US Politics Thread

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I am far and away the most original person on this board, while you, Federturd, and Moxie simply parrot CNN talking points. What makes you different from Moxie is that she can actually write two sentences in a row without misspelling 4 words and failing to attain basic subject-verb agreement. Almost everything she says is inaccurate nonsense, but at least reading what she writes doesn't feel like stumbling through a messy attic in the dark, which is the sensation one gets when reading your cobbled-together utterances.

That said, you are one of the most nouveau riche (assuming you are even mildly rich) people I have ever come across. You must have been the first person in your genetic lineage to attain any sort of wealth, which is why you feel the need to boast about giving business presentations on an anonymous message board. Maybe you are the offspring of a crackhead and were told that you were an accident, which is why you like telling other people that. If so, I'm glad you made it to the suburbs, big guy. Now go mow your lawn and tell yourself that you're an aristocrat because you paid - all by yourself - for the lawn mower AND the cable bill that allows you to watch CNN afterward.

Good job, buddy. Good job.
See that's where you are so wrong. I have spent my past few Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings teaching Cybersecurity classes to Veterans who have been historically been treated extremely extraordinary poorly whenever they have tried to re-enter society. I spend my work holidays ( I haven't since Covid-19) feeding the homeless at either their shelters or on the streets of Oakland. So as you see there's a reason I may mention some of my initiatives because I see potential in investing in human lives. I don't like racism, I don't like seeing people getting bullied and I hate to see anyone suffering because something went wrong in their lives. I don't give a damn if you like me or my posts. That's why your comments doesn't annoy me or change the way I write.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Wait wait wait.....I thought catching coronavirus or spreading it were also "personal and life-altering" matters because they could result in the death of yourself or someone else? I guess not now. Funny how you just change your argument as it suits you. Now all of a sudden Covid-19 isn't "personal and life-altering," even though Moxie has been idiotically prating about it for months. The good news for you, Moxie, is that Anthony Fauci agrees: he just demonstrated to the world that he doesn't actually believe masks do anything, or else he wouldn't be endangering his 79-year-old life at a baseball game by not wearing one. Fauci isn't dumb, and if he thought that wearing a mask would preserve his elderly life, he would have been doing so at that Nationals game. We all know now that what he really believes is what he said in March during the 60 Minutes interview and in his May 21 article in the New England Journal of Medicine: masks are inconsequential.

It looks like you are saying that abortion is a much bigger deal than coronavirus. And I would absolutely agree with you. That is actually all the more reason that if you are going to have a society "not tell women what to do with their bodies" the mask policy seems like the more logical choice to throw over the side of the boat. More serious decisions are the ones that should not be left to an individual's whim.
You really can muddy any waters with off-point arguments and non-related false corollaries. If you don't see the difference between a pregnancy and a pandemic, I don't know how to help you. I have never said that Covid is "personal." That's a talking point on the right...any notion that there is personal choice involved in the matter. This is NOT about personal choice, it's about civic responsibility and duty to others. Unfortunately, our leadership has garbled that message, dropped the ball on it, frankly, and I can include Fauci on that.

I refuse to engage in the abortion debate with you, and your racist spinning of it. I know where you stand on abortion, and your bringing it up now is a pointless straw man. You're fighting an uphill battle to try to hold the line that you've been right about this pandemic, as our numbers in the US keep growing. So what is left to you is deflection, false-equivalencies, and harping on old news. Even Trump has caved.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
83 careful what you wish for. You really wanted me to respond to this post, so I am doing it right now. I was busy in recent days and until now did not have the time to sit down and give your bullshit the thorough thrashing it deserved. But I just had a few minutes to complete that task, so enjoy seeing your arguments shredded.

Fine. What are their anecdotes, beyond not having any COVID patients?

One nurse said that her hospital has only had 2 Covid patients since March. Another said that the SARS and MERS pandemics were far worse for her hospital and that everyone in that hospital who has had Covid recovered quickly.

