US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Clearly NOT peaceful protestors. So what is your point with these two examples? That CNN and the DNC are inciting violence? that even a serious question Moxie? I just watched CNN for 30 minutes straight and they were describing the protesters outside the White House in the most laudatory terms, with barely a mention of Macy's in NYC being looted or the Nike store on 5th Ave being looted or any of the other hundreds of examples across the country.

When I hear conservatives saying things like "I support the right to peacefully protest but not to loot," I want to vomit. The left is not capable of peaceful protests. And in this case they have absolutely nothing to protest. Minneapolis is a Democrat-run city. Trump called for an immediate DOJ investigation into the Floyd case, and the DOJ launched an investigation. The officers were fired, and the officer who knelt on Floyd (who it was just revealed had fentanyl and meth in his system) was charged with murder.

There is nothing to protest. This whole outburst is an exercise in irrational stupidity and hate.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I have heard no reports of this, and find nothing from an internet search. Where are you hearing this?

Lol....there was just a black cop shot and killed in St. Louis. Your information sources are horrible. I could cite dozens of examples, all of which the New York Times is carefully hiding in order to keep you in the dark about reality.

At Least Five Police Officers Reportedly Shot, One On Life Support As Rioters And Law Enforcement Battle Across The Country



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
now this is the sort of speech a President should make...

Lol.....I just had the opportunity to watch that entire garbage video. That dumb senile piece of shit is blaming these riots on Trump, when the same exact same thing happened during the Obama tenure in Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlotte, Milwaukee, and other places. And the city of Minneapolis today is run by Democrats. Yet that moron is blaming Trump. Right, genius.

Then of course he made a selective appeal to empathy, talking about the son that he lost. (I'm glad that he didn't talk about the one who got kicked out of the Navy for using cocaine and who abandoned the woman of his child.) And how about some empathy for the thousands of storeowners across America who just saw their life's work destroyed by low-IQ Democratic Party-voting, rioting cretins?

And, finally, for that piece of shit to talk about Native Americans being mistreated? Wow. When his son Hunter and their close family friend Devin Archer (both of whom were involved with Burisma in Ukraine) orchestrated a fraud scheme against a Native American tribe? What a piece of garbage Biden is. He can only be supported by low-information, poorly educated Democratic Party voters.

"There was, for example, Hunter’s involvement with an entity called Burnham Financial Group, where his business partner Devon Archer — who’d been at Yale with Hunter — sat on the board of directors. Burnham became the vehicle for a number of murky deals abroad, involving connected oligarchs in Kazakhstan and state-owned businesses in China.

But one of the most troubling Burnham ventures was here in the United States, in which Burnham became the center of a federal investigation involving a $60 million fraud scheme against one of the poorest Indian tribes in America, the Oglala Sioux.

Devon Archer was arrested in New York in May 2016 and charged with “orchestrating a scheme to defraud investors and a Native American tribal entity of tens of millions of dollars.” Other victims of the fraud included several public and union pension plans. Although Hunter Biden was not charged in the case, his fingerprints were all over Burnham. The “legitimacy” that his name and political status as the vice president’s son lent to the plan was brought up repeatedly in the trial."

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'm not sure why you're laughing out loud at that. Just another case of how one-upmanship matters more to you than the humanity of these situations.

I'm laughing at how clueless you are about the harsh reality of what is going on with the looting and destruction being perpetrated by the Democratic Party constituents, both black and white. You, Mrs. MeToo, apparently don't even know about how women have been kidnapped, assaulted, and beaten by these Democratic Party cretins in the streets:

Woman Found Dead in Car in Minneapolis Following Night of Kidnappings, Random Cars Being Shot At By Rioters



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
OK, just to recap the above: You said that the speech was designed for idiots, but the stupid blacks in Baltimore are still too uneducated to get it.

Moxie, please stfu: white leftists like you are the main reason that black inner city communities are in the condition that they are. Your ilk are the number one enemy of black people.

And, just to clarify: I rip on white people repeatedly, and you just glance past it. When I say that white left-wing people in North America and Western Europe are more dangerous than ISIS, I truly mean it. I especially mean it about white male leftists, who I consider the most vile and dangerous demographic in the world. I utterly loathe them. I find them to be depraved and vile philistines who are uncultured, ignorant, and destructive. (Were I ever to say something even slightly as critical of blacks, you would say I was being terribly racist. But when I say this about white leftists, who I harbor more ill will toward than anyone, you would never think to call it "RACIST".)

