US Politics Thread


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Okay AntiPusher, let me ask you this: if you have a problem with Trump's handling of this crisis, then what do you have to say about his top adviser (the revered Dr. Anthony Fauci) saying on March 9th that it was still fine and dandy to go on cruises?

Does (President) Fauci deserve any blame in this scenario? Trump has been deferring to him at every turn, yet de facto president Fauci gets no blame for anything.

Keep in mind this was March 9th.....not January 9th, not even February 9th. But March 9th:

COVID-19 Travel Update: Fauci Says Cruising Is OK If You Are Healthy
Mar 9, 2020,08:02pm EDT

I truly don't think you understand how hierarchy and responsibility works. Making Fauci the scapegoat (whether true or false) doesn't absolve Trump of anything. That's the responsibility of being president.

That such a simple notion has to be explained to you really robs you of any right to condescend and claim intellect. Please shut the fuck up and go back to being a closet racist on some right wing forum.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
I have to admit it is funny to see BwokenWooWace use this completely conventional, arbitrary, and irrational vocabulary (which was only invented at the start of the 20th century, at Columbia University no less) as though it is some kind of definitive moral categorization that no one can dispute. It truly shows his lack of learning and originality, and also his lack of awareness of world history beyond what has occurred very recently. The vast majority of the human race has not thought in terms of this asinine moral terminology (racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc.) for most of recorded history and for good reason - it is counter-intuitive and irrational. But yet, the anti-American Broken slavishly follows the lead of some crackpot sociologists at Columbia University in the early 20th century to attain his moral understanding of the universe. Then again, this moral vocabulary suits him: it is cheap, vapid, imprecise, bigoted, and unscientific - just like so much of what he says and thinks about the world.

Bwoken prides himself on being logical and grounded (this is what he imagines himself to be). He also hilariously goes around prating about his belief in "science" - as though arresting people in parks, banning people from buying flowers, and making grown adults wear masks by the millions (two weeks after telling them not to) is pure "science." Sure.

It's funny how I posted a pair of articles yesterday - one about how allowing people to go to parks promotes healthiness and one citing two actual doctors who think the shutdowns should end on public health grounds. Of course, BwokenWooWace had nothing to say about that. And that's because he doesn't actually care about any scientific discussion.

Finally, I have to say: it is quite comical for someone to be accusing other people of being anti-science while adopting the mantle of anti-homophobia. There is nothing - let me repeat, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - in science to support the current pro-homosexual glorification that goes on in Western countries. There is no evidence of a gay gene. There is no evidence that gays are "born that way." And in fact there is a great deal of science showing there are serious pathologies and dangers to the gay lifestyle for those who engage in it.

Yet you will not hear Mr. "I Believe in Science, Sort of but not really" acknowledge any of that. Instead, he will hilariously use the dumb and demented moral terminology of "racism, misogyny and homophobia" - which is not scientifically grounded in the slightest - while condemning others for not adhering to science. Talk about projection! You couldn't find a better example than that.

A) A person claiming I have a 7 year old vocabulary is referring to me as "Bwoken." He also happens to follow the cult of Trump. Make of that what you will.

B) Once again, you create a strawman, because you're legitimately incapable of the merest hint of critical thinking: I have never, not once, argued that homosexuality is genetic. I will, unequivocally say, "I don't know." I don't think there's enough scientific evidence to make that claim with any measure of confidence (but then again, I heard others claim the US has the cure for Coronavirus a month before the president suggested bleach as a cure so what do I know?).

The issue of gay rights should not, in any way, hinge on whether homosexuality is genetic. It is simply an issue of choice. If two gay people want to be together, who the fuck are you, you homophobic fuckhead, to state otherwise? Ahhhh I forgot, your vengeful God, as documented in the ever reliable Bible, has instructed otherwise - a make believe book that you follow religiously (literally).

C) Because if what you're actually implying is that scientific evidence needs to exist to justify homosexuality, then please explain the God you worship, or the Chronicles of Narnia fan fiction that exists in the Bible.

You keep going on about articles that you put out that I ignore, but are too dumb to understand why. It's because I don't need to. It's enough to take your posts and just point to the most obvious holes in them.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
This moron is upset at people being arrested in the park for CLEARLY VIOLATING THE LAW AND BEING ASKED TO LEAVE REPEATEDLY AND REFUSING TO COOPORATE but has done his best and made threads to downplay police brutality against black people..

