US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
'On Fire': Either Trump or Clinton in White House Would Lead to Global Conflict
22:47 27.09.2016(updated 22:49 27.09.2016) Get short URL

"Donald Trump is going to favor more of a pro-business approach; we see that doesn’t work," Bob Schlehuber, producer of Radio Sputnik’s By Any Means Necessary, told Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker. "We need to redistribute money to people that are living paycheck to paycheck and they’ll instantly spend it. That’s not going to work with businesses."

"On the other end, you have corrupt governments," he added. "It shows the government is also laggard and ineffective in being able to manage these infrastructure projects. So I think we’re left with two options in Trump and Clinton, one in the business route, one in the government route, neither one of them works."

The debate eventually shifted to foreign policy, however, and highlighted the bizarre role that the "Russian boogeyman" has played in this election.

"When she mentioned Russia last night it was the most outrageous Russia bashing, but it’s the keystone of her foreign policy," said Gloria La Riva, presidential candidate for the Party for Socialism and Liberation. "She is the ideologue for more aggression against Russia. It’s quite dangerous."

Still, any notion that Trump is an antiwar candidate is also flawed.

"We don’t have anything really policy-wise from Donald Trump to stand on to back up this supposition that he is somehow antiwar, less hawkish," Anoa Changa, host of the talk show The Way with Anoa Changa, said, pointing out Trump’s stated support for the Israeli government.

"It is a misnomer. It’s very easy for him to paint himself as if he’s somehow less pro-war…it’s very easy for him to do that because he doesn’t have an actual voting record to hold him to like Secretary Clinton and President Obama and Bernie Sanders and other actual politicians in office."

As Schlehuber pointed out, hawkishness from both candidates is to be expected.

"I don’t think the US government and anybody that runs for higher office knows anything but war," he said, pointing out that Washington had a number of opportunities to prevent the Syrian civil war from erupting, but chose to ignore the warnings.

"Here we are, some five years later, the whole thing’s on fire, we have no idea how to go in and resolve it whatsoever. We have preventable situations both domestically in our US cities as well as abroad that can be prevented before these things spark and catch fire," he said.

"Once they’re on fire, we’ve shown complete ineffectiveness through our military and our police to resolve and de-escalate. Once the escalation starts, all we do is escalate, escalate, escalate, and that’s what you’ll get from a Trump or a Clinton presidency."


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Leaked Tape Exposes Hillary Mocking Bernie’s Supporters in Front of Big Donors
00:17 02.10.2016(updated 01:31 02.10.2016) Get short URL

A leaked audio recording of Hillary Clinton from a high-dollar fundraiser in February shows the Democratic nominee mocking not just progressive firebrand Bernie Sanders, but also the cadre of young supporters who favored the insurgent candidacy of the Vermont Senator, a revelation that is bound to have damning ramifications for Clinton’s campaign.

Echoing the words Hillary used to describe Donald Trump’s supporters – as "a basket of deplorables" – Clinton once again showed that no matter how poll-focused her statements are she simply does not like the majority of Americans looking with a condescending view towards over half of the US.

"They’re children of the Great Recession,” said Hillary about Bernie’s supporters. “And they are living in their parents’ basement" she said mocking the financial hardships faced by the younger generation as something that makes their opinion – which during the primary election was largely in opposition to Clinton – somehow less credible than the views of older voters.

"They feel that they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future," said Clinton. 'If you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t have much of a ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe – just maybe – you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing."

She said that she hoped her own candidacy, very tellingly, would serve as a "wet blanket on idealism" from the Bernie supporters in a line that essentially means it is her hope that her winning the White House would break the spirits of the masses so that settle for “what we can achieve now” rebranded as though it were the bigger goals the millennials dreamed of.

© Sputnik/ Mikhail Alayeddin

She went on to compare Bernie’s supporters to those of Donald Trump saying that the two shared a common stain of populism with Trump supporters fueled by xenophobia and bigotry while Bernie’s supporters were pushed forward by a desire for "free college, free health care" and the desire for the US to become "Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don’t know what that means."

Donald Trump did not hesitate on Saturday afternoon to seize on Clinton’s statement tweeting out that "Crooked Hillary is nasty to Sanders supporters behind closed doors. Owned by Wall St. and Politicians. Hillary Rodham Clinton is not with you."

