Covid vaccine - opinions?

Will you take the vaccine when it is available to you?

  • I will take the vaccine

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • I don't trust the vaccine

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Don't know enough yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thrilled there is a feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • I'll wait to see how it works for others

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
It’s great that people haven’t had Covid. It really is. My friends Debbie and Paul haven’t had it either. Neither are vaxxed. I can name more unvaccinated people who haven’t caught it, and then we can name people who were vaccinated and still ended up in hospital with covid, and we can name people who weren’t vaccinated and caught it but breezed through it. We can wonder if people who say they haven’t caught it might have caught it and are unaware that they’d caught it. The point I’m making is, the virus is random, and we can’t make exclusive claims for the vaccines that can’t exclusively be claimed for the vaccines.

I‘m surprised I haven’t had it, especially considering I’ve flown to Florida twice. The first time I wore a mask, the second time I did not. I think I mentioned this somewhere, but my sister drove all around Scotland a couple of months ago with a group of 5 people. Everyone got covid but her. She tested negative, while everyone else was positive and sick. Natural immunity? If so, do I have the same? Who knows.

I was glad to read @Moxie about her experience with the vaccines. I’m not wholly opposed to the vaccines but my question was in good faith, to try to understand this culture of relying upon medicines and vaccines for things which nature has equipped us for. And given this, I was vaccinated, but I was vaccinated believing that the vaccine was what they said it was, and that governments would be as good as their word and open society up fully. Neither of these things were true. The fact that the vaccine makers were so far from understanding the long term uselessness of the vaccines (and by “long term” here I mean only months), is frightening. It’s cause to be concerned and yet it’s barely even discussed, let alone criticised. As for negative effects of the vaccine, they’re being under-reported and actively being suppressed. This is frightening too.

I’ve had the original two-dose version of the Moderna vaccination, plus a booster. I’m not shocked Big Pharma has suppressed and lied. They certainly did make it seem as if getting the vaccine would a) prevent people from getting it and b) stop transmission. Both lies. I think it was @Front242 who posted a link to a video of a European Commission hearing at which someone from Pfizer admitted they had never even studied transmission before releasing the vaccine.
I notice by the way that the common cold seems to be stronger this year. I know of several people who are bedridden with it. I think flus and common colds will be more a problem this season that covid. The lesser viruses have bulked up in order to survive. The solution to this is not more medication, however. There are natural ways to handle the threat..

My father’s wife got the flu about a month ago, and was in bed for nearly a week (she’s 85). My father (88) had the flu shot, and did not get sick. This is opposite to their experience with covid: they were both vaccinated, both got it, and both sick for less than a week (neither bedridden). So, yes, flu presented a bigger problem, and the vaccine actually worked.
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Apr 14, 2013
I did watch. I don't think you understand the concept. When nothing comes out the front of the mask, it's helpful. A mask limits what does come out, which this video does not measure. That's the main point of it. The limitation of germs. That video isn't actually scientific in any way, and doesn't measure anything. Also, let's face it, that guy didn't take much time to adjust his masks correctly. It's about not spewing directly in front of you, is it not? We are not expecting to live in an airlock. I think the video proves that there is a reasonable argument for masking. I don't mean all of the time, and we have noted that mandated masking is over. I think you're taking the mask paranoia too far. They actually inhibit the spread of germs. Otherwise, why would surgeons use them? Try not to make everything such a fight. Masks have their place.
I do agree with one part of your post about masks having their place.....

...the bin.
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Apr 14, 2013
Tampa Bay
Did you watch the link I posted? They don't work. Here it is again. Please tell us how these do anything ? If people want to wear them that's up to them but mandating them was beyond nuts considering they don't work. I wore them when told I had to but I knew it was pointless. Our national service HSE have "We know they work" in relation to the so called covid vaccines (they're not vaccines - real vaccines that are worthy of that title actually work) on their ads on the radio and Twitter. When have we ever heard this kind of blatant lie in the media ? The fact that they feel the need to put that in there shows they know damn well they DON'T WORK. I got hep A and B shots to go Thailand years ago as a visa requirement. Those work as they were tested for years and years but do you ever hear ads for those going "We know they work" ? No, of course not. It's bs. Their pockets are being lined by Big Pharma as I've said since this start of this global mess and they are unscrupulous scum who do not care about the people or they wouldn't be pushing this crap still ages after they've been proven not to work and do more harm than good.

