US Politics Thread


Apr 22, 2013
Moxie, this is typical of your airheaded, whistling-down-the-street-in-total-oblivion nature. Trump was sloppy in not checking what the actual origins of all 4 of those venerable "women in Congress" were, but there was some truth in what he was trying to get at, even if he did so very carelessly. Omar in particular is a political moron (not to mention a fraud who very likely married her biological brother for tax reasons). Tlaib is an imbalanced doofus, full of rage and hate, and totally ignorant of the world. Ocasio seems like a fairly likable person, but politically and historically she is totally ignorant.

That said, where Trump's comments were completely stupid is that these "women of color" have identical views to most white people in the major suburbs and major cities, especially those under the age of 35. These 4 Bernie clones are simply the voice of millennials, and, by the way, white leftists in America have far more power and influence in society than minority leftists do. So why doesn't Trump tell them to go home? Ocasio grew up in a wealthy 90% white town near NYC called Yorktown heights where she picked up her ideas in adolescence. Trump should direct his wrath at white leftists, not those 4 figureheads.
is it possible he doesn't direct his wrath to white leftists because he's a racist fuckwit?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I may be wrong but whatever little I saw online, the Ohio shooter was a far left nut and the Walmart dude was a far right nut. Of course most people killed were probably , and I am just guessing here, middle of the road, everyday folks. Amazing...

The guy in El Paso was only "far right" on race. On other issues he was clearly on the left. He advocated Andrew Yang's idea of a universal basic income and was very critical of "corporations." He was also passionate about environmental issues, which is much more typical of the left than the right.

Of course all of this is being overlooked because the media is orgasming over the chance to blame Trump.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
is it possible he doesn't direct his wrath to white leftists because he's a racist fuckwit?

I think it is more so because white people in general are emotionally dry, disconnected, and detached, and they tend to not be bothered by subtle jabs as much as overtly boisterous hostility. Trump is not alone in this.

Tlaib swears all the time and has been caught on camera multiple times yelling and barking ("impeach the mother****er," etc.). Ocasio is flashy and flamboyant. Omar proudly flaunts her exotic cultural differences from whites. So this makes them easier targets. It's the same reason that people would pick on JR Smith in basketball: cosmetics make him stand out.

I also think it is worth noting that whiteness is conventionally associated with right-wing politics, but as I know from my experience, whiteness is very much linked to leftism. White leftists (such as Moxie and tented) are culturally very white, but politically they take on anti-white positions because they think they are demonstrating sophistication and moral superiority by doing so.

I can't tell you how many people I know who are the most bland, stereotypically white people you could ever meet. They are as white as Leave It To Beaver in the 1950s. But they take on anti-white political positions because they are trying to outdo fellow whites in displaying sophistication and moral superiority.

It's largely a vanity trip. It's a gloss that is not very hard to see through.


Apr 14, 2013
You do know that the El Paso shooter said in his manifesto that his ideas predated the Trump campaign, right?

Also, when Obama was president in 2014 and Dylan Roof shot up the black church in South Carolina, I don't remember people saying that Obama was enabling white supremacy.

Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this shooting. Nothing. Zilch. Blaming him is ridiculous. It would be like blaming Obama for the cop shootings in Louisiana and Dallas because he criticized police.

There's this little part of history where people can be influenced by others, especially when one happens to be the most powerful person in the world. Hey, maybe this clown does exactly the same thing anyways, but the fact of the matter is that Trump's comments can and does enable/empower the many white supremacists in this country.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Fascinating watching these shooting tragedies from afar. White men commit mass murder and the President tries to infatilise them, talking about the dangers of video games :facepalm: Remember when far fewer people died in an Islamic terrorist attack? Trump went on and on and on about it....

There are multiple causes of these shootings. But if there is one thing to "call out" on the right, it is not what the left calls "white supremacy" (which is simply anything it disagrees with). It is the sliver of the right that responds to the left's anti-white demonization by going to the opposite extreme, which is turning the white race into a god. This idiot in El Paso deified the white race, which he believed he was a martyr for. Needless to say, that is a pretty stupid religion.


