The fact of the matter is the absolute lack of transparency on part of the major tennis tournaments. All this speculation is just that. Business considerations are decimating the sport of tennis. Tennis journalism is a joke. Dog walkers are practising a far more respectable profession. The latter are accountable to the paying customer which tennis journalists decidedly aren't. The ITF has lesser credibility than the International Association of Chiropractors. Wimbledon, a privately owned business, has every right to sell the product it wants to sell but where is the better business bureau, the FDA and consumer advocacy? I want to see my calorie content, sodium and sugar. No knowledgeable tennis fan goes bats+*t when Rafa wins RG. The guy is insanely good on that surface. ATP tennis has a few primary ingredients that a tournament can control. Surface, balls, schedule, prize money, stadium etc. Full disclosure please for goodness sake. Even casinos are better. I simply want to know what I am getting. This quarterly farce about how heavy the ball is or whether it is deflated doesn't fly in many other big money sports. American sports fans wouldn't put up with this alchemic theorizing. More power to Rafa/Djoker, if either is the Gentleman's Champion. Hey Wimbledon, you could have been gentlemanly about it by informing your long time fans about what sport is being played at SW19. Isn't that the spirit that makes Wimbledon what it is? You'll get more popular, make more money, the players will make more money and I'd follow table tennis every July. Win win.
Before calling this a diatribe, please consider the possibility that it might be common civic sense.
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