US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
ok I'll bite...

He plead guilty dumbass :D

And he just explained why, dumbass: "I accepted the plea deal to stop the pain and threats to my family."

It was not an admission of guilt. That's exactly what I told you from the start.

I only wish you were so persistent in advocating the innocence of poor black people who have consistently pleaded their innocence but hey ho.

I defend everyone who is unjustly accused of crimes. What I did not defend was the bogus narrative around the famous cases from a few years ago, such as the Michael Brown case in Missouri. You of course believed in the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" narrative, which the Obama-Eric Holder DOJ issued a report firmly stating was a false characterization of what took place.

Don't blame me for that conclusion. All of the left-wing, Democratic Party-supporting, Trump-hating investigators in the DOJ, led by Eric Holder of all people, came to that conclusion. That was their assessment of that episode.


Apr 22, 2013
Cali you bitch a$$ President is being out performed by Senegal. That's right Sene- fucking - gal! :face-with-tears-of-joy: Vote the incompetent fool out buddy. You know it make sense



Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Cali's evolution on the topic:

"this won't be any worse than the Swine Flu"

>>> A month later, the number of Coronavirus cases in the US is close to ONE FUCKING MILLION. The Swine Flu

"only Italy is affected because it has one of the oldest populations in the world"

>>> The US, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and a multitude of countries are absolutely hammered by the virus.

"it's only bad in New York but not other states"

>>> As if the Virus will magically go away (which is what his President is LITERALLY claiming) and New York shouldn't be used as a warning sign.

"The US has a cure"

>>> Donald Trump: Inject yourself with bleach.

I'm not sure how many times the goalposts have to move.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Goodness fucking gracious.....never mind the scores of free market economists going back to the 18th century and even prior who have written long treatises on economics. I guess Bwoken truly thinks that the best argument anyone has mustered for capitalism is that the U.S. won the Cold War.

Talk about ignorance.

Yes, your average American is basing their assessment of capitalism on the writings of Adam Smith (which I'm sure they've all read), and not on the "Murica, fuck yeah!" mentality.

For reference, they're following a president who doesn't know the difference between, "Noble" "Nobel" and a "Pulitzer" but yes, I'm sure they're assessment of Capitalism is based on their extensive knowledge of the invisible hand.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Donald Trump suggested injecting one's self with bleach and this motherfucker is here still moving goalposts and tap-dancing JUST to save face, and he claims he's not a cult-following racist piece of shit.

It was a much simpler time when you had to be subtle with your racism, misogyny and homophobia.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Yes, your average American is basing their assessment of capitalism on the writings of Adam Smith (which I'm sure they've all read), and not on the "Murica, fuck yeah!" mentality.

Here you go with another moronic bigoted statement.....if anyone said about Muslims or your precious gays half the dumb things you say about the demographic in America that you loathe you wouldn't hesitate to pull out your completely cliche vocabulary and condemn them for bigotry.

As for the content of what you are fucking simple-minded moron: the vast majority of human beings, no matter how they vote, do not do so on the basis of high-minded intellectual treatises that they took the time to read. They go along with the habits and sentiments of those in the society they are in and the policies set by those in power. I take that for granted, but apparently you do not. This is one of those cases of you feeling within your own soul that because you recognize something profoundly simplistic you are actually smarter than everybody - when in fact it merely reveals what a simpleton you are.

Having said that, history changes due to path-breaking intellectuals and governments that follow their ideas. The history of free market thought encompasses far more than just "Adam Smith." There is a long list of serious economists who have advocated free market ideas, in America and elsewhere.

As for your bigoted insulting of many regular American voters, I hate to break this to you: they really don't care about pompously saying that the United States is better than other countries. They may love their country, but they're not interested in boasting to everyone that its economic system is superior. Most of the people you are smearing want to make a living and function without excessive government regulation and taxation. That's why they support free market economics in theory and at the polls. And they have created a society that is highly prosperous compared to the rest of the world.

For reference, they're following a president who doesn't know the difference between, "Noble" "Nobel" and a "Pulitzer" but yes, I'm sure they're assessment of Capitalism is based on their extensive knowledge of the invisible hand.