I do know of one person who works at nursing homes who said that Covid was very rough on the people residing there, but I have never denied that it is a difficult disease for the elderly. How to protect them, however, is a separate issue from the irrational and stupid lockdowns this country has imposed on itself.

If it were compassion you were actually showing, and not political agenda, as evidenced by your quote above, then I would acknowledge it. I have never not talked about the suffering of the elderly, in NY or anywhere else.

Bullshit. You have consistently talked about coronavirus as a general threat to everyone, with very little emphasis placed on the dangers to the elderly. Regarding Cuomo's idiotic nursing home policy, you have not once criticized him for it. And that of course is because he is a Democrat, and in your mind it is taboo to criticize anyone in your Democratic Party church.

You only bring up the suffering of the elderly to: 1) slag off blue states, and 2) to promote the idea that only the elderly and immunocompromised suffer and die from this virus.

Regarding point 1: LOL. How can I not pick on the blue states when over 85% of COVID deaths are in states with Democratic governors? Can you imagine if the numbers were reversed? We would never hear the end of it. Just look at Florida. DeSantis has done an excellent job of protecting the elderly and deaths are low, but the national media have convinced everyone that he has done the worst job of any governor in handling it because of a slew of usually meaningless, mild "cases" in recent weeks in his state.

Regarding point 2: it is absolutely true that this virus is mostly just a threat to the elderly and immunocompromised. Very few people outside those two categories have been afflicted by this virus. In particular, people under the age of 45 are at far greater risk from virtually every disease other than Covid.

You don't give a still just use these people as a pawn and a cudgel to your political agenda.

Wow.....this is coming from a loyal, card-carrying member of the Democratic Party, which just suppressed the use of a drug (HCQ) that could have saved thousands of American lives, all because of their insane hatred of Trump. This same party that you are a member of just advocated and engineered (albeit with Republican acquiescence/compliance) economy-killing shutdowns in which millions of lives have been damaged, some possibly to an irreparable degree. And you're condemning me for using people as pawns for a political agenda? Look in the mirror, sweetheart. For the Democratic Party, Covid from Day 1 has been 99% about attacking Trump.

Point out one single time you've expressed compassion for the suffering of those who have had it without adding a political note of caveat. I'll be waiting for that one.

Point out a single occasion when me expressing compassion for suffering Covid patients on this board would have mattered. This board is called "US Politics," not "US Empathy Self-Help Group." We are discussing political issues, not standing in a hospital by the bed of a Covid patient.

But if you want to play the empathy card, allow me to request that you point out a single time you've expressed compassion for an American citizen killed by an illegal alien, or a black child killed in black-on-black violence, or a police officer killed or injured during the Floyd riots. I'll be waiting for that one, because you never have.

See.....that's the problem with invoking "empathy," as an excellent recent book by a Yale psychologist pointed out. It is inherently selective. You are a prime example of this. You ask for empathy for those who you find politically favorable, but never for those who don't fit one of your preferred narratives.

And I guess Trump has betrayed you again. Mask as in, and the pandemic is going to get worse before it gets better, according to Trump, today.

I don't care if Trump is going along with the mask craze. There is no doubt his advisers are telling him to do that, and there are deeply misinformed Americans (such as Moxie, a contributor to this board you may know) who want to see their president wearing a mask. Hopefully they will be satisfied by this token gesture, even though we now know from Fauci's act at the Washington Nationals game that not even this newly found hero of the Democratic Party believes in it.

Wow, you're kind of all over the place on this one, huh? Must have hit a nerve. People can cite the bible all they want, but they should live by these Judeo-Christian values, is all I ask, and including you.

Would those "Judeo-Christian values" including anything you don't like? Would those values include revisiting your morally absolutist position toward the Confederacy in light of the fact that a prominent New York City rabbi (Morris Raphall) criticized abolitionists prior to the Civil War on the grounds that slaveholding could not have been a sin if Abrahaam and Isaac held slaves? Would the words of that NYC rabbi possibly balance out your one-sided and intolerant view of the Confederacy? Of course not.