Apr 22, 2013
I think it is more so because white people in general are emotionally dry, disconnected, and detached, and they tend to not be bothered by subtle jabs as much as overtly boisterous hostility. Trump is not alone in this.

Tlaib swears all the time and has been caught on camera multiple times yelling and barking ("impeach the mother****er," etc.). Ocasio is flashy and flamboyant. Omar proudly flaunts her exotic cultural differences from whites. So this makes them easier targets. It's the same reason that people would pick on JR Smith in basketball: cosmetics make him stand out.

I also think it is worth noting that whiteness is conventionally associated with right-wing politics, but as I know from my experience, whiteness is very much linked to leftism. White leftists (such as Moxie and tented) are culturally very white, but politically they take on anti-white positions because they think they are demonstrating sophistication and moral superiority by doing so.

I can't tell you how many people I know who are the most bland, stereotypically white people you could ever meet. They are as white as Leave It To Beaver in the 1950s. But they take on anti-white political positions because they are trying to outdo fellow whites in displaying sophistication and moral superiority.

It's largely a vanity trip. It's a gloss that is not very hard to see through.
that seems like a lot of vapour and didn't really answer the question. Is your mouth so firmly wrapped around Trump's mushroom shaped cock that you can't even admit he's a bigot?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There's this little part of history where people can be influenced by others, especially when one happens to be the most powerful person in the world. Hey, maybe this clown does exactly the same thing anyways, but the fact of the matter is that Trump's comments can and does enable/empower the many white supremacists in this country.

Okay, so do you blame Obama for the police shootings in Louisiana and Dallas because he criticized police? (The other problem for you is that this guy clearly said in his manifesto that his ideas predated the Trump campaign; there is no evidence at all that he was inspired by anything Trump said.)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
that seems like a lot of vapour and didn't really answer the question. Is your mouth so firmly wrapped around Trump's mushroom shaped cock that you can't even admit he's a bigot?

Well, if you define bigotry as merely dissenting from Democratic Party orthodoxy, then Trump is a bigot and so is everyone who is not a passionate Democrat. Did you know that both Biden and Pelosi have been accused of racism in the last month? Are they bigots too?

Give me a concrete, solid definition of "bigot" and then we can decide whether Trump qualifies.

Do I think it is "bigoted" to point out the disaster of Baltimore and the decades-old mismanagement there? No, I don't.


Apr 22, 2013
Well, if you define bigotry as merely dissenting from Democratic Party orthodoxy, then Trump is a bigot and so is everyone who is not a passionate Democrat. Did you know that both Biden and Pelosi have been accused of racism in the last month? Are they bigots too?

Give me a concrete, solid definition of "bigot" and then we can decide whether Trump qualifies.

Do I think it is "bigoted" to point out the disaster of Baltimore and the decades-old mismanagement there? No, I don't.
hmmm... housing discrimination; birtherism; Mexicans being rapists; good on both sides in Charlottesville; Central Park 5; Mexican judges; shithole countries...

I could go on, but I get the feeling it really doesn't matter for you ;)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
hmmm... housing discrimination; birtherism; Mexicans being rapists; good on both sides in Charlottesville; Central Park 5; Mexican judges; shithole countries.....

Well, let's take these one by one. Let me start with this: go ahead and tell me where Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. Go look very carefully at his words in the 2015 campaign launch speech and be honest. Did he say that "all Mexicans" are rapists or even that "Mexicans" generically are rapists?

Why don't you be precise?


Apr 22, 2013
Well, let's take these one by one. Let me start with this: go ahead and tell me where Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists. Go look very carefully at his words in the 2015 campaign launch speech and be honest. Did he say that "all Mexicans" are rapists or even that "Mexicans" generically are rapists?

