US Politics Thread

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I am not. In fact, I am not even upset about the riots. I am saying that they do not achieve the goal. I won't debate what for me (and I think for all) is settled (which is the fact that the murder is unnacceptable). The only thing I am debating is which is the most effective way to do protest and change anything. It is also obvious for me that people need to protest in a variety of ways, and that protests will occur no matter what.

But, yes, as I live in a country were we have the same problem, perhaps I (as a lot of people here and there, of all the skin colors) am used to this kind of senseless death, so we lose the capacity to be outraged.

Again, all deaths due to unnecessary police brutality are unnacceptable to me. Obviously, any kind of race violence is also unnacceptable. Put the two together and you get something even worst. That is a given. We can at least assume that everyone here does accept cold blood murder AND racism. I won't engage in the "who is more outraged" competition. But, believe me, I think that was barbaric. The question I always ask is: how do you prevent the next one?
"How do you prevent the next one"

1. The current police structure needs to be overhauled. Any POLICE officer who has more than 3 complaints needs to be terminated because apparently they are not mentally prepared to perform the role of Serve and Protect all regardless of Race , Color or Creed.
2. There needs to be a very thorough IA investigation of all police officers and if needed an anonymous way to report the "known" racist cops without the faternial threat of any type of retailation or retribution
3.. Quit using tax papers taxes to fund the salaries of police that have been put on administration leave or etc . Take these funds out of the police pension plans .
4. Quit being Silent whenever you see injustice being done..e.g. where were the voices when Breonna Taylor was murdered while sleeping..that's almost as WORST as what happened to George Floyd's murder. Quit focusing on the riots and the fires...that's property, Property can be replaced, George, Breonna, Tamire, Trayvon and the countless others life cannot be replaced. Say Their Names quit remaining silent and trying to say well, I didn't know those people, it didn't affect me or my family and friends..This is more than a United States crisis, it will happen in the UK, all of Europe and Asia. This isn't something that will go away like the common cold. Your Life is no more valuable than anyone that have perish at the hands of the police.. Blacks can live with being disenfranchised at work, lack of healthcare, business opportunities or living conditions but They will no longer continue to watch unarmed blacks being murdered by Policemen. (Don't get the narrative twisted by other ways Blacks and others die every day). .I hope that answers your question Mrzz
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I don't get you ..First you call us idiots or low IQ..
All of us in our own way rebuttal your feeble insults . Yet you STILL are unhappy..
Why are you unhappy? Do you have a friend or a loved one who can help you in your times of crisis? are proving my point yet again. What kind of moronic tool goes on an anonymous message board and constantly talks about and asks about the personal lives of other people? You can't avoid it. What difference does it make if I tell you I'm married, single, or dating? Only you feel the need to go there, and go there repeatedly. I could just as easily ask if you've ever even kissed a girl because your jokes are lame, but I won't go there.

This is utterly stupid, beyond belief.

If it's something physically and mentally wrong with you. Then go seek medical assistance..

I recommend that you seek out basic middle school level literacy so you can write out a simple conditional sentence with the right verb tenses.

You have no way of knowing if anyone here is "unhappy" or "miserable." It amazes me that you insist that you do know, or even care. You can't just discuss ideas and leave it at that. Happiness is largely a matter of mood and momentary enjoyment anyway. It comes and it goes.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
4. Quit being Silent whenever you see injustice being done..e.g. where were the voices when Breonna Taylor was murdered while sleeping..that's almost as WORST as what happened to George Floyd's murder.

"As worst"? This is apparently the linguistic level of Democratic Party voters.


