US Politics Thread

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Lol and smh.....AntiPusher, if you read the March 24th WSJ journal piece from two Stanford professors I posted on March 27th, none of this would come as news to you. As testing increases, of course there are going to be more cases. I'm glad you are finally recognizing that. You are only 1 month late to the party. It's just too bad you have to mindlessly go along with the CNN celebration of these numbers. It's clearly hard for you to contain your glee.

With the demographic and commercial ties there are between the U.S. and China, there is simply no way that you could realistically expect any president to totally stamp the virus out.....that is just stupid. I know many people who work and travel in China, as I'm sure you do. There are also multiple American cities with huge Chinese populations.

The main two problems for your anti-Trump invective are these: 1) multiple Democrats (including Pelosi and De Blasio and writers at the NYT, Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Vox, and the Daily Beast) downplayed the threat of the virus, and 2) (more important than #1) Trump has listened to the esteemed and revered Dr. Fauci at every step of the way.

You can avoid those two realities all you want, but they won't change.
Cali..when you go to buy a house , a car or make any decisions..who is the final decision maker You or some Democrats like Pelosi and De Blasio..please can you answer that only question and when you get back on subject. Explain Why Your president was 1 million times off his original projection..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I will have to vet if Fauci actually stated that or if it was taken out of context..

Fauci's March 9th comments about taking cruises taken out of context? Lol. Okay, then how about these February 29th comments on NBC's Today Show in which he said that there is no need for anyone to change their lifestyles yet?

How many excuses are you going to make for Fauci? He is the one who everyone has told Trump to listen to and Trump has followed his lead. Yet he is getting no blame for anything.

Dr. Fauci on coronavirus fears: No need to change lifestyle yet
Feb. 29, 2020



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Hate to break it to you but if you surround yourself with incompetence and you're the fucking President of the United States, you're incompetent. You can't want all the power and none of the responsibility.

Okay, this is where you simply engage in careless overreach. You dislike Trump but there are times when you are just as rhetorically careless as he is (which is quite ironic). This is one of those times, as it is one of the dumbest things you have ever said.

Fauci has worked for 5 presidents and has been highly regarded in Washington DC for decades. Everyone at the media outlets you get your anti-Trump stories from adores him. No one considers Fauci a man of "incompetence." If you were following U.S. news headlines as closely as you pretend to, you would know this, and you would not have made the utterly asinine remark above.

No Trump haters in the United States (and they hate Trump more than you do) would go as far as to imply what you did above. There is no way in hell that, as a political matter, Trump could have fired Fauci in January or February on grounds of "incompetence." The media would have roasted him and you of course would have taken their side.

So, just for a minute, you should try to calm down and temper your anti-Trump bigotry.

Try to contemplate the possibility that Fauci deserves some blame.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I truly don't think you understand how hierarchy and responsibility works. Making Fauci the scapegoat (whether true or false) doesn't absolve Trump of anything. That's the responsibility of being president.

Right, lol.....because being president makes you the all-powerful ruler of literally everything that occurs in the government. Let me break something to you, young pupil: Trump does not have nearly as much power as you think (or he thinks) he has. The U.S. government consists of hundreds of agencies. Washington DC is far more than just the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This isn't the 18th century.

It's funny how you are willing to attack police over supposedly brutalizing and attacking black people, yet you display the same meatheaded mentality of police at their worst. There is no conceivable way that for a government as massive as the U.S. government the president can control everything that occurs in it or dictate every policy decision.....the president inevitably has to defer and facilitate, especially in something like a pandemic.

As I just explained in my prior post, there is no conceivable way (politically speaking) that Trump could have fired Fauci in January or February. He has been a mainstay in national policymaking for decades and has worked for 5 presidents. For you to imply that Trump should have cut ties with him or overrode his decisions is beyond preposterous. It is also disingenuous.

You know damn well that if Trump had contradicted Fauci at any point and the media pitted the two against each other, you would have taken Fauci's side automatically. So it is completely unfair of you to fault Trump for deferring to Fauci.

