Totally agreed. Believe me, I'm not such a delusional Nadal fan that I think the CYGS is really an option. And the Channel Slam is a big ask for younger and fitter players, much less and oldster with a bad foot and dodgy knees (lest we forget.) If I'm totally honest, I thought #14 at RG this year was a big ask, esp. after seeing the draw. Don't think less of me.

I'm actually a bit on the fence as to whether he should skip the grass altogether and focus on the NA HC swing, as he has done so well at the USO. And a rest is due. There's an argument that the rest of the season is gravy. And as you rightly say, pressure on Djokovic to fulfill his favored status at Wimbledon and keep himself in the hunt in the Slam count. Especially as he doesn't know if he'll be excluded from the USO and/or the AO next year.