US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Moxie, please stfu: white leftists like you are the main reason that black inner city communities are in the condition that they are. Your ilk are the number one enemy of black people.

And, just to clarify: I rip on white people repeatedly, and you just glance past it. When I say that white left-wing people in North America and Western Europe are more dangerous than ISIS, I truly mean it. I especially mean it about white male leftists, who I consider the most vile and dangerous demographic in the world. I utterly loathe them. I find them to be depraved and vile philistines who are uncultured, ignorant, and destructive. (Were I ever to say something even slightly as critical of blacks, you would say I was being terribly racist. But when I say this about white leftists, who I harbor more ill will toward than anyone, you would never think to call it "RACIST".)

As for blacks in Baltimore and the Biden speech: none of them even remotely cares what he says. As I told you before, blacks overwhelmingly see Republicans as the white party and in their intense anti-white worldview, it hardly matters what the specifics are of what a politician says. As long as Biden makes reference at some point to racism and he is a Democrat, he will get their votes. That's all it takes.

Did you know that George f-ing Wallace of all people got 33% of the black vote in Alabama after he renounced segregation, simply because he ran for governor as a Democrat? That shows you how tribal, race-conscious, and party-addicted the black vote is.

Finally, if it was found that a certain Republican demographic performed as horrible in school as the Baltimore population does, you would have no problem insulting them and saying they were dumb Trump supporters. So please spare me the sanctimony. Thanks.

The speech consisted of completely inane, boilerplate left-wing and Democratic Party cliches. These cliches are recited by lazy pseudo-intellectuals and they have mass appeal among low-information and/or low-IQ voters. Does that clarify it for you?

It was "academic" only in the sense that many "academics" at the present time would agree with it. But since I consider most academics to be poorly educated, substandard buffoons, that does not impress me. One criticism I have of white society is the proliferation of pseudo-intellectuals it creates. Occasionally you find some brilliant scholars but for the most part you get a huge stream of buffoons and fools.
That was a lot of words to justify horse shit. Your post I cited was two ways about it. And contradictory. You don't even know what you're saying anymore. Or perhaps you're hoping that other people won't notice.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
That was a lot of words to justify horse shit. Your post I cited was two ways about it. And contradictory. You don't even know what you're saying anymore. Or perhaps you're hoping that other people won't notice.
Moxie , There's one thing that Black people and Donald Trump have in common. Neither one gives a shit about Cali.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I guess you don't understand the sensitivity of the notion of "law and order" in the context of history, the civil rights movement and the surge of the NRA.

Lol.....and this is why New York City has just been ransacked and looted. Idiots like Moxie vote and they put someone like De Blasio in power. I hope you like seeing the Nike store on 5th Avenue looted and ATM's blown up. And I hope you make sure none of that stops in the name of sensitivity. That will really help minority communities.

Thank you for proving my point that white leftists are, in practice, the #1 enemies of black people - whether most blacks realize it or not (though there is a small contingent around Candace Owens that does realize it, although I doubt you even know who Candace Owens is, given that you are a low-information Democratic voter).

In any case, one might think it was incumbent upon a President to find common ground for his people, and quell the anger with words of understanding and commonality.

For you, "common ground" is simply saying what you believe and what you want to hear. But that is not "common ground" because not everyone agrees with it. Not even close. Trump expressed sympathy for Floyd, called the Floyd family, and called for an investigation into the Minneapolis police department. Of course, that was not enough for you because you wanted him to prate about historic racism and all the inane generalities you believe.

Trump is meeting it with aggressive military tactics, tear gas, and "law and order" rhetoric.

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump has hardly even done anything. You just saw the city of Minneapolis go up in flames with hundreds of businesses destroyed including many that are black-owned - and you are here condemning Trump. Like I said, this just shows how fucking stupid the Democratic Party voting base is. It is completely low-information and dumb. And you prove it.

He's not speaking to America, he's fanning the flames.

Translation: he's not saying the stupid, destructive, counter-productive things that Moxie wants him to.

No one is blaming Trump for this, either. It's about how you handle it. Obama spoke out directly to communities in pain, and met with them.