That such a simple notion has to be explained to you really robs you of any right to condescend and claim intellect.

No pal, you are simply projecting. You are a model case of projection. Everything you accuse those you loathe or disagree with of is what you yourself display. In this case, you are the one who can't understand some very simple political realities, namely that the president isn't all-powerful and that it was politically impossible for Trump to sever ties with Fauci or override him. The media would have savaged him for doing so. And you would have of course taken their side without a moment of reflection on whether Trump had a point.

the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Fauci's March 9th comments about taking cruises taken out of context? Lol. Okay, then how about these February 29th comments on NBC's Today Show in which he said that there is no need for anyone to change their lifestyles yet?

How many excuses are you going to make for Fauci? He is the one who everyone has told Trump to listen to and Trump has followed his lead. Yet he is getting no blame for anything.

Dr. Fauci on coronavirus fears: No need to change lifestyle yet
Feb. 29, 2020 are not going to address the Orange Elephant in the room
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013

I didn't say the only reason someone could object to homosexuality is religion. I'm saying you, as a right wing catholic, are heavily influenced by religion when it comes to your assessment of homosexuality. How fucking dumb are you?

Oh please, shut the fuck up. You know damn well that in any conversation this board has ever had on "gays" or "homophobia" or "gay marriage" you have repeatedly made remarks to the effect that the only way anyone could object to gay marriage is if they believed in the "fairy tales" of the Old Testament. So don't turn around and pretend that you have ever granted the opponents of gay marriage that they have more intellectual force to their case than that. You are making things up and you know that.

Btw, Trump (like most prominent American conservatives) is a supporter of gay marriage and I disagree with him on that. You are more of a "Trump supporter" than I am on that issue.

Finally, your bigoted remarks about Catholics show just how misinformed you are. Let me break something to you.....most American Catholics vote Democrat. Catholics provide a huge voting bloc to the Democratic Party. And America's leading Catholic universities (such as Notre Dame, Villanova, and Boston College) are extremely left-wing. In fact, Pete Buttigieg's father taught at Notre Dame. And Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and John Kerry are all Catholics.

Speaking of Pete Buttigieg, even though he is not Catholic, his upbringing in South Bend, Indiana (where Notre Dame University is) is very telling. He is a left-wing Christian and no one talked more about faith and God than he did in his campaign. But of course you would never bring up how Buttigieg did not shut up about "Scripture" and what Jesus would want. Why? Because he is a left-wing Democrat. So it's fine for him to quote the Bible non-stop apparently.

Please please please please go take an English 101 course and learn what fucking logical fallacies are. You're an adult. It's legitimately nuts that you have no idea what they are or how to avoid them.

Right, so a logical fallacy now means referencing things you have said in the past and having more than surface knowledge of American politics like you.

Although.....just for fun, let's do this logical exercise if that's what you would like to engage in:

Explain what the rational connection is between atheism and believing in "gay marriage" and transgender surgery for 7-year-olds. Since you clearly think that atheists are benevolent humanitarians and only Bible-thumping right-wing Christians (unlike Bible-thumping left-wing Christians such as Pete Buttigieg) could object to these wonderful things, why don't you explain what the logical connection is between atheism and advocacy of gay marriage or transgender surgery?

Because apparently no atheists until roughly 1980 thought gay marriage was awesome. It's a wonder that they did not recognize this.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
83 are not going to address the Orange Elephant in the room

Okay, so if Trump had fired Fauci in January or February, would you have supported that move?

I am absolutely positive that you, Moxie, Federberg, and Mr. "I Like Seeing People Arrested in Parks" would have fully supported Trump in that case. I have no doubt.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
"56,000 people dying in the span of a couple of month (with a huge rise from one month to another) isn't a big deal to me" is an argument this person is using in his own favor, somehow.

