by Robert Parry and Robert Ross.

However, by fall 1991, just as Congress was agreeing to open an investigation, my ex-bosses at Newsweek, along with The New Republic, then an elite neoconservative publication interested in protecting Israel’s exposure on those early arms deals, went on the attack. They published matching cover stories deeming the 1980 “October Surprise” case a hoax, but their articles were both based on a misreading of documents recording Casey’s attendance at a conference in London in July 1980, which he seemed to have used as a cover for a side trip to Madrid to meet with senior Iranians regarding the hostages.

Although the bogus Newsweek/New Republic “London alibi” would eventually be debunked, it created a hostile climate for the investigation. With Bush angrily denying everything and the congressional Republicans determined to protect the President’s flanks, the Democrats mostly just went through the motions of an investigation.

Meanwhile, Bush’s State Department and White House counsel’s office saw their jobs as discrediting the investigation, deep-sixing incriminating documents, and helping a key witness dodge a congressional subpoena.

Years later, I discovered a document at the Bush presidential library in College Station, Texas, confirming that Casey had taken a mysterious trip to Madrid in 1980. The U.S. Embassy’s confirmation of Casey’s trip was passed along by State Department legal adviser Edwin D. Williamson to Associate White House Counsel Chester Paul Beach Jr. in early November 1991, just as the congressional inquiry was taking shape.

Williamson said that among the State Department “material potentially relevant to the October Surprise allegations [was] a cable from the Madrid embassy indicating that Bill Casey was in town, for purposes unknown,” Beach noted in a “memorandum for record” dated Nov. 4, 1991.

Two days later, on Nov. 6, Beach’s boss, White House counsel C. Boyden Gray, convened an inter-agency strategy session and explained the need to contain the congressional investigation into the October Surprise case. The explicit goal was to ensure the scandal would not hurt President Bush’s reelection hopes in 1992.

C. Boyden Gray, White House counsel under President George H.W. Bush.

At the meeting, Gray laid out how to thwart the October Surprise inquiry, which was seen as a dangerous expansion of the Iran-Contra investigation. The prospect that the two sets of allegations would merge into a single narrative represented a grave threat to George H.W. Bush’s reelection campaign. As assistant White House counsel Ronald vonLembke, put it, the White House goal in 1991 was to “kill/spike this story.”

Gray explained the stakes at the White House strategy session. “Whatever form they ultimately take, the House and Senate ‘October Surprise’ investigations, like Iran-Contra, will involve interagency concerns and be of special interest to the President,” Gray declared, according to minutes. [Emphasis in original.]

Among “touchstones” cited by Gray were “No Surprises to the White House, and Maintain Ability to Respond to Leaks in Real Time. This is Partisan.” White House “talking points” on the October Surprise investigation urged restricting the inquiry to 1979-80 and imposing strict time limits for issuing any findings.

Timid Democrats

But Bush’s White House really had little to fear because whatever evidence that the congressional investigation received – and a great deal arrived in December 1992 and January 1993 – there was no stomach for actually proving that the 1980 Reagan campaign had conspired with Iranian radicals to extend the captivity of 52 Americans in order to ensure Reagan’s election victory.

Former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Indiana.

That would have undermined the faith of the American people in their democratic process – and that, as Clark Clifford said in the 1968 context, would not be “good for the country.”

In 2014 when I sent a copy of Beach’s memo regarding Casey’s trip to Madrid to former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Indiana, who had chaired the October Surprise inquiry in 1991-93, he told me that it had shaken his confidence in the task force’s dismissive conclusions about the October Surprise issue.

“The [Bush-41] White House did not notify us that he [Casey] did make the trip” to Madrid, Hamilton told me. “Should they have passed that on to us? They should have because they knew we were interested in that.”

Asked if knowledge that Casey had traveled to Madrid might have changed the task force’s dismissive October Surprise conclusion, Hamilton said yes, because the question of the Madrid trip was key to the task force’s investigation.

