Since you posted this, he has doubled-down on racist statements. Women in congress who disagree with him should "go home."
Moxie, this is typical of your airheaded, whistling-down-the-street-in-total-oblivion nature. Trump was sloppy in not checking what the actual origins of all 4 of those venerable "women in Congress" were, but there was some truth in what he was trying to get at, even if he did so very carelessly. Omar in particular is a political moron (not to mention a fraud who very likely married her biological brother for tax reasons). Tlaib is an imbalanced doofus, full of rage and hate, and totally ignorant of the world. Ocasio seems like a fairly likable person, but politically and historically she is totally ignorant.
That said, where Trump's comments were completely stupid is that these "women of color" have identical views to most white people in the major suburbs and major cities, especially those under the age of 35. These 4 Bernie clones are simply the voice of millennials, and, by the way, white leftists in America have far more power and influence in society than minority leftists do. So why doesn't Trump tell them to go home? Ocasio grew up in a wealthy 90% white town near NYC called Yorktown Heights where she picked up her ideas in adolescence. Trump should direct his wrath at white leftists, not these 4 figureheads.