US Politics Thread


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
And what about the rest of the U.S.? Hardly anything has happened in most places. New York City is not the entire country, idiot.

Plus - as I have said - there are major questions about how the CDC is reporting deaths with its open-ended instructions. You should hold your horses in celebrating these death counts.

The esteemed poster that you are referencing was simply making the argument that this virus wasn't dangerous enough to shut down the U.S. economy over and cause mass unemployment over. It turns out that he was right about that, given how few cases there have been in most of the country. You really should not disrespect his name given how right he was.

As for this quote: "Chances are that coronavirus won't cause this many deaths but the hype about it has been so much greater because the American media scum happen to hate the president who is in power while it is happening and they want to take Trump's economic argument for re-election away from him." - As a political matter, the poster who wrote this was 100% correct. Much of the hype about this was politically motivated.

That poster would like to tell you that he appreciates you demonstrating just how much his general sentiments were on point. Good job. Keep quoting him. It will raise your level of wisdom.

Yes, if we take out the part where you were waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off in your projections (by tens of thousands), you were 100% right.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Lol every time this idiot gets caught in an obvious terrible argument he goes on the "but the Democrats" thing. Yes, except you didn't claim the Democrats were on top of Covid-19 like you did Trump.

Lol.....okay, when did I ever say back in March that Trump was "on top of COVID-19"? My emphasis was entirely on the political dimension of the crisis and I was pointing out that the Democrats were clearly trying to exploit it to discredit Trump. Everything that has happened since has validated my assessment back in March when you look at the behavior of governors across the country. They have been utterly draconian, without any basis in science.

Is it necessary to ban people from driving between two properties they own? Is it necessary to arrest parents for playing with their kids in parks? When the dust settles from this entire affair in a few months, I am confident that people will look back on it as something that was more about politics than a genuine mass health crisis. for your point about how Trump handled the crisis: the problem you run into with your whole argument is that THE TOP MEDICAL EXPERTS IN THE GOVERNMENT (most notably Dr. Fauci) ALL SAID THAT TRUMP LISTENED TO THEIR ADVICE AT EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. You are equating Trump's optimism in rallies about the virus going away with how he treated the threat policy-wise. The fact is, he was vigilant in how he acted. Don't take my word for it; go look at what the esteemed Dr. Fauci has said.

Fuck the Democrats. You forget you're not arguing with an American on the other side of the political coin. I don't give a shit about either party. I obviously dislike one less than the other, but they're both awful.

That is perfectly fine for you to say, but please acknowledge after this statement that you are an anti-American bigot. There is no sense in denying it. Imagine if you saw me write this to a Shia Muslim Iraqi in, say, 2008:

"Fuck the Sunnis. You forget you're not arguing with an Iraqi on the other side of the political/religious coin. I don't give a shit about either the Sunnis or the Shia. I obviously dislike one less than the other, but they're both awful."

If you saw me write this, you would call me an Islamophobe, a racist, and a bigot (lol). But then you get defensive when someone calls you anti-American. Your double standard is truly remarkable.

That isn't to say that there aren't some fair criticisms to make of the United States and especially its foreign policy. That's just to say that you display blatant double standards when it comes to your moral judgments.

You try to divert the conversation. No, you don't get to do that. You'll sit here, and eat your shit, because your president was caught in another lie.

Again - for the fiftieth time - optimism is not a lie. And Trump's optimism at rallies had nothing to do with what he did policy-wise. The fact is, you simply hate Trump and you are holding him to a standard that you are holding no one else to - including the Democrats, including doctors, including the media, including government health experts. You are giving them all a pass and focusing on Trump because you loathe him. But here's a newsflash for you: Trump does not control everything, especially not in a situation like this.

Allow me to let this article speak for's from Politico on March 31st. Given that the assessments of health experts and doctors have been contradictory, evolving, and scattered, what exactly did you want Trump to do? Oh, I know the answer to that one: you don't care what he did and you don't care to consider why he should have done anything. You would criticize it no matter what because you hate him. You're better off just admitting that.

Why America is scared and confused: Even the experts are getting it wrong
The kaleidoscope of changing messages has created more fear, confusion and distrust.


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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
It is posts like these I tune in for. Legitimately the kind of posts I don't have to reply to. A post that attempts to rebut something with "Trump was being optimistic." Yes you're right, he was being a little optimistic when he said the number would be close to zero. He was only off by over 40,000. Yes, that's optimism. Not incompetence, cluelessness, or anything else...optimism.

Lol.....for the 100th time, this is you simply being selective because you hate Trump. There were predictions made all over the place by various people - including scientists and doctors - downplaying the threat of the coronavirus. But you are conflating a few words at a rally with actual policy laziness. What you are implying is that Trump actually thought the virus would go away by April, so he just sat on his ass and did nothing. Where is your evidence of that? Oh right, there is none.