“If the White House knew that Casey was there, they certainly should have shared it with us,” Hamilton said, adding that “you have to rely on people” in authority to comply with information requests. But that trust was at the heart of the inquiry’s failure. With the money and power of the American presidency at stake, the idea that George H.W. Bush and his team would help an investigation that might implicate him in an act close to treason was naïve in the extreme.

Arguably, Hamilton’s timid investigation was worse than no investigation at all because it gave Bush’s team the opportunity to search out incriminating documents and make them disappear. Then, Hamilton’s investigative conclusion reinforced the “group think” dismissing this serious manipulation of democracy as a “conspiracy theory” when it was anything but. In the years since, Hamilton hasn’t done anything to change the public impression that the Reagan campaign was innocent.

Still, among the few people who have followed this case, the October Surprise cover-up would slowly crumble with admissions by officials involved in the investigation that its exculpatory conclusions were rushed, that crucial evidence had been hidden or ignored, and that some alibis for key Republicans didn’t make any sense.

But the dismissive “group think” remains undisturbed as far as the major U.S. media and mainstream historians are concerned. [For details, see Robert Parry’s America’s Stolen Narrative or Trick or Treason: The 1980 October Surprise Mystery or’s “Second Thoughts on October Surprise.”]

Past as Prologue

Lee Hamilton’s decision to “clear” Reagan and Bush of the 1980 October Surprise suspicions in 1992 was not simply a case of miswriting history. The findings had clear implications for the future as well, since the public impression about George H.W. Bush’s rectitude was an important factor in the support given to his oldest son, George W. Bush, in 2000.

President George W. Bush is introduced by his brother Florida Gov. Jeb Bush before delivering remarks at Sun City Center, Florida, on May 9, 2006. (White House photo by Eric Draper)

Indeed, if the full truth had been told about the father’s role in the October Surprise and Iran-Contra cases, it’s hard to imagine that his son would have received the Republican nomination, let alone made a serious run for the White House. And, if that history were known, there might have been a stronger determination on the part of Democrats to resist another Bush “stolen election” in 2000.

Regarding Election 2000, the evidence is now clear that Vice President Al Gore not only won the national popular vote but received more votes that were legal under Florida law than did George W. Bush. But Bush relied first on the help of officials working for his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush, and then on five Republican justices on the U.S. Supreme Court to thwart a full recount and to award him Florida’s electoral votes and thus the presidency.

The reality of Gore’s rightful victory should have finally become clear in November 2001 when a group of news organizations finished their own examination of Florida’s disputed ballots and released their tabulations showing that Gore would have won if all ballots considered legal under Florida law were counted.

However, between the disputed election and the release of those numbers, the 9/11 attacks had occurred, so The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and other leading outlets did not want the American people to know that the wrong person was in the White House. Surely, telling the American people that fact amid the 9/11 crisis would not be “good for the country.”

So, senior editors at all the top new organizations decided to mislead the public by framing their stories in a deceptive way to obscure the most newsworthy discovery – that the so-called “over-votes” in which voters both checked and wrote in their choices’ names broke heavily for Gore and would have put him over the top regardless of which kinds of chads were considered for the “under-votes” that hadn’t registered on antiquated voting machines. “Over-votes” would be counted under Florida law which bases its standards on “clear intent of the voter.”

However, instead of leading with Gore’s rightful victory, the news organizations concocted hypotheticals around partial recounts that still would have given Florida narrowly to Bush. They either left out or buried the obvious lede that a historic injustice had occurred.

Former Vice President Al Gore. (Photo credit:

On Nov. 12, 2001, the day that the news organizations ran those stories, I examined the actual data and quickly detected the evidence of Gore’s victory. In a story that day, I suggested that senior news executives were exercising a misguided sense of patriotism. They had hid the reality for “the good of the country,” much as Johnson’s team had done in 1968 regarding Nixon’s sabotage of the Paris peace talks and Hamilton’s inquiry had done regarding the 1980 “October Surprise” case.

Within a couple of hours of my posting the article at, I received an irate phone call from The New York Times media writer Felicity Barringer, who accused me of impugning the journalistic integrity of then-Times executive editor Howell Raines. I got the impression that Barringer had been on the look-out for some deviant story that didn’t accept the Bush-won conventional wisdom.