As for blacks in Baltimore and the Biden speech: none of them even remotely cares what he says. As I told you before, blacks overwhelmingly see Republicans as the white party and in their intense anti-white worldview, it hardly matters what the specifics are of what a politician says. As long as Biden makes reference at some point to racism and he is a Democrat, he will get their votes. That's all it takes.

Did you know that George f-ing Wallace of all people got 33% of the black vote in Alabama after he renounced segregation, simply because he ran for governor as a Democrat? That shows you how tribal, race-conscious, and party-addicted the black vote is.

Finally, if it was found that a certain Republican demographic performed as horrible in school as the Baltimore population does, you would have no problem insulting them and saying they were dumb Trump supporters. So please spare me the sanctimony. Thanks.

Also, it didn't make any logical sense...was the speech "low-IQ, low-information," or was it "academic?"

The speech consisted of completely inane, boilerplate left-wing and Democratic Party cliches. These cliches are recited by lazy pseudo-intellectuals and they have mass appeal among low-information and/or low-IQ voters. Does that clarify it for you?

It was "academic" only in the sense that many "academics" at the present time would agree with it. But since I consider most academics to be poorly educated, substandard buffoons, that does not impress me. One criticism I have of white society is the proliferation of pseudo-intellectuals it creates. Occasionally you find some brilliant scholars but for the most part you get a huge stream of buffoons and fools.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Apparently this black life mattered a lot less than George Floyd's. He was just a cop, so who cares, right?



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Moxie, please stfu: white leftists like you are the main reason that black inner city communities are in the condition that they are. Your ilk are the number one enemy of black people.
Actually, people like you who call folks too dumb to understand politics and determine things for themselves would be much more likely the "enemy of the black people."
And, just to clarify: I rip on white people repeatedly, and you just glance past it. When I say that white left-wing people in North America and Western Europe are more dangerous than ISIS, I truly mean it. I especially mean it about white male leftists, who I consider the most vile and dangerous demographic in the world. I utterly loathe them. I find them to be depraved and vile philistines who are uncultured, ignorant, and destructive. (Were I ever to say something even slightly as critical of blacks, you would say I was being terribly racist. But when I say this about white leftists, who I harbor more ill will toward than anyone, you would never think to call it "RACIST".)
Calling out leftists, black or white doesn't make you race-blind, it makes you a right-wing extremist, which you are. You call out whites on the left because you see them as traitors to the race. That's why you call them ISIS x 1000. (Jeepers, you repeat yourself, too.)
As for blacks in Baltimore and the Biden speech: none of them even remotely cares what he says. As I told you before, blacks overwhelmingly see Republicans as the white party and in their intense anti-white worldview, it hardly matters what the specifics are of what a politician says. As long as Biden makes reference at some point to racism and he is a Democrat, he will get their votes. That's all it takes.

Oh, once again: you, the mouthpiece for the mind and opinion of black people in America. I think we've established that you are really, uh-hem...not qualified to be that. Your quote above is astonishingly patriarchal and racist. You kinda had some nerve to call out Biden. His was a gaffe. Yours is a world-view.
Did you know that George f-ing Wallace of all people got 33% of the black vote in Alabama after he renounced segregation, simply because he ran for governor as a Democrat? That shows you how tribal, race-conscious, and party-addicted the black vote is.
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but bringing up George Wallace to shore up your side isn't really a good look, now, is it? It's also a anachronism to make much of Wallace being a Democrat, as the south was Democrat and racist in those years. That was before the Republicans weaponized racism to swing them over to their party.
Finally, if it was found that a certain Republican demographic performed as horrible in school as the Baltimore population does, you would have no problem insulting them and saying they were dumb Trump supporters. So please spare me the sanctimony. Thanks.

I don't know why you have it in so bad for Baltimore, except that Trump does, and you parrot him.
The speech consisted of completely inane, boilerplate left-wing and Democratic Party cliches. These cliches are recited by lazy pseudo-intellectuals and they have mass appeal among low-information and/or low-IQ voters. Does that clarify it for you?

