really is funny to see BwokenWooWace resort to nothing else but the completely arbitrary and simplistic vocabulary of "racism, sexism, homophobia" as though that is some kind of definitive moral judgment. What that vocabulary amounts to is nothing more than the stigmatizing of views and information that are deemed unpleasant.
As for the substance of your retort, little Elmer, I am only saying exactly what Ben Carson - who grew up in inner-city Detroit and made it in a much harder profession than Obama did - said about Obama. What Carson said about Obama applies just as much to Kaepernick because their upbringings were very similar.
Also, it is completely disingenuous of you to subscribe to the theory of black victimology in the United States (which you clearly do) while then turning around and dismissing critical evaluations of the white upper middle-class upbringing that both Obama and Kaepernick had. You are talking out of both sides of our mouth. Either personal experience matters or it doesn't. Make a choice and stick to it. (And we all know that if Obama and Kaepernick had right-wing views we would never stop hearing about how they don't understand what it's like to be black based on how they were raised.)
But, for now, listen to Carson:
Ben Carson: Obama ‘Raised White,’ Doesn’t Understand Black Americans
“He’s an ‘African’ American. He was, you know, raised white,” Carson told a Politico podcast.
Is Ben Carson a "fucking racist piece of shit" too? I'm sure he is.
He's not. If he was, he would agree with President Kenyatta and the rest of Kenyan society on gay marriage (take a look at the videos on the Serious PC thread that I posted).
Btw, I always objected to the line of thinking that Obama was a Kenyan or a Muslim. Ultimately he is a white left-wing Christian. He is more like Pete Buttigieg than any Islamic imam. That was one of the sillier right-wing talking points about Obama.