IDK WTF you people are talking about! Nadal "CAN" be a very offensive player, but for the most part he isn't and doesn't play like that! Why are players outside the top 50 keeping him on court for so long, making him go the distance all too often? Ridiculous! What era of tennis have you guys been watching? If so offensive, why the need to pull out his bag of "gamesmanship" tricks; stalling, challenging every close call, & mysterious MTO's? Come on guys; we've all been around here too long to try and have temporary amnesia just to make a point! :whistle:
wrong. All you have to to do is observe. I dare you to find a match where Nadal simply just rallies when he's not being attacked. Hewitt, Murray were way more defensive than Nadal. Medvedev, who just won Cincy, is the purest form of counterpunching i have seen since Hewitt. Notice how during neutral's rallies today, Medvedev wasn't even trying to hit winners or even place it in the corners, he was deliberately just putting ball back in play, oftentimes back in the middle of the court. Next time you watch Nadal. observe how Nadal almost never does this, Rafa, when given anything he can attack, ATTACKS, ALL THE TIME. Don't take it from me, just observe yourself.
People tend to be confused when talking about whether a player is offensive or not. They think it's about hitting flat, hitting aces and hitting winners. In theory, a purely defensive player can hit aces, hit flat and hit winners. Hewitt, for instance, would sometimes hit many winners but by re-directing opponents pace, basically using counterpunching.
Nadal is the worst counterpuncher in the top 10, he is a terrible counterpuncher. This is why pace to his fh side works, he is unable to re-direct the opponent's pace like Novak, Murray, Medvedev can. The people who say he is defensive is because they are thoroughly confused. Opponents red line vs Rafa so they are constantly attacking him, so Rafa is forced to play defense. This is not what a defensive player is about, a defensive player deliberately just put ball back in play during neutral rallies, again, look at Medvedev. Nadal attacks almost every ball he can attack, he goes for winners, goes for the lines and plays ultra aggressive. Nadal has great defense but he only uses it when forced to do so, when the rally is neutral, Nadal is one of the most aggressive baseliners you will ever see. He doesn't hit flat, he doesn't hit many aces but he is nonetheless very offensive minded, he even comes in to net often.
The reason Medvedev had trouble with nadal was because he didn't attack Nadal, you cannot counterpunch Nadal, he will tear you up. Just look at how Nadal had Medvedev from side to side, non-stop and crushed him... it was all offense. Since Medvedev's defensive game didn't pressure Nadal or force him to play defense, Nadal was able to dictate play by constantly attacking Medvedev. Medvedev will need to play him differently next time, he will have to attack Nadal a lot more, to stop Nadal from dictating so much. One of the reasons players attack Nadal is because if they don't, Nadal takes control and brutalizes them. Very few players are as aggressive as Nadal during a neutral rally.
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