US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
What's even more perplexing is them making a case out of it considering that Colin Powell and Condaleeza Rice were guilty of the same thing. In their case it was in the millions. It's strange why this point is never brought up.

I guess it's because Powell and Rice aren't running for the whitehouse and it's not as recent. Funnily enough, always thought Powell was considered more of a dove with regard to foreign policy when compared with the likes of Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
I guess it's because Powell and Rice aren't running for the whitehouse and it's not as recent. Funnily enough, always thought Powell was considered more of a dove with regard to foreign policy when compared with the likes of Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush.

He was a dove compared to those two; who isn't? The time period doesn't matter to me. You cannot accuse one and try to persecute another for doing the same thing; either it's an offense or it's not.


Apr 22, 2013
He was a dove compared to those two; who isn't? The time period doesn't matter to me. You cannot accuse one and try to persecute another for doing the same thing; either it's an offense or it's not.

I agree. Particularly as there doesn't seem to be a statute of limitations on Trump accusations. He brings up Bill Clinton allegations of 20 years ago, then says that his P***y stuff from 10 years ago is ancient history. And most funny of all, he's a different person now. Dude! You were 59 years old? How much growth are you likely to have?? Wow!

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
I agree. Particularly as there doesn't seem to be a statute of limitations on Trump accusations. He brings up Bill Clinton allegations of 20 years ago, then says that his P***y stuff from 10 years ago is ancient history. And most funny of all, he's a different person now. Dude! You were 59 years old? How much growth are you likely to have?? Wow!

He's so full of contradictions it's insane. He's a disgusting excuse for a human being. I can't believe the number of people that are supporting him. That entire party is whacked. They deal in spin and innuendo and bank on people not fact checking their rhetoric, and most people don't.


Apr 22, 2013
He's so full of contradictions it's insane. He's a disgusting excuse for a human being. I can't believe the number of people that are supporting him. That entire party is whacked. They deal in spin and innuendo and bank on people not fact checking their rhetoric, and most people don't.

I just hope and pray the polls are right. I have this recurring nightmare that there are people to ashamed to admit their support when they are polled

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
I just hope and pray the polls are right. I have this recurring nightmare that there are people to ashamed to admit their support when they are polled

LOL, and if he doesn't win I wonder who will admit that they voted for him.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hillary the Klingon Meets Soros the Furious Funder
Sally Parker 3 hours ago | 391 13
The author is a jeweler on Etsy at TinyWorldsJewelry. Formerly, she edited The Flatlander - a free Davis, California community paper. She wrote this article specially for RI

State department spokesman John Kirby threatened Russia with soldiers coming home in body bags. Hillary Clinton is pushing for a No Fly Zone in Syria. If she becomes president and enforces her No Fly Zone, she will order soldiers to shoot down Russian and Syrian planes. The new Cold War is on, and it isn’t entirely cold. Dr. Strangelove is beating his drums. Daddy Warbucks is counting his money. War-on-terror millionaires are planning extensions on their DC area mansions.1 It must be the season of the neocon.

Standing behind Hillary Clinton is George Soros with his pocketbook open. According to, Soros Fund Management is the third largest PAC contributing to Clinton’s campaign. He contributed heavily to the Clinton Foundation and has spent $15 million to organize Latinos to stop Trump. He has also funded a website linking Putin with Trump and smearing both.

George Soros is a New World Order mastermind who finances NGOs here there and everywhere. He has the goal of creating a one world banking system and undermining independent economies and national governments that get in his way. Soros helped to fund the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, and he has set his sights on Syria. He funds the Turkey-based White Helmets who smile and pose for photo ops with children and then call for bombing attacks on the Syria.

It was Soros who helped ruin the Russian and Polish economy in the early 1990s. Soros has funded Arab Spring regime changes and color revolutions in Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and the Ukraine. According to Gilbert Doctorow Soros said the post-coup Ukraine understands democracy better than Europe. This would be quite a democracy. Ukrainians do Nazi-style salutes, wear modified swastika symbols, rename streets after World War II mass murders of Jews, and started a civil war with 9,000 dead and 1.5 million refugees. Soros set his sights on regime change in Russia, but Putin expelled Soros’s NGOs before he could achieve his Ukrainian-style blood and thunder democracy there.

Soros has other adventures planned for Europe and America. He is a major planner and funder behind moving Middle Eastern refugees into Europe. While the acceptance of refugees has been described as a humanitarian concern, refugees can be used as a weapon to undermine the national governments of Europe. Refugees will demand social service payments that Europe can ill afford. Not all the refugees are Syrian, and they are clearly not families with children. According to UN statistics, the refugees are 72 percent male, 15 percent children and 13 percent women. 2 Soros directly stated that he is attacking national power when he said, “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

If any violence is caused by the refugees or by a false flag attributed to either natives or refugees, Soros can demand the creation of an EU army. There is a precedent for this. Soros funded neo-Nazi groups in the Ukraine to smash buildings and run violent demonstrations. After this trauma, U.S. assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland installed a new government. Soros has funded the Black Lives Matter movement which became more violent after his involvement. A careful reading of WikiLeaks documents shows that Soros is looking for ways to break down existing law enforcement systems and replace these with his own plan. He has been recorded discussing a need for a decline in the value of the U.S. dollar.

Jim W. Dean described the 85-year-old George Soros as, “the man who refuses to die and join his victims.”


How does Hillary Clinton dance with George Soros? In the image with Soros, Hillary looks like a frightened Fay Wray writhing under the grasp of King Kong. In the real world she is more like Hillary Klingon, a babe on a warpath with a set frown, a set agenda, and a total inability to tell or understand a joke.

