US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I appreciate the concession, but you follow it up with a meaningless statement that you can't back up. What makes the long-term efforts to get rid of Confederate statues and the rebel flag emblem on numerous Southern state flags "pure contrivance?"

Because the anti-Confederate mental defectives alive today act as though they understand what the world of the 19th century was like and even that they are suffering through certain pains of slavery themselves, either directly as minorities or vicariously as white leftists with empathy. None of them actually lived through slavery or any subsequent period. So what they are all doing is a conjuring up a dystopian image of the American past and pretending that it still exists in very real forms to rage against something they don't know about or understand as a scapegoat for present ills.

You do know that there are plenty of people still alive that lived through Jim Crow laws, right?

And you do know that Confederate statues have nothing to do with those, right?

This "anti-Confederate hysteria," as you call it, isn't really that recent.

Yes, it is. As late as the 1990s (a full century and a quarter out from the North-South war), the Clintons were campaigning with Confederate imagery in Arkansas. Virtually no one in the North or South - for the first 5 generations after the war - regarded the Confederate South to be evil as it is regarded today. In fact, they saw it as the opposite. That distorted image of the South is the result of total ignorance of American history and the North-South war.

And why should it be considered "hysteria?"

Because it is irrational and driven by intense emotions of hatred and rage, with no substantial facts or knowledge to back it up.

What I'd say is new is this recent pro-Confederate hysteria, bolstered by Trump and white nationalists and you.

Lol. What the fuck are you talking about? There is no pro-Confederate hysteria. All Trump has said during his tenure is that the protesters who supported the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville were not all evil (absolutely true) and that he would like to retain the names of military bases named after Confederate generals. How the hell is that "pro-Confederate hysteria"? That is modest common sense and defense of healthy traditions.

It is the left that has a pathological obsession with the Confederacy and attacking it. They are the ones who can't let it go.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but that war ended in 1865.

Right. So why are Democrats so obsessed with going after Confederate monuments a century and a half later instead of worrying about the failures in the cities they run? Don't they have anything better to do, like stopping murder sprees?

You can get your knickers in a twist about US history being reconsidered, and some old white guy monuments going out with the bathwater,

Lol.....and this is a person who considers herself educated. Just "some old white guy monuments," huh? And you wonder why I say white leftists are like ISIS (which may be giving you too much credit). You are utter philistines. Thomas Jefferson was one of the most brilliant men in the history of the world, and here you are calling him "some old white guy." Great. Just don't ever call anyone else a bigot again, you dumbass.

but I am frankly less worried about that then the lives and rights of people living in the here and now. don't give a shit about the lives of black people in the here and now. If you did, you would renounce your affiliation with the Democratic Party for its utter failure in uplifting urban black populations and in looking the other way at a massive crime wave that is resulting in the deaths of hundreds of blacks.

All you actually care about is demonizing a group you dislike (white right-wing Christians) and having political power over them. You don't actually care about blacks at all. And to the extent that you pretend to, any idea you offer as a suggestion to help them is completely dumb and incompetent. There is nothing you say on race issues that isn't completely worthless. Everything you say about race is flat out wrong and stupid.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Why is it so important to Trump for the school to be reopen? Unless, Trump's plan is to " herd" the children together so they can go home to infect their parents and older relatives. This is like 1930-40s being reoccurring again.

You stupid motherfucker.....there is absolutely no evidence that children are at risk themselves or that they are passing this virus to adults. Once again, you are a low-information Democratic voter dumbed down by CNN and the mass media. Alex Berenson has shredded any one of these arguments but you are too much of a low-IQ mental defective to ever be able to follow his arguments.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There is no way you know how many blacks were ever killed by the KKK because a) the KKK was a secret society, and b) many murders of Black people in the main time when the KKK was active went not only unpunished, but unreported. So there is nothing "indisputably true" about what you say. There is too little data.