The Clinton campaign tried to walk back the damning statements saying that it isn’t that Clinton thinks that millennial voters who opposed her candidacy during the primary are to be mocked, but instead that her negative statements to millionaire and billionaire donors about an entire generation were her saying that she "gets why Bernie’s supporters are frustrated."



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
whatever trump MIGHT be - should he actually take the presidency -- a PATTERN about hillary is very clear...

and this is a DISDAIN towards others- in fact ENTIRE groups of people, entire POPULATIONS...

remember the leaks of her ordering the US ambassadors and diplomats abroad to serve literally as SPIES upon world leaders ? clearly to gather personal information that could be embarrassing (but which perhaps NOT all criminal at all -- merely a matter of personally embarrassing things - a sex affair here, a drunkenness, being on medication, whatever -- with which to BLACKMAIL people ) --

talking about them in very disparaging ways - as well as that of their countries..?

there is a clinical word for people like that, u know.




Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
whatever trump MIGHT be - should he actually take the presidency -- a PATTERN about hillary is very clear...

and this is a DISDAIN towards others- in fact ENTIRE groups of people, entire POPULATIONS...

remember the leaks of her ordering the US ambassadors and diplomats abroad to serve literally as SPIES upon world leaders ? clearly to gather personal information that could be embarrassing (but which perhaps NOT all criminal at all -- merely a matter of personally embarrassing things - a sex affair here, a drunkenness, being on medication, whatever -- with which to BLACKMAIL people ) --

talking about them in very disparaging ways - as well as that of their countries..?

there is a clinical word for people like that, u know.


Teddy, you have some astonishing Anti-Hillary googles on. The one full of disdain for entire groups of people (women, Latinos, Blacks, fat people, Jews, and it goes on) is Trump. And I don't know what world you live in, (though I'm getting an idea,) embassies are actually rife with spies, and have been at least since the Cold War. You can't be THAT naive. Surely Hillary didn't invent that.

There is so much hypocritical unbalanced behavior from Trump that it has become white noise to the the real issue. Is someone this morally corrupt, and lets face it, thin skinned and easily baited, an appropriate personality to handle the nuclear codes? Yes, he's up at 3am and 5:30am to fight back against what he perceives as major attacks. But, in fact these are petty indignancies. And he has that send button to launch a counter Twitter attack to defend his weak ego. But, let me ask you: What happens when Angela Merkel does or says something that he doesn't like? As President he has a different button to press and it's not connected to Twitter. It's connected to missile silos. What then?

The REAL danger is we're not the only ones asking this question. So is Angela Merkel. So is Vladimir Putin. So is the Chinese Politburo. So is Israel. The other nuclear powers will have to adjust their "first strike policies" to accommodate this. That is not just a problem, that is the beginning of a march to global catastrophe.

The more informed of you may say: "Hey, Germany doesn't have nuclear capabilities." You're right, they don't. They have the strongest economy in Europe and that can be used as a weapon to weaken the US economy. Germany is where we keep military bases that act as deterrents to China and Russia. Without those, we're exposed. China has so much debt leverage on the US, they could actually collapse the US economy. Trump himself, as a private citizen has so much debt to China, his governance can be leveraged. The weapons available to enemies go far beyond bombs.

I could go on and on in many different directions with this, but here's the point: He is not a diplomat. He has never governed. He is a businessman that is used to ruling by fiat. He can't hold his tiny, petty little thoughts and grudges at bay in his own head. He consistently acts on them. That WILL have ramifications way beyond Twitter. So, when you keep seeing this never ending trail of adolescent reaction to the smallest slight, please ask yourself: what does this mean on a global scale? What does this mean when this personality has the seat of the greatest power on earth? What does it mean when this person has access to the means of global destruction? Is he the right person to give this power to? I would say No.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
C'mon Moxie... Trump is not going to fire nukes at Germany over disagreements. Let's keep it real. As you are aware, I don't think much of either party... but I'd be more concerned with regard to foreign policy if Hillary is in the White House. If you don't think Trump can be diplomatic then let me remind you of Hillary laughing about Libya "We came, we saw, he died"... You downplayed it.... but how diplomatic is that? Considering the absolute carnage in Libya before and after?

Not to mention Hillary's rhetoric about Putin when she was secretary of State... "I looked into his eyes and he had no soul".... is that really something a serious diplomat would be sharing for cheap votes?