Until it became an embarrassment, Hillary Klingon was proud to take full responsibility for the overthrow of the Gaddafi government in Libya. She seems proud of the destruction she has wrecked across the planet. Her policy towards Russia doesn’t even make sense from the point of view of imperialist aggression. An imperialist at least is supposed to be able to survive the aggression. In a conflict with Russia this is by no means certain. It makes you wonder whether Hillary Klingon and the Furious Funder are abandoning imperialist aggression for imperialist suicide for some reason only a neocon can understand.

Diebold the Counter is the third character in this story. Princeton researchers demonstrated how it is possible to steal an election on a Diebold voting machine in less than a minute by removing the memory card and replacing it with a new one. Looking at results from the Democratic primary, two Stanford trained researchers compared votes counted Diebold machines with votes counted by hand with a paper trail. Bernie got burned. The paper votes showed Sanders winning, but machine votes went for Clinton. Researcher Rodolfo Cortes Barragan said that the probability of Clinton getting these results without voter fraud was “1 in 77 billion.”

In a separate case, Shawn Lucas served papers suing the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the campaign in favor of Clinton. The suit is based on DNC memos collected by WikiLeaks source Guccifer 2.0 rather than voting statistics. Shawn Lucas can be seen on a YouTube video proudly presenting his legal papers. A week later, Lucas was found dead in his bathroom. There never been an autopsy on Lucas or an explanation of his death.

Perhaps America should replace the tomb of the unknown soldier with the tomb of the unknown hacker to commemorate the toil of all the patriotic but unknown computer programmers who have saved America from the threat of democracy. Hillary Klingon and the furious funder would be proud.

1"How Wartime Washington Lives in Luxury" by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, April 25, 2016,

2“Here’s the ONE Fact That Dismantles the ‘Syrian Refugee’ MYTH”,


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
The Policy of the United States Government in Syria Is Immoral
Fr. John Whiteford ( 6 hours ago | 474 5
I feel compelled, as a Christian and as an American citizen speaking only for myself, to condemn the policy of the United States government which has been to overthrow the Syrian government by arming and funding a radical jihadist insurgency.

This has fueled and exacerbated a conflict which has witnessed the deaths of nearly half of a million Syrians, produced five million refugees, seven and a half-million internally displaced people, and has brought untold misery upon many millions more who have suffered either directly or indirectly as a result of this shameful policy. [1]

I cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that our government continues, with our tax-payer dollars, to fund and arm those who are raping, murdering, and displacing Christians (who represent about ten percent of the overall population) and other religious minorities in Syria. [2]

Our government waged a phony bombing campaign against ISIS for more than a year, with the only effect being that it made it appear that we were doing something, and provided cover for what we have clearly been up to. In fact, the end result of our government’s actions was to allow these terrorists to push further west into Syria.

Our government willfully "looked the other way" because it put added pressure on the legitimate Syrian government (a United Nations member). [3] Some of the foremost academic experts in the world have repeatedly confirmed this. [4] To the extent that ISIS has been “on the run” in recent months, this is primarily due to the efforts of the Syrian Army and their allies, and not to the half-hearted actions of our government.

ISIS soon overran much of Iraq and Eastern Syria, often traveling in large convoys across open desert (which would have been easy targets for a serious bombing campaign by the world’s most powerful air force), and eventually captured historic Palmyra in Syria. This has resulted not only in the immense immediate loss of human life, and the destruction of countless communities – but also the loss of priceless artifacts and documents that are lost to future generations, forever.

Ancient Christian communities, many that spoke the very language of Christ, and have existed since the time of the apostles have been destroyed. [5] We have seen the revival of slave markets, which have functioned openly in the streets of cities in Syria and Iraq.

And our government has not only done very little to put a stop to these things, but has in fact funneled arms and supplies to groups closely allied with the al-Nusra Front (which is a branch of Al Qaeda, lately calling itself Jabhat Fatah al-Sham) and ISIS. [6] Our own government has also continued to demonize other world powers, who at the invitation of the Syrian government, are assisting in the fight against ISIS and other terrorist groups. Our leaders continue to keep this civil war going, instead of pursuing legitimate avenues of peace, while continuing to remain closely allied with sources of terrorist ideology like Saudi Arabia. [7]

Lest anyone think that what I am saying reflects conspiracy theories or fringe views, I would note that no less than Franklin Graham, who does charitable work on the ground in Syria, and is the son of the famous evangelist Billy Graham, has been pointing out these errors in US policy in Syria for years. Like most of those who know the Christians of Syria, he opposes any attempt to overthrow the Syrian government, because this government has protected Christians and other religious minorities, and any government that would likely replace it, would see the end of Christianity in Syria. [8]

We should all call upon our leaders to stop this reckless and inhuman policy, and especially condemn any suggestion that we should bomb the Syrian Army. It is unfortunate that many civilians have suffered and died in this civil war, but the primary responsibility for that belongs to those who set this war in motion, fueled it with a steady supply of arms and supplies, and have consistently prevented efforts to bring it to a swift conclusion. [9]

We should also immediately cut off all military and financial aid to “rebel” groups, which is what fueled the rapid rise of ISIS in the first place. [10] We should end the sanctions that helped create the turmoil that laid the groundwork for this civil war. And furthermore, the US government should provide sufficient resources to rebuild the communities that have been destroyed as a result these immoral and unjust actions. We should also all continue to pray daily for the peace of Syria and for the victims of this tragic and foolish war.