However, this violation of objective and professional journalism – bending the slant of a story to achieve a preferred outcome rather than simply giving the readers the most interesting angle – was not simply about some historical event that had occurred a year earlier. It was about the future.

By misleading Americans into thinking that Bush was the rightful winner of Election 2000 – even if the media’s motivation was to maintain national unity following the 9/11 attacks – the major news outlets gave Bush greater latitude to respond to the crisis, including the diversionary invasion of Iraq under false pretenses. The Bush-won headlines of November 2001 also enhanced the chances of his reelection in 2004. [For the details of how a full Florida recount would have given Gore the White House, see’s “Gore’s Victory,” “So Bush Did Steal the White House,” and “Bush v. Gore’s Dark American Decade.”]

A Phalanx of Misguided Consensus

Looking back on these examples of candidates manipulating democracy, there appears to be one common element: after the “stolen” elections, the media and political establishments quickly line up, shoulder to shoulder, to assure the American people that nothing improper has happened. Graceful “losers” are patted on the back for not complaining that the voters’ will had been ignored or twisted.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Al Gore is praised for graciously accepting the extraordinary ruling by Republican partisans on the Supreme Court, who stopped the counting of ballots in Florida on the grounds, as Justice Antonin Scalia said, that a count that showed Gore winning (when the Court’s majority was already planning to award the White House to Bush) would undermine Bush’s “legitimacy.”

Similarly, Rep. Hamilton is regarded as a modern “wise man,” in part, because he conducted investigations that never pushed very hard for the truth but rather reached conclusions that were acceptable to the powers-that-be, that didn’t ruffle too many feathers.

But the cumulative effect of all these half-truths, cover-ups and lies – uttered for “the good of the country” – is to corrode the faith of many well-informed Americans about the legitimacy of the entire process. It is the classic parable of the boy who cried wolf too many times, or in this case, assured the townspeople that there never was a wolf and that they should ignore the fact that the livestock had mysteriously disappeared leaving behind only a trail of blood into the forest.

So, when Donald Trump shows up in 2016 insisting that the electoral system is rigged against him, many Americans choose to believe his demagogy. But Trump isn’t pressing for the full truth about the elections of 1968 or 1980 or 2000. He actually praises Republicans implicated in those cases and vows to appoint Supreme Court justices in the mold of the late Antonin Scalia.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Trump’s complaints about “rigged” elections are more in line with the white Southerners during Jim Crow, suggesting that black and brown people are cheating at the polls and need to have white poll monitors to make sure they don’t succeed at “stealing” the election from white people.

There is a racist undertone to Trump’s version of a “rigged” democracy but he is not entirely wrong about the flaws in the process. He’s just not honest about what those flaws are.

The hard truth is that the U.S. political process is not democracy’s “gold standard”; it is and has been a severely flawed system that is not made better by a failure to honestly address the unpleasant realities and to impose accountability on politicians who cheat the voters.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

do people know that the US SUPREME COURT has given the

''legal, lawful right '' to the USA government and its corporate counterparts...

the power and right to HACK INTO ANY computer or entity or any information by any and all persons on the planet? individuals to governments...

NONE ARE EXEMPT from the USA giving itself the right to HACK INTO THE ENTIRE planet's human civilization.

it ''takes effect" on december 1, 2016.

ah...the USA -- the MASTER of the universe wants to PIT ITSELF against 7 billion people............

in THAT case -- americans SHOULD REALLY have NO problem when the REST of 7 billion people one day bring down a DELUGE of PRYING INTO americans' PRECIOUS BELOVED SELVES? would they? after all good turn deserves another --

isn'/t THAT in the good old american spirit of FAIRNESS?



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
in another demonstration that was supposed to be kept secret of course

(the whole world should be familiar by this VERY american trait by now -- preach loud about ''accountability and transparency: to everyone to justify america;s SNOOPING over the entire human race and their pets because -- u know -- everyone ELSE is ''not us -- the good guys-- therefore -- by DEFAULT we're the good guys and have a right to DISCIPLINE everhyone ELSE to TEACH them how to be civilized and GOOD::" )

BUT hides ''stuff" that are STINKING like a cadaver warmed over..

it should by now be clear -- to americans themselves -- you ain't got NO DEMOCRACY folks -- you know? THAT FAVORITE word america loves to WRAP around itself as REASON to BOMB countries into submission to ''american democracy?"