Utterly ridiculous. Every history department in America is obsessed with "racism, racism, racism" because anti-racism is our national political religion. If they could publicize massive white atrocities against blacks, they absolutely would do so. The fact is there just isn't much to dig up. Now were there some "unreported" murders? Of course. But that is the case with any historical atrocity. You can't document every single body that died. But you can make reasonable estimates. There are no reasonable estimates that would put the KKK murders of blacks even in the ballpark of what left-wing regimes did in the 20th century.

Also, lynching has been documented very thoroughly, and the numbers are quite underwhelming. Many of the lynchings were of whites, and the total number nationally over about an 80-year period was not very high (about 5,000).

For your own ideological reasons, you want to believe that there were hundreds of thousands of blacks massacred by the KKK, but the reality is that the number wasn't even close. The left's beloved regimes of the 20th Century killed as many people in one week or one month as the KKK did in its entire history. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's the reality.

And if you want to insist that the KKK possibly killed 10 more blacks than blacks killed each other in 2019, then I can end the argument once and for all by saying that between 2018 and 2019 there were more blacks killed by other blacks than blacks killed by the KKK in all of American history, and that ends the argument because those two figures aren't even close. All I have to do is tack on one extra year.

And, as a Catholic, I think very little of the 1920s incarnation of the Klan that had some political prominence and was very anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish. But at the same time I can see that its atrocities have been ridiculously exaggerated by historically ignorant people in the world today for the political benefit of the scum in the Democratic Party. And that has to be called out for the idiocy that it is.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
This is where the ramifications of having Betsy DeVos as Sec. of Education really screws us, same as having Trump for a so-called President during a pandemic. It was ugly before, but it really collapses in a crisis.

Stop deflecting blame from the Democratic governors and leaders. It's not Trump's fault that they are stupid and incompetent people. It's not Trump's fault that 86% of Covid deaths are in blue states. He can't make Democratic leaders not be stupid. Their idiocy is not his fault.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I guess we were talking across each other. I do see what you mean about it as a strategy, if it is one, or if it's just bumbling along with their same basic, unscientific point that things are fine, the virus isn't so much, etc.

Actually it's a very scientific point and you are the one who doesn't have the science on her side. You are just so closed off from any sources that present alternative views to your own so you are unaware of how many doctors don't believe in masks and don't think the virus is very serious.

So actually, you are the one who is standing against science.

Because weighing in where he doesn't actually have the power of policy is risking that people might be put off that he's playing fast and loose with the health of their children.

Many people (not including AntiPusher) are not dumb enough to believe that this virus poses a threat to children. They are aware there is no data to show that it is.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Actually it's a very scientific point and you are the one who doesn't have the science on her side. You are just so closed off from any sources that present alternative views to your own so you are unaware of how many doctors don't believe in masks and don't think the virus is very serious.

So actually, you are the one who is standing against science.

Many people (not including AntiPusher) are not dumb enough to believe that this virus poses a threat to children. They are aware there is no data to show that it is.
So, is your position that they should open all schools at the beginning of fall term, no matter the amount of outbreak, per state and district, and no matter that no government aid is coming to them for additional PPE, and ways to provide distancing and other CDC recommended protocols? Even though some teachers and some students will fall into the more susceptible category? Everyone back to school, no adjustments, no mitigations for areas of severe outbreak?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
To say that King wasn't a serious intellectual is not to have read him. I don't know much about the rest, but remember, you are the man that has no problem with Wilson's racism or Lee's being a traitor.

Robert E. Lee was not a traitor and Woodrow Wilson's racial views should not be grounds for dishonoring him. There are far worse things he was responsible for than being a standard segregationist in his time.

I'm pretty sure you're *this* close to excusing Adolph Hitler. You excuse any number of other racists. Like Trump.

