US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
Apparently they lost millions... but that in itself shows how dumb people are. If I was running that company, I'd keep Corona as a brand, but create an identical beer under a different brand name. The Corona brand will appeal to its hardcore and a few weirdos, and others will just buy the alternative name brand.
that makes sense


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Here is a guess, by the way... Trump will try and walk back those stupid comments at tomorrow's Virus update. There must be one or two people in his camp that are slightly competent.

Murat Baslamisli

Apr 14, 2013
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Not a Trump fan, never was, never will be. Here is the exact quote from yesterday ""I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
In this case, his heart might be in the right place but horrible delivery. Not defending. Just pointing out. To me, it sounded like he had something like chemo in mind, which is a mixture of deadly chemicals.


Multiple Major Winner
Sep 15, 2013
California, USA
Not a Trump fan, never was, never will be. Here is the exact quote from yesterday ""I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
In this case, his heart might be in the right place but horrible delivery. Not defending. Just pointing out. To me, it sounded like he had something like chemo in mind, which is a mixture of deadly chemicals.

But why would you even go there at all?
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Multiple Major Winner
Sep 15, 2013
California, USA
This is what happens when you think you know better than everyone. He doesn’t get that a leader is supposed to lead, not be the expert. His narcissism is literally endangering people’s lives


Managing the crisis is tedious work to him and doesn’t hold his attention. It’s probably driving him crazy that the pandemic can’t be pushed out of the spotlight and is going to linger.

It’s all about a home run “solution” that gives him the glory of actually curing Covid-19.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
the donald and his endless word salad. :wacko:
everyday a different recipe, but still just another pile of fetid fly attracting faeces. :pile-of-poo:

now he claims he was being sarcastic..everyone knows that is another lie, he just noticed how everyone was laughing at him and his endless verbal dribble, (esp on twitter, the donald's fav social meeja outlet).
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
the donald and his endless word salad. :wacko:
everyday a different recipe, but still just another pile of fetid fly attracting faeces. :pile-of-poo:

now he claims he was being sarcastic..everyone knows that is another lie, he just noticed how everyone was laughing at him and his endless verbal dribble, (esp on twitter, the donald's fav social meeja outlet).
I knew he'd end up trying to walk that back once someone in his team explained how utterly stupid it was. Too late. This stuff is beyond parody.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Not a Trump fan, never was, never will be. Here is the exact quote from yesterday ""I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
In this case, his heart might be in the right place but horrible delivery. Not defending. Just pointing out. To me, it sounded like he had something like chemo in mind, which is a mixture of deadly chemicals.
Right, but this is part of the complaint against him. You can parse his words more carefully, just to be clear that he wouldn't have us injecting disinfectant, but he is the President of the United States, and he stands up in news conferences and says bonkers, non-scientific crap that he knows nothing about. He sends mixed messages, and divisive ones. He says the President has ultimate authority to do whatever he wants, (which is already creepy and scary,) then he says it's up to the states and their governors. Then he tweets: "Liberate" Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia, including invoking the 2nd Amendment (gun laws.) How in any way is this a coherent message or policy from our government? I know you're not defending him, but to defend the fine points of a bat-shit crazy statement is overly generous.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'm not sure why you are continually defending Trump, to be honest. The policies he's enacted are the exact opposite of everything you've been proposing since day one. I believe in X but will defend Y. It sounds like a partisan fool's errand.

Absolutely.....I do disagree with the Trump administration's lockdown policy. My point to you, Federberg, Moxie, and Broken is simply that a) Trump has taken the coronavirus seriously from the time that it was brought to his attention in January and b) at every turn Trump has deferred to the medical "experts" that his critics have asked him to listen to.

The result of b has been absolutely comical contradictions such as the Surgeon General of the United States telling everyone to not wear a mask a month ago to now telling everyone to wear a mask. Btw, the WHO has said that wearing a mask for the general public is a bad idea and actually increases the likelihood of infection. So who are the real scientists here? As Eminem might ask, can the real scientists please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

When the "scientists" are so contradictory of each other, this looks more like a satirical novel than an actual public health crisis. "Don't wear a mask!" "No, wear a mask!" "The science says.....that we should do one of them!"


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
it's hilarious seeing Trump's cult trying EVERYTHING to pretend the virus isn't as bad as people are claiming,

The virus isn't anywhere close to as bad as "people are claiming." The only place where it lived up to the hype was New York City, and there are major questions about how the numbers are being tabulated there.