HECK -- CLINTON even , it turns out, wanted to RIG palestinian elections! UNTIL of course they voted ''the right way" --

some democracy , huh?

even genghis khan or his descendants in central asia probably understand and follow democracy or 'people's choice" at least a DEGREE better Than the self-proclaimed ''leaders of freedom and democracy" USA...because the only question remaining really is just how EXTENSIVE THE FRAUD is --

known as ''american freedom and democracy"...behind its hypocrisy...

roflmao ---

Clinton bemoans US not rigging 2006 Palestinian election in newly-released tape
Decade-old audio exposes then-Senator Hillary Clinton saying the US should have manipulated Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006 to prevent a Hamas victory. The presidential candidate lamented that the US didn’t “determine who was going to win.”

“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” then-New York Senator Clinton told the Jewish Press, a New York-based weekly newspaper, several months after the January election.

“And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win,” she said.

Until Friday, the comment Clinton made on September 5, 2006, only existed on a private audio cassette belonging to journalist Eli Chomsky. An editor and a staff writer for the Jewish Press, he interviewed Clinton at the newspaper’s office in Brooklyn.

Chomsky, who shared and played the tape for the Observer, says it is the only existing copy of that meeting with Clinton, during which the Palestinian parliamentary election was among top topics. The comments have been posted on SoundCloud.

Speaking to the news portal, he recalled being confused by the fact that “anyone could support the idea — offered by a national political leader, no less — that the US should be in the business of fixing foreign elections.”

The interview took place nine months after the Hamas movement claimed 76 of the 132 parliamentary seats, pushing aside the US-favored Fatah movement and securing the right to form a new cabinet. That victory was neither welcomed in Israel, nor in the US. In Washington, where Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, officials repeatedly stated that they would not work with a Palestinian Authority that included Hamas.

Then-President George W. Bush spoke of the elections as symbolizing the “power of democracy,” but refused to deal with Hamas as long as it opposed Israel’s existence and espoused violence.

That day in September 2006, Clinton made “odd and controversial comments,” all now saved on the 45-minute record that Chomsky “held onto all these years.”

“I went to my bosses at the time,” Chomsky told the Observer. “The Jewish Press had this mindset that they would not want to say anything offensive about anybody — even a direct quote from anyone — in a position of influence because they might need them down the road. My bosses didn’t think it was newsworthy at the time. I was convinced that it was and I held onto it all these years.”


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
surely -- some smart americans who love their clinton and obama ...or really their ''government policies" -- AND THE 'american way"

can explain why something like THIS happens in the exceptional nation...USA..the land of the free -- where you can be who you want to be and live the american dream if you work hard enough and tell the truth, uphold and defend justice, fairness, etc. etc. etc. etc and all the wonderful words that come out of the mouths of americans about

"what a great country we are?" ...the bestest and mostest there ever was in the universe?

Fascism Over Farmers? The Troubling Priorities of the American Government | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Caleb Maupin
US Foods Holding Corporation and Sysco, the two top American food distribution giants, are laying off thousands of workers. Wal-Mart is closing stores and terminating employees. As the price of eggs, beef, cheese, and almost all agricultural products have dropped, farmers across the United States are facing financial ruin.

The ongoing glut in agricultural products is not merely the natural cycle of the market at work. Policies of the US federal government are directly linked to the low food prices. While it is clear that the ongoing agricultural surplus is very bad for the US public, the government seems to have other priorities.

Broken Promises From Politicians

The agricultural prowess of the United States is known across the planet. The current president of China first visited the United States in 1985. He didn’t come to see the Statue of Liberty, or the Washington Monument. Rather, Xi Jinping visited Iowa in order to study the technology and farming techniques employed by some of the most advanced and efficient farmers in the world.