People can say what they want about masks, but in my personal experience you can't tell me they don't work. I wear a mask because I'm not interested in any germ transmission (covid, flu, cold or just plain cooties). We have to remember why this thing spread so fast in the first place. Some folks are just nasty as all get out. They come out the house sick, hacking, sneezing, etc. There are people around me right now w/ colds and flu, but I don't get them. I know in large part it's because I wear a mask and the smaller part because I take other precautions. And people can look at me as the day is long. I don't give a flying fart. I can tell you what I won't be doing after the holidays: recovering from being exposed to somebody else's cooties. :nono:
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Apr 14, 2013
I'm not trying to make some piety for having taken lots of jabs. My point on this is that basically everyone here has said that they've had covid, except @kskate2 and me, and we're both multiply vaccinated, and we're people that take precautions.

On the other hand, you keep making alarmist, extreme claims as effects of vaccines, and now miscarriages...where did you get that from? I live in NYC, where a large portion of the population is vaccinated, and boosted. I have not seen ONE example of anyone suffering ill effects of the shot. I know people all over the US and the world, I know people with vaccinated kids. I think one person I know on facebook maybe thinks she's suffered ill-effects. There will be the odd case.

Now, as to your point that the old people have already died, that's pretty cold. You've always been kind of about young people don't have so much to worry about, and well, old people are going to die anyway, haven't you? Would you feel different about Covid if it were killing children since the beginning? Would you be more cautious? But, and I know this is only anecdotal, my aunt is turning 100 next Thursday. She's multiply vaccinated etc., as is her family, to protect her. My family and I went to visit her last summer, including taking flights. We were masked on flights, and did what we could about testing prior to seeing her, but we'd been with other family at a wedding, just prior. There was only so much we could protect for. I asked my cousin, and she said, come, and we won't mask. We're all vaccinated. No one got covid and we didn't give it to my aunt. And we had a lovely time, unmasked. We're done with being completely crazy about it, but my aunt is protected because she's vaccinated, if you ask me. And we protect her because we are. You can say it doesn't completely protect people from getting covid, and I get that, though I still think it helps. And you can say that it doesn't prevent the spread, but I would argue that it does, to a large degree. I sincerely believe that the vaccination helps us from spreading it, and lessens the impact of the disease, when you get it.

On behalf of my (nearly) 100 year old aunt, they are not just detritus, and it matters that we protect them. And I think the vaccines help.
You're welcome to believe it's stopping the spread despite all the tests saying it doesn't. Many people who simply take good vitamins don't get covid or get no symptoms. It's even less than the common cold for the majority now so many wouldn't even know they had it. The vaccines aren't protecting anyone much at all based on all the sick people I know who took multiple sick days for it and you see hilarious posts from people online claiming they'd be dead if they hadn't been vaccinated. It's comical. They're clearly not needed at all since it's mutated into such a mild form, hence why so many had hardly any symtptoms whatsoever but there are tons and tons of koolaid drinkers online claiming the vaccines ended this scamdemic when in fact it was the natural mutation that did. I'm not making extreme claims about anything, your problem and it's a common problem with most of those in denial is you bought the lying mainstream media rubbish hook, line and sinker. Mainstream media is not where you'll find any proper facts on adverse effects or miscarriages as they've been censoring the shit out of doctors and anything going against the narrative the past 3 years...

Go watch the UK parliament debate a few pages back for a start.