[1] Seumas Milne (June 3, 2015). Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq. The Guardian. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[2] BBC News, Syria's beleaguered Christians (February 25, 2015) Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[3] In fact, Vice President Biden, speaking at Harvard University on October 2, 2014, admitted that our regional allies (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar) created, armed, and funded ISIS and the other terrorist groups because they hoped to overthrow the Syrian government:

[4] See for example University of Oklahoma professor Dr. Joshua Landis in a May 2015 statement: or see Chatham House (UK) expert Hayder al-Khoei:

[5] Philip Jenkins (September 4, 2013). Syria’s Christians Risk Eradication: A post-Assad Islamist regime threatens to re-enact the Armenian genocide. The American Conservative. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[6] Kevin Boyd (September, 2014). Remember Those 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels That The U.S. Armed? ISIS Got Some Of Those Weapons Too. Independent Journal Review. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[7] Scott Shane (August 25, 2016). Saudis and Extremism: ‘Both the Arsonists and the Firefighters.' New York Times. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[8] Newsmax Prime (September 30, 2015). Rev. Franklin Graham on how Russian airstrikes affect Christian persecution. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from Russian Orthodox Church Youtube Channel (October 29, 2015). Rev. Franklin Graham meeting with Patriarch Kirill. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[9] Ron Paul Liberty Report (October 6, 2016). Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from

[10] RealClear Politics (August 10, 2015): Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise Of ISIS Was A "Willful Decision" Of US Government. Retrieved October 6, 2016, from:


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

PUTIN AND RUSSIA as the ''threat" -- to boost HER campaign is because


syria -- was ''slated" to be the NEXT libya (under orders from hillary - that one) -- which produced ISIL as the result --

next in line was going to be IRAN -- (long wet dream of israel and the neo-cons )_
afte rof course ''successfullY" ''liberating iraq"...*(whose great sin was NOT non-existent WMD'S -- BUT because iraq saddam was beginning to sell OIL OUTSIDE OF THE USA DOLLAR -- same as Libya was going to do with GOLD-BACKED DINAR for all of africa to free itself from US DOLLAR imperialism)_

all of it part of the AMERICAN ''dreaM" of remaking the middle east and north africa in ''our image" -- with the SEVEN LISTED NATIONS TO BE TAKEN DOWN -- re-organized and ''be nice good american puppets" --

libay, egypt, yemen, syria, iraq, iran, and of course afghanistan

on the ''march to moscow".

naturally -- for RUSSIA to COME TO SYRIA'S DEFENSE upon desperate request --

this was a BIG NO NO --and thus russia had to be PIUNISHED -- by staging the ILLEGAL COUP to put in power FASCISTS AND NAZIS in KIEV, UKRAINE...


destroying syria became even MORE necessary for HILLARY AND COMPANY, INCLUDING OBAMA THE WAR CRIMINAL.

of course it is fascinating to watch as CERTAIN AMERICANS


but let us make no mistake about this -- those that support hillary and american foreign policy as they are -- be it against syria, russia, china ,in africa as their government and MSM tell them




"we are great because we are good"




Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

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Home > Washington > Putin's Deal for Erdogan: Turkish Stream, Syria, and something else...
Erdogan Geopolitics Putin Russia Turkey Turkish Stream USA Washington

Putin's Deal for Erdogan: Turkish Stream, Syria, and something else...

October 12, 2016 - Fort Russ -
Ruslan Ostashko, PolitRussia - translated by J. Arnoldski -

On October 10th, Vladimir Putin flew to Istanbul to personally participate in the World Energy Congress. However, the main purpose of the Russian president’s presence on Turkish soil was, of course, meeting with Erdogan, for whom the time has come to confirm his intention of achieving real independence for Turkey by concrete deeds.
It can also be said that the Turkish President has some rather serious personal debt to Putin. After all, according to many sources, the Russian side really did afford Erdogan decisive support during the recent putsch. According to the Russian proverb, one good deed deserves another. Well, now look at the political solvency of the Turkish leader.
One of the main goals of Putin’s visit was distinguished by Energy Minister Alexander Novak, who stated that the path to restoring Russian-Turkish relations lies through Turkish Stream. There really is the chance that the package of documents for Turkish Stream could be signed in the near future, and it is very high. For Russia, what is important is securing a breakthrough in this area, and not only for Gazprom and, as follows, the Russian budget to profit.
The main point is that now the transit of gas to Turkey runs through Ukraine, and we need the Ukrainian gas pipelines to lose any strategic value they still have. And if the transit of gas to Northern and Central Europe will be totally handled in the future by Nord Stream 2, then dealing with the southern direction is much more complicated.
In this sense, Turkish Stream is a blow to the economy and budget of Ukraine. This explains the painful reaction by Western politicians to any Russian gas initiatives which lead to the reduction of transit through Ukraine. The signing of the Russian-Turkish intergovernmental agreement on Turkish Stream by Putin and Erdogan would be a symbol that the Turkish leader is ready to take steps that Washington does’t like. Only after this will further dialogue with the Turkish leader make sense.
Yet another question which will surely be discussed at the meeting is cooperation on Syria. It would be ideal for us to force Erdogan to completely close the Syrian-Turkish border, thereby cutting off supply lines for a significant part of Syrian extremists. Some say that the Syrian-Turkish border is now much less “transparent” than before, but we want it to be more transparent. For Ankara, such a decision will be very difficult since it would be impossible to explain to the electorate of Erdogan himself who perceive Syrian Turkomans as their brothers and the actions of the Syrian army as genocide. Moreover, such a decision would anger Washington much more than any gas pipeline, and could provoke a new attempt to overthrow Erdogan.
Based on these considerations, we shouldn’t expect a breakthrough over Syria. But it would be nice to achieve some progress on the diplomatic level, such as the recognition that Assad very well might be Syria’s president in the future if he wins the next elections. After all, Kerry said the same thing to Syrian oppositionists in a private meeting in the US, and this means that Erdogan would not be sinning by officially supporting this. This, of course, greatly upsets Hillary Clinton who literally just the other day stated that Assad’s departure is the number one goal in Syria. But there is nothing one can do here. In any case, Hillary will try to remove or kill Erdogan.
I think that most people already have an impression as to what agenda Putin brought with him to Turkey. It would be very beneficial for us if we could convince or force Erdogan to take certain actions which would forever close the door for him going back to the suffocating embrace of the State Department. Anyway, he has nothing good to expect from any attempts at making peace with the Americans....
The packet of proposed agreements features another important initiative with great symbolic gravity. In a recent interview, economy minister Ulyukayev stated that he does not rule out that Russian-Turkish transactions will henceforth be counted not in dollars, but rubles and lira, and also expressed the hope that the Russian and Turkish Central Banks would discuss this issue. Converting Russian-Turkish trade turnover from the dollar into rubles and lira, of course, is nothing triumphant, but it can be considered a kind of point of no return in relations between Ankara and Washington.
Everyone knows how sensitive the Americans are to the international role of the dollar, and many noticed that the beginning of the US operation against Gaddafi far from coincidentally coincided with his initiative to convert international oil trade accounting into gold measurement. Erdogan needs a lot of courage or desperation to do the same.