You had no problem with Buttigieg citing the Bible repeatedly, nor do you have a problem with Obama or Pelosi doing it when it suits them. You just want the Bible cited in accord with your preferences at a given moment.

But the problem is that you have no monopoly on defining "Judeo-Christian values," and with respect to homosexuality in particular, there is no basis at all in Judeo-Christian morality for sanctioning gay marriage. Forgiveness and love are one thing; but officially recognizing homosexual relationships as morally legitimate has no basis at all, even if you wish it did.

I didn't cite Leviticus, you drew that conclusion.

I never alleged that you specifically cited Leviticus. What I said was that your prejudice against incest is a very Biblical one, since that is the main emphasis of the condemnations of Leviticus.

I didn't cite Leviticus, you drew that conclusion. I'm talking about a long-held social stricture against incest, which has nothing to do with the bible.

There have also been long-held social strictures against homosexuality that predated the Bible, yet you don't care about those!

And are you out of your mind? How does the Bible have "nothing to do" with "long-held social stricture against incest" when Christianity has been the main religion of the West for two millennia? You can't just wake up one day and erase 2,000 years of history.

That said, you have a minor point that there is an innate and instinctual revulsion among humans for incest that goes beyond traditional religion. But there is also an innate and instinctual revulsion among humans for homosexuality and always has been. Just look at Obama's heartthrob Fidel Castro and how he brutalized gays in Cuba. He certainly didn't do it because he was motivated by Leviticus. So in a limited sense, you're right; the Bible just confirms and reinforces human beings' innate prejudices against homosexuality and incest.

You brought that in. So I don't give a shit about what Leviticus says about incest or homosexuality.

You may not care but you are just a drop in the ocean of history, which has been shaped by Christianity far more than any of your recent heroes (such as Hillary Clinton). There are far more people who have revered Leviticus in history than those who (like you) revere the cult of De Blasio, Lightfoot, and Cuomo.

And I don't give a rat's ass if some people think homosexuality is "gross."

But what other basis do you have for calling incest gross than that you personally find it "gross"? Most humans in history have found homosexuality gross just like you find incest to be gross. In fact, most people have seen the two behaviors (homosexuality and incest) as falling into the same general category of sexual deviance. (The only caveat that I will throw in here is that I do think some degree of sensuality between women in a momentary sense is not entirely unnatural, although a long-term relationship built on sexual complementarity absolutely is; male homosexuality, on the other hand, is something that I find to be pathetic and detestable. I agree with Castro and Che on that one.)

So, allow me to ask, aside from the Bible, what possible grounds could you have for finding gay marriage to be fine and dandy but incest to be "gross"? Oh, I know. It's simply that you are prejudiced against one but not the other. It's nothing but your arbitrary and whimsical moral preference.

By the way, every single argument that people have offered for gay marriage (that it is between two consenting adults, that people should be allowed to do what makes them happy, that marriage doesn't have to result in kids, that marriage is just about companionship and love between two individuals, etc.) applies just as much to incestuous relationships as to homosexual relationships. What possible argument can you make against one that doesn't apply to the other? Long-held social stricture? Well, there has been a long-held social stricture against homosexuality.

I can't be responsible for everyone's small-mindedness.

Yes, because embracing gay pride parades in New York City is the hallmark of cosmopolitanism and broad-mindedness. Just ask Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, both of whom condemn others as xenophobes while only knowing one language.

The law of the land has changed here

Through judicial fiat, not reasoned argument. It is a law imposed by a totalitarian left-wing government, which the USA government is increasingly becoming.

We "secure the blessings of liberty", and the bible is not the law of the land, the Constitution is.

Lol.....and what on earth does the Constitution have to say about gay marriage? Thomas Jefferson, one of its many authors, knew 6 languages but believed that homosexuals should have their limbs cut off. There is nothing even implicit in the Constitution that would sanction gay marriage. You are simply defining the Constitution as what you want it to be, not what it actually is.