Hillary's track record as a diplomat, secretary of state... is not pretty for people outside of the US. At least Trump talks about doing deals... Slandering Mexicans isn't on the same level as fronting Russia over a Syrian conflict that the United States really doesn't have any authority to belong in for citizens around the globe. The potential consequences are far more severe.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
of course none of us know these people as ''personal" -- we can only know of WHAT they achieve and cause or inspire . that's the same with most of us, isn't/ it?

for all we know TRUMP will turn out just like hillary or worse - once the ''mic'' Pentagon and ''deep state" get to him - if not already.

but i recall a person i knew well long ago -and SUCH a hard worker , so creative, so resourceful -- what americans would call a ''true hardworking american" --
in any his ''community'' had some ''clout' in the politics -- jews - so we know that THAT means - and someone who had ''access" managed to insert him in her schedules to her office for interview to SENATOR hillary then - who had the power - by law -- to give a dispensation and in a stroke of a pen give him his legal status - as he coulnd't really afford lawyers -- but just scraped by - ..

on the appointed time..he described it:

'came through the door with the old gentleman..she was sitting behind her big table...with her eyes on expression..gentleman thanks her for letting us come...not invited to sit..and tells her what it is about , my case...all this time not a word from her -- she jst looked at me , her face was like a stone, like i was some bug..i felt so if she was telling me how dare i waste her time...

and then we left...with not any sound from her...


now all these other things we know she DOES -- MOCKING people. presidents, diplomats, ordering for them to be spied on to find out what pills and medications they take..etc...her counterpart sanders and his voters...

what does THAT tell you ? only an idiot will believe this person is a GOOD person - let alone a kind one or compassionate one or just one that paints herself to be ''president".

she is basically talking about the 'millenials" --

"complain? whine? we're going to do things the way we want and YOU better get USED to it".

THAT'S what it is about - and moxie just LOVES IT.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
i;ll tell you one thing though, probably no longer on video -

but i was watching LIVE -- a CCTV CHINA telecast of a public forum - HILLARY'S LAST trip to china as State Secretary in the first obama cycle...
so that was what? -- 2012..or thereabout..
there were of course other heads of state or panelists on stage - and like hillary giving their speeches..along with their chinese ministerial counterparts in a kind of public forum in a very big hall - full of college students.

hillary's turn - she gives the usual talk about america being the best this and that..and THEN launches into a LECTURE about ''china's need to reform and improve its human rights problems". and so on..finishes her speech - takes her seat in her leather couch...

at which time a chinese minister on stage -- DROPPING all protocol --
stood up , strode a few paces in her direction -- and in english - basically gave her a lesson:

wagging his finger at her face...

"HOW DARE you lecture us about human rights ? you have the largest prison population in the world because you fill your jails with people because they are black and poor -- you are a racist country , you have police brutality the world can see - and you go around the world invading and destroying - and your politics is the most corrupt..your country caused the global owe us a lot of money....blah, blah"

it went on for about 5 minutes..and she just sat there all flustered....

and THAT was just months after OBAMA'S TREASURY SECRETARY at the time - TIMOTH GEITHNESS of the NY FEDERAL BANK board previously -- and another of the''wizards of wall street - us treasury" that caused the global ''bubble" debacle we are about to enter YET again...

also went to china before his stint was over as traesury secretary to give a LECTURE in one of china's biggest universities -- to college studetns also -- giving the ''american prescription" on economics...

as he talked -- i could see the young chinese college students ROLL THEIR EYES openly -- clearly openly was so funny.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Pentagon paid PR firm 540mn to make fake terrorist videos
The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

PR firm Bell Pottinger, known for its array of controversial clients including the Saudi government and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s foundation, worked with the US military to create the propaganda in a secretive operation.

The firm reported to the CIA, the National Security Council and the Pentagon on the project with a mandate to portray Al-Qaeda in a negative light and track suspected sympathizers.

Both the White House and General David Petraeus, the former general who shared classified information with his mistress, signed off on the content produced by the agency.

The Bell Pottinger operation started soon after the US invasion of Iraq and was tasked with promoting the “democratic elections” for the administration before moving on to more lucrative psychological and information operations.

