US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
^ There was a lot of chatter about Facebook favouring the Democrats in their news curation.

now -- watch as clinton becomes a REAL liability to her REAL masters -- the deep state -- comprising of the very, very rich families who rule -- the handlers -- the security state -- who - despite all their protection of clinton to promote their war and money racketeering agendas --

the MSM which THEY control -- -- ever-so -gradually becomes a bit more ''questioning of hillary's health" by the day -- (it already started, albeit trying to sound ''reasoned") - and then it goes to ''we might have to question her foundation's role" -- and then ''what about her e mails?" and then 'what about benghazi, libya and the dead american ambassador ? when she was secretary of state??

little by little -- so that THEIR role is not on center stage...
as they LET HER WALLOW while they gradually withdraw their support...

as she is already DEAD MEAT for THEIR purpose .........NOT at all what they planned, imo...because the MONEY PEOPLE BEHIND THE SCENES...the REAL rulers -- the 1 percenters, the bilderbergers, the rothschilds, the kochs, the rockefellers and their cabals -- have NO loyalty to anyone -- EXCEPT MONEY

AND THEY PREFER to be ''in the shadows" that IS after all the source of their continuation -- shifting from 'one party' to the other -- and one 'cause" to another so long as it SERVES THEIR purpose

CONTROL OF THE LEADERSHIP and government and all its essential policies...


i am always correct about this. lol

just watch...


Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
It is funny to see all those TV presenters in this country discussing American politics as if they had voting right in the US or they live there at least. It seems matter of life or death to have Hitlary elected and very much all they want to talk about these days is US elections. However openly they were against Trump in previous months now they tuned down being afraid he may win eventually.

For us Serbs, the Clintons are worse than Hitler, yet I don't know any Serbs invested in the elections as much.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It is funny to see all those TV presenters in this country discussing American politics as if they had voting right in the US or they live there at least. It seems matter of life or death to have Hitlary elected and very much all they want to talk about these days is US elections. However openly they were against Trump in previous months now they tuned down being afraid he may win eventually.

For us Serbs, the Clintons are worse than Hitler, yet I don't know any Serbs invested in the elections as much.

MASTOOR -- if you are refering to your TV ''presenters" -- that is because they are basically OWNED by the USA -- some of the actual board members in your media are practically subsidiary operatives of the american MSM corporats such as CNN (i just forget to put the links here..but they are VERY traceable - although some of your media WON'T disclose their western connection ''sponsors")

therefore it follows that they do exactly as the USA msm dictates..''present" ''news" in a completely totalitarian system TO the serbian people REGARDLESS of what your fellow serbs wish ....

the sell-outs in your intelligentsia and elite -- some of whom have actaully been 'educated" with USA western ''''scholarships"?

are basically the ''little russia' version of what the USA NEOLIBERALS keep attempting in ''big russia' -- the ''wetsern liberalists and atlanticists -- (who of course completely FAILED in the DUMA elections past sunday -- as the russian FSB -- internal security ruthlessly and efficiently caught their attempts to bribe, etc. etc..)

and to be sure -- this article below -- whcih traces the exact way the USA ''colonizes" serbia -- AGAINST THE WILL OF YOUR PEOPLE -- IS mirrored in SOUTHEAST ASIA...through so-called ''ngo's" , ''education" -- ''scholarships" - to "build the future leaders" -- etc, etc .etc.

What Makes Belgrade's Incredible March to NATO Possible? Answer: Pro-Western Stranglehold on the Serbian Press
Stephen Karganovic (Katehon) 4 hours ago | 489 13
According to the report of the Anti-corruption Council of Serbia dated December 18th, 2015, “in Serbia the media are under powerful political pressure and are, as a result, under total control” (page 9). The absence of partialities in this stark assessment sends a strong message which is amply documented in the Council’s 141-page report. The fact that a high ranking official of the Council was beaten by “unknown assailants” only serves to reinforce the authenticity of its conclusions.

In its report, the Council goes on to say that “we have arrived at the conclusion that there is not a single media organization [in Serbia] which offers to citizens complete and objective information. Under the strong pressure of political circles, the media ignore events or informs about them inadequately.”

The Council devotes a significant part of its analytical attention to a form of indirect government control that is particularly susceptible to corruption: the buying of advertising space in the print and electronic media. In order to demonstrate how government agencies entice the media to (literally) follow the politically correct line, the Council analyzed 50 major Serbian media organizations that have benefited from the government budget in various ways. Among the sources of such government spending aimed at the media were all cabinet ministries, public (i.e. government-owned) enterprises, municipal organizations, public agencies, and other government-related entities.