You can bet Big Pharma are absolutely livid and doing daily rain dances hoping for a new deadly scariant. As to would I feel different if it was killing children, well of course 'cos then it would be an actual pandemic if people of all ages including children were dropping dead, but the reality is most badly affected are affected by the vaccine and not covid. Many claiming to have long covid (post viral recovery syndrome is nothing new and long covid is just a silly name dreamt up by dopes) don't have chronic fatigue etc from catching covid, they likely have it from destroying their immune system from multiple shots of this crap as chronic fatigue is right up in the adverse effects. I know plenty of people at work who are all vaxxed and boosted who were sick as dogs after their shots and a few went straight to the doctor for check ups and I know 4 people hospitalized after their booster. There's plenty of evidence online that the vaccines make your symptoms worse and not milder. People who claim "this is NOT just a cold, I'm so glad I got vaccinated". Says who ? Says the person who possibly takes no vit c, d, zinc or multivitamins, smokes 40 a day and drinks like a fish ? Even leaving out the smoking and heavy drinking part, tons of people don't take proper vitamins and therefore of course they'll get it worse than, yes, even, an unvaccinated healthy person with good diet and supplementation. I saw 2 old grannies in their 80s sitting on a wall taking off their masks to smoke their cigarettes I kid you not and then put them back on. Delusional. But hey, they've probably had 5 shots so they're fine cos covid is definitely worse than smoking I'm sure.

Glad that your aunt is healthy and that's a great age to have reached but saying you're protecting her through being vaccinated is just not factually correct at all I'm afraid. She could be in a room with 1000 unvaccinated people and not get it too and, no, I'm not going to say it doesn't completely protect people from getting covid, I'm going to say (and correct in saying so) it doesn't make a damn bit of difference and the facts are all out there all over the internet. Pfizer know it well and didn't even test for transmission (the lying scum originally claim it stopped transmission as we all know) and the daily cases back when they were bothering to count them with those useless pcr tests prove it. The countries with the highest vaccination levels had the highest cases. It would appear from people in my office that I know, that more vaxxed and boosted get it than unvaxxed and they moan about how crap they felt so, no, I don't think the vaccines do anything good. My brother was extremely unwell after his booster, as was my sister who stupidly vaccinated her then 8 year old who got very sick. Moronic imo and I feel bad that my family are NPCs but nothing I can do. Meanwhile I had zero symptoms at all and only took a test cos my wife had it and and, as I stated before, I only got it on day 7 with zero symptoms like my kid who was 5 at the time. All my unvaxxed friends had zero symptoms whatsoever and you're welcome to believe it lessens the impact of it. It's far from a disease btw for most people. I'm sorry but I always laugh reading about coronavirus disease. Leprosy is a proper disease but calling this is a disease is just ridiculous. The majority only catch Sars Cov 2, a measly sniffle gone in a few days. Once again, glad your aunt is well but there's just zero proof that you or any vaccinated person around her is protecting or anyone else, including themselves given how mild covid is for the majority, especially since Omicron. Why are the media and governments not one bit concerned with or even talking about the very large excess deaths globally ? In cahoots with Big Pharma. Money talks. Politics and corruption are the downfall of society.

Don't believe the nonsense out there from Fraudci as he's been shown to be an absolute idiot and liar as have so many worldwide over this global fiasco and massive lie. The real science says it's bs and you've been sold a dud. The narrative was take this to protect granny and seems you and sadly most of the world fell for it but it's not true and hence why the control group (the unvaxxed) surprise, surprise aren't dead as the lying media and pharma companies who have had you believe. In fact, what's the best thing about being a so called conspiracy theorist ? You don't have myocarditis or pericarditis.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I was glad to read @Moxie about her experience with the vaccines. I’m not wholly opposed to the vaccines but my question was in good faith, to try to understand this culture of relying upon medicines and vaccines for things which nature has equipped us for.
You may not have meant me, exactly, here, but, for what it's worth, I DON'T just rely on medicines and vaccines, nor even mostly. I haven't taken an antibiotic in 20 years, and then only to have my teeth cleaned. (Heart murmur.) I've taken nothing stronger than the occasional aspirin/ibuprophen, except for flu shots, these covid shots, and otherwise vaccines when required for travel. (I had to take a few weird ones to go to Puerto Rico to shoot immediately after the Hurricanes.) I take vitamins, and I exercise. Plus, I have lots of homeopathic recipes if I do feel unwell. Soups, neti pots, tisanes, etc. (I have great recipes, if anyone is interested, if they get a cold/flu. I should patent my stinky soup recipe for knocking out a cold.)

