but if you even begin to argue that Trump has been anything short of incompetent about this and ignore the fact that he lied repeatedly, and lied about lying (this is not up for debate, this is all on tape) simply because you don't care if a guy is a liar or lacks morals and was more concerned with a dick measuring contest than a pandemic (which he refused to acknowledge as such initially), why the fuck would anyone bother? I mean literally everyone pointed this out.
Lol....no, not everyone pointed this out. Everyone who you get your information from and everyone who you respect says that. But those aren't the only people in the world who comment on political affairs. What's absolutely hilarious about you is how you think you have such a broad view of the world but you're getting information ultimately from one demographic: white left-wing people in the United States and Western Europe. You adore them, worship them, and believe everything they say unquestioningly. You claim to understand the United States without even knowing the slightest thing about the political opposition to your white leftist idols. All you do is throw the entire right wing of American politics into one category of "Fox News" - a channel which you clearly know nothing about and have not watched at all. Nor do you have any interest in learning about this topic.
The right in American politics is highly, highly diverse in its thought. There are an array of publications and commentators. Many of them have immense differences with each other. There is actually far more diversity of thought on the American right than the American left. Yet you know nothing at all about this and throw every single American right-wing thinker into one category of "Fox News" - which, again, you know nothing about. Smearing huge groups of people with negative generalities is, according to your own definitions, "bigotry." And that is exactly what you do with the portion of America that you loathe. You are a total bigot, and that goes hand-in-hand with your brazen ignorance.
By the way how catholic is it to lie, put your people at risk and have zero sense of morals?
You're absolutely right. That is not a Catholic way to be. But that is not what Trump has done in this situation. Your white leftist idols are misinforming you.
But hey, anything goes when you're just as racist as your president.
Go ahead and define "racism." I'd love to hear your definition.
And by the way I'm not by any means playing the race card to score points.
Yes you are. You can't think outside the box that your white left-wing mental slavemasters have imposed on your mind. You can only use their language and their vocabulary. You know nothing else.
Cali, by his own admission, is anti-Muslim, gays, and is insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanely misogynistic,
You're right that I do not believe in glorifying homosexuality like your white leftist idols and I consider it to be socially destructive behavior. And for the record I vastly prefer regular Muslims throughout the world to the white leftists you adore. I am actually closer to most Muslims on the question of gay marriage than I am most people on Fox News, who have accepted gay marriage as a fact of life.
With respect to Islam overall, I actually think it has some very laudable aspects to it. I think that what the U.S. did to the decent people of Iraq was criminal. The Iraqi people under Saddam actually exemplified Christian morals far better than most Americans. That said, Islam has some clear elements of hostility toward Christians and non-believers. It also clearly calls for warfare in parts of the Qu'ran and hadith. For that reason, I don't think allowing massive Muslim immigration into Western countries is wise. It is destabilizing.
My belief about how to treat the Islamic world is essentially to stay out of its affairs and limit immigration from its countries to meaningful business activity. In other words, if I was in charge there would be no bombing of Iraq and Libya, but nor would there be hostile Islamic enclaves in Brussels and other parts of Europe. Relations would be friendly.
which makes sense for a virgin (again, if I'm wrong about that part, I'm sorry, I'm just assuming Cali practices what he preaches).
Lol.....you are a nerd who thinks that he sounds cool by extending words with 20 extra letters. I feel no need to defend myself to you on this front. However, I will say as an intellectual point about Catholicism that equating it with the most idealistic puritanical standards is asinine. Numerous historically Catholic countries (such as Italy, Poland, or Mexico) are sexually tolerant places, in the sense of not burning people for premarital sex. So your characterization of Catholicism as some kind of draconian system is preposterous. The theology is certainly idealistic and other-worldly, but the way regular people apply it is not as fundamentalist as you are making it out to be.