US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
The other cops should be charged. I'd hazard a guess they will be.

Your political violence figures don't make any sense. For instance, if you claim there was no evidence of Antifa at the riots (or many other riots), then are you categorising everything else as far-right.
the data is not specific to these riots


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia

BB and Mrzz Are you more upset with the riotings and burnings or the unarmed blacks that have been murdered.. eg Breonna Taylor murdered while sleeping in her bed because the police invaded the wrong Apt..

Please respond with the same energy that you have expressed your distain for large numbers of misguided protesting that has intentionally turned into riotings.

Interesting question AP. I think I was the first person who raised the George Floyd murder on this thread and said the cop should be fired and tried for the crime.

Anyway, I guess when it comes to sliding scales of personal outrage it depends what resonates with you at a personal level.

For instance, I don't recall hearing much from you when Oliver Simmonds (a black cop who was part of the Atlanta Mayor's security detail) shot dead an unarmed black teenager in his car...

However, we'll end up going down a rabbit hole...

Bad policing isn't only geared towards blacks. Cali posted up a video of that guy in Vegas - it was another callous cold-blooded murder. Likewise, there was news here about an Australian woman in the States who called the cops to come and investigate a prowler. The cops rolled up and shot HER dead, standing in her pajamas.

So I guess, white on black crime resonates with you a lot more than black on black. I understand.

Now from my perspective, I have a son who is a cop... so the innocent Oakland cop who was gunned down by the rioters resonates a little more. I don't know his name or race. I've also run my own businesses, so seeing a mob beating the crap out of business owners desperately trying to protect their life's work also resonates. Seeing wanton violence, innocents attacked, doesn't resonate.

Now with George Floyd, a man known for armed robbery, forgery, drugs, home invasions, and pistol-whipping women, I don't have quite as much of a connection. However, the cops are killers and need to be brought to justice. Likewise, the rioters killing innocents should also face the music.

By the way, I was thinking about your Burn Everything Revolution today. It had me thinking of the riots at CNN in Atlanta. The irony was that the Mayor is black, the chief of police is black, the majority of the PD in Fulton county are black and the face at the front of the mob was a white dude with a skateboard. Paradox much?

Anyway, I'm going to hit the sack. Good night folks.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Once again, you're a misinformed idiot. There were a measly 9 unarmed black people killed by cops in the USA in 2019.....and recently there were 10 black people killed in one weekend in Chicago. Far more white people than black people were killed by cops in 2017, 2018, and 2019 in the United States.

You're outraged on the basis of lies.
You moron..the most current topic is unarmed blacks getting murdered by policemen..not whites killed by whomever or black on black or white on white..Cali you are a mindless Trump supporter. Nothing more. You are slow and thoughtless without compassion for the majority of the human Race..the world is dumber as long as you exists
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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Interesting question AP. I think I was the first person who raised the George Floyd murder on this thread and said the cop should be fired and tried for the crime.

Anyway, I guess when it comes to sliding scales of personal outrage it depends what resonates with you at a personal level.

For instance, I don't recall hearing much from you when Oliver Simmonds (a black cop who was part of the Atlanta Mayor's security detail) shot dead an unarmed black teenager in his car...

However, we'll end up going down a rabbit hole...

Bad policing isn't only geared towards blacks. Cali posted up a video of that guy in Vegas - it was another callous cold-blooded murder. Likewise, there was news here about an Australian woman in the States who called the cops to come and investigate a prowler. The cops rolled up and shot HER dead, standing in her pajamas.

So I guess, white on black crime resonates with you a lot more than black on black. I understand.

Now from my perspective, I have a son who is a cop... so the innocent Oakland cop who was gunned down by the rioters resonates a little more. I don't know his name or race. I've also run my own businesses, so seeing a mob beating the crap out of business owners desperately trying to protect their life's work also resonates. Seeing wanton violence, innocents attacked, doesn't resonate.

Now with George Floyd, a man known for armed robbery, forgery, drugs, home invasions, and pistol-whipping women, I don't have quite as much of a connection. However, the cops are killers and need to be brought to justice. Likewise, the rioters killing innocents should also face the music.

By the way, I was thinking about your Burn Everything Revolution today. It had me thinking of the riots at CNN in Atlanta. The irony was that the Mayor is black, the chief of police is black, the majority of the PD in Fulton county are black and the face at the front of the mob was a white dude with a skateboard. Paradox much?