It's funny to see Mr. "I Question Religious Authorities such as the Bible" morph into "Mr. I Can't Even Dare to Question Official Government Numbers" in a snap of the fingers. All he does is replace one religious authority with another while telling himself that he is a hard-core independent-minded skeptic.

You might want to consider the possibility that the death total is being highly inflated, given how many doctors have said they have been pressured into reporting deaths as COVID and how drastically the death totals for pneumonia and flu have dropped in the U.S. in recent weeks. If you were as much of a renegade and independent/scientific mind as you imagine yourself to be, you would be asking those questions.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
A) A person claiming I have a 7 year old vocabulary is referring to me as "Bwoken." He also happens to follow the cult of Trump. Make of that what you will.

The Trump movement is not a cult. The opposition movement to him is a cult, as evidenced by this story of Karen Whitsett. She is a black female Democrat in Michigan who contracted the coronavirus and was severely ill. Because of Trump's suggestion, she asked her doctor (a Muslim ironically enough) to prescribe hydroxychloroquine. The doctor did just that and Mrs. Whitsett survived and recovered. Afterward, she publicly thanked Trump for the suggestion because it helped save her life.

What has been the reaction of the Democratic Party in Michigan to Mrs. Whitsett? They are censuring her and they are quite possibly going to expel her from the party. She has also apparently had that dingbat governor Gretchen Whitmer (who is in completely over her head) sending her harassing text messages because she complimented Trump.

That is cult-like behavior. The Democrats are the cultists who allow hardly any deviation from the party line. There is far more diversity of thought on the right-wing side in American politics.

Detroit Democrats unanimously censure lawmaker who credited Trump for COVID-19 recovery

Published 1:02 p.m. ET April 25, 2020



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Look, "Trump is stupid" isn't anything original to state, but I truly wonder how can any self respecting human being see the below video and be like "Oh yeah. that's the man to lead us through the most crucial phase of the past few decades. He's also my candidate for 2020."

Then you must think that Vernon Jones, a lifelong black Democrat from Georgia who just endorsed Trump for president in 2020, is not a "self-respecting human being." Then again, you are also someone who thinks that Ben Carson, a black neurosurgeon from inner-city Detroit, is a "racist piece of shit" for saying that Obama was raised white.

So, that's just you.

If you're curious of what Vernon Jones' reasoning is for switching his allegiance to Trump after being a Democrat all his life, you can watch this video:



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
By the way, this pussy has still not once addressed Trump's bleach injection nonsense. Not once.

Oh I was just teasing you.....I can't give you everything you want right away. You know that. I have to teach you to control your impulses a little bit better. I'm helping you grow each day.

But first, I have to say it is pretty rich for you of all fucking people to accuse me of avoiding a topic, when a) you have repeatedly refused to cite any foreign policy figures or ideas to justify your claims on that topic, and b) you refused to acknowledge that you were wrong about Trump calling the coronavirus a hoax or disbanding his pandemic team.

That said, Trump made a mistake and misspoke about injecting disinfectant, just as you recently made a mistake when you misspelled Obama's first name as "Barrack." But it's a completely trivial matter. Who cares? Only anti-Trump bigots who hate him and who are waiting for him to screw up. Those same people never pick on Pelosi for sounding like she has a speech impediment. And Trump's remarks don't change the reality that the Trump administration has been diligent in getting medical supplies out to the various states. They also don't change the reality of why the black Democrat Vernon Jones in Georgia just endorsed Trump for president.

As for Trump's comments on the UV light treatment, those are entirely justified based on this report. So put this info in your pipe and smoke it:

Aytu BioScience Signs Exclusive Global License with Cedars-Sinai for Potential Coronavirus Treatment

April 20, 2020

Led by Mark Pimentel, MD, the research team of the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) Program at Cedars-Sinai has been developing the patent-pending Healight platform since 2016 and has produced a growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating pre-clinical safety and effectiveness of the technology as an antiviral and antibacterial treatment. The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology’s significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus.

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Yes, your government is historically murderous. That's a fact.

