Can you tell me what news source(s) you DO find credible? And on the outside chance, something you find so credible that, if they changed their position, say, on vaccines, it might make you think twice?
You're not asking this question of me, but I wanted to throw my two cents in, as someone with a roughly similar view to Front's and who has experienced exactly what you are talking about.
If one of my trusted sources of news radically changed their view, I would hear them out, but it wouldn't necessarily change my view. In truth, I've lost respect for some journalists and sources of information due to their stance on this. So sure, I'd "think twice" - but I'm always thinking twice, and my views aren't formed simply through listening to trusted news sources or journalists or other institutions, but weighing various factors and going with what my head and heart and gut says.
I've been a Leftie/progressive my entire life, and in terms of the British-created Political Compass, find myself in the "left-libertarian" quadrant. I'm not a fan of establishment Democrats, was a big fan of Bernie, and felt really crushed when he lost the primary in both 2016 and 2020. But as a whole, I've become greatly disenchanted with the majority of the Left, with their bending over to the establishment, and what I feel is group-think around many issues. This doesn't make me part of the Right, but more dissociating with the entire political spectrum and not trusting any mainstream media outlet - be it the obvious culprits of CNN, MSNBC, FOX, but also NYT, WaPo, even NPR. On the other hand, that doesn't make me beholden to any heterodox view.
But in reference to your question to Front, I am very disappointed with a lot of the so-called "progressive left," with what I feel is a kind of hypocrisy around civil liberties and an adherence to authoritarianism, and stopped listening to a lot of the folks I used to listen to. The last year or two has been very revealing in that regard, and de-stabilizing for me as I don't feel aligned with any particular group or ideology, more individuals here and there that stand outside of the two dominant tribes that dominate the discourse (that is, "Team Blue" and "Team Red") - and their various aligned smaller tribes. In fact, whenever I find a pundit or analyst playing the old bi-partisan game, I find it an instant turnoff.
So my own "trusted sources" tend to be those that are independent from tribal, group thinking, be it Left, Right, pro or anti. I don't need to agree with everything someone says to find truth in some of what they say, but I do need to feel like they aren't just parroting whatever party-line they are aligned with.