Love for the small farmers is voiced by almost all sectors of US political establishment, and almost always has been. The writings of Thomas Jefferson spoke at length about the “yeoman” and his role in an ideal republic. The left-wing folk singer Pete Seeger sang about how “the farmer is man who feeds them all.” Right-wing Radio host Paul Harvey plucked the heart strings of the American public with his “So God Made a Farmer” speech in 1978.

Each election year, American politicians devote special attention to the Iowa caucuses, the first vote in determining who will be the major parties’ respective nominees. As they travel across the Midwestern agricultural state, the presidential hopefuls routinely make all kinds of speeches championing “the hard working farmers.”

While politicians are known to make promises to the farmers, and seem to recognize that agriculture is essential to the US economy, the policies of recent years, most of them having bipartisan support, have been anything but beneficial to those who work the land. In the current presidential race, Iowa is hotly contested, with Trump and Clinton very close in the polls. The farm glut, spawned by federal policies, is undoubtedly a big factor.

In the first 8 months of 2016, 43 million gallons of milk were poured out due to the glut. According to the Wall Street Journal: “Farmers across the US are pouring out tens of millions of gallons of milk amid massive over glut that has reduced prices and filled warehouses with cheese.”

Meanwhile, another WSJ article reports: “Cattle and hog prices hover near the lowest levels in years as U.S. meatpackers produce the largest volume of meat in history.” Between July of 2016 and July of 2017, the price of milk has decreased by 11%. The price of eggs has decreased by 40%.

The overproduction and under-consumption of agricultural products can be directly linked to federal policies. Throughout his administration, Barack Obama has repeatedly cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and reduced the amount of food that low income families are able to purchase. The cutting of this federal program directly takes food from the mouths of low-income Americans. Despite the fact that according to the US Department of Agriculture, 13% of American households are now food insecure, the cuts have continued, and hunger is rising among America’s poor. (l)

In addition to the obvious impact on low-income Americans, the cuts in food stamps have also cut into food sales. Food producing corporations and small farmers have seen a decrease in their sales. Wal-Mart has laid off thousands of workers and closed thousands of stores. These losses and layoffs can be linked directly to the SNAP cuts.

Congress has recently discussed a plan that would eventually take $150 billion out of the federal food assistance program, a move that would undoubtedly push a lot of food producers, retail employees, and meat packers over the edge, along with many others.

The reductions in food assistance are not the only factor. The economic sanctions against Russia have played a dramatic role in creating the current food glut. The collapse and breaking up of the Soviet Union’s collective farm system during the Yeltsin era of the 1990s dramatically reduced Russia’s domestic food production. This opened up new markets for American farmers, who greatly increased their exports to the former USSR.

However, the new sanctions imposed in 2014, which restrict US and EU agricultural sales to Russia, have dramatically changed the landscape of the global food market. American farmers have been deprived of 143.5 million potential customers due to the ban on selling to those living in the Russian Federation.

Austerity & Fascism Leave Farmers Behind

Why is food assistance to low income families being cut? The claim is that the US federal budget is too large, and that hard economic times mandate austerity. However, the United States still has the largest military budget on the planet. When it comes time to reduce spending, rather than cutting the amount of money spent on tanks, bombs, and drones, the politicians have opted to cut into the nutrition of low-income Americans, along with the livelihoods of farmers and agricultural workers. The thousands of military bases around the world, along with the billions given in foreign military aid to countries like Israel, all seem be far more important to US leaders.

And why has the US drastically restricted the exporting agricultural products to Russia? The sanctions were enacted in 2014, in response to the Ukraine crisis. The elected President of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovich, was toppled in orgy of street violence. The new government, with a base of support only in the western regions of the country, has within its ranks many open admirers of Adolf Hitler, and is very hostile to Russia.

Since 2014, the people of Eastern Ukraine have taken up arms to resist the new regime. The people in the region of Crimea voted to become apart of the Russian Federation, whose military they had been hosting since the collapse of the USSR. Sanctions were imposed on Russia and continue, based on allegations that Russia is supporting the resistance of people in the Eastern regions against the new, pro-Western regime. US leaders tell us the sanctions are intended to punish Russia for “meddling” in Ukraine.

