US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I have to say, Colin Powell was right about HRC and hubris. She literally should have this in the bag, but after her good debate she's resting on her laurels again. I'm amazed that she doesn't seem to get it. This election is effectively a referendum on her. My sense is that the electorate doesn't think that Trump is a fit to be President but they despise her. She has done NOTHING, to give the electorate a positive reason to vote for her. Hubris hubris hubris. Look, the odds are strongly in her favour, but I don't trust that anymore, not after Brexit. If she doesn't try to connect with the electorate they may yet shock her... and me :(


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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Wait a Minute Hillary, Is US the All-Powerful 'Indispensable Nation' or a Hapless Banana Republic at Kremlin's Mercy?
Marko Marjanović 9 minutes ago | 58 0
The United States of America is a curious creature especially according to its presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. On the one hand it is an “exceptional nation,” “the last best hope of Earth” and “a shining city on a hill.” On the other, it is a pathetic plaything of Russia's Dr. Evil, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Let's recall. According to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the media only too happy to regurgitate its talking points:

1.) One of the two viable candidates for president of the US is in Kremlin's pocket -- either because he is a moron, or else a fully-blown Manchurian candidate.

Washington Post: Trump proves he’s a Putin lapdog

Newsweek: How Vladimir Putin Is Using Donald Trump to Advance Russia's Goals

Time: Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia,

Slate: Vladimir Putin Has a Plan for Destroying the West—and It Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump

The New York Times: Donald Trump’s Putin Crush

2.) Russians are manipulating the US presidential race. They have not balked at breaking into computers of the Democratic Party.

Washington Post: Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

The New York Times: Spy Agency Consensus Grows That Russia Hacked D.N.C.

American intelligence agencies have told the White House they now have “high confidence” that the Russian government was behind the theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee, according to federal officials who have been briefed on the evidence.

3.) Moscow is getting ready to rigg the November polls and install Trump as American president whomever American actually elect.

Washington Post: By November, Russian hackers could target voting machines

Washington Post: How Russia could spark a U.S. electoral disaster

The New York Times: Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote, and Seeks FBI Inquiry

I'd say that's pretty dire. It's a level of foreign interference that would raise eyebrows in a Central American plaything of United Fruit.

And yet Clinton also believes the US is the most dominant, kickassiest power in the world, with the largest network of dependent client-states:

The United States is an exceptional nation…And part of what makes America an exceptional nation, is that we are also an indispensable nation.

In fact, we are the indispensable nation. People all over the world look to us and follow our lead.


American leadership means standing with our allies because our network of allies is part of what makes us exceptional.

No other country in the world has alliances like ours. Russia and China have nothing close.

I'm sorry Hillary but you can't have it both ways. Is the US the exceptional world-commanding behemoth whose destiny it is to have final say in shaping the entire rest of the globe...or is it a hapless victimized banana republic whose next president may very well be picked by Moscow?


""WHENEVER there's trouble anywhere in the world --
they don't go and phone china or russia for help-- they call WASHINGTON, DC!..
'because we're indispensable".


"WE have heard President Obama's remarks recently -- WE AGREE.
'only of course he forgot to complete it: \
"after they call washington -- washington calls Moscow".

MARIA ZAKHAROVA -- SPOKESWOMAN of Russian Foreign Ministry.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

ancient greek saying.


Apr 22, 2013
Well... I do agree that she's part of a corrupt system. I am less in agreement with the general view that she's corrupt. Yes she's made some stupid mistakes but generally speaking, at least in the context of modern politics her level of malfeasance is not exceptional.

Some of the other points you raise are a little off the reservation for me. Particularly wrt to Libya and any idea that Gaddafi's actions were of any pan-African significance
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Apr 22, 2013
I will say though... I think she's beating on the tax issue a little too much. Sometimes you should let the facts speak for themselves (people could easily come to the conclusion that perhaps he's not as successful as he says he is).The man did not actually break any laws there, and she's going to let him construct a narrative that he understands how the system works but he's an outsider. It's like she doesn't comprehend the zeitgeist. This is a change election, and she is the very definition of an establishment politician, she needs to construct a positive argument to win this thing and she's simply not doing it


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Happy Anniversary WikiLeaks! Guccifer 2.0 Leaks Hacked Clinton Foundation Files
23:18 04.10.2016(updated 23:21 04.10.2016) Get short URL

They also wished WikiLeaks a happy tenth anniversary.

In a statement accompanying the huge 820 megabyte file data dump, the elusive hacker entity wrote, “many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.”

“So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.”

Guccifer also stated that, “Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.”