Funny you should say that, because not only does it reveal the superficiality of your historical understanding, but recently the NFL player Desean Jackson (someone you've never heard of, but for your purposes he is one of those big black scary football guys with a toxic masculine mentality) actually quoted Hitler approvingly about Jews. And another black pro athlete, former NBA player Stephen Jackson, came to DeSean's defense. Of course, no one on this board would say a peep about this because this board is a PC Democratic Party-cult-following robot platform.

Notice that because they are black, both Desean and Stephen Jackson are not getting fired by their respective employers (and the owner of Desean's team actually is Jewish). They are barely even being reprimanded. They are getting a light slap on the wrist, even though they approvingly quoted Hitler on Jews.

Eagles star DeSean Jackson under fire for posting anti-Semitic quotes he attributed to Hitler

Stephen Jackson doubles down after supporting DeSean Jackson's Hitler post: 'Haven't said one thing that's untrue'

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The really sad and pathetic thing about you, (and Trump) on this, is that you believe that it is a zero-sum game. If it favors caution, or, god forbid science,

Please stop claiming the mantle of science when a) you are not taking a scientific position, and b) you don't even care about science. You are equating "science" with Fauci's whims and whatever makes Trump look bad.

You think that the rest of us want to see cases spike in order to make it a lose-lose for Trump.

Lol.....for the media and the Democrats that's always what this has been about. AntePaleolithic and Federturd don't even hide that this is what it's about for them, so why do you? Just admit that you want this to be as bad as possible so you can use it as a campaign issue against Trump (even if 86% of the deaths occur in blue states because of Democratic Party incompetence, which is what has happened up to now). Anything that goes wrong (or is perceived to go wrong) with the handling of the virus will be blamed on Trump and Republicans because of the 90%-plus presence of Democrats among the media.

No matter what we tell you, you can't believe that most of us are actually invested in the common good on this. That we "simply" believe that there is a global virus that is incredibly contagious, and we're taking precautions for ourselves and for the benefit of others. Which is what the numbers and the science tells us.

No, actually the numbers and the science do not support your conclusions.

Would it hurt anyone to wear a mask?

Yes, according to numerous doctors, such as the neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock. Fauci is not the only doctor in the United States.

To practice a little social distancing?

This is at least more debatable than wearing a mask - which is a completely silly superstition that has nothing to do with science - but it is still far less helpful than most people seem to think.

Where we do that, and open up with caution, things are working better. Where there is resistance to those few and easy precautions, things are not going so well.

It really is amazing just how convinced you are of your own moral superiority as a left-wing Democrat, regardless of anything that actually happens in the world. If Democrat-run cities are afflicted by astounding levels of black-on-black violence, you still tell yourself that it is white Democrats who are the ones who truly care about blacks and understand their issues. Likewise, if blue states have far and away the highest death totals from "covid" but follow the protocols you believe in, you have no problem taking on a sanctimonious posture about what everyone else should be doing to learn from your side. It truly is amazing.

You do not care at all about actual events or facts.....all of that is simply fodder to be twisted into a morality play. It really is amazing how you, as a leftist Democrat in New York City who has voted for the Democratic leadership that has totally bungled the "covid" response, are sitting there lecturing anyone else on how to handle this mild little pandemic that only affects 90-year-olds, fat asses, and people who already have 15 diseases.

New York Democrats have been the least effective group of leaders in the country handling "covid." Please shut up with your lectures to other states that have handled it better, such as Florida. DeSantis had a far larger elderly population to protect than Governor Meatball did, yet he still did a much better job than Cuomo.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So, is your position that they should open all schools at the beginning of fall term, no matter the amount of outbreak, per state and district, and no matter that no government aid is coming to them for additional PPE, and ways to provide distancing and other CDC recommended protocols? Even though some teachers and some students will fall into the more susceptible category? Everyone back to school, no adjustments, no mitigations for areas of severe outbreak?