It was "academic" only in the sense that many "academics" at the present time would agree with it. But since I consider most academics to be poorly educated, substandard buffoons, that does not impress me. One criticism I have of white society is the proliferation of pseudo-intellectuals it creates. Occasionally you find some brilliant scholars but for the most part you get a huge stream of buffoons and fools.
This means nothing. It is merely a word salad and a walking back of what you said before, which was just completely contradictory. There was nothing "left-wing" about Biden's speech. It was a rally call to the best of us as Americans. It was a really Presidential speech, in a time when we needed it. I've been asking for such an address from Trump, but he seems incapable. You keep talking about "low-information/low-IQ voters." In that context you mention black people. You also cite liberals. So basically you think that the only people who are qualified to vote are the shaky 30% that support Trump, is that it? No notion of actual democracy for you. You have a very narrow definition of who is qualified to have an opinion, and it maps right down on those who have the same as yours.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And then we have a black cop run over by "peaceful protesters" in Atlanta.....



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And Moxie accused me of lacking empathy for the homeless....the white male leftist barbarians of Antifa just set fire to a homeless man's camp. I have never done that.



Apr 22, 2013
It's fair to say this has probably been the worst fortnight for Trump. He's really not helping himself


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's fair to say this has probably been the worst fortnight for Trump. He's really not helping himself

Lmao.....yeah, because he hasn't said what you and Moxie want to hear, and the only thing you tolerate, which is inane left-wing clichés that have nothing to do with reality. There is nothing Trump could ever do that you would approve of short of becoming a Democrat and reciting idiotic left-wing platitudes about history and society.

Speaking of helping themselves, isn't it such an awesome look for the Trump-hating Democratic mayors of Minneapolis, New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Chicago that large parts of their cities are in ruins? They sure haven't helped themselves. I hope they enjoy cleaning up the mess they created by unnecessarily keeping people inside for 3 months on the basis of the ridiculous COVID superstition and then inciting them to riot. Great. Have fun cleaning up your cities now, dumbasses.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's fair to say this has probably been the worst fortnight for Trump. He's really not helping himself

Also, remarks like this show that for Tinfoil Federbergy, everything is political to go after Trump. That was the case with the "COVID" silliness and it's the case now with a police brutality incident in a Democrat-run city and Democrat-run state. Tinfoil Federbergy shares the CNN pathology of waking up every day distraught that Donald Trump is president and every storyline in his mind must be crafted to end that nightmare, no matter how distant the connection or outlandish the argument.

But I'm glad to see Federberg is no longer worried that he will die from COVID. Or are you still scared Federberg? I hope you have your mask on. It's so important. So important. But Fauci wants you to know it's now okay to stand in a crowd of 10,000 sweaty bodies shouting "NYPD Suck My Dick" in New York City. That's completely healthy as long as you keep your mask on and vote Democrat this fall.


Apr 22, 2013
Lmao.....yeah, because he hasn't said what you and Moxie want to hear, and the only thing you tolerate, which is inane left-wing clichés that have nothing to do with reality. There is nothing Trump could ever do that you would approve of short of becoming a Democrat and reciting idiotic left-wing platitudes about history and society.

Speaking of helping themselves, isn't it such an awesome look for the Trump-hating Democratic mayors of Minneapolis, New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Chicago that large parts of their cities are in ruins? They sure haven't helped themselves. I hope they enjoy cleaning up the mess they created by unnecessarily keeping people inside for 3 months on the basis of the ridiculous COVID superstition and then inciting them to riot. Great. Have fun cleaning up your cities now, dumbasses.
you can say what you want mate, it doesn't make it true. I agreed with Trump's concerns about China, although his execution was appalling. I agreed with Trump's disdain for foreign adventurism. I applauded his signing the Criminal Justice Bill. But the man has looked like an absolute pussy during this pandemic, and he's been hapless dealing with the George Floyd murder. Trying to implement a "law and order" strategy when you're the incumbent is dubious in my opinion. You're effectively conceding that it's been a shit show under your own watch. Meanwhile Biden has largely given the stage over to Trump and allowed him to reveal his own incompetence. It's not been a good look for him. Using a bible as a prop, and deploying tear gas against citizens who were peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment rights was a mistake. I know you know that, you just don't have the maturity or courage to admit that. That's on you. Nothing wrong with admitting when your guy gets it wrong ;)
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
you can say what you want mate, it doesn't make it true. I agreed with Trump's concerns about China, although his execution was appalling. I agreed with Trump's disdain for foreign adventurism. I applauded his signing the Criminal Justice Bill. But the man has looked like an absolute pussy during this pandemic, and he's been hapless dealing with the George Floyd murder.