What I'm saying basically, is that it's not an either/or. There are plenty of reasonable precautions against Covid, Flu, etc. Handwashing is proven since the 19th C. And I don't care what @Front242 says, so is masking. What about getting lots of sleep? There are plenty of ways to take care of ourselves that are basic common sense, purely natural, and about general health. I'm in favor of them all. It just happens, though, that I'm not afraid of a vaccine.
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Apr 22, 2013
I have never had covid either. I took the original Astra-zeneca vax and then a MRNA booster. Not Pfizer btw. I still mask to this day. And I take vitamin D daily. I’m not here for the politics. Not trying to convince anyone. No judgement. There were a lot of lies told. I suspect the fact I don’t use public transport has worked for me. I do believe if people did what I do their outcomes would be better


Apr 14, 2013
You may not have meant me, exactly, here, but, for what it's worth, I DON'T just rely on medicines and vaccines, nor even mostly. I haven't taken an antibiotic in 20 years, and then only to have my teeth cleaned. (Heart murmur.) I've taken nothing stronger than the occasional aspirin/ibuprophen, except for flu shots, these covid shots, and otherwise vaccines when required for travel. (I had to take a few weird ones to go to Puerto Rico to shoot immediately after the Hurricanes.) I take vitamins, and I exercise. Plus, I have lots of homeopathic recipes if I do feel unwell. Soups, neti pots, tisanes, etc. (I have great recipes, if anyone is interested, if they get a cold/flu. I should patent my stinky soup recipe for knocking out a cold.)

What I'm saying basically, is that it's not an either/or. There are plenty of reasonable precautions against Covid, Flu, etc. Handwashing is proven since the 19th C. And I don't care what @Front242 says, so is masking. What about getting lots of sleep? There are plenty of ways to take care of ourselves that are basic common sense, purely natural, and about general health. I'm in favor of them all. It just happens, though, that I'm not afraid of a vaccine.
No, I wasn’t referring to you, I was referring to a growing culture of dependence on medication, which was made most explicit with the vaccines. All other options were shot down. You were killing granny, or you were getting vaccinated. You did what Big Gov and Big Pharma said, or you were a selfish criminal who believed in conspiracy theories and quack medicine. People pop pills for everything now, but Covid saw this fear and reliance on pharmaceutical medicine writ larger than it’s ever been. It became the state religion. It was scary to watch. The jabbing of children. I just feel that nowadays people take less responsibility for their own health, and look at popping pills as the norm. They seem to make up ailments for the pills they create. All the governments in cahoots with big pharma does not equal free choices for their citizens. All the mistakes that were made, including with the vaccines, and lockdowns, are now being swept under the carpet and forgotten, and forgiven.

I don’t have a problem with masks or washing hands either, these always made sense to me, my mother would slap at us if we sneezed without covering our faces with our hands - “Stop spreading your germs” - there’s a logic to these things, but also like the vaccine they can work as a comfort blanket too, a sense of security, I don’t mind any of these, if a person chooses them. But we’ve been through something that was made out to be far bigger than it actually was, and people have been hounded for telling the truth about it. And even if they weren’t all telling the truth, nor were the pharmaceutical companies, nor were the government, but these were allowed to be wrong - without consequence. There was limited freedom to choose. There was suppression of information, suppression of data which told a different narrative regarding vaccines, threats issued, lies being told, and quack solutions on the government side too, which we all had to involuntarily suffer. People will look back on this period and say it wasn’t our finest hour.


Apr 14, 2013
You may not have meant me, exactly, here, but, for what it's worth, I DON'T just rely on medicines and vaccines, nor even mostly. I haven't taken an antibiotic in 20 years, and then only to have my teeth cleaned. (Heart murmur.) I've taken nothing stronger than the occasional aspirin/ibuprophen, except for flu shots, these covid shots, and otherwise vaccines when required for travel. (I had to take a few weird ones to go to Puerto Rico to shoot immediately after the Hurricanes.) I take vitamins, and I exercise. Plus, I have lots of homeopathic recipes if I do feel unwell. Soups, neti pots, tisanes, etc. (I have great recipes, if anyone is interested, if they get a cold/flu. I should patent my stinky soup recipe for knocking out a cold.)