As far as being a "cult," calling the Republican Party that is just downright stupid and ignorant, which is why you are doing it. As I have told you a billion times, the American right includes vastly more diversity of thought than the Democratic Party does. It's not even close. There is far more debate and difference of opinion on the right-wing side than there is on the left-wing side in the USA. And cults don't allow for differences of opinion. So calling the Republicans a "cult" is downright stupid.

Now, let me give you an example of cult-like behavior from Moxie's party. On April 7th a black female Democratic Congresswoman named Karen Whitsett went on Fox News with her doctor (a Muslim ironically enough) to talk about how hydroxychloroquine cured her from the coronavirus. She thanked Trump for making the suggestion because it prompted her to ask her doctor to prescribe it. It worked marvelously well and she has since recovered.

What has been the reaction of the Democratic Party in Michigan to this black woman thanking Trump for his HCQ suggestion? They are censuring her and blackballing her from the party. It is likely that she will be expelled.

This episode mirrors the treatment of another black Democrat from Georgia named Vernon Jones, who just endorsed Trump for president in 2020. He credited Trump with enacting prison reform that has freed thousands of inmates, improving the job prospects of black Americans, and increasing funding for black colleges. Since endorsing Trump, he has been savagely attacked by other Democrats and asked to leave the Party.

So who are the cultists? I know that your media sources have not reported on Whitsett or Jones, but you may want to look into how those two black Americans were treated to see where the real cultists are in the USA. They are on the left, not on the right.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Capitalism is the only system that works...

LMAO.....yes, as though socialist and Communist countries have demonstrated no corruption or favoritism toward their economic elites. None at all.

Where big-government boneheads like yourself go wrong is that you actually think the concept of an economic elite can even be eliminated. It can't. It has always existed and always will. Human societies are hierarchical and heavily plutocratic. The United States for the first three quarters of the 20th century was the envy of the world because of its large middle class. But due to awful trade policies, outsourcing, a rapacious and overpriced college-education system, a drug epidemic, family dissolution, and massive scale illegal immigration the middle class is disappearing. None of these causes is "capitalist" per se. They were more so the result of short-sightedness, shallowness, stupidity, greed, and decrepitude.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Leave it to racists and bigots to play the "but you're the racist for thinking I'm a racist card." My man, you lobby night and day for a man who admitted to sexually assaulting women. Shut the fuck up.

Let me make my position very clear here: if you wish to use the term "racist" as you so often like to, then minority Democrats in the USA are far, far, far more "racist" than white Republicans are. White Democrats are the most bigoted people in the United States overall, but minority Democrats are far more "racist" than white Republicans are. I fully stand by that position. Blacks, for example, vote 95% for one party on the basis of racial antagonism and they viciously attack any black who becomes a Republican or shows a little bit of sympathy for the Republican Party.

Any black public figure who dissents from the Democratic Party gets lambasted and ridiculed to no end by other blacks as a sellout. This has been on full display this week with the treatment of Representatives Karen Whitsett of Michigan and Vernon Jones of Georgia. All Whitsett did was thank Trump for making the HCQ suggestion that saved her life from coronavirus. As a result of this statement, the Democratic Party will likely be blackballing her for good.

And LOL @ "my side." My side that hates Barrack Obama's guts and think Hilary should fucking die?

When I say "your side," I mean "your side" on social issues - although I do appreciate your consistency in uniformly condemning Americans of both political parties for their foreign policy. I will grant that you deserve a great deal of credit for that. Where you are off the mark is that you blame the wrong fundamental causes for why U.S. foreign policy is such a catastrophe in the Middle East. The blame lies with left-wing ideas, not right-wing ones.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
My man, you lobby night and day for a man who admitted to sexually assaulting women.

If you took the Access Hollywood tapes literally, I feel bad for you. Trump was a player for most of his adult life, including the long periods of time that he spent as a Democrat. No one had a problem with it until he ran for president as a Republican. You may deplore the playboy lifestyle, but I don't consider it to be synonymous with "sexual assault." Trump went decades as a public figure without ever being charged with rape or sexual assault, so your accusation is dumb.

Furthermore, in the United States the problem of sexual assault of women is far more of a problem among Democrats than it is Republicans. This can be shown in dozens of ways.

But.....let's assume for the sake of argument that you're simplistic/literal interpretation of the Access Hollywood tapes is accurate. Who are you comparing Trump to? The fact is, leaders all over the world have often been either womanizers or outright sexual exploiters of women. Your part of the world is actually quite famous for that. This tendency has also been typical of highly ambitious leaders for millennia, going back to Alexander the Great up through Metternich. So even if you wish to hold Trump to angelic standards, he doesn't fare much worse than many other leaders, past and present.