Anyway, I'm going to hit the sack. Good night folks.
What do you mean Your Burn everything Revolution". BB , you trying to make this AP and the rioters..I am not going to restate what I stated previously. Then you bring up some Cali posting of some white person which I haven't bother to view and lastly you bring up a Black Mayor , a black police chief and CNN...You STILL don't get it. And you wonder why I said BB you're Wrong You're the problem.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's not bragging but confidence..

I'm sorry, confident people don't constantly bring up their personal achievements on an anonymous message board. And it's not like you do it once in a while in the heat of the moment when it might be do it non-stop like you are a body builder looking at himself in the mirror. If you are actually confident, good for you. But your whole act of constantly telling people about yourself and asking them to meet up with you is bizarre, to put it mildly. When Britbox disagrees with me on coronavirus, he doesn't ask me to DM him and tell me I should go to Melbourne and meet him at some random street so he can he show me how big his biceps are. That's the kind of thing you do.

Do you see questioning others intelligence because their views differs from mind. No..that's you.

Oh please, get the fuck out of here. You insult the majority of Trump's voters all the time. The irony is that everything you say about them applies far more to yourself and the majority of the Democratic voting base, which is poorly educated, misinformed, and dumb.

That's Grown Man Grown Folk Talk.

We're on an anonymous message board, not in a weight room. For you to be using hyper-masculine phrases like "Grown Man" as if you are about to fight someone only further reinforces my point that you are constantly talking yourself up in the most bizarre way on this board.

Cali, everyones knows that AP doesn't give a damn if someone "likes" my posts..I have been consistently the same person..

I never accused you of being inconsistent.....I actually accused you of being consistently silly in engaging in machismo talk when you are on an anonymous message board. Let me conclude by parodying you to show you how ridiculous you sound.....

"Yo AP, why don't you meet me at Dulles International so I can show you what toughness is b*tch?"

There you imagine reading something like that from someone 30 times. See how dumb you sound now?

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
I'm sorry, confident people don't constantly bring up their personal achievements on an anonymous message board. And it's not like you do it once in a while in the heat of the moment when it might be do it non-stop like you are a body builder looking at himself in the mirror. If you are actually confident, good for you. But your whole act of constantly telling people about yourself and asking them to meet up with you is bizarre, to put it mildly. When Britbox disagrees with me on coronavirus, he doesn't ask me to DM him and tell me I should go to Melbourne and meet him at some random street so he can he show me how big his biceps are. That's the kind of thing you do.

Oh please, get the fuck out of here. You insult the majority of Trump's voters all the time. The irony is that everything you say about them applies far more to yourself and the majority of the Democratic voting base, which is poorly educated, misinformed, and dumb.

We're on an anonymous message board, not in a weight room. For you to be using hyper-masculine phrases like "Grown Man" as if you are about to fight someone only further reinforces my point that you are constantly talking yourself up in the most bizarre way on this board.

I never accused you of being inconsistent.....I actually accused you of being consistently silly in engaging in machismo talk when you are on an anonymous message board. Let me conclude by parodying you to show you how ridiculous you sound.....

"Yo AP, why don't you meet me at Dulles International so I can show you what toughness is b*tch?"

There you imagine reading something like that from someone 30 times. See how dumb you sound now?
You are such a mentally weak puny little person.."if my responses frightened you Cali and Broken, Please refrain from asking scary Questions"


Apr 22, 2013
For the record I find the looting and burning loathsome. But where I'm coming from I find it even more loathsome for this to dominate the issue. We don't even know yet who is responsible for it, but for me it is secondary to the murder. And it feels like a deflection when too much copy is used to debate it. All those who are involved should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but let's get it right those fucking police need to go down for this


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
the data is not specific to these riots have to be fucking kidding. Any hint of right-wing violence is amplified and blown up by the media. The recent right-wing protests in Lansing, Michigan (against the stupid, unscientific lockdowns) and Richmond, Virginia (in favor of the Second Amendment) were covered like genocide killing fields by the media, yet not a single person died and not a single store was looted and not a single police officer was assaulted.

Antifa on the other hand routinely goes on rampages through Portland, Seattle, and other cities, and the idiots at CNN talk about them as though they are doing Meals on Wheels for the needy.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
For the record I find the looting and burning loathsome. But where I'm coming from I find it even more loathsome for this to dominate the issue.

People die all over the world and all over the USA every day by the thousands for a variety of reasons.....including thousands of black-on-black murders that you never comment on. One police misdeed does not justify mass-scale crime and the destruction of businesses and lives. There were women kidnapped and attacked in Minneapolis. There was a woman attacked and beaten in Rochester, New York. There were cops dragged on the street and kicked in the head in Chicago. None of that was justified over one police brutality incident, especially when it's put in the broader context of what goes on in our society all the time.