You got it. The only exceptions I would make would be if there was a huge outbreak in an area, especially an urban area, in August or September. Other than that, I am for 100% return to complete normalcy in all schools. If the Republicans were not total pussies, they would say this. Instead, they are playing this game of patty-cake where they say "yes, we need masks and protocols and social distancing, but we should still send kids to school." No, fuck all that. This whole thing is utterly stupid and the data are completely clear that children are more at risk from various other diseases (most notably flu) than covid. End the madness now. And if Republicans are such pussies that they can't say this, then they deserve to lose every election and allow the Democrats to have total power. Republicans should not be so scared to stand up to stupidity.

Tell the Democrats to fuck off and go back in their corner with their mask on where they can watch CNN while everyone else goes outside and enjoys their lives.

This Covid thing has been a joke from the start.....the 130,000 number is a total sham. And the Republicans and many on Fox News have been pathetic in going along with it. I have now spoken to numerous doctors and medical professionals I know about this, and I am saying it with near certainty. They are all telling me it's a huge secret within the medical community that this "covid" thing is a sham but hardly anyone is speaking up because they don't want to be villainized by the left-wing media cretins or even fired by intolerant left-wing employers. The reality is that unless you are 90, fat as hell, or afflicted by numerous diseases already, covid amounts to little more than springtime allergies, with the difference being that allergies are far more irritating.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So now there is a rabid media assault and boycott of a Hispanic food company (Goya) in the United States.....not by Trump supporters, but by numerous people in the Democratic Party. Why? Because its CEO dared to say something nice about President Trump.

Funny how in 2016 people predicted doom and gloom for Hispanics if Trump won, but what has happened instead is the lowest Hispanic-American unemployment on record while Hispanics have endured attacks by left-wing protesters and activists.

Was it Trump supporters who vandalized Mexican restaurants in Minneapolis? Nope. It was left-wing constituencies who did that. Is it Trump supporters who are villainizing a Hispanic food company and trying to hurt its business? Nope. It's left-wing leaders and social media voices who are doing that.

Will Moxie call this intolerance out? Why won't Moxie speak up about this? Is she okay with these kinds of attacks on Hispanics for simply living their lives and expressing their views?

“It’s Suppression of Speech – I’m Not Apologizing” – Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue Refuses to Apologize to the Cancel Culture Mob After He Praises President Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published July 10, 2020



Apr 22, 2013
doesn't Stone's comments imply that he had incriminating evidence against the sitting President? Lol! So brazen... #bananarepublic


the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
So now there is a rabid media assault and boycott of a Hispanic food company (Goya) in the United States.....not by Trump supporters, but by numerous people in the Democratic Party. Why? Because its CEO dared to say something nice about President Trump.

Funny how in 2016 people predicted doom and gloom for Hispanics if Trump won, but what has happened instead is the lowest Hispanic-American unemployment on record while Hispanics have endured attacks by left-wing protesters and activists.

Was it Trump supporters who vandalized Mexican restaurants in Minneapolis? Nope. It was left-wing constituencies who did that. Is it Trump supporters who are villainizing a Hispanic food company and trying to hurt its business? Nope. It's left-wing leaders and social media voices who are doing that.

Will Moxie call this intolerance out? Why won't Moxie speak up about this? Is she okay with these kinds of attacks on Hispanics for simply living their lives and expressing their views?

“It’s Suppression of Speech – I’m Not Apologizing” – Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue Refuses to Apologize to the Cancel Culture Mob After He Praises President Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published July 10, 2020

It's amazing the amount of foolishness that spawned from your basement liar. Your data is always some bastardized propanda that has no merit.

Fact, Hispanics who voted for Trump are paying a mighty health toll with this pandemic. Trump told them that he considers all of them the same as the ones he campaigned against with the threat of the border wall and DECA. Yet , you come up with for lack of a better word or euphemism, "Trump up" stats about unemployment.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So now there is a rabid media assault and boycott of a Hispanic food company (Goya) in the United States.....not by Trump supporters, but by numerous people in the Democratic Party. Why? Because its CEO dared to say something nice about President Trump.