What I'm saying basically, is that it's not an either/or. There are plenty of reasonable precautions against Covid, Flu, etc. Handwashing is proven since the 19th C. And I don't care what @Front242 says, so is masking. What about getting lots of sleep? There are plenty of ways to take care of ourselves that are basic common sense, purely natural, and about general health. I'm in favor of them all. It just happens, though, that I'm not afraid of a vaccine.
Honestly all the homeopathic stuff, vitamins and exercise is all that is needed for covid but I don't judge people for going with the government's narrative. The way they shoved it down our throats scared a lot of people and in theory if they weren't lying and it did stop you getting covid AND Big Pharma were prepared to do proper safety studies and release them instead of the terrible censorship and one way narrative then this whole fiasco globally wouldn't have led to such a two tier society. But it should have only ever been for the elderly or vulnerable. The whole thing stinks on the push for all ages. I'd happily go to a music concert filled with 1000000 people and I guarantee I won't be either sick or dead despite what the media try and project to the public. It's shameful. Anyway, keep up with the vitamins, homeopathic stuff and exercise as it's far more beneficial than 745 boosters. The former provide great immune support while the latter destroy it.
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Apr 14, 2013
Anyway, keep up with the vitamins, homeopathic stuff and exercise as it's far more beneficial than 745 boosters. The former provide great immune support while the latter destroy it.
Well, this is leaning onto the topic which vaccine-sceptic scientists would say might be the future problem with these vaccines. We know that people are having negative effects in the short term and that this topic isn’t being addressed, but we don’t know what the long term adverse effects from this vaccine: given that the vaccine makers thought the original 2 jabs would be “long lasting”, “long” obviously means “very very short” when it comes to their knowledge of the product. But what we do know is that our immune system is strengthened by exposure to things. It’s sufficient to deal with flus and most viruses. By having flu jabs every year and multiplying vaccines for things which don’t necessarily need it, we’re sending the wrong signal to our immune system. We’re circumventing it, and there might be a terrible price to pay in the long term. This isn’t far fetched. Especially - and I don’t like to keep harping on this but it’s necessary - when we’re giving flu jabs to 5 year olds. There’s absolutely no moral or scientific justification for it. The effect of unnecessary vaccines could well be the breakdown of a persons natural immunity…


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Well, this is leaning onto the topic which vaccine-sceptic scientists would say might be the future problem with these vaccines. We know that people are having negative effects in the short term and that this topic isn’t being addressed, but we don’t know what the long term adverse effects from this vaccine: given that the vaccine makers thought the original 2 jabs would be “long lasting”, “long” obviously means “very very short” when it comes to their knowledge of the product. But what we do know is that our immune system is strengthened by exposure to things. It’s sufficient to deal with flus and most viruses. By having flu jabs every year and multiplying vaccines for things which don’t necessarily need it, we’re sending the wrong signal to our immune system. We’re circumventing it, and there might be a terrible price to pay in the long term. This isn’t far fetched. Especially - and I don’t like to keep harping on this but it’s necessary - when we’re giving flu jabs to 5 year olds. There’s absolutely no moral or scientific justification for it. The effect of unnecessary vaccines could well be the breakdown of a persons natural immunity…
I think I told this story before, but it’s worth repeating ….

Many years ago, my partner and I were in Florida, staying at my father’s home, when we both got quite sick: high fevers, chills, coughs, congestion. It got so bad we had to cut the trip short. My father had called a friend, who’s a physician, told him what was going on, and the doctor came over with some medicine. Here’s where it gets interesting: the doctor brought his 3 year old son with him in order to expose him to whatever it was which was making us sick, so that his immune system could learn from it. When I first heard this, I was appalled: “Why would someone purposefully expose their child to an illness?” But when I thought about it, I began to understand his motives. I don’t know if his son got sick, but it’s certainly an experience I’ll never forget.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I think I told this story before, but it’s worth repeating ….