The lead officials on the coronavirus task force have all said that they had constant conversation throughout the month of February about how to prepare for the coronavirus and that Trump was responsive to their recommendations. What you are doing is drawing a line between Trump's words at a single rally with what you imagine him to have done policy-wise (which is nothing). But there is no evidence that Trump was sitting around doing nothing.

Remember kids the difference between 40,000 and zero is optimism.

Well in most places throughout the U.S. Trump's sense was much closer to the reality than the IMHE model's was. So why are you holding Trump to a standard that you are not holding anyone else (doctors, scientists, Democrats, media) to? Oh, that's right. You hate Trump. I forgot for a moment.

This is you just spewing the most hypocritical nonsense imaginable. But to be fair, it's not just you; it's most people. On the one hand, you believe the coronavirus is an extremely potent pandemic that leaders need to worry about, especially considering the commercial and demographic ties between various countries in a globalized world. But (and here is the good part), Donald Trump - as leader of a 50-state country of 330 million people that is highly diverse with people flying in and out by the tens of thousands to all corners of the globe each day - was supposed to stop this pandemic cold and every death that happened on his watch was equivalent to him committing murder.

This is just like Moxie dismissing Sweden and Japan, on the one hand, as closed-off countries that we can't emulate since they aren't as diverse and open as the USA but then on the other expecting Trump to single-handedly prevent the deaths of every single person who contracts the coronavirus in the USA. In one breath we hear "Trump is a xenophobe! Don't stigmatize people from Wuhan!" and then in the next "Trump should not have allowed a single death in New York City from coronavirus and he shouldn't have allowed a single person in from China after January!" The fact is, all these Trump critics - including yourself - are just making it up as they go along. You'll say anything to criticize him while giving everyone else a pass.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'll give Broken, Moxie, and Federberg the floor with this one set of questions. And I will ask without any sarcasm. Just this one time (enjoy it) I am not asking anything to be a smart aleck but to actually give you all an opportunity to offer a substantive response to a serious set of questions:

- What exactly do you think Trump should have done differently?
- What policies should he have enacted?
- When should he have enacted those policies?
- And, most importantly, on what basis should he have implemented these policies, i.e. what scientific or medical advice was out there that should have propelled him to act differently?
- Who was in Trump's ear that he ignored or overruled? (The answer to this question is most difficult for your case since Dr. Fauci has said that Trump was responsive to him at every step of the way.)

Please offer dates and specifics of what scientists were saying what at certain times.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
If you cry about an overreaction due to relatively low numbers (that are still the highest in the world and far more than you anticipated anyway)

Dr. Birx disagrees with your assessment of how the U.S. has handled the coronavirus crisis relative to other countries:



Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
And here we go, this is the first time in a while that I'll actually address a full post, because the amount of stupid logic involved makes it too silly not to.

So let's start:

Lol.....okay, when did I ever say back in March that Trump was "on top of COVID-19"?

You literally said he was on top of COVID-19 since day 1. You said that. Point blank. Are you denying it? Because as has been demonstrated, it's not difficult to go back and dig up an older post.

That is perfectly fine for you to say, but please acknowledge after this statement that you are an anti-American bigot. There is no sense in denying it. Imagine if you saw me write this to a Shia Muslim Iraqi in, say, 2008:

"Fuck the Sunnis. You forget you're not arguing with an Iraqi on the other side of the political/religious coin. I don't give a shit about either the Sunnis or the Shia. I obviously dislike one less than the other, but they're both awful."

If you saw me write this, you would call me an Islamophobe, a racist, and a bigot (lol). But then you get defensive when someone calls you anti-American. Your double standard is truly remarkable.

That isn't to say that there aren't some fair criticisms to make of the United States and especially its foreign policy. That's just to say that you display blatant double standards when it comes to your moral judgments.

The analogy is beyond ridiculous.

"Fuck the Sunnis. You forget you're not arguing with an Iraqi on the other side of the political/religious coin. I don't give a shit about either the Sunnis or the Shia. I obviously dislike one less than the other, but they're both awful."

When you say something that can be paraphrased to "fuck the Shias and fuck the Sunnis" ie fuck 95% of Muslims, then yeah, that's definitely Islamophobic. Now, if in the midst of the Iraqi civil war, you had said "fuck the shias and fuck the Sunnis, both are committing atrocities" then clearly you're referring to those doing the fighting and the killing, in which case, any sane person should agree with you. Context matters.

When I say "fuck the Democrats," I'm clearly not referring to say, Moxie (although her take on Hilary, or Biden being ethical is exactly what I despise about Democrats who think they have a moral high ground when the people their party is pushing down our throats are in no way better than most Republican politicians). I'm clearly referring to the Democratic Party. The Party that gave us war criminal Barrack Obama, Hilary fucking Clinton (a corrupt sociopath who has ruined hundreds of lives, and I'll gladly debate Moxie or anyone else on that), and Joe fucking Biden. So yes, fuck the Democratic party by and large. Now, say what you want about Bernie or even AOC and their politics, but I don't think either is a bad human being like the previous people I've mentioned. Fuck every veiled racist Democrat who pretends they're not.