We don't even know yet who is responsible for it, but for me it is secondary to the murder.

That is beyond's not like one window was broken. There are now over 170 businesses - some black-owned - permanently destroyed in Minneapolis and St. Paul. You also have property and infrastructure destroyed to the tune of billions of dollars worth of repairs. You have people who have been assaulted by the thousands in dozens of cities. Mayhem on that scale is not "secondary" to a single murder. Arguing that is utterly absurd.

All those who are involved should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but let's get it right those fucking police need to go down for this

I wonder if you feel as strongly about the need for justice when there are hundreds of black-on-black murders in Baltimore every year or when whites get killed by cops. I highly doubt it.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
113 have to be fucking kidding. Any hint of right-wing violence is amplified and blown up by the media. The recent right-wing protests in Lansing, Michigan (against the stupid, unscientific lockdowns) and Richmond, Virginia (in favor of the Second Amendment) were covered like genocide killing fields by the media, yet not a single person died and not a single store was looted and not a single police officer was assaulted.

Antifa on the other hand routinely goes on rampages through Portland, Seattle, and other cities, and the idiots at CNN talk about them as though they are doing Meals on Wheels for the needy.
Cali. Do you know the Man that you worship hates you Cali as much as he does the Hispanic and Black Communities but you are too ignorant to realize it. Moxie Federerberg and I all know how Trump's mind works but you won't accept it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali. Do you know the Man that you worship hates you Cali as much as he does the Hispanic and Black Communities but you are too ignorant to realize it. Moxie Federerberg and I all know how Trump's mind works but you won't accept it.

Yeah, Trump hates the black community so much that he increased funding for HBCU's, got the criminal justice reform fantasy bill that Democrats orgasm over to pass, and helped bring about the lowest black unemployment rate in American history. He also personally pardoned Alice Marie Johnson. And then at his rallies he constantly boasted about low African-American unemployment. Wow, what hateful rhetoric. (For all of the aforementioned reasons, he got the endorsement of black Democrat Vernon Jones for the upcoming election.)

Did you know that Jesse Jackson honored Trump for "inclusion" of minorities in New York City businesses in 1998?

Moxie Federerberg and I all know how Trump's mind works but you won't accept it.

No, all 3 of you are clueless, and Moxie and Federberg belong to the most dangerous demographic on the planet - white leftists, who should all shut up and stay inside in a self-imposed permanent COVID lockdown. They are absolutely poisonous and more dangerous to civilization than ISIS.
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Apr 22, 2013
People die all over the world and all over the USA every day by the thousands for a variety of reasons.....including thousands of black-on-black murders that you never comment on. One police misdeed does not justify mass-scale crime and the destruction of businesses and lives. There were women kidnapped and attacked in Minneapolis. There was a woman attacked and beaten in Rochester, New York. There were cops dragged on the street and kicked in the head in Chicago. None of that was justified over one police brutality incident, especially when it's put in the broader context of what goes on in our society all the time.
you do realise that white on white crime is more prevalent than black on black right? And I mean that proportionately. Look at the data. You would do us all on this forum a huge favour if you stop representing that you understand the black experience in America better than the rest of us. If you aren't aware of it, let me tell you frankly, none of us are buying your shit...


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
you do realise that white on white crime is more prevalent than black on black right? And I mean that proportionately.

If you actually believe that, you are a complete fucking idiot who does not know the statistics about crime in America at all. If you are talking about felonies and in particular shootings and murders, there is no possible argument that white-on-white crime is more prevalent than black-on-black crime proportionately. None.

Look at the data.

I have. Apparently you haven't. This is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics in November 2011....

Homicide offending patterns were generally similar to victimization patterns

- Young adults (18 to 24 years old) had the highest offending rate in each racial and sex category.

- The offending rate for white male young adults (18 to 24 years old) was 20.4 offenders per 100,000 in 2007 and 2008, which was an all-time low (figure 22a).

- Between 1980 and 2008, young adult black males had the highest homicide offending rate compared to offenders in other racial and sex categories.

- The offending rate for black male teens peaked in 1993 at 246.9 offenders per 100,000 before declining. In recent years, the black male teen offending rate has increased from 54.3 offenders per 100,000 in 2002 to 64.8 offenders per 100,000 in 2008.

- The offending rate for black male young adults increased from 205.2 offenders per 100,000 in 1980 to a high of 365.0 offenders per 100,000 in 1993; dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 offenders per 100,000; and remained more than double the rate of black male teens (64.8 offenders per 100,000) and 4 times the rate of black males age 25 or older (37.8 offenders per 100,000) (figure 22b).