Apr 14, 2013
"How do you prevent the next one"

1. The current police structure needs to be overhauled. Any POLICE officer who has more than 3 complaints needs to be terminated because apparently they are not mentally prepared to perform the role of Serve and Protect all regardless of Race , Color or Creed.
2. There needs to be a very thorough IA investigation of all police officers and if needed an anonymous way to report the "known" racist cops without the faternial threat of any type of retailation or retribution
3.. Quit using tax papers taxes to fund the salaries of police that have been put on administration leave or etc . Take these funds out of the police pension plans .
4. Quit being Silent whenever you see injustice being done..e.g. where were the voices when Breonna Taylor was murdered while sleeping..that's almost as WORST as what happened to George Floyd's murder. Quit focusing on the riots and the fires...that's property, Property can be replaced, George, Breonna, Tamire, Trayvon and the countless others life cannot be replaced. Say Their Names quit remaining silent and trying to say well, I didn't know those people, it didn't affect me or my family and friends..This is more than a United States crisis, it will happen in the UK, all of Europe and Asia. This isn't something that will go away like the common cold. Your Life is no more valuable than anyone that have perish at the hands of the police.. Blacks can live with being disenfranchised at work, lack of healthcare, business opportunities or living conditions but They will no longer continue to watch unarmed blacks being murdered by Policemen. (Don't get the narrative twisted by other ways Blacks and others die every day). .I hope that answers your question Mrzz

It does. People will debate it, but that is how is possible to move forward. Thanks for putting it out.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
What do you mean Your Burn everything Revolution". BB , you trying to make this AP and the rioters..I am not going to restate what I stated previously. Then you bring up some Cali posting of some white person which I haven't bother to view and lastly you bring up a Black Mayor , a black police chief and CNN...You STILL don't get it. And you wonder why I said BB you're Wrong You're the problem.

I was referring to your post yesterday about Burning everything and destroying the establishment. The Atlanta situation made me wonder what you would be replacing it with, given the people involved.

Sure, you won't look at Cali's video. It's even more chilling than the George Floyd murder. It doesn't resonate with you, so you won't care... that was the point.

If people who don't like wanton violence, looting (much of which Is opportunism and nothing to do with grief or George Floyd), and reprisal murders aren't part of your solution then all I can say is, good.

I'd hazard a guess that anybody seeking empathy for rioters would quickly do a U-turn if it was their own property or business and would be frantically dialling 911.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
If the police break laws then they should be held accountable. It's not a green flag for everybody else to break the law. Otherwise, you're left with anarchy.
I still think that what you are missing is that, for some parts of the population here, the fact that the police murder them already IS anarchy. There is a great frustration that property/buildings matter more than the lives of black people. That is also part of the lashing out. (That idea doesn't come from me, btw.)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'd hazard a guess that anybody seeking empathy for rioters would quickly do a 360 turn if it was their own property or business and would be frantically dialling 911.

Something like that actually just happened with a left-wing ESPN journalist. He egged the rioters on via his social media account and then panicked later that night when they got near his house. These people are frauds:

Writer For ESPN Encourages Terrorists to “Burn Down” Low-Income Housing Unit – Then FREAKS OUT When Rioters Show Up at His House!

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I still think that what you are missing is that, for some parts of the population here, the fact that the police murder them already IS anarchy. There is a great frustration that property/buildings matter more than the lives of black people.

And that view is utterly absurd, with no basis in fact or reason at all. It is just plain stupid. And it is the product of the venom being spewed by idiotic white leftists such as yourself, who are the most dangerous demographic on the planet.

That is also part of the lashing out. (That idea doesn't come from me, btw.)

Lol.....yes, lashing out on the basis of a ridiculous and fact-free premise. None of the statistics support any of the claims of Black Lives Matter, Kaepernick, or the so-called protesters. They are acting out on the basis of misinformation and lies.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I don't get you ..First you call us idiots or low IQ..
All of us in our own way rebuttal your feeble insults . Yet you STILL are unhappy..
Why are you unhappy?

Lol.....quite rich (and also downright stupid) for someone who supports a party whose constituents have just looted and vandalized dozens of cities across the United States to be accusing someone else of "unhappiness." Truly remarkable.