READ MORE: Iraqi torture: US unable to restrain Shia militia forces committing kidnap, torture & beheadings

Former employee Martin Wells told the Bureau how he found himself working in Iraq after being hired as a video editor by Bell Pottinger. Within 48 hours, he was landing in Baghdad to edit content for secret “psychological operations” at Camp Victory.

The firm created television ads showing Al-Qaeda in a negative light as well as creating content to look as though it had come from “Arabic TV”. Crews were sent out to film bombings with low quality video. The firm would then edit it to make it look like news footage.

They would craft scripts for Arabic soap operas where characters would reject terrorism with happy consequences. The firm also created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided.

Employees were given specific instructions to create the videos. “We need to make this style of video and we’ve got to use Al-Qaeda's footage,” Wells was told. “We need it to be 10 minutes long, and it needs to be in this file format, and we need to encode it in this manner.”

The videos were created to play on Real Player which needs an internet connection to run. The CDs were embedded with a code linking to Google Analytics which allowed the military to track IP addresses that the videos were played on.

According to Wells, the videos were picked up in Iran, Syria and the US.

"If one, 48 hours or a week later shows up in another part of the world, then that’s the more interesting one,” Wells explained. “And that’s what they’re looking for more, because that gives you a trail.”

The Pentagon confirmed the PR firm did work for them under the Information Operations Task Force (IOTF) creating content they say was “truthful”. The firm also worked under the Joint Psychological Operations Task Force (JPOTF). The Pentagon said it could not comment on JPOTF operations.

US law prohibits the government from using propaganda on its population, hence the use of an outside firm to create the content.

Documents show the Pentagon paid $540 million to Bell Pottinger in contracts between 2007 and 2011, with another contract for $120 million in 2006. The firm ended its work with the Pentagon in 2011.

In 2009, it was reported that the Pentagon had hired controversial PR firm, The Rendon Group, to monitor the reporting of journalists embedded with the U.S. military, to assess whether they were giving "positive" coverage to its missions.

It was also revealed in 2005 that Washington based PR company the Lincoln Group had been placing articles in newspapers in Iraq which were secretly written by the US military. A Pentagon investigation cleared the group of any wrongdoing.



actually -- ROGUE NATION.

'we are a nation of war and money racketeers -- whose real policies are about gathering as much of the world's resources unto ourselves at the expense of others...we are a nation of gangsters and racketeers for our Big Boss: our super nationalistic capitalism and our cultural and economic assault upon others...I was our chief high class muscle enforcer leading our high class military and armed forces...doing the bidding of our big banks, big, finance, big corporations, -- all of us in service of our big boss with its big brains; people who identify and decide who shall be destroyed that gets in our way...

our policies have nothing to do with democracy, freedom, justice, fairness or human rights...but to make the world safe for our capitalism..

THE Trouble with US americans is this: when our own dollar can't buy more than a few 5-6% of its own value at home - WE get uneasy -- so .....we go abroad where we can force countries to let our dollar buy 100 percent more than it is really worth..and where our Dollar goes, so our flag follows...where our flag goes, there follow our armed forces...

for 30 years i served our american racket in 3 continents -- suspending my own conscience, knowing that what we do is EVIL and i will have nothing more to do withit".



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
C'mon Moxie... Trump is not going to fire nukes at Germany over disagreements. Let's keep it real. As you are aware, I don't think much of either party... but I'd be more concerned with regard to foreign policy if Hillary is in the White House. If you don't think Trump can be diplomatic then let me remind you of Hillary laughing about Libya "We came, we saw, he died"... You downplayed it.... but how diplomatic is that? Considering the absolute carnage in Libya before and after?

Not to mention Hillary's rhetoric about Putin when she was secretary of State... "I looked into his eyes and he had no soul".... is that really something a serious diplomat would be sharing for cheap votes?