The first screenshot accompanying the download is a list of folders the hacker claims come from the server, and it immediately sparked interest online as one of the folders was actually labeled “pay to play.”

Guccifer claims that, included in the dump, are lists of donors, financial corporation donations, and “other docs.”

“It looks like big banks and corporations agreed to donate to the Democrats a certain percentage of the allocated TARP funds,” Guccifer noted.

The hacker(s) further stated that they could not post all of the databases that they obtained, as the files are too large. They wrote that they are currently looking for a better way to release them — urging readers to keep following.

“P.S. I’m pleased to congratulate WikiLeaks on their 10th anniversary!!!” the post concluded. “Julian, you are really cool! Stay safe and sound!”


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
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Dr. GoodGreed

Dr. GoodGreed
Politics, culture, stocks, and truth. PhD Yale For only stock tweets follow on StockTwits. Viva La Pepe

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Dr. GoodGreed ‏@GOODGREED
Wow looks like the big banks agreed to pay Democrats a percentage of the TARP funds they received from bailout. #Guccifer2 #Trump #MAGA


12:49 PM - 4 Oct 2016
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  1. Jill Oh ‏@jjsattorney 36m36 minutes ago
    @GOODGREED @zachhaller The sleazy shit just keeps getting deeper. Wear your mud boots.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
the above -- the AUTHORS of the GLOBAL RECESSION that WIPED OUT TRILLIONS of savings or investments by ordinary people from their pensions and savings and possessions -- and WERE RESCUED with obama's ''TOO BIG TO FAIL" schemes directed by the SAME AUTHORS that caused the largest

ROBBERY BY BANKS from millions of people everywhere --

are HILLARY'S great connections and friends..............u know THIEVES AND ROBBER BARONS...


Apr 22, 2013
well I certainly agree that the bailout is one of the most disgusting episodes in modern financial history. The alternative could have been ugly but in the longer term I think it would have been for the best. For the record, the alternative would have been a devastating depression. It would have been a better option than what we have now. The amount of debt is even larger now with the reckoning delayed not deferred

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
Teddy, you have some astonishing Anti-Hillary googles on. The one full of disdain for entire groups of people (women, Latinos, Blacks, fat people, Jews, and it goes on) is Trump. And I don't know what world you live in, (though I'm getting an idea,) embassies are actually rife with spies, and have been at least since the Cold War. You can't be THAT naive. Surely Hillary didn't invent that.

There is so much hypocritical unbalanced behavior from Trump that it has become white noise to the the real issue. Is someone this morally corrupt, and lets face it, thin skinned and easily baited, an appropriate personality to handle the nuclear codes? Yes, he's up at 3am and 5:30am to fight back against what he perceives as major attacks. But, in fact these are petty indignancies. And he has that send button to launch a counter Twitter attack to defend his weak ego. But, let me ask you: What happens when Angela Merkel does or says something that he doesn't like? As President he has a different button to press and it's not connected to Twitter. It's connected to missile silos. What then?

The REAL danger is we're not the only ones asking this question. So is Angela Merkel. So is Vladimir Putin. So is the Chinese Politburo. So is Israel. The other nuclear powers will have to adjust their "first strike policies" to accommodate this. That is not just a problem, that is the beginning of a march to global catastrophe.

The more informed of you may say: "Hey, Germany doesn't have nuclear capabilities." You're right, they don't. They have the strongest economy in Europe and that can be used as a weapon to weaken the US economy. Germany is where we keep military bases that act as deterrents to China and Russia. Without those, we're exposed. China has so much debt leverage on the US, they could actually collapse the US economy. Trump himself, as a private citizen has so much debt to China, his governance can be leveraged. The weapons available to enemies go far beyond bombs.

I could go on and on in many different directions with this, but here's the point: He is not a diplomat. He has never governed. He is a businessman that is used to ruling by fiat. He can't hold his tiny, petty little thoughts and grudges at bay in his own head. He consistently acts on them. That WILL have ramifications way beyond Twitter. So, when you keep seeing this never ending trail of adolescent reaction to the smallest slight, please ask yourself: what does this mean on a global scale? What does this mean when this personality has the seat of the greatest power on earth? What does it mean when this person has access to the means of global destruction? Is he the right person to give this power to? I would say No.