When that's been the case it has been because of left-wing ideas, not right-wing ones.

Yes your government is allies with some of the biggest murderous regimes. Also a fact.

Yes, and that's an example of the hypocrisy of the left-wing ideas that have dominated American foreign policy since World War I.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
113 are not going to address the Orange Elephant in the room
No way. All excuse-making and deflection. Who won the election and is in charge of the country during this pandemic? I've never seen the likes of regional governors banding together to try to coordinate efforts. Not that it's a bad thing, but it IS in lieu of actual federal oversight and coherent policy.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
No way. All excuse-making and deflection. Who won the election and is in charge of the country during this pandemic? I've never seen the likes of regional governors banding together to try to coordinate efforts. Not that it's a bad thing, but it IS in lieu of actual federal oversight and coherent policy.

That is absolute bullshit.....Trump sent a hospital ship to your precious New York and inundated the state with medical supplies that Cuomo and De Blasio failed to have on hand. Cuomo also oversaw the utterly idiotic transporting of COVID patients into nursing homes. That was not Trump's fault. You just refuse to blame a Democratic leader for anything, no matter how stupid or failed their policies. If Broken wants to talk about cult-like behavior, that perfectly characterizes your mindset with respect to Democratic Party leadership. They can do no wrong in your eyes.

As for your call to have a "coherent policy" nationally.....there is a coherent policy, and it allows for differences based on state circumstances. There is no sense in making these states (the bottom 31 in deaths) do the same thing that New York is doing. These states have had such small outbreaks that they are utterly negligible. Why the hell should these states, such as Wyoming and Alaska, have to operate the same way as New York or New Jersey?

20. Missouri: 288 deaths

21. Minnesota: 286 deaths

22. Wisconsin: 281 deaths

23. Arizona: 275 deaths

24. Alabama: 222 deaths

25. Mississippi: 229 deaths

26. Rhode Island: 239 deaths

27. Nevada: 219 deaths

28. Kentucky: 213 deaths

29. Oklahoma: 197 deaths

- Washington, D.C.: 185 deaths

30. Tennessee: 184 deaths

31. South Carolina: 177 deaths

32. Iowa: 136 deaths

33. Delaware: 125 deaths

34. Kansas: 122 deaths

35. New Mexico: 104 deaths

36. Oregon: 92 deaths

37. New Hampshire: 60 deaths

38. Idaho: 56 deaths

39. Nebraska: 56 deaths

40. Maine: 51 deaths

41. Arkansas: 50 deaths

42. Vermont: 47 deaths

43. Utah: 41 deaths

44. West Virginia: 37 deaths

45. North Dakota: 19 deaths

46. Hawaii: 16 deaths

47. Montana: 14 deaths

48. Alaska: 9 deaths

49. South Dakota: 11 deaths

50. Wyoming: 7 deaths
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Coherent policy? What would you say that was, then, exactly? He says we're going to be out of this in no time. That there will be few or no deaths beyond the 33 in March. He talks over and beyond his medical experts to the point of saying things that frighten people and have made his team having him stop holding daily briefings, because they're so disruptive. What has he done to bring together the governors of affected states and talk to the country about the need for unity? #Liberate Virginia...etc. Disjointed Rose Garden briefings and then tweets that off-set them is not a policy position. What about an address to the nation in our time of crisis? With a genuinely pro-active policy, including not making it a one-size-fits-all solution, which I'm fine with. How about assuring people that they're going to get their benefits, as promised, because most report that they are receiving nothing, so far. It doesn't matter that you tell me that only 7 people have died in Wyoming. Most people in this country are taking this pandemic seriously. They need to know what that means to them where they live. Where is the leadership from the top? I'd say an address to the nation is called for, and not just random press conferences and tweets.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
113 really is funny to see BwokenWooWace resort to nothing else but the completely arbitrary and simplistic vocabulary of "racism, sexism, homophobia" as though that is some kind of definitive moral judgment. What that vocabulary amounts to is nothing more than the stigmatizing of views and information that are deemed unpleasant.