Following Putin’s visit to Turkey, we can finally answer the question: Just how much did the putschists frighten Erdogan? But there is also a second question: Is the Turkish leader scared enough to make a decisive breakthrough towards freedom? It is still too early to give a clear answer to this question.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hillary Clinton's Axis of Evil
Anticipating an outcome of the US presidential election as a remix of the 1972 Nixon landslide, Hillary has also coined, George “Dubya” Bush-style, a remixed axis of evil: Russia, Iran and “the Assad regime”.

That’s not even counting China, which, via “aggression” in the

South China Sea
, will also feature as a certified foe for the Founding Mother of the pivot to Asia.

And if all that was not worrying enough, Turkey now seems on the path to join the axis.

President Putin and President Erdogan met in Istanbul. Moscow positioned itself as ready to develop large-scale military-technical cooperation with Ankara.

That includes, of course, the $20 billion, Rosatom-built, four-reactor Akkuyu nuclear power plant. And the drive to “speed up the work” on Turkish Stream – which will de facto strengthen even more Russia’s position in the European gas market, bypassing Ukraine for good, while sealing Ankara’s position as a key East-West energy crossroads.

In addition, both Moscow and Ankara back UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura’s position that “moderate rebels” (the Beltway’s terminology) holding eastern Aleppo hostage must be eradicated.

The geopolitical game-changer is self-evident. As much as Erdogan may be a whirling political dervish, impossible to fathom and trust, while Putin is a master of the strategic long game, Moscow’s and Ankara’s interests tend to converge in the New Great Game; and that spells out closer integration in the dawn of the Eurasian Century.

Quite a cup of hemlock for Hillary Clinton, who has already equated Putin with Hitler.

Regime change or hot war?

In the appalling spectacle that turned out to be round two of the interminable Trump/Clinton cage match, Donald Trump once again made a rational point – expressing his wish for a normalized working relationship with Russia. Yet that is absolute anathema for the War Party, as in the neocon/neoliberalcon nebulae in the Beltway-Wall Street axis.


The Clinton (Cash) Machine-controlled Democrats once again condemned Trump as a tool of Putin while bewildered Republicans condemned Trump because he goes against “mainstream Republican thinking”.

Here’s what Trump said; “I don't like Assad at all, but Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS and Iran is killing ISIS.”

Trump’s outlook on Southwest Asia relies on only one vector; destroy ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. That’s what adviser and former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) director, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, has been infiltrating into Trump’s notoriously short attention span.

Flynn may have admitted on the record that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh’s progress was a “willful” decision taken by the Obama administration. Yet in his disjointed book Field of Fight, Flynn insists that, “the Russians haven't been very effective at fighting jihadis on their own territory”, are “in cahoots with the Iranians”, and “the great bulk of their efforts are aimed at the opponents of the Assad regime.”

This is a neocon mantra; unsurprisingly, the co-author of Flynn’s book is neocon Michael Ledeen.

From dodgy American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) armchair “experts” to former counselors at the State Department, they all subscribe to the laughable view that the remixed axis of evil – now fully adopted by Hillary – is useless against jihadis; the good guys doing the difficult work are “the US-led coalition”. And damn those who dare criticizing the “relative moderates” backed by the CIA.

What Trump said is anathema not only for establishment Republicans who despise Obama for not fighting against the Hillary-adopted remixed axis of evil. The real mortal sin is that it “disregards” core US foreign policy bipartisan assumptions held to be as sacred as the Bible.

Thus the success of the neocon Ash Carter-led Pentagon in bombing the Kerry-Lavrov ceasefire deal which would imply coordinated airstrikes against both ISIS/ISIL/Daesh and the Front for the Conquest of Syria, formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria.

© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov

Neocons and mainstream Republicans blame lame duck Team Obama for the “unholy reliance” on Russia and Iran, while neoliberalcons blame Russia outright. And high in the altar of righteousness, hysteria rules, with the neocon president of the

NED calling
for the US government to “summon the will” to pull a Putin regime change.

Ready to go nuclear?

Hillary Clinton continues to insist the US is not at war with Islam. The US is de facto at war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan’s tribal areas; involved in covert war in Iran; and has totally destroyed Libya. It’s not hard to do the math.


In parallel, the deafening talk about Washington now

advancing a Plan C in Syria is nonsense
. There has never been a Plan C; only Plan A, which was to draw Russia into

another Afghanistan
. It did not work with the controlled demolition of Ukraine. And it will not work in Syria, as Moscow is willing to supply plenty of air and missile power but no boots on the ground of any consequence. That’s a matter for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Iran and its Shi’ite militias, and Hezbollah.