In a previous report issued in February 2015, the Anti-corruption Council of Serbia focused on the ownership structure of Serbian media in relation to the central issue of control. The most significant problems that the Council identified were: (1) lack of transparency in media ownership, (2) lack of transparency in media financing and exertion of economic pressure through budgetary payments, tax benefits, and other indirect media financing schemes based on the corruptive use of public funds, and (3) censorship and self-censorship arising from a reluctance of many editors to be deprived of the status of financial beneficiaries of this system. The fundamental conclusion that the Council reached is that in Serbia “it is not the media that control the authorities and their performance but, on the contrary, it is the authorities that control the media.”

Following an ownership structure analysis of 50 leading Serbian media in its February 20th, 2015 report, the Council concluded that in at least 27 major Serbian media organizations ownership was not transparent or easily ascertainable.

As a result, the conclusion is drawn that “in more than half of the most influential media in Serbia the ultimate owner, or one of the owners, is a foreign-registered company. Among the owners of Serbian media we have identified corporate entities from Cyprus, Holland, the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Luxemburg, Austria, Russia, Germany, and Switzerland” (Page 12, February 20th, 2015 report).

In its specific analysis of the ownership structure of major television broadcasters B92 and Prva TV, the Council has found the following:

With regards to B92 (a media organization dating back to the 1990’s that was set up with seed money from Open Society and other Western-based outfits to politically challenge the government of President Slobodan Milosevic), the Council has found a rather tangled ownership web that differs from the picture projected by the government-owned Broadcasting Oversight Agency (Radiodifuzna agencija). One of the facts the Council discovered is that Austrian-based Reiffeisenbank a.d. is today the absolute majority owner of B92, with 73,62% of the stock.

With regard to Prva TV, both corporate entities which own it are registered in Cyprus. Antenna Stream TV Ltd. owns 51% of the stock, while the remaining 49% belongs to Warraner Ltd. also registered in Cyprus.

Another major broadcaster in Serbia with a complex ownership structure which ultimately leads abroad is TV H1. It was set up in October, 2014 ostensibly as a Balkan competitor to Al Jazzera. The formal owner is a Belgrade-registered outfit by the name of Adria News a.d. which is owned by the identically-named Adria News S. a. r. l. from Luxemburg.

The main financial investors in H1 are United Group BV from the Netherlands, which has a cooperation agreement with Turner Broadcasting, the owner of CNN.

Since March 2014, the owner of United Group was the KKR Group (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.), a US multinational based in New York. An adviser to the KKR Group is Michael Petreus, US general and retired CIA director.

Cameron Manter, the US ambassador to Serbia from 2007 – 2009, is an adviser to the United Group Board of Directors.

With regards to Serbian print media, one of the most influential players is the Ringier Axel Springer Group which owns a majority stock in daily and weekly publications Blic (daily), Alo (daily), and NIN (weekly).

In July, 2012, Serbia’s oldest and most respected daily newspaper, Politika, almost imperceptibly changed owners and became the property of the mysterious East Media Group registered in Moscow, about which no detailed information is available. Its previous owner was the German VAC conglomerate.

As for the major evening daily Večernje Novosti, the controlling package is owned by Trimax Investments and Ardos Holding from Austria (with 25% each) and Cyprus-based Karamat Holdings (with 12,55%). The balance of the stock belongs to the government of Serbia and the Serbian Pension Fund.

To complicate the ownership picture of VečernjeNovosti, in 2010 the controversial Serbian businessman Milan Beko stated that he was, in fact, the real owner of the three foreign companies cited above. Beko is an oligarch with close ties to all political coalitions that have ruled Serbia over the past several decades.

The previously-mentioned American corporate conglomerate KKR Group has also achieved absolute majority control over Serbia’s largest cable operator, SBB.

This allows American interests to exercise significant control over information flows and exert equally significant cultural influence over broad segments of the public through control over the programming that they will and (just as importantly) will not be able to watch.

Belgrade University economics professor Ljubodrag Savic points out that, apart from the issues of media monopoly and censorship, it is not to Serbia’s advantage to hand over such profitable segments of its economy to foreigners:

“The American KKR Group purchases businesses which bring in large profits. A collateral interest is to exert considerable influence in this region of Europe. It is not good for our country that we have sold such an important cable operator [SSB] or that the sale of the Telekom communications company was also actively under consideration. What will remain under our ownership? Will we become slaves in our own country?”

He added that competition for media space is not just a political issue but also a matter of huge profits. In Serbia, advertisers spend almost 90 million euros a year on television advertising.