A “liberal” defending arresting people in parks. A self-proclaimed believer in science defending the idea that people taking their kids to parks and open outdoor spaces endangers lives, despite numerous scientists saying the opposite (as well as anyone with common sense).

Absolutely hilarious.

As far as the police brutality lie that you buy into, let me be clear: unlike many right-wingers, I don’t glorify the police. I see law enforcement mostly as a muscleheaded/meatheaded profession. But at the same time the notion that police are running around killing black people unlike any other group is a total and absolute lie with no basis in fact or science. None. You have obviously never looked at the statistics/data.

Like I told Federberg, the radically left-wing Department of Justice headed by Eric Holder concluded that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative around Michael Brown was completely false. So don’t blame me for that fact. Blame them. Blame a bunch of left-wing, Democratic Party hacks in the Department of Justice for their report.

Finally, it is so fitting that you would glorify Colin Kaepernick, a half-white product of a 70% white, 1% black town in California who was adopted and raised by a two-parent white family. Just like Obama, Kaepernick is the product of white leftists.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
B) Once again, you create a strawman, because you're legitimately incapable of the merest hint of critical thinking: I have never, not once, argued that homosexuality is genetic. I will, unequivocally say, "I don't know." I don't think there's enough scientific evidence to make that claim with any measure of confidence (but then again, I heard others claim the US has the cure for Coronavirus a month before the president suggested bleach as a cure so what do I know?).

Hydroxychloroquine has worked in hundreds of cases across the U.S. and thousands across the world, but Democratic leadership in the United States has suppressed it out of hatred for Trump. If for one moment you could get your mouth off the cock of white leftists in the USA, you could start to open your mind.

It’s funny that you condemn the American demographic that you loathe for “racism” (whatever the hell that is at this point), yet you demonstrate the most parochial and America-centric addiction to American left-wing media. You should try broadening your horizons a little bit, with stories like this......I am relying on the word of doctors in 30 countries while you are worshipping at the altar of CNN.

“An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.

The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.”

The issue of gay rights should not, in any way, hinge on whether homosexuality is genetic. It is simply an issue of choice. If two gay people want to be together, who the fuck are you, you homophobic fuckhead, to state otherwise? Ahhhh I forgot, your vengeful God, as documented in the ever reliable Bible, has instructed otherwise - a make believe book that you follow religiously (literally).

Lol.....yes, you poorly educated idiot, the only possible reason anyone could object to homosexuality is because the Bible prohibits it. Sure. Just show everyone how stupid you are.

If that’s so, it’s curious that Fidel Castro and Che Guevara (two modern left-wing deities) brutalized homosexuals in Cuba in a way that right-wing Christians in the USA never have. It’s also curious that multiple African governments (Kenya, Uganda, Zambia) have taken a stand against the white left of the West on the homosexuality issue. I see that you stand with your white leftist gods over Africans on the gay marriage issue. I stand with the Africans. Take a look at the videos I posted on the serious PC thread to get a dose of reality.

I know of atheists who object to gay marriage. And that’s because it’s a dumb idea whether you believe in God, gods, or no God or gods. I’m sorry that you have such limited exposure to different ideas out there.


Apr 22, 2013
so it turns out there were repeated warnings about the pandemic in January... let me repeat that J A N U A R Y. And yet President fkwit was just sitting around eating cheeseburgers and passing gas... What a genius... :astonished-face:


Apr 22, 2013
oh and before any excuses are made. Let's just post this classic here so it can be referenced shall we?



Apr 22, 2013



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
so it turns out there were repeated warnings about the pandemic in January... let me repeat that J A N U A R Y. And yet President fkwit was just sitting around eating cheeseburgers and passing gas... What a genius... :astonished-face:

Actually, he was working on the travel ban from China while being condemned by Pelosi and the Democratic media for it. But if you think Trump is an idiot for not acting faster, then what do you think of the revered Dr. Fauci telling NBC's Today Show on February 29th that "there is no need to change anything you're doing on a day-by-day basis" and then on March 9th saying that people in regular health should feel comfortable going on cruises? Is he a fuckwit too?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013

Lol.....yes, but Democrats don't have their share of ignoramuses and morons (except roughly 90% of their party). We could talk all day about the abysmal ignorance of American history and world affairs on the part of white leftists who pretend to know far more than they do. Or perhaps we could look at the urban electorate that is critical to the Democratic Party's electoral power.