Ash Carter has threatened Russia with “consequences”. After blowing up the ceasefire, the Pentagon – supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff — now is peddling “potential strikes” on Syria’s air force to “punish the regime” for what the Pentagon actually did; blow up the ceasefire. One can’t make this stuff up.

Major-General Igor Konashenkov, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman, sent a swift message to “our colleagues in Washington”; think twice if you believe you can get away with launching a “shadow” hot war against Russia. Russia will target any stealth/unidentified aircraft attacking Syrian government targets – and they will be shot down.

The only serious question then is whether an out of control Pentagon will force the Russian Air Force – false flag and otherwise — to knock out US Air Force fighter jets, and whether Moscow has the fire power to take out each and every one of them.

So in this three-month window representing the “death throes” of the Obama era, before the likely enthronization of the Queen of War, the question is whether the Pentagon will risk launching WWIII because “Aleppo is falling”.

Afterwards, things are bound to get even more lethal. The US government is holding open a first-strike nuclear capacity against Russia. Hillary firmly supports it, as Trump made clear he “would not do first-strike”.

The prospect of having axis of evil practitioner Hillary Clinton with her fingers on the nuclear button must be seen as the most life-and-death issue in this whole circus.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
FOR OUR BIG BOSS: our super nationalistic capitalsm and our cultural and economic assalt upon the world...

''our foreign policy has nothing to do with democracy, freedom, truth , justice or human rights...but everything to do with gathering as much of the world's resources and wealth unto oursel.ves at the expense of others...

"we hae our big banks, big corporations, big finance, big business - who have their big brains -- people who identify and decide who shall be destroyed that gets in our way..

"the rouble with US AMERICANS is this: when our own dolllar can not really buy more than 5-6% of ITS own value at home -- WE get uneasy, we get uncomfortable..
''so ...........we go abroad where we can force other countries to make our dollar buy 100 percent more than it is really worth..

"and where our DOLLAR GOES -- our flag follows -- where that flag goes - so go our soldiers...

"i was you might say our CHIEF HIGH CLASS MUSCLE ENFORCER of our policies in 3 continents with our high class mucle enforcer -- our armed and state forces".

"for 30 years i served -- suspending my own conscience Knowing THAT WHAT WE DO IS EVIL -- and I will have nothign more to do with it"".



''WHAT most americans do not really understand OR ADMIT is :
''our policies have ALWAYS been geared towards subjecting all countries to
our will and the will of our Chambers of Commerce...

"my task and people like -- was to be Economic Hitmen --
we would set up fronts for our state department and other institutions of government
to persuade governments to follow our economic prescriptions -- giving them fancy
prognostications to follow -- to show them they would fail as economies unless we were allowed to 'reform' their policies --

and central to this was our AID WHICH are usurious loans through the IMF, and other institutions...

"if they REFUSED and saw through our schemes -- we would pressure them with bribes, jewelry to sex , to ber used as blackmail...
|if THEY STILL refused -- we would then foment rebellions and instability to BLAME on their governments...

''if still they were too strong -- THAT'S when we send in our marines and armed forces like you saw in IRAQ".

"AMERICANS do not understand or admit that WE ARE LIVING OUR LIFESTYLES

''ONLY BECAUSE it is part of a very, very , very vicious SYSTEM of exploitation

JOHN PERKINS: ''Confessions of a Former CIA Economic Hitman". 2000\'s .

now -- IT'S HILL.ARY'S TURN -- adn SHE wants NUCLEAR WAR with RUSSIA.........because ?

WELL -- russia won't KNEEL to 'the good guys". .....................america.............


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Home > USA > Putin: "We know who bombed the UN convoy in Syria"
coalition Feature Putin Russia Syria Terrorists UN convoy USA

Putin: "We know who bombed the UN convoy in Syria"

October 12, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
RusVesna - translated by J. Arnoldski -

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia knows that a terrorist organization struck the humanitarian convoy in Syria.

“We see what is happening: absolutely baseless blaming of Russia for all mortal sins and all crimes, such as the strike on the humanitarian convoy, for example. But we know who attacked the humanitarian convoy. It was one of the terrorist organizations. And we know and will say that the Americans know about this, but prefer to take a different position and engage in baseless accusations against Russia. This does not help the situation,”

Putin said during his speech at the VTB Forum “Russia Calling!”
A UN humanitarian convoy was shelled on the night of September 20th northwest of Aleppo. The convoy consisted of 31 trucks carrying aid for 78,000 people. According to the International Red Cross Committee, 18 trucks were destroyed and more than 20 civilians were killed, including the leader of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in Urum al-Kubra and 8 truck drivers.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it takes decisions on airstrike targets in Syria only after a thorough inspection of intelligence. Reports that allege that Russian air forces strike civilian targets have never been accompanied by evidence.
The Russian president’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has called the allegations that Russia bombed the humanitarian convoy near Aleppo “unfounded.” The Ministry of Defense of Russia has stated that Russian and Syrian air forces did not strike the convoy.

In addition, the ministry of defense stated that a US-led coalition drone capable of striking ground targets had flown into the area where the convoy was. The Pentagon has claimed that coalition aircraft did not fly over the area where the humanitarian convoy was hit. However, according to Russian defense ministry intelligence, the American UAV left the area of the attack approximately half an hour after the incident.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Wikileaks releases batch 5 of Podesta emails
WikiLeaks has released the fifth batch of emails from the private account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, containing 673 messages.

This is the first time the whistleblower website has published two batches of the Podesta emails in the same day, following the release of 1,193 messages earlier on Wednesday.

WikiLeaks claims to have 50,000 messages in total, and has been releasing them since last Friday. The previous releases have revealed the campaign’s cozy relationship with the media, resentment at the primary campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, attack strategies targeting Republican candidate Donald Trump, disparaging comments about Catholics and Southerners, and even talk of space aliens.

