US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
That should really read:
If Democrats hold Biden to a different standard than DEMOCRATS hold Trump,
That would assume that the only problem we have with him is that he's a misogynist. It is not, by far, the only problem we have with Trump.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
He's not wrong as to his pot/kettle hypocrisies. I have addressed the #metoo as to Biden on this forum. Donald Trump is a serial abuser of women, both physically and verbally, and all across his presidency. He's a pig, as far as his attitude towards women is concerned. That's not really even debatable.

Yes, it absolutely is. What evidence do you have that Trump has "physically" abused women in a serial manner? You have none.

The fact is, sexual abuse of women is a FAR GREATER problem in the Democratic Party and among its various demographics than among the Republican Party and its core demographics. In fact, it's not even close. The entire #metoo movement was and remains a case of left-wing projection, just as Russian collusion was. The Democratic Party accused the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians while paying for a document (the dossier) which was based on Russian disinformation about Trump. In the same way, the accusations toward everyone on the right of mistreating women precisely characterize how leftist men have been treating women for decades.

If Republicans can be so hypocritical about their "family values" and moral superiority, and yet give us Trump, then yes, Democrats can ignore #metoo, in the vaguaries as they might apply to Biden.

I don't remember you saying a single nice thing about George Bush for being loyal to his wife. The fact is, you don't really care. This is about ideology to you. If a Republican is nice to women, then you shrug your shoulders and dismiss it. If a Republican supposedly mistreats a woman, you get indignant and screech about it.

Even if the allegations against Trump are true, they come from his days as a man who was immersed in the leftist Democrat social scene of NYC. In that case they would be a reflection of the frankly degenerate culture that produced the #metoo movement as a form of projection. All that the #metoo movement amounted to was people from leftist demographics accusing those on the right of doing what they themselves had been doing for decades. It's nothing more than that.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Apparently he is taking hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a prophylactic. There is nothing wrong with that. Of course, this issue isn't about Trump specifically but about whether HCQ is an effective treatment for "COVID" generally. And it certainly appears to be.

I don't think HCQ is a direct medicine for coronavirus in the sense that it was created specifically to combat it (obviously, given how long it has been around). What is clear is that it helps to relieve the more severe symptoms of "COVID" and keeps people alive when it's used early on enough. It also - contrary to what the media are claiming now - has minimal side effects.
HCQ is rough on the heart, by all medical accounting, and Trump is old and in dodgy health. The use of it as a prophylactic seems to be unproven and not indicated, in his case. Frankly, no one believes that he is. He just likes to say it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
That would assume that the only problem we have with him is that he's a misogynist. It is not, by far, the only problem we have with Trump.

Lol....yes, the man who boasted 5,000 times at his rallies the past two years about posting the lowest female unemployment numbers in American history. The fact is, there is nothing a Republican could ever do for you not to label them a misogynist. You define Republicans as misogynists by definition. And of course your definition is dumb.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
So one golfing trip makes Trump a hypocrite?
It's not ONE golfing trip, and yes, it does. He's been golfing across his whole presidency, and he made a huge issue out of Obama golfing, at all. At least Obama worked during his presidency, and didn't just tweet the day away. So, yes, it does make him a hypocrite on the golfing thing. Since basically day one.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
HCQ is rough on the heart, by all medical accounting, and Trump is old and in dodgy health. The use of it as a prophylactic seems to be unproven and not indicated, in his case. Frankly, no one believes that he is. He just likes to say it.

That's absolute bullshit. As usual, "the newspaper of record" is keeping you and millions of other people in the dark about reality. There is a rheumatologist in Los Angeles named Daniel Wallace who has written a textbook on lupus:

Dr. Wallace has been administering HCQ for decades and has repeatedly emphasized that its side effects are minimal. Here is part of a letter Dr. Wallace recently sent to the FDA:

"Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil) is a very safe drug. It has been given to tens of millions of individuals in the world since its approval in 1955 (65 years) and as monotherapy has not been associated with any deaths in the recommended dose. In 42 years of practice, no patient of mine has ever been hospitalized for a HCQ complication."

Has the shithole New York Times informed its readers about this? No, of course not. And that's because they don't care about science. They only care about bashing Trump and winning in their pathologically driven ideological wars.

If you and other Democrats could get off Fauci's dick for 10 seconds, you might realize that he isn't the only scientist in the United States. There are others with credentials at least as strong as his who disagree with his whimsical, often self-contradictory remarks.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's not ONE golfing trip, and yes, it does. He's been golfing across his whole presidency, and he made a huge issue out of Obama golfing, at all. At least Obama worked during his presidency, and didn't just tweet the day away. So, yes, it does make him a hypocrite on the golfing thing. Since basically day one.
If you want to be puny about it, here's a fact-check on the golfing. You won't like it because it's CNN, but you try to do math on if it's not this bad:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It's not ONE golfing trip, and yes, it does. He's been golfing across his whole presidency, and he made a huge issue out of Obama golfing, at all. At least Obama worked during his presidency, and didn't just tweet the day away.