As for the substance of your retort, little Elmer, I am only saying exactly what Ben Carson - who grew up in inner-city Detroit and made it in a much harder profession than Obama did - said about Obama. What Carson said about Obama applies just as much to Kaepernick because their upbringings were very similar.

Also, it is completely disingenuous of you to subscribe to the theory of black victimology in the United States (which you clearly do) while then turning around and dismissing critical evaluations of the white upper middle-class upbringing that both Obama and Kaepernick had. You are talking out of both sides of our mouth. Either personal experience matters or it doesn't. Make a choice and stick to it. (And we all know that if Obama and Kaepernick had right-wing views we would never stop hearing about how they don't understand what it's like to be black based on how they were raised.)

But, for now, listen to Carson:

Ben Carson: Obama ‘Raised White,’ Doesn’t Understand Black Americans

Is Ben Carson a "fucking racist piece of shit" too? I'm sure he is.

He's not. If he was, he would agree with President Kenyatta and the rest of Kenyan society on gay marriage (take a look at the videos on the Serious PC thread that I posted).

Btw, I always objected to the line of thinking that Obama was a Kenyan or a Muslim. Ultimately he is a white left-wing Christian. He is more like Pete Buttigieg than any Islamic imam. That was one of the sillier right-wing talking points about Obama.

Just to be clear, this person is claiming that "black victimology" in the US is something to subscribe to, as if it's up for debate.

This person is also calling a black man white because he feels entitled to.

This person also has the audacity to talk about the "right wing talking point" about Obama being from Kenya while very conveniently leaving out one of the main catalysts of that talking point. It wasn't "silly" you fucking moron, it was racist. Have the balls to call it what it is, and that your President, who was one of the main driving forces in terms of pushing the narrative down our throats, was guilty of it.

You can't walk around here pulling your weight and then be a complete pussy when it suits you. I wonder who's speaking from both sides of their mouths now.

Also, this is hilarious an it shows how you actually think:

"He's not. If he was, he would agree with President Kenyatta and the rest of Kenyan society on gay marriage (take a look at the videos on the Serious PC thread that I posted)."

Newsflash, you're allowed to actually disagree with your President. Being Kenyan doesn't automatically mean every person would share the president's views. I understand why you would make that confusion though, given the strict rules at the Trump cult.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Okay, this is where you simply engage in careless overreach. You dislike Trump but there are times when you are just as rhetorically careless as he is (which is quite ironic). This is one of those times, as it is one of the dumbest things you have ever said.

Fauci has worked for 5 presidents and has been highly regarded in Washington DC for decades. Everyone at the media outlets you get your anti-Trump stories from adores him. No one considers Fauci a man of "incompetence." If you were following U.S. news headlines as closely as you pretend to, you would know this, and you would not have made the utterly asinine remark above.

No Trump haters in the United States (and they hate Trump more than you do) would go as far as to imply what you did above. There is no way in hell that, as a political matter, Trump could have fired Fauci in January or February on grounds of "incompetence." The media would have roasted him and you of course would have taken their side.

So, just for a minute, you should try to calm down and temper your anti-Trump bigotry.

Try to contemplate the possibility that Fauci deserves some blame.

Way to completely miss the point, but it's very revealing as to how you think. The point isn't about Fauci himself. It's about hierarchy, bureaucracy, decision-making, leadership, responsibility and accountability. In NO LINE OF WORK can the CEO ever constantly absolve himself of the responsibility by claiming he just followed what his subordinates told him and be absolved of the responsibility. It simply doesn't work this way. A president can't have all the power and none of the responsibility. They can't claim the number will be close to zero by April only for it to end up being close to 1 million and claim they were being optimistic or hopeful.