Funny how in 2016 people predicted doom and gloom for Hispanics if Trump won, but what has happened instead is the lowest Hispanic-American unemployment on record while Hispanics have endured attacks by left-wing protesters and activists.

Was it Trump supporters who vandalized Mexican restaurants in Minneapolis? Nope. It was left-wing constituencies who did that. Is it Trump supporters who are villainizing a Hispanic food company and trying to hurt its business? Nope. It's left-wing leaders and social media voices who are doing that.

Will Moxie call this intolerance out? Why won't Moxie speak up about this? Is she okay with these kinds of attacks on Hispanics for simply living their lives and expressing their views?
Are you going to pretend that Trump has been a friend to the hispanic community through his campaign, his Presidency and all of this pandemic? The people that he's actually called criminals and rapists? Families separated at the border? People sent back to Mexico, even when they didn't come from there, to very uncertain circumstances and really dangerous towns? Trying to undo DACA? You say lowest unemployment rated amongst Hispanics on record. Where do you get that from? I guess that discounts people that can't be counted, like really low-wage workers who can't apply for UEI. Lots who work in restaurants and in agriculture. And the undocumented. Hell, the unemployment rates aren't even right for anyone right now. All kinds of gig workers who can't be accounted for properly.

What kinds of attacks on hispanics am I not speaking out for? I suppose you imagine you have your finger on the pulse of the Hispanic voice in this country, same as you have for the Black voice. (Or at least the male one that plays sports and raps, which seems to be your limited view of the African American voice in this country.)

Like it or not, the boycott of Goya comes from within the Hispanic community. You will, no doubt, attribute it to white leftist elites, once again paternalizing the lack of self-determination amongst Latinos in the same way you ascribe Black outrage to whites on the left. Keep singing that racist song. But if you can't see why Latinx people in this country have more than a little reason to be against Trump, I can't help you.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
This says it all about Covid-19 virus.. wearing masks is paramount and crucial. I'm glad the other countries in the world are taking this pandemic seriously.



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's amazing the amount of foolishness that spawned from your basement liar. Your data is always some bastardized propanda that has no merit.

Look, if you're trying to diss someone, can't you at least spell an extremely basic word like "propaganda" correctly? Moxie is now paying me $30 per post for the history lessons that I give her, so perhaps I can send that money to you for a Hooked-on-Phonics program. I can't guarantee that it will work, but it's at least worth a try. It's funny how you, in your low-brow nouveax rich style, try to talk yourself up as some important corporate figure, but I can't imagine you typing a corporate group email. Everyone at the company would think that the executive dropped his Blackberry and either a 5-year-old kid or a homeless person started typing with it in your caveman dialect.

As for my post, you did not address the substance of it. Was it Trump supporters or left-wing vandals who attacked Mexican restaurants in the Twin Cities? Was it Trump supporters or left-wing activists who called for the boycotting of a Hispanic food company?

You know the answers to those questions so you are avoiding them.

Fact, Hispanics who voted for Trump are paying a mighty health toll with this pandemic.

How? Do you have any data to back up that claim? Oh wait, you just announced a few days ago that you don't care about stats or data. That's why you don't care that 86% of COVID deaths have occurred in blue states due to Democratic Party incompetence.

Trump told them that he considers all of them the same as the ones he campaigned against with the threat of the border wall and DECA.

It's DACA, not DECA, you dumbass. But Trump has on dozens of occasions celebrated Hispanic support and the lowest ever unemployment rate for Hispanics in U.S. history during his presidency. During his 2016 campaign he celebrated the Hispanic support he received in Nevada, for instance. And as president he has repeatedly boasted about the lowest-ever Hispanic unemployment rate.

Yet , you come up with for lack of a better word or euphemism, "Trump up" stats about unemployment.