Why don't you be precise?
yes he said some are rapists. But you don't seem to get it. By starting off his campaign in the way he did, he created a hostile situation for hispanics in general. Look at the data, hate crimes rose dramatically. Now if you're going to tell me that Trump was too dumb. to realise that with the platform he had he put innocent hispanics in danger I might be willing to concede. It's the permission he gave to other bigots that was the larger more important issue, not semantics. These are the actions of a sociopathic coward. But you know this already. I just don't understand why you feel compelled to defend him


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
yes he said some are rapists.

What he said specifically - with his usual garbled syntax - is that Mexico was not sending its best people to the U.S. through illegal immigration:

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people."

Right there, boom. He never said all Mexicans. In fact, his statement is predicated on the basis that there are a lot of non-rapist Mexicans because he is saying that Mexico is pushing its worst elements on to the U.S.

By starting off his campaign in the way he did, he created a hostile situation for hispanics in general. Look at the data, hate crimes rose dramatically.

Oh really? Is that why Penn just released this study about how "racism" has declined under Trump?

It's the permission he gave to other bigots that was the larger more important issue, not semantics.

Okay so was the Dylan Roof shooting (which occurred before Trump declared his candidacy) Obama's fault in that case?

I just don't understand why you feel compelled to defend him

Because most Trump critics are total morons.


Apr 22, 2013
What he said specifically - with his usual garbled syntax - is that Mexico was not sending its best people to the U.S. through illegal immigration:

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people."

Right there, boom. He never said all Mexicans. In fact, his statement is predicated on the basis that there are a lot of non-rapist Mexicans because he is saying that Mexico is pushing its worst elements on to the U.S.

Oh really? Is that why Penn just released this study about how "racism" has declined under Trump?

Okay so was the Dylan Roof shooting (which occurred before Trump declared his candidacy) Obama's fault in that case?

Because most Trump critics are total morons.
Oh puh-leeze... don't start with the "I spoke to border guards", it has no credibility mate. So we'll just ignore that. Mexico isn't sending anyone. These people, largely economic migrants aren't being sent as some sort of plot.

Nice try with the research study you sent, but you're inaccurate. The study isn't focussed on racist attacks. It basically says that the electorate as a whole is put off by Trump's bigotry, it's not an election winner for him, but we pretty much know that from the mid-terms. But hate crimes have been on the rise mate. Feel free to go to the FBI website or Justice department. The data is rich and clear. Sophistry won't work here... ;)

And as for Dylan Roof... mate :facepalm: The man's actions were a reaction in opposition to Obama. These white supremacists act in support of Trump's commentary. Surely you get the difference? Wow...


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Oh puh-leeze... don't start with the "I spoke to border guards", it has no credibility mate.

Like Beto saying that he speaks to climate scientists? At any rate, the Border Patrol endorsed Trump for president and they have almost entirely stood behind him as president. So apparently his words do resonate with those who know best.

So we'll just ignore that. Mexico isn't sending anyone..

Well you're just clueless in that case. There is plenty of well-documented evidence that the Mexican government through multiple means has encouraged people to go to the United States illegally. Are you so ignorant of current affairs that you don't know that?

These people, largely economic migrants aren't being sent as some sort of plot.

Some are, some aren't. The fact that you think 100% of them are individual "economic migrants" shows how little you know on this issue.

But hate crimes have been on the rise mate. Feel free to go to the FBI website or Justice department.

Go ahead and send the data. There is no evidence of what you are contending. There are more examples of hate hoaxes (like the Jussie Smollett case) than hate crimes.

And as for Dylan Roof... mate :facepalm: The man's actions were a reaction in opposition to Obama.

Again, it's amazing how little you know for someone who clearly spends a lot of time studying politics. Roof made it clear that he was reacting against the Trayvon Martin hoopla of the media, not Obama himself.

Another one of your factual inaccuracies.

These white supremacists act in support of Trump's commentary.