The extent of the US “spider’s web” controlling the Serbian media, and the importance attached to it, can be seen from the following facts:

  • In October, 2013, KKR Group paid the MEP Investment Fund the enormous sum of 1,2 billion euros to acquire the SBB cable network.
  • A few months later, in February, 2014, KKR Group (with which ex-CIA director Petreus is associated) bought a 51% share of the Serbian entertainment giant “Grand Productions”. The price was never officially published, but according to informally circulated information, the previous owners of “Grand,” the Popovic family, were paid 15 million euros.
  • In October, 2014, American interests launched their TV H1, whose ownership is ultimately traceable back to CNN.
  • In the summer of 2014, KKR Group bought a packet of shares in the Swiss company Ringier Digital A.G. The KKR took over 49% of the shares in Ringier which, through associated companies, controls a number of Serbian media outlets, including the influential “Blic” internet portal.
It turns out that, in addition to numerous “NGO’s”, a number of Serbian media outfits are also beneficiaries of this form of financial assistance.

According to data provided by the U.S. Foundation Center [], an organization that tracks spending of American “philanthropic” foundations abroad, Serbian NGO’s (which are almost by definition Western-oriented given the positions they advocate) have received about 35 million dollars from 39 U.S. foundations over the last 10 years. These funds were deposited in the accounts of 295 Serbian organizations of this character, and that does not even include financial support from other, more “official”, donors such as USAID and the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

According to Foundation Center data, the most significant “private” donors to Serbian “civil society” are the Charles Stuart Mott Foundation, Soros’ Open Society, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Major recipients in Serbia were the Humanitarian Law Fund (headed by Natasa Kandic) to the tune of 3,78 million dollars, the Belgrade branch of the Open Society Fund (3,72 million dollars), and the Trag Foundation [] an outfit billing itself as “philanthropic” but which actually promotes West-friendly causes and shows on its webpage that it also receives funding from USAID in the amount of 3,33 million dollars.

Specifically with regards to Serbian media, Foundation Center data shows that the biggest U.S. donors were NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The greater part of their funding was destined to reach internet portals such as Autonomija (promoting separatism in Serbia’s Vojvodina province), “anti-corruption” portals like Cenzolovka and Istinomer, and the often vulgar and provocatively scandalous, and now thankfully shut down “E-Novine”.

A favored funding beneficiary in the world of Serbian media is the “Association of Independent Journalists of Vojvodina” [NDNV]. Between 2012 and 2014, this association received 242.000 dollars from NED. The funds were earmarked for “organizing public dialogue about decentralization,” a code word of pro-Western organizations in Serbia for creating a climate propitious for separatism in the Serbian regions of Vojvodina and Sandzak.

The targeted expenditure of funds in both the “NGO” and media spheres in Serbia suggests rather strongly the geopolitical intentions that lie behind these investments.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It is funny to see all those TV presenters in this country discussing American politics as if they had voting right in the US or they live there at least. It seems matter of life or death to have Hitlary elected and very much all they want to talk about these days is US elections. However openly they were against Trump in previous months now they tuned down being afraid he may win eventually.

For us Serbs, the Clintons are worse than Hitler, yet I don't know any Serbs invested in the elections as much.

here IS what i am saying that WE -- our countries, and peoples andc cultures -- along with RUSSIA, CHINA, IRAN -- peoples of the 'EAST" that makes up the LARGEST and richest lands of resources and potentialities SHARE THE SAME thing AND HAVE DONE SO FOR CENTURIES...:

targets of the US-LED ''western empire" using its hypocritical banners of ''democracy" (which it doesn't actually have) , ''anti-corruption" (of which IT is the master at giving an appearance of ''lawfulness") -- and pure, plain, good old PLUNDER AND PILLAGE in the name of ''democracy, freedom and prosperity and justice"....USING its SNAKE-LIKE way of conniving with easily corrupted leaders and elites and intelligentsia of the countries to COERCE the populations to enslave our countries to the US-LED western 'empire'.

with its WAR AND MONEY RACKET imperialism.

anyone that denies this is a liar.

point blank.

YSEALI: America’s Quiet Colonisation of Southeast Asia | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Joseph Thomas
The US State Department’s Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) claims on its official US government website to build “the leadership capabilities of youth in the region and promotes cross-border cooperation to solve regional and global challenges.”

It not only consists of US-based educational and professional “fellowships” for Southeast Asian participants, but also a funding component to help alumni establish foreign-funded organisations posing as “nongovernmental organisations” (NGOs), enhancing the already large presence of US-funded organisations operating across Asia in the service of American interests.