So that wraps it up, Moxie. Remember - $30 through Paypal per post. I am giving you a discount since you are such an eager student and I want to see you grow intellectually.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
You really can muddy any waters with off-point arguments and non-related false corollaries. If you don't see the difference between a pregnancy and a pandemic, I don't know how to help you. I have never said that Covid is "personal." That's a talking point on the right...any notion that there is personal choice involved in the matter. This is NOT about personal choice, it's about civic responsibility and duty to others.

That line right there shows what kind of totalitarian freak you actually are. Political decisions for you are entirely about using the state to impose your moral preferences on people. You are an American who claims to believe in freedom, yet you actually just wrote that it's only "a talking point on the right" that "there is personal choice involved in the matter." Then you went on "This is NOT about personal choice, it's about civic responsibility and duty to others."

In other words, you don't think people should have any personal freedom in this matter. Mrs. "Gays Should Be Free to do what they want" all of a sudden is condemning personal choice and saying there should be none. You are just a total hypocrite. You are for freedom one minute and then the next totally against it.

Unfortunately, our leadership has garbled that message, dropped the ball on it, frankly, and I can include Fauci on that.

And, by any chance, can you include Democratic governors whose states have accounted for over 85% of Covid deaths in the USA? Can you condemn the almost all-Democrat political leadership of New York, the political entity with the highest death rate from Covid anywhere in the world? Can you condemn the Democratic Party for suppressing the use of hydroxychloroquine when doctors all over the world, including in India, have used it to great effect in combating covid?

I know where you stand on abortion, and your bringing it up now is a pointless straw man.

No it's not. It shows your inconsistency. One minute you are for using the state to impose certain behaviors on people, and the next minute you're not.

You're fighting an uphill battle to try to hold the line that you've been right about this pandemic, as our numbers in the US keep growing.

The lockdowns were justified on the basis of a model that said over 2 million Americans in a very short time would die from the virus; that was the model that Fauci and Birx took to Trump. That model's projections obviously have not come to pass, nor have any of the predictions of the IMHE model. I never made a firm prediction of how many the virus would kill, but my skeptical attitude has been far closer to the truth than a model that predicted over 2 million deaths.

Furthermore, I do believe the death count is ridiculously inflated by the ludicrous open-ended CDC directions for doctors. Those directions allow for the reporting of virtually any death as a COVID death. The guidelines are preposterous, and in time I am confident that extensive fraud will be revealed to have occurred. Unfortunately, by that time, few people will likely care anymore. But it's a shame that the Republicans aren't pushing back on the death count numbers.

Even Trump has caved.

What do you mean "caved"? Trump has been vigilant and proactive from Day 1. He and his administration were taking it seriously and researching it in late January while the Democrats were running their silly impeachment trial. He imposed the travel ban on China against Fauci's recommendation at a time when the NYT, Washington Post, Daily Beast, and Vox were all downplaying the virus and obsessing over impeachment.

So I don't see how Trump has changed at all on this issue. He has been proactive from Day 1.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali, serious, first the Confederacy, and now you're defending incest?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali, serious, first the Confederacy, and now you're defending incest?

Apparently you are too stupid to follow the argument. I never "defended" incest. I said that there is no argument that can be offered for gay marriage that can't be offered for an incestuous relationship. Obviously, I detest both arrangements and find them to be unnatural.

But let's look at all the arguments offered for gay marriage in recent years and then consider whether those would also apply to incestuous relationships:

1) Marriage is for two consenting adults. Would incest meet that standard if the two adults were above 18? Yes.

2) Marriage is for the personal happiness of two individuals who love each other. Would incest meet that standard if the two (or more) family lovers claimed to love each other? Yes.