Since the passing of the sanctions, Russia has revived its own domestic agricultural programs. Small farmers across Russia are producing beef, wheat, and other products no longer sold to them by the US and the EU. Russian agriculture has experienced a boom since 2014, and Russian President Vladimir Putin is even more popular than prior to the crisis.

The decision of US leaders to wage economic warfare against Russia in support of Ukrainian fascists, while at the same time cutting assistance to low-income American families, is contrary to values often displayed throughout American history. Both Lincoln and Roosevelt saw prosperity for the agricultural heartland of the United States and the millions who lived in it as vitally important for the entire country. These two most beloved Presidents in US history both worked closely in alliance with small farmers, often in opposition to Wall Street bankers with different interests.

The rallying cry of the Republican Party in its early years, was “Free Land, Free Labor, Free Men!” The “Free Soilers,” farmers who wanted to halt the expansion of slavery in new US territories were an essential part of it. While slavery found support in the financial districts of London and New York, the small farmers had a material interest in ending the barbaric practice, and anti-slavery militias appeared in Iowa and Kansas years before the Civil War broke out.

It was a broad coalition of small farmers, religious abolitionists, and organized labor that eventually put Abraham Lincoln into the White House where he was forced to battle the slaveholders. The process that unfolded recreated the country, in what is widely called “The Second American Revolution.”

“An American Government Cannot Allow Americans To Starve”

The programs that preceded the currently existing Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) were the brainchild of Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace, who eventually became the Vice President. When the first “food stamps” were issued in 1939, the director of the program, Milo Perkins described it this way: “We got a picture of a gorge, with farm surpluses on one cliff and under-nourished city folks with outstretched hands on the other. We set out to find a practical way to build a bridge across that chasm.”

While Roosevelt was universally hated by Wall Street bankers, he was very popular with organized labor, artists and musicians, as well as small farmers. As the unemployment councils and labor unions fought for a better life across the country, Roosevelt aligned himself with the mass movement in the streets. Essential in Roosevelt’s progressive coalition was the US Communist Party, an organization that sought to build a “Workers and Farmer’s Government.” When big business objected to Roosevelt’s dramatic economic reforms, he defended them by saying “An American government cannot allow Americans to Starve.”

Roosevelt later aligned with the Russian people in order to defeat Adolf Hitler. FDR’s opposition to fascism and his policies of feeding of hungry Americans while subsidizing farmers were not isolated from each other. They corresponded with his overall view of the world, expressed in 1944: “We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth- is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill housed, and insecure….We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence….People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.”


n 2016, things are very different. While banks were bailed out without hesitation during the 2008 financial crisis, financial assistance to low income Americans continues to be cut. Wall Street and London see the Eurasian Bloc of Russia and China as a rising competitor to their financial hegemony. The wealthy financial elite largely support sanctions and further isolation of both countries despite whatever disastrous impact on American farmers, agricultural workers, and food distributors.

Children across the United States are hungry, as 13% of households are food insecure, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Farm workers and those who work for food distributors and supermarkets are losing their jobs. Gallons of milk are at this moment being dumped out in hopes of raising the prices, while food warehouses sit filled with rotting, unsold cheese.

Meanwhile, US and NATO forces are increasing their presence in Eastern Europe, threatening Russia. As agricultural sanctions on Russia continue, weapons and training are being provided to a Ukrainian military that is known to contain a number fascist sympathizers, including the infamous Azov Battalion.

As discontent rises in the United States, it is largely centered in the agricultural and de-industrialized mid-western heartland. It is clear that many Americans desperately want something to change. A government that prioritizes fascism in Ukraine over farmers in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Ohio, is clearly out of touch.