There are hundreds of things you are ignorant about and it shows every time you post, so you shouldn't pick on Trump when your own house is pure glass. And, btw, hundreds of Trump's tweets and public statements are right on point and accurate. And those get ignored. The only time people like yourself pay attention to anything he says is when he misspeaks and memes explode on social media attacking him.

I could cite hundreds of examples of Trump making very logical and accurate statements (e.g. on the Russia collusion case). But he slips up one time and then bigots like yourself act like that's the only way he talks.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali's evolution on the topic:

"this won't be any worse than the Swine Flu"

>>> A month later, the number of Coronavirus cases in the US is close to ONE FUCKING MILLION. The Swine Flu

Hey dumbfuck, I know you have the attention span of a 5-year-old and the vocabulary of a 7-year-old, but you may want to consult the Wall Street Journal article I posted on March 24th from two scientists at Stanford arguing that the coronavirus was far more widespread and far less lethal than was thought at the time. Recent studies in the past week have confirmed that hypothesis. So a large number of "cases" is something I was a believer in from the start and I posted that article to express that belief. Here is the article for your dumb ass one more time:

The issue to me - you stupid simpleton - was that the lethality of this virus was not worth destroying the economy over and causing mass unemployment. Everything that has unfolded since has confirmed my assessment.

"only Italy is affected because it has one of the oldest populations in the world"

And in the United States virtually everyone who has died has either been very old or already very sick from other conditions, so that assessment was also right on point.

You're just making me look good, so keep quoting me. It shows how right I was to post the information that I did. It has all been confirmed.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And if you are soulless enough to keep insisting that most hospitals in the US are "empty," (which I don't think is ever a thing, actually,)

American hospitals are empty in most places Moxie. You, Federberg, and the Lebanese Elmer Fudd are believing in an alternate version of reality where American hospitals are being overrun by COVID patients.....the opposite is true. Many hospitals are in danger of permanent closure because they have little to no activity. Most hospitals in most places throughout the United States are completely vacant.

I would refer you to the hospitals that are overrun, to the doctors, nurses, EMTs and technicians in them who are working tirelessly, at the peril of their own lives, quarantining from their own families and watching people die daily, alone. Even in areas where there are few or no cases, you have to consider that hospital workers are on the front lines, and need the PPE, because when it does arrive, they'll be the first to be at risk.

As is so often the case, Moxie, what you believe is the opposite of reality. The doctors, nurses, EMTs, and technicians in New York are in many cases not heroes, but failures and even criminals. They are doing a terrible job of managing the crisis and they are responsible for causing deaths, not preventing them.

I encourage you to watch this testimonial from a nurse practitioner on the reality of what is occurring in New York City, before the YouTube totalitarians censor it. The medical professionals in NYC that she describes are not heroes but villains:

Nurse Testament,“Patients left to rot and die” “Never seen so much neglect” “No one cares” “Murder”

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It was a much simpler time when you had to be subtle with your racism, misogyny and homophobia.

I have to admit it is funny to see BwokenWooWace use this completely conventional, arbitrary, and irrational vocabulary (which was only invented at the start of the 20th century, at Columbia University no less) as though it is some kind of definitive moral categorization that no one can dispute. It truly shows his lack of learning and originality, and also his lack of awareness of world history beyond what has occurred very recently. The vast majority of the human race has not thought in terms of this asinine moral terminology (racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc.) for most of recorded history and for good reason - it is counter-intuitive and irrational. But yet, the anti-American Broken slavishly follows the lead of some crackpot sociologists at Columbia University in the early 20th century to attain his moral understanding of the universe. Then again, this moral vocabulary suits him: it is cheap, vapid, imprecise, bigoted, and unscientific - just like so much of what he says and thinks about the world.

Bwoken prides himself on being logical and grounded (this is what he imagines himself to be). He also hilariously goes around prating about his belief in "science" - as though arresting people in parks, banning people from buying flowers, and making grown adults wear masks by the millions (two weeks after telling them not to) is pure "science." Sure.

It's funny how I posted a pair of articles yesterday - one about how allowing people to go to parks promotes healthiness and one citing two actual doctors who think the shutdowns should end on public health grounds. Of course, BwokenWooWace had nothing to say about that. And that's because he doesn't actually care about any scientific discussion.