Read more

The latest release contains the following emails. In August 2015, Podesta urged Clinton aide Jake Sullivan to take a “free trip to Taiwan with [Tom] Daschle”, referring to former US Senator from South Dakota who worked as a Washington lobbyist.
When Sullivan replied “I think we're okay!” Podesta shot back, “Don't be such a scrooge. One of your kids might like a free trip.”

When Dan Schwerin sends along a 515-word draft for a speech for Iowa, in January 2016, Clinton aide Huma Abedin replies with, “you know i love you people very much and you are the smartest minds in america but this is LONG. this will be impossible to nail without a podium.”
Podesta responds with, “How did we get from 45 seconds to this?”

The March 7, 2015 email from Podesta to Clinton aide Cheryl Mills contains a draft of Clinton’s first official statement about using a private email server, drafted by Philippe Reines. Clinton delivered the explanation about the “simplicity of using one device” three days later, on March 10.

Campaign manager Robbie Mook sent an email on July 11, 2015, quipping that Sanders is “in for a very frustrating fall” after the American Federation of Teachers endorsed Clinton. An email chain earlier in the day showed the Clinton campaign getting live updates from the AFT meeting that discussed the endorsement, which was seen as a done deal.
“I understand there will be some debate and will not be unanimous but we are on track,” wrote Nikki Budzinski, the campaign’s labor outreach coordinator.

The Democrats have not challenged the authenticity of the emails, choosing instead to claim the existence of a nefarious Russian plot. Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon called WikiLeaks “a propaganda arm of the Russian government, running interference for their pet candidate, Trump.”


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
dear americans

LET US BE CLEAR ABOUT ONE THING -- one that the REST OF THE WORLD KNOWS but YOU -- DELUDE yourselves into ''not knowing"..

your country the USA -- and it sgovernment and corporations - particularly WALL STREET COMPANIES, the military industrial complex and pentagon , NSA, CIA, STATE DEPARTMENT ...

IS THE ''leader" in the world in ONE THING ONLY:

imperialism and destruction of countries that do not submit to america.
your country USES TERRORISM AS A TOOL while pretending to ''fight" it --

much like a SERIAL ARSONIST who throws fires around and in the chaos ''RIDES LIKE A SHINING ARMORED WHITE KNIGHT COME TO THE RESCUE" part of its DECADES OLD -- heck even century -- scheme of imperialism.

in other words -- in today's GLOBAL TERRORISM chaos and problems that have rendered BILLIONS in misery and tens of millions dead and homeless and countryless, unleashed criminality as a reult of the WARS YOUR COUNTRY CONCOCTED ...FOR DECADES AND DECADES -- including the CREATION OF the world's biggest HEROIN AND OPIUM drug production and smuggling oepration based in AFGHANISTANT UNDER YOUR COUNTRY'S AND CIA'S ''management' worth over 1 TRILLION DOLLARS -- and 93 percent of global heroin/opium based drug racket --

it ios YOUR AMERICA -- YES -- YOUR AMERICA that is the THREAT to humanity.

your government and country -- and those of you that BLITHELY pretend as if it is DIFFERENT -- are GUILTY OF CRIMES against the world's peoples.



PRETENDING TO BE A ''land of the free, home of the brave, exceptional nation and leader of the world".

YOU HAVE NO SHAME whatsoever -- those of you who believe

"we are great because we are good"


YOU ARE JUST PRETEND '''moralizers" of this world .


"|i came to america meeting a generation of neurotic paranoids, deluded with their success in wealth, hurrying to and fro grabbing anything they could lay their hands on...

I left america seeing a generation of VIOLENT LUNATICS...
"AMERICA is gigantic, yes; but an accident and a mistake, nonetheless..

"IS IT NOT strange that WE in europe have ALLOWED ourselves TO BE so dependent and servile to a country whose people are nothing more


HECK -- you've even gone BEYOND FREUD'S remark ...

by twisting european leader's arms to follow AMERICAN ''TUTELAGE AND INSTRUCTIONS"

from NATO encircling russia and the MAKE-BELIEVE russian ''threat" (when in fact it is YOU THAT ARE THREATENING RUSSIA) --

to eocnomic ''prescriptions" such as ''debt swaps -" IMF ''austerity measures after usurious loans followed by usurious loans" -- to destruction fo europe's social welfare system - to the destruction of euroepan jobs and wages , pensions, education, health care, home, savings...and destruction of european INDUSTRIES from agriculture t0 THEIR OWN domestic manufacturing including THEIR own security industries

to be IN SERVICE TO YOUR america emprie --

yuou\ve done even better...

you are also RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING EUROPE -- from scandinavia, to britain, to continental europe


Last edited:


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
US, Allies Primarily Responsible for Situation in Syria, Region – Putin
21:20 12.10.2016(updated 22:50 12.10.2016) Get short URL

MOSCOW, October 12 (Sputnik) – The United States and its allies are overall primarily responsible for the situation in Syria, while accusations with respect to Russia are "political rhetoric," Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

"I would say that this is political rhetoric which has no common sense and is not taking the real situation into account," Putin said, speaking of the west accusing Russia of bombing Aleppo.

I am deeply convinced that the responsibility for the situation in the region as a whole and Syria in particular lies on our Western partners, primarily of course the United States and its allies," Putin told the TF1 television channel.

When talking about the attack on the aid convoy in Aleppo, President Putin said that Russia was ready to ensure the security of a humanitarian convoy heading to Aleppo via Castello Road jointly with US servicemen, but Washington refused.

"We got an offer that our armed forces, the servicemen of the Russian army, stand on this road and ensure security… I said no, we shall do it, but only with the US side, offer it to them. They refused straight away, they do not want to stand [there], they do not want to pull back military units of these opposition terrorist groups," Putin told the TF1 television channel.