Hillary's track record as a diplomat, secretary of state... is not pretty for people outside of the US. At least Trump talks about doing deals... Slandering Mexicans isn't on the same level as fronting Russia over a Syrian conflict that the United States really doesn't have any authority to belong in for citizens around the globe. The potential consequences are far more severe.
My main point about Germany is that they are an economic power house, and taking off against them could have otherwise consequences. I'm astonished that you're still defending Trump in any way, given his dismal showing in the debates, the way he takes off on twitter at 3am against a former Miss Universe, and otherwise grudges he can't let go of. And his terrible record as a businessman, going bankrupt often, and taking small businesses with him. And all the while, he is shameless about not paying taxes, and using the system he is campaigning against to feather his own nest. I'm guessing it's just easy for you and others who don't live in the US to give a pass to Trump on many things, and still complain against Clinton. But we're the ones who will really have to live with the next President, and by almost everyone's estimation, Trump is a bad idea. Any number of newspapers with no history of endorsing a Democrat have crossed over. USAToday, which has never endorsed at all, felt compelled to endorse Clinton. This is because Trump is stirring up bad juju. He has opened up a factional divide, and encourages division, rather than inclusiveness. He's pretending that he can't remember who David Duke is, Grand Wizard of the KKK, when he has previously disavowed him. He is dog-whistling to a white racist disaffectedness, which is not only cynical, it's dangerous. Perhaps it's easy for you to sit from the sidelines and have an opinion, but I don't think you understand our internal politics enough to see just how abhorrent and egregious Trump's message is to our continued best progress, as a country. To retreat back into some racist place is, for us, to lose 40-50 years of progress. There is nothing about Trump's agenda that is worth that. The disaffection that people feel with government has been apparent, and heard, in the Trump campaign and the Sanders one, too. It won't go unheeded. But Trump has no chops or temperament to lead this country, or any. He's a petty, self-interested man. He has no vision or history with public service, and he continually demonstrates that he has only himself in mind. Everything else is a lot of hot air.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hillary Clinton considered drone attack on Julian Assange - report
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly wanted to drone Wikileaks founder Julian Assange when she was secretary of state.

According to True Pundit, Clinton and the state department were under pressure to silence Assange and Wikileaks in the months before the whistleblowing site released a massive dump of 250,000 diplomatic cables from 1966 up to 2010, dubbed CableGate.

“Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to unidentified state department sources.

Published by True Pundit on Sunday, Wikileaks posted a link to the story on their official Twitter account on Monday, along with a screenshot of the article.

Clinton and the state department held numerous meetings to discuss what could be done about Assange and his site which had already exposed damning military secrets about the war in Afghanistan and Iraq before the promised document dump was to come. The department was under pressure from both the White House and foreign governments to silence Wikileaks.

True Pundit reports the people in the room with Clinton on November 23, 2010 laughed at her comment, until it became clear that the then-secretary of state was serious. Clinton was reportedly fuming and referred to Assange as a “soft target.”

After Clinton’s drone suggestion, the state department considered offering a reward to anyone whose help secured the Australian journalist’s capture and extradition to the US. Unnamed sources reported a $10 million price was discussed at the meeting.

Following the meeting, Clinton aide Ann-Marie Slaughter emailed Clinton and aides Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan with the subject, "RE an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks."

The email contained an attachment "SP Wikileaks doc final11.23.10.docx." which has not been found by federal investigators investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server. Wikileaks itself does not have this attachment.

Five days after the meeting, Wikileaks began releasing the CableGate files, on November 28, 2010.

Sources familiar with the meeting claim they were reminded of Clinton’s penchant for discussing droning enemies following the release of the FBI’s report on the Clinton email investigation, according to True Pundit.

The FBI’s notes on Clinton’s interview during the investigation referred to Clinton having “many discussions” about “nominating” droning individuals.

“Clinton could not recall a specific process for nominating a target for a drone strike and recalled much debate pertaining to the concurrence process. Clinton knew there was a role for DOD, State and the CIA but could not provide specifics as to what it was. Due to a disagreement between these agencies, Clinton recalled having many discussions related to nominating an individual for a drone strike,” the report reads.

Assange was set to make a big announcement at the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Tuesday where he has been trapped for five years, but cancelled in light of security concerns.

The teased leak, dubbed an “October Surprise” is thought to be damaging for Clinton before the presidential elections in November.

The announcement will now be made at Wikileaks’ 10-year anniversary celebration in Berlin on Tuesday. Assange will address the event via video leak.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Almost 400,000 Americans and those two are the most qualified to lead the country? Embarrassing.

""RUSSIA DOES NOT respect international law....WE DO...
\'''...That's why Russia is in Syria Legally....and we're there Illegally".


figure THAT kind of ''logic" and you undrstand why the ''most exceptional: nation" is like htat...

or how about THIS zinger:

|'''AMERICA is a pacific nation....THEREFORE...
''we are ALSO an asian nation...
''and we intend to be THE asian LEADER"...BARACK OBAMA...