Finally, I have to say: it is quite comical for someone to be accusing other people of being anti-science while adopting the mantle of anti-homophobia. There is nothing - let me repeat, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - in science to support the current pro-homosexual glorification that goes on in Western countries. There is no evidence of a gay gene. There is no evidence that gays are "born that way." And in fact there is a great deal of science showing there are serious pathologies and dangers to the gay lifestyle for those who engage in it.

Yet you will not hear Mr. "I Believe in Science, Sort of but not really" acknowledge any of that. Instead, he will hilariously use the dumb and demented moral terminology of "racism, misogyny and homophobia" - which is not scientifically grounded in the slightest - while condemning others for not adhering to science. Talk about projection! You couldn't find a better example than that.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
American hospitals are empty in most places Moxie. You, Federberg, and the Lebanese Elmer Fudd are believing in an alternate version of reality where American hospitals are being overrun by COVID patients.....the opposite is true. Many hospitals are in danger of permanent closure because they have little to no activity. Most hospitals in most places throughout the United States are completely vacant.

As I said above, I don't think most hospitals anywhere are ever "vacant." Especially emergency rooms, because of our shitty health care system. You mean as opposed to overrun with Covid-19 cases, I think? I'm pretty sure that's true. But when you do add Covid cases to their work-load, it stresses hospitals in areas where there is virus. This is not unreasonable to say, if you're not trying to bolster up your position.
As is so often the case, Moxie, what you believe is the opposite of reality. The doctors, nurses, EMTs, and technicians in New York are in many cases not heroes, but failures and even criminals. They are doing a terrible job of managing the crisis and they are responsible for causing deaths, not preventing them.

Wow. Just wow. That may be the schmuckiest thing you've ever said here.
I encourage you to watch this testimonial from a nurse practitioner on the reality of what is occurring in New York City, before the YouTube totalitarians censor it. The medical professionals in NYC that she describes are not heroes but villains:
OK, I did watch it. She says she's a nurse practictioner. She says she's reporting what a friend in NYC at a hospital told her. And she's clearly reading off of cue-cards. Which is OK, if you need help remembering your talking points. But it's a youtube video, not investigative jounalism. At best case, it's a second-hand reporting from one anecdotal source. Worst case, it's an internet hoax. In any case, it's no cause for you blaring some headline about "murder" and slandering all of the healthcare workers in NYC. SMH.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
New York has cancelled our Democratic primary. That just sucks, and it's also lazy, because we have tough laws about voting by mail. Or, worse.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
As I said above, I don't think most hospitals anywhere are ever "vacant." Especially emergency rooms, because of our shitty health care system. You mean as opposed to overrun with Covid-19 cases, I think?

I mean both. There are many empty hospitals because people are not going to them for elective procedures or general health maintenance, and there is also a paucity of COVID cases in the vast majority of the USA.

But when you do add Covid cases to their work-load, it stresses hospitals in areas where there is virus.

No no no no no. The key point is that the non-COVID workload of hospitals has been eliminated, AND there are hardly any COVID cases. It's both.

Wow. Just wow. That may be the schmuckiest thing you've ever said here.

And it could very well be accurate. There is no reason to turn the NYC medical professionals into angels in our minds. Speaking of schmuckiness, I have witnessed and heard about plenty of it from medical professionals over the years. They're not all holy. Far from it.

I can see that NYC health professionals have entered into the realm of "angel category" in your mind, just like, say, gays or illegal immigrants. In your mind, it is not possible for a single one of them to be anything less than superlative and extraordinary human beings in every way.

But it's a youtube video, not investigative jounalism. At best case, it's a second-hand reporting from one anecdotal source.

Oh Moxie, believe me. There is plenty more of that info on the internet. Lol. You just have to look for it in the right places. It's not just one anecdote. And if you're looking for investigative journalism on that question, you're unlikely to get it when 95% of the media function as shock troops for the Democratic Party.

Worst case, it's an internet hoax.