Under an initiative called, “Generation: Go NGO!,” YSEALI claims:

This is an opportunity for young NGO leaders to advance their professional skills and competencies with the aim to grow, scale, and take the organizations they work for, or those they founded, to new heights.

From developing baseline metrics to creatively pursuing financial and in-kind resources to assertively applying social media to advance mission, this workshop will bring together individuals from across ASEAN to learn and collaborate on ways to build capacity, message, and impact.

Beyond this, YSEALI also conducts other workshops across Southeast Asia to help prepare what is essentially a parallel political establishment that serves not Southeast Asian institutions or the population, but the US State Department and the corporate and financial interests it represents, quite literally an ocean and continent away.

One such activity was conducted by the US Embassy in Cambodia, called the “First Model Prime Minister Debate” organised by the US Ambassador’s Youth Council, Phnom Penh.

In essence, the US State Department is preparing an entire generation of impressionable young people, raised on American-style consumerism and hooked into US-based social media platforms like Facebook, and moulding them into a client political bloc they will eventually assist into power, just as they have attempted to do in Hong Kong recently with US State Department-funded “Umbrella Revolution” leaders winning several seats in local legislative elections and as they have already done in Myanmar through Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NDL) with her minister of information quite literally trained by US-funded organisations in neighbouring Thailand before assuming his post.

Using children and young adults through what appear to be benign overseas scholarships and work opportunities, as well as through events across Southeast Asia organised by US embassies appears at first disarming and scaled back from the sort of subversion the US has typically engaged in over the past several decades (i.e. 1953 Operation Ajax: Iran, 1973 Chilean coup d’état, or the violent 2011 Arab Spring).

Yet despite its apparent benign nature, it represents precisely the same end result; a US backed government, representing parallel institutions that answer not to the people they are put in power over, but instead represents those foreign interests that cultivated, funded and directed them into power from abroad.

YSEALI’s activities are fundamentally inappropriate, undiplomatic and constitute an intentional and direct threat to the sovereignty and self-determination of the entire region of Southeast Asia. Were China or Russia conducting such activities in the United States, it is likely a coordinated government and media campaign would be mobilised to counteract it, and possibly even legislation passed to stop it all together.

Likewise, ASEAN should consider revising rules, regulations and legislation governing foreign-funded organisations masquerading as “NGOs” and limiting foreign missions to the region and each respective nation to diplomatic activities only.

Funding from foreign governments for allegedly “nongovernmental” organisations is in itself a contradiction in both terms and in principle. And the idea of a parallel political system created in the US embassy and composed of Southeast Asian youths “built” by US efforts somehow representing or resulting in “democracy” or “self-determination” is an obvious and intentional misrepresentation by the US State Department.

Not only should local governments across Southeast Asia counter these efforts through restricting or ending them altogether, they should create their own programmes to develop their nation’s next generation of political and business leaders, infused with local principles, values, cultural ideals and reflecting the best interests of the people and nation they will eventually assume positions of power over. Self-determination is not a right the US or the “international community” it poses as leader of will grant freely to the nations of the world it presumes dominion over, it is a right that nations must fight for, earn and protect proactively.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
...and yet you choose to reside in the United States...

that is about the WEAKEST kind of retor, BRITBOX.

my personal story is really none of your business as to how that came about...

but if necessary -- i will educate you.

as to why it has LITTLE to do with 'CHOICE" if you are suggesting it's because i 'wanted" to and by that ''choose" to be in the USA YET CRITICIZE IT.


i was in the philippines long ago - in university - on a semestral sabbatical in order to complete my final - second , required piano major recital and concentrate on it - and then take the last remaining subjects after htat.

in that period -- a college friend begged me to please do her a big favor by substituting for her as the pianist of a church choir she committed to but couldn't do because she just accepted a lecturer position in the college in the university after finishing her doctorate.

out of pure friendship i accepted since i was on sabbatical anyway...and my plans were to go to russia for which i was also preparing.