How do you think the lady in that photo would match up with these competitors in Baltimore who vote 99% for the Democratic Party?

"In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore's 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state's mathematics exam. In six other high schools, only 1% tested proficient in math. In raw numbers, 3,804 Baltimore students took the state's math test and 14 tested proficient. Citywide, only 15% of Baltimore students passed the state's English test."

Walter Williams: Was Trump Right About Baltimore?



Apr 22, 2013
Actually, he was working on the travel ban from China while being condemned by Pelosi and the Democratic media for it. But if you think Trump is an idiot for not acting faster, then what do you think of the revered Dr. Fauci telling NBC's Today Show on February 29th that "there is no need to change anything you're doing on a day-by-day basis" and then on March 9th saying that people in regular health should feel comfortable going on cruises? Is he a fuckwit too?
the more apt question is... is he the fucking President?? Stop deflecting, it's too obvious


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
@calitennis127 So now healthcare workers are either angels or demons?

No, I'm saying that not all healthcare workers are angels, especially not in NYC right now where there is ample evidence of incompetence and neglect.

And the #metoo movement means we believe every youtube video about anything in the world?

Lol.....that was a tongue-in-cheek comment partially in reference to the news about Joe Biden and Tara Reade. The double standard in how Biden is being treated versus Kavanaugh in 2018 by the leftist media is utterly laughable.

And, to be honest, if the girl in the video I posted had put up a heartfelt message about hospitals lacking resources as thousands of COVID patients died, you would view it as a model of female empathy that we should all show respect for. So you are being quite hypocritical in how dismissive you are toward that girl's testimony.

It's funny (but predictable) how nasty and antagonistic leftists are toward women any time they say something that does not serve the partisan interests of the Democrats at any given moment. It's okay for Hillary to call Bill's accusers tramps and liars, but if a Supreme Court justice is nominated by a Republican president, then women can make up stories about the nominee and their mythical fairy tales are to be treated as sacred revelations that cannot be questioned in the slightest way.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
the more apt question is... is he the fucking President?? Stop deflecting, it's too obvious

This is the hypocrisy of Trump's critics that is beyond reason. How can you simultaneously ask him to defer to the experts and then get mad at him for doing just that?

If you ask someone to do something, then don't get mad at them when they do it.


Apr 22, 2013
This is the hypocrisy of Trump's critics that is beyond reason. How can you simultaneously ask him to defer to the experts and then get mad at him for doing just that?

If you ask someone to do something, then don't get mad at them when they do it.
lol mate! Don't pretend he deferred to Fauci. He is dangerously incompetent and keeps his own counsel. The fact that you take it upon yourself to blame flunkies is proof enough that your man can't be defended on his own merits.

Even now he is not implementing a nationwide testing policy. You can talk about January, February or March. But your guy's negligence is here and now in the present and no amount of deflection can hide that. Sorry..


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Hydroxychloroquine has worked in hundreds of cases across the U.S. and thousands across the world, but Democratic leadership in the United States has suppressed it out of hatred for Trump. If for one moment you could get your mouth off the cock of white leftists in the USA, you could start to open your mind.

It’s funny that you condemn the American demographic that you loathe for “racism” (whatever the hell that is at this point), yet you demonstrate the most parochial and America-centric addiction to American left-wing media. You should try broadening your horizons a little bit, with stories like this......I am relying on the word of doctors in 30 countries while you are worshipping at the altar of CNN.

“An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.

The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.”

Lol.....yes, you poorly educated idiot, the only possible reason anyone could object to homosexuality is because the Bible prohibits it. Sure. Just show everyone how stupid you are.

If that’s so, it’s curious that Fidel Castro and Che Guevara (two modern left-wing deities) brutalized homosexuals in Cuba in a way that right-wing Christians in the USA never have. It’s also curious that multiple African governments (Kenya, Uganda, Zambia) have taken a stand against the white left of the West on the homosexuality issue. I see that you stand with your white leftist gods over Africans on the gay marriage issue. I stand with the Africans. Take a look at the videos I posted on the serious PC thread to get a dose of reality.