Re George Floyd: he immediately called the Floyd family, expressed sympathy on Twitter, and ordered the DOJ to investigate the Minneapolis police department. He did everything you would want him to.

Re the pandemic: he may have looked like a pussy to you, but he did exactly what you want - which is defer to Fauci and the so-called "experts." I think he should have opposed the lockdowns in virtually all cases except a few. If anyone has a reason to think he looked like a pussy, it's me, not you.

But of course, I know what you mean. What you are saying is that he should not have allowed a state-by-state strategy. You don't like that he allowed Republican governors to be effective and re-open their states. You think he should have imposed a national lockdown in line with the Democratic Party's wishes. That, to you, would have been "leadership." But it would have been dumb and unnecessarily destructive.

Trying to implement a "law and order" strategy when you're the incumbent is dubious in my opinion. You're effectively conceding that it's been a shit show under your own watch.

How the hell are the cities under his watch? The U.S. has a federalist type of government and most of the urban leaders have no respect or regard for anything Trump says. Governors and mayors have power in their jurisdictions. The president is not dictator of every city and every county. It's not his fault that De Blasio would not call the national guard. It's not his fault that the mayor of Minneapolis let the city burn to the ground. And if Trump had sent the national guard or military in, you would have called him a "dictator" and said that he was going after "peaceful protestors" who were peacefully looting Target and peacefully burning Autozone, Wendy's, and Wal Mart to the ground.

Also, the law and order strategy is necessary right now. What is the alternative? To allow even more burglary and rioting and property destruction?

I also doubt that you blamed the rioting in Baltimore, Ferguson, Milwaukee, Charlotte, and other places during Obama's tenure on Obama himself.

Using a bible as a prop, and deploying tear gas against citizens who were peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment rights was a mistake.

Oh yeah, peaceful protest.....for you to still be insisting that these protests are peaceful is beyond ridiculous. Those "peaceful protestors" outside the White House threw things at a reporter on Friday and chased him away. They are one step away from exploding into violence. Plus, their protest outside the White House is just dumb. It is completely irrational and it is meant to intimidate.

Nothing wrong with admitting when your guy gets it wrong ;)

I told you that I think he gave in to the lockdown crowd too much during the COVID crisis and gave goofball Fauci too much power.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Actually, people like you who call folks too dumb to understand politics and determine things for themselves would be much more likely the "enemy of the black people."

Yes, in your white leftist, self-serving predesigned script which blocks out any possible explanation for what's wrong in the world besides white right-wing people affiliated with the Republican Party supposedly doing something bad. Absolutely nothing else could possibly be to blame for anything in your cultish thinking. When the entire government of Minneapolis is controlled by Democrats who think like you and the state of Minnesota has a Democratic governor and Democratic attorney general and "the people" voted Ilhan Omar to office, whose fault is it in your mind that the George Floyd case occurred? Republicans, and Trump, and red counties. That is not rational thought. That is ideological zealotry.

But let's get one thing straight.....the white left has been running this country's media, universities, and government since the 1960s. We have been living under a white left-wing regime nationally with a heavy influence from black leftists in urban areas. Your white left-wing ideas have failed in the last 60 years. City after city have seen nothing but failure from what you advocate. Those cities have as great a track record as Roddick did against Federer, except Roddick at least won a small handful of matches. And that's what I mean when I say that your ilk are the number 1 enemy of black people. Everything you have advocated and continue to advocate is poison for them. The perfect example is the encouragement of these riots. They are going to set numerous black areas back for decades.

That said, I am not excusing blacks entirely for white leftist idiocy. Blacks are also complicit in it. For over half a century, they have blindly and irrationally attached themselves in mass to the Democratic Party. When Baltimore has not had a Republican mayor since 1967, I can't say I feel bad for the constituents of the city. And do I think they have been politically dumb in repeatedly voting for their own self-destruction? Yes, I do. I do not think the people of Baltimore are politically intelligent. I think they are, politically speaking, morons.

Calling out leftists, black or white doesn't make you race-blind,

Lol....I never claimed to be race-blind. But clearly you equate "racism" with not being race blind, or to state it inversely, you think it is impossible to not be a "racist" if you see racial differences because, by definition, racism to you means believing there are any racial differences at all (with the one exception being that there is a subset of whites that has a psychological problem called "racism"). Well, by that definition, let me break it to you: blacks are highly racist. They certainly see differences between themselves and whites, and they consider whites to be morally inferior people. If you don't know that, you simply don't interact with them and don't know them very well.

it makes you a right-wing extremist, which you are.