You would do us all on this forum a huge favour if you stop representing that you understand the black experience in America better than the rest of us.

Well understanding it better than you and Moxie is not a very high standard to surpass, so by saying I understand it better than you guys, I am not exactly complimenting myself like AntiPusher compliments himself every other post. I am just pointing out something that is totally obvious.

If you aren't aware of it, let me tell you frankly, none of us are buying your shit...

I wouldn't expect you to.....I dissent from the usual narrative and I put most of the blame on people like you and Moxie - i.e. white leftists. I regard your type as the main political cancer for society generally and black people specifically.
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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Yeah, Trump hates the black community so much that he increased funding for HBCU's, got the criminal justice reform fantasy bill that Democrats orgasm over to pass, and helped bring about the lowest black unemployment rate in American history. He also personally pardoned Alice Marie Johnson. And then at his rallies he constantly boasted about low African-American unemployment. Wow, what hateful rhetoric. (For all of the aforementioned reasons, he got the endorsement of black Democrat Vernon Jones for the upcoming election.)

Did you know that Jesse Jackson honored Trump for "inclusion" of minorities in New York City businesses in 1998?

No, all 3 of you are clueless, and Moxie and Federberg belong to the most dangerous demographic on the planet - white leftists, who should all shut up and stay inside in a self-imposed permanent COVID lockdown. They are absolutely poisonous and more dangerous to civilization than ISIS.
Covid-1619..(.Cali, Trump and his supporters)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Covid-1619..(.Cali, Trump and his supporters)

I understand the Democrats are a low-IQ party that thrives on low-information voters, but you don't have to remind everyone with posts that make it that obvious. Btw, the exchange between Federberg and I was about Antifa and you barged in about Trump, only for me to own you on that score as well. You don't know what to say about Vernon Jones's endorsement of Trump so you resort to, well, nothing.


Apr 22, 2013
If you actually believe that, you are a complete fucking idiot who does not know the statistics about crime in America at all. If you are talking about felonies and in particular shootings and murders, there is no possible argument that white-on-white crime is more prevalent than black-on-black crime proportionately. None.

I have. Apparently you haven't. This is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics in November 2011....

Homicide offending patterns were generally similar to victimization patterns

- Young adults (18 to 24 years old) had the highest offending rate in each racial and sex category.

- The offending rate for white male young adults (18 to 24 years old) was 20.4 offenders per 100,000 in 2007 and 2008, which was an all-time low (figure 22a).

- Between 1980 and 2008, young adult black males had the highest homicide offending rate compared to offenders in other racial and sex categories.

- The offending rate for black male teens peaked in 1993 at 246.9 offenders per 100,000 before declining. In recent years, the black male teen offending rate has increased from 54.3 offenders per 100,000 in 2002 to 64.8 offenders per 100,000 in 2008.

- The offending rate for black male young adults increased from 205.2 offenders per 100,000 in 1980 to a high of 365.0 offenders per 100,000 in 1993; dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 offenders per 100,000; and remained more than double the rate of black male teens (64.8 offenders per 100,000) and 4 times the rate of black males age 25 or older (37.8 offenders per 100,000) (figure 22b).

Well understanding it better than you and Moxie is not a very high standard to surpass, so by saying I understand it better than you guys, I am not exactly complimenting myself like AntiPusher compliments himself every other post. I am just pointing out something that is totally obvious.

I wouldn't expect you to.....I dissent from the usual narrative and I put most of the blame on people like you and Moxie - i.e. white leftists. I regard your type as the main political cancer for society generally and black people specifically.
Actually I was wrong. Although not for the reasons you illustrated. What say we agree that I was wrong with my assertion and you agree that you're the fucking idiot since you weren't smart enough to find the most current data and more importantly the relevant section? ;)

Here's data as of 2018...

Based on victims’ perceptions, the largest percentage of violent incidents committed against white, black, and Hispanic victims were committed by someone of the same race or ethnicity (table 14). Offenders were white in 62% of violent incidents committed against white victims, black in 70% of incidents committed against black victims, and Hispanic in 45% of incidents committed against Hispanic victims. When victims were Asian, there were no statistically significant differences between the percentage of incidents in which the offender was perceived as Asian (24%), white (24%), or black (27%).

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
If you actually believe that, you are a complete fucking idiot who does not know the statistics about crime in America at all. If you are talking about felonies and in particular shootings and murders, there is no possible argument that white-on-white crime is more prevalent than black-on-black crime proportionately. None.

I have. Apparently you haven't. This is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics in November 2011....