NONE OF THIS had the USA as my ''ambition" if that is the implication here in light of my criticisms.

as a result of that single decision - which i don't blame on anyone but myself -- i toured with the choir in churches and cities in california, based in los angeles, in which the arrangement was they paid for my trip for 3 months and i then go back to my original plans.

one thing follows another and they turn out to have planned it so THEY could ''disappear" and go to their relatives - and i am left ''stranded" - waiting for my parents to send money to go home -- ...
at which point i also contacted my teacher vacationiong then in the philippines - who was the head of the piano department of a very prominent univesristy in maryland -- where he tells me "dol not go home yet -- wait for me in a afew weeks for fall semester, stay with my wifeand i -- in maryland -- let's prepare for auditioning in new york in one of the big schools so you' will know what i meant in the philippines that you should go abroad and what standards are internationally before you go back home to finish and we'll plan for russia next year when i get back there..but you just might pass in new york too -- but good for you to know..''

which -- it turned out -- i DID pass on short preparation - was given half a scholarship since they explained they were not allowed to grant full scholarships to foreigners --

and i went back to san francisco with relatives continuing to wait for the tickets to my parents scournged for money...IT was at the time waiting for the tickets when the parents could put something together - considering it takes 40 pesos to a dollar even then - that on the very day my ''visa extenstion to audition" from new york arrived and EXPIRED on that same day - which naturally panicked me because i wanted to follow all ''their rules' -- and became illegal - for years until the reagan ''amnesty" covered me and became a resident...what with all the other following 'motivations" such as going back to new york - try out since i was ''here" already -- and that is how one decision leads to another, etc. etc.

DID IT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY LIKING OR WANTING to be ''AMERICAN?" of course not -- it was all dealing with what wAS IN FRONT OF ME at any given time and face the consequences .

but THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY RIGHT TO CRITICIZE the western EMPIRE - which you seem to think is contingent upon ''NOT BEING IN AMERICA" ....

in THAT interim i simkply helped out in the house and their family buisiness -- -- then a friend who let me stay in her place in NYC during my audition period insisted i should go back to new york and stay with her -- we knew each other from when she studied in the university in the philippines and i becme her friend since she was a foreigner and didn't know anyone much -

and from that point i was back in new york - scrounging around for jobs here and there -- and just making it -- while also getting scholarships from community music school where i met a superb russian teacher from moscow who wanted to prepare me also to go to moscow to meet his old colleagues and have a scholarship there...

then HE BECAME ''insane' or something and we lost track of him...

then i got a scholarship - just as part of continuing what one decision leads to -- and you simply deal with things as they come --
to one of the biggest universities -- queens college where they wanted me so badly after my audition and tests they offered me 3 simultaneous MAJORS -- in organ, conducting and piano plus fellowships and accelerated masters and doctoral program...

but i chose the ''offer" of another, even bigger school of manhattan school -- that offered a special program created for me on scholarship and fellowship in the graduate department of OPERA coaching and Piano accompanying...

and then an old opera teacher from russia confronted me after years of that -- scolding me in front of other students and teachers why i was just ''accompanying" when i should be conducting and soloing like her father long ago in russia --

and got me back to ''piano again" on top' of accompanying which teachers left and right basically fought over my ''serviceS".

in other words - BRITBOX -- I OWE NOTHING to the USA -- I WAS better THAN IOT DESERVED. and yet -- nothing came of it -- becuse - well -- i am just a STUPID person --

always being so EASY to get -- and as some people say "'too generous with your talent while people play you next to nothing and you don't know how to play politics".

so -- poverty makes sure -- like with MANY americans -- that it is NOT as EASY AS YOU THINK -- to just up and go when you are already SWALLOWED by the system.

so -- don't YOU DARE to lecture me ABOUT WHY or why not -- i can crticize america just because i can say I 'am in america"/. /

FOR WERE i to have MONEY TO TRAVEL AGAIN -- I'D BE gone YESTERDAY. and be happy to grow vegetables in the back of the old house and farm and be useful rather than scrounge around at the end of the month paying for rent to a family that ALSO -- FROM EAST EUROPEA realize ''we made a misakte coming here -- but now we are trapped -- all the obligations, bills, are now so american...but really it is en EMPTY place".

so -- you see - BRITBOX -- YOU KNOW NOTHING.

well and good --
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'm not lecturing you on anything teddy, just find your place of residence surprising. Surely over the years, you could have bought enough gas to make the Mexican border.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I'm not lecturing you on anything teddy, just find your place of residence surprising. Surely over the years, you could have bought enough gas to make the Mexican border.

you may not be ''lecturing" me --

but your remark -- an example of which is tha tabout ''mexican''gas --

you think you KNOW a person's situation in life that they can make the kind of ''choices" that you think were so straightforward.

furthermore =-- probably because i am just stupid and gulible...

hwhatever little i ever could make -- i would readily - rather than 'save" which really is quite impossible for the majority of people here (do you know at least 40 percent of americans are simply UNABLE to make even a CENT of savings? ) --

i was always so easy to give away or ''lend" without thinking of it -- even if that hundred bucks or 2 meant ''over time save money to go to mexico" as you like to put it.

people are who they are -- and that includes the decisions they make that lead to their situatons as they are .
but THAT has nothing to do whatsoever with criticizing america

"and yet you are in america".

