kyrgios blasts nadal and australia:
The more i think about this situation, the more disgusting, sick and disgraceful it is. I understand how many have become crazed about covid but the treatment of djokovic is incredibly unfair. His stance on vaccines is not an extreme one, he is not out there spreading misinformation, telling people not to get vaccinated. He is anti mandate, doesn’t think people need to be forced to take vaccine. I respect that, even though i’m
Vaccinated. What’s amazing is omicron is spreading amongst vaccinated like crazy, all
over the world. Melbourne has over 90% vaccinated and there is a surge.
as far as australia, they are using djokobic as a political weapon, elections are around the corner and covid a huge political issue. For those on this forum who have stated the issue is djokovic’s invalid exemption or errors in visa application, seems alex hawke didn’t think he had a strong case to use his personal godlike powers to cancel visa on these grounds. In fact, seems he thinks exemption is valid. So now, he is claiming djokovic is a public threat? Like kyrgios states, treating him like weapon of mass destruction. This is a man who has done good things in australia, won 9 titles. Treating him like a danger to society.. and the australian authorities granted him permission to come in which alex hawke now seems to think was valid? So australia created this fissco and now deporting him cause djoker has become a public threat? WTF!
this is SICK and i hope judges overturn visa cancellation and djoker wins AO, tripple bagelling and humiliating nadal along the way. I have lost some respect for nadal and gained respect for kyrgios.
Nick Kyrgios blasts Rafa Nadal for failing to support Novak Djokovic at Australian Open | Tennis | Sport |
NOVAK DJOKOVIC was detained by Australian authorities once again on Saturday morning.
The more i think about this situation, the more disgusting, sick and disgraceful it is. I understand how many have become crazed about covid but the treatment of djokovic is incredibly unfair. His stance on vaccines is not an extreme one, he is not out there spreading misinformation, telling people not to get vaccinated. He is anti mandate, doesn’t think people need to be forced to take vaccine. I respect that, even though i’m
Vaccinated. What’s amazing is omicron is spreading amongst vaccinated like crazy, all
over the world. Melbourne has over 90% vaccinated and there is a surge.
as far as australia, they are using djokobic as a political weapon, elections are around the corner and covid a huge political issue. For those on this forum who have stated the issue is djokovic’s invalid exemption or errors in visa application, seems alex hawke didn’t think he had a strong case to use his personal godlike powers to cancel visa on these grounds. In fact, seems he thinks exemption is valid. So now, he is claiming djokovic is a public threat? Like kyrgios states, treating him like weapon of mass destruction. This is a man who has done good things in australia, won 9 titles. Treating him like a danger to society.. and the australian authorities granted him permission to come in which alex hawke now seems to think was valid? So australia created this fissco and now deporting him cause djoker has become a public threat? WTF!
this is SICK and i hope judges overturn visa cancellation and djoker wins AO, tripple bagelling and humiliating nadal along the way. I have lost some respect for nadal and gained respect for kyrgios.