I know of atheists who object to gay marriage. And that’s because it’s a dumb idea whether you believe in God, gods, or no God or gods. I’m sorry that you have such limited exposure to different ideas out there.


I didn't say the only reason someone could object to homosexuality is religion. I'm saying you, as a right wing catholic, are heavily influenced by religion when it comes to your assessment of homosexuality. How fucking dumb are you?

Please please please please go take an English 101 course and learn what fucking logical fallacies are. You're an adult. It's legitimately nuts that you have no idea what they are or how to avoid them.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
By the way, this pussy has still not once addressed Trump's bleach injection nonsense. Not once.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Finally, it is so fitting that you would glorify Colin Kaepernick, a half-white product of a 70% white, 1% black town in California who was adopted and raised by a two-parent white family.

Leave it to a fucking racist to determine feel entitled to tell us how black someone should feel based on how dark their blackness actually is. You fucking racist piece of shit. Way to show your true colors, no pun intended.

Just like Obama, Kaepernick is the product of white leftists.

Really? I thought he was a product of Kenya.
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the AntiPusher

Apr 14, 2013
Cali..the US Covid-19 cases are approaching 1 million in a few hours..

That means that the US has more cases than Italy, France , Germany, Spain and the UK.combined

Yet, we have the smartest person in charge and his right wing minions that you so eagerly support..


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Leave it to a fucking racist to determine feel entitled to tell us how black someone should feel based on how dark their blackness actually is. You fucking racist piece of shit. Way to show your true colors, no pun intended. really is funny to see BwokenWooWace resort to nothing else but the completely arbitrary and simplistic vocabulary of "racism, sexism, homophobia" as though that is some kind of definitive moral judgment. What that vocabulary amounts to is nothing more than the stigmatizing of views and information that are deemed unpleasant.

As for the substance of your retort, little Elmer, I am only saying exactly what Ben Carson - who grew up in inner-city Detroit and made it in a much harder profession than Obama did - said about Obama. What Carson said about Obama applies just as much to Kaepernick because their upbringings were very similar.

Also, it is completely disingenuous of you to subscribe to the theory of black victimology in the United States (which you clearly do) while then turning around and dismissing critical evaluations of the white upper middle-class upbringing that both Obama and Kaepernick had. You are talking out of both sides of our mouth. Either personal experience matters or it doesn't. Make a choice and stick to it. (And we all know that if Obama and Kaepernick had right-wing views we would never stop hearing about how they don't understand what it's like to be black based on how they were raised.)

But, for now, listen to Carson:

Ben Carson: Obama ‘Raised White,’ Doesn’t Understand Black Americans

Is Ben Carson a "fucking racist piece of shit" too? I'm sure he is.

Really? I thought he was a product of Kenya.

He's not. If he was, he would agree with President Kenyatta and the rest of Kenyan society on gay marriage (take a look at the videos on the Serious PC thread that I posted).

Btw, I always objected to the line of thinking that Obama was a Kenyan or a Muslim. Ultimately he is a white left-wing Christian. He is more like Pete Buttigieg than any Islamic imam. That was one of the sillier right-wing talking points about Obama.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Cali..the US Covid-19 cases are approaching 1 million in a few hours..

That means that the US has more cases than Italy, France , Germany, Spain and the UK.combined

Yet, we have the smartest person in charge and his right wing minions that you so eagerly support..

Lol and smh.....AntiPusher, if you read the March 24th WSJ journal piece from two Stanford professors I posted on March 27th, none of this would come as news to you. As testing increases, of course there are going to be more cases. I'm glad you are finally recognizing that. You are only 1 month late to the party. It's just too bad you have to mindlessly go along with the CNN celebration of these numbers. It's clearly hard for you to contain your glee.

With the demographic and commercial ties there are between the U.S. and China, there is simply no way that you could realistically expect any president to totally stamp the virus out.....that is just stupid. I know many people who work and travel in China, as I'm sure you do. There are also multiple American cities with huge Chinese populations.

The main two problems for your anti-Trump invective are these: 1) multiple Democrats (including Pelosi and De Blasio and writers at the NYT, Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Vox, and the Daily Beast) downplayed the threat of the virus, and 2) (more important than #1) Trump has listened to the esteemed and revered Dr. Fauci at every step of the way.

You can avoid those two realities all you want, but they won't change.
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