3) Marriage doesn't have to result in children. Would homosexual incest meet that standard? Absolutely. Would heterosexual incest meet that standard with birth control? Yes. But even without birth control (according to leftist logic) who are you to tell someone what to do with their bodies?

4) Long-held social strictures do not matter. Would incest benefit from this argument, just as gay causes have? Without a doubt.

So, again Moxie, there is nothing logically that can be offered as an argument for gay relationships that does not apply equally to incestuous relationships.

I am simply using the publicly stated logic for gay marriage, which you clearly agree with. If you don't like where it leads, that's not my fault. Maybe you should re-visit your fundamental thought process on the gay marriage issue.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Excellent op-ed here by Jonathan Turley. Obama, Biden, and the rest of their contemptible crew engaged in criminal spying of the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. They need to be held to account, even though people like Moxie and Tinfoil Federturd have their heads in the sand.

More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama administration
By Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor — 07/25/20 10:00 AM EDT



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Look at these peaceful protests! But it’s Trump voters who are the violent dangerous ones though!



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And the Democrats continue to hide Biden:

Published July 26, 2020
Last Update 20 hrs ago
Biden campaign declines 'Fox News Sunday' interview, 1 week after Chris Wallace's Trump sitdown
'We'll keep asking every week'

By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Great op-ed here. Much better than anything the Russia-connected Lincoln Project has to say:

Anthony Fauci has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on: Peter Navarro

Peter Navarro, Opinion contributor Published 6:45 p.m. ET July 14, 2020 | Updated 8:05 p.m. ET July 15, 2020

When you ask me whether I listen to his advice, my answer is only with skepticism and caution.



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Notice how Democrats are now viciously attacking this black female doctor for pointing out what everyone in the world except parochial left-wing Americans (and a few dumb Brits) knows: hydroxychloroquine is highly effective in combating the coronavirus, especially if taken early enough and not prescribed as a last resort by some idiot doctor in New York listening to Governor Dumbdumb Cuomo.

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So far at John Lewis’s comical postmortem Biden-for-President campaign rally, I mean funeral, his family members have cited the books of Psalms and Corinthians, and Bill Clinton cited St. Paul (among numerous other Biblical and Christian references). Will Moxie condemn them for citing the Bible?

Of course not. She has no problem with people quoting the Bible for left-wing ends. That’s why she never condemned Pete Buttageegy.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So far at John Lewis’s comical postmortem Biden-for-President campaign rally, I mean funeral, his family members have cited the books of Psalms and Corinthians, and Bill Clinton cited St. Paul (among numerous other Biblical and Christian references). Will Moxie condemn them for citing the Bible?

Of course not. She has no problem with people quoting the Bible for left-wing ends. That’s why she never condemned Pete Buttageegy.
Apparently you cannot read. I have said that I have no problem with people's beliefs, or how the cite the bible, if they live by their convictions. That, however, is not my thing, so don't attribute any my beliefs to your citations of the bible.

It's very sad that all you have to say about the eulogizing of the great John Lewis is to call it a campaign rally for Biden. Your bias really has no boundaries or empathy or ethics. You can't even spare a moment across the aisle for a great man. You really are sad.


Apr 22, 2013
Herman Cain is dead. This could have been avoided. A part of me wants to blame Trump for this. But there has to be personal responsibility as well. It's quite clear that Cain was one of those who went along with the anti-mask thing. I guess he's the most high profile victim-acolyte. Sad...
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Herman Cain is dead. This could have been avoided. A part of me wants to blame Trump for this. But there has to be personal responsibility as well. It's quite clear that Cain was one of those who went along with the anti-mask thing. I guess he's the most high profile victim-acolyte. Sad...

Two of the people going along with the “anti-mask thing” are Cuomo and Fauci, who have both been spotted recently in public settings not wearing one, yet you have never said a word condemning either. You have no evidence that Cain caught Covid at Trump’s Tulsa rally. Either way, he was 74 with a slew of prior health problems including colon cancer. He was a prime target for the Wuhan nursing home virus.