Caleb Maupin is a political analyst and activist based in New York. He studied political science at Baldwin-Wallace College and was inspired and involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
some of you that call yourselves ''patriotic americans" --

may i ask if you have read and LEARNED the lessons and recognize them today

in the short book "GRAPES OF WRATH" by your own fellow american -- JOHN STEINBECK?

if so -- what do you see yourselves AS?
if not -- you don't have time to read a book that tells you what your ''great america" REALLY is about ?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
So, what's the score with the new FBI stuff about Hillary's emails? I thought that had been put to bed... Anyone with info?

hillary's accolytes won't answer in the direct, un alloyed...they'll want to talk about how Hillary cares about the jobless (thrown out of jobs by BILL's NAFTA, etc) -
how hillary has the BEST connections -- like wall street folks that helped BUSH AND OBAMA create and cover up their authorship of global implosion of fake stocks, lol...
how hillary cares so MUCH about women's rights -- like her headchopping saudi royals do when they STONE women in public
how hillary is PEACE LOVING - like when she glees in delight at her TROPHY prey of gaddaffi and her wonderful job with samantha powers of libya and now syria and hey

she wants BIGGER prey -- like russia and china too!!

but never mind all THAT -- TO hillary's accolytes -- she is DA MAN!! with BALLS bigger than every male elephant that ever existed!


but basic chronological facts ...fact check it if they want as hillary likes to say...

FBI COMEY director is forced to ''re open'' ''due to discovery of new e mails -- indirectly from a separate investigation on former NY state congressman Weiner (the one who had to step down due to scandals of him on online videos showing his crotch to his mistress - a sex maniac it seems) - "

and new e mails surfaced so they want to see whether there were 'improprieties" involved...

HUMA ABEDEEN -- was weiner's former wife - who happens to be hillary's campaign aide..and one of those exposed in the e mail exposes.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
hillary - meanwhile -- pretends to ''go on the offensive" and ''demands that the FBI EXPLAIN THEMSELVES IMMEDIATELY" .

I KID YOU NOT..she DEMANDS that fbi 'splain itself to HER for DARING to reopen the investigation -- how DARE THEY? don't they KNOW

IT'S ALREADY a closed book coz she didn't do anything WRONG?!! THEY BETTER ''explain themselves immediately"

says the EMPRESS!! off with their heads!!


Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Hopefully they will do a thorough investigation. Frankly it is frightening that high ranking officials are so careless about their emails.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
New Evidence Links Voting Machines And Clinton Foundation
By Stefanie MacWilliams

Could these connections be enough to implicate the Clinton Foundation in the alleged early vote rigging in Texas?

As usual, the internet has come through as the ultimate watchdog while the supposed safeguards of our democracy have failed.

A Gab user by the name “Special Prosecutor Will Logan” has found some stunning information.

Note: as Gab is a members only site, you’ll have to join to see his actual posts, but we included all pertinent information in the article.

Open in New Window and click the enlarge + button


According to OpenSecrets, the company who provided the alleged glitching voting machines is a subsidiary of The McCarthy Group.

The McCarthy group is a major donor to the Clinton Foundation – apparently donating 200,000 dollars in 2007 – when it was the largest owner of United States voting machines. Or perhaps the 200,000 dollars went to paying Bill Clinton for speeches?

Either way, it doesn’t look good.

But there’s more.

As the same user notes in this post, Dominion Voting Systems and The Clinton Foundation did a 2.25 million dollar charity initiative in developing nations together called the DELIAN Project.

According to the project’s own website:

In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project, as many emerging democracies suffer from post-electoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results. Over the next three years,Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines (AVM), providing an improved electoral process, and therefore safer elections. As a large number of election staff are women, there will be an emphasis on training women, who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election.

Of course, this is all speculation, and we are not making any claims of illegal activity by the Clinton Foundation.


However, it presents a very troubling conflict of interest. Most Americans would certainly agree that voting machines should have zero connection to presidential candidates and their foundations.

Consider the implications further abroad, as well. Could this DELIAN Project be designed to influence elections in developing nations?

It can certainly be argued that electronic voting machines do not in fact provide an “improved electoral process” or provide “safer elections”

Again, this is speculation.

But we will be keeping an eye on this story if and when more information becomes available.

this article was first published by Planet Free Will

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
So, what's the score with the new FBI stuff about Hillary's emails? I thought that had been put to bed... Anyone with info?

Two articles.