On Refugee Crisis

Accusations that Russia is responsible for the mass outflow of people from Syria because of its military operation there are completely groundless, as this process commenced long before Russia became active in the country, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

On Sunday, US Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claimed that many people had to leave Syria because of alleged Russian aggression.

"Any accusations that Russia is allegedly to blame in the refugee issue are completely groundless," Putin told the TF1 television channel.

According to the president, the issue emerged long before Russia’s presence in Syria.

"The massive outflow of people from this huge territory in the Middle East, even in Africa, in Afghanistan, it began long before our active actions in Syria," Putin said.

Speaking of the humanitarian situation in Syria’s Aleppo, the Russian president stressed that militants could not be allowed to use people as a human shield.

"We cannot allow them to blackmail the whole world when they are taking hostages, killing, beheading. If you want to finish the job of fighting terrorism, then they should be fought," Putin said.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
‘To save lives, one should be pragmatic’: Lavrov promises peaceful practical steps on Syria
Russia believes that resolving the Syrian crisis requires practical efforts from all actors that have real influence on the ground, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told CNN, adding that a peaceful resolution to the situation in Aleppo is still possible.

“We want to have a meeting of the countries that have direct influence on what is going on on the ground in Syria, either by being there … or through financing and supplying arms to the opposition,” Lavrov told CNN's Christiane Amanpour, adding that it would be a meeting “in a narrow format” involving Russia, the US and “some regional powers.”

Image of 5-year-old Syrian boy Omran Daqneesh is "a tragedy," and moderates "must separate themselves from Nusra," says Russian FM Lavrov.

— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) October 12, 2016
The diplomat also confirmed that the meeting, which will also be attended by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is scheduled for the coming Saturday. He said he hopes that it will be “a business-like discussion and not some general assembly-like debate” that would allow the sides to launch a real dialog based on the US-Russian agreement on Syria reached in mid-September.

Lavrov believes the involvement of regional players is necessary as the US is apparently not as influential on the ground as it claims.

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“The key problem is the total inability of the US and the other members of the US-led coalition to separate the moderates from Al Nusra [Front],” Lavrov said, adding that the US, including CIA chief John Brennan, assured Russia in February that it needed two weeks to separate the moderate rebels from Al Nusra and “they never did it.”

Russia got “an impression that what the US and [their allies] really want is to spare Al Nusra [Front] and to keep it in case they decide to use a ‘Plan B’,” the minister noted once again.

“I do not want to suspect the US of encouraging terrorism but what they do in the case of Al Nusra makes me very suspicious.”

“We launched the ceasefire only to see the US coalition attacking the positions of the Syrian army three days after it was launched,” Lavrov said, referring to the US-led coalition airstrike on Syrian army positions in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor besieged by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), which took place on September 17.

“They said it was a mistake, but I read [the] statement of official Pentagon representative, Colonel Thompson, who said that this strike was prepared for two days and was based on very good intelligence,” Lavrov said. “Immediately after this mistaken strike, Islamic State launched an offensive in Deir ez-Zor.”

Speaking about the situation in Aleppo, Lavrov said that Russia still “strongly supports the initiative by [UN Special Representative for Syria] Staffan de Mistura, who proposed that Al Nusra fighters should be [allowed] to leave eastern Aleppo with the weapons ‘in dignity’” along with the moderate rebels that want to “stay with them.” Rebels who want to stay in Aleppo, meanwhile, should join the cessation of hostilities, he said.

“We are still convinced that this plan of de Mistura's should be given a chance and we are working on it with the people on the ground,” Lavrov said, stressing at the same time, that “otherwise you cannot really expect the army of Syria to stop fighting Al Nusra, which is trying to use civilians as human shields.”

“It is civilians we think about when we support de Mistura’s plan,” the minister said, adding that Russia “tries to take all necessary precautions” in its operations in Aleppo and “advises the Syrian army to be very [precise] when targeting Al Nusra.”

He also once again dismissed accusations that Russia has committed war crimes. “All the statements have to be verified,” he said, adding that no evidence proving these accusations has ever been presented to Russia.


Speaking specifically about the UN aid convoy that was attacked near Aleppo on September 19, Lavrov said that Russia “insisted on the investigation of the attack on the humanitarian convoy” and “strongly insists that anyone who has information related to what happened should submit the information” to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who launched an investigation into the incident.

At the same time, the minister said that Russia is “open for discussions” with the West and has "never cut connections" with its western partners. He added that Russia’s goal is to uncover the truth about what exactly happens in Syria “instead of accusing each other without any justification."

He also noted that the US gets “a feeling that they are losing the ability to decide for everyone” as the world “is really becoming multipolar,” adding that it is “painful” for the US and forces them to use anti-Russian rhetoric.

The minister said that Russia takes such behavior “with patience” and prefers “be guided not by hysterical Russophobic statements but by a business-like approach.”
“If we want to save lives we have to be very pragmatic,” Lavrov stressed.

Lavrov denied that the US and Russia are on the brink of war and said that “it is not Russia’s intention at all” of starting a war with the US. He also claimed that it is the US military which says that “war with Russia is inevitable.”


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
AS FOR THE british ...

it is YOUR own past empire's FAULT for creating and giving birth to this

MONSTROSITY calling itself ''usa" -- AND you are just getting karma in your present ocndition -- having lost REAL power or influence in this world except for whatever PRETENSE there is left about the 'glory of british empire"

be it by MAY, or THE AMERICAN BORIS JOHNSON making a FOOL of hiomself in front of the world -- that serves YOU ordinary britis NONE at all...FOR YOUR own good.


the USA.

but don't worry -- even if you have the 'short-term pain" of leaving EU - which i might remind everyone i SAID IS AN AMERICAN CREATION right from world war two before it was even finished to ENSLAVE europe to the USA...