'''Well...we did tell russia that at first we thought it was Russian planes and helicopters that bombed the UN convoy in aleppo...but it's true there were no russian flying...but they're still responsible for the bombing...''

go figure....


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Kerry apparently wanted to use direct force and take on the Russians... but was vetoed by Obama.

if we are to give that the benefit of the doubt (i know i do -- i mean giving OBAMA the benefit that he really personally didn't QUITE have the same enthusiasm for such things as , say, his SENIORS -- the REAL veterans like Kerry, Clinton...u know..) --
it still does not save obama from a legacy of presiding over a FAILED failed in fact -- that he as Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman -- Maria Zakharova puts it succinctly --

"he was given Credit BY the world -- and he has at the end of the term make a Report...and unfortunately -- there is nothing to report that he can truly be proud of...".

poor thing...he never really did have a chance..but then - WHAT US president EVER had a chance against the PENTAGON? LOL. it was ALWAYS a MILITARY STATE...


in fact -- tehcnically -- there IS a provision in US ''law' that keeps it under PERMANENT or ''-renewable" (which they never ended, lol) ''Military rule" --

except whoever inserted such things over a cnetury ago (and was invoked somewhere in the world wars and never revoked since) to make it palatable


i can't remember exactly where to find it again -- but - it IS's just americans and the world don't know much about it...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Julian Assange Delivering Speech on WikiLeaks' 10th Anniversary
11:06 04.10.2016(updated 16:42 04.10.2016) Get short URL


founder has been residing at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012 out of fear of being extradited to Sweden where he has been accused of sexual assault, and from there to the United States where he could face espionage charges for publishing secret documents through his website.

"WikiLeaks has released 10 million documents over 10 years. That is 10 billion words, averaging 3,000 documents a day", Assange said.

"The documents themselves are revealing, but the government and state reactions to the releases are revealing also," he added.

Assange promised that publications will continue even if he would have to resign. He said WikiLeaks will release US election documents before November 8.

"We hope to be publishing every week for the next 10 weeks. We have on schedule, and it's a very hard schedule, all the US election-related documents to come out before November 8."

"Upcoming series include significant material on war, on arms, on oil, on Google, on the US election," he said via video linkup from the Ecuadorian embassy.

Assange said there had been a lot of misquoting which suggested WikiLeaks was going to harm the US presidential election.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dismissed as "pathetic" on Tuesday allegations of links to Russia.

"These are pathetic, these kinds of arguments," Assange said.

He further branded as "neo-Mccarthyist hysteria" numerous allegations in the United States accusing Russia of cyberattacks and other breaches.

In July, WikiLeaks published nearly 20,000 hacked emails that apparently showed DNC members discussing ways to undercut Clinton's rival Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic nomination.

The New York Times claimed last month that WikiLeaks' publications have often benefited Russia at the expense of the West.

Some releases will touch upon the governments of three countries. The whistleblower said he was going to launch a special membership structure to keep WikiLeaks independent. He urged followers to support the newly-established WikiLeaks task force to help protect the website.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Kerry apparently wanted to use direct force and take on the Russians... but was vetoed by Obama.

AS FOR kerry ..h emade his name as a vietnam ''war hero" -- after getting slightly injured - tasked with being mainly a photographer or ''recorder" of events - comparatively a safe assignment-- then shipped back after 143 days -- as one of the ''select" elite families t- then pursue his ''career" -- starting with that statement to congress:

"how do you send the last man to die for a LIE?"

oh weee- oh wow -- of course it was true - it was a LIE (what imperial adventures of the USA haven't been anyway? - sinking its OWN ship in the korean peninsula to get into the action there...same as in vietnam, same as in puerto rico, same as downing its own civilian plane to get into world war ONE -- did people know these things? if google will LET you , lol? let alone that 9/11? ) -

and bide his time, growing his career -- THE WAR HERO, WAR HERO, YEEEHAAAAA...

america loves to play games - such as hollywood does about foreign actors ''controlling us -- the communist chinese, the russkies, terrAAAARRRIIISSSSTSSS"...


lol. HOMEGROWN!! to give them 'cause" to have their imperial adventures

what A STUPID ''RACE" -- THE ''american mult-racial *race"" -- EXCEPTIONALLY stupid like the world has never seen.............