The left defines any dissent from its irrational, unscientific orthodoxy as "right-wing extremism."

You call out whites on the left because you see them as traitors to the race. That's why you call them ISIS x 1000.

No, my labeling of them as ISIS times 1,000 is far more comprehensive and profound than that. The vitriolic political anti-whiteness of the white left is just one of a long list of problems I have with it, and to me it is actually at the bottom of the list. I see them as lazy, philistine, destructive, irrational, highly bigoted, uncultured, pretentious, and contemptuous of everything that has made the Western world successful. They have gutted Classical education, they hate Christianity, they constantly attack free-market economics, and they go beyond just criticism of white society into the zone of intense political demonization of the white race and European ethnicities in a manner that the Black Panthers would have a hard time surpassing. In other words, they loathe just about everything that has made the West the most prosperous and successful civilization that others want to come to. (Of course, white leftists pitifully advance these ideas while being very white culturally and often living in heavily, if not exclusively, white areas - like Michael Moore, who lives in a 98% white town in Michigan).

So when I say white leftists are ISIS times 1,000, I am talking about far more than race. I am referring to a wide panoply of issues. And the current destruction of monuments and businesses by these people is behavior that we would normally associate with ISIS.

In my view, they advocate ideas that keep blacks down and damage their communities, while encouraging whites to debase themselves. There is a space between being hateful toward other races and then, on the other hand, totally debasing yourself. There is a middle ground. What white leftists do is tell whites that they have to constantly debase themselves and have no self-respect. But having no self-respect is not a prerequisite to getting along with someone else. You can do both at the same time.

Oh, once again: you, the mouthpiece for the mind and opinion of black people in America.

I never claimed to be the "mouthpiece" of black people in America. I claim to understand them because I actually listen to what they have to say and pay attention to what they do. You - and other white leftists - do not even bother to rationally analyze black people because you define them in a manner that is politically and ideologically convenient for you.

I think we've established that you are really, uh-hem...not qualified to be that.

Lol.....what qualifies someone to be a "mouthpiece" for black America? Oh, I know. Not rationally analyzing black people or black culture and looking at positives and negatives as you would with anything else. What establishes someone to be a "mouthpiece" for black people (in your mind) is to indulge the most intense anti-white political prejudices, to show unfailing loyalty to the Democratic Party and its silly policy proposals, and to not dissent in the slightest from Democratic Party orthodoxy.

Your quote above is astonishingly patriarchal and racist. You kinda had some nerve to call out Biden. His was a gaffe. Yours is a world-view.

I did not call out Biden. I actually said that his comments were a perfect characterization of the black political mindset for the last 60 years. When did I call out Biden?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but bringing up George Wallace to shore up your side isn't really a good look, now, is it?

Look, I'm sorry that you are this ignorant about American history, but George Wallace renounced segregation late in his political career after adopting some kind of born-again Christianity. He ran for governor again in 1981, and he ran as a Democrat. Despite his segregationist past, he got 33% of the black vote in Alabama - a proportion that a Republican presidential candidate could only dream of getting.

My point being: blacks are so addicted to the Democratic Party that 33% of them were still willing to vote for George Wallace.

As for the rest of your utterly nonsensical post, I'll address it later.....
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Also, the law and order strategy is necessary right now. What is the alternative? To allow even more burglary and rioting and property destruction?

I guess you don't understand the sensitivity of the notion of "law and order" in the context of history, the civil rights movement and the surge of the NRA. In any case, one might think it was incumbent upon a President to find common ground for his people, and quell the anger with words of understanding and commonality. Remember that this started with the outrageous murder of a black man (again) at the hands of a cop (again.) This didn't start with civil unrest. Trump is meeting it with aggressive military tactics, tear gas, and "law and order" rhetoric. He's not speaking to America, he's fanning the flames.
I also doubt that you blamed the rioting in Baltimore, Ferguson, Milwaukee, Charlotte, and other places during Obama's tenure on Obama himself.

No one is blaming Trump for this, either. It's about how you handle it. Obama spoke out directly to communities in pain, and met with them. Trump has done nothing but sow division. It's about how you try to heal division, and Trump mostly understands a stern hand at putting down dissent, not calming and unifying a nation. Rather than address the cause of how we got here, he's addressing the symptoms. And the only symptom he sees, same as you, is destruction of property, not the destruction of lives.
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