YOUR ''fallen british pound" might YET prove to be GOOD for YOUR domestic industries if you play your cards RIGHT -- BUT ABOVE ALL -- BY REMOVING THE BOOTS OF UNCLE SAM FROM YOUR NECKS!

and THEN you can independently arrange your trades with the rest of the world and show how british creativity and resourcefulness in the RIGHT WAY -- can RESURRECT your now

completely tattered reeputation as a ''leader of the world" ...

even as your THERESA MAY will NEVER finish her career NOT GROVELING for money from the country your own empire, along with the USA, once ENSLAVED with OPIUM --the CELESTIAL KINGDOM OF CHINA..


i have said it so many times to my other friends online that are british


the usa.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Putin: West responsible for Middle East instability and terrorism in Europe
Washington and its allies are using the Syrian crisis to play politics, instead of providing real solutions, Vladimir Putin told French TV. He said that Moscow has received offers to send troops to safeguard aid convoys in Aleppo, after the West accused Moscow of committing war crimes.

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“This is political rhetoric that does not have great significance and does not take into account the real situation in Syria,” Putin told French TV channel TF1 during an interview in the central Russian city of Kovrov, when asked about the accusations that have been leveled by Francois Hollande, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, and the Obama administration.

Putin then accused the West of destabilizing the region – citing the Arab Spring in 2011 as a key flashpoint for tensions that still dominate the Muslim world.

“I believe deeply that some of the responsibility for what is happening in the region in general and in Syria in particular lies especially with our western partners, above all the USA and its allies, including the main European countries,” said Putin. “Remember how everyone rushed to support the Arab Spring? Where is that optimism now? How did it all end? Remember what Libya or Iraq looked like before these countries and their organizations were destroyed as states by our western partners’ forces?”

Putin linked the volatility in the region to the recent spate of large-scale terrorist attacks in the West, which have either been planned or inspired by jihadist groups such as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), which have thrived in the chaos.

“[Before the Arab Spring] these Middle Eastern countries were not examples of democracies as we understand the word today, and there probably was a need and possibility to influence these societies’ organization, the state organization, and the nature of these regimes,” said Putin, who was attending a festival dedicated to Sambo, a Russian combat sport.

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“But whatever the case, these states showed no signs of terrorism. They were not a threat for Paris, for the Cote d’Azur, for Belgium, for Russia, or for the United States. Now, they are the source of terrorist threats. Our goal is to prevent the same from happening in Syria.”

Putin also detailed his version of the breakdown of the long-negotiated joint operation between Washington and Moscow in Syria, claiming the key turning point was the September 16 US-led coalition strike on a Syrian army unit, which the Pentagon maintains was accident.

“Our American colleagues told us that this airstrike was made in error. This error cost the lives of 80 people and, also just coincidence, perhaps, ISIS took the offensive immediately afterwards. At the same time, lower down the ranks, at the operations level, one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike. How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation?” said Putin. “This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken. Who broke the agreement? Was it us? No.”

Several western powers have since blamed Russia for what they claim was a retaliatory strike on a UN convoy on September 20. Washington has now broken off any bilateral talks with Moscow over Syria.

But Putin says that Russia is still open to helping resolve what the UN has termed the worst humanitarian crisis since the war – which has likely killed over 400,000 people – began five years ago.

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“It has been proposed that our armed units, Russian military personnel, be deployed on the road to ensure transit safety [for aid convoys to Aleppo]. The Russian military, who are courageous and decisive people, have said they would do it,” said Putin, who said that the initiative, which had not previously been made public, was an “exotic proposal.”

“But I told them that this could only be done jointly with the US, and ordered them to make the proposal. We have proposed this, and they [the Americans] promptly refused. They do not want to deploy their troops there, but they also do not want to pull back opposition groups – who are, in fact, terrorists. What can we do in this situation?”

Despite the downbeat tone of the interview, Putin insisted he was still “optimistic” about a diplomatic solution in Syria, and claimed that the offer to “reschedule” next week’s visit to France, which was canceled following a diplomatic snub by Francois Hollande, was genuine.

“This is not the best moment for official meetings, given the lack of mutual understanding, to put it mildly, that we have over events in Syria, particularly the situation in Aleppo. But we are always open, of course, to any consultations and dialogue on this matter,” said Putin.




unlike YOUR OWN OBAMA who can't be seen without his teleprompters and handlers carefully feeding questions AND answers

NO WONDER he can afford to meet PUTIN IN PUBLIC in front of the world in A REAL UN-STAGED DEBATE!! LOL.

HE;D BE EXACTLY AS PUTIN described ''how is it like dealing with the americans and obama personally , Vladimir Vladimirovich?"

\'\''well is like playing a game of chess with a pigeon..
''first it knocks the pieces down..
''then it defecates on the board...\'
''and then it struts around as if it just won the game"...........

"are there any intelligent people in washington to really talk to?"

YOUR AMERICA has sent CHARLIE ROSE, and so many other american ''VENERABLE TV HOSTS" TO GRILL PUTIN as if they were carrying out an INQUISITION ..

and with EACH LIE they try to MOUTH OFF ''in the form of questions and accusations" to the man..
he DESTROYS them like they were the FOOLS that they ARE!!
and gives THIS interview to FRENCH TV --

and yet YOUR OBAMA or HILLARY can't be caught anywhere on earth having to be challenged by ANYONE that hasn't been ''vetted" ..LOL. let alone by RUSSIAN reporters! lol.

that alones says something about how LOW you americans actually are --

YET YOU CLAIM TO BE ''EXCEPTIONAL" in this world. lol.
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