I find it appalling, utterly appalling, that you would question a woman. Don't you #believeallwomen? Or was that only a 2018 thing? :)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
New York has cancelled our Democratic primary. That just sucks, and it's also lazy, because we have tough laws about voting by mail. Or, worse.

But it's to save lives. Do you not have even a sliver of compassion in your heart?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
.less than 15 cases in the US and no known deaths to over 50k. I guess you are going to hide behind the premise things could have been a lot worst..that's unacceptable..I don't know if there have been a leader who has displays more ineptitude on a consistency than Trump..Yet you STILL want to deflect or try some form of gaslighting.

Okay AntiPusher, let me ask you this: if you have a problem with Trump's handling of this crisis, then what do you have to say about his top adviser (the revered Dr. Anthony Fauci) saying on March 9th that it was still fine and dandy to go on cruises?

Does (President) Fauci deserve any blame in this scenario? Trump has been deferring to him at every turn, yet de facto president Fauci gets no blame for anything.

Keep in mind this was March 9th.....not January 9th, not even February 9th. But March 9th:

COVID-19 Travel Update: Fauci Says Cruising Is OK If You Are Healthy
Mar 9, 2020,08:02pm EDT


the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Okay AntiPusher, let me ask you this: if you have a problem with Trump's handling of this crisis, then what do you have to say about his top adviser (the revered Dr. Anthony Fauci) saying on March 9th that it was still fine and dandy to go on cruises?

Does (President) Fauci deserve any blame in this scenario? Trump has been deferring to him at every turn, yet de facto president Fauci gets no blame for anything.

Keep in mind this was March 9th.....not January 9th, not even February 9th. But March 9th:

COVID-19 Travel Update: Fauci Says Cruising Is OK If You Are Healthy
Mar 9, 2020,08:02pm EDT

I will have to vet if Fauci actually stated that or if it was taken out of context..

I left about 6-8 items for you to address..quit deflecting on Fauci..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
@calitennis127 So now healthcare workers are either angels or demons? And the #metoo movement means we believe every youtube video about anything in the world? This isn't just a childish defense of your position, it's a pathetic one.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Here you go with another moronic bigoted statement.....if anyone said about Muslims or your precious gays half the dumb things you say about the demographic in America that you loathe you wouldn't hesitate to pull out your completely cliche vocabulary and condemn them for bigotry.

As for the content of what you are fucking simple-minded moron: the vast majority of human beings, no matter how they vote, do not do so on the basis of high-minded intellectual treatises that they took the time to read. They go along with the habits and sentiments of those in the society they are in and the policies set by those in power. I take that for granted, but apparently you do not. This is one of those cases of you feeling within your own soul that because you recognize something profoundly simplistic you are actually smarter than everybody - when in fact it merely reveals what a simpleton you are.

Having said that, history changes due to path-breaking intellectuals and governments that follow their ideas. The history of free market thought encompasses far more than just "Adam Smith." There is a long list of serious economists who have advocated free market ideas, in America and elsewhere.

As for your bigoted insulting of many regular American voters, I hate to break this to you: they really don't care about pompously saying that the United States is better than other countries. They may love their country, but they're not interested in boasting to everyone that its economic system is superior. Most of the people you are smearing want to make a living and function without excessive government regulation and taxation. That's why they support free market economics in theory and at the polls. And they have created a society that is highly prosperous compared to the rest of the world.

There are hundreds of things you are ignorant about and it shows every time you post, so you shouldn't pick on Trump when your own house is pure glass. And, btw, hundreds of Trump's tweets and public statements are right on point and accurate. And those get ignored. The only time people like yourself pay attention to anything he says is when he misspeaks and memes explode on social media attacking him.

I could cite hundreds of examples of Trump making very logical and accurate statements (e.g. on the Russia collusion case). But he slips up one time and then bigots like yourself act like that's the only way he talks.

I like how Cali keeps calling me a bigot but the one post in which I explained to him exactly what my issue with the United States were he shut his fucking mouth like a little bitch because he can't really argue with any of the points. Yes, your government is historically murderous. That's a fact. Yes your government is allies with some of the biggest murderous regimes. Also a fact. Yes, your capitalism has maaaaaaaaaaany flaws. That's af act. Yes, you as a country have a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE racism problem that you keep downplaying. That's a fact.