When I say fuck Republicans, I mean fuck EVERY Republican politician and non politician who supports a self-admitted sexual predator who was accused of sexual assault by his own ex wife in addition to countless others. A person with clear lack of morality and humanity, and a pathological liar. Fuck war criminal George W Bush. Fuck John McCain. May he rot. And fuck every racist, many of which are showing their true colors. That isn't deniable. Fuck every person who defends police brutality against black people. Fuck every person who thinks a 13 year old with a toy gun should have been shot while some streets are currently flooded with confederate flag waving racists with assault riffles protesting the lockdown. Fuck every heinous war crime committed by the American army. Fuck Abu Ghraib, and how willing everyone was to just move on and pretend it never happened.

Fuck everyone who spends time and energy hating, bullying, and chastising homosexuals but are perfectly fine voting for a sexual predator.

Fuck a government that preaches democracy in the Middle East but happens to be best buddies with Mohamed Bin Salman (but you're right, the USA's primary goal in the Middle East is democracy....clearly).

Fuck a government who, for decades, has enabled every Israeli atrocity in the Middle East.

Fuck everyone who thinks Colin Kaepernick kneeling is unjustified but storming the streets with machine guns is.

Now, if you think this amounts to "fuck all Americans" then either you're admitting this represents your whole country (which I don't think it does) or you're too stupid to grasp what should be obvious points to any decent human being.

If you can't spot how the above should really be pretty simple, then you're in some ways, also guilty of much of the above.

Again, if this offends any American, then a hard look in the mirror is warranted. Even if you want to nit-pick some of the arguments, the large picture is absolutely not up for debate. Be better and thrive for a change.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
^ Lots of talking points BS, but that post definitely breaks the record for most fucks given :)

Just a quick one and I see most of the thinking behind the others, although not agreeing with all of them necessarily... what did John McCain do?
  • Haha
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I'll give Broken, Moxie, and Federberg the floor with this one set of questions. And I will ask without any sarcasm. Just this one time (enjoy it) I am not asking anything to be a smart aleck but to actually give you all an opportunity to offer a substantive response to a serious set of questions:

- What exactly do you think Trump should have done differently?
- What policies should he have enacted?
- When should he have enacted those policies?
- And, most importantly, on what basis should he have implemented these policies, i.e. what scientific or medical advice was out there that should have propelled him to act differently?
- Who was in Trump's ear that he ignored or overruled? (The answer to this question is most difficult for your case since Dr. Fauci has said that Trump was responsive to him at every step of the way.)

Please offer dates and specifics of what scientists were saying what at certain times.

I'm not sure why you are continually defending Trump, to be honest. The policies he's enacted are the exact opposite of everything you've been proposing since day one. I believe in X but will defend Y. It sounds like a partisan fool's errand.
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Apr 22, 2013
^ Lots of talking points BS, but that post definitely breaks the record for most fucks given :)

Just a quick one and I see most of the thinking behind the others, although not agreeing with all of them necessarily... what did John McCain do?
the neo-Con of all neo-cons I'm guessing...


Apr 22, 2013
So it turns out the first coronavirus death was 3 weeks earlier than originally documented on Feb 6th. The dumbfuckerry gets worse and worse. It could be somewhat rationalised (if not excused) if the Administration was currently working on a nationwide policy of coordinating testing, isolating and contact tracing. But as we all know they aren't. Instead they are prioritising blame shifting and avoiding responsibility for pretty much everything. Never have I heard a President talk about States responsibilities more, while also claiming absolute authority. But hey ho...


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Look, "Trump is stupid" isn't anything original to state, but I truly wonder how can any self respecting human being see the below video and be like "Oh yeah. that's the man to lead us through the most crucial phase of the past few decades. He's also my candidate for 2020."

With such a scientific stroke a genius, I must now to concede that the US really does have the cure.
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Apr 22, 2013
Look, "Trump is stupid" isn't anything original to state, but I truly wonder how can any self respecting human being see the below video and be like "Oh yeah. that's the man to lead us through the most crucial phase of the past few decades. He's also my candidate for 2020."

With such a scientific stroke a genius, I must now have to concede that the US really does have the cure.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again....

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
on a semi-serious note... surely they have to re-brand right? Corona beer?
Apparently they lost millions... but that in itself shows how dumb people are. If I was running that company, I'd keep Corona as a brand, but create an identical beer under a different brand name. The Corona brand will appeal to its hardcore and a few weirdos, and others will just buy the alternative name brand.
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