SO WHAT if I AM? if am an american BORN and still thought that way BECAUSE i see the history and true nature of what america DOES -- does it make a difference whether i CHOSE to be in america or was BORN american?

the matter is about what IS being criticized and that it DESERVES to be so. no differently than MARK TWAIN called his own country

"our hypocritical ways -- and we shame ourselves before the world and should have a flag all black with skulls and bones and blood dripping on it".


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Well, admittedly I chose to stir the pot a bit, but I don't get why people move to a country and then proceed to slag the place off at every opportunity.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Well, admittedly I chose to stir the pot a bit, but I don't get why people move to a country and then proceed to slag the place off at every opportunity.

that depends on the country that DESERVES getting slagged off from ANY direction.

whether one is born in it or not -- and ''came" with desire or by circumstance -- does NOT remove the right to ''slag off" if the country deserves it.

what was it JAMES BALDWIN - the american author once said?

" i love my country so much -- that i MUST criticize her".

well -- I don't exactly LOVE it -- but that doens't change the fact that it deserves being ''slagged off" -- no LESS WHETHER by someone living IN it or from without.

furthermore -- slagging off on a country -- is better use of conscience and intelligence to bring out TRUE things about that country

whose people or leaders slag off about other countries , invade and destroy them - in the millions upon millions -- in places that country's population can barely place on the map

until of course they 'learned geography" by means of that country's wars.....
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Well, admittedly I chose to stir the pot a bit, but I don't get why people move to a country and then proceed to slag the place off at every opportunity.


there is not even enough of that to merely LIST the USA heart of darkness empire's slagging off on countries it wants to invade or make submit......and tha't sjust when USA is just getting STARTED...

OLD article on obama's ''famous" UN speech LAST YEAR...but well -- fits the bill for a leader of an empire that does need slagging off on -- ''at every opportunity" as it deserves -- and THAT'S not even enough to cover it all......

Obama’s UN Heart of Darkness | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Jim Dean
I can only describe Obama’s UN performance as a presidential tour of the Twilight Zone and Alice in Wonderland all rolled into one. My favorite line in the Wonderland series is “When I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean, nothing less, and nothing more.”

We begin our journey down the rabbit hole with Obama listing the world’s major threats starting with Ebola first as the first surprise, and then the alleged Russian takeover plans against Europe mind you, not just Ukraine. Poroshenko recently pandered this silliness to the American joint session of Congress, that he was the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, blocking the Red Hordes from enslaving Europe. You just can’t make this stuff up.

Obama then got to number three, the current ISIL-Syrian event with, “The brutality of terrorism in Syria and Iraq forces us to look into the heart of darkness.”

Dear Mr. President, I am glad you brought up this heart of darkness mention. We have seen a great outpouring of sympathy over the widely publicized beheadings by ISIL. But allow me to add a bit of perspective. Your “good terrorists”, the ones you have funded and trained to terrorize the Syrian people, have been chopping heads off for years now.

Forgive me but I missed your having a “heart of darkness” moment over that, and calling for an end to the terror war there, having open elections, and the international community abiding by the will of the Syrian people. I was there as an election observer this summer while Assad won of course, as most presidents do when successfully defending their country from outside invaders. The election was a celebration of the Assad, the Army and the Syrian people having stood against the Western and Gulf terrorists.

Sir, your speech writers failed you badly with this line. ”Russian aggression in Europe recalls the days when large nations trampled small ones in pursuit of territorial ambition.” Good gosh! You are following in the Bush-NeoCon footsteps with your doing to Syria exactly what you describe in your UN speech as reprehensible

And Syria was not a fluke. You have done exactly the same thing in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland ratted you out with her spilling the beans on the $5 billion of borrowed US taxpayer money to put a Western puppet government in Kiev. And you were all aboard the killings there to do it. Your administration has been deathly silent on the Madian killings’ make-believe investigation by the coup-meisters, who are unlikely to arrest themselves.

I can add that you have done nothing to release the US satellite and communication intercepts on the MH17 attack, which was a bit too conveniently blamed on the Russians. And Kiev got a doctored US satellite photo with the time stamps changed on it, which they clumsily submitted as proof that the Russians shot down the plane. If the American government is withholding evidence on the murder of 300 innocent airline passengers, isn’t that a bit like chopping the heads off 300 families? Frankly sir, if you don’t mind, I see a little heart of darkness in these actions.