Of course the easiest argument would be how you, and other right wing racists would have reacted if Obama had acted in exactly the same way that Trump did, including all those disastrous daily press conferences and bleach injection suggestions. Yeah, I'm sure you would have been on this forum 24 hours a day defending him. It's such an easy argument that I've been holding on because it's too easy. And don't you fucking dare begin to claim you would have been defending him as passionately and vociferously .


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Right, lol.....because being president makes you the all-powerful ruler of literally everything that occurs in the government. Let me break something to you, young pupil: Trump does not have nearly as much power as you think (or he thinks) he has. The U.S. government consists of hundreds of agencies. Washington DC is far more than just the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This isn't the 18th century.

Yes, thanks for explaining the US is not a monarchy. Truly, an astounding revelation that completely absolves the person leading the country during one of its biggest ever crisis. Because that's exactly how things work. Truly, remarkable.

As I just explained in my prior post, there is no conceivable way (politically speaking) that Trump could have fired Fauci in January or February. He has been a mainstay in national policymaking for decades and has worked for 5 presidents. For you to imply that Trump should have cut ties with him or overrode his decisions is beyond preposterous. It is also disingenuous.

Aha, and I suppose the part where you'll show that I said Trump should have fired Fauci will come out next season? Or during one of the in depth tours through your imagination? Or perhaps the make believe books you follow? Just truly wondering. Because you keep making shit up so I'm just wondering when will we get to experience the endgame.

I simply said, as a rule of thumb, that the idea that "all Trump did was listen to his advisors" would never ever ever ever ever ever fly anywhere. Not in any workplace, and certainly not when it comes to the fucking president of the United States. That's not how accountability works. So if your argument is that the advisors fucked up, well I'm sorry, but incompetence is reflected through Trump. That's quite literally how these things work in any discipline. Corporate, sports, politics, anything... Ultimately, the responsibility lies with him. That's what happens when you're president. And if you truly want to argue otherwise then you should legitimately be sent back to 8th grade.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
It's funny to see Mr. "I Question Religious Authorities such as the Bible" morph into "Mr. I Can't Even Dare to Question Official Government Numbers" in a snap of the fingers. All he does is replace one religious authority with another while telling himself that he is a hard-core independent-minded skeptic.

You might want to consider the possibility that the death total is being highly inflated, given how many doctors have said they have been pressured into reporting deaths as COVID and how drastically the death totals for pneumonia and flu have dropped in the U.S. in recent weeks. If you were as much of a renegade and independent/scientific mind as you imagine yourself to be, you would be asking those questions.

Truly, amazing analogy. Not at all a non-sequitur. The plausibility of death rates being inflated due to right wing conspiracy theories is the same as questioning the world's oldest fan fiction story.

And let's say the death rate is inflated. Hell, let's say the total cases are inflated. By how many? 80%? 90%? Because unless it's by 100%, then the president's claim that the number will be close to zero, which he made back in February, is off by a fucking lot.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
The Trump movement is not a cult. The opposition movement to him is a cult, as evidenced by this story of Karen Whitsett. She is a black female Democrat in Michigan who contracted the coronavirus and was severely ill. Because of Trump's suggestion, she asked her doctor (a Muslim ironically enough) to prescribe hydroxychloroquine. The doctor did just that and Mrs. Whitsett survived and recovered. Afterward, she publicly thanked Trump for the suggestion because it helped save her life.

What has been the reaction of the Democratic Party in Michigan to Mrs. Whitsett? They are censuring her and they are quite possibly going to expel her from the party. She has also apparently had that dingbat governor Gretchen Whitmer (who is in completely over her head) sending her harassing text messages because she complimented Trump.

That is cult-like behavior. The Democrats are the cultists who allow hardly any deviation from the party line. There is far more diversity of thought on the right-wing side in American politics.

Detroit Democrats unanimously censure lawmaker who credited Trump for COVID-19 recovery

Published 1:02 p.m. ET April 25, 2020

You're right. People using bleach inappropriately upon his insinuation, or blaming Obama for Covid-19 isn't at all cult-like.
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