Many years ago, my partner and I were in Florida, staying at my father’s home, when we both got quite sick: high fevers, chills, coughs, congestion. It got so bad we had to cut the trip short. My father had called a friend, who’s a physician, told him what was going on, and the doctor came over with some medicine. Here’s where it gets interesting: the doctor brought his 3 year old son with him in order to expose him to whatever it was which was making us sick, so that his immune system could learn from it. When I first heard this, I was appalled: “Why would someone purposefully expose their child to an illness?” But when I thought about it, I began to understand his motives. I don’t know if his son got sick, but it’s certainly an experience I’ll never forget.
As a child, I remember getting sent round to somebody's house to play with a kid who had mumps back in the day. It was a fairly common approach. If somebody had chicken pox, mumps or measles then go and get it - then you're immune. It didn't work though... I got Mumps as an adult many years later - fortunately it didn't do any damage to the crown jewels.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
As a child, I remember getting sent round to somebody's house to play with a kid who had mumps back in the day. It was a fairly common approach. If somebody had chicken pox, mumps or measles then go and get it - then you're immune. It didn't work though... I got Mumps as an adult many years later - fortunately it didn't do any damage to the crown jewels.
This is an extremely old-fashioned way of inoculating, but same principle. My grandmother, who was a nurse, recounted taking children, especially girls, to lie in the bed of a child with rubella, because it can cause birth defects in women who contract it in pregnancy. But yes, same with mumps. And measles. This is why I don't understand people that are against inoculations. I know some are freaked out about how they're being created in the lab, but this is long-tested science, in many ways.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Well, this is leaning onto the topic which vaccine-sceptic scientists would say might be the future problem with these vaccines. We know that people are having negative effects in the short term
I still don't agree with this. I know you've seen anecdotal evidence of this, but I haven't. I know literally hundreds of people who've been vaccinated to no ill-effect, and hundreds more on social media, and thousands if you include social media groups for the film business, which is very vaccinated, and I think there was one person I don't know well, but on social media who felt ill-effects longer term. That WILL happen.
and that this topic isn’t being addressed, but we don’t know what the long term adverse effects from this vaccine: given that the vaccine makers thought the original 2 jabs would be “long lasting”, “long” obviously means “very very short” when it comes to their knowledge of the product. But what we do know is that our immune system is strengthened by exposure to things. It’s sufficient to deal with flus and most viruses. By having flu jabs every year and multiplying vaccines for things which don’t necessarily need it, we’re sending the wrong signal to our immune system. We’re circumventing it, and there might be a terrible price to pay in the long term. This isn’t far fetched. Especially - and I don’t like to keep harping on this but it’s necessary - when we’re giving flu jabs to 5 year olds. There’s absolutely no moral or scientific justification for it. The effect of unnecessary vaccines could well be the breakdown of a persons natural immunity…
Is this a scientific judgement, or your own. Because every scientist I know says that jabs are the same as exposure. Sure, they didn't get it all right about what they promised us from the jabs for Covid, but it has all been moving fast. It's fine for you to play fast-and-loose with your own exposure to covid, but not the same for the more vulnerable, so we vaccinate to protect them. I still believe that. A protection wall gets built. A lessening of effect if you get it does happen. You can think every scientist out there is shining you on, and that there's some huge Pharma cabal designed to addict us to jabs, but I think that's too conspiratorial. I think it's an earnest effort to stop the disease, and it follows the lines of how we've inoculated people for more than a century.


Apr 14, 2013
I still don't agree with this. I know you've seen anecdotal evidence of this, but I haven't. I know literally hundreds of people who've been vaccinated to no ill-effect, and hundreds more on social media, and thousands if you include social media groups for the film business, which is very vaccinated, and I think there was one person I don't know well, but on social media who felt ill-effects longer term. That WILL happen.
So you’re not saying that you disagree, right? You’re saying that, in your experience, etc. Which is fine, but it isn’t the same thing. We have a help-form online in Ireland for people to report adverse effects. You’re a bit like the doctors who downplay the side effects, because it doesn’t fit the vaccine agenda. You toe the party line. The missus works in healthcare and I get bored hearing the number of people she has seen who have reported adverse effects to their doctors, who have told them that it’s not the vaccine, it’s something else. I have good friends who have experienced this and are still not well, one with occasional blood clots, so bad that he’s been to hospital and is now on long term blood thinners. Another who has suffered significant loss of energy since she was vaccinated.