And yes, a decent number of Americans are ignorant morons who truly believe in the "greatest country in the world" elitist bullshit and vote accordingly. You can keep being mad and calling me a bigot, but none of this is debatable.

"They go along with the habits and sentiments of those in the society they are in and the policies set by those in power."

Yes, you fucking moron. Yes. Exactly. You're making my whole fucking point for me. And the capitalistic propaganda has actually managed to convince morons like you that despite its flaws, it's the only system that works. And your only argument is "well other systems have lots of flaws too." Well, not shit.

I like how every time you think you're making a good point you're either wrong or just proving my point.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
I have to admit it is funny to see BwokenWooWace use this completely conventional, arbitrary, and irrational vocabulary (which was only invented at the start of the 20th century, at Columbia University no less) as though it is some kind of definitive moral categorization that no one can dispute. It truly shows his lack of learning and originality, and also his lack of awareness of world history beyond what has occurred very recently. The vast majority of the human race has not thought in terms of this asinine moral terminology (racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc.) for most of recorded history and for good reason - it is counter-intuitive and irrational. But yet, the anti-American Broken slavishly follows the lead of some crackpot sociologists at Columbia University in the early 20th century to attain his moral understanding of the universe. Then again, this moral vocabulary suits him: it is cheap, vapid, imprecise, bigoted, and unscientific - just like so much of what he says and thinks about the world.

Bwoken prides himself on being logical and grounded (this is what he imagines himself to be). He also hilariously goes around prating about his belief in "science" - as though arresting people in parks, banning people from buying flowers, and making grown adults wear masks by the millions (two weeks after telling them not to) is pure "science." Sure.

It's funny how I posted a pair of articles yesterday - one about how allowing people to go to parks promotes healthiness and one citing two actual doctors who think the shutdowns should end on public health grounds. Of course, BwokenWooWace had nothing to say about that. And that's because he doesn't actually care about any scientific discussion.

Finally, I have to say: it is quite comical for someone to be accusing other people of being anti-science while adopting the mantle of anti-homophobia. There is nothing - let me repeat, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - in science to support the current pro-homosexual glorification that goes on in Western countries. There is no evidence of a gay gene. There is no evidence that gays are "born that way." And in fact there is a great deal of science showing there are serious pathologies and dangers to the gay lifestyle for those who engage in it.

Yet you will not hear Mr. "I Believe in Science, Sort of but not really" acknowledge any of that. Instead, he will hilariously use the dumb and demented moral terminology of "racism, misogyny and homophobia" - which is not scientifically grounded in the slightest - while condemning others for not adhering to science. Talk about projection! You couldn't find a better example than that.

I'll say this and leave it here:

This moron is upset at people being arrested in the park for CLEARLY VIOLATING THE LAW AND BEING ASKED TO LEAVE REPEATEDLY AND REFUSING TO COOPORATE but has done his best and made threads to downplay police brutality against black people..

But yeah, you're by no means a right wing racist. After all, you keep talking about black humor (which is apparently all about pleasing 10/10 women) and Urban individualism.

The level of delusion is absurd.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Cali has such little understanding of the world that he actually thinks blaming Trump's advisors absolves him of the responsibility.

Hate to break it to you but if you surround yourself with incompetence and you're the fucking President of the United States, you're incompetent. You can't want all the power and none of the responsibility. So please accept this and eat shit, or better yet, bleach, since your president thinks it's a good idea.

Oh, speaking of that, here's an article discussing the spike in people using disinfectants improperly and Trump claiming he bears no responsibility despite the fact that he literally suggested that (and you still refuse to address it):

But yeah, you're right, it's not a cult at all. It's perfectly normal for some Americans to inject themselves with bleach because their Orange leader claimed as much. Perfectly normal. Way to sidestep the stereotypes.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
The issue to me - you stupid simpleton - was that the lethality of this virus was not worth destroying the economy over and causing mass unemployment. Everything that has unfolded since has confirmed my assessment.

"56,000 people dying in the span of a couple of month (with a huge rise from one month to another) isn't a big deal to me" is an argument this person is using in his own favor, somehow.

And then he wonders why I barely bother.
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