You also have not said a word about the mass rallies with zero social distancing that Democrats have signed off on. That of course is because you are nothing more than a Democratic Party, CNN-addled hack. “Gag gag gag” should be your motto.

Watch Jim Jordan put it to Fauci yesterday:



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
83 careful what you wish for. You really wanted me to respond to this post, so I am doing it right now. I was busy in recent days and until now did not have the time to sit down and give your bullshit the thorough thrashing it deserved. But I just had a few minutes to complete that task, so enjoy seeing your arguments shredded.

One nurse said that her hospital has only had 2 Covid patients since March. Another said that the SARS and MERS pandemics were far worse for her hospital and that everyone in that hospital who has had Covid recovered quickly.

I do know of one person who works at nursing homes who said that Covid was very rough on the people residing there, but I have never denied that it is a difficult disease for the elderly. How to protect them, however, is a separate issue from the irrational and stupid lockdowns this country has imposed on itself.

Bullshit. You have consistently talked about coronavirus as a general threat to everyone, with very little emphasis placed on the dangers to the elderly. Regarding Cuomo's idiotic nursing home policy, you have not once criticized him for it. And that of course is because he is a Democrat, and in your mind it is taboo to criticize anyone in your Democratic Party church.

Regarding point 1: LOL. How can I not pick on the blue states when over 85% of COVID deaths are in states with Democratic governors? Can you imagine if the numbers were reversed? We would never hear the end of it. Just look at Florida. DeSantis has done an excellent job of protecting the elderly and deaths are low, but the national media have convinced everyone that he has done the worst job of any governor in handling it because of a slew of usually meaningless, mild "cases" in recent weeks in his state.

Regarding point 2: it is absolutely true that this virus is mostly just a threat to the elderly and immunocompromised. Very few people outside those two categories have been afflicted by this virus. In particular, people under the age of 45 are at far greater risk from virtually every disease other than Covid.

Wow.....this is coming from a loyal, card-carrying member of the Democratic Party, which just suppressed the use of a drug (HCQ) that could have saved thousands of American lives, all because of their insane hatred of Trump. This same party that you are a member of just advocated and engineered (albeit with Republican acquiescence/compliance) economy-killing shutdowns in which millions of lives have been damaged, some possibly to an irreparable degree. And you're condemning me for using people as pawns for a political agenda? Look in the mirror, sweetheart. For the Democratic Party, Covid from Day 1 has been 99% about attacking Trump.

Point out a single occasion when me expressing compassion for suffering Covid patients on this board would have mattered. This board is called "US Politics," not "US Empathy Self-Help Group." We are discussing political issues, not standing in a hospital by the bed of a Covid patient.

But if you want to play the empathy card, allow me to request that you point out a single time you've expressed compassion for an American citizen killed by an illegal alien, or a black child killed in black-on-black violence, or a police officer killed or injured during the Floyd riots. I'll be waiting for that one, because you never have.

See.....that's the problem with invoking "empathy," as an excellent recent book by a Yale psychologist pointed out. It is inherently selective. You are a prime example of this. You ask for empathy for those who you find politically favorable, but never for those who don't fit one of your preferred narratives.

I don't care if Trump is going along with the mask craze. There is no doubt his advisers are telling him to do that, and there are deeply misinformed Americans (such as Moxie, a contributor to this board you may know) who want to see their president wearing a mask. Hopefully they will be satisfied by this token gesture, even though we now know from Fauci's act at the Washington Nationals game that not even this newly found hero of the Democratic Party believes in it.

Would those "Judeo-Christian values" including anything you don't like? Would those values include revisiting your morally absolutist position toward the Confederacy in light of the fact that a prominent New York City rabbi (Morris Raphall) criticized abolitionists prior to the Civil War on the grounds that slaveholding could not have been a sin if Abrahaam and Isaac held slaves? Would the words of that NYC rabbi possibly balance out your one-sided and intolerant view of the Confederacy? Of course not.

