Man, you're getting as bad as Carol. Who said anything about hurting their arm or shoulders?! It's obvious, normally fast serves are no longer anywhere near as fast and therefore much easier to return and it's much harder to hit winners. The problem is we CAN'T watch great tennis. You seem to have missed that whole point. Btw, you really think it's just Darth and myself complaining when Dustin Brown, McEnroe and Fleming have already pointed out the balls are much heavier, leading to slower play? Always about the Fed fans, eh?! Sigh. You really think a s&v guy like Mac would like to see horrible, slow tennis? No. Didn't think so. Although he would prefer to see Nadal win than Federer, that's obvious in his not so hidden bias. But I'm sure he'd rather see him play in proper conditions, i.e. real grass and not this shite.