Lol.....right, he is just tweeting the day away. Is that why he gave your idiot Democratic governor facilities to house COVID patients? Did he do that by just standing around and tweeting?

You are, yet again, resorting to baseless and bigoted smears. You have no evidence at all that Trump doesn't do anything all day. According to numerous accounts, he is very hard-working - much more so, in fact, than Obama, who apparently enjoyed photo ops and celebrity engagements more than actually getting his hands dirty over policy.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
That's absolute bullshit. As usual, "the newspaper of record" is keeping you and millions of other people in the dark about reality. There is a rheumatologist in Los Angeles named Daniel Wallace who has written a textbook on lupus:

Dr. Wallace has been administering HCQ for decades and has repeatedly emphasized that its side effects are minimal. Here is part of a letter Dr. Wallace recently sent to the FDA:

"Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil) is a very safe drug. It has been given to tens of millions of individuals in the world since its approval in 1955 (65 years) and as monotherapy has not been associated with any deaths in the recommended dose. In 42 years of practice, no patient of mine has ever been hospitalized for a HCQ complication."

Has the shithole New York Times informed its readers about this? No, of course not. And that's because they don't care about science. They only care about bashing Trump and winning in their pathologically driven ideological wars.

If you and other Democrats could get off Fauci's dick for 10 seconds, you might realize that he isn't the only scientist in the United States. There are others with credentials at least as strong as his who disagree with his whimsical, often self-contradictory remarks.

Is there anything in there that suggests it as a prophylactic? And are you completely convinced that there are no potential heart side-effects, especially for those who are taking it asymptomatically?



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
If you want to be puny about it, here's a fact-check on the golfing. You won't like it because it's CNN, but you try to do math on if it's not this bad:

Did you even read your own fact check? This is what it says:

"Obama played 98 rounds of golf through this point in his presidency, according to data provided to CNN by Mark Knoller, a veteran CBS News White House correspondent who is known for tracking presidential activities. By contrast, Knoller said, Trump has spent all or part of 248 days at a golf course.

CNN's own count has Trump at 266 days spending some time at a Trump golf course.

Since Trump and his aides often refuse to confirm that he actually played golf during a visit to a golf club, even when he has been spotted in golf attire, it is not possible to definitively say how many times Trump has golfed as President. And some of Trump's rounds, like when he plays with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, mix leisure with official business."

So all this tells me is that a man who has owned golf courses all over the country spends some time on his old properties. I am 100% certain you would have no problem with him doing this if he was a Democrat. And your own fact check did not even prove the case you were trying to make.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Did you even read your own fact check? This is what it says:

"Obama played 98 rounds of golf through this point in his presidency, according to data provided to CNN by Mark Knoller, a veteran CBS News White House correspondent who is known for tracking presidential activities. By contrast, Knoller said, Trump has spent all or part of 248 days at a golf course.

CNN's own count has Trump at 266 days spending some time at a Trump golf course.

Since Trump and his aides often refuse to confirm that he actually played golf during a visit to a golf club, even when he has been spotted in golf attire, it is not possible to definitively say how many times Trump has golfed as President. And some of Trump's rounds, like when he plays with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, mix leisure with official business."

So all this tells me is that a man who has owned golf courses all over the country spends some time on his old properties. I am 100% certain you would have no problem with him doing this if he was a Democrat. And your own fact check did not even prove the case you were trying to make.
Read more deeply.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Is there anything in there that suggests it as a prophylactic? And are you completely convinced that there are no potential heart side-effects, especially for those who are taking it asymptomatically?

I have asked some doctors that I know and they have told me that HCQ is effective in relieving COVID symptoms. So it can keep people alive. And, in that sense, it can also be a prophylactic.

The CDC has approved widespread use of HCQ for decades. This notion that it is dangerous is simply a made-up Democratic Party talking point to oppose Trump. It has also cost thousands of lives. HCQ can have side effects, but only very minimal ones. Take a look at Dr. Wallace's letter. Wallace has far more experience with HCQ than clownboy Fauci does.

The problem here is that Democrats would rather murder old people than see Trump vindicated with his HCQ recommendation, and that is in effect what they have done in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Can you imagine Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton saying, "Hey white folks, if you don't vote for me, then you ain't white!" They'd be laughed out of town.

Speaking of Jesse Jackson, Britbox, you may find this clip of Jesse Jackson honoring Trump for a commitment to diversity in 1998 amusing. It shows how much of a sham these charges of "racism" (whatever that amounts to at this point) actually are. Some misinformed media groupie like Federberg doesn't know about this. I'm kind of surprised YouTube hasn't yanked this clip yet:

In 1999, Jessie Jackson awarded Donald Trump with the “Commitment to Diversity Award.”

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I have asked some doctors that I know and they have told me that HCQ is effective in relieving COVID symptoms. So it can keep people alive. And, in that sense, it can also be a prophylactic.