You had no problem with Buttigieg citing the Bible repeatedly, nor do you have a problem with Obama or Pelosi doing it when it suits them. You just want the Bible cited in accord with your preferences at a given moment.

But the problem is that you have no monopoly on defining "Judeo-Christian values," and with respect to homosexuality in particular, there is no basis at all in Judeo-Christian morality for sanctioning gay marriage. Forgiveness and love are one thing; but officially recognizing homosexual relationships as morally legitimate has no basis at all, even if you wish it did.

I never alleged that you specifically cited Leviticus. What I said was that your prejudice against incest is a very Biblical one, since that is the main emphasis of the condemnations of Leviticus.

There have also been long-held social strictures against homosexuality that predated the Bible, yet you don't care about those!

And are you out of your mind? How does the Bible have "nothing to do" with "long-held social stricture against incest" when Christianity has been the main religion of the West for two millennia? You can't just wake up one day and erase 2,000 years of history.

That said, you have a minor point that there is an innate and instinctual revulsion among humans for incest that goes beyond traditional religion. But there is also an innate and instinctual revulsion among humans for homosexuality and always has been. Just look at Obama's heartthrob Fidel Castro and how he brutalized gays in Cuba. He certainly didn't do it because he was motivated by Leviticus. So in a limited sense, you're right; the Bible just confirms and reinforces human beings' innate prejudices against homosexuality and incest.

You may not care but you are just a drop in the ocean of history, which has been shaped by Christianity far more than any of your recent heroes (such as Hillary Clinton). There are far more people who have revered Leviticus in history than those who (like you) revere the cult of De Blasio, Lightfoot, and Cuomo.

But what other basis do you have for calling incest gross than that you personally find it "gross"? Most humans in history have found homosexuality gross just like you find incest to be gross. In fact, most people have seen the two behaviors (homosexuality and incest) as falling into the same general category of sexual deviance. (The only caveat that I will throw in here is that I do think some degree of sensuality between women in a momentary sense is not entirely unnatural, although a long-term relationship built on sexual complementarity absolutely is; male homosexuality, on the other hand, is something that I find to be pathetic and detestable. I agree with Castro and Che on that one.)

So, allow me to ask, aside from the Bible, what possible grounds could you have for finding gay marriage to be fine and dandy but incest to be "gross"? Oh, I know. It's simply that you are prejudiced against one but not the other. It's nothing but your arbitrary and whimsical moral preference.

By the way, every single argument that people have offered for gay marriage (that it is between two consenting adults, that people should be allowed to do what makes them happy, that marriage doesn't have to result in kids, that marriage is just about companionship and love between two individuals, etc.) applies just as much to incestuous relationships as to homosexual relationships. What possible argument can you make against one that doesn't apply to the other? Long-held social stricture? Well, there has been a long-held social stricture against homosexuality.

Yes, because embracing gay pride parades in New York City is the hallmark of cosmopolitanism and broad-mindedness. Just ask Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, both of whom condemn others as xenophobes while only knowing one language.

Through judicial fiat, not reasoned argument. It is a law imposed by a totalitarian left-wing government, which the USA government is increasingly becoming.

Lol.....and what on earth does the Constitution have to say about gay marriage? Thomas Jefferson, one of its many authors, knew 6 languages but believed that homosexuals should have their limbs cut off. There is nothing even implicit in the Constitution that would sanction gay marriage. You are simply defining the Constitution as what you want it to be, not what it actually is.

So that wraps it up, Moxie. Remember - $30 through Paypal per post. I am giving you a discount since you are such an eager student and I want to see you grow intellectually.

Notice how Moxie asked me to address her post and claimed that I was neglecting it because I had nothing to say to it (in reality, I was just busy for a few days and wanted to give her post the thorough smackdown it deserved, which I eventually did). Now it has been almost a week and she has not addressed my rebuttal because she is the one who has nothing to say after her arguments were completely shut down.
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