No, it is true that Hispanic unemployment was at an all-time low in American history before the covid fraud started. No one disputes that actually, except you, because you are a low-information Democratic voter that the DNC exploits to enhance its power. They rely on people being misinformed and underinformed to win elections. You are a perfect example of that.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
This says it all about Covid-19 virus.. wearing masks is paramount and crucial. I'm glad the other countries in the world are taking this pandemic seriously.

Those other countries that are sending kids to school, you mean? Which ones are you talking about?

Since you and Moxie apparently think that Dr. Goofball Fauci is the only "scientist" in the world, allow me to introduce you to Dr. Jim Meehan, another scientist (there are others besides Fauci, believe it or not) who does not believe people should be wearing masks. Get an alternative view, AntiPusher. Open your mind. CNN is not a final religious authority:

Physician And Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks
JULY 4, 2020

by Jim Meehan, MD



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
This is the type of black life Moxie does not care about. If white leftists in Seattle are responsible for a black death, she doesn't care. Suddenly her empathy goes out the window:


the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Those other countries that are sending kids to school, you mean? Which ones are you talking about?

Since you and Moxie apparently think that Dr. Goofball Fauci is the only "scientist" in the world, allow me to introduce you to Dr. Jim Meehan, another scientist (there are others besides Fauci, believe it or not) who does not believe people should be wearing masks. Get an alternative view, AntiPusher. Open your mind. CNN is not a final religious authority:

Physician And Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks
JULY 4, 2020

by Jim Meehan, MD

I may be mistaken but this segment really originally was a BBC investigation..But enough of this foolishness with you Cali. Regardless of the news source, these numbers are to extraordinary to challenge. There's two things consistent with all the other countries that have flattened the curve of the Coronavirus.. Scientists and masks are the two most vitals reasons that the infections and death totals are at a minimum.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Those other countries that are sending kids to school, you mean? Which ones are you talking about?

Since you and Moxie apparently think that Dr. Goofball Fauci is the only "scientist" in the world, allow me to introduce you to Dr. Jim Meehan, another scientist (there are others besides Fauci, believe it or not) who does not believe people should be wearing masks. Get an alternative view, AntiPusher. Open your mind. CNN is not a final religious authority:

Physician And Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks
JULY 4, 2020

by Jim Meehan, MD

I am done with you and the face-mask discussion. I'm shooting a doc/ad in a hospital this week. They (and my industry) are unequivocal. Masks must be worn to protect people. These people are not playing around, not dealing with politics and they know what they're talking about. If you can't get why we in the US are doing so crap in terms of controlling the virus, if you keep making it about politics, then I have no more to say to you on this subject. Until there's a vaccine, we have to physically distance, wear masks in the appropriate circumstances, keep from having large gatherings, and figure out a smart way to get kids back to school. There are plenty of protocols in place to get us all back to work, and in my business, we're adhering to them. If you'd stop denying that this is actually happening and get with the program of how to work within it, it would be more useful.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I am done with you and the face-mask discussion. I'm shooting a doc/ad in a hospital this week. They (and my industry) are unequivocal. Masks must be worn to protect people. These people are not playing around, not dealing with politics and they know what they're talking about. If you can't get why we in the US are doing so crap in terms of controlling the virus, if you keep making it about politics, then I have no more to say to you on this subject. Until there's a vaccine, we have to physically distance, wear masks in the appropriate circumstances, keep from having large gatherings, and figure out a smart way to get kids back to school. There are plenty of protocols in place to get us all back to work, and in my business, we're adhering to them. If you'd stop denying that this is actually happening and get with the program of how to work within it, it would be more useful.

Lol.....a New York Democrat, living in a state whose Democratic Party political class has been the worst of any state political leadership in the USA at handling Covid, is lecturing everyone else on how to handle it. This is the equivalent of the D student in class telling everyone how to prepare for a test. Remarkable.

And neither you nor AntePaleolithic has yet to say a peep about Cuomo and other Democratic governors sending Covid patients into nursing homes, which is easily the dumbest decision by anyone in power in the history of the 21st century.
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