You're just being selective because you dislike Trump.

In general, I am not too preoccupied with the personal habits of political leaders and I don't care what they do in their bedrooms. I just ask that they uphold the right ideals for the general public. But then again, maybe being Catholic makes me less judgmental of others and less nosy about what they do.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Absolutely.....I do disagree with the Trump administration's lockdown policy. My point to you, Federberg, Moxie, and Broken is simply that a) Trump has taken the coronavirus seriously from the time that it was brought to his attention in January and b) at every turn Trump has deferred to the medical "experts" that his critics have asked him to listen to.

A) Just because Trump mentioned the coronovirus in Jan, and just because he instituted a travel "ban," such as it was, with China, doesn't mean he was taking it seriously. What else did he do? Pull a task force together? Look back at the pandemic reports that said what to do in the case of this kind of crisis? Get the governors together and begin to formulate a 50-state policy? No, he did not. He put his head in the sand and said this would end up to be nothing. Stop talking about what he said in January, and look at what he's done since.

B) Trump has deferred to medical experts? Except when he's talked over them, stood in front of their charts in press conferences, and parroted theories from Fox News.

The result of b has been absolutely comical contradictions such as the Surgeon General of the United States telling everyone to not wear a mask a month ago to now telling everyone to wear a mask. Btw, the WHO has said that wearing a mask for the general public is a bad idea and actually increases the likelihood of infection. So who are the real scientists here? As Eminem might ask, can the real scientists please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

When the "scientists" are so contradictory of each other, this looks more like a satirical novel than an actual public health crisis. "Don't wear a mask!" "No, wear a mask!" "The science says.....that we should do one of them!"
The surgeon general, (and no one even knows who he is, which is a bit shocking, right now,) got shut down. Yes, we were "no mask" a few weeks ago, and full-mask now. I kind of get the fact that everyone is learning on the job, especially since we didn't get ahead of it earlier. But I think you make over-much of any idea that the scientists were contradicting each other on the big issues. There were a lot of people warning that this was very serious. You keep trying to push blame off of Trump. Sort of like his "who could have known?" But he is the Commander in Chief, and it's his job to wrangle policy and strategy in wartime, and this is essentially wartime. Instead, he sows dissent, fosters confustion, and deflects blame. And you mostly give him a pass.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Fuck a government that preaches democracy in the Middle East but happens to be best buddies with Mohamed Bin Salman (but you're right, the USA's primary goal in the Middle East is democracy....clearly).

No one ever said that preaching democracy in the Middle East doesn't result in total contradictions. I have been saying that for years. My point to you has simply been that the American political class does sincerely believe in "democracy" as their religion. The fact that they don't live up to it in many instances doesn't mean they don't believe in it.

Fuck a government who, for decades, has enabled every Israeli atrocity in the Middle East.

Lol.....are your hostile sentiments here also directed at the very powerful, very wealthy, and very influential Jewish community in the United States that votes 80% Democrat and agrees with all of your criticisms of Donald Trump? And are you aware that there is a substantial segment of the political right in the USA that has been blackballed and alienated as "anti-Semitic" for criticizing the U.S. relationship with Israel?

Inquiring minds want to know.....


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
A) Just because Trump mentioned the coronovirus in Jan, and just because he instituted a travel "ban," such as it was, with China, doesn't mean he was taking it seriously. What else did he do? Pull a task force together? Look back at the pandemic reports that said what to do in the case of this kind of crisis? Get the governors together and begin to formulate a 50-state policy? No, he did not.

Lol.....have you looked at Fauci's statements in February? They were hardly alarmist.

Also, if you think the Democrats would have listened to Trump at all in February about lockdowns, you are dreaming. They would have opposed him if he did what you're saying. They don't care at all about this virus (just like they didn't actually care about Russian collusion). They just hate him and want to bring him down to take power back. 90% of this coronavirus affair is about politics.

He put his head in the sand and said this would end up to be nothing.

In the vast majority of the country it has ended up being nothing.

B) Trump has deferred to medical experts? Except when he's talked over them, stood in front of their charts in press conferences, and parroted theories from Fox News.

Dr. Fauci disagrees with your bullshit, sweetheart. At the April 13th press conference he explicitly said that Trump has listened to his recommendations at every step:



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Fauci has essentially no power, and neither do the Democrats. What is the overall policy position coming from the President? Where is the calming voice that we need in this crisis. (By most accounts, it's coming from Andrew Cuomo, and I'm no fan.) As to the notion that the epidemic has ended up being nothing for most of the country, I'll just cite Britbox to you on's too early to tell.
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