The funny thing here is that when a doctor asked, “have you changed diet or medication before your health worsened,” they would narrow it down through this line of questioning, but when the reply is, “well, I got vaccinated,” the doctor it’s not the vaccine. We had posters say the same thing here.

I’ve shown you US government agencies encouraging the suppressing the reporting of adverse effects. Ask yourself, do government agencies suppress good news, or bad news? If it’s good news for their vaccine drive, they advertise it. If it’s bad news, they suppress it. Ask yourself this in a neutral, independent manner, and let me know what your answer is.

Is this a scientific judgement, or your own. Because every scientist I know says that jabs are the same as exposure.
Every scientist you know might be wrong, or might not know. But you can say look this up yourself. There are studies.
Sure, they didn't get it all right about what they promised us from the jabs for Covid, but it has all been moving fast.

You make this excuse too often, when “your side” gets it wrong. You said the same thing when you dismissed multiple murders and billions of dollars of damage by BLM rioters. You’re not so kindly to the other side when things move fast for them.
It's fine for you to play fast-and-loose with your own exposure to covid,

Who suggested this?

The more vulnerable are able to take precautions too. And they should be helped in this. But jabbing 5 year olds with innovative vaccines is not the way. The child needs no protection from flus, or covid.
You can think every scientist out there is shining you on

Who suggested this?
and that there's some huge Pharma cabal designed to addict us to jabs, but I think that's too conspiratorial.

Who suggested this, as well? You’re taking what I said to extreme points, in order to argue, rather than to listen. Big Pharma is not your friend. It’s a big business. They will give you drugs for anything, and if you accept it then that’s up to you. They have great scientists at work, and genuinely helpful and caring individuals, bright as a spark, trying to design better health.

But they’re also a huge, controlling business, who have politicians and the gullible in their pockets. They sold a vaccine that doesn’t work, and sealed the documents on this for 75 years, or whatever it is. They are not your friends.
I think it's an earnest effort to stop the disease, and it follows the lines of how we've inoculated people for more than a century.
This virus wasn’t so dangerous, after all. Even for the elderly..
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
This is an extremely old-fashioned way of inoculating, but same principle. My grandmother, who was a nurse, recounted taking children, especially girls, to lie in the bed of a child with rubella, because it can cause birth defects in women who contract it in pregnancy. But yes, same with mumps. And measles. This is why I don't understand people that are against inoculations. I know some are freaked out about how they're being created in the lab, but this is long-tested science, in many ways.

My mother was a nurse also, and a pro-vaxxer to boot. I wouldn't say people are "freaked out" by lab technology - rather, figuring out an MRNA vaccine is totally different from a traditional vaxx. It's synthetic v nature. Nylon v Cotton. Nature can't be patented. Synthetic can. Hence the obsession with it by oligarchs making trillions from pharmaceuticals. It's an incredibly interesting deep dive research project. Only 150 years ago, natural cures were the "go to" solution. Go look at the history of it, and the players involved (I ask, but I know you won't - it ends up like an allegory of Plato's cave).
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Apr 14, 2013
My mother was a nurse also, and a pro-vaxxer to boot. I wouldn't say people are "freaked out" by lab technology - rather, figuring out an MRNA vaccine is totally different from a traditional vaxx. It's synthetic v nature. Nylon v Cotton. Nature can't be patented. Synthetic can. Hence the obsession with it by oligarchs making trillions from pharmaceuticals. It's an incredibly interesting deep dive research project. Only 150 years ago, natural cures were the "go to" solution. Go look at the history of it, and the players involved (I ask, but I know you won't - it ends up like an allegory of Plato's cave).
This is scary too. More and more vaccine damaged people/dead people on the way...