AND the only thing that matches its stupidity as a society is its HUBRIS....RUNNING TO NECK with its IGNORANCE about the world.

"GOD created War to Teach Americans Geography". -- MARK TWAIN.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Kerry apparently wanted to use direct force and take on the Russians... but was vetoed by Obama.

obama 2015:

"we've succeeded in rendering Russia's economy in TATTERS!!
''putin , u know..he's like that kid at the back of the class, with that slouching kind of way he sits , chewing a bubble gum...and nobody really likes him".

Putin interview 2016: what is it like dealing with the americans and obama?
" is like playing chess with a pigeon..
''first it knocks the pieces down..''
''then it defecates on the board..
''then it struts around like it just won the game"........


Apr 22, 2013
I have to say, Colin Powell was right about HRC and hubris. She literally should have this in the bag, but after her good debate she's resting on her laurels again. I'm amazed that she doesn't seem to get it. This election is effectively a referendum on her. My sense is that the electorate doesn't think that Trump is a fit to be President but they despise her. She has done NOTHING, to give the electorate a positive reason to vote for her. Hubris hubris hubris. Look, the odds are strongly in her favour, but I don't trust that anymore, not after Brexit. If she doesn't try to connect with the electorate they may yet shock her... and me :(
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I have to say, Colin Powell was right about HRC and hubris. She literally should have this in the bag, but after her good debate she's resting on her laurels again. I'm amazed that she doesn't seem to get it. This election is effectively a referendum on her. My sense is that the electorate doesn't think that Trump is a fit to be President but they despise her. She has done NOTHING, to give the electorate a positive reason to vote for her. Hubris hubris hubris. Look, the odds are strongly in her favour, but I don't trust that anymore, not after Brexit. If she doesn't try to connect with the electorate they may yet shock her... and me :(

EITHER WAY -- fEDERBERG..SHE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CORRUPT individaul whohas such lust for power and ambition -- but in the end -- JUST ONE MORE in a long lineof IMPERIAL american presidents whose TRUE masters

are the MILITARY, CORPORATE COMPLEX AND THE very, very rich ruling families who are the TRUE masters of the USA.

they are the rockefellers. duponts, rothschilds.and of course the more recent mega-billionaire ''recruits" who -- by virtue of their ''successes" -- such as Bill Gates, george soros, the kochs, - basically the 1 percent who may or may not be ''very visible" depending on their particular ;'activities" they are engaged in --

are part of the ''BILDERG GROUP" OFself-appointed

NEW WORLD ORDER financial and class and racist nobilities -- with their european counterparts whose wet dreams are a world ''without borders" -- no sovereignty --

subject only to their corporate plunder and control...that they can reshape anyway they wish.

WHAT DO YOU THINK THE EU -nato WAS ALL ABOUT? what do you think the ''migrants" resulting from THEIR subtle manipulations of entire economies and governments that have been 'NEUTRALIZED" from standing up to them (SUCH AS THrough revolutions, ''progressive causes" , ''humanitarian wars", ''bringing democracy", etc?) were all about...?

theresa may? hillay? even trump? they are SMALL FRY to these REAL ''world rulers"

and to be SURE the MILITARY force is put in place not JUST to ensure compliance BY the population should it come to THAT -- by all kinds of terror "the terrorists are coming, the communists are coming, the foreigners are coming., the rapists are coming" -- etc...they are also there -- if necessary to REPLACE any ''president" or leader ''elected' by ''the people|" -- IF that person so much as defies the ''suggestions" from ''above".

for example -- such as was done with disobedient GADDAFI -- for DARING to threaten the USA DOLLAR by issuing DINAR backed by LIBYAN gold reserves for a REAL currency for all africans to begin using and issuing their currency and thus, trade OUTSIDE of the dollar which is the 'currency' THESE powers behind the scenes USE for global hegemony over central banks of the world.

i thought you would have understood that by now.
these -- come and go -- the ULTIMATE ruling families -- they ''preserve' themselves through their manipulations -- and LITERALLY -- the destruction and chaos produced and carefully arranged over decades adn decades -- with always the ''alternate" plans ...
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