Does Russia have a pre-emptive strike doctrine like we do, and how about Syria… and Iran for that matter? We all know the US does, and Israel, too. While your administration has castigated Russia and Iran for supporting their ally Syria it its real fight against terrorism, you put America on the side of the regime-change terrorists without even bothering to explain to the American people how this fit into your vision of American exceptionalism.

It is not Russia nor China who have a “Western Pivot” sir, in pursuit of their “interests” … the term we like to call it, a nice vague one that can mean anything you want it to mean, like the line from Alice in Wonderland above. Yes, I used it for a good reason. How many overseas military bases do Russia, China and Syria have again…to pursue their interests… a few? And how many do we have, post Cold War… 750?

Did you not feel any embarrassment going in front of the UN, where you had just avoided seeking a Security Council resolution for strikes inside Syria without the Syrian government’s coordination and permission, because you knew it would be vetoed? You put together a rump group as window dressing, but that still did not eliminate your doing these strikes in violation of international law.

And how do you think your historical record is going to look, now that your big show of leading the charge against the ISIL terror when a number of your rump group coalition countries are among the current major state-sponsors of terrorism? That includes Israel holding the pole position — the little terrorist country that has been protected by US UN Security Council vetos for most of its life. Do you think future generations are going to be too stupid to see through this thin veil?

Your claim to support impeding the flow of terrorists over borders, and blocking commerce and funding that supports them… does this mean you are going to “out” Turkey, a NATO ally for helping ISIL market its oil stolen from the Syrian people… and also allow ISIL’s supply lines to run through its territory? Would you push to have it kicked out of NATO because of this?

And how about the Gulf States’ involvement in terrorism, especially Saudi Arabia? Would you tell us that US Intelligence does not have all of this mapped out? Are you going to stop them? And how about Qatar who is waging a terror war in Libya as part of an obvious “lebensraum” program for gaining some growing space in the Mediterranean and building another Dubai there? Are you going to stop them? It’s doubtful.

And so you do not think I am an Obama basher, I want to thank you for standing up to the Israeli-AIPAC Lobby when they tried to derail your very statesman-like ending of the Iranian nuclear weapons program hoax. Another great American, Clinton Bastin, 40 years with the Dept. of Energy, laid it all out for us over a number of briefings during the last years of his life. The Iranian people have suffered enough under western colonialism after we overthrew their government with the Brits and put the puppet Shah in place to rob his people blind, only to have our banks rob him after he died.

We know you have a double game going on here, using future Iranian gas exports as a lever to reduce Russian gas sales to Europe. But the Iranians and the Russians will not bite on that ploy. The Russians know that over the long term, Europe will diversify its energy sourcing. And the Russians will have new markets to make up for any decline to Europe. You see, there is this country call China who needs a lot of gas over a secure delivery route.

Iran wants to sell gas to Europe to balance out its imports from the region. The Russians would understand this perfectly, as they were doing the same thing. Their trade deficit with the EU was covered with energy sales — a better deal than a Federal Reserve system where money is created out of thin air and loaned out at interest, the best financial scam ever invented… and by you know whom.

When you hopefully succeed with the Iran talks, you need to build on that by backtracking on this new Syrian disaster, and the twin disaster that you have been creating in E. Ukraine. These people will never become a Ukrainian West Bank and Gaza for the oligarchs and their Israeli buddies. One Israeli occupation in the world is one occupation too many, so we surely don’t need another.

I agree with Lavrov on the silliness of the good-bad terrorist distinction. Our US supported terrorists are not “good ones”, be they anti-Syrian Jihadis, or the dancing Israeli 9-11 Zionists, or the new Right Sector-Oligarch version in Ukraine. Mr. Obama, you will have some cleanup work to do during your last two years.

As the famous Robert Frost poem said, “Miles to walk before I sleep, and promises to keep.”

Jim W. Dean, managing editor for Veterans Today, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, specially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
Well, admittedly I chose to stir the pot a bit, but I don't get why people move to a country and then proceed to slag the place off at every opportunity.

You don't say, pot stirrer :lol3:

I thought that save for native Americans (Indians) everybody else came to America at some point from somewhere. :banghead: And look what we, white people, did to them.

Maybe when you don't live somewhere you have a nicer picture about what living there would be like than what it turns out to be when you actually get there. Or in some cases people really don't have a choice, but are forced to go where at least the economic circumstances improve for them. I am sure that Teddy has tons of places and people that he likes, it's just he doesn't like BO or HC (who can blame him, really).

Migration is not a recent issue. Perhaps there is a pecking order in when somebody or their ancestors came here, but basically we are all migration.