Was this woman in Minneapolis who was kidnapped and forcibly shoved into a car against her will "happy" to be among such "happy" people?

Women Reportedly Being Kidnapped and Pulled Into Cars During Minneapolis Riot, Random Drivers Being Shot At



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Something like that actually just happened with a left-wing ESPN journalist. He egged the rioters on via his social media account and then panicked later that night when they got near his house. These people are frauds:

Writer For ESPN Encourages Terrorists to “Burn Down” Low-Income Housing Unit – Then FREAKS OUT When Rioters Show Up at His House!

You couldn't make it up. I notice he's fine with the arsonists and looters torching low-cost housing.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
113 are proving my point yet again. What kind of moronic tool goes on an anonymous message board and constantly talks about and asks about the personal lives of other people? You can't avoid it. What difference does it make if I tell you I'm married, single, or dating? Only you feel the need to go there, and go there repeatedly. I could just as easily ask if you've ever even kissed a girl because your jokes are lame, but I won't go there.

This is utterly stupid, beyond belief.

I recommend that you seek out basic middle school level literacy so you can write out a simple conditional sentence with the right verb tenses.

You have no way of knowing if anyone here is "unhappy" or "miserable." It amazes me that you insist that you do know, or even care. You can't just discuss ideas and leave it at that. Happiness is largely a matter of mood and momentary enjoyment anyway. It comes and it goes.
Cali you don't post with any type of calm..You post like the woman who falsely claimed she was being attacked by a African American are miserable follower and most likely a every aspect of LIFE (personally, professionally and mentally). No I don't care about if you pass or fail in this society. However you are just a pawn in Trump's simple plan to be a Dictator.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There are three different things at stake here, Cali.

1) The fact itself -- which demands protest;

No it doesn't. There are laws on the books and procedures in place for punishing police misconduct. There was consensus about the Floyd video that the police officer used excessive force. The president of the United States immediately called the Floyd family and asked for the DOJ to investigate the incident. The DOJ immediately announced an investigation into it. The 4 police officers involved were fired, and the one who knelt on Floyd's neck was ultimately arrested. So.....there was nothing to protest about this incident.

And people were not protesting over this incident alone. It was simply a trigger. People are protesting on the basis of the absurd, fact-free notion that black people are treated worse by police than whites. Study after study has shown that is not the case. But no one cares. They just continue believing that blacks are uniquely mistreated by police and that whites never get mistreated by police.

In other words, all of the people "protesting" and of course looting are doing so on the basis of a false premise.

2) An overall analysis, to understand how representative is this fact of the day to day reality of the whole population (which is basically your point, and I fully agree this must be addressed), because people are protesting on the premise that this is representative;

Yes, addressed above.

3) That some can turn a protest into a violent display - with or without political use of the mess.

At this point, it is not a matter of if but when. Left-wing "protests" are not a mere political statement, let alone a sophisticated one. They are an emotional, bigoted temper tantrum against certain enemies, real and imagined. I just saw people in NYC holding signs such as "NYPD suck my dick" and "Fuck the police." Does that sound like civil protest to you? Does that sound like people in a peaceful mindset? Is this photo from Chicago right here "peaceful"?


These "protests" are ipso facto violent. They are vulgar, obscene, and vicious.

We cannot expect that the general population will be able to make a sober social analysis and look in deep perspective after any flagrant case like this one -- be it representative or not.

But that is exactly what they claim to be doing. The problem is that they are dead wrong and acting on a false premise.

It is a valid form of political pressure to protest a murder.

But murders happen all the time, so it's a matter of which ones you choose and why you choose them and the narrative you choose to run with. In this case, the brainwashed, low-information left-wing masses are running with a completely false narrative.

It is up to the political players to frame facts in the perspective is more favorable to them -- as long as they do not feed the public with lies (which is your point). If that is the case, expose the lies.