CNN confirms James Comey violated FBI policy today by trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton

By Daily News Bin | October 28, 2016

If you’ve watched today’s events unfold and wondered why FBI Director James Comey was bending over backwards to dishonestly try to rig a Presidential race just eleven days before Election Day, it turns out you’re not the only one. Now that the media has independently confirmed Comey was being untruthful when he tried to create the appearance that he’s reopening his investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, there is already a DOJ criminal complaint moving forward against him. And now CNN is confirming that Comey has violated the policy of his own FBI.

CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who essentially speaks as the network’s de facto voice in legal matters, reported on-air on Friday evening that the FBI has an unwritten but absolute policy of not doing anything to interfere with Presidential elections in the final sixty days before Election Day. Comey clearly violated that policy today when he attempted to interfere with the election just eleven days out.

While this in and of itself does represent a criminal violation of the law on his part, it does serve as evidence that James Comey went out of his way to interfere with the election today in an unprecedented and against-policy manner. When that evidence is connected with the fact that he purposely tried to mislead the American people into believing that his investigation into Congressman Anthony Weiner was instead a new investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, it’s now clear that he purposely violated the Hatch Amendment of 1993 in an attempt to rig the Presidential election. It further raises the question of whether Comey will end up in prison for his crime.


Apr 22, 2013
^that's an extreme read on the situation. But yes it does look like he could be investigated under the Hatch act. The way this was done is just extraordinary to me. I don't know whether it moves the needle enough. I was talking to friends of mine in Texas, die hard Republicans, the mother and daughter have already voted for Clinton, the father refuses to vote as he hates both HRC and Trump. Too many other people have fixed positions already. So this is all about undecideds.

What I find intriguing is the steady drip drip of emails being released by the FBI. It's just weird. Either she shouldn't be charged then stop doing things that could sway the electorate, or charge her and be done with! And how come Trump and his associates have not been investigated for potential leaks with the Russians? Why nothing about that? Seems like bias to me


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
^that's an extreme read on the situation. But yes it does look like he could be investigated under the Hatch act. The way this was done is just extraordinary to me. I don't know whether it moves the needle enough. I was talking to friends of mine in Texas, die hard Republicans, the mother and daughter have already voted for Clinton, the father refuses to vote as he hates both HRC and Trump. Too many other people have fixed positions already. So this is all about undecideds.

What I find intriguing is the steady drip drip of emails being released by the FBI. It's just weird. Either she shouldn't be charged then stop doing things that could sway the electorate, or charge her and be done with! And how come Trump and his associates have not been investigated for potential leaks with the Russians? Why nothing about that? Seems like bias to me
I wouldn't say the article is an "extreme read" on the situation, but it is biased. There hasn't been a slow drip of emails. This is supposedly a possibly new trove, but that is far from known. They come to light because of a separate investigation of former Sen. Antony Wiener, the now-estranged husband of HRC's former advisor. His devices have been seized, and supposedly she also used them. There is a good chance that the emails are duplicates, and benign. This is what is unknown.

Comey's letter to Congress was an unprecedented break with protocol, and possibly a breech under the Hatch act. I doubt he'll survive it. The timing is also suspect: on a Friday afternoon, when nothing is left but the weekend for everyone to speculate for 2 days before anything material can be done.

As to potential "leaks" to the Russians in the Trump camp, I'm not sure that's a thing, either. What is more questionable is Trump's connections, in terms of debt, and this is why the release of his tax returns has been an issue.

In any case, I think that you're right that it will mostly only matter to undecided voters, and then, perhaps, little, as it is more of the same. I am always flummoxed that it is an issue, at all. It wasn't while she was Secretary of State that she used a private server for her email communication. There was ample time, starting over 8 years ago, for anyone to complain that she should be using the official government server. It can't have been a surprise, as the ISP address is clear. The age of the internet is a work-in-progress in terms of government users, and Colin Powell is on that learning-curve, too. The FBI, and Comey, had already determined there was nothing illegal about the Clinton use of emails, and I doubt anything new will come to light based on the devices co-used by Weiner and his wife. If he was using them to communicate with an underage teenager, it seems highly unlikely that his wife would have communicated anything sensitive on the same devices.
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