When you have a thread with the title Canadian politics and their the impact on the world, I'll offer my opinion. But we are boring, I have to warn you. :lulz2:
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Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
MASTOOR -- if you are refering to your TV ''presenters" -- that is because they are basically OWNED by the USA -- some of the actual board members in your media are practically subsidiary operatives of the american MSM corporats such as CNN (i just forget to put the links here..but they are VERY traceable - although some of your media WON'T disclose their western connection ''sponsors")

therefore it follows that they do exactly as the USA msm dictates..''present" ''news" in a completely totalitarian system TO the serbian people REGARDLESS of what your fellow serbs wish ....


Yes, media in Serbia is owned by them, I was referring to media in another country though.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Yes, media in Serbia is owned by them, I was referring to media in another country though.

just read today --

your prime minister (that woulnd't be president vucic) -

just gave a BIG FAT NYET -- to BIDEN - who went to belgrade this week to twist arms -- meaning _

SERBIA MUST JOIN the USA-diktat of ''sanctionsagainst russia for - ahem -- invading crimea with its 90 percent russians - and ahem - invading eastern/southern ukraine of donbass , etc..which are RUSSIANS before there ever was a ukraine..."...

and said "it is against SERBIAN people's interest to join in sanctions against Russia...this is a definite NO..that's it and there are going to be no further discussions about it".

OOOPPSSSS...what's the USA going to do now? BOMB again? threaten NOLE from particip'ating in the USO? unless he renounces being SLAVIC AND ORTHODOX like his russian cousins?



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Trump to Seat Bill Clinton’s Mistress, JENNIFER FLOWERS..

in Front Row of Debate to Taunt Hillary

02:34 25.09.2016(updated 02:48 25.09.2016) Get short URL

This week the Clinton campaign has been playing up the fact that Mark Cuban, a loudmouthed anti-Trump billionaire best known for screaming at referees from courtside seats while watching his Dallas Mavericks basketball team, would be placed in the front row of the debate to distract Donald Trump.

"Just got a front row seat to watch Hillary Clinton overwhelm Donald Trump at the 'Humbling at Hofstra' on Monday. It is On!" said Mark Cuban in a tweet on Thursday after his seat was confirmed. Hillary’s Press Secretary Brian Fallon even played up the invite of the billionaire saying, “If you have ever seen Mark Cuban courtside at a Mavericks game, you know he’ll be fired up for Monday’s debate."

It seemed that Hillary Clinton had cornered Donald Trump with a distracting nemesis ideal to throw the candidate off his game as he vied to compete against a seasoned debater in hopes of being selected for the highest office in the land. Even the press wondered whether Trump would be able to maintain his focus when questions were lodged at him by debate moderator Lester Holt while Mark Cuban yelled on.

Like so many ideas that the Clinton campaign has had throughout the campaign, however, it seems that the latest has just backfired on the Hillary’s candidacy once again with Donald Trump refusing to be outdone in schoolyard taunting tactics.

"If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!" said Trump in a Tweet on Saturday morning. It seems that may happen.

Buzzfeed reported on Saturday night that Flowers’ assistant, Judy Stell, emailed them a statement saying that "Ms. Flowers has agreed to join Donald at the debate."

Score one point for Trump in the pre-debate strategy spectacle.
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Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
just read today --

your prime minister (that woulnd't be president vucic) -

just gave a BIG FAT NYET -- to BIDEN - who went to belgrade this week to twist arms -- meaning _

SERBIA MUST JOIN the USA-diktat of ''sanctionsagainst russia for - ahem -- invading crimea with its 90 percent russians - and ahem - invading eastern/southern ukraine of donbass , etc..which are RUSSIANS before there ever was a ukraine..."...

and said "it is against SERBIAN people's interest to join in sanctions against Russia...this is a definite NO..that's it and there are going to be no further discussions about it".

OOOPPSSSS...what's the USA going to do now? BOMB again? threaten NOLE from particip'ating in the USO? unless he renounces being SLAVIC AND ORTHODOX like his russian cousins?


Biden visited Serbia in August. Vucic is a puppet, he likes everybody LOL. Here is a good article about it:
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Hillary won the night, for sure. Donald was trying not to smirk, which lasted about 15 minutes. Interrupted both Clinton and the moderator throughout, however, and never really answered much in the way of clarifying policies. Or his taxes. Or his race-baiting behavior. He nearly went off the deep end when asked about remarks that Hillary didn't "look" presidential, bringing in Rosie O'Donnell, and was otherwise often incomprehensible. He was actually at his best when he was agreeing with Clinton. That says something.
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