Most of these people don't care. If you show them the actual statistics on police brutality or race and crime, they simply shrug their shoulders and pretend they never heard it. They are impervious to rational thought.

A (peacefull) protest is never the problem, worst case scenario it is the symptom.

But the left is not capable of "peaceful protests" many times do they have to show you they are not before you give up on that idea? They just set fire to over 15 American cities using "protests" as a pretext to loot, burn, and destroy everything in their path. If they are holding signs, they say things like "NYPD suck my dick." If you think this is "peaceful," then you simply need to open your dictionary and remind yourself of what the term means.

As for Kaepernick, I am not discussing if his protest is justified or not (I am ignorant enough to pretend to have an answer to that). My point is that his form of protest is a good one. What do you prefer? People kneeling or burning houses?

I prefer starting a blog or a website or writing a letter to the editor. There are far more choices than kneeling like a dumbass or burning buildings down. Thankfully we humans were endowed with more creativity than simply having to choose a 10-year-old style of defiance or behaving like a barbaric civilization-destroyer. The left in the USA has as little appreciation for culture or civilization as ISIS. They are utterly vile.
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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I was referring to your post yesterday about Burning everything and destroying the establishment. The Atlanta situation made me wonder what you would be replacing it with, given the people involved.

Sure, you won't look at Cali's video. It's even more chilling than the George Floyd murder. It doesn't resonate with you, so you won't care... that was the point.

If people who don't like wanton violence, looting (much of which Is opportunism and nothing to do with grief or George Floyd), and reprisal murders aren't part of your solution then all I can say is, good.

I'd hazard a guess that anybody seeking empathy for rioters would quickly do a 360 turn if it was their own property or business and would be frantically dialling 911.
BB.. please explain how that or anything from Cali is has any more value than a Detoxing bio break. If you're dug in and feel that your views are more in alignment with Cali, than So be It. I tried to inject a sense of reality in your head, that's all and I'm Done with this Thread.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali you don't post with any type of calm..You post like the woman who falsely claimed she was being attacked by a African American male..

Oh you mean the white Democrat woman who donated to Obama, then Hillary, and then Buttigieg? The woman who is basically clone of Moxie? That one?

You're a fucking idiot.

you are miserable follower and most likely a every aspect of LIFE (personally, professionally and mentally).

Lol.....again, you just keep proving my point of how demented, meatheaded, and voyeuristic you are. Every post of yours go personal, which is just stupid on an anonymous message board, but for once I will engage on that level: you are barely one step up from very profound mental defectiveness. You write like a subliterate elementary school student who is learning English as a second language. Sometimes reading your posts feels like following a Caveman dialogue of grunting and hand signs.

No I don't care about if you pass or fail in this society.

Okay, you fucking moron, let me really kick you in the face with this one, like the "peaceful protesters" in Chicago kicked the Chicago cops. You like to say that Trump voters are losers. Well, not only are they better educated on average than Democrats, but if only taxpayers voted in 2012, Romney would have won in a landslide. The "losers," as you like to say, are on your side - the people stealing from stores and burning businesses down with no respect for civilization or society. Your society is for the uncultured losers in life.

Put this in your peabrain and try to process it:


the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
You couldn't make it up. I notice he's fine with the arsonists and looters torching low-cost housing.
No No..Don't speak for me, I support the Protestors, I do not support the riotings and burnings or the looters. However, if has taken Riotings to get their voices heard . BB . you're upset because your views are ancient and Again Your views are The Problem. Own your views and learn. Quit trying to deflect and don't Dare Ever Speak for me..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
2) An overall analysis, to understand how representative is this fact of the day to day reality of the whole population (which is basically your point, and I fully agree this must be addressed), because people are protesting on the premise that this is representative;

As for Kaepernick, I am not discussing if his protest is justified or not (I am ignorant enough to pretend to have an answer to that). My point is that his form of protest is a good one. What do you prefer? People kneeling or burning houses?