Outstanding post, Moxie. I couldn't agree more. I'm also not sure why people are ignoring major gaffes made by this man, talking about women, disabled people, and calling himself "smart" to not pay taxes. Really? So those who pays taxes to support the military, schools, infrastructure and people are dumb? Unbelievable, and what of him not paying contractors and getting free labor? What about funneling everything, including his salary through his foundation that doesn't have the proper certification? But the worst thing about this man is his weak-minded and childish retorts to all situations that face him. I can't imagine him sitting down with world leaders going into his inane babbling. He acts like a spoiled, petulant child and who can trust a man who lost close to a billion dollars of his own income in a one year period? I'd take anyone over Trump. He's crass, petty, childish and foolish. If you're looking for a crook, Trump is your poster boy. Everything about cheating and scamming.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
That's a fair point, and it's something I've considered as well. The last few weeks have made me really consider the opinion you raised some time ago. That the media has been unfair to Trump. I've come to the conclusion that I completely and utterly agree with that. The Commander in Chief debate was a case in point. HRC is held to what I would consider to be the normal standard for Presidential candidates, while Trump is treated like someone on the apprentice. How he is allowed to lie and not be challenged, while Clinton is interrogated about issues for which she has been cleared is absolutely stunning to me. And before anyone says something, I don't think she should get a pass for the emails, but come on... at least lets see Trump being challenged on lies, on potentially bribing federal agents, on links to the Mafia, for an almost treasonous lovefest with a Russian despot. He just gets a pass, I don't get it..

I'm with you Federberg. The fact checking after the first debate was mind-blowing. Trump is lying all over the place and he has the sound bites to prove it, but the media is not calling him on it. Do they really want someone this unstable in one of the most powerful positions in world? The man cannot string together one coherent sentence and every time he opens his mouth a lie falls out. WTH is going on with these people. Trump in the White House would be a disaster, not only for America, but globally.
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Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
The New York Times has created a timeline of what Trump said, and when and why it made prominent Republicans disavow him.

You can say they're reporting him unfairly, if you like, but I would say that they report can mostly just report what he says and stand out of the way. He's hanging himself. As Federberg says, even when Hilary has a bad week, the Donald manages to grab the headlines with even larger gaffes. I have no idea what his initial hopes were, or what he hopes to gain by this run, but I'll guarantee you we'll never see his tax returns. He's blowing smoke trying to make a lot out of his health records and trying to make out that Clinton is not well. That's a distraction from his taxes.

All true.

Tennis Fan

Major Winner
Dec 14, 2013
untruths are an effective weapon in elections this year. Democracy in the west is failing. And it's understandable. The aspirations of the ordinary man have been frustrated by the elites for years. It's ironic that the Republican party is probably more guilty of this than the Democrats, with their explicit plans to reduce the taxes of the super-rich. The idea that the media is against Trump is laughable to me. He gets more coverage than Clinton! Coverage at his own instigation no less. Even when she does something wrong he jealously grabs the spotlight with controversial statements. His words are quoted verbatim and somehow he claims they're twisted? I find the claims of press bias to be utterly pathetic and completely irrational. I only hope the US voters have learnt the lesson of the Brexit aftermath. The campaigners on the 'Leave' side were quite happy to admit that a lot of their claims were lies after the fact. America... take note

Also I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump's objective isn't to win at all. I find suggestions that he is looking to set up a cable tv company after the election believable. How silly will his supporters feel if that's true?

I agree, Federberg. Are these "gaffes" intentional or strategic? No one who wants to occupy such a high office can be that stupid and continually make these blunders. I've long thought that Trump doesn't really want the job; he's giving Americans too many reasons not to trust him, but then there's that segment who doesn't read between the lines and accept the spin the pundits put out there daily. As Trump said (and I'm paraphrasing), "I could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and I still wouldn't lose any votes." What does that say about his trust in his blind followers?
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Apr 22, 2013
By the way, I take back my pseudo-endorsement of Gary Johnson. His lack of international knowledge is just mind blowing. I guess I'm with HRC. Or just call me a never-Trumper
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Snowden 2.0 Spotlights 'Criminal' US Govt’s Attempts to Silence Whistleblowers
Military & Intelligence
23:36 05.10.2016(updated 23:38 05.10.2016) Get short URL

In recent months, the US National Security Agency claimed it had been hit by a series of a cyberattacks. Without providing any evidence, Washington resorted to the familiar tactic of blaming the hacks on Russia.

But William Binney, a whistleblower who left the NSA in 2001, always doubted this narrative, believing the evidence instead showed signs that an agency insider was responsible for the leaks.

"It appeared to me that because of the nature of the NSA network [that] it’s almost impossible to hack in. At least I don’t see how they could do it," Binney told Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker.

"So I assumed immediately that it was an insider."

It now seems he was proven correct, with the US Department of Justice confirming that 51-year-old contractor Harold Thomas Martin was arrested on suspicion of stealing highly classified source codes from the agency.