How? What causal link is there between anything Trump has said and what the El Paso shooter did? Show me the evidence. In fact, the shooter himself said in his manifesto that blaming Trump would be wrong because his ideas predated Trump.

You apparently don't understand the difference between a set of facts/information and how they are interpreted and then how they are acted upon. This El Paso guy took a leap that is not at all inevitable.


Apr 22, 2013
Like Beto saying that he speaks to climate scientists? At any rate, the Border Patrol endorsed Trump for president and they have almost entirely stood behind him as president. So apparently his words do resonate with those who know best.

Well you're just clueless in that case. There is plenty of well-documented evidence that the Mexican government through multiple means has encouraged people to go to the United States illegally. Are you so ignorant of current affairs that you don't know that?

Some are, some aren't. The fact that you think 100% of them are individual "economic migrants" shows how little you know on this issue.

Go ahead and send the data. There is no evidence of what you are contending. There are more examples of hate hoaxes (like the Jussie Smollett case) than hate crimes.

Again, it's amazing how little you know for someone who clearly spends a lot of time studying politics. Roof made it clear that he was reacting against the Trayvon Martin hoopla of the media, not Obama himself.

Another one of your factual inaccuracies.

How? What causal link is there between anything Trump has said and what the El Paso shooter did? Show me the evidence. In fact, the shooter himself said in his manifesto that blaming Trump would be wrong because his ideas predated Trump.

You apparently don't understand the difference between a set of facts/information and how they are interpreted and then how they are acted upon. This El Paso guy took a leap that is not at all inevitable.
here we go with your conspiracy theories. There's actually been a net outflow of Mexicans for a number of years now. If you want to talk about pass thru migration from Central America then that's a different issue. Just go to the FBI and DoJ websites mate, I can't do everything for you. That's real data, not the shite you get from sources like Breitbart :lol6:

You miss the point about Dylan Roof, but why doesn't that surprise me. He was no Obama supporter, his actions were not inspired by Obama. As for this idiot in El Paso, you're really going to come on this forum and argue that a bloke who supports Trump's bigoted pronouncements and uses his phrasing, heck he even said "fake news". You don't think someone who thought deeply enough to be exercised by the demographic impact of hispanic voting patterns in Texas would try to cover for Trump. You can't be that naive :facepalm:


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Exactly dude, exactly. Not the drug epidemic that has taken hundreds of thousands of lives, not the widespread family breakdown that leaves millions of kids of all races in screwed-up home environments, not the immense violence in urban areas (over 50 shootings in Chicago this past weekend alone). Nope. None of that is more important than once every 5 years some tool deifying the white race and killing people in some naïve belief that he is going to save whiteness by shooting up a public space.

Once every 5 years? Is that what Fox News says these days? They were like...2 over the weekend.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I’ll address the entirety of Federberg’s latest idiotic post later, but for now I will demonstrate his total ignorance of the issue of Mexican government involvement in illegal immigration to the United States. He calls any such suggestion a “conspiracy theory.”

Sure, dumbass. I guess that’s why the New York Times reported on the Mexican government distributing 1.5 million pamphlets to its people with tips on how to get to the U.S. illegally:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Once every 5 years? Is that what Fox News says these days? They were like...2 over the weekend. idiot. The shooter in Ohio was a rabid Elizabeth Warren supporter and Trump hater. He also called himself a socialist and liked Antifa. So should Elizabeth Warren personally take responsibility for his depravity?

Do you also know that Republican representative Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie supporter?

Do you also know that this weekend Rand Paul had to have part of his lung removed because he was assaulted last year by a Democratic neighbor?

At least Murat could look up some info before commenting, unlike your clueless ass:


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
And here are the white male leftist scum of Antifa assaulting the Asian, openly gay right-wing journalist Andy Ngo a few weeks ago in Portland. Ngo had a brain hemorrhage and was hospitalized for days.

Does Broken know anything about this? Nope. Too ignorant, too uninformed, too clueless:

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