The CDC has approved widespread use of HCQ for decades. This notion that it is dangerous is simply a made-up Democratic Party talking point to oppose Trump. It has also cost thousands of lives. It can have side effects, but only very minimal ones. Take a look at Wallace's letter. Wallace has far more experience with HCQ than clownboy Fauci does.

The problem here is that Democrats would rather murder old people than see Trump vindicated with his HCQ recommendation, and that is in effect what they have done in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
The effectiveness of HCQ is still in the trial stage. Everyone hopes it can help, but it doesn't look like it's leading the pack on answers. No one wants to murder old people, you wanker, except perhaps you, who said that we can sacrifice some oldies for the sake of the economy. As to a one takes chemotherapy so they won't get cancer. The prophylaxis for this pandemic is keeping us away from each other, since none of us is immune. PPEs, social distancing. There is no reason to believe that taking HCQ is going to protect us, and the potential of believing that is also dangerous, even if it doesn't have bad health side effects. My industry and many others, I'm sure, are trying to figure out how we go back to work in ways that keep each other safe. But there is no drug that puts us in a safety bubble, to date. However, if we can be tested for antibodies, we're more likely to know whether or not we're safer against reinfection. We have to keep testing, and keeping to the social distancing norms and self-protections. It's the only way to abate this pandemic.


Apr 22, 2013
:lulz1: This must rank up there with the biggest pot/kettle posts...

Mate, you have spent the best part of four years posting about Trump. Some stuff about Biden comes up and it's "Nothing to see here... let's move on quickly". I wouldn't likely have even taken the time to comment about Biden except for the incredible rank hypocrisy of the current Democratic Party and their supporters.


**excluding Sen. Joe Biden.
I genuinely laughed when I just read this. You know the funny thing? I don't class you as one of the ones I was talking about. I like to think that you and I have always been crystal clear about where we stand. As have Cali and Moxie (as well as others). I don't see you as someone claiming to be apolitical, you know what you believe in, and I respect that. Mate... :facepalm: when have I ever claimed to be apolitical? Let me repeat it for you again if I haven't been clear over the last few years. I fucking loathe Trump, and I loathe how craven the GOP has become. I liked some elements of who the GOP claimed to be years ago, but they only seem to meet their purity tests when they're in opposition. They're not a patch on the Conservative Party over here.

So why the hell you think I would be sitting around ready to praise the guy for the once in a blue moon good deeds he does? Puh-leeze… :face-with-tears-of-joy:

As an aside, when UFC 249 was shown - that's the first one since the lockdown - Dana had Trump say a few words at the start of the programme. I actually like it. I remembered that there was a time I was ok with Trump. It was when he was an entertainer. A thing for amusement. If he gets back to that me and him, we'll be good


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
The effectiveness of HCQ is still in the trial stage.

No it is not. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in hundreds of cases across the United States and thousands across the world. Your media sources are misinforming you. You really need to stop being so parochial and xenophobic on this issue. For the one-hundredth time, here is the story from the Washington Times:

"An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.

The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options."

Everyone hopes it can help,

No they don't, lol. They absolutely want it to fail because Trump has touted it.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013

What a terrible fucking article. It's written by a pseudo-intellectual lame white guy who is upset that Trump acts more like a rapper than a middle-class blue-collar white man, but I'm sure Nichols does not consider himself to be a "racist."

I checked Nichols' archive on The Atlantic and it's all cliché garbage.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It really is funny to me how some low-testosterone bitch of a man and total pseudo-intellectual like "Tom Nichols" can position himself as an anti-racist in the public discourse. I really don't understand how someone can look at some turd like him and not be at least somewhat anti-white. Every article he has written is a waste of online space.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
My industry and many others, I'm sure, are trying to figure out how we go back to work in ways that keep each other safe.

Well, all of you harbor an irrational fear, called "covidophobia," or "coronaphobia" if you prefer. The easy solution for your industry and others is to allow everyone to go back to work tomorrow with no masks like nothing ever happened. Everyone would be safe and life would be enjoyable again. This virus is of no threat to anyone except the very old and already very ill. The far greater threat to the average person is the sum total of consequences of these science-contradicting, data-neglecting, unscientific, superstitious, and utterly stupid lockdowns.

We have to keep testing, and keeping to the social distancing norms and self-protections.

Again, it's all completely pointless. The testing will just reveal what we already know - that there are millions of utterly harmless and asymptomatic cases. Mass testing just to test will waste a ton of money and time, and cost millions of people in dozens of ways not having to do with the virus because the increased number of positive cases will be used by your low-IQ, dumbass political party to justify more lockdowns.

As I have said a hundred times since mid-March when I posted the WSJ article from two Stanford scientists, we already know that there are millions of asymptomatic cases. We don't have to keep the economy shut down another 10 months to confirm it. That is plainly stupid and a low-IQ idea, which is why your party is advocating it.

The COVID-19 shutdown will cost Americans millions of years of life
By Scott W. Atlas, John R. Birge, Ralph L Keeney and Alexander Lipton, Opinion Contributors — 05/25/20 08:00 AM EDT

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