Awwww, what a nice guy. Is that why his so-called "hometown" of Chicago has been the murder and shooting capital of the country for black Americans? Is it because he so graciously reaches out to communities that are beset by pain?

Again, you are absolutely clueless. Trump contacted the Floyd family immediately. Those were the only ones who needed to be contacted.

Trump has done nothing but sow division.

Translation: Trump has not said the inane things that Moxie believes in. But when "peaceful protestors" in Los Angeles loot a Gucci store and set a synagogue on fire, or when they burn down black-owned businesses in Minneapolis, or pull guns on women and shove them in cars, they are trying to unify the country.

It's about how you try to heal division, and Trump mostly understands a stern hand at putting down dissent, not calming and unifying a nation.

Putting down dissent, huh? Like the protesters who have attacked reporters from Reuters, NBC, and Fox News? Those are really open-minded people, I have to say. Btw, I didn't see you condemning the governor of New Jersey for arresting someone who tried to organize an actually peaceful protest against the stupid lockdown in New Jersey.

Trump has allowed the governors and mayors to have their cities trashed. And those cities are run by idiots elected into office by idiots like yourself.

Rather than address the cause of how we got here, he's addressing the symptoms.

Right.....exactly. In other words, you want him to stand up and talk about the evils of slavery and systemic racism for 3 hours (i.e. say what you agree with). But if he dared to point out that blacks have repeatedly voted Democrats to positions of power in major cities for the last 6 decades and that they have been unable to control crime in their cities, well, that obviously wouldn't be "unifying." It would be divisive.

Whenever you use the term "divisive," what you really mean is that you are hearing something you disagree with. And whenever you say "unite," you simply mean that a leader should say what you agree with. Nothing more, nothing less.

And the only symptom he sees, same as you, is destruction of property, not the destruction of lives.

You have absolutely no data to back up your belief that blacks are disproportionately mistreated by police. There is none. You are clueless.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Moxie , There's one thing that Black people and Donald Trump have in common. Neither one gives a shit about Cali.

And neither one gives a shit about you. Thanks for showing up though, low-IQ AP. Nothing like some low IQ comments from you to uplift the conversation. Thanks.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Remember that this started with the outrageous murder of a black man (again) at the hands of a cop (again.)

Here, let's cite a recent FBI Crime Report and your favorite newspaper, the Washington Garbage Post, for actual data. Put this in your low-information Democrat brain and try to process it.

These are 2019 numbers from the FBI Crime Report via the Washington Post:

- Approximately 10 million arrests in the United States
- Of those 10 million arrests, there were 1,004 fatal shootings that occurred
- Of those 1,004 fatal shootings, 41 were against unarmed people
- Of those 41 unarmed people, 19 were white males and 9 were black males

So, yes, that's right: in 2019, there were only 9 unarmed black males killed by police in the United States. If you listened to the media, you would think it was 90,000. The actual number is a tiny trivial number of 9, and it is lower than the figure for whites. 9 blacks killed on a weekend in Chicago is barely a news story, but apparently 9 amounts to a genocide if police commit the killings over a 365-day period.

The fact that you don't know this data is further proof of why I say that the Democratic Party relies on low-information and low-IQ voters.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So "peaceful protesters" fighting for a left-wing cause shoot a young girl and kill her. And Mrs. #MeToo Moxie is sitting here complaining that Trump wants laws enforced to prevent such an outcome. Trump is to blame! He dared mention "law and order" as a remedy for people shooting a young girl!

Moxie and the others excusing this trash behavior really are demented.

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Here is a black woman complaining that male "peaceful protesters" pulled guns on her. And who does the feminist Moxie side with? The males who pulled the guns on the black females.

That is the Democratic Party, folks. Contradictory and depraved. And the white leftists who excuse and promote this really are the most vile and contemptible of all. They harm blacks and white simultaneously. They are pure poison for everyone:



Apr 22, 2013
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Apr 22, 2013
I’ve seen dictators rise and fall. Beware, America.