Those source codes allow the agency to pierce through weaknesses in private firewalls and spy on computer networks. While the NSA could help secure these vulnerabilities, doing so would put its own spying efforts at risk.

"The reason they have allowed these weaknesses to exist is one of the reasons why the OPM [US Office of Personnel Management] got hacked, [and] why you read about other hacks in the US," Binney says. "They’re not fixing the problems, and when you don’t fix the problems you’re leaving everybody vulnerable and exposed.

"They don’t fix it because they then have this window that they don’t want to close so they can look through…and see what people are doing."

The agency also cites these known cybersecurity weaknesses as an excuse to receive more federal funding.

"If you’re beating the drums of cybersecurity and you really want to do it, you fix the problems you know about. They don’t do that, [but] they leverage the weaknesses and the fact that people get hacked to drum up more support for more money," he says.

"It’s another way of fleecing the US public of money."

Given the wide reach of the NSA, Martin’s arrest raises doubt about other recent US "hacks," such as the leak of internal DNC emails earlier this year.

"It doesn’t have to be someone hacking in, it could be somebody like the NSA that already has all of their emails," Binney explains.

Ultimately, baseless accusations against the Russian government for internal leaks serves to feed the US military-industrial complex.

"People have an interest to create, for example, a Cold War with the Russians," he says. "What that means is more trillions of dollars invested in the Defense Department and military-industrial complex and the intelligence complex."

However Martin’s trial turns out, Binney doesn’t have much faith in America’s ability to treat its whistleblowers like Martin or Edward Snowden fairly.

"If you try to raise the issues internally with the government, like I did and others, they attack you. They try to put you in jail, they fabricate evidence against you. It’s really a criminal government we have now," Binney says.

"Until we get a gov
ernment that’s going to be honest and democratic and follow the principles of the Constitution, there’s no way [Snowden] can come back."

After revealing the extent of the United States’ domestic surveillance apparatus in 2013, Snowden currently lives in exile in Moscow, where he was granted asylum by the Russian government.


NOTE -- BINNEY -- knows the NSA -- BECAUSE it was HE that originally designed its system.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The Atlantic has endorsed HRC, only it's 3rd endorsement in its 159 year editorial history. This is seriously worth reading, if you read nothing else.

USAToday, a very egalitarian, "people's" paper, has also endorsed a candidate, for the first time in its history:

There are papers which haven't, in their long histories, ever endorsed a Democrat, and they've endorsed HC. I'll get back to you with more. I'm sure the conservatives amongst you won't care about the NYTimes endorsement of Clinton, so I won't bother quoting. Meantime, Washington Post sythesizes some of the other endorsements:
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Apr 22, 2013
^yes, it's extraordinary. I think all these papers are setting their stall out for history. No one wants to be on the side that history will condemn.

On a side note, it seems that Wikileaks has shot it's load. Hard to believe anything they'll release now will be material, so HRC has the chance to deliver the killer blow by showing she can empathise and connect with people. I'm amazed that some people think a townhall setting will be to Trump's advantage. Unless he's asked puff questions he'll be forced to answer honestly are lose credibility. I've watched some of the townhall's that HRC has participated in and she's actually really really good at it
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
^yes, it's extraordinary. I think all these papers are setting their stall out for history. No one wants to be on the side that history will condemn.

On a side note, it seems that Wikileaks has shot it's load. Hard to believe anything they'll release now will be material, so HRC has the chance to deliver the killer blow by showing she can empathise and connect with people. I'm amazed that some people think a townhall setting will be to Trump's advantage. Unless he's asked puff questions he'll be forced to answer honestly are lose credibility. I've watched some of the townhall's that HRC has participated in and she's actually really really good at it

The point about the Atlantic and USA Today is that they don't even normally endorse, or, in the case of USAToday, ever. They don't have to "set their stall" at all, to save face, or be on the right side of history. They are actively taking a position because of a need they feel to react to the candidates.

And I agree that all the dirt there is on HRC has been out there for a long time, and she is likely better in a Town Hall format.
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Apr 22, 2013
Wow! Can the Donald recover from this one? If he can, he really can shoot someone on Madison Avenue and walk away scot free. I think this one could be the straw that breaks the camel's back


Apr 22, 2013
And I've just seen that some pretty damning stuff has come out on Wikileaks about Hillary's speeches to Wall Street firms. I guess this will harden positions for decideds. The reality is that none of this is really new news about both of them. I think the Trump thing is more damaging though. At the end of the day, no one really trusts politicians anyway so you go with more of the same or a complete moron. Hope for someone better next time
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