Homicide offending patterns were generally similar to victimization patterns

- Young adults (18 to 24 years old) had the highest offending rate in each racial and sex category.

- The offending rate for white male young adults (18 to 24 years old) was 20.4 offenders per 100,000 in 2007 and 2008, which was an all-time low (figure 22a).

- Between 1980 and 2008, young adult black males had the highest homicide offending rate compared to offenders in other racial and sex categories.

- The offending rate for black male teens peaked in 1993 at 246.9 offenders per 100,000 before declining. In recent years, the black male teen offending rate has increased from 54.3 offenders per 100,000 in 2002 to 64.8 offenders per 100,000 in 2008.

- The offending rate for black male young adults increased from 205.2 offenders per 100,000 in 1980 to a high of 365.0 offenders per 100,000 in 1993; dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 offenders per 100,000; and remained more than double the rate of black male teens (64.8 offenders per 100,000) and 4 times the rate of black males age 25 or older (37.8 offenders per 100,000) (figure 22b).

Well understanding it better than you and Moxie is not a very high standard to surpass, so by saying I understand it better than you guys, I am not exactly complimenting myself like AntiPusher compliments himself every other post. I am just pointing out something that is totally obvious.

I wouldn't expect you to.....I dissent from the usual narrative and I put most of the blame on people like you and Moxie - i.e. white leftists. I regard your type as the main political cancer for society generally and black people specifically.
I don't get you ..First you call us idiots or low IQ..
All of us in our own way rebuttal your feeble insults . Yet you STILL are unhappy..
Why are you unhappy? Do you have a friend or a loved one who can help you in your times of crisis? Is it the threat of November 4 when you and your leader will no longer be the political majority but minority? Just like the current state of the sport of men's tennis something is threatening you..and you just can't accept it.

If it's something physically and mentally wrong with you. Then go seek medical assistance.. otherwise you will continue to be the miserable follower of a 9 time bankrupted former casino owner whom you worship so profoundly.

By the way..what type of an idiot who owned casinos go bankrupt more than five times.
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Apr 14, 2013

BB and Mrzz Are you more upset with the riotings and burnings or the unarmed blacks that have been murdered.. eg Breonna Taylor murdered while sleeping in her bed because the police invaded the wrong Apt..

Please respond with the same energy that you have expressed your distain for large numbers of misguided protesting that has intentionally turned into riotings.

I am not. In fact, I am not even upset about the riots. I am saying that they do not achieve the goal. I won't debate what for me (and I think for all) is settled (which is the fact that the murder is unnacceptable). The only thing I am debating is which is the most effective way to do protest and change anything. It is also obvious for me that people need to protest in a variety of ways, and that protests will occur no matter what.

But, yes, as I live in a country were we have the same problem, perhaps I (as a lot of people here and there, of all the skin colors) am used to this kind of senseless death, so we lose the capacity to be outraged.

Again, all deaths due to unnecessary police brutality are unnacceptable to me. Obviously, any kind of race violence is also unnacceptable. Put the two together and you get something even worst. That is a given. We can at least assume that everyone here does not accept cold blood murder AND racism. I won't engage in the "who is more outraged" competition. But, believe me, I think that was barbaric. The question I always ask is: how do you prevent the next one?
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Apr 14, 2013
I am. The people "protesting" are doing so on the basis of lies and misinformation about blacks being disproportionately mistreated by police when study after study after study have confirmed that is not the case. Also, virtually every leftist protest turns violent in a matter of minutes. So yes, I don't think those people should be protesting. They are barbaric cretins and as soon as they get in a large crowd violence is only moments away.

Kaepernick protested on the basis of misinformation and lies. And his ideas planted the seed for the chaos and destruction you are witnessing right now. Kaepernick is an idiot.

There are three different things at stake here, Cali.

1) The fact itself -- which demands protest;

2) An overall analysis, to understand how representative is this fact of the day to day reality of the whole population (which is basically your point, and I fully agree this must be addressed), because people are protesting on the premise that this is representative;

3) That some can turn a protest into a violent display - with or without political use of the mess.

We cannot expect that the general population will be able to make a sober social analysis and look in deep perspective after any flagrant case like this one -- be it representative or not. It is a valid form of political pressure to protest a murder. It is up to the political players to frame facts in the perspective is more favorable to them -- as long as they do not feed the public with lies (which is your point). If that is the case, expose the lies. A (peacefull) protest is never the problem, worst case scenario it is the symptom.

As for Kaepernick, I am not discussing if his protest is justified or not (I am ignorant enough to pretend to have an answer to that). My point is that his form of protest is a good one. What do you prefer? People kneeling or burning houses?
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