Mrzz, since the media in Brazil undoubtedly draw from the scum at the New York Times and Washington Post for their stories on the USA, these are the truths that you are unaware of and which Kaepernick does not know either. This is the reality, from the black conservative Larry Elder:


the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Oh you mean the white Democrat woman who donated to Obama, then Hillary, and then Buttigieg? The woman who is basically clone of Moxie? That one?

You're a fucking idiot.

Lol.....again, you just keep proving my point of how demented, meatheaded, and voyeuristic you are. Every post of yours go personal, which is just stupid on an anonymous message board, but for once I will engage on that level: you are barely one step up from very profound mental defectiveness. You write like a subliterate elementary school student who is learning English as a second language. Sometimes reading your posts feels like following a Caveman dialogue of grunting and hand signs.

Okay, you fucking moron, let me really kick you in the face with this one, like the "peaceful protesters" in Chicago kicked the Chicago cops. You like to say that Trump voters are losers. Well, not only are they better educated on average than Democrats, but if only taxpayers voted in 2012, Romney would have won in a landslide. The "losers," as you like to say, are on your side - the people stealing from stores and burning businesses down with no respect for civilization or society. Your society is for the uncultured losers in life.

Put this in your peabrain and try to process it:

View attachment 3780
Are you getting upset? Have your panties become wet with the sweat and smell of an elderly person who unfortunately can't properly cleanse themselves. As I mentioned before you're a loser, you probably was born that way, most likely it's the result of coming from a dysfunctional family. Probably raised without any positive male influence in your young adult life. Now you have grown into a miserable old man who watches Fox news, hates CNN and most likely have ZERO respect for the female sex.(its very apparent the way you consistently attack the female posters) e.g Moxie.You worship an absolute racist xenophobic sonasbitch who may read your post and laugh because you're exactly the dumbass he said in 1994 he could easily manipulate to win the presidency when he was a devoted Democrat.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
No No..Don't speak for me, I support the Protestors, I do not support the riotings and burnings or the looters. However, if has taken Riotings to get their voices heard . BB . you're upset because your views are ancient and Again Your views are The Problem. Own your views and learn. Quit trying to deflect and don't Dare Ever Speak for me..
I wasn't speaking for you. I was referring to the ESPN analyst who was tweeting to the rioters to burn down the low-cost social housing, and yet when they showed up on his own street, started making threats and called the cops. The clue is in the tweet I quoted.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
As I mentioned before you're a loser, you probably was born that way, most likely it's the result of coming from a dysfunctional family. Probably raised without any positive male role model in your young adult life. Now you have grown into a miserable old man who watches Fox news, hates CNN and most likely have know respect for the female sex..

Lol.....yes, I am not a chronic rapist, which would make me a celebrity in the Democratic Party. Doesn't it make you feel dumb to continue to prove my point about your mental problems? At this point you're not even pretending. Are you too dumb to even pretend? Who the fuck goes on an anonymous message board and starts asking people to DM him, meet him in airports, and come to his city before bragging about his boss and bragging that he has friends and family. Do you realize how pathetic you sound?

I am asking that seriously. Do you realize how pathetic that is?

You worship an absolute racist xenophobic sonasbitch who may read your post and laugh because you're exactly the dumbass he said in 1994 he could easily manipulate to win the presidency when he was a devoted Democrat.

This is a huge chunk of the Democratic voting base, shithead. From the black conservative Walter Williams:

"In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state’s mathematics exam. In six other high schools, only 1 percent tested proficient in math. In raw numbers, 3,804 Baltimore students took the state’s math test and 14 tested proficient. Citywide, only 15 percent of Baltimore students passed the state’s English test. Money is not the problem. Of the nation’s 100 largest school systems, Baltimore schools rank third in spending per pupil."

If you want to talk about dumb voters, there you go. That is the electoral base of the Democratic Party right there - schools of people without a single student who can test proficient in math.

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