By Salman Rushdie
Washington Post.
June 3, 2020

In my life, I have seen several dictators rise and fall. Today, I’m remembering those earlier incarnations of this unlovely breed.
In India in 1975, Indira Gandhi, found guilty of electoral malpractice, declared a state of emergency that granted her despotic powers. The “emergency,” as it became known, ended only when she called an election, believing she would win, and was annihilated at the polls. Her arrogance was her downfall. This cautionary tale formed a part of my novel “Midnight’s Children.”
In Pakistan in 1977, Gen. Mohammed Zia ul-Haq staged a coup against Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and executed him in 1979. This dark story was the inspiration for my novel “Shame.” The circumstances of my life have given me some understanding of the dictatorial cast of mind.
Extreme narcissism, detachment from reality, a fondness for sycophants and a distrust of truth-tellers, an obsession with how one is publicly portrayed, a hatred of journalists and the temperament of an out-of-control bulldozer: These are some of the characteristics.
President Trump is, temperamentally, a tinpot despot of this type. But he finds himself in charge of a country that has historically thought of itself — by no means always correctly — as being on the side of liberty. So far, with the collusion of the Republican Party, he has ruled more or less unchecked. Now an election looms, and he is unpopular, and flails about looking for a winning strategy. And if that means trampling over American freedoms, then so be it.
I have lived in the United States for 20 years and been a citizen for the past four. One of the most important reasons for becoming a citizen was my admiration for the ideas of freedom embodied in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Trump, whose regard for the Second Amendment is well known, needs reminding of the First, which, if I may help, states in part that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
And yet, the man whose incompetence allowed the pandemic to tighten its deadly grip around our necks, and whose inflammatory language full of racist dog whistles has played a significant role in unleashing white-supremacist bigotry upon us all, stands in the Rose Garden of the White House and announces without an iota of shame that he wants to protect peaceful protesters. At that very time, just down the street, his security forces, some of them on horseback, are attacking a peaceful protest with tear gas and rubber bullets. A moment later, he characterizes the demonstrators as terrorists and characterizes their protests as crimes against God.
He has the pictures to prove it: the fleeing young people, the clouds of tear gas, the line of horses advancing in the name of the Law. If there’s one thing Trump knows, it’s how to construct an image the cameras will like.
This man who, before he got his present job, was almost never seen inside a house of worship, then holds up a Bible outside a church to demonstrate his piety, and if the bishop of the diocese denounces him soon after, accusing him of misusing the church in the service of “a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus,” what of it? Once again, he has the pictures, and they speak louder.
We are so inured to the behavior of this man, so used to his lies, his inexhaustible self-regard, his stupidity, that maybe we are tempted to think of this as just another day in Trumpistan. But this time, something different is happening. The uprising that began with the killing of George Floyd is not fizzling but growing. The man in the White House is scared, and even, for a time, takes refuge in the basement and turns out the lights. What is such a person to do at such a time?

If he is allowed to use the actions of a tiny minority of criminals and white extremist infiltrators to invalidate the honorable protest of the vast majority against the murder of Floyd, the violence of the police toward the black community and the entrenched power of American racism, he will be on his way to despotism. He has threatened to use the Army against American citizens, a threat one might have expected from a leader of the former Soviet Union, but not of the United States.
In my most recent novel, “Quichotte,” I characterized the present moment as the “Age of Anything-Can-Happen.” Today I say, beware, America. Don’t believe that it can’t happen here.

Salman Rushdie is a novelist.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I’ve seen dictators rise and fall. Beware, America.

By Salman Rushdie
Washington Post.
June 3, 2020

In my life, I have seen several dictators rise and fall. Today, I’m remembering those earlier incarnations of this unlovely breed.
In India in 1975, Indira Gandhi, found guilty of electoral malpractice, declared a state of emergency that granted her despotic powers. The “emergency,” as it became known, ended only when she called an election, believing she would win, and was annihilated at the polls. Her arrogance was her downfall. This cautionary tale formed a part of my novel “Midnight’s Children.”
In Pakistan in 1977, Gen. Mohammed Zia ul-Haq staged a coup against Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and executed him in 1979. This dark story was the inspiration for my novel “Shame.” The circumstances of my life have given me some understanding of the dictatorial cast of mind.
Extreme narcissism, detachment from reality, a fondness for sycophants and a distrust of truth-tellers, an obsession with how one is publicly portrayed, a hatred of journalists and the temperament of an out-of-control bulldozer: These are some of the characteristics.
President Trump is, temperamentally, a tinpot despot of this type. But he finds himself in charge of a country that has historically thought of itself — by no means always correctly — as being on the side of liberty. So far, with the collusion of the Republican Party, he has ruled more or less unchecked. Now an election looms, and he is unpopular, and flails about looking for a winning strategy. And if that means trampling over American freedoms, then so be it.
I have lived in the United States for 20 years and been a citizen for the past four. One of the most important reasons for becoming a citizen was my admiration for the ideas of freedom embodied in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Trump, whose regard for the Second Amendment is well known, needs reminding of the First, which, if I may help, states in part that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
And yet, the man whose incompetence allowed the pandemic to tighten its deadly grip around our necks, and whose inflammatory language full of racist dog whistles has played a significant role in unleashing white-supremacist bigotry upon us all, stands in the Rose Garden of the White House and announces without an iota of shame that he wants to protect peaceful protesters. At that very time, just down the street, his security forces, some of them on horseback, are attacking a peaceful protest with tear gas and rubber bullets. A moment later, he characterizes the demonstrators as terrorists and characterizes their protests as crimes against God.
He has the pictures to prove it: the fleeing young people, the clouds of tear gas, the line of horses advancing in the name of the Law. If there’s one thing Trump knows, it’s how to construct an image the cameras will like.
This man who, before he got his present job, was almost never seen inside a house of worship, then holds up a Bible outside a church to demonstrate his piety, and if the bishop of the diocese denounces him soon after, accusing him of misusing the church in the service of “a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus,” what of it? Once again, he has the pictures, and they speak louder.
We are so inured to the behavior of this man, so used to his lies, his inexhaustible self-regard, his stupidity, that maybe we are tempted to think of this as just another day in Trumpistan. But this time, something different is happening. The uprising that began with the killing of George Floyd is not fizzling but growing. The man in the White House is scared, and even, for a time, takes refuge in the basement and turns out the lights. What is such a person to do at such a time?

If he is allowed to use the actions of a tiny minority of criminals and white extremist infiltrators to invalidate the honorable protest of the vast majority against the murder of Floyd, the violence of the police toward the black community and the entrenched power of American racism, he will be on his way to despotism. He has threatened to use the Army against American citizens, a threat one might have expected from a leader of the former Soviet Union, but not of the United States.
In my most recent novel, “Quichotte,” I characterized the present moment as the “Age of Anything-Can-Happen.” Today I say, beware, America. Don’t believe that it can’t happen here.

Salman Rushdie is a novelist.
Maybe you should post Stormy Daniels thoughts of this wantabe "dictator". Cali, can you dig up some old quotes from her.
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Apr 22, 2013
Drew Brees + partner.
ah! thanks mate. I should have thought about that. I've just been listening to the whole Drew Brees controversy. Thoughts on it? I heard Killer Mike's response and I thought it was interesting. In a way I want to feel sorry for Drew Brees, he walked right into a buzz saw, but I can't...

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
ah! thanks mate. I should have thought about that. I've just been listening to the whole Drew Brees controversy. Thoughts on it? I heard Killer Mike's response and I thought it was interesting. In a way I want to feel sorry for Drew Brees, he walked right into a buzz saw, but I can't...
Tone deaf football QB...He is going to have a very painful season..I can imagine that there's gonna be quite a few missed tackles by his right tackle and especially from his blind side Left tackle..

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
very interesting points about the Confederate flag...

Killer "Michael his given Christian name" brings it. I guarantee you that Trump's#1 extremely extraordinary right wing supporter will have a plethora of anti killer Mike crap to say today.


Apr 22, 2013
not often I agree with the Arsenal support Piers Morgan, but